Interesting honeymoon trips or where to spend your honeymoon in July. wedding in june honeymoon trip in june where

Where to go on a honeymoon trip in 2019 for a honeymoon? Best tours and prices from tour operators of foreign wedding tours and in Russia. Organization of a wedding abroad and all the subtleties of honeymoon trips.

Sweet and sweeter - it's about honeymoon trips. Just imagine such happiness: after an exciting ceremony that marked the union of two hearts, celebrations, gifts and various gaiety, break away from the noisy crowd and run away to the ends of the world, so that, under the roar of the ocean and the rustle of palm trees, plunge into leisurely ... in general, you understand what are we talking about. It is not surprising that wedding tourism occupies an impressive segment of the global tourism market: the festive beginning of a joint life-being, perhaps, does not guarantee cloudless happiness in the future, but at least gives radiant and “long-lasting” memories of carefree days in the womb. tropical nature- and what brings together more than joint pleasant experiences! Moreover, the Creator obviously did not stint on the beauty of the heavenly world: to the attention of lovers, he offers tropical islands in the heart of the ocean and the secluded silence of mountains, emerald valleys, endless sands and fluffy snowy valleys ... in a word, all the variety of colors, textures and weather. It remains only to make a choice: a wedding abroad or in their native land, followed by a honeymoon. Both in the first case and in the second there are advantages.

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Those who decide to get married abroad are offered two equally attractive options: “with a record” (an official paper valid in Russia is issued) and “pretend” (the action does not oblige to anything and is not recorded anywhere). Depending on the seriousness of the intentions of the parties, a choice will be offered different countries: for example, in Cuba or the Seychelles everything is serious, but in Bali, the Maldives and India you can play the fool. Accordingly, the preparation for the trip will be either serious or trifling - after all, it is one thing to throw a swimsuit, slates and a sundress into a suitcase, and quite another to collect a fairly voluminous package of documents, as a rule, with translation into the local language and notarization. By the way, after the official conclusion of marriage abroad, it will be necessary to legalize the certificate in Russia, which will slightly add trouble to the wedding enterprise. The choice of those who decide to dive into the sweet whirlpool of family life is offered as the good old Europe (Greece, Czech Republic, Italy, Cyprus, Slovenia, Latvia, etc.), and all kinds of exotic (Sri Lanka, Mexico, Thailand, island states).


In front of those who decided to exchange vows under the vaults of domestic registry offices and after that spend their honeymoon abroad, lies, without exaggeration, the whole world - if you want, relax on the beaches of the oceans and seas, if you want, conquer Mountain peaks South America or run away into the wilderness of alpine villages - it all depends only on the preferences of the newlyweds. However, among the popular "honey" destinations are the ubiquitous Maldives-Seychelles, the radiant Thailand and Indonesia, the eternal and spiritual India, the authentic Middle East and North Africa, and finally - for the Vikings and Valkyries - Norway with its breathtakingly beautiful fjords, neat Sweden and amber - sandy Baltic. It is certainly worth mentioning wedding trips to royal France and culturally eccentric Italy: what could be more romantic than a just-married-kiss against the backdrop of eiffel tower or solitary walks along the streets of the Eternal City.

U.S. The News & World Report is based on traveler reviews and editorial opinions - both components are weighted at 50%. Users evaluate whether or not to include a particular destination in a particular category (in this case, honeymoon destinations). The editors, in turn, evaluate each place on a scale from 0 to 5 within the categories - cuisine, culture, shopping, romance, and so on. Here are 20 destinations that made the U.S. News in 2017-2018.

20. Nice, France

For couples who want to honeymoon on the Mediterranean in France, Nice is one of the most attractive destinations. There is a famous Promenade des Anglais, labyrinths of winding streets of the Old Town, parks, squares, museums of Chagall and Matisse. Nice is not a cheap destination. To cut costs a little, you can consider a trip to low season: September to October or mid-spring.

19. Virgin Islands, US

This is real paradise. Three islands (St. Thomas, St. John and Santa Cruz) are washed by the waves caribbean. There you will find miles of pristine beaches, sugarcane plantations, rum production.

18. Corfu, Greece

Newlyweds can escape from the hustle and bustle here. The lush green landscape, the smell of olives and citrus groves will relieve any stress. Pebble beaches and azure waves of the Ionian Sea await you.

17. Loire Valley, France

There are 76 castles in the Loire Valley. Part of the region - world heritage UNESCO. You can take a river tour or over the fortresses hot-air balloon. A budget option is to cycle through the valley.

16. Cinque Terre, Italy

This national park of five small towns located on the coast of the Ligurian Sea. Here, the newlyweds will see stunning panoramas of colorful houses, coniferous forests and rocks. Try to stay here for at least a few days on your trip to Italy.

15. Maui, Hawaii, USA

Here you can swim with sea turtles, sunbathe on luxurious beaches, look at volcanoes, walk along national park and go surfing.

14. Santorini, Greece

You will see white cities in the background Aegean Sea, walk through the labyrinths of streets, try the local cuisine. Be sure to stay at a hotel with a sea view. You will forever remember the sunrises and sunsets that you will meet on this island.

13. Rome, Italy

Most travelers fall in love with this magical city: the Colosseum, the Vatican, the Pantheon, the Roman Forum, squares, fountains and artifacts that are thousands of years old. Separate U.S. News & World Report recommends paying attention to the Trastevere area with its streets and cafes.

12. Kauai, Hawaii, USA

waterfalls, wild beaches, canyons, aquamarine skies will decorate your honeymoon. In winter it is very expensive here - this is the high season. If you want to save money, choose another time for your trip: prices autumn and spring.

11. Bali, Indonesia

The island is washed by two oceans at once: Indian and Pacific. There are many hotels offering spa treatments, ancient temples, exotic beaches, green mountains. Please note: the dry season in Bali runs from April to October, and in winter it is the rainy season.

10. Amalfi Coast, Italy

The best time to visit is spring and autumn, in summer there are a lot of people here. Positano is one of the most beautiful fishing towns on this coast. Be sure to visit the other 12 nearby cities as well.

9. Florence, Italy

The city where Michelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo da Vinci and Dante worked, is located among the hills of Tuscany. You will see cathedrals, famous museums, palaces, squares and bridges.

8. Paris, France

Where, if not in the French capital, lovers celebrate the creation of a family? The city has an unforgettable atmosphere, many museums, original cuisine, palaces and, of course, the Eiffel Tower.

7. Maldives

The ideal villas are right in Indian Ocean. Snow-white beaches, lots of sun, palm trees and rich marine life will make you forget about boring everyday life. Local dishes are made from fish and rice. Please note: the official religion is Islam, which imposes a number of restrictions outside the resort areas (in particular, on clothing and the sale of alcohol).

6. Napa Valley, USA

It is home to Californian vineyards, villas and gourmet restaurants, including Michelin-starred ones. The authors of the study write that Napa is considered one of the most romantic places in the United States.

5. Fiji

The country consists of more than 300 islands, of which only a third is considered inhabited. This place is for those who love adventure and wildlife. There is a place for divers and surfers to swim. The remote location and five-star accommodation will have to be spent: prices for some rooms exceed $1000.

4. Saint Lucia

Visit gorgeous beaches, swim in the Caribbean Sea, go on an excursion to the Petit Piton and Gros Piton mountains - symbols of the state, see parks and waterfalls. The period with the most moderate prices for hotels, according to the compilers of the rating, is from May to June.

3. Bora Bora, French Polynesia

A small island with an area of ​​38 sq. km attracts newlyweds from all over the world. It has lush jungles, vibrant beaches, turquoise waters Pacific Ocean with the rich underwater world. Cons - very high cost of travel and long flight.

2. Tahiti, French Polynesia

It is an island formed by a volcanic eruption. Surrounded by coral reefs. Offers beautiful mountains, exotic gardens and original local cuisine.

1. Tuscany, Italy

The region is full of castles, vineyards, wineries, sunshine, cascading hills and cozy hotels. This is the place for those who want to escape from noisy cities to cozy Italian villages. Pienza deserves special attention - the city where the film "Romeo and Juliet" in 1968 was filmed.


Honeymoon in June: where to go cheap? Ideas for newlyweds

So we waited for the heat and the sun. It's summer and everyone is relaxing. And someone else is getting married. Have you already decided how you will spend your time after the wedding? Where are you planning to go on your honeymoon trip in June 2020? The authors of the site have selected for you interesting routes that you can use. Watch and let your honeymoon trip be as chic as the wedding itself.

On a honeymoon trip to the sea!

Most newlyweds want to spend their honeymoon at sea. This is not surprising, if they wanted to spend it together in pastels, they would have stayed at home. And June is just a great time to visit the sea. But not in all countries there is a season, although it is summer in the yard.
For example, you can visit Bulgaria or Croatia. These two countries are inexpensive in terms of recreation, but there are many interesting things. Sandy beaches, wild bays and entertainment for every taste. You can rent a yacht or a boat and sail away from all eyes into the bay. And if you just want to sunbathe, then stay on the beach. The weather in June in Bulgaria and Croatia is simply gorgeous. During the day it reaches +25 degrees, and the water is warmed up to +24 degrees. There is no wind and stuffiness, and the rains are already in the past.
You can also go to the sea in Spanish resorts, such as Tenerife, Mallorca or Barcelona. But it costs more than Croatia or Bulgaria. But the level is slightly higher. Spain has more places to go instead of the beach. And in the evening you can have fun here in almost any institution.

On a honeymoon trip to sightseeing tours.

There are also couples who just love to travel and discover something new and interesting. If you also want to just visit other countries and see a different culture, then visit these countries and cities:
Firstly, you can visit the UK in countries such as Wales and Scotland. There are a lot of old castles here. Britain has a rich history and it will be interesting for you to see it all with your own eyes. You can visit castles where kings and queens used to live. You will visit places where important historical events took place.
Secondly, you can go to Holland - the country of tulips. There are many channels and colors. Holland does not have such a big and rich history, but there are many interesting things in this country. It is especially good to see how the country is developing now. It is no secret that having a large amount of water, windmills are still being built in the country, which provide energy for almost the entire country.
And finally, you can visit the countries of South America: Chile, Peru, Uruguay. This is a different hemisphere of the earth and everything is completely different there. Another life, another culture and even other interests. These countries have beautiful and high mountains on their territory. You can visit them and see everything with your own eyes from a height above the clouds.

On a honeymoon trip to the islands.

As children, we all read a book about Robinson Crusoe. And we all dreamed, like him, to visit desert island. We thought it was so romantic and beautiful!
Now every person has the opportunity to visit the island, albeit inhabited. The island of Cyprus in Europe is at your service in summer. If you want to get away, then fly to Jamaica, Easter Island or the Maldives.
Also consider visiting the island of Mauritius. This is an amazing island. Which is located in the Indian Ocean. It is small but very beautiful. You can relax there all year round and all this time you will enjoy the sun and the warm sea.

The honeymoon is a continuation of the wedding together, without guests, in solitude and an exciting trip. Newlyweds need to decide in advance where to go on a honeymoon trip in June and continue to have fun in nightclubs, bask on the beach and admire the amazing beauties of a distant country. First you should decide on the tastes, then choose a place where the weather is good at this time of the year.

The European Union has united countries that are different in culture, traditions and architecture. All of them offer newlyweds a vacation for every taste. In June, most of the beaches are empty, because the water has not warmed up enough. But swimmers will not interfere with surfing, riding a jet ski and a boat. In addition, in June it is easy to catch the right wave.

Resorts are scattered throughout the territory with active night parties, starting at sunset and until morning. During the day, you can “sleep” on the bus, which carries young people tired during the night and older tourists who have rested on an interesting excursion.


Paris is the most popular tourist destination in France. Great shopping and lots architectural monuments, coffee on the waterfront and visits to theaters and museums, nightclubs and discos. All these activities will great vacation in crowd.

In the capital of the 5th republic, it is worth seeing:

    the Orangerie Museum;

    sculptures by Rodin;

    paintings by Renoir, Matisse, Picasso and Monet;

    the Eiffel Tower;

    Sorbona University;

    museum of the Middle Ages;

    Muffetar street.

Newlyweds in June should think about a trip to the south of the country, to the famous Provence. Located away from the capital with its stormy life, he cordially welcomes lovers. The culture of the province is so distinctive that it gave rise to the interior style of the same name. The gentle sea, the sandy coast, the house among the vineyards will allow you to enjoy solitude.

Wines, cheeses, first fruits and fish dishes are very tasty. A romantic candlelight dinner against the backdrop of the sun setting in the sea, sailing boat trips and seaside gardens will energize you and allow you to take many beautiful photos.

The resorts of Provence have created many routes for walking and driving. Transport is better to rent at the airport, hotels are intermediaries and the rental price is higher.


The warm friendly country of a thousand museums will meet the newlyweds in June with sunny weather and delicious food. To find out the secret of the harmony of Italian women, you should try as many local dishes as possible. After all, the world famous pasta, pizza, is a quick meal for a snack. The main products that Italians traditionally cook are fish, cheeses, olives, and of course wine, a lot of fruits.

To finally understand why temperamental Italian women are so beautiful and among the locals you can’t see hanging bellies with their gluttony and lifestyle - a siesta after a hearty lunch, you should visit several entertaining museums:

  • tomato;

In addition to getting acquainted with an interesting exposition, you can taste various dishes.

To evaluate national cuisine, you should go to the mountains on the peninsula - the boot. Literally after a few kilometers, which is called at every step, there come across small villages. Most of them contain a museum of one of the great artists who lived on the peninsula. You can find houses ranging from the Middle Ages to the present day. No wonder Italy is called the country of sights.

The water in the sea in June is warmed up weakly and is still stormy. But the thermal springs in the resorts of Tuscany, Campanio, Lazio will take the newlyweds into their warm embrace.


In Bulgaria, they carried out a complete reconstruction of old hotels and other public places. Now it is a country with a European level of service, modern, well-equipped rooms. Breakfast can be served at the hotel. You can have lunch and dinner here in the cafe and restaurant, or along the way with an excursion. All resorts have many places offering national dishes with lots of sweet bell peppers.

The air temperature in June on the coast and throughout the country is +20 - +30⁰. The water is cool, 20 - 22⁰. The beaches are covered with golden sand, which is pleasant to walk on barefoot. Trees grow on the opposite side of the water, creating a pleasant shade. Between them are stations for surfing, diving and other water activities. At the beginning of summer, there are many beaches with good waves.

Newlyweds, outdoor enthusiasts should pay attention to famous resorts sunny Beach and Golden Sands. It is better to retire and spend a romantic vacation together in Sozopol, Obzor.

The richest in attractions and interesting tourist routes Balchik and Nessebar.

In a sunny day and the Riviera, supporters should stop elite vacation. respectable resorts attract many wealthy wealthy people and young people who have something to spend.

It is possible to combine a honeymoon trip with health improvement in Pomorie. There are few young people at the resort, mostly vacationing couples over 40 who have already accumulated ailments.


In Prague, the old part of the city has been preserved with numerous castles restored as hotels. You can rent a room overlooking the Golden Bridge, wander the streets around the hotel and admire the magnificent architecture of the buildings for hours. When it gets dark, the newlyweds can take a ride on a tram, hung with hundreds of colored light bulbs. In the afternoon, a couple in love will be offered a tour of historical places in a carriage drawn by a pair of horses.

A boat ride on the Vltava River is comparable to a gondola ride in Venice. Castles rising up the slope are replaced by modern buildings. The whole history of the city of Hundred Towers, reflected in its architecture, floats before the eyes of the newlyweds. After taking a break from a trip along the river, it will be interesting for young people to walk in the John Lennon wall, which was installed in Prague after the death of the great singer and songwriter. The secret garden will surprise you with colorful fish in the pond and charming peacocks walking around the lawns.

You can stop near Prague on the island of Kampa. Its territory is a solid park with green trees, a carpet of grass and golden paths leading to the Museum of Modern Art. There you can admire the family of yellow penguins.

Scotland part of the UK

The country of a thousand fairy tales and legends, Scotland is unlike any other kingdom in Great Britain. On the territory of the state is the most high mountain British United Kingdom Scottish Highlands. A short drive from it is Lochness Lake, which fascinates everyone with its mysteries, and less mysterious, but fabulously beautiful Loch Lochy and Loch Lomond.

The whole territory of Scotland is covered with green meadows and forests. A large number of knight's castles have been preserved on the legendary land. Excursions on them to the newlyweds will definitely be offered at the hotel.

In the old days, the journey from Scotland to London took several weeks. Now you can have time to go to the capital of the kingdoms in a day and see its sights. London has a reputation as a rainy, perpetually foggy city. In June you will be surprised because sunny days enough at this time. When it rains, go shopping. Unfortunately, there is no Black Friday in June. A massive sale with discounts of up to 50% takes place at the end of November, when in 3 days, preparing for Christmas and New Years, stores drop up to 40% of the annual volume of goods. Minor price reductions may occur at the end of each month.

Communicate with local residents in major cities Britain, especially London, is difficult. Their snobbery and arrogance explains the aloofness with which they treat visitors.

Exotics of the southern countries

Exotic lovers will have a good honeymoon trip in countries such as:


At this time, the water has already warmed up, but the exhausting heat has not come. When booking a hotel room, be sure to indicate "honeymoon". Then the attendants themselves will make sure that the honeymoon is as romantic as possible and will be remembered forever. The room will be allocated a deluxe class, regardless of the star rating of the hotel. The newlyweds will be offered discounts, bonuses and there will definitely be gifts from the administration.

In Egypt, you can perform a wedding ceremony. In the Maldives, conduct a marriage ritual according to local traditions, original and beautiful.

Summer. At this time, most people are planning a vacation, dreaming of breaking out of the routine of everyday life and stocking up on energy for the whole year. The anticipation of a trip becomes all the more desirable and expected if it is not just a vacation, but a honeymoon.

Spend unforgettable days with your loved one, exhale the hustle and bustle of the pre-wedding race and visit an exotic country or wander through the streets of ancient cities - what could be more romantic and beautiful? Where to go on a honeymoon trip in July or any other summer month to make a fairy tale for two come true?

It is the seaside resorts that are the first number among the places where the newlyweds go.

The special atmosphere of lightness and carelessness of a honeymoon spent on the beach allows you to relax and enjoy each other as much as possible.

In addition, such places provide an opportunity to both rent a cozy bungalow, standing right in the water, and completely abstract from the whole world, and to lead quite leisure, scuba diving, hang-gliding over heavenly landscapes or getting to know the sights and local traditions.


For those who cannot stand long trips or flights, and are also limited in time, a honeymoon trip to Yalta, Alushta, Feodosia or any other city of this picturesque peninsula can become an alternative abroad. And the budget for such a vacation will be much lower than a trip to Europe or to exotic islands.

The Black Sea in June warms up to 21 ° C, and in the rest of the summer months its temperature sometimes rises to +29. Beaches can be either sandy with a smooth entry into the water (Kerch) or covered with pebbles (Yalta, Nikolaevka). Service today in many cities of the peninsula is not inferior to the Egyptian one.

In addition to relaxing on the seashore, in Crimea you can have an interesting time visiting palaces, museums, Botanical Garden, castles, winery. Tourists can admire the waterfalls, walk along the most beautiful parks, reserves. For lovers active tourism- hiking, bike routes, camping.

For those who wish to improve their health and at the same time relax, it makes sense to pay attention to the resorts located in Saki, Feodosia, Koktebel, Foros. The whole island is simply dotted with them due to its healing climate.


For couples who prefer holidays outside the country, Greece is ready to provide its beaches.

Its two thousand islands and the waters of five seas are able to satisfy even the most sophisticated taste of travelers who have come to spend their honeymoon on sandy or rocky shores in a hospitable and sunny country.

The tourism infrastructure here is developed at the highest level, and picturesque landscapes, clear water and a pleasant climate make Greece incredibly attractive for vacationers. The Love Canal, located on the island of Corfu, according to local belief, gives couples a real feeling and keeps the love of all those who have bathed in it. Kos is an island reserve inhabited by rare species of birds and is considered the cleanest of all. sea ​​resorts country.

Diving lovers will find their happiness in Zakynthos - it is rich in bays, underwater grottoes and caves, and for hiking enthusiasts - forests and groves of olive trees.


Included in the top seaside resorts in the world and for good reason. You can appreciate the unprecedented beauty of this place from the colorful shots of the films.

The Atlantic Ocean washes white sandy beaches, and on the horizon it is impossible to distinguish where the water passes into the azure of the sky. In addition, on the coast of Miami, it is good to rest both day and night, with the onset of darkness, the metropolis blinds with lights and some kind of unreal, magical life that you can and should touch.

Night clubs of any format and level of luxury, beach parties will not let lovers of such a holiday get bored. A wide range of housing prices makes vacation affordable for both influential businessmen and students. You can stay both in an elite hotel and in a modest but comfortable hostel.

Shopping is one of the most popular women's activities during the day, men in Miami prefer to surf the waves on the boards.

romantic places

There are places on the planet that seem to have been specially created in order to go there on a honeymoon trip. Europe is especially rich in such corners.


I don't want to be banal, but France is still the Mecca of all lovers.

It’s not worth talking about Paris: visiting this country and not standing at the foot of the Eiffel creation, not drinking a cup of coffee on the Champs Elysees, not seeing the Louvre and Notre Dame Cathedral is a real crime.

Strasbourg is a very interesting German city in France. Its streets are saturated with the Renaissance: old wooden houses, multi-stage pediments, an abundance of flowers and cozy courtyards.

The city is built on the mouth of the Ile, and many wide and narrow canals pass through it, connecting its waters with the Rhine.


Graceful, aristocratic and refined capital of Austria - Vienna. It will not be a mistake to call it the most sophisticated city of all where German is spoken. Its sights are worth seeing at least once in a lifetime.

The openwork splendor of the Gothic St. Stephen's Cathedral and its observation deck, the magnificent family residence of the Habsburgs, where today the country's president is located, the town hall and the adjacent park, the museum quarter and the 65-meter wheel, from which the whole of Vienna opens up in full view.

These are just some of the places worth visiting and taking pictures against their backdrop.


Lviv is striking in how much it differs from other Ukrainian regional centers. Its history spans more than 8 centuries, each of which gave the city of Lion its own unique architectural highlights.

The most popular point for tourists is the Market Square, lined with stone blocks, surrounded by ancient buildings and the highest town hall tower in the country - it perfectly conveys the amazing and original atmosphere of the whole city.

You should not pass by the theater of S. Krushelnitskaya. Its architecture on the outside is just as beautiful as the interior design. Ukrainian and visiting artists, musicians, orchestras give performances in the theater, classical and modern ballets, operas are staged. In summer, Lviv looks especially attractive. Worthy of attention are its Armenian quarter, the High Castle, the Pharmacy Museum, the Italian courtyard and a trendy restaurant focused on the national product - salo.

Here, real masterpieces are created from it, and not only culinary ones, in the near future they plan to supplement the restaurant with a thematic art center.

Exotic countries

If, during a summer honeymoon trip, you want to enjoy not only the first days of a new family status, but also a completely different and unusual environment, then a good decision would be to fly to some exotic resort or visit an unpopular and little-known corner of the Earth.


Rest here promises the newlyweds a lot of great photos.

Rampage flora, clear water, sea boulders, like giants coming ashore, giant palm trees and turtles - all this encourages you not to let go of the camera or use the services of a professional who can arrange not only a daytime, but also a nightly photo shoot for the newly made spouses.

Each island of this archipelago (and there are more than 100 of them) is beautiful in its own way and worthy of becoming a place for the first family vacation. Renting a yacht or scuba diving will help make it even more interesting and romantic. You can even rent a plane with a pilot.

Hotels in the Seychelles are represented by different levels of "stardom" and, accordingly, prices.


A country of contrasts, where poverty and luxury exist side by side, the squalor of poor neighborhoods and the magnificence of mansions.

But at the same time, the sensations from traveling around India remain the most pleasant - perhaps this is due to the special lifestyle of the local population, or maybe this is how the air, saturated with the aromas of spices, incense and flowers, acts. The south will appeal to lovers of megacities, those who want to see the life of the Indians as it is, touch the culture, centuries-old temples, try real Indian tea and national cuisine generously seasoned with spices.

The people here are softer and more friendly than in the northern part of the country. But in the north of India is one of its many pearls - Rajasthan. This state seems to be made up of majestic and ancient palaces, among which the most famous is the Taj Mahal.

The state of Uttarkhand has popular resorts with hotels, stunning scenery and ski holidays.


Who said, that exotic country must certainly be located near the equator, be warm and sunny?

Those couples who do not like the heat and are not looking for standard solutions will definitely appreciate Iceland with its harsh and pristine beauty. It is equally good to rest there both in winter and in summer.

Rafting on a turbulent river, fishing, jeep tours and hiking - if these proposals delight the newlyweds, and the wife is ready to leave a suitcase with dresses and dress shoes at home and dress instead in clothes for tourism, then Iceland is ideal choice.

Her nature will not leave indifferent even experienced travelers, but you will have to fight for the right to see the best, so it is recommended to have a classic paper map with you, not to trust Google maps and others like them.

Here you will be told about the 10 most popular romantic places for honeymoon:

Another acute issue is car rental: a good quality SUV will cost a tidy sum, everything else is at affordable rates.

A honeymoon trip is not only an opportunity to see new places, bring a lot of photos and expand your personal travel map. Still, first of all, a honeymoon is a time when loving people can enjoy their new position as husband and wife and each other's company to the maximum. Therefore, when choosing a place to relax, it is necessary to take into account the tastes and desires of both partners. Did you have a honeymoon trip? Where have you been and what was your most memorable experience?