"Gold ring of Russia". Vladimir

The term “Golden Ring of Russia” has existed for more than 40 years. It was invented by a certain Soviet writer Yuri Bychkov in 1967 and immediately became a successful tourism brand to attract foreign tourists in the then existing USSR.

In fact, the Golden Ring is a group of cities concentrated in the territory of Central Russia and representing a certain historical and cultural value. United highways, they form a symbolic circle that has become the personification of the cultural heritage of our country. Moreover, many of its cities and their attractions are protected by the Foundation World Heritage UNESCO.

Traditionally, the Golden Ring of Russia includes eight cities - Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kostroma, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov, Sergiev Posad, Suzdal and Yaroslavl. All of them are located on the territory of six regions - Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kostroma, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod and Yaroslavl. In addition to the main list of cities, there is another, so-called discussion list, which already includes more than 20 settlements. Visiting these places depends on the chosen tourist route and, as a rule, is determined by the organizing company.

The Golden Ring of Russia includes: the city of Alexandrov, the village of Bogolyubovo, the city of Gorokhovets, the city of Gus-Khrustalny, the village. Kideksha, Moscow, Murom, Palekh, Plyos, Rybinsk, Tutaev, Uglich, Yuryev-Polsky, Shuya and a number of other cities, villages and towns. Vladimir is considered the generally recognized capital of the Golden Ring of Russia. That's where we'll start short review main cities of the Golden Ring of Russia tourist route.

Vladimir - the pearl of the Golden Ring

The pearl of the Golden Ring of Russia and one of the most ancient Russian cities, of course, Vladimir. The city is located 193 km from Moscow on the banks of the Klyazma River. In the 12th century, Vladimir was the capital of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality, but over time it lost its importance and, during the growth of the Moscow state, even acquired the status of a provincial city. Today Vladimir is a large industrial and cultural center of the central part of Russia with a population of about 340 thousand inhabitants.

The city amazes with its pristine beauty and architectural monuments that have survived to this day, in particular numerous golden-domed temples and pointed wooden towers. The sights of Vladimir also delight with their diversity and uniqueness.

Among them: the Golden Gate, built in 1164, which at one time formed the main entrance to the richest and most noble princely-boyar part of the city; The Assumption Cathedral is a monument of Russian architecture of the 12th century, painted by Andrei Rublev, an Orthodox church and at the same time a state museum; Dmitrievsky Cathedral, the walls of which are decorated with white stone carvings, with images of people and animals, and much more.


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For many years this route has been one of the most attractive not only for foreigners who decide to visit this huge country, but also for Russians who want to get to know the history and culture of their homeland better. Which cities are included in the Golden Ring of Russia? Where did this term come from? What are its main attractions? We will tell you further in order.

How did the term “Golden Ring” come about?

The author of this term 50 years ago was the Soviet journalist Yuri Bychkov. One day he decided to visit those cities of Russia in which, as he considered, the most significant sights of the country, both cultural and historical, were preserved. The journalist’s journey began from Moscow to Zagorsk, which is now called Sergiev Posad, and continued in Pereslavl-Zalessky, then in Rostov the Great, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo and Suzdal. And the last point of the route before returning to Moscow was the city of Vladimir.

Returning home, Bychkov created a series of essays about these places with a rich cultural and historical heritage, published in 1967, to which he gave the name “Golden Ring”. He named his route that way for a reason: if you connect these cities with lines on the map, you will get a solid loop, reminiscent of a ring. Bychkov's essays attracted the attention of the authorities, who took advantage of the journalist's experience and laid out the routes through the cities described. a tourist route, giving it this apt name. And, I must say, the idea turned out to be very successful: a ticket to the Golden Ring tour in those years was very difficult to get - this circular route turned out to be so popular both among Soviet citizens and among foreign tourists.

So, to summarize: as we have already found out, the Golden Ring of Russia includes the following 8 cities:

This is a classic version of the circular route, the so-called Small Golden Ring of Russia. Small because subsequently, in order to expand tour operator activities and increase tourism income, other cities of the ancient Vladimir-Suzdal principality began to be included in this route, for example, Bogolyubovo, Martynovo, Alexandrov, Uglich, Tver, Myshkin and others. The extended route was called the Great Golden Ring of Russia. Travel agencies offer different routes with a different set of cities, and there are about 20 of them in total. Moreover, the addition of cities continues to this day: in 2016, the idea was approved to include the city of Kaluga in the Great Golden Ring of Russia.

Let's now walk through the cities of the classic Golden Ring of Russia and their main attractions, which everyone should definitely see.

Sergiev Posad

You can get to Sergiev Posad from Moscow in just an hour and a half, and to see the main attractions, one day is enough: the city cannot be called large, its population is just over one hundred thousand people, but in the 15th century it was the cultural and political center State of Moscow.

Here you should definitely look at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, around which the town itself was subsequently built. It is connected with many historical figures: it was founded by Sergius of Radonezh, Ivan the Terrible was baptized in it, and it also served as a refuge for Peter I, who was hiding in the monastery during the Streletsky revolt.

In addition to the Lavra, it will be interesting to look at Krasnogorskaya Square located opposite it with colorful shopping arcades decorated in the “Russian” style, and also visit the Toy Museum.


And here is the birthplace of Alexander Nevsky himself and the city where one of the first white-stone churches in Rus' appeared - the Transfiguration Cathedral of the 12th century. And it’s not for nothing that the city’s coat of arms depicts two vendace, because Pereslavl stands on the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo, where this remarkable fish was caught right for the royal table.

A visit to the local Steam Locomotive Museum will also be an interesting experience, and those who want to see a monument to the pagan culture of Rus' should go not far outside the city and visit the Blue Stone, shrouded in ancient secrets and legends.

Rostov Veliky

We have finally reached the most popular destination that the Small Golden Ring of Russia can boast of - Rostov the Great, one of the oldest cities in Russia and an important cultural and historical center, on the territory of which there are more than 300 cultural monuments. But, despite the name, this city is very small, with a population of only 30 thousand people.

A must-see is the Rostov Kremlin, which is distinguished by its decorative appearance among other similar buildings in the country. By the way, it was here that some scenes from the popular Soviet film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession” were filmed. There are really a lot of monasteries here: among them are Spaso-Yakovlevsky, Abrahamievo-Epiphany and Borisoglebsky, but besides them you can be distracted by the famous museum of Rostov enamel.


Distinguished by as many as 140 cultural attractions ancient city Yaroslavl, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. There really are a lot of churches here! In particular, we suggest taking a look at the Spaso-Preobrazhensky and Tolgsky monasteries - on the territory of the latter you can also look at the beautiful cedar forest, where 193 cedars grow.

The chapel of Our Lady of Kazan and the Church of John the Baptist, founded in the 17th century and also the largest in the city, also attract attention. Here you can also visit the Museum of Music and Time and the Einstein Museum.


Next, the Golden Ring of Russia leads us to Kostroma. It stands on the banks of the Volga, so historically its entire layout was built in relation to the river, representing a radial grid of streets - Catherine II herself decided to make the city resemble a fan. During its existence, Kostroma experienced many events, including two fires - one was set by the Rostov prince Konstantin, the other by the troops of the Mongol-Tatars.

Now the main attraction of the city is the Ipatiev Monastery - a key historical monument, which includes the Trinity Cathedral, the Belfry, the Romanov Chambers, as well as the Bishops' and Fraternal Corps. Don’t forget to look at the monument to Ivan Susanin, the savior of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich.


If other cities of the Golden Ring of Russia may be unfamiliar to you, then you have probably heard about Ivanovo - in the sense that it is generally called the “city of brides”. This statement dates back to ancient times, when light industry, in particular textile, developed in the city, where mostly women worked, and was aggravated by the Great Patriotic War, when the male population decreased significantly.

But the city itself also has other distinctive features and attractions: visit the Vvedensky Monastery, museums of industry and art, as well as the museum of the famous Ivanovo chintz. The Horseshoe House, the Ship House, as well as the Shchudrovskaya Tent - a workshop and one of the oldest stone buildings - will attract attention.


Next we move on to the city of Suzdal with a population of 10 thousand people, standing on the Kamenka River. Archaeological research has shown that it began to be built back in the 10th century - and even now it looks like a real one ancient Russian city, so it will leave an impression of yourself for a long time. Although it is considered provincial, it is not lacking in charm and beauty.

Arriving in Suzdal, you can’t help but look at the Suzdal Kremlin, which is about a thousand years old. And there is no need to even talk about the lack of monasteries here - there are a ton of them here: Pokrovsky, Aleksandrovsky, Vasilievsky, etc. Be sure to stroll through the shopping arcades to look at such traditional things as a kokoshnik, an embroidered tablecloth and a Russian shirt.


And the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia end with a popular tourist center - Vladimir with a huge cultural heritage - there are more than 200 historical monuments protected by the state. During your trip, we recommend that you definitely look at such sights as the Assumption Cathedral with frescoes by Andrei Rublev, the Dmitrievsky Cathedral with unique bas-reliefs and decorative carvings, as well as the local triumphal arch - the fortress Golden Gate, and the house-museum of the Stoletov merchants.

Find out more about the Great Golden Ring of Russia, its secrets and various Interesting Facts you can by watching this video:

The city of Vladimir is located 180 km north-east of Moscow, on the banks of the Klyazma River. Is the administrative center Vladimir region. Population 339.8 thousand people (2009). Vladimir is part of the Golden Ring of Russia and is a popular tourist destination in Russia.

History of the city of Vladimir

The ancient Russian city of Vladimir was founded in 990 by Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich. In history he was known as Vladimir the Red Sun. In 1108, Prince Vladimir Monomakh made the city a stronghold for the defense of the Rostov-Suzdal principality from the south and east. A fortress was erected. It was protected from the south by the Klyazma River, from the north by the Lybid River, and from the west and east there were deep ravines. During the reign of Yuri Dolgoruky's son, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, the capital of the Rostov-Suzdal principality was moved to the city of Vladimir. This was the heyday of the city. Palaces and temples were erected, construction was underway. An all-Russian school of icon painting was formed in Suzdal and Vladimir.

In 1238, the city suffered greatly from the invasion of the Tatar-Mongol yoke. In 1293 it was destroyed by Duden's army. These invasions were repeated for many years. At the beginning of the 18th century the city was the center of the province. Its construction was carried out in the style of classicism. The city is being reborn. After the 1917 revolution, most of the monuments were reconstructed. Vladimir is famous for its attractions. Dmitrievsky and Assumption Cathedrals are UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Sights of the city of Vladimir

Among the city's attractions are monuments of church architecture and numerous museums.

Golden Gate in the city of Vladimir

The main street of the old city is Moskovskaya. The Golden Gate was built in its western part in the 12th century. The silver gate installed in the eastern part, unfortunately, has not survived. The Golden Gate was built over 10 years during the reign of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. The walls of the gate are made in the form of a powerful box of hewn white stone. And its interior is filled with large rock fragments and strong lime mortar. The gate was part of the fortress's defensive system. The platform, which is now an observation point, used to be a combat area. They fired at enemies from it and threw stones. Another one Observation deck, called “Old Vladimir” is located on Kozlovy Val - the southern fortification of the city.

Assumption Cathedral in the city of Vladimir

One of the main squares of the city of Vladimir is Cathedral Square. A monument was erected here in honor of the 850th anniversary of the city of Vladimir. This is a truncated triangular pyramid made of white stone. It depicts milestones in the history of Vladimir in the form of allegories. On Cathedral Square The entrance to the Assumption Cathedral is located.

The cathedral is a complex of buildings from different times, the first of which began to be built in 1158. It was the tomb of many representatives of the Vladimir grand ducal house. Initially, the Assumption Cathedral was small and single-domed. The fire of 1185 destroyed almost all the interior decoration of the temple. Only the external painting of the temple in the form of peacocks (symbols of the Resurrection) and the prophets holding scrolls with texts glorifying the Mother of God have survived to this day. Under Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest, the area of ​​the cathedral doubled. A new altar and galleries around the temple appeared, and the interior frescoes were updated. The cathedral became five-domed. After the fire of 1238, the decoration of the Assumption Cathedral again had to be restored. In 1408, Prince Vasily Dmitrievich decided to update the frescoes of the cathedral. The work was carried out by 38-year-old monk Andrei Rublev and his friend Daniil Cherny. They painted almost the entire cathedral. The cathedral contains the most a large number of frescoes by the brilliant medieval artist Andrei Rublev. His merit is the painting of a huge iconostasis, the icons of which are now in the Tretyakov Gallery and in the Russian Museum.

Demetrius Cathedral in the city of Vladimir

Demetrius Cathedral was founded in 1194 on the orders of Vsevolod the Big Nest. A special feature of the temple are the sculptural decorations adorning the walls of the temple. These are more than 600 bas-reliefs, which depict stories from the life of King David, as well as images of mythical animals and plants. Some reliefs have disappeared from the walls of the temple. Some were replaced with new ones. In the center of the composition of each facade is the son of King David - King Solomon, who is the ideal for a wise ruler. On the northern facade, facing the city, we see the figure of a man holding a child in his hands - the image of Vsevolod the Big Nest and his son Vladimir. On the southern facade there is a bas-relief “The Ascension of Alexander the Great”, and on the western façade there is an image of Hercules, borrowed from Greek mythology.

The interior of the cathedral is interesting with fragments of the frescoes “The Last Judgment” and “Paradise”, “Procession of the Righteous to Paradise”, as well as icons. Here is the most famous of them, brought from Thessaloniki, depicting St. Demetrius of Thessalonica.

For tourists and admirers of church architecture, attractions such as the Nativity Monastery, the Government Building, as well as the Princess Cathedral and Gostiny Dvors are attractive; Churches of the Intercession on the Nerl, Nikita the Martyr and the Holy Trinity. The city has many museums that will tell guests about the culture and history of the city.

The most famous tourist route in Russia is called the “Golden Ring” for a reason. The route leads through the oldest Russian cities, where the most ancient sights have been preserved - cultural monuments, historical places. The term “Golden Ring” appeared more than 30 years ago thanks to essays in the newspaper “Soviet Russia”. The Golden Circle includes eight main cities, which you will learn about in this topic. If you look at the cities on the map, it becomes clear why the tourist route was named that way; the cities are located in a kind of ring to the northeast of Moscow

They say that The best way to understand and experience great Russia - to travel along its Golden Ring. The cities of the Golden Ring preserve historical and architectural monuments Ancient Rus'. The Golden Ring includes eight cities - Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov Veliky, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Suzdal and Vladimir. Later, several more cities were included in the list, but this list has not yet been approved and is controversial. The route along the “Golden Ring of Russia” is suitable for any time of year. Traveling along the Golden Ring gives everyone who is interested in the history, culture and present day of Russia the opportunity to get to know its ancient capital and other cities where the past centuries have left their mark

Gold ring of Russia and its history is very eventful. Many books are devoted to the history of the Golden Ring, but at the same time, the history is very tragic - due to the indifference and indifference of people, due to active construction, many unique sights, cultural and historical monuments were completely lost. Nevertheless, most of monuments have been preserved and are protected by UNESCO and the Russian state

The Golden Ring is famous for its masterpieces of folk art. Museums in many cities contain examples of ancient artistic crafts: wood and bone carvings, products of skilled lacemakers and jewelers, lacquer miniatures and enamel painting, and much more. If you are planning a trip around the Golden Ring of Russia, then you should spend at least two days getting to know each of the cities. The most convenient way to travel along the route is by own car, finding a hotel will not be difficult, but you will not be tied to any excursion routes, which are compiled hastily and do not allow one to experience all the beauty of the Golden Ring.

In the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia all stages of the development of ancient Russian architecture are represented: majestic white-stone churches of the 12th-13th centuries, tent-roofed buildings of the 16th century, buildings of the 17th century, creations of architectural and painting schools of Rostov, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Vladimir.

So, more about each of the cities included in the Golden Ring... Let's start with Rostov the Great, since it is one of the oldest cities in Russia. Rostov the Great is the most popular city of the Golden Ring. The enormous cultural potential of the city has made it one of the great centers of tourist pilgrimage. Rostov is included in a special program of interaction between the Council of Europe and Russia for the preservation of historical and cultural heritage. Rostov's significant past has determined its abundance of historical and cultural monuments. One of the most important monuments is the landscape of the lake basin and the surrounding area, rich in archaeological monuments. The sights of Rostov the Great, in particular the buildings of the former Bishop's House of the 17th century, have become classics not only of Russian, but also of world art. - Rostov Kremlin.

The stone and wooden buildings of Rostov from the 18th to 20th centuries are of enormous value. The property of world culture is the Rostov bells - a set of musical works of the 17th-19th centuries, inseparable from an outstanding musical instrument - the famous Rostov belfry. Each of the 13 bells of the belfry, from the largest, weighing 32 tons, to the smallest, sounds special.

The next city in the Golden Ring of Russia is Sergiev Posad. The city is famous primarily for the ensemble of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra monastery, consisting of more than 50 buildings. The earliest building in the monastery is the cross-domed Trinity Cathedral made of white stone, built in 1422 on the site of a wooden church of the same name; one of the few surviving examples of Moscow white stone architecture of the 14th-15th centuries. Around the Trinity Cathedral gradually formed architectural ensemble Laurel. Built by the successor of the founder of the monastery, Nikon, “in honor and praise” of St. Sergius of Radonezh, and founded in the year of the latter’s glorification as a saint. The famous Russian icon painters Andrei Rublev and Daniil Cherny worked on the iconostasis of the cathedral; For this iconostasis, Rublev painted the “Holy Trinity” icon.

All the sights of Sergiev Posad are in one way or another connected with the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius. They either were part of it, or are still part of it. The city is truly unique and attracts tens of thousands of tourists every year

Pereslavl-Zalessky is famous for being one of the first white-stone churches in North-Eastern Rus', which have come down to us almost completely preserved. IN Gold ring of Russia Pereslavl-Zalessky is included due to its rich historical and cultural heritage. The attractions of Pereslavl-Zalessky include monuments of church architecture: six architectural complexes monasteries and nine churches. In the center of Pereslavl, the city rampart surrounding historical Center cities. Rybnaya Sloboda stretches along the Trubezh River. 2 kilometers northwest of Pereslavl is archaeological site“Kleshchinsky complex”, the center of the complex is the ancient city of Kleshchin, from which the ramparts of the 12th century have been preserved. The object of pagan worship has been preserved - the Blue Stone, a large dark blue boulder weighing 4 tons.

Yaroslavl is the oldest city of the Golden Ring of Russia, one of the most beautiful cities Volga region. There are 140 architectural monuments and attractions on the territory of Yaroslavl. The most striking sights of Yaroslavl are the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, the Church of Elijah the Prophet and the Tolgsky Monastery. Since 2005, Yaroslavl is one of 23 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Russia according to criteria II - the development of the center of Yaroslavl, which developed in the 17th-18th centuries, is an outstanding example of mutual cultural and architectural influence between Europe and Russia, and IV - a striking example of the urban planning reform of Empress Catherine Great, carried out across Russia between 1763 and 1830.

Kostroma is also part of the Golden Ring of Russia. In the old part of the city, the historical planning structure has been preserved (the master plan of the city was approved by Empress Catherine II in 1781). The basis of the city's layout is a radial grid of streets; the center of Kostroma is open in relation to the Volga. The most significant of Kostroma's monuments is the Ipatiev Monastery, founded in the 1330s. Also interesting in Kostroma are the Epiphany-Anastasinsky Monastery and Trading Rows

Have you ever heard about the city of brides Ivanovo? If you haven’t heard, then you haven’t had a chance to travel around the Golden Ring of Russia yet. Architecturally, Ivanovo is known primarily for monuments dating back to the era of constructivism (30s of the 20th century): a ship house, a horseshoe house, etc. A large number of historical and revolutionary monuments were built in Ivanovo, giving the city an original flavor. The historical center of the city is interesting, consisting mainly of former merchant houses of the 19th and early 20th centuries. The industrial architecture of the 19th century is also of particular interest. (several textile factories dating back to this period have remained practically intact in the city, but free access to them is limited). Other attractions include the Shchudrovskaya tent, which was built in the 17th century, and the complex of St. Vvedensky convent, the main part of which dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. If you are wondering why Ivanovo was nicknamed the city of brides, then this is another story that has nothing to do with the Golden Ring. You can find out about this using the link above.

The famous city of Suzdal is also part of the Golden Ring of Russia. The city of Suzdal is a museum-reserve protected by the state and UNESCO. The oldest part of the city is the core of Suzdal - the Suzdal Kremlin. The Kremlin has preserved the earthen ramparts and ditches of the ancient fortress, several churches and the ensemble of the bishop's courtyard with the ancient Nativity Cathedral. On the spot where the Suzdal Kremlin Museum is now located, once upon a time, in the 12th century, Suzdal began to be built

Vladimir is also included in the approved list of cities of the Golden Ring. In total, there are 239 state-protected buildings of the 18th-19th centuries in Vladimir. Among the attractions of Vladimir are the Vladimir-Suzdal Historical and Art Museum-Reserve - a museum that combines exhibitions and interiors of the Assumption and Demetrius Cathedrals, the "Old Vladimir" museum, a military-historical exhibition in the Golden Gate, the house-museum of the Stoletov merchants, the exhibition "Crystal, lacquer miniature, embroidery" in the Old Believer Trinity Church, etc.

You can find out more about each of the cities of the Golden Ring using the links in the topic. The Golden Ring is the pride of Russia. The entire culture of our ancestors, our entire historical heritage is concentrated here. Our task is to understand how important it is to preserve such places for the future, to teach our children a decent attitude towards the history of our homeland.

December 8, 2010 at 6:24:12 pm| Categories: Places , History , Architecture

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Cities on the Klyazma

On the river there are such big cities, like Dolgoprudny, Shchelkovo, Korolev, Losino-Petrovsky, Noginsk, Pavlovsky Posad, Orekhovo-Zuevo, Sobinka, Vladimir, Kovrov, Vyazniki, Gorokhovets.
About 1.7 million people live along the banks of the river. And in the river basin - over 3.3 million.

Dolgoprudny - a city of regional subordination in the Moscow region of Russia, located 18 km north along railway from Savyolovsky Station in Moscow on the Klyazma River. Adjacent to Moscow in the north, to Khimkam in the northeast and to the Northern district of Moscow in the west; from the north and west it is limited by the Moscow Canal. At different times, the village of Khlebnikovo, the village of Paveltsevo, and the working village of Sheremetyevsky, located in the north beyond the Moscow Canal, were included in the city. Population (2011) - 91.3 thousand people. (2010 - 84.4 thousand people, 2004 - 74 thousand, 1991 - 71.1 thousand, 1970 - 53 thousand, 1938 - 8 thousand)

Shchelkovo -city of district subordination in the Moscow region of Russia. Administrative center of Shchelkovsky district. The largest settlement of the municipality " urban settlement Shchelkovo. Population - 108,056 people (2010). City area - 28.10 km². Located 13 km northeast of Moscow, on the Klyazma River. Railway stations Sokolovskaya, Voronok, Shchelkovo, Gagarinskaya, Chkalovskaya, Bakhchivandzhi, within the city on the Mytishchi-Monino-Yaroslavl direction. On the south-eastern outskirts of the city there is the Chkalovsky military airfield.

Korolev - (founded on December 26, 1938; until July 8, 1996 - Kaliningrad) - city-regional subordination in the Moscow region of Russia, science city (from April 12, 2001). Forms a city district of the same name. Population - 183,398 people (2011). Korolyov is often unofficially called the space capital of Russia. Korolev cooperates with 52 cities from 26 countries in the field of economics, education, culture, healthcare and trade. Forests within the city cover an area of ​​3,800 hectares. Also within the city limits there is part of the Yauzsky Wetland Complex tract.

Losino-Petrovsky - a city of regional subordination in the Moscow region of Russia, 24 km northeast of Moscow, on the Klyazma River. Located 3 km from the Monino railway station. Name before 1928 - Losinaya Sloboda. Until 1996, the city was part of the Shchelkovsky district, at present it is an independent municipal entity “Losino-Petrovsky Urban District”. It borders with the Shchelkovo-Noginsk districts of the Moscow region. Population 22.4 thousand people. (2010).

Noginsk -city in Russia, administrative center Noginsk district, Moscow region, the largest settlement of the municipal formation "Urban Settlement Noginsk". Population - 99,762 people (2010 census). The city is located on the Klyazma River (a tributary of the Oka), 51 km (35 from the Moscow Ring Road) east of Moscow, on the northwestern border of the Meshchera Lowland.

Pavlovsky Posad - a city in the Moscow region, the center of the Pavlovo Posad district. Located at the confluence of the Vokhny and Klyazma rivers 68 km east of Moscow. It is part of the municipal formation "Urban settlement Pavlovsky Posad". Population - 63.7 thousand people. (2011). The city is famous for its textile industry, primarily for the production of Pavlovo Posad scarves and shawls.

Orekhovo-Zuevo - a city of regional subordination in the Moscow region of Russia, 89 km east of the center of Moscow (78 km from the MKAD), on the Klyazma River. Junction of railway lines Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod and Alexandrov - Kurovskaya. It is the center of the Orekhovo-Zuevskaya agglomeration with a population of 276 thousand people. Population 121.1 thousand people (2010).

Cockerels - a city in the Russian Federation, the administrative center of the Petushinsky district of the Vladimir region, forms municipality"City of Roosters" Population 15,148 inhabitants (2010). The cockerels are located on the left bank of the riverKlyazma (Volga basin), 67 km southwest of Vladimir, 120 km east of Moscow.

Sobinka - a city in Russia, the administrative center of the Sobinsky district of the Vladimir region. Forms the urban settlement "Sobinka City". Population - 19,482 people (2010). Located 37 km southwest ofVladimir, on the right bank of the Klyazma River (a tributary of the Oka), in the northwestern part of the Meshchera Lowland.

Vladimir - historical city in Russia, the administrative center of the Vladimir region. Located primarily on the left bank of the Klyazma River, 176 km east of Moscow. Ancient capital North-Eastern Rus'; one of the country's largest tourist centers; included in the Golden Ring of Russia. Transport hub on the road (M7 Volga) and railway (Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod: Vladimir station) highways.
City area: 308 km². The population, according to Rosstat, as of January 1, 2012, is 345.9 thousand people.

Starodub on Klyazma - ancient Russian city - capitalStarodub principality (1218 - beginning of the 15th century) and the center of Russian Opole in the 12th-14th centuries. The city was located on the banks of the Klyazma River, 12 kilometers northeast of the modern city of Kovrov, Vladimir region. Currently, the village of Klyazminsky Gorodok, Kovrovsky district, Vladimir region, is located here.

Kovrov - city in Russia, administrative center of the Kovrovsky district of the Vladimir region (not included in the district). A large railway junction on the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod line. Population 145,214 people. (2010). Kovrov bears the honorary title of City of Military Glory (presidential decree Russian Federation dated November 3, 2011 No. 1456). The city is located on the right bank of the Klyazma River (a tributary of the Oka), 64 km from Vladimir and 250 km northeast of Moscow.