Tripster - unusual excursions from local residents. How to find interesting excursions from local residents in the travel club Tripster Trip excursions

Excursions for independent travelers and vacationers on the official website of the Tripster agency. Book unusual excursions and walks from locals and make your trip unique and unforgettable. Tours are offered in almost 400 cities around the world.

Tripster and unusual excursions

The Tripster service offers 2.5 thousand unusual excursions from local residents in 340 cities around the world. They are organized and conducted mainly by our former compatriots currently living in these countries. Russia is also very widely represented. In addition to individual excursions, the Tripster website, in the “Trips” section, offers entire unique trips around your home country and Bali.

Tripster is a platform where guides - local residents and travelers - meet. The guide offers the service the option of an excursion or a themed walk in his place of residence, and Tripster posts it on his website. Before posting, the service can give the local resident its suggestions on how to improve his unusual excursion and make it truly unique and attractive to tourists.

The tourist, in turn, finds an offer for an unusual excursion or a themed walk from a local resident on the Tripster website and books it.

All unusual excursions offered on the site were invented by guides - local residents, sometimes with improvements made on the advice of the Tripster service, but always tested and reliable. On this site you will not find bus tours for large groups of tourists with boring, rote speeches from guides. You will plunge into a world inaccessible to ordinary travelers who book standard excursions “for everyone”; you will receive unique, unforgettable experiences during your trip and personal communication with a local guide.

Selecting and ordering an excursion online

By going to , answer the question “Where are you going?” in the search form by selecting a place from the drop-down list or entering it manually. As a result, all proposals from local residents for unusual excursions and walks will be displayed, indicating their name and price. By clicking on the selected offer, you will be redirected to a page with a detailed description of the excursion, a widget with a booking button and a link to contact a local guide.

All excursions offered on the Tripster website are unique, and before booking the one that interests you, contact the guide via the link on the website and ask him all your questions related to the theme and organization of the event. If you have received answers to all your questions, go to the “Book” tab, select the date, start time of the excursion, the number of tourists, your name, contact information and click the “Submit” button.

After the guide confirms the selected excursion, his contact information will become available to you: phone and email, by which you can contact him directly to clarify individual details.

The uniqueness of unusual excursions and walks booked on the Tripster website also lies in the fact that, together with a guide - a local resident, you can make adjustments to the event so that it best suits your desires: change the route, add or exclude places visited, change the time of stay in them and so on.

After all issues regarding the event have been resolved, you pay 16% of the cost of the excursion on the Tripster website, and the rest of the amount is transferred to the guide - a local resident after conducting an unusual excursion or walk.

If your trip does not take place, the Tripster service will return the prepayment.

Cancellation of a booked excursion

If you decide to cancel a booked unusual excursion, then

  • firstly, inform your local guide about this;
  • secondly, cancel the order on the Tripster website.

If you cancel 6 days or more in advance, your deposit will be refunded in full. If the excursion is canceled 5 days or less in advance, the decision to refund the prepayment depends on the guide.

To receive a refund, please send a request to the email listed in the “Return Policy” section of the Tripster website. The prepayment will be returned to the same card from which it was received.

Visit and make your trip unique and memorable with unusual excursions and walks from locals.

Standard excursions are becoming a thing of the past, when a crowd of tourists simultaneously tries to keep up with the guide, take a photo, and remember at least something from the speech, full of numbers, dates, and historical information. In the 21st century, an individual approach that takes into account the needs of each client wins, which is what we can boast about. Clients are offered an exclusive product created by a person who knows everything about his city and is able to captivate and intrigue the traveler.

Who is giving the tour?

In places where tourists gather, both in megacities and small towns, there will certainly be creative people with a considerable amount of knowledge. Among them may be professional historians and local historians, library workers, journalists and architects, teachers and art historians. The main thing is that these are caring, enthusiastic, sociable people with whom it is very interesting to spend time.

The future guide registers on the website, undergoes an interview, presents the topic, and receives assistance in creating a unique project. The authors set their own prices, but competition is very high, so it is not in their interests to inflate the cost of the service.

Feedback from people about excursion trips is full of gratitude and appreciation, allowing us to better understand the specifics of the project.

Project Features

Created in 2013, the Tripster project began as a communication club where tourists exchanged impressions and shared valuable tips. As the community grew, it switched to autonomy, and within a few years it turned into a kind of travel club. Clients who register on the website are offered unusual excursions, the authors of which are local residents.

Indeed, who else can tell so captivatingly and knowledgeably about the history, customs, and interesting facts from the life of the city and its inhabitants? The walk, organized according to the author's script, will show local attractions from an unexpected perspective. From local residents, tourists learn information that guides from hotels or excursion bureaus never tell.

The first experiences of amateur excursions turned out to be successful and brought new clients. In all corners of the world, Russian-speaking guides were sought out, well versed in various fields - from wine and coffee to high art. If you have something to tell about your city, you can try your hand at making some money.

In addition to standard trips to places of worship, tourists:

  • explore the hidden corners of the city;
  • rise to the roofs and fall underground;
  • tasting different types of coffee and tea;
  • get acquainted with wine production technology;
  • try themselves in pottery and painting;
  • attend master classes on national dances;
  • go behind the scenes of the theater.

Family excursions, interesting for all family members regardless of age, turned out to be very popular. These are walks for curious people, the wonders of the Moscow Kremlin, the skyscrapers of Moscow City. For children over 14 years old, exciting quests with treasure hunts, riddles and prizes are offered.

Tripster provides the client with new opportunities:

  • non-standard approach;
  • individual programs;
  • a wide selection of excursions around the world (409 cities);
  • advance online booking;
  • payment on the spot;
  • safety guarantee.

Service designed for independent travelers. Mass excursions with a large number of people are not provided. Everything is purely individual. The group consists of only you and your companions. The guide himself sets the maximum number of wards, as a rule, no more than 10 people.

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How to choose and book an excursion

So, you have decided to travel and want to make it interesting and meaningful. Your actions:

  • go to the official website;
  • enter the selected city or country in the window;
  • check out the offers and mark the option you like - look at the number of stars and read reviews;
  • select a free day on the calendar and enter a convenient time;
  • contact the guide and discuss the details;
  • provide your details (last name, first name, phone number, email address);
  • pay 16-20% of the total cost;
  • you give the rest of the amount to the guide personally.

Users highly appreciated the benefits of purchasing excursions online. You get freedom of action, do not depend on the tour operator, save time and save your nerves. The agreement concluded between the client and the site administration guarantees security and has legal force.

Payment details

People don't really like paying for services in advance. The service provides the user with the opportunity to first meet the future guide and make sure that the excursion program is suitable for him.

At the first stage, communication takes place in the form of correspondence on the website. Having finally decided, you transfer an advance to the guide. This can be done using Visa or Mastercard.

After this operation you receive the guide's phone number. In turn, your number will be revealed to him, and you will be able to keep in touch until the appointed date.

The main payment is made immediately before the excursion. If for some reason the meeting does not take place, the money will be returned to the card in full.

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Promotions from Tripster

To get back part of the money spent on purchasing an excursion, authorization on the site allows you to take advantage of promotions and discounts, often timed to coincide with some significant date or before holidays.

Promotional codes for both periodic and permanent validity are posted on the site.

If you set a goal and track information about discounts, you can save from 5% to 10%. To take advantage of a nice gift:

  • come in;
  • select an excursion by clicking the “Order” button;
  • indicate the date and time;
  • Enter the current promotional code in the window at the bottom of the page.

The decision must be made quickly. Short promotional codes are valid for a short period of time – from 2 days to a week. The exception is long-term promotions, but the discount percentage will be less.

The project continues to develop, covering new, unknown corners of the planet. As a result, you will fill your vacation with new impressions and meet smart, enthusiastic people. You won't be bored!

Many independent travelers have long mastered the skill of organizing excursions on their own, but such events are not always carried out in the most educational way. Sightseeing tours purchased from agencies can cost quite a large sum, and walking in a crowd of tourists trying to catch at least a little information is not always comfortable. Therefore, today excursions from local residents are becoming increasingly popular. This option is very convenient, because it involves an individual approach, takes into account all the wishes of the tourist and, in general, can contain much more interesting information than a standard excursion from a guide. Where to find locals who know everything about their city and how to book a tour with them, we tell you in detail in our article.

What is Tripster?

In 2013, an interesting resource appeared on the Internet called, which initially represented a kind of platform for travel enthusiasts, within which tourists exchanged their opinions and gave recommendations for visiting a particular attraction. But in just a few months, the site was transformed into a real travelers club, where it became possible to negotiate with local residents about organizing excursions.

Today on the website you can order individual tours of attractions in 485 cities around the world. More than 210 thousand people used the service in 2018 alone, most of whom were satisfied with the service they received. And there is nothing to be surprised here: after all, the guides are local residents, very creative and passionate people who know much more about their city than employees of travel agencies.

Who will be interested in the service?

First of all, Tripster is designed for independent, not package travelers. The site provides the opportunity to find unusual excursions from local residents who, in addition to standard sightseeing tours, will show you secret corners, organize tasting tours and allow you to immerse yourself in the cultural life of the city.

Curious and active tourists who are bored with monotonous excursions will find Tripster especially attractive. These events allow travelers to climb to little-known rooftops for the best views of the city and go underground to test their creativity in pottery, art and dance, track wine production technology and taste different types of tea and coffee. As a rule, excursions from Russian-speaking local residents are as eventful as possible and fully meet the interests of tourists.

Benefits and Features

Tripster website services have a number of important advantages, including:

  1. Wide choice of excursions. As we mentioned above, Tripster organizes tours in 433 cities around the world. Several guides can work at one site at once, so finding a suitable option here will not be difficult. And in addition to the most popular destinations, you can also find little-known cities on the site, whose local residents are ready to create all the conditions for tourists to get the most complete acquaintance with iconic places. It is noteworthy that today excursions from locals for locals are in great demand. For example, Moscow residents often go on trips with a guide who combines a story about the objects with exciting quests, puzzles and prizes.
  2. Taking into account individual requirements. This is one of the most important advantages of Tripster. Firstly, the excursion will be organized exclusively for you and your companions and you will not find strangers at the event. Many guides from local residents recruit a group where the maximum number of people does not exceed 10. If there are more of you, then this issue is discussed individually with the guide. Secondly, the excursion will be organized according to your interests. To understand how important this is, it’s worth remembering at least the guides from Turkey or Egypt, with whom the main part of the tour takes place in textile, leather and carpet factories, rather than at the attraction itself.
  3. Possibility to book a tour in advance. If you know the exact dates of your trip, you can make advance tour reservations using Tripster. And this is very convenient, because you don’t have to look for the right person on the spot yourself, spending precious time on this. A good guide will take care of all the nuances of the walk and will try to do it in the best possible way.
  4. Opportunity to speak with a guide before booking an excursion. The site provides communication with local residents providing their services. You can ask them any questions you are interested in and only then make a decision about the reservation. And after making an advance payment you will be provided with the contact number of the guide. This way, you will have the opportunity to contact him and discuss all the details in more detail.
  5. Small prepayment amount. Once you agree on a tour with a local resident, you need to pay 20% of the total cost of the service. This is done so that the conductor is confident in the seriousness of your intentions: after all, you are booking a specific time that will be denied to other clients. You give the rest of the amount to the guide at a personal meeting.
  6. Promotions and discounts. Tripster often offers discounts to its users. To take full advantage of promotions, you must register on the site. You can often find various promotional codes here: some of them are valid for only a few days, but provide a good discount (up to 10%), others are longer, but the size of the discount in this case will be small (up to 5%).

How to book a tour?

So, if the travel dates have been determined and the travel plan has been drawn up, it’s time to take care of the main part of the tour - the excursions. Using the Tripster website is quite simple, but we decided to provide you with detailed instructions on how to use the system.

Step 1. Finding a suitable option

We are on the main page of the site, where you can see two search columns at once: one “Where are you going” - in the middle at the top and the second “Where are you going” - in the center. Both lines perform the same function. We enter the direction we need into any of them (in our case it will be) and click on the “Find” button.

Based on our request, the system was able to find 28 offers. To clarify the parameters of your search, we will use the form above, in which we indicate the dates we need, the number of people and the price range. Then click on the “Find” tab.

After adjusting the parameters, the number of offers was reduced to 3. In order to get acquainted with the presented excursions conducted by local residents, click on the photos.

A new window opens in front of us, where you can see information about the guide, information about the excursion itself, as well as a booking calendar. Busy days are highlighted in pink, free days are highlighted in green. Below the calendar are reviews of tourists who have already used the services of this local resident. Be sure to read other travelers' opinions about the guide and his organizational skills. After studying the information on all three offers, we chose the most budget option with a large number of positive reviews. Now click on the date we need in the presented calendar and move on to the next step.

After we clicked on the planned date, a form appeared in front of us. Here it is important to indicate the day of the proposed excursion, the number of tourists, first and last name, email address and telephone number. Below is a field in which you can ask the guide all your questions. Please note that by filling out this form, you are not yet booking an excursion, but are only declaring your intention. You can finally reserve your date after the guide answers your questions.

When you make the final decision to book an excursion, you need to make an advance payment for the service. It makes up 20% of the total tour amount. Payment can be made using a bank card or bank transfer. We choose a method convenient for us in the appropriate form. Here you can ask a question to the organizers and cancel your order if you are not satisfied with the guide’s answers.

After payment, a notification of the completed transaction will be sent to your email inbox. You will pay the rest at a personal meeting with the guide. This is exactly how the site works with excursions from local residents.

Is it possible to cancel a reservation?

If you have made an advance payment, but the trip is suddenly cancelled, I am ready to refund you the funds. The main thing in this situation is to contact the guide as soon as possible and inform him about the cancellation of the reservation. After this, it is important to notify the site’s support service by writing a letter to the administration at [email protected]. Refunds will be made in accordance with the system's refund policy:

  1. the money will be returned in full if you notify the cancellation of the reservation at least 5 days before the planned excursion
  2. if the cancellation occurs less than 5 days before the agreed meeting, then the site is ready to refund the prepayment only if the trip is disrupted due to reasons beyond the tourist’s control (for example, flight cancellation)

It is also important to consider that if a local resident, having agreed with you, spent his own money on purchasing entrance tickets or made other expenses that cannot be compensated if the excursion is canceled, the prepayment will be returned minus the amount he spent.


Excursions from local residents are a tempting alternative to standard tourist walks. On the one hand, they provide the opportunity to enjoy the sights that interest you in an individual format, on the other hand, they reveal much more interesting information about the objects. At the same time, the organization of the walk takes place on a convenient day for you, taking into account exclusively your interests.

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In recent years, startups have been rapidly conquering the travel market: Uber has long been conquering a niche from traditional taxis, and vacation rentals are taking the place of traditional hotels. But that’s not all - with the help of online platforms, travelers can easily find a guide among local residents who will willingly introduce the country from the inside. We have selected seven of the most interesting online services and applications.

Tours by Locals

Online platform Tours by Locals over the nine years of its existence, it has managed to unite more than 2,000 guides and cover 159 countries. Only very small areas of shallow lagoons remain undeveloped, for example, Crooked Island, an island that is part of the Bahamas.

Here travelers can either offer their own route to the guide or choose an existing one. For example, for those who prefer quiet and secluded places, the service offers an eight-hour excursion to the picturesque regions of the South Island of New Zealand. The journey begins at Akaroa Cruise Port with a meeting with a local guide. The program includes viewing almost all the picturesque landscapes of the Canterbury region - in eight hours tourists will see the Rakaia Gorge, Lake Coleridge, the Porter Pass mountain pass and Christchurch, the third largest city in New Zealand. In addition to exploring the Southern region, the program also includes a traditional dinner. The country's national cuisine is represented by exotic Maori dishes - fried scorpions and larvae, snails and sheep's eyes.

Also on the online platform there are less intricate routes - for example, excursions to the main attractions of Western Europe. On the website you can book both a group tour and an individual one. Accordingly, the price will depend on the choice - usually it does not exceed $100 per person.

Show Around

The Show Around online platform is considered one of the leading travel startups: the service has gathered more than 80 thousand local residents under its wing and is already available in 204 countries.

Unlike a number of other similar services, Show Around performs only one function - finding a guide. The excursion route is planned after choosing a temporary companion; there are no ready-made options here.

Perhaps the main advantage of the platform is the business cards of local guides. Here you can find literally everything - detailed information about the interests and knowledge of the culture of the region of each registered guide.

A tourist can rate his guide and also write a comment. “This helps guides not to become complacent and creates an environment of healthy competition that motivates people to work at their best,” says Show Around founder Linas Sablowski.

The average excursion price is about $15 per hour.

Show Around has had an iOS app for a long time, and recently the mobile service became available for Android users.


The approach of the Japanese online service Shiroube is somewhat different from the others - first of all, the tourist selects the section of interest, for example, “Art and History”, “Nature and Adventure”, “Food and Wine”, and only then begins to look for a guide. Using the site is very simple: there is an advanced search that allows you to select the language, age and even gender of the guide. Each guide has his own profile, where tourists can see photos, main interests and offers.

There is no ready-made excursion base here - the local guide comes up with a personal route for each client. However, the service developers still collect some statistics; for example, the website regularly updates lists with the most common locations and recommendations. So, during a trip to Shanghai, local residents suggest walking along Nanjing Street and trying dumplings - a dish similar to dumplings, but prepared according to an old Chinese recipe.

The service is focused on having fun with visits to nightclubs, various workshops and non-tourist pubs, and the price of an excursion usually does not exceed $400 for a group of four people.

The creators of chose a narrower niche for themselves - the service is suitable for lovers of active recreation and extreme sports. As the developers note, the platform is more focused on creating a community with one common interest - a passion for active travel. As a result, the creators managed to combine business with pleasure - to unite fans of extreme tourism and give non-professional guides the opportunity to earn money.

This platform is good because it makes it possible to find a person who will organize active recreation for you, even in the center of a big city. For example, together with a guide you can try your hand at rock climbing in the forest of Fontainebleau, the journey to which from Paris will take no more than 40 minutes. Half of all offers are excursions for several days. The service offers such extreme activities as a three-day rafting trip in India, kayak racing in Croatia and an eight-day hike to a peak on the border of Valle d'Aosta and Piedmont in Italy, all in the company of a local guide who knows his stuff.

The site also has a blog where travelers talk about their experiences, which will help you choose from a variety of options what is right for you.

Prices for guide services start at $80 per person for one day.

The Vayable online platform, created just last year, has already earned the attention of The New York Times, CNN and The Wall Street Journal.

The service is focused on the central cities of Western Europe and the UK. The developers approached the project thoroughly: local guides will not only tell you, but also teach you. For example, one of the proposals is a course on photography of Paris at night. The guide will take tourists around the Latin Quarter and the Seine embankment, and also tell them how to take good night portraits.

Rent a Guide

The German startup Rent a Guide offers guide services for all possible types of vacation leisure activities - from dinner in the best national traditions on the 123rd floor of the Burj Khalifa tower to a hot air balloon flight or a jeep safari in the Arabian deserts. For those who love walking, Rent a Guide will prepare tourist excursions to the capital cities of Western and Eastern Europe.

A hot air balloon ride will cost $300 and a jeep safari will cost $45.

The online housing rental platform Airbnb launched the Trips project relatively recently - last fall. Currently, the service operates in 12 cities and offers more than 500 excursions. The startup is more focused on entertainment that local residents can talk about. For example, you can visit a violin workshop in Paris, drive vintage cars, and even take part in a marathon in Kenya.

“We want to bring back the element of magic to travel, with people at the center,” said company CEO Brian Chesky.

In addition, here you can try your hand at charity and take part in socially significant events, such as helping stray dogs and a master class on creating art from garbage.

Unlike other online platforms, Trips has a very functional application, so with the help of Airbnb and its new service, you can literally plan a trip from start to finish.