Living in Hong Kong: pros and cons. Life in Hong Kong Living wage in Hong Kong

Life of Russians in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is an administrative district in China, with its own currency, police, and government administration. It has nothing in common with China, as our compatriots who have visited there believe. To get to Hong Kong, a Chinese person needs to obtain a visa, which is often simply impossible. Therefore, a huge number of Chinese come to Hong Kong illegally, settling in the poorest neighborhoods.

Hong Kong is economically and politically neutral. Chinese laws do not apply here and criminal law here is English, since Hong Kong was a British colony for a long time.

Hong Kong is the most populous and insanely expensive city, with a high standard of living, huge prices and high salaries. These are endless crowds of people, ripples in the eyes from signs, shops with fish delicacies and intrusive sellers offering fake watches and bags.

However, despite the very expensive life, Hong Kong attracts very favorable conditions business. Our compatriots are eager to move here for permanent residence. Despite being busy, Russians often meet at the Russian Club at the Russian Embassy.

While men earn money, their wives and children organize exhibitions and participate in various cultural and charitable events. There are now more than 200 people in the Russian Club.

For those who are going to Hong Kong for permanent residence in the near future, the following information will be useful.

In Hong Kong, rental apartments are small.

The minimum contract for an apartment is 12 months, the minimum price is about $2800, so prices are high.

Apartments are rented furnished and are usually cleaned by hired cleaners.

High-rise buildings usually have several elevators, some of which will only take you to even-numbered floors, while others will only take you to odd-numbered floors.

In hostels (cheap hotels) a room measuring 2 by 2 meters, including a bathroom, costs $30 per day.

The minimum salary in Hong Kong is HK$5,000 (approximately $650). This salary is not guaranteed for visitors from other countries.

Salary of a mid-level accountant - $2000;

factory worker - $2000;

craftsmen at the factory - $5000.

As for hired housekeepers and nannies, the law strictly regulates their salaries and maintenance. The employer is not only obliged to pay them a monthly salary (no less than the minimum income), but also fully pay for medical insurance, travel home on vacation and the vacation itself (once a year), clothing, and so on.

If you decide to purchase a new car in Hong Kong, you will be charged a tax of 35 to 100%. If you purchased a car on the secondary market, then you will not have to pay this tax, since the previous owner of the car will include it in the price of the car. The annual car tax you are required to pay is approximately HK$6,000.

Hong Kong - beautiful city, unusual in appearance, with an unexpected “filling”. It is often compared to egg tart, a legendary Hong Kong dessert (similar to a Parisian croissant). Imagine a fluffy, sponge-like green tea bun. Inside it is a sweet bean filling that literally makes you melt with pleasure. This is the same as Hong Kong, which gives in to you little by little as you try it.

Hong Kong is an attractive tourist destination. This city is one of the largest among the financial metropolises of the world and East Asia. Hong Kong's territory borders the South China Sea. Historical events confirm that the port position contributed to increased interest in this land - the city more than once found itself part of different countries.

Life of Russians in Hong Kong

On this moment Hong Kong is an autonomous region of China. There are special rules for obtaining a visa that are different from China. However, a visa is not required for a short-term visit in 2018.

Crossing the border separating China and Hong Kong, action Chinese visa stops, to return to the Celestial Empire you need to re-issue an entry permit. However, if you have a double or multiple entry visa, you can return to the country from Hong Kong without hindrance. This nuance can be settled on the eve of entering the country. A visa does not require the collection of additional documents, as well as a huge waste of time and money.

When is a visa not required?

If the duration of the trip to Hong Kong is less than 2 weeks, then Russians do not require a visa (since 2009). Moreover, the purpose of the visit should not be related to commerce in a foreign territory, even if it is an official business trip. A visa is not required to visit friends or relatives living here. If you enter the country for tourist purposes, a visa is not required, but citizens must have a return ticket with them. Moreover, having arrived at Hong Kong airport transit flight, you can go into the city without obtaining a special permit and filling out documents.

Attention! In Hong Kong, during the first 14 days, a visa is not required for Russians, as well as citizens of Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Other citizens of the CIS and Belarus will need a visa to Hong Kong.

The established procedure for crossing the border with Hong Kong reduces the preparation time for tourists before traveling, and also significantly saves the cost of organizing the trip.

For visa-free entry to Hong Kong in 2018, Russians will need:

  • Passport for traveling abroad, valid for more than one month after the planned date of arrival in Russia;
  • Document migration card. It must be presented in completed form at Chelapkok Airport upon arrival in Hong Kong. The card is issued by airline employees on the plane;
  • A certificate confirming the citizen’s financial wealth for the entire duration of the trip. You can also provide bank card, or travel checks;
  • Return ticket from the country. An electronic or printed return ticket must contain information about the date of departure from Hong Kong. The return ticket can be to any destination, the most important thing is to fly from Hong Kong.

Attention! Most often, at the airport, when passing the border, employees check the completed migrant card document, as well as the international passport. Other recommended documents (return ticket and certificate) are rarely required if additional questions arise from the control service.

When crossing the border again, the migrant card is issued to the citizen again, and the visa-free stay countdown begins again. However, one should not think that entry into the country can be extended indefinitely; the Immigration Department closely monitors those citizens who are detained in Hong Kong in this way. There will be no savings on obtaining a multiple-entry visa, provided that you need to cross the border regularly. Airport immigration officers carefully monitor citizens, so these tricks cannot go unnoticed.

In 2018, when crossing the border, Russians will have a special sticker affixed to their passport, instead of the standard stamp. The departure of a tourist is not recorded in the passport.

Official visa to Hong Kong

If the planned duration of the trip is more than half a month, or the purpose of the visit is not suitable for visa-free entry into the country, you need to obtain permission from the embassy.

Based on the purpose of visiting the country, a visa to Hong Kong is divided into the following types:

  • Educational;
  • A commercial;
  • Transit;
  • Tourist;
  • Working.

Depending on the number of permitted entries, a visa to Hong Kong can be:

  • One-time;
  • Double;
  • Multiple entry (multiple visa).

Required documents

  1. Specific application for visa. This form must be filled out exclusively in Latin letters and printed font (on a computer or by hand). The current version of the document for obtaining a visa can be downloaded from the official website of the embassy;
  2. Tourist passport for entry into a foreign country. The foreign passport is presented by the tourist at the Hong Kong airport when passing the border. A document valid for six months or more at the time of departure from the country is required;
  3. Color photograph of the applicant for the embassy. A valid photograph must be provided to the embassy when submitting basic visa documents. Acceptable format: from 5x4 to 5.5x4.5 cm. The photograph is relevant for the consulate if it was taken less than 6 months ago;
  4. Upon registration tourist visa to Hong Kong for Russians the following is required: a tourist voucher, or an invitation document from the host party, a return ticket. A tourist voucher is issued by the hotel complex where the reservation is confirmed;
  5. For transit visa Russians need to provide: tickets confirming departure to another country;
  6. To obtain permission to enter the country for the purpose of work, additional documents are required: official permission to work and an invitation document prepared by the employer;
  7. For business trips, Russians need to present to the embassy: an official document confirming the purpose of the citizen’s visit to the country, specific place of residence, as well as sources of cash income. This invitation is provided by the organization organizing the trip. To carry out such visits long-term visa not required.

How to arrange long-term residence in Hong Kong for Russians?

If the purpose of contacting the embassy is to move to Hong Kong, then the following are considered successful methods for Russians:

1. Special visa for entering into an official marriage with a citizen who has the right to long-term residence in Hong Kong;

2.Official work permit in Hong Kong. This document can only be made with the participation of a specific organization that employs a citizen. IN in this case The company is required to provide financial guarantee for the foreigner who is employed. The organization undertakes to organize a return flight to the country, if necessary, return (after dismissal);

3.Visa for doing business in Hong Kong. First of all, it is required that the activity be legal. The government also requires compliance with the following points:

  • Detailed planning of activities in Hong Kong;
  • Sufficient financing of the drafted project;
  • The minimum number of employed employees is 2 people;
  • Rented office for a company;
  • The organization must be officially registered.

Multiple visa to the Autonomous Region of China for Russians

To be able to enter multiple times, Russians need to apply for a special visa for regular visits to Hong Kong. A pass valid for three years allows a stay of up to two months.

When applying for a multiple-entry permit, certain documents are required:

  • Foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Photos in the amount of 2 pcs. Required photo format: 3.5x4.5 cm;
  • Special application form for a multiple visa to Hong Kong;
  • A document with recommendations from the Russian organization in which the citizen works;
  • Recommendations provided by Hong Kong firms;
  • Data on previous visits to Hong Kong. Over the past 12 months, before applying for a multiple visa, a citizen is required to visit Hong Kong at least three times. Moreover, the purpose of each visit must be of a business nature.

What is required for traveling with a child?

To enter with children, Russians must follow certain rules. The following documents will be required:

  • An official document about the birth of a child (certificate);
  • A special application that must be filled out in Russian;
  • Photograph of the specified format;
  • A document certified by a notary that allows a child to cross the border. This application must be completed by one of the parents if the child is traveling with a third party.

Please read important information:

33 amazing facts about Hong Kong through the eyes of our man

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Hong Kong families.

Hong Kong is both a city and a country at the same time. This is an autonomous territory that has been part of the People's Republic of China since 1997. You can often come across such an expression as “the crossroads of Asia”. I must say, this quite clearly characterizes Hong Kong. For a long time it was under the protection of Britain, which is perhaps why it currently represents a unique combination of traditions of Western and Eastern cultures.

On the one hand, we see a huge, noisy metropolis: tall skyscrapers, ultra-modern buildings, and people are always busy bustling around and everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere. However, another side of Hong Kong is also exposed: unexpectedly small, quiet traditional Chinese houses and gardens. A truly explosive mixture of thousand-year-old culture with the customs of life of a typical highly developed urban society of the West.

Most Hong Kongers are of Chinese descent. However, although Chinese remains the main language, the majority of the population is also fluent in English. Unlike China, Hong Kong spends more time and effort on education.

Hong Kong people work hard, they are pragmatic, and making money is almost their main purpose of existence. Of course, Hong Kong is considered one of the most expensive cities in the world. The population density here is insanely high.

Huge crowds of people moving at high speed through the streets are a typical picture for Hong Kong. The buildings here are very tall, the houses intended for living are densely populated. The apartments are mostly small in size and are incredibly expensive. Perhaps that is why to see someone idly staggering and simply resting local resident seems to be an extremely difficult task.

The characteristic features and peculiarities of the Chinese, many traditions of Chinese culture are close to the residents of Hong Kong. Although, of course, orientation towards the West is also inevitable. For example, the position of women in society differs significantly from the position of women in neighboring China.

It cannot be said that women occupy a less important social role in Hong Kong than men. Most of them are educated and occupy various responsible positions. In accordance with traditional views, it is believed that, first of all, a woman should be a good housewife and devote time to household chores and take care of her husband.

However, practice suggests that often, even if it is not advertised, representatives of the fair sex even play a leading role in their family. An interesting case tells of a young Hong Kong man who was engaged in accounting services for a very influential company. There were never any complaints about his work; on the contrary, over the years of work he received numerous awards.

As it turned out, he took all his work home, where his wife did it for him. She gained her knowledge through the Internet, and all this time her husband, a certified but failed accountant, worked as a loader at the port. The company's managers were discouraged, but did not want to lose a valuable employee, even despite the fact that his enterprising wife did not have a special education.

Traditionally in Hong Kong there is a respectful respect for the older generation. Any disobedience of children to their parents is unacceptable. In most cases, it is the parents who choose a profession for their child. Children take the acquisition of knowledge and those who carry knowledge very seriously.

How to live in Hong Kong

The teaching profession in Hong Kong is not only respected by the students he teaches, they almost worship him.

In Hong Kong, it is extremely important for most people to show off their wealth and financial well-being to outsiders. Problems, especially financial ones, are never taken out of the house. The opinions of other people are sometimes of great importance to Hong Kong residents.

For example, even if a family does not have much money, they will still try to arrange the most lavish wedding possible. Often, Hong Kong residents are even willing to borrow money in order to hold a grander celebration than their neighbors.

As quickly as possible, families try to acquire a car, expensive equipment, and try to buy clothes in prestigious stores. The main thing is to show yourself, as they say, “get a face.” They are more likely to skimp on food, buying the cheapest and not the best quality products, because no one sees it.

However, Hong Kongers will not refuse membership in some expensive country club. More precisely, country entertainment is usually available only to the male part of the population, and their wives, as is customary, stay at home.

Hong Kong women are capable of great care for their lovers. None of them will save time to, for example, cook for their husband Tasty food. Moreover, many men, mostly, admittedly, very wealthy ones, take mistresses.

Young Filipinas constantly come to Hong Kong in the hope of finding their long-awaited happiness. Basically, they get the work of service personnel and the role of mistresses of wealthy men, and respectable Hong Kong wives prefer to turn a blind eye to such unpleasant affairs of their husbands.

They know that their significant other will return home anyway, so it is better and easier for them not to notice anything than to cause scandals. It is important for them to create at least the appearance of strong family relationships. However, in general, there are a lot of happy and prosperous married couples in Hong Kong.

The Chinese have shown a penchant for invention since ancient times. Hong Kong couples have not lost this ability either.

They always find something to do in their small and cozy apartments: have a mind-blowing tea party, or cook a wonderful dinner of steamed vegetables, or maybe go to the cinema. Maybe they will hold hands and dream that soon they will live in a luxurious penthouse, and tomorrow they will go to work again: another day, another step towards their dream.

Today, life in Hong Kong has become very attractive for foreigners who want to gain certain knowledge, earn a living, and just travel and see with their own eyes this dynamic and interesting place on the planet.

Evening street in Hong Kong

Sample application form for obtaining a visa to Hong Kong

How long does it take to obtain a visa and the amount of the consular fee?

You will need to wait 7-10 business days for permission. The cost of the fee is 30 dollars (to Hong Kong), when visiting the whole country - 50.

Things to do in Hong Kong

The first problem when looking for a job in 2020 may be ignorance Chinese language. The next obstacle will be greater competition and certain legal requirements. There is work in Hong Kong for a foreigner who comes to earn a living, but it will not be easy to get a good job. You will have to prove your competence: that there is no such professional among the local population, and it is he who needs to be hired for this vacancy.

To independently find a suitable place, you need to learn Chinese - in this case, almost everything will become accessible - and be an educated, experienced specialist in your field.

Detailed map of Hong Kong

In this case, you can try to gain a foothold in the following structures:

There are several ways to find the job you need: using international or local websites, looking through advertisements in print publications, submitting a resume to companies of interest, or visiting Hong Kong for tourism purposes, and at the same time finding a suitable place for yourself.

Hong Kong Housing

Hong Kong is the center of large enterprises and firms, so the population there is generally well-off, and pricing is based on it.

There will be no difficulties in renting housing, but prices in Hong Kong in 2020 are quite high. Everything will depend on its location in the city, the surrounding society and amenities.

The most economical option would be a studio apartment. Renting such a room in the center will cost from 50 to 55 thousand rubles, and at a distance from it - starting from 28,000 rubles.


Accordingly, food prices in Hong Kong are quite high. Just like with housing, it is more expensive in the center, cheaper in the periphery.

Here is the approximate cost:

  • For a kilogram of cheese you will have to pay 1000–1500 rubles;
  • For the same weight of ham - 1000;
  • A kilogram of tuna costs 1500;
  • One small chicken will cost 600 rubles;
  • Eggs, 8 pieces - 200;
  • A kilogram of apples will cost 30;
  • Potatoes, 1 kg - 180.

To have lunch in a small cafe, you will need to pay 400 rubles, a mid-level restaurant will cost 600 per person, and to have dinner in an expensive establishment - one and a half thousand rubles.

Life in Hong Kong is similar to life in other cities. In appearance and in the pace of life, it is very reminiscent of New York, which is why it received the nickname Asian New York. However, it differs from its American counterpart in that traditions are highly respected here, despite the high level of technology. Conservatism is inherent in every resident of this unique metropolis. They themselves call their city “Little Dragon”.

Residents of Hong Kong

Despite the fact that this city-country is a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China, it is inhabited not only by the Chinese. People of different nationalities also live here, here is a partial list of them in descending order of number:

  • Filipinos;
  • Indonesians;
  • Japanese;
  • Thais;
  • Koreans;
  • Nepalese;
  • Indians;
  • Pakistanis;
  • Americans;
  • Canadians;
  • English.

The city's population in 2020 exceeded 7 million people.

Hong Kong aborigines are characterized by superstitiousness and a negative attitude towards innovation. They believe in fate and visit temples.

Hong Kong people profess Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism.

Modern residents call themselves Hong Kong Chinese. They love holidays, fairs and festivals. The most popular ones are Chinese New Year, Lantern Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Water Festival.

Russian diaspora

Russians are one of 56 nationalities that inhabit Asian New York. These are mainly students who left to study in the last decade of the last century and remained for permanent residence. So the Russian diaspora is very young.

Life for Russians in Hong Kong changed significantly when the Russian Club was created in 1998, uniting residents of the former USSR. Today, the main goal of the club is to cultivate Russian culture, language, and maintain connections with relatives. Every year the club members organize literary evenings, National holidays, informal meetings. They help Russian artists who come on tour, hold exhibitions of contemporary artists, architects, and fashion designers.

The quality of life

The quality of life in the metropolis is, of course, high, but housing is much more expensive than in other Asian countries. Due to its dense population, the city cannot provide quality housing for every resident, even with so many skyscrapers. Sometimes people have to live in cramped spaces that look like boxes or cages, the area of ​​which does not exceed 4 square meters. m. That is why sometimes it is simply amazing how ordinary people live in Hong Kong.

The same problem with nutrition. The price policy is aimed, in general, at the middle and wealthy segments of the population who can afford to pay for quality goods. Poor people sometimes simply do not have enough money even for normal food.

Living wage in Hong Kong

The monthly living wage is $2,500. This includes rent, utility bills, food, travel, mobile communications, clothing, cosmetical tools, entertainment, excursions.

There is barely enough money for consumer needs, and the government encourages people to save a third every month so that in the future - in 10 years - they can buy a small house of their own.

overdue loans, unpaid housing and communal services receipts, alimony or fines from the traffic police. Any of these debts may threaten to restrict travel abroad in 2018; we recommend finding out information about the presence of debt using the proven service nevylet.rf

Living here, it is important to remember that the prices for goods are higher, the closer the store is located to the business center of the city. Products from European countries and America are especially expensive. In residential areas, prices are much lower, but the choice is also minimal. Mostly Chinese analogues are sold here. Do not forget that the standards for goods in China are very low, so dangerous components are often used.

Hong Kong transport system

Public transport is well developed. The fastest and most convenient is the metro. There are also buses running all night, as well as ferries and trams. Each route has its own cost. All types of transport can be paid for with a single Octopus card, which can be purchased upon arrival at the airport or at metro ticket offices.

As for taxis, information on tariffs can be found in the cabin of each car, and payment is made strictly according to the meter.

Despite the extensive network of routes and a large number of public transport units, Hong Kong also has many pedestrian routes and crossings, a funicular railway and an open street escalator. From a tourist point of view, this is much more convenient, since a walk through the metropolis, especially in the evening or at night, is a very vivid sight.

Cost of car maintenance

According to studies, the Pearl of the East is a leader in prices for new cars, parking costs, fuel and road tax. In addition, car insurance is the most expensive here - $3,000 per year. For comparison: in Japan or Saudi Arabia, similar costs are 10 times less, although the welfare of the residents is very high.

When deciding to rent a car, do not forget that Hong Kong was once a British colony, and traffic on the island is on the left. Among other things, this is a metropolis, which means there is always the possibility of getting stuck in traffic or not finding a parking space.

Own housing in Hong Kong

Housing is the biggest problem. Prices here are among the highest in the world and second only to Tokyo. The cost of square meters is influenced by location, size, renovation, social status of neighbors and the necessary infrastructure.

There are many options for acquiring housing. The most affordable option is to rent a studio apartment. You can get on the waiting list and get an apartment in a state house in a couple of years. You can also purchase your own living space through a real estate agency.

Education in Hong Kong

Education in Hong Kong is provided in schools and universities. Schools are divided into 3 types:

  1. State. Here the training is free and conducted in Chinese, but there are parallels in English.
  2. Private.
  3. ESF. These schools are the most expensive. School teachers are foreigners. Upon completion, a British Certificate of Education is issued.

Major universities included in the top 100 best universities peace. Evening schools with good quality teaching operate at universities. Training in such institutions costs about $5,000-6,000 per year. Exchange programs with other world universities are offered.

Medical services

Healthcare is not inferior to European systems in terms of modern technology and the quality of medical care. Medical services are controlled by the Hospital Management Department. The healthcare system is divided into 3 types:

  1. Primary – general practice from cough to vaccination.
  2. Secondary – implementation of treatment and preventive measures.
  3. Tertiary - treatment of diseases requiring surgical intervention, long-term hospitalization and subsequent rehabilitation.

There are 13 private and over 40 public clinics in the city. Most private institutions provide primary and secondary health care, while public institutions cover all types of care. Some clinics specialize only in treating certain diseases. The most expensive services are dental ones.

Law and order

In terms of safety, the metropolis is in a leading position in the world. He's in the top five safe states, where the crime index is 5 times lower than the safety index. Only Japan and South Korea are ahead of Hong Kong in these indicators.

People here respect laws and have a negative attitude towards crime and corruption.

Hong Kong has a large police force and a large number of private security forces. Statistics show that the number of crimes committed is significantly lower than in Western European countries. There are almost no rapes or robberies here.

Ecological situation

Hong Kong could be considered one of the cleanest cities in the world. There are no large industrial enterprises here and, despite the fact that it is very densely built up, the authorities green it at any cost, planting bushes and trees even on the roofs of shopping centers. A large number of parks help clean the air.

However, this does not mean that the city does not have environmental problems. The neighboring Chinese province of Guangdong is a hub of industrial enterprises. Therefore, dirty air masses often cover the metropolis. Among other things, numerous buses emit a lot of harmful substances into the atmosphere every day.

Ways to earn money in Hong Kong

The main condition for getting a good job is knowledge of the Chinese language. Also, do not discount competition and certain legal requirements. Proving your competence and professionalism to your employer will not be easy.

The most popular places of employment are considered to be mass media, hotel industry, tourism, banking and education system.

The kingdom of skyscrapers is actively developing, so it can become a very attractive startup platform for talented specialists.

Cost of living in Hong Kong

You can make sure whether living in Hong Kong is expensive or quite affordable only by visiting this place in person. Each person has his own level of income, range of opportunities and wishes. At the same time, based on the results of a study conducted by an American company, we can say that Asian New York is the most expensive city to live and work for foreign citizens.

So, the average salary is about $4,000. At the same time, renting a one-room apartment in the center will cost 50% of the salary, and, for example, a three-room apartment on the outskirts will cost 90% of the salary. A regular lunch for one in a cafe costs $7, dinner for two with wine costs $40. The prices for clothes, furniture and even such simple accessories as towels or bed linen are simply fabulous. In general, Hong Kong is not a city in which one could live on the average Russian salary of $500.

Choosing a place to live

It’s up to you to decide where it’s better to live in Hong Kong – on the island or on the mainland. Of course, the mainland is constantly bustling with life, you are surrounded by high technology, and you are obliged to keep up with the given pace. Life on the island is completely different - quiet, filled with nature and solitude.

Prices are also an important factor. On the mainland they are much higher than on the islands. This is especially true when renting or buying a home. In the city, it is better to live on the upper floors, since the lower residents will experience a complete lack of view from the window. It is prohibited to build houses higher than three floors on the island, so a magnificent view is guaranteed.

Free time in Hong Kong

You can spend your weekend in Hong Kong visiting museums, of which there are a huge number, including free ones. The city is famous for its parks, where you immediately forget that you are in a huge human anthill. You can stroll along the embankment, along which there are installations of paintings depicting landmarks from different countries, statues of actors, directors and other various film paraphernalia.

In the evening, Victoria Peak offers stunning views of the metropolis. There are casinos for gambling enthusiasts, but they are located on floating boats, as they are prohibited on the mainland. At 22.00 you can watch an audio multimedia show. Alternatively, just download the mobile app and develop your own weekend itinerary.

Crazy Hong Kong: Video

And finally, the most interesting thing is the restriction of travel abroad for debtors. It is the status of the debtor that is easiest to “forget” when getting ready for your next vacation abroad. The reason may be overdue loans, unpaid housing and communal services receipts, alimony or fines from the traffic police. Any of these debts may threaten to restrict travel abroad in 2020; we recommend finding out information about the presence of debt using the proven service nevylet.rf