Vodokhod. cruises and travel

What could be more pleasant and exciting than a boat tour along the river? The Vodokhod company offers regular as well as new clients a useful and memorable vacation with an overview of the cities on the banks of the Volga, Kama, Neva and other beautiful rivers, lakes and reservoirs of Russia. From morning to evening you will find an extensive program of entertainment, the opportunity to relax comfortably in cozy cabins and add to your collection of pleasant sensations. You can visit Valaam, Karelia, Kizhi, the cities of the Golden Ring, traveling from Samara, Kazan, Moscow, St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod.

In order to inexpensively buy a tour for river cruises on a ship, it is advisable to plan your vacation in advance: you can get an excellent discount. You will find a 4-deck comfortable water transport, 3 meals a day, excursions in the parking lots and every day - new emotions from breathtaking views along the shores of Russian waters. You can choose a weekend trip or a long trip for 25 days to see as many of the most beautiful sights of our Motherland as possible. We welcome guests of all ages, and for children we have prepared special programs conducted by professional animators.

You won’t be bored while traveling, although you can always retire to your cabin or take care of your own health. Our guests never tire of sharing their impressions on the pages of the site, where you can get acquainted with the features of excursions in different cities, wishes of tourists and the most vivid impressions of travel. If you haven’t vacationed on the river yet, it’s time to buy a cruise on a ship (you can make your choice in the corresponding section of the site). If you have questions, call and Vodokhod operators will answer them in detail.

"Vodohod" - Russian tour operator, operating since 2004, and specializing in the organization, conduct and sale of river cruises for Russian and foreign tourists on its own four-deck motor ships, built in Czechoslovakia and Germany in 1974-1988, and which became the property of the company in 2005-2012 from the balance sheet:

The company organizes cruises from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod and Kazan. Sales offices are located in Moscow (5 offices), St. Petersburg (4 offices), Nizhny Novgorod (3 offices), Samara (2 offices) and Kazan (1 office).

Currently, the company operates both in the domestic cruise market, organizing flights with Russian tourists, and internationally, being a host company in Russia for foreign travel agencies and firms. Accordingly, the company offers cruises on the waterways of the European part of Russia on ships with Russian groups, separate flights for foreign tourists, as well as combining flights - with additional boarding of Russians on ships with foreign passengers.

Full name - Limited Liability Company "Vodohod"
Short title: Vodohod LLC
Legal address: 125040, Moscow, st. Skakovaya, 17, building 1, fl. 4, room 22
OGRN: 1047796094697 dated February 18, 2004
Taxpayer Identification Number: 7707511820
General Director of Vodokhod LLC: Bagautdinov Rishat Diasovich
Main activity: Activity travel agencies and tour operators
Authorized capital: 1,431,726,000 rubles
Founders of Vodokhod LLC: Volga-Baltic Cruise Lines Limited (“Volga-Baltic Cruise Lines Limited”, Cyprus)

Scope of tour operator activities of the company: domestic tourism, international entry
Registry number in the unified federal register of tour operators: RTO 002057
Overall size financial support: 500,000 rubles
Validity period of financial support: from 01/07/2018 to 30/06/2019
Method of financial support: tour operator civil liability insurance contract
Name of the organization that provided financial support: SPAO "Ingosstrakh"

History of the Vodokhod company

The company was formed on February 18, 2004 on the basis of the Moscow branch of the company: this is a company that was specially created in 1998 for the operation and maintenance of the passenger tourist fleet of the Volga Shipping Company. One of the initiators of the creation of the company, its founder and subsequent head was, who then held the position of General Director of Vodokhod from February 2004 to January 2019. Since February 2019, the head of the company is.

Since 2005, Vodokhod LLC worked in Moscow with passenger cruise ships of the Volga Shipping Company, a separate legal entity was formed in St. Petersburg - Vodokhod-St. Petersburg LLC, and branches of Volga-Flot continued to operate in Nizhny Novgorod and Samara. Tour”, which continued selling cruises on ships of the Volga Shipping Company. In 2012, the entire passenger fleet of the shipping company came under the control of Vodokhod, and all branches in the cities were liquidated and transferred under the Vodokhod brand.

Vodohod pleasure fleet

The company also carries out activities related to the operation of recreational water transport in St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod. Read more >>

Updating the Vodokhod cruise fleet

In 2019, it is planned to put 24 cruise ships into operation: the Lev Tolstoy motor ship will not be in operation this year. Four-deck motor ships and, which have not been in operation since 2013, were in 2016. In August-December 2018, the disposal of Chaliapin was postponed.

Since 2017, a motor ship has been built in Russia by order of the company - the second vessel that should be put into operation. In March 2019, it became known that the new ship would not be called “Prince Vladimir”, but.

Company's news:

10/08/2014 - The head of Vodokhod announced how the company will overcome the crisis in the market
10/20/2014 - The North-Western Transport Prosecutor's Office discovered violations on Vodokhod vessels
09/10/2014 - The head of Vodokhod named two main reasons why the 2014 navigation failed
12/17/2014 - The duration of navigation in 2014 for Vodokhod was 167 days
10/01/2015 - You can’t stop sailing beautifully: how foreign tourists travel on cruises between Moscow and St. Petersburg
03/07/2016 - Vodokhod presented 8 thematic navigation voyages of 2016
08/30/2016 - Vodokhod told which ships can return to work in the near future
09/15/2016 - With what cruise program, after 6 years, will the Yuri Andropov motor ship return to work?
10.19.2016 - Vodokhod denied the report of Rospotrebnadzor about poor quality food at Nizhny Novgorod
10/22/2016 - Vodokhod is preparing the motor ships “Fedor Shalyapin” and “Valerian Kuibyshev” for disposal
12/02/2016 - The motor ship “Sergey Kuchkin” will return to the river in 2018 and will operate from Samara
23.01.2017 -