What to take to Goa. What should a tourist take with him to Goa?

Friends going to India for the first time often ask what things to take with them. The country is quite exotic, truly unpredictable. With our three years of experience, we claim to have some experience :))), which is why we set out to compile this important list, which will affect the comfort of travelers throughout the trip.
So, what to put in your backpack so that later it won’t be excruciatingly painful and you won’t experience discomfort while wandering across Indian soil.

1. International passport+ its photocopy + scanned copy by e-mail
2. Air tickets in several copies + confirmation letters from ashrams or hotels for accommodation + printouts of train tickets
3. Driver's license(rights) or a high-quality color copy, laminated to match the original
4. Money in cash dollars + bank cards with money on them (minimum 2). Access to the money on the card must be opened specifically for withdrawal or use in India.
5. Passport size photographs of yourself - 2-3 pcs.
6. Ksivnik is a small bag for documents and money that is worn around the neck or on the belt under clothes
7. Contact addresses in India with the visa application form (need to be filled out on the plane migration cards and indicate them there)
8. Two pens with a notepad
9. Guide or printouts from websites + map of India

Medicines and hygiene
1. Medicines:
A. Hydrogen peroxide, iodine (it’s good to pack the bottle, since iodine fumes spoil clothes, books, etc.), cotton wool, bandage, gauze, bactericidal patch, tea tree oil.
B. activated carbon, chloramphenicol, imodium or loperamide, enzymatic and digestive agents (festal or mezim, smecta)
B. antipyretic (aspirin), pain reliever (no-spa)
D. Individual medications
2. Wet wipes and/or bactericidal hand gel
3. Dry wipes (3-4 packs)
4. Soap + shampoo in a small tube
5. Towel
6. Toothbrush, toothpaste
7. Razor
8. Pads + tampons
9. Toilet paper
10.Skin moisturizer
11. Sunscreen high degree of protection + cream sunburn. Especially relevant for the South of India: Goa, Kerala and the Himalayas
12.Mosquito repellent
13. Comb + mirror
14. Washing powder

1. Small padlock (used to close doors in hotels and secure bags under benches on trains)
2. Bicycle lock
3. Flashlight
4. Candle
5. Boiler
6. Mug, spoon, knife, plate (if you have a light travel one, if not, then several plastic plates)
7.Lighter, matches
8. Needles, threads, scissors, nail file
9. Tourist seat
10. Rope
11.Clothes pegs
12.Wide tape
13. Two sheets that you don’t mind rubbing and throwing away at the end of the road
14. Sleeping bag (if the bag is a blanket and not a cocoon, then probably one for two)
15. A small, lightweight backpack for trips around the city
17.Inflatable pillow for sleeping on an airplane

1. Two pairs of pants (one for yourself, one for reserve)
2. Long shorts or breeches (for Indian seaside resorts)
3. Cotton long-sleeved shirt + 2-3 T-shirts with closed shoulders + underwear
4. Warm jacket (fleece). If you go north, then a scarf + hat
5. Windbreaker from rain and wind or jacket (for the north)
6. Raincoat or umbrella
6. Cotton socks 2-3 pairs + warm wool socks 1 pair + tights (for the north)
7. Swimming trunks, swimsuit + goggles
8. Sunglasses
9. Panama hat/sun cap.
In India, clothes are inexpensive and can be purchased locally.

1. Boots/sneakers and/or sports sandals (depending on the region and time of year)
2. Flip flops (cheapest)

Technology and leisure
1. Camera + charger + flash drives
2. Video camera + charger + flash drives
3. Mobile phone+ charger for it
4. Card reader
5. Player + headphones
6. Laptop+charger+flash drives+bag+USB cable
7. English Dictionary/Phrasebook
8. For evening pastime: books/cards/chess/checkers/Tamagotchi/prez ervativa, etc.

1. 0.5 kg of various nuts, raisins, dried fruits.
2. Tea
3. Chocolate

When compiling the list, we also used the experience of other travelers from the site

How to start packing for a trip to India?

Let's start with the fact that you definitely need a backpack, of course you can also have a suitcase with wheels, but if you plan to travel and move around a lot in India, then a backpack is better. I take another bag, which can easily be thrown over my shoulder, for what may be needed when moving (documents, money, hygiene products, etc.) Calculate the volume and capacity of the backpack so that there is room for souvenirs that you you will acquire as you move around the country. When flying, you can safely transport up to 22 kilograms, if you have the imagination to carry so much weight.

I'll start with the fact that definitely not worth taking, so that you don’t feel sorry for throwing it away along the way. You don’t need to take with you everything that you treat with care and are not ready to say goodbye to if something happens (theft, breakage, loss.)
It is better not to take clothes in large quantities, only what will be useful for the first time. At the first opportunity in India, and it is always available there, you can replenish your wardrobe very cheaply. For women, you can leave off-the-shoulder tops and very tight, low-cut T-shirts at home. Skirts shorter than “below the knee” will not be necessary (with the exception of Goa and the resorts of Kerala). For men, just jeans will be enough, you will still take them off and put them in your backpack, because in that climate it is not comme il faut to wear them. It’s easier to buy cotton pants or shorts locally.

Another list of obviously unnecessary things in India

  • Food.
  • Dishes, iron mugs. The choice in India is huge and everything is cheap.
  • Books. Here you simply won’t have time for this act. And if there is time, there will be no strength :)
  • Phrasebooks. The most useless thing is that it doesn’t help. especially since people in India do not speak English but “Hinglish” (a mixture of Hindu and English) and you will need all the skills of gestures and the ability to feel and guess.
  • Large jars of wet wipes. This will not save India. You just have to accept this fact. You can also replenish your supply of wet wipes there as you travel.
  • Socks. Yes, no matter how funny it may sound, in the south at any time, and in the center of the country (with the exception of December and January), the thing will turn out to be as useless as you can imagine.
  • Sun protection cream. In India you will find natural oils and creams that will be more beneficial to your skin than domestic ones.

Need to take with you to India


  • International passport with Indian visa. And you can take a regular passport and, of course, make it and store it separately. If you lose your passport, having a copy can speed up getting a new one.
  • Air ticket or a photocopy of it.
  • Cash(US dollars or euros) or traveler's checks(now very popular with tourists). Credit cards can be useful when paying for tickets online; by the way, this is much more convenient than buying at the box office or travel agencies on the spot. It is better to change money in Delhi; the exchange rate there is always better than in other states.
  • Photos 3x4. Color photos are needed to buy a phone SIM card. It’s cheaper and more convenient to communicate with your homeland.


  • Good shoes, especially if you are going to the mountains and are planning to visit the North of the country. Large sizes on very tall and with large size legs - deficit.
  • Insect repellent. Many places have mosquito nets, but it's better to be safe.
  • Guide- the best - “Foot Print”, “Travel Guide”, “Lonely Planets”. Maybe it will help, maybe not. Usually in India, simple questions and random advice from locals or tourists help better.
  • Sunglasses.
  • Nice knife.
  • Needle with thread.
  • Flashlight, one of the important things. It gets dark in India as early as 6 pm in winter and sometimes you can find yourself in places where there are power outages.
  • Sleeping bag, if you are cold and the trip promises to be cool. You are unlikely to find heating.
  • Large sheet(it’s better to use the old one so you don’t have to drag it back). Although I prefer to buy it on the spot and throw it away at the end of the trip.
  • Lightweight bag over the shoulder (beach) - put water, a towel, fruit. A bottle of water is sometimes the most important thing when moving.
  • Small but reliable padlocks. Hotels will give you one, but your own is more reliable.
  • Moisture-resistant covers for phones and photographic equipment. On one of the trips, the touch screen of my mobile shorted out due to moisture, so I found myself without a phone for 1.5 months.

Almost any kind of medicine is sold, medicine is of a good standard: Ayurvedic, Tibetan - for every taste. You are unlikely to find common medications. By the way, good quality condoms in India are much cheaper.


  • iodine (cuts in damp conditions do not heal for a long time, iodine dries well)
  • coal
  • Imodium (or something else for diarrhea), something for intestinal infections (just in case)
  • plasters
  • women's tampons (for some reason you can't find them during the day), but pads are not a problem.

In addition, if you are taking any medications and have chronic diseases, then it is better to take double the amount of medications needed.

P.S. And finally, take with you acceptance, a smile for any occasion :) And then India will give you everything you need at the first need.

India is a country with a tropical climate, thousand-year-old traditions and strict laws that even tourists must comply with. Much will depend on how you dress, what you carry with you, and how you behave - namely, the attitude of the local population towards the “next” tourist.

It is better to take your time when packing your bag for India. After receiving the long-awaited documents, it is worth checking the contents of your suitcases several times - not to take anything unnecessary or particularly valuable, but also not to forget what, without which your holiday in India will certainly be overshadowed.

Check out the approximate list of what you need to take with you to India. This list is incomplete and can be expanded individual items.

Documents for traveling to India

Citizens of Russia for a period of stay in India up to 30 days, can receive an entry document upon arrival at the airport. To obtain the right to visit the country, you must have:

International passport with expiration date from 6 months at the time of planned departure from India;

Copies of completed pages Russian passport ;

One color photo on any digital media in format.jpeg. The file size must not exceed 300 kb ;

Completed and certified visa application form. It is certified online in 4 days before departure;

Visa or MasterCard card with open account For payment of visa fee in the amount of $60.

If you plan to live in India over 30 days, then you will have to apply for a visa in advance and only through Consulate General of India in Moscow.

international passport

Packing your suitcase for India


When traveling to any place in India except Goa, you should remember that it is indecent for women to bare their shoulders or knees, wear too revealing or tight clothes, or look provocative. There are no such restrictions.

Any clothing should be light, light and at the same time quite comfortable. It would be good to have a few with you T-shirts, two pairs shorts or breeches, trousers or jeans, some skirts or dresses. Helps a lot during combustion long sleeve T-shirt, which will protect burned skin from new stress in the form of UV rays.

Example of clothing in India

For swimming and sunbathing on the beach, you need to take a pair of swimming trunks or swimsuits. But for cool Indian summer nights it is better to take with you sweater or summer jacket, because walking and sightseeing in the evening is even more comfortable than during the day. It would also be better to take several pairs socks and more clean underwear.

When traveling, don’t forget about hats. The hot sun of this country can cause sunstroke, so it is better to cover your head with a light shade. Panama hat, wide-brimmed hat or cap.

For a trip to the mountains, warmer clothes will be useful, however, you can buy them locally for a reasonable price. You may also need rain cover, however, it will only be needed in especially rainy months, or again when going to the mountains.


Shoes for a trip to India need to be chosen especially carefully. This must be comfortable shoes, preferably made from natural materials, and preferably already worn, since new shoes sometimes begin to chafe, although they seemed comfortable.

For mountain hikes and long excursions, it is better to choose on sneakers or other closed, comfortable shoes on a small heel. In such shoes the foot will not get tired for a long time, so it is an ideal option for long walks.

The best way to get around the city is sandals, light shoes or other open shoes, in which the leg will breathe. And for walking on the beach or even going into the water, flip flops or beach slippers are best.

In the country it's better don't wear open shoes, no matter how hot the weather is. In the Indian jungle there are a lot of dangers in the form of representatives of the local fauna - poisonous snakes and spiders are found even near densely populated villages.

To visit various entertainment and public places you can take it high heel shoes, however, you shouldn’t wear it all the time - your legs will get too tired, which will significantly spoil your rest.

First aid kit

Every tourist must have a first aid kit - not only comfort, but also health after the trip depends on it. In addition to the personal medications you need to take, your first aid kit should include:

· Bandage, iodine, plaster and other means for treating minor injuries;

· Medicines for stomach disorders (activated carbon, Immodium, Linex, etc.);

· Remedies for headaches. Please note that aspirin is not sold in Russia;

· Simple painkillers;

· Remedies for conjunctivitis - ointment or drops;

· Hygienic lipstick;

· Medicines that relieve cold symptoms;

· Drops or ointment for nasal congestion;

· Personal hygiene products - in India it is difficult to buy, for example, feminine pads or cotton wool;

· Malaria preventive medications may be helpful.

In Indian pharmacies you can see analogues many “Russian” drugs, but under different names. You can buy them only at your own peril and risk. The quality of some medicines in India is constantly criticized international organizations doctors.

Pharmacy in India

What to take when traveling with a child?

When traveling with a child under 14 years of age, he must be entered in your passport. After 14 the child is entitled your document.

Many personal hygiene products in India there is simply no such thing, so it would be better to take diapers, powders and other products with you. The same applies to special food.

A child should be dressed in the same way as an adult, in light, comfortable clothes. light clothes. Don't forget about headdress.

Important little things

Sun cream- no joke, tourist “currency” in India. They sell it at every turn, but the quality and prices will upset even the most generous tourists. Therefore, it is better to take it from home, or better yet, with a reserve.

Be sure to take a few with you adapters for sockets. Some hotels still use an outdated standard. In addition, there may be only one socket in the room - electricity remains a luxury for a number of Indian states even in the 21st century. In this case you need to have with you tee or extension.

The electrical problems won't end there. Every visitor to India, even in such a rich state as Goa, should have with him LED flashlight kit. Rolling blackouts at power plants are a common occurrence here.

The issue of sanitation in Indian hotels is also easy to solve - just take your own towels And bed sheets. With the latter, by the way, you need special vigilance - too expensive sheets can be stolen by maids.

For long outdoor excursions in India, a few replacement pairs will come in handy sunglasses.

When traveling on your own, always have with you GPS -navigator in a charged smartphone or special device. It makes no sense to take “paper” maps and guidebooks for tourists - many settlements they just don't have it.

GPS navigator in your phone

Indians speak good English, and major cities There are even experts in the Russian language. But nonetheless, hindi phrasebook It is highly advisable to have it with you. If you can find a similar one marathi phrasebook, then you can safely go to Maharashtra on excursions to the legendary Bollywood film studios.

Bringing a sweater or skis on a trip if you are going to Goa is at least absurd. Not taking a swimsuit is funny. To avoid getting into trouble on one of the most beautiful West Indian beaches in the world, we suggest you study the article.

Goa is a former colony of Portugal and the smallest state of India. It is located in the west of the country, and is a generally recognized favorite vacation spot for couples, newlyweds, and divers from all over the world. Goa is considered the most European region of India, and here you will find Bounty-style beaches, economical shopping, great mood and a lot of parties.

Pre-readiness or there is still a lot of time left before departure

Let’s imagine a situation where there are still a couple of months left before departure. First of all, you must take care of such an important thing as your documents. You can calmly relax in the seat of an airliner that is preparing to take you far, far away from problems if you are the happy owner of the following things that are significant for every tourist:

  • Foreign passport(be careful, leave two pages for the Indian visa. And note - the passport must be active a full three months after you return from your paradise holiday).
  • Copies of international passport(we know how wonderful and peaceful the vacation will be. But we still want to be very, very sure and protect ourselves in case of an unpleasant loss or loss of a document).
  • Birth certificates and permission to leave the child(of course, we definitely take the children with us and don’t forget the most important document for the child).
  • Package of travel documents(air tickets, hotel voucher, medical insurance policy). However, tourists usually receive these documents the day before departure. But they must be present!
  • Valid Indian visa(to obtain it you need to have a foreign passport, the validity of which should not expire in 6 months or less).

Intermediate readiness or a week and a couple of days left before departure

A week before departure, you should start collecting all the things a tourist needs, so as not to rack your brains about forgetting something important. We list the main items you need on your journey:


I would like to dwell on this point in more detail due to the exotic nature of the host country to which you are going. Medicines are the most important item on your packing list. So, you should take with you:

  • Bandage, plaster, peroxide, brilliant green;
  • Effective remedies for insect bites (it is worth taking proven or well-proven remedies, because in Goa insects can easily be carriers of infectious diseases such as hemorrhagic fever, leishmanism, malaria, etc.);
  • Medicines for motion sickness;
  • Medicines to counteract headaches and toothaches;
  • Antipyretics, electronic thermometer;
  • Proven remedies for the gastrointestinal tract (in Goa, specific food is very spicy);
  • Individual sunscreens for the skin type of each family member.

Goa has a subtropical climate. Therefore, you should take care to take with you a sunscreen with a high level of protection. Be careful and don't forget baby skin care product.

Money and credit cards

At this point it is worth noting that you, as a tourist, need to decide how much money to take with you to Goa. Provided that if you decide to take more than 10,000 USD with you, they will need to be declared. In addition, increased responsibility should be maintained when paying for goods and services in exotic country, because Crime is rampant, everywhere. You should be extremely careful not to use your credit card in dubious shops or markets.

International driver's license, insurance

Goa has amazingly beautiful nature, so all tourists want to explore the natural features and beauty not only in and around their hotel, but also beyond. Be careful because... introduced in the country Left side traffic and, among other things, very narrow road lanes and an incredibly peculiar driving style. Therefore, for the individual safety of you and your children, it is worth hiring a private driver to travel through the beauties of Goa.

Individual items for yourself and children

Here you should take care of what your swimming season in Goa should be like. Average temperature in Goa the most favorable temperature for Europeans is +28-29 degrees. The lack of precipitation is accompanied by a fairly active sun, which shines about 10 hours a day.

That's why hats- this is the first thing that should be in your suitcase, and also Sunglasses and other remedies for the scorching sun.

Traditional photo and video equipment with all related accessories and chargers.

Travel Guide to India (Goa). Guide to exotic island will help you not only decide where and when to go, but will help you navigate the local currency (rupees), time zone, local traditions and conventions.

English-Russian phrasebook. Indians understand very well English language and this is not surprising, because he is one of the.

Flashlight. If you like evening and night walks, you will definitely need it. The sun in Goa begins to set at 6 pm.

Bed sheet. India is a very dirty country and it is very easy to catch some kind of infection here. Therefore, it is better to have your own bed linen.

If you take a direct flight directly to Goa, the first place you will be greeted is Dabolim Airport. Why is it remarkable and what should you be wary of?

Final readiness or a few hours left before departure

I would like to note that you must prioritize when collecting things. It is very important to take Goa documents, money and medicines(especially if you need special medications on an individual basis). You can easily purchase things like slates forgotten at home in the hotel store.

Review the list of things needed for the trip again and make sure you have taken everything.

When you arrive at the airport with your entire family, please check that all family members and their documents are there. Count your suitcases. Think about whether you took everything from the list above with you. And finally relax! And don't worry, because you're flying on vacation to one of the most attractive places on Earth.

By the way, it seems you forgot something? Maybe a good mood?

Video: packing a backpack for a trip to Goa