Geographical location and relief of Oceania. Message about Oceania

Composition, geological structure, relief and minerals

Between Southeast Asia and America huge water area Pacific Ocean occupies the world's largest cluster of islands. There are more than $10$ thousand. This Oceania.

Definition 1

Oceania are islands and archipelagos located in the central and southwestern Pacific Ocean

This island land has a total area of ​​about $1.3 million square km, which is only $2% of the ocean area. The geographical location of the islands, as well as their size and relief, are most directly related to their origin.

The genesis of the islands allows us to identify $4 $ main types:

  • Mainland Islands;
  • Volcanic Islands;
  • Biogenic islands;
  • Geosynclinal islands.

To the islands mainland of origin include the largest in area – New Guinea, New Zealand , which account for $80$% of Oceania's land area. The topography of these islands includes mountain ranges and vast low-lying plains. Hawaiian islands, for example, are typical volcanic, A coral reefs and atolls have biogenic origin.

Definition 2

Atolls- These are flat, low ring-shaped islands in the middle with a lagoon connected to the ocean.

Example atolls are the islands of Central Polynesia - Tuamotu archipelago, atoll Kwajalein having the world's largest lagoon in the archipelago Marshall Islands. Coral islands were formed in quaternary period when sections of the Pacific Ocean floor subsided. In the western part of Oceania lie geosynclinal islands. Most of has islands volcanic origins, and some represent the pinnacles underwater volcanoesSamoa, Cook, Easter, Marquesas Islands. Minerals are distributed extremely widely across the islands unevenly, and on many of them it’s just none. Development is carried out only on the largest ones. New Caledonia has nickel reserves, there is oil and gas New Guinea and New Zealand. New Guinea still has reserves copper and gold. Phosphorite reserves have been discovered at island atolls. As a nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer, active development was carried out in the past on many island atolls. guano– decomposed droppings of seabirds.

Note 1

In Oceania, based on regional landscape differences, $4$ physical and geographical countries are distinguished:

  • Melanesia. It includes New Guinea, the archipelagos of Bismarck, Louisaida, Solomon Islands, New Hebrides, New Caledonia, Fiji, etc.
  • Micronesia. It has $1,500 islands - among them the archipelagos of Kazan, Mariana, Caroline, Marshall Islands, Gilbert Islands, Nauru. They are all small in area.
  • New Zealand;
  • Polynesia. " Poly» – a lot of islands. Polynesia can be described as a triangle whose corners are Hawaii-New Zealand-Easter Island.

Oceania Climate

Note 2

Oceania lies within the $3 main and $2 transition climate zones:

  • Equatorial belt;
  • Subequatorial belt;
  • Tropical zone;
  • Subtropical zone;
  • Temperate zone.

Predominant on the islands tropical climate, and subequatorial dominates near Australia and Asia. West of the $180$ meridian the islands lie in equatorial climate, and in subtropical climate lie islands located north and south of the tropics. Moderate The belt occupies most of New Zealand. The climate of the islands is determined mainly trade winds, which means that they receive heavy rainfall. During the year, precipitation can vary from $1500$-$4000$ mm. The topography of some islands and their leeward sides reduce precipitation, and the climate may be drier or wetter. One of the most wet places on the planet located precisely in Oceania on the eastern slope of the mountain Waialeale– $11430$ mm per year. The mountain is located on an island Kauai, where in $1982 $16,916 mm fell - this was an absolute maximum. average temperature near the tropics +$23$ degrees, and near the equator +$27$. The difference between summer and winter is insignificant here. Two ocean currents El Niño And La Niña have a great influence on the climate of Oceania. Flow El Niño due to the fact that the intertropical convergence zone is moving towards equator, i.e. to the north, at La Nina the movement goes to the south, i.e. from the equator A. In the first case, abundant rains, in the second case, there is a strong drought. The river system of islands is related to the climate. Large rivers only available in New ZealandWaikato River and New Guinea - Sepik and Fly rivers. Naturally, rivers are fed rain, and recharge comes from melting glaciers. On the atolls of the river none at all. Lakes, including thermal, are situated in New Zealand, is here and geysers. Lakes on other islands of Oceania are very rare.

Nature of Oceania

The distance from the continents, the small size of the islands and the vast expanse of water around them significantly influenced the nature and life of peoples. The centers of flora formation were large islands, but at the same time many plant species migrated to the islands from Australia, the Malay Archipelago and South-East Asia.

Note 3

As a result, Oceania is included in Paleotropical area of ​​vegetation in which $3$ subareas are distinguished:

  • Malesian floristic subregion;
  • Hawaiian Subregion;
  • New Zealand subregion.

Malesian The subregion is characterized by numerous tropical families - pandanus, ficus, water lilies, bananas, laurel and widespread legumes. There are many epiphytes here - ferns, orchids.

Hawaiian The subregion is represented by one genus of palms, a small number of orchids, and the absence of gymnosperms and ficus. But there are a lot of ferns here. These are the first plants to settle in the cracks of cooled lava flows.

For New Zealand In the subregion there will be numerous species of Asteraceae, ferns, sedges, and grasses.

The most common plants in Oceania are coconut palms and breadfruit trees. Their fruits are used for food, and their wood is a source of heat and building material. The endosperm of coconut palm nuts is the source copra, and it is the basis of exports to the countries of Oceania. In Hawaii and New Zealand there are endemics flora and fauna. Coral the islands have very poor species composition. Cultivated plants include pineapples, bananas, and sugar cane. The composition of the fauna has specific features that are associated with ocean spaces, causing difficulties for the settlement of animals. Species composition of fauna poor, complete absence mammals. In this regard, a significant part of Oceania is allocated to Polynesian zoo geographical area . There are many flying birds - swifts, pigeons. Small animals include bats, dogs, foxes, lizards. Insects are accidentally carried on the trunks of floating trees. In New Zealand, a representative of the fauna is kiwi- the national symbol of the country. Among the endemics are kea or nestor, kakapo or owl parrot, takahe or wingless sultana.

Note 4

Oceania developed under conditions of long-term isolation from mainland land. This determined originality its landscapes, manifested in the geological structure and relief, in the high endemism and poverty of species composition of flora and fauna. These reasons provide grounds for singling out Oceania as special part of the world has no analogues on the continents.

Ocean islands are the most exotic and unusual travel destination. It is enough that when a fierce winter is raging in our homeland, it is the height of summer in the Southern Hemisphere. And although people there do not walk upside down, and the water does not swirl in the opposite direction, the lands of Oceania remain for many a real terra incognita.

What is Oceania?

The boundaries of Oceania are quite arbitrary. It is essentially a cluster of islands in the central and western Pacific Ocean. Easter Island is considered the eastern point, New Guinea is the western point. Geographers unite Oceania with Australia and consider these lands separate part Sveta.

The rather long list includes islands such as New Zealand, New Guinea, Fiji, Easter, Solomon, Hawaii and many others. Most of the islands were formed due to volcanic activity, and many fire-breathing mountains still pose a danger.

Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea covers an area comparable in area to Sweden and actually connects Australia and Asia. Long before European sailors and Miklouho-Maclay, Indonesian rulers sent their envoys here to hunt exotic birds and labor force. The name of the island was given by the Portuguese Don Jorge de Menezes, clearly alluding to the hair of the aborigines: “Papua” in Malay language means "curly". More than 820 languages ​​are spoken here - this is due to some isolation of the tribes from each other due to the mountainous terrain.


Fiji is an archipelago of 332 islands, of which only a third are inhabited. Europeans discovered the Fiji Islands in the 17th century, but did not risk establishing colonies there until the 19th century. There was only one reason - cannibalism of the aborigines. The leader had unquestionable authority and power. In the villages, a respectful attitude towards the head of the tribe is still preserved: only he is allowed to wear sunglasses and hats. But as for tourists... it is difficult to find more hospitable people. Here you will be treated to the most unusual dishes: boiled bat, stew in banana leaves and even fried snake. However, beauty tropical forests and diverse underwater world Fiji, for which it is highly valued by divers, is short-lived: due to climate change, the corals to which the island owes its origin are under threat - environmental communities are sounding the alarm.

New Zealand

New Zealand (or "Land of the Long White Cloud") was discovered in 1642 by the Dutch sailor Abel Tasman. The local tribes at that time definitely did not like the white-skinned Europeans... It is now New Zealand that is considered the most safe country peace. The next person to venture here was James Cook in 1769, and he also contributed to the inclusion new country into English possessions. The symbol of the island is the wingless, timid kiwi bird - that’s what New Zealanders call themselves. Well, Tolkien fans cannot help but know that all parts of the Lord of the Rings trilogy were filmed among local landscapes, and during special tours You can see Hobbiton and the Baggins' home with your own eyes.

Solomon islands

The Solomon Islands are little known in the world. This is due to the distance from other geographical objects. Meanwhile, there is a constant mild climate and uniquely beautiful nature. For example, to the list World Heritage UNESCO is about to include the Marovo salt lagoon with sparkling blue water - the largest in the world. There is also the highest coral island - East Rennell. Tengano is such a large freshwater lake in the southern hemisphere that its waters include 200 islands. As for the inhabitants, their manners and habits are quite curious. For example, many of them still worship sharks. The Aborigines before the arrival of missionaries were primarily headhunters. By the way, about 10% of black residents Solomon Islands- blondes. The reason for this is a mutation that appeared many centuries ago - it has nothing to do with the settlements of Europeans.

Animal and vegetable world

The flora and fauna of the islands of Oceania amazes the imagination seasoned tourists its exoticism. What a breadfruit tree is worth! “He who plants a breadfruit tree will do more to feed his descendants than a farmer who spends his whole life cultivating the field by the sweat of his brow,” wrote James Cook. One plant can produce up to 700-800 “breads” - special fruits with sweetish pulp, from which peculiar rolls are “baked”. Sago palms in New Guinea provide starch that is used to make delicious pancakes. In abundance in tropical forests you can find cake trees - the sweet taste of their fruit is truly reminiscent of confectionery. Well, there are countless bananas and coconuts - without these fruits the aborigines would not be able to survive.

People with entomophobia - fear of insects - have nothing to do on the islands of Oceania. Huge spiders, poisonous flies and giant butterflies are quite capable of frightening and even causing harm. In the jungle there is a danger of stepping on a snake - or it will dive off the branch itself. In contrast to the dangers, there is the indescribable beauty of birds of paradise and the touching faces of marsupials. By the way, opossums, as many people mistakenly believe, are not found in Oceania: possums live there. This confusion arose during the research of James Cook - the expedition biologist attributed marsupials to opossums living in America.

Go diving, lie on the best coral beaches in the world, ride alpine skiing, see a parrot in its natural habitat and have the most romantic wedding - this is not a complete list of what newly opened hotels offer tourists Oceania islands.

Pavilion “Around the World. Asia, Africa, Latin America, Australia and Oceania"

ETHNOMIR, Kaluga region, Borovsky district, Petrovo village

In the ethnographic park-museum "ETNOMIR" - amazing place. The “City” street is built inside a spacious pavilion, so Mira Street is always warm, light and good weather– just right for an exciting walk, especially since within the framework of the latter you can make an entire trip around the world. Like any street popular with tourists, it has its own attractions, workshops, street artisans, cafes and shops located inside and outside the 19 houses.

The facades of the buildings are made in different ethnic styles. Each house is a “quote” from the life and traditions of a certain country. The very appearance of the houses begins the story of distant lands.

Step inside and you will be surrounded by new, unfamiliar objects, sounds and smells. The color scheme and decoration, furniture, interior and household items - all this helps to plunge into the atmosphere of distant countries, to understand and feel their uniqueness.

If you look at a map of the Pacific Ocean, you can see the most large cluster islands on our planet - Oceania. There are more than ten thousand islands - large, small, and very tiny. They are divided into Polynesia (meaning “many islands” in Greek), Micronesia and Melanesia.

Many islands of Oceania are coral atolls. However, most of them are just the tips of underwater volcanoes.

Easter Island in Oceania is famous for its amazing moai statues with elongated heads and short torsos that reach twenty meters in height.

What is Oceania? Wikipedia
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Oceania is the largest collection of islands on Earth, located in the central and western parts Pacific Ocean. Its islands are scattered from the subtropical latitudes of the Northern to the temperate latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere.

Oceania includes more than 7 thousand islands with a total area of ​​1.3 million km2. Most of the islands are grouped into archipelagos: New Zealand, Hawaii, Fiji, Tuamotu, etc.

(see map).

Oceania became known to Europeans in the 16th century, from the time of the first circumnavigation F. Magellan.

A special chapter in the history of its discovery and research is made up of the voyages of J. Cook and the campaigns of Russian navigators V. M. Golovnin, F. P. Litke, S. O. Makarov and others. Only in the 19th century. More than 40 Russian expeditions visited the Pacific Ocean and collected valuable scientific information.

N. made a great contribution to the study of the nature and population of Oceania.

Map of Australia and Oceania

N. Miklouho-Maclay. He not only studied the life and way of life of the peoples of the island of New Guinea, but also compiled interesting descriptions shores of the tropical sea. The contribution of our compatriots to the study of Oceania is evidenced by the Russian names on the map: the Maclay coast, the Russian islands, the atolls of Suvorov, Kutuzov, Lisyansky, etc.

Features of nature. The islands of Oceania are very picturesque. The bizarre outlines of green mountainous islands appearing on the horizon, the appearance of flat atolls overgrown with slender palm trees, with a coastal strip of white coral or black volcanic sand amaze the human imagination.

Most of the islands of Oceania are surrounded by coral reefs, which absorb the blows of formidable ocean waves and dampen their gigantic force.

Physico- geographical position, the size and origin of the islands are closely related to the structure of the Pacific Ocean floor.

Most of the islands of Oceania are volcanic and coral, some of them are the tops of underwater ridges. There are also mainland islands. The islands in western Oceania lie in the region of island arcs formed at the boundaries of lithospheric plates (see.

The position in a vast expanse of water, the small size of the land and remoteness, the isolation of the islands from the mainland and from each other had a significant impact on the nature of the islands and on the life of the peoples of Oceania.

Most of the islands are located in the equatorial, subequatorial and tropical zones.

Only New Zealand and its adjacent islands are subtropical and temperate. The climate of Oceania is warm, even, mild, especially favorable for human life. Due to the position of the islands on both sides of the equator, air temperatures are high, but winds from the ocean significantly soften the heat.

Temperature fluctuations between seasons and during the day are insignificant. Changes in air pressure over the expanses of the ocean lead to frequent hurricanes.

The isolation of the islands had the greatest impact on their flora and fauna.

He is very unique. Life is poorest on small and relatively young coral islands, while on the mainland it is somewhat more diverse and richer. In the fauna of the islands there are no predators or poisonous snakes. The coastal waters of the islands and especially atolls are rich in life.

Therefore, islands in the ocean are like oases in the middle of a water desert.

Along with common features in the nature of the islands, there are also differences.

High mountainous mainland islands alternate with flat atolls, some lie on the equator and have a hot climate, others are located in the subtropical zone, where it is hot only in summer.

Natural complexes of coral islands are most closely connected with the ocean. They are home to marine animals that lead an amphibious lifestyle, such as crabs. Many atolls are nesting grounds for seabirds. On these islands, coconut palms and shrubs grow, adapted to strong winds saturated with moisture and sea salt.

Maps of Oceania

A) Fiji B) Western Samoa C) New Zealand D) Tonga E) Papua New Guinea

2. People of the equatorial race are different

A) yellow skin color and wide open eyes B) elongated skull and light skin C) narrow nose, narrow eye shape D) dark skin color, curly hair E) narrow nose and curly hair

3.The most deep ocean Earth

A) Atlantic B) Southern C) Indian D) Pacific E) Arctic

4. Frequent movements of the earth’s crust at the bottom, great depths, many volcanoes and islands are features

A) Indian Ocean B) Arctic Ocean C) Pacific Ocean D) Southern Ocean E) Atlantic Ocean

"Homeland" of the Papuans

A) Tasmania Island B) Australia C) New Zealand D) New Guinea E) Madagascar Island

6.The navigator who made the first trip around the world

A) A. Vespucci B) H. Columbus C) J. Cook D) F. Magellan E) M. Polo

7.The most deep place, Mariana Trench, located in the ocean

A) Arctic B) Southern C) Atlantic D) Pacific E) Indian

8. Area of ​​the smallest continent with islands (million km²)

A)7.7 B)30.3 C)9 D)24.2 E)17.8

9.More than 90% of Australian residents are

A) Germans B) Dutch C) Aborigines D) Anglo-Australians E) Peoples of the Slavic group

10.The island of Tasmania is part of

A) New Zealand B) Papua New Guinea C) Union of Australia D) Fiji E) Indonesia

11.Australia is a major exporter

A) Bauxite, coal B) Gas, nickel C) Cars, equipment D) Timber, building materials E) Oil, tin

12.The main wheat regions in Australia are located on

A) South and North B) West and Central C) North and North-East D) South-West and South-East E) North-East and South

13. They call it Oceania

A) Science that studies the oceans B) The totality of the oceans C) Artificial fish breeding D) Islands and archipelagos of the Pacific Ocean E) All coastal zones

14.New South Wales is located in

A) Australia B) Argentina C) Canada D) Great Britain E) Brazil

15.The world's largest sheep breeding area is considered

A) Great Chinese Plain B) Great Plains of the USA C) Mississippian Lowland D) Deserts and semi-deserts of Australia E) Patagonia

16.The world's largest bauxite mining area is located in

A) Australia B) France C) Argentina D) Saudi Arabia E) Japan

17.The east coast of Australia was discovered

A) Vespucci B) Columbus C) N.N. Miklouho-Maclay D) Cook E) Livingston

18. The leading place in coal reserves is occupied by

A) Australia and the USA B) Kazakhstan and Ukraine C) China and Russia D) Great Britain and Germany E) South Africa and Nigeria

19.Capital of Australia

A) Sydney B) Melbourne C) Canberra D) Bronen Hill E) Adelaide

A) 4228 B) 2528 C) 2228 D) 3778 E) 3528

21. First place in terms of sheep population

A) New Zealand B) South Africa C) Australia D) China E) India

22. All points of mainland Australia have latitude

A) Western B) Eastern C) Northern D) Southern E) Northern and Southern

23. Australia has the same natural areas, as

A) Central Africa B) Northern Africa C) Southern Africa D) West coast of Africa E) East coast of Africa

24.The indigenous people of Oceania build houses and boats from this plant, and eat the fruits

A) bottle tree B) coconut palm C) eucalyptus D) baobab E) shrubs

25. Continent on which there is no active volcanoes and modern glaciation

A) America A) Australia C) Africa D) Eurasia E) Asia

26.Permanent residence of Papuans

A) New Guinea B) Australia C) New Zealand D) Madagascar Island E) Tasmania Island

27.The state of Oceania, which is called “three times open”

A) Australia B) New Zealand C) New Guinea D) Polynesia E) Philippines

28.Part of Australia that is a mountainous country

29.Part of Australia located in the subequatorial belt

A) northern B) southern C) eastern D) western E) central

30.The most large lake Australia

A) Murray B) Pennong C) Leonora D) Eyre E) there are no lakes in Australia

Homenbsp> nbsp Wiki tutorialnbsp> nbsp Geography> nbsp7 classnbsp> nbspOceania and its geographical location: climate and population of Oceania

Geographical position

Oceania lies between the temperate latitudes of the southern hemisphere and the subtropical latitudes of the northern hemisphere.

Oceania is often considered a geography along with Australia.

There is even geographical name- Australia and Oceania.

The total area of ​​the ocean is 1.24 million km. 2. Population is 10.6 million km.

Geographic map - Oceania (Oceania)

Oceania is divided into three geographical regions - Polynesia, Micronesia and Melanesia. Oceania is washed by many seas - Sea Coral, Solomon, New Guinea, Tasmanian Sea, Koro and Fiji, which belong to the basin Pacific Ocean and the Arafura Sea (Indian Ocean).

Climate Oceania

Most oceans have a tropical climate.

For most islands of Oceania there are heavy rains. On the islands located closer to the tropical zone, the average annual temperature is 23 ° C, on the islands around the equator - 27 ° C.

Ocean climate is influenced by La Niña and El Niño currents. Most of the islands of Oceania are subject to negative consequences active volcanoes, tsunamis and typhons.

The region is characterized by a strong change in weather conditions - droughts are replaced by heavy rainwater.

Population of Oceana

The majority of the population on the islands of Oceania is represented by natives, including Micronesians, Polynesians, and Papuans.

Polynesians are mixed racial types - they look at the characteristics of Europeans and Mongoloids.

The largest peoples of Polynesia are the Hawaiians, Maoris, Tongans and Tahitians. Each nation has its own language, resulting in almost complete absence of unanimous sounds.

The racial species of melanesans are australolids.

The distribution of Melanesian tribal languages ​​is very large - it is common for residents of neighboring villages to be unable to understand each other. Papuans live in parts of Indonesia and New Guinea.

All Papuan languages ​​are very similar.

They are based on English language, so people from remote regions know English well.


The vast majority of Oceania countries have very weak economies. The reasons for this are factors such as the distance of the islands from developed superpowers, limited resources and lack of personnel.

Many countries are completely dependent on Australia and the United States of America. The basis of the economy is agriculture.

Some of the most common crops include coconut palm, small fruits and bananas. Some countries have fishing fleets.

Industry develops only in three regions - New Guinea, New Caledonia and New Zealand.

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Oceania is a part of the world that is a separate geopolitical region that consists of many islands and atolls located in the western and central Pacific Ocean.
Geographical position

The islands of Oceania are located between the temperate latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere and the subtropical latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. Often in geography, Oceania is considered together with Australia.

There is even a geographical name for Australia and Oceania.

History of Oceania

The total area of ​​Oceania is 1.24 million km2. The population is 10.6 million people.

Oceania is divided into three geographical regions: Polynesia, Micronesia and Melanesia.

Oceania is washed by numerous seas: the Coral, Solomon, New Guinea, Tasman Seas, the Koro and Fiji Seas, which belong to the Pacific Ocean, as well as the Arafura Sea (Indian Ocean).
Oceania Climate

Most of Oceania has a tropical climate. Most of the islands of Oceania are characterized by heavy rainfall.

On the islands that are located closer to the tropical zone, the average annual temperature is 23 C, on the islands near the equator - 27 C.

Oceania's climate is also influenced by currents such as La Niña and El Niño. Most of the islands of Oceania are negatively affected by active volcanoes, tsunamis and typhoons.

This region is characterized by sudden changes in weather conditions, droughts followed by heavy rains...

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Geography of Australia and Oceania
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Oceania is divided into several large regions: Australia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia.

In addition, Oceania includes thousands and thousands of coral islands located along the coasts of countries in the region. Some definitions include the region as all states and territories in the Pacific Ocean between the North and South America and Asia, in which case Taiwan and Japan would also be part of Oceania, not Asia.

Oceania is not only a geographical region and ecozone, it is also a geopolitical region defined by the United Nations, and includes Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, and others island states, which are not included in the Asian region, as well as a mass of coral atolls and volcanic islets of the South Pacific, including Melanesian and Polynesian groups. Oceania also includes Micronesia, a widely scattered group of islands stretching along the northern and southern edges of the equator.

Oceania, the planet's smallest continent, is without a doubt one of the most diverse and amazing regions on the planet.

Islands of Oceania

Geographical diversity of Oceania

Oceania is represented by a variety of landforms, the most significant of which are located in Australia, New Zealand, and Papua New Guinea. And, since most of the islands of Oceania are represented only by simple points on the map, it is impossible to display their relief and landscape features.

Many of these small islands are the result of ancient volcanic activity, or are coral atolls surrounding part or all of the lagoon. Only a few islands have rivers of any significant size, and the same applies to lakes. Therefore, only recognized ones will be listed below. geographical features and attractions of Australia.

Relief and landscape of Australia

Australia is very dry, with only 35 percent of the country receiving little (sometimes no) rainfall. Almost 20 percent of the country is desert in one form or another.

Lake Eyre Basin

Lake Eyre itself is 16 m below sea level, and is located in the driest part of Australia. It usually contains some water, but recently, due to the harsh dry conditions in the country, it has no water at all. The Lake Eyre basin is considered the world's largest inland drainage system, covering an area of ​​one-sixth the total area countries. Rivers in this region flow depending on rainfall, and because there is very little rainfall, isolated water wells are essential to life.

Great Sandy Desert

On this arid steppe Western Australia, located south of the Kimberley Plateau, covers an area of ​​almost 300,000 sq. km., and features scattered shrub vegetation and rocks. It has miles of red sand ridges (dunes) and very few people live in its area.

Great Victoria Desert

Known for its red sand dunes, native wildlife and isolation, the Victoria Desert (nearly 350,000 sq km in area) is almost 750 km wide and is a mostly barren area of ​​red sand hills and ridges. , dry salt lakes, with very little greenery.

Great Artesian Pool

It is one of the largest artesian groundwater basins in the world and is also a vital source of water for Australian agriculture.

Great Barrier Reef

This picturesque coral reef, approximately 2,000 km long, contains the largest coral deposits in the world. It is not a single reef, but rather an unusual mosaic of over 2,800 independent coral reefs. Known throughout the world for its beauty and wildlife(there are over 1,500 species of fish alone), it became Australia's first World Heritage Site in 1981.

Great Dividing Range

Situated along the eastern/south-eastern edge of the country, and extending all the way to Tasmania, these mountain ranges and ridges separate Australia's dry interior from its coastal regions. The most highest point– Mount Kosciuszko (2,228 m) in the Australian Alps. The Blue Mountains National Park, a World Heritage Site in New South Wales, two hours' drive from Sydney, is one of the world's most... beautiful places in the world, and one of Australia's most visited places.

Shark Bay

Shark Bay is one of only 14 places on the planet that meet all four natural criteria to be designated a World Heritage Site. These criteria include outstanding examples of earth evolution, biological and ecological processes, outstanding natural beauty, and significant natural habitats for animals and plants. This bay has the largest number of seagrass species in one location, and supports rich aquatic life for dolphins, dugongs, sea snakes, turtles, whales, and of course, sharks.

Fraser Island

Situated along the Australian Coral Sea, north of Brisbane, Fraser Island is Australia's fourth largest island (after Tasmania, Melville, and Kangaroo), and the second largest sand island in the world. Created thanks to the efforts of winds over thousands of years, this island is 120 km long and 15 km wide.

Cape York Peninsula

Considered one of the "last remaining undeveloped areas on Earth", Cape York contains a large number of jagged mountains, tropical forests, vast mangrove forests, grasslands, swamps, and fast-flowing rivers.

Kimberley Plateau

The Kimberley, much of which is still unexplored, is famous for its dramatic red landscapes of cliffs and gorges, and for the very strong ocean tide that occurs twice daily, which accelerates river flows to dangerous levels and creates whirlpools. Dozens of islands and coral reefs line the coastline, and access to this region of Australia is very difficult, as there are few roads leading here.

Gibson Desert

Covered with small sand dunes and several rocky hills, this 156,000 sq. km. The desert is home to many Aboriginal reserves. Lack of rain makes farming and raising livestock difficult here.

Simpson Desert

This desert, measuring 176,500 square kilometers, is drifting. Its windswept dunes are starved of rain and the summer heat can be brutal. High temperatures in the desert often exceed 50ºC, and although people are advised to exercise extreme caution in this region, summer time years, the desert itself is definitely not lifeless. Tourists often visit here during winter and they often visit the spectacular scenery national park Queensland Simpson Desert.

Tanami Desert

Similar to Big sandy desert, this desert also has many red sandy plains, it is also dominated by shrubby vegetation, and lonely hills are scattered throughout its territory. The desert is generally uninhabited, except for a few mines and a small livestock farm.

Nullarbor Plain

This sparsely populated area of ​​southwestern Australia is very dry and has very little water. It can only be reached by crossing the Eyre Highway, named after the famous explorer Edward John Eyre, who became the first person to cross Australia from east to west in the mid-1800s. Along south coast The local topography of the Great Australian Bight has no equal. Huge stretches of pure white sand, which can be found at the Baxter Rocks along the Bay, are very impressive.

Darling/Murray river system

The Darling River, 1,879 km long, flows southwest from the banks of the Great Dividing Range to the Murray River. The Murray originates in the Australian Alps and flows for 1,930 km. to Spencer Gulf, immediately west of Adelaide. It is the longest river in Australia and is a vital source of irrigation for the country's largest agricultural region.

Darling Range

This one is low Mountain chain passes off the southwestern coast of Australia. Its highest point is Mount Cook (580 m).

MacDonnell Range

Famed for Ayers Rock, and as a favorite destination for hikers and rock climbers, this range of hills, ridges, and valleys is very popular due to its consistently good weather and beautiful landscape. The highest point is Mount Zil (height - 1,531 m).

Hamersley Ridge

A reddish-brown low mountain range located in Western Australia, home to many Aboriginal people. This national park famous for its red rock gorges and waterfalls.

Ayers Rock (Uluru)

Groups of islands and archipelagos of the western and central parts are united into a geographical area under the general name Oceania. Historically, all the islands have been divided into four ethnographic-geographical regions: (Tonga, Samoa, Cook, Hawaiian Islands, Easter Island, etc.), Melanesia (Island, Bismarck Archipelago, Islands, etc.), ( , Mariana Islands, etc.), Novaya. Most of the islands of Oceania are concentrated between 10° S. w. and 20° N. w.

The Russian scientist N. N. Miklouho-Maclay made a great contribution to the study of the nature and population of Oceania. He studied the life of the peoples of the island of New Guinea and left descriptions of the nature of coastal areas. The scientific research of N. N. Miklouho-Maclay was associated with his conviction of the need to protect backward and oppressed peoples. At the very end of the 19th century. Our fellow countryman, a native of the Mogilev province N.K. Sudzilovsky, lived and worked in the Hawaiian Islands.

Geological structure and relief of Oceania

Remember how continental, volcanic and coral islands were formed. The largest mainland islands of Oceania are New Guinea and New Zealand. Volcanism is a characteristic process of this region. The Hawaiian Islands are home to Kilauea Volcano, one of the most active active volcanoes on Earth. Volcanic islands form giant island arcs. They have an elongated configuration. Oceania is replete with coral islands - reefs and atolls, which form entire archipelagos (Gilbert Islands, Tuamotu).

Oceania Climate

The islands of Oceania are located mainly in the equatorial, subequatorial and. Only the northern part of the Hawaiian archipelago extends into the subtropics, and the southern part of New Zealand is located in the temperate zone. There are two climatic regions in Oceania: trade wind and monsoon. The climate of Oceania is characterized by slight temperature fluctuations: from +30 °C during the day to +21 °C at night. Winds from the ocean soften the heat. It is never too cold or too hot here, so the climate of Oceania is considered the most comfortable in the world. globe. The main directions are from east to west. They facilitate the dispersal of organisms.

Oceania is dominated by marine air masses. In areas where monsoon circulation prevails, precipitation falls 3000-4000 mm per year. In the Hawaiian Islands, on the windward slopes, over 12,090 mm of precipitation falls per year. This is one of the most wet places on the ground. The distribution of precipitation is related to the presence of mountains. There are areas on the island of Hawaii that receive less than 200 mm of precipitation per year.

Among the very dangerous and destructive natural phenomena Tropical hurricanes are not observed. They destroy plantations, destroy homes, and sometimes the resulting waves wash away all living things. The local population is wary of settling on the Cook Islands and Tuamotu, where hurricanes are frequent. A subtropical and temperate climate is characteristic of New Zealand, where in winter there are frosts down to -13 ° C, and there is snow in the mountains.

Flora and fauna of Oceania

The isolation of the island land had the greatest impact on its and. The diversity of the plant and animal world depends on the age of the islands, their size and distance from the mainland. It is poorest on the coral islands, where there is a shortage of fresh water and the soils are poor. Only a few dozen species of plants grow on them. On the islands of Oceania, mainly in Melanesia, the most ancient plants have been preserved, for example tree ferns, reaching 8-15 m in height. The flora of New Zealand is rich and unique (pine trees, palm trees).

Vegetable and animal world Oceania is distinguished by two features. Rare species that are not found on the mainland have been preserved here. At the same time, on many islands, entire groups of organisms common to the mainland are almost completely absent. Many species of flowering plants that are found on land are absent here, but spore-bearing plants are widespread. Ancient plants that grew on the mainland in the geological past (podocarpus, agathis (kauri), etc.) have been preserved on the islands.

The fauna of the islands is poor. There are no mammals on many islands, with the exception of rats, mice, goats and cats that were introduced here. There are many seabirds: petrels, albatrosses, gulls that nest and raise their chicks here. On the island of New Guinea there is a weed chicken, a representative of the Australian fauna.

In New Zealand, the oldest flightless bird, the kiwi, is preserved, a very cautious bird that lives in dense grasses, the Maori rail. The kiwi bird is featured on the coat of arms of New Zealand. Rare species of parrots are found in New Zealand and New Zealand - the kakapo, or owl parrot, and the kea parrot with a strong, sharp and curved beak. The first lizard tuateria was preserved on one of the islands of New Zealand.

Only 5-7 species of seabirds nest on individual islands. At the same time, the number of bird species in New Guinea is more than 100, and the insect fauna is rich (more than 3,700 species).

Minerals of Oceania

Minerals on the islands of Oceania are distributed extremely unevenly. Farming is carried out where there are valuable minerals. Thus, New Caledonia contains up to 25% of the world's nickel reserves, and Christmas Island has phosphate reserves. Among the states of Oceania, Papua New Guinea stands out, where there is gold, silver, and reserves have been explored.

Economic activities of Oceania

The population of Oceania is about 10 million people. There are several hypotheses about the routes of settlement of Oceania. Most scientists believe that Oceania was settled by people from Southeast Asia many millennia ago. According to Thor Heyerdahl's hypothesis, immigrants from America settled there.

The inhabitants of Oceania were skilled sailors and shipbuilders. They sailed thousands of kilometers from their home islands. Modern residents of Oceania are engaged in growing coconut palms, bananas, cocoa, and coffee. Traditional trade is fishing. The nature and life of the people of Oceania are largely subject to natural catastrophic disasters (tropical hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanism).

On many islands of volcanic and continental origin, non-ferrous metal ores, coal are mined, and phosphorite deposits are developed. Every year, the states of Oceania become targets international tourism. The nature of the islands is changing under the influence economic activity person. In place of the destroyed natural plantations, plantations have been created where sugar cane, pineapples, bananas, tea, coffee, rubber and other crops are cultivated.

Oceania political map

Modern political map Oceania emerged as a result of a long struggle between the colonial powers to divide the oceanic archipelagos among themselves. Until the beginning of the 60s. XX century There was one independent state in Oceania - New Zealand. By the end of the twentieth century. More than 10 independent states were formed in Oceania. A number of islands and archipelagos remain politically and economically dependent on the world. Most of the archipelago Hawaiian Islands has been the 50th US state since 1959.

The formation of the nature of Oceania is influenced by the Pacific Ocean, its distance from other continents, and its location in tropical latitudes. The basis of the economy of most countries in Oceania is agriculture. Mining is carried out on many islands.