The perfect walking route to my workplace. Hiking in Russia

Truly interesting trekking routes are not only about the path under your feet, but also about the rich history and culture of the place. National Geographic magazine named the 20 best trekking routes in the Epic Trail category.

Pilgrimage to Mount Kailash, Tibet

Best choice for: yogis and other seekers of spiritual enlightenment. Length: 51 km. Hindus believe that on the top of Kailash, at an altitude of 6680 meters, there is the abode of the god Shiva, where he meditates. According to the Vishnu Purana, the peak is a representation or image of Mount Meru, the cosmic mountain at the center of the Universe. The mountain is also a holy place for Buddhists, Jains (a branch of Hinduism) and followers of the ancient Tibetan religion Bon, who consider this unusual mountain to be the “heart of the world”, the “axis of the earth”. The top of the mountain remains unconquered, although last years The Chinese government has begun building a road to the sacred pilgrimage route known as kora. Just as the Earth circles around the luminary that gives it life, so Tibetan pilgrims circle around sacred mountain Kailash. Kora (ritual circumambulation) around Kailash. Most pilgrims and pilgrims reach Kailash specifically for the purpose of performing kora. Before starting the tour, make a wish.

Israel National Trail, Israel

Best choice for: Lovers long-distance routes, interested in ancient and modern history. Length: 940 km
The iconic route, opened in 1995, offers glimpses of the sublime beauty of the Middle East's wildlife and the daily lives of modern Israelis, biblical sites and the cities of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The route allows tourists to see everything that is of great value to Jews and Christians. He's walking through the area Sharon, goes down to the lake Kinneret, runs parallel to the biblical Jordan River and reaches the Khatsbani stream in the very north of the country. The trail consists of 12 small parts, each of which is a self-sufficient route. As a one-day trekking, you can take a five-kilometer climb up the mountain Tavor (Tavor), To Basilica of the Transfiguration overlooking the Jezreel Valley, on Carmel Range, Mount Hermon, walks in the Galilee and Golan Heights. The biggest blessing here comes in the form of "trail angels" - volunteers willing to lend a helping hand and offer free lodging and food.

Cinque Terre (Five Lands), Sentiero Azzurro, Italy

Best choice for: families; romance seekers; lovers of Europe; older tourists.Length: 12 km. Travel time is 3-4 hours.
Start/Finish: Riomaggiore(Riomaggiore) – Monterosso(Monterosso al Mare). Both points are accessible by regular train services. No map needed, just follow coastline . Sentiero Azzurro (Azure Path), like beads on a string, strings five towns: Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza and Monterosso al Mare. Take a bottle of water with you, sunscreen, good appetite and hat.

Yoshida Trail, Mount Fuji, Japan

Best choice for: Those who want to take part in what is Japan's cultural tradition. Distance: There are several trails to Mount Fuji, but the most popular is The Yoshida trail is about 13 km long.
Many tourists would rank climbing Mount Fuji as one of their worst treks because of the crowds that can be encountered. The 3,776-meter volcano is the highest point in Japan, one of the most visited places in the world, with more than 300,000 tourists trying to reach the top every year. Regardless, it will be an unforgettable climb. You can stop for a snack or sit by the fire at huts along the way, and if you want to watch the sunrise at the summit, you'll likely be doing so with over a thousand new friends. Crazy experience? Of course not. But this can only be done once in a lifetime. Just remember what the Japanese say: “A wise man climbs Mount Fuji once in his life, only a fool climbs it twice.” Tip: You won't avoid crowds, but there will certainly be fewer people ahead of you on the trail if you take a less traveled route to the summit, such as the Gotemba Trail, which is about 16 km long and has a vertical drop of 1,400 meters.

Drakensberg Mountains, South Africa/ Lesotho, Drakensberg Park

This is a big, long backcountry route with no real trail that requires outdoor skills and some familiarity with African backpacking. Many people travel here with guides. Length: Round trip 64 km, from Mont-Aux-Sources to Cathedral Peak. Drakensberg Mountains- a mountain system located in South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. Highest point - Mount Thabana Ntlenyana (3482 m) in Lesotho. The Zulus (Zulu tribe) call them “Ukashlamba”, which means “ridge of peaks”. Dizzying cliffs of volcanic basalt rise above ancient sedimentary rocks. The Drakensberg Mountains are the highest mountain range in South Africa, which is crowned by an amphitheater - a stone wall a kilometer high and 5 kilometers long. This mountain range forms the natural border between South Africa and the state of Lesotho.

Laugavegur Route (Fimmvurduhauls Pass), Iceland

Best choice for: volcanologists and hikers who want to admire wild beauties Iceland during an overnight stay in huts. Length: round trip approx. 80 kilometers. The opportunity to see what remains after a recent volcanic eruption is not the only thing that attracts tourists to these places. A quarter of Iceland's population says they believe in elves and other mythical creatures, and if you walk through the lava fields and mountains that you will encounter along this route, you will probably begin to believe in them too. These intricate landscapes feature the ice caps of two glaciers and the stretching North Atlantic on the horizon. The road goes deep into Thorsmörk, a park where you can find trees rare for these places. The final section of the route leads to the village of Skógar and the gorge, where you can see a cascade of waterfalls, including one of the largest and the most beautiful waterfalls in Iceland Skógafoss. Shorter route: You can cover only 20-25 kilometers along the Fimmvurduhauls Pass, cross Thorsmörk Park and walk to the Skógafoss waterfall. It will take one day.

Way of Saint James (El Camino de Santiago), Spain

Best choice for: pilgrims and tourists who love long walks in Europe. Length: 760 kilometers. The main pilgrimage road, the Way of St. James, leads to the cathedral in the city of Santiago de Compostela in northern Spain, where, according to legend, the greatest relic of Spain is located, relics of the Apostle James, the heavenly patron of the country. During the Roman Empire and the Middle Ages it was a trade route. Due to its popularity and ramifications, the route had a great influence on the spread of cultural achievements in the Middle Ages. This route is still popular today and is considered one of the best hiking trails in Europe. Along the way, you can stop in small towns, listen to the stories of pilgrims, and enjoy a glass of local wine. If you're walking at night, don't forget to look up at the sky: the Way of St. James runs parallel Milky Way. According to legend, the saint painted it in the sky to show Charlemagne the way to the Saracens. Saint James began to be considered the patron saint of travelers. The emblem of this saint is the image shells. Shells were a distinctive sign of pilgrims who entered the Way of St. James, sewn, for example, on clothes. Images of shells decorate buildings and the road along the entire route.

Bigfoot Trail, Bhutan

Best choice for: the most experienced extreme sports enthusiasts. Distance: more 320 kilometers, usually a 25-day trip. You must travel with Bhutan tour guides. The Sasquatch Path is one of the most difficult long treks on the planet. Although it covers just over 320 km, most of The route climbs above the highest points in the continental United States, crossing 11 passes over 4,900 m and climbing to Rinchen Zoe La Pass (5,300 m). The track passes through places such as Laya, home of the Layap indigenous people, and village Tanza at 4,200 meters, where the guides swap horses for yaks to tackle even more challenging terrain ahead. Here, above the clouds, rise 7000-meter giants such as Zogophu Gamp and Masang Gang. Trek around the soaring peak of Jomolhari(7350m) is a challenging week-long adventure in the high Himalayas. The Dragon Trail takes five days and crosses the highlands between the town of Paro, where international Airport country, and the capital Thimphu, which is famous for its lack of traffic lights. The Bhutanese government has introduced a minimum tariff of $250 per day per stay foreign tourists in Bhutan. Although this price includes accommodations, expect to spend at least $8,000 on the Bigfoot trail. There are no budget options here and you cannot travel on your own.

Bibbulmun Trail, Australia

Best for: Just about everyone - from families to brisk walkers looking for an adventurous experience of south-west Australia. Length: 965 km from Kalamunda to Albany in Perth on the south coast. The route is divided into 58 parts. There are 49 shelters along the trail for true hikers. Named after the indigenous peoples of the area, the Bibbulmun Trail offers the wonders of Australia's endemic flora and fauna. Starting in Kalamunda, 45 minutes east of Perth, the trail passes through eucalyptus forests where many snakes are found. Along the way you can also see many rare animals, poisonous cane toads. There is another social aspect to this route that makes it truly Australian. At campsites, you can meet tourists from all over the world and Australians who travel for weeks to test themselves and learn better unique places in which they live.

Copper Canyon, Mexico

Best choice for: those who want both see wildlife and local culture. Length: approx. 65 kilometers with a vertical height difference of 6 thousand meters.
Copper Canyon, about 1500 meters deep, one of best places for hiking, especially thanks to the thermal springs at its bottom, an ideal opportunity to recuperate during long hikes. The path through the canyon and back lies in places where there are rivers along the way, and requires skills in crossing such obstacles. There are also steep detour areas where ropes will be needed. The Tarahumara inhabited the canyons long before the conquistadors and continue to live there according to an ancient tradition.

The Undiscovered World also organizes trekking through the Copper Canyon in Mexico.

Western Highland Way (West Highland), Scotland

Best choice for: Anyone who is in decent shape and wants to feel taste of remote mountain regions. Length: 155 kilometers from Milngavie to Fort William.
The trail passes through the Scottish Highlands, which helped the Scottish Highlanders in ancient times to stop the onslaught of the Romans and maintain their independence throughout history. At times the route may seem very long, windswept, but along the way you can admire the rocky peaks and the fabulous Glencoe gorge, climb the Devil's Staircase pass (ascend 700 meters above sea level and descend) and pass by the calm Loch Lomond.

Great Himalayan Way, Nepal

Best choice for: seekers of epic adventures. Length: The Nepalese part of the route covers 1,700 kilometers in the high Himalayas and is divided into ten relatively easy sections. If the weather is good, the entire route can be completed in 4-6 months if everything goes according to plan. Although the concept of the Great Himalayan Route (GHR) is new, walking route known for a long time. In reality, the VGP is not a track, but a vision that connects the high mountain the path through the Himalayas - through India, Pakistan, Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan and - according to existing hiking trails and ancient routes of trade and pilgrimage. While still just a concept in other countries, Nepal has made the VGP a reality: a 1,600 km adventure-filled route that includes challenging trails near many of Nepal's 8,000-meter peaks, including Everest, Makalu, Dhaulagiri, Manaslu, Annapurna and Kanchenjunga. . Along the way, the trail passes through famous peaks and passes, including a trio of passes Sherpani (6146 m), West Col (6148) and Amfu Labst (5845) between Everest and Makalu

"Unknown World" also organizes on various routes

Shipwreck Cove, Olympic Peninsula, Washington State, USA

Best choice for: Almost any traveler. It's an easy walk in good weather and the perfect family adventure. The route goes mainly along the coast Pacific Ocean . Length: 3 2 kilometers from Rialto beach to the forestry on Lake Ozette. It’s not for nothing that the place was dubbed “Shipwreck Bay.” Walking up from Rialto Beach, you'll pass the Norwegian Memorial, erected in honor of the 18 young men who died and were buried here in the 1903 sinking of the sailing ship Prince Arthur, and the Chilean Memorial, burial site of dozens of other sailors who died in the 1920s. m as a result of the wreck of the ship WJ Pirrie. But not everything about this route is sad. The beaches, which are part of the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, are full of life and change. Spend a few days here and you'll feel as if you've traveled back to a time before America knew Europeans. There are many raccoons along the coast. It is better to hang food items higher at night.

Hayduke Trail, Utah and Arizona, USA

Best Choice: For those who love to hike alone in the wild, red rock lovers. Length: over 1300 kilometers, the path is divided into 14 sections. The trail passes through six Colorado Plateau national parks: Arches, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef, Bryce Canyon, Grand Canyon and Zion. It climbs to an altitude of about 3,480 meters on Mount Ellen near Capitol Reef, and then descends to the bottom of the Grand Canyon at an altitude of 550 meters.
If you can only complete one of them, choose the second one, covering 75 kilometers along the Colorado River and the Needles area national park Canyonlands. The trail crosses numerous highways and dirt roads, providing an opportunity to stock up on food and water.

"Unknown World" organizes

Benton McKay Trail, Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, USA

Best choice for: lovers of long hiking routes who want to repeat the founder’s experience Appalachian Trail. Length: 480 kilometers
The lonely, steep, sometimes foggy trail begins at Springer Mountain in Georgia and crosses the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. There are eight on the way protected areas, as the embodiment of its founder's desire to preserve ecosystems without human intervention. This is a route for creative tourists. Because begins and ends on the Appalachian Trail and crosses it before entering national park The Great Smoky Mountains, forming a big figure of eight, allow hikers to experience different routes.

International Appalachian Trail, USA, Canada, Greenland, Scotland, Spain, Morocco

Best for: Hikers with experience on the Appalachian Trail and looking for new adventures with a love of geology. Length: Modern route is about 3 thousand kilometers long from the terminus of the Appalachian Trail in Maine to where the North American Trail ends at Crown Head (Newfoundland). Appalachian Trail- an attempt to link an ancient mountain range that crossed part of Pangea more than 200 million years ago before splitting into several mountain ranges. What's left of these peaks in North America, has become the famous Appalachian Mountains of the United States, but few who have walked the American Appalachian Trail would be willing to admit that the mountains continue into Canada and would not stop there. The remains of those mountains stretch from Labrador to Greenland and further to the European continent - Scotland, France, Spain, and even through Gibraltar to Morocco. MAT may be symbol of globalism of the new millennium

Trek Santa Cruz, Cordillera Blanca, Peru

Best choice for: Travelers South America and those who are interested Inca experience; lovers of high-mountain hiking routes other than the Himalayas. Length: more 48 km. While the Himalayas get the majority of the attention when it comes to high altitude trekking, the Cordillera Blanca in Peru offers solitude with big mountains with much less hassle compared to routes in Asia. It is also a less touristy alternative for those going to Machu Picchu The Road of the Incas.

Route Laugavegur, Iceland

Suitable for: volcanologists and hikers who want to admire the wild beauty of Iceland.
Distance: about 80 kilometers. One of Iceland's most popular hiking trails was closed when the Eyjafjallajökull volcano began to erupt in the spring of 2010, blocking everything air traffic over the Atlantic and Europe. A quarter of Iceland's population claims to believe in elves and other fairy tale characters, and if you walk through the lava fields and see the mountains along the route, you'll probably start to believe in them too. With the ice caps of two glaciers and the stretch of the North Atlantic on the horizon, these intricate landscapes will blow your mind. The road goes deep into Tormerk, a park where you can find very few trees, which are very rare in these places. Along the way you can find well-equipped huts and many local residents. The final stretch of the route leads to the village of Skógar and the gorge, where you can see one waterfall after another, including the stunning giant waterfall Skógafoss, 60 meters high. If the volcano does erupt, this route will be closed again or changed, so it's worth going to Iceland before it's too late.

To take walks around Moscow on your own, it is advisable for tourists to study the routes in advance. Otherwise, it will take a lot of time and effort to search for attractions, of which there are a lot in the capital, and especially in its center. This is where ready-made options come to the rescue.

Walking tour of Moscow on your own, ready-made routes

It will take more than one year to study Moscow thoroughly. However, you can get to know its main attractions in a day. And you don’t even need to use transport for this. It is enough to walk along these routes.

Walk through historical center Moscow
It starts from the Tretyakovka metro station, from which the tourist gets to one of the most ancient streets of the capital - Bolshaya Ordynka.

Here, the vast majority of buildings remember hoary antiquity and are architectural monuments. After walking along Bolshaya Ordynka, a person ends up on Raushskaya embankment near the Moscow River. It offers a breathtaking view of the expanse of water, the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge and the legendary Stalinist skyscrapers.

Having crossed this bridge, a person finds himself in the “heart” of the capital of the Russian Federation - on. You can walk along it for hours, examining every stone:

· Spasskaya Tower and gates leading to the Kremlin;

· St. Basil's Cathedral, built by Ivan the Terrible;

· monument to Minin and Pozharsky;

· External place;

· famous Mausoleum;

· history museum;

· pedestal of Georgy Zhukov;

· Alexander Garden;

· a monument to the most mysterious Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky.

You can admire it, take beautiful panoramic photos, and get to the bridge directly from the park itself. The entrance is free.

This is not the entire list of local attractions. Next you need to move along Vozdvizhenka to New Arbat, where the Khudozhestvenny cinema is located.

Then, passing the Boulevard Ring, a person finds himself on one of the most iconic places in Moscow - Old Arbat.

Tsoi's Wall

This is where this route ends.

Walking around Moscow on foot

Tired of sitting at home? Then let's go for a walk! We present to you a selection of the most beautiful places for walking:

Including the observation deck, embankment, Moscow State University, the area around Moscow State University.

Location: Moscow, metro stations “University”, “Sparrow Hills”

2. Tsaritsyno Park

Architectural and historical complex

Location: Moscow, metro stations “Orekhovo”, “Tsaritsyno”

Pond near the street Malaya Bronnaya

Place: Moscow, metro station “Mayakovskaya”

4. Sokolniki Park

Including ponds.

Place: Moscow, Sokolniki metro station

Chistoprudny Boulevard, area from metro station Chistye Prudy to the pond

Place: Moscow, metro station “Chistye Prudy”

6. Kolomenskoye Park

State United Museum-Reserve Kolomenskoye.

Place: Moscow, metro station “Kolomenskoye”

From the Arbatskaya metro station to the Smolenskaya metro station, including cafes, adjacent houses, alleys, monuments and more.

Location: Moscow, metro stations “Arbatskaya”, “Smolenskaya”, “Biblioteka im. IN AND. Lenin"

Exhibition center, including a cafe, Ferris wheel, etc.

Place: Moscow, metro stations “VDNKh”, “VVTs”

Located between the streets of the Soviet Army, Olympic Avenue and Suvorov Square. Monument to landscape art.

Location: Moscow, metro stations “Prospekt Mira”, “Tsvetnoy Boulevard”, “Novoslobodskaya”

Including the temple itself, the square near the temple, the monument to the Emperor of Russia Alexander II

Place: Moscow, metro station “Kropotkinskaya”

Views of fountains, love trees with castles. Connects Bolotnaya Square with Kadashevskaya Embankment. From Bolotnaya Square the bridge goes to the monument to I. E. Repin, from the opposite side - to Lavrushinsky Lane

12. Tretyakov Gallery

Including Lavrushinsky Lane, fountain, Tretyakov Gallery.

Place: Moscow, Tretyakovskaya metro station

Memorial complex “Victory Park”, the park around it, Central Museum Great Patriotic War.

14. Neskuchny Garden

One of the oldest parks in Moscow, it consists of three estates from the 18th century, and there is an “Alley of Love”.

Location: Leninsky Prospect, 30, metro station “Leninsky Prospekt”, exit to the “Spartak” store, then 5 minutes walk to Leninsky Prospect or metro station “Oktyabrskaya” and on tr. 4, 33, 62 to the stop metro station “Leninsky Prospekt”

15. Park “Kuskovo”

The Kuskovo estate is an architectural and artistic ensemble of the 18th century, a park, ponds.

Location: metro station “Ryazansky Prospekt”, then bus. 133, 208 to the stop “Kuskovo Museum” or st. Yunosti, 2

16. Hermitage Garden

Monument to landscape art.

Location: Moscow, metro stations “Chekhovskaya”, “Tsvetnoy Boulevard”, opposite Karetny Ryad street

It runs along the Moscow River, from the Park Kultury metro station to the street. Khamovnichesky Val, Vorobyovy Gory metro station

Place: Moscow, metro station “Park Kultury”

18. Pushkinsky Bridge - St. Andrew's Bridge old

The pedestrian bridge connects the Pushkinskaya embankment of the Neskuchny Garden with the Frunzenskaya embankment.

Place: Moscow, metro station “Frunzenskaya”

Consists of two parts: PKiO Izmailovsky and Izmailovsky Forest Park, which are separated by the Main Alley

Location: Moscow, metro stations “Partizanskaya”, “Izmailovskaya”

20. Botanical Garden

Ponds, paths, alleys, Japanese garden.

Place: Moscow, metro stations “Vladykino”, “Botanical Garden”

Estate, park, pond.

Location: Moscow, metro stations “Volzhskaya”, “Kuzminki”

22. Pushkinskaya Square

Including the monument to Pushkin, the Pushkinsky cinema, fountains, Strastnoy Boulevard.

Location: Moscow, metro stations “Pushkinskaya”, “Chekhovskaya”

23. Arc de Triomphe

Installed in honor of the victory of the Russian people in the Patriotic War of 1812. Located on Victory Square (Kutuzovsky Prospekt) in the Poklonnaya Gora area.

Place: Moscow, metro station “Park Pobedy”

24. Arkhangelskoye Estate

The estate is located on the banks of the Moscow River oxbow in the Krasnogorsk district of the Moscow region.

Place: Moscow, Tushinskaya metro station, bus. No. 549 or No. 541 to the stop “Arkhangelskoe” or minibus No. 151 to the stop “Sanatorium”

25. Tsvetnoy Boulevard

Fountain, sculptures, square. Runs from Trubnaya Square to the Garden Ring.

Location: Moscow, metro stations “Tsvetnoy Boulevard”, “Sretensky Boulevard”

26. Historical center

Alexander Garden, grotto in Alexander Garden, Red Square, Kremlin, St. Basil's Cathedral

Location: Moscow, metro stations “Teatralnaya”, “Okhotny Ryad”

27. River Station

Through the Friendship Park and directly to the embankment itself near the Moscow River Northern River Port.

Place: Moscow, metro station “Rechnoy Vokzal”

28. Tverskoy Boulevard

Monument to Sergei Yesenin, square, fountain.

Location: Moscow, metro stations “Tverskaya”, “Pushkinskaya”

Beautiful view of the Moscow River, near Bolotnaya Square and Luzhkov Bridge. It starts from the western arrow of the island between the Vodootvodny Canal and the Moscow River, ending at the Maly Moskvoretsky Bridge. Serafimovich Street, Bolotnaya Square, Faleevsky Lane overlook the embankment.

Location: Moscow, metro stations “Tretyakovskaya”, “Borovitskaya”

30. China Town

Historical Center. Within China Town there are such famous architectural and historical monuments, such as the Resurrection Gate, GUM, Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, etc.

Place: Moscow, metro station “Kitay-Gorod”

Forest area in the west of Moscow, in the bend of the Moscow River, on artificial island, formed by the Khoroshevskoe rectification channel. Connected to Marshal Zhukov Avenue by a road bridge.

Place: Moscow, metro station “Krylatskoye”

Ostankino Estate Museum, pond, television center.

Place: Moscow, metro station “VDNKh”

Located next to the Spassky Gate of the Kremlin, it connects Vasilyevsky Spusk, Varvarka Street with Bolshaya Ordynka Street.

Location: Metro stations “Kitay-Gorod”, “Tretyakovskaya”, “Okhotny Ryad”

Beautiful view of the Moscow River, beautiful, cozy pedestrian bridge at Kievsky railway station.

Place: Moscow, metro station “Kyiv”

An ancient street in Moscow, running from Manezhnaya Street.

Location: Moscow, metro station “Biblioteka im. Lenin" to Arbat Gate Square, located between Znamenka and Bolshaya Nikitskaya

Personal correspondent
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Do you like romance? Would you like to test yourself on an extreme journey? “My Russia” talks about walking routes that will surprise you with their beauty and test your character.


Lake Frolikha. Photo:
  • Location: northeastern coast of Lake Baikal
  • Length: about 95 km (12 days of travel)
  • Sights: Frolikhinsky reserve, thermal springs Khakusy, Lake Frolikha.

Baikal is the center of power of the Earth for most people on the planet. Foreigners (and many Russians) imagine the lake as a mysterious and endless body of water in the “heart” of the continent. In many ways, this description suits the object. There are many ways to get up close and personal with the “sea,” as the indigenous people call the lake. One of them is the “Frolikha” trail.

12 days on the northeastern, most pristine coast of Baikal, will be an excellent test of your strength. The route has been sponsored by investors from Dresden since 2010, it is so attractive!

Its length is small - “only” 95 km. But it passes through the natural landscapes of the Siberian taiga. The center of the trail can be considered the Frolikha Nature Reserve, the hallmark of which is the beautiful mountain lake Frolikha. The protected area was created with the aim of preserving the relict population of red fish - Arctic char (salmon family, included in the Red Book of Russia).

The route is decorated with numerous glacial streams, rock outcroppings and ends at the mouth of the upper Angara.

Great Baikal Trail. Photo:
  • Location: along the perimeter of the lake (constantly updated)
  • Length: many sections, from 1.5 km to several tens of kilometers long
  • Sights: Baikal Museum, Pribaikalsky National Park.

The term “Great Baikal Trail” also hides an organization involved in the development of hiking in the Baikal region. The main goal of the project is to create a developed network of trails for tourists. The number of routes is growing every year. Volunteers spend summer and winter implementing projects to develop the trail system, creating new routes, developing infrastructure and compiling maps. At this rate, within 10 years an extensive system of pedestrian routes will be formed along the lake coast. The prospect looks “crazy” - a single path around Baikal! Such an object will definitely become the center of world tourism.

The route constantly alternates between steep climbs and sharp descents. From the very start, tourists can expect a 400-meter vertical climb with access to the top, which offers views of Lake Baikal. Part of the trail goes along the coastline, on rocky cliffs. Here you will have to use rope sections of the passage.

Eco-tourist route No. 1

Ecological a tourist route No. 1. Photo:
  • Location: northwestern Caucasus
  • Length: 93 km
  • Sights: Khadzhokh Gorge, Rufabgo waterfalls, cave systems, Mount Fisht, glaciers.

The route is the “successor” of the famous All-Union tourist route No. 30 and bears the second name “Through the Mountains to the Sea.” The route is high mountain and requires special physical training. In the USSR, this trail was one of the first and most developed. By the mid-1930s, numerous groups were already walking here.

Today the route has been “shortened” to 5 days of travel. Now the trail does not reach the sea: it connects the village of Guzeripl and the village of Solokh-Aul. On the way, tourists overcome ice sections, sheer cliffs and vast mountain meadows. The trail is not the longest, but it covers landscapes characteristic of the Caucasus. Tourists walk through ecologically clean territory practically untouched by civilization.

All-Union tourist route No. 55

Lake Aushkul. Photo:
  • Location: Southern Urals, Chelyabinsk
  • Length: 487 km
  • Sights: Lake Uvildy, Lake Ilmenskoye, Mount Kruglitsa, Lake Aushkul.

Another “mastodon” of hiking. A difficult and long route that takes 21 days to overcome. The trail can be covered on foot or by bus. Typically, travelers combine these types of travel, supplementing them with a train. During the hike, tourists visit many reservoirs of the South Ural region, and also pass through virgin forests. Rich animal world and dense vegetation create a pioneering feel and provide a respite from the hustle and bustle of the city.

The trails are not equipped and maintained in good condition everywhere, but the route attracts with its acquaintance with the Urals and its beauty.

Multinskie Lakes, Altai

Multinskie lakes. Photo:
  • Location: Mountain Altai
  • Length: about 30 km
  • Sights: Multinskie lakes system

The natural monument of Altai, the system of glacial high-mountain lakes Multinskie, is one of the tourist “symbols” of Altai. Lakes with crystal clean water located in small mountain hollows. Snow-covered slopes of the Katunsky ridge, Lower Multinskoye Lake, Poperechnoye, Sredne Multinskoye, Talmen - and a large number of small bodies of water. Along the route, tourists will find:

  • Glacial waterfalls.
  • Crossings of mountain rivers.
  • Climbing rocky slopes.
  • Overnight on the shores of lakes.
  • Routes at the foot of snow-capped mountains.

Khibiny. Big circle

Umbozero. Photo:
  • Location: Kola Peninsula
  • Length: about 75 km
  • Sights: Khibiny passes and lakes

Circular route between lakes Bolshaya Imandra and Umbozero. “Classical” Karelia in all its beauty! Glacial terrain with cleared rock outcroppings and glacial ponds and streams.

A distinctive feature of this trail is its numerous ascents and descents along streams flowing from the Khibiny mountain ranges. On the trail you will have to climb the highest point in the north-west of Russia - Mount Yudymchvumchorr (1,206 meters above sea level). Many passes (you will have to pass 1-3 such objects per day) require special training and skills. Tourists must have special equipment and go out on the trail under the supervision of an experienced instructor.

Manpupuner plateau. Hiking through the Dyatlov Pass

Manpupuner plateau. Photo:
  • Location: Komi Republic.
  • Length: from 11 km to 230 km (depending on the chosen route).
  • Sights: Dyatlov Pass, Mount Otorten, Pechora River, geological monument “Weathering Pillars” - one of the 7 wonders of Russia.

But here there is no specific path - in a relatively small area there are several routes intersecting at certain points on the map. Visit mysterious mountain Otorten and the Dyatlov Pass are included in the mandatory trail program. And of course the legendary “Mansi idiots” are unusual natural objects created by the wind. Locals call Mount Man-Pupu-ner “Boob-iz” or “mountain of idols.” The giants created by nature are somewhat reminiscent of the famous heads on Easter Island.

The Pechora-Ilychsky Nature Reserve, through whose territory the hiking route passes, is a mountain tundra covered with swamps. The terrain is very “fragile” and difficult to pass. But in 2016, more than a hundred volunteers laid a safe path along which tourists reach the pillars, which range from 30 to 42 meters in height.

The trail is fascinating, but requires tourist preparation. If you choose an 11 km walk along the mountainside to the pillars, then you can do without equipment. But a multi-day hike becomes a serious test: crossing rivers, climbing passes and mountains, spending the night in the taiga - all the flavor of Siberia!

Around Elbrus

Around Elbrus. Photo:
  • Location: Caucasus
  • Length: about 60 km
  • Attractions: highest point Europe - Elbrus volcano, glaciers, waterfalls, sources of mountain rivers.

The route is mountainous and belongs to the 1st category of difficulty. The trail attracts with its concept - to go around the most high mountain The Caucasus becomes a memorable adventure. The region is well developed from a tourist point of view and travelers do not have to worry about how to get to the Elbrus region. But the terrain is treacherous - the recent village gathering is proof of this. Therefore, you should go out on the route accompanied by an experienced instructor.

What awaits you along the way? Firstly, the height. Some points lie at an altitude of 3700 meters, which can cause symptoms of mountain sickness. Glacial lakes, such as Syltrakel, are distinguished by clean water and beautiful views. Real mountain glaciers from which small rivers and streams begin. Passes and gorges are “mixed” with rocky peaks and peaks. A classic mountain route through the alpine meadows of Elbrus.

Shikotan. In the footsteps of Robinson Crusoe

Japanese lighthouse Spamberg
  • Location: Kurile Islands
  • Length: up to 20 km
  • Sights: Cape Land's End, Mount Shikotan (405 meters), exotic nature

Creepers, dwarf bamboo and japanese lighthouse Shpamberg (1943) - the most remote island of Russia bears little resemblance to Russia. It is 100 km from Japan, and 7119 km from Moscow.

There are practically no trees on Shikotan, but the film about Robinson Crusoe was filmed here in 1972. Stanislav Govorukhin chose this island for a reason - the landscapes are very similar to an uninhabited area. Many capes protrude deep into the sea, forming attractive landscapes for travelers. The trail is simple and can be covered in a couple of hours. And this is not a trail, but just a walk along a small island on the very “edge” of the country. The route will definitely be remembered and not many people have passed it...