Clubs in forio ischia italy. Forio: a sprawling commune in the western part of the Italian island of Ischia

The island of Ischia is famous for its thermal springs, some of which are used in hotels and parks. Healing hot springs with temperatures of +80° and above are also found in Sorgeto Bay - there is a wild spring with free access. To prevent tourists from getting scalded by hot water, baths made of boulders are specially built for them. The hot springs of Sorgeto Bay flow into the sea, so tourists can swim not only in summer, but also in winter.

The source contains phosphates, sulfates, bromine, mineral salts and other substances that have a therapeutic effect on rheumatism, arthritis, gynecological diseases, metabolic disorders, skin and other diseases. Tuff stones located on the beach and in the water itself release thermal mud during friction, which can be used to rejuvenate the skin of the face and body.

Torrione Tower

Torrione is the main fortress tower, which was built to protect the city from Saracen raids in the 9th century. Several centuries later, the fortress was equipped with cannons and firearms.

The tower consists of two levels: the first, which contained a warehouse for food, military supplies and water, and the second, which housed a garrison of 10 people with a commander. The round shape of the tower allowed the observers to have a full view. There was an observer here who, seeing enemy ships, gave a signal to the garrison.

Now the lower floor of Torrione is equipped as a city museum, and on the upper floor of the building there is a collection of paintings by the famous artist Giovanni Maltese.

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Thermal park "Gardens of Poseidon"

The thermal park "Gardens of Poseidon" is located in a picturesque bay with a beautiful sandy beach and mountain landscapes overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. Also near the park is the Epomeo volcano.

“Gardens of Poseidon” are truly unique and fragrant gardens with eucalyptus, pine, olive, citrus trees, in the shade of which a person connects with nature, the sun and the sea. Flowers also grow here, among which there are 18 pools with thermal water of varying temperatures. The park has small pools with plain water for children, and for adults there is a huge pool with sea water.

Thermal waters consist of sulfates, mineral salts, phosphates, bromine, which are useful for the treatment of various diseases. The grotto contains a sauna built on a hyperthermal spring in the style of ancient Roman baths.

The most popular attractions of Forio with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose the best places to visit famous places in Forio on our website.

It is not for nothing that the island of Ischia is called the “Island of Eternal Youth” and the “Italian Health Resort”: an incredible number of thermal springs are concentrated here, the waters of which help treat a wide variety of diseases. However, holidays in the resorts of Ischia are not only useful, but also extremely pleasant: thermal centers have their own beaches, restaurants, well-kept gardens and dance floors. In addition, there are many interesting places on the island that are worth visiting in your free time from procedures.

Business card

Ischia is the largest island in the Gulf of Naples. It is divided into 6 municipal zones: Ischia, Casamiciollo, Lacco Ameno, Forio, Serrara Fontana and Barano.

What to see, where to visit

The capital of the island is the city of Ischia, consisting of two parts: Ischia Ponte and Ischia Porto. Its main attractions are the Royal Palace, built in the 18th century, where today there is a thermal hospital for the military, the Aragonese castle, rising on an inaccessible island near the coast, Michelangelo's tower and the city port, founded in 1853.

Casamiciollo is famous for its wonderful landscapes. In its lower part, along the sea, there is a cozy pedestrian zone, and in the upper part, where the hills and cedar forests begin, you can find a lot of scenic routes leading to the extinct volcano Epomeo.

Lacco Ameno is a miniature but very interesting town. Here you can see the Necropolis of St. Montana, the Church of Santa Restituita - one of the first Christian buildings on the island, the Archaeological Museum, the Aragonese Tower (XV century), Villa Arbusto, surrounded by a magnificent garden. Nearby is the luxurious La Mortella botanical garden. But the most recognizable symbol of the resort is the bizarre mushroom-shaped rock.

Largest municipality of Ischia - Forio, which half a century ago was a favorite holiday destination for creative intellectuals from all over the world. There are aristocratic mansions, beautiful alleys and artist studios, as well as many historical monuments: ancient churches, the monastery of St. Francesco (7th century), the Torrione observation tower, etc.

Serrara Fontana lies on the highest point of the island, among hills, vineyards and orchards. A lot of interesting excursions start from here: a mule ride to Epomeo, a visit to the monastery of St. Nicholas, a walk to the rocky dwellings of Phalanx, an acquaintance with the village of Sant'Angelo, etc.

In the central square of Barano there are two churches - San Sebastiano and San Rocco, as well as several ancient mansions of the 18th-19th centuries, and in its surroundings there are several idyllic villages, pine forests and observation platforms from the heights of which wonderful views open up.


Most of the beaches in Ischia are sandy, with surprisingly soft and light-colored sand. The most popular are Maronti beach in Barano (the longest of the island’s beaches), where hot steam breaks through the sand, the picturesque Citara beach near Forio, the beach in the bay of St. Montana (Lacco Ameno), the small beaches of Casamicciollo, hidden among the rocks, the English beach in Ischier et al.

Springs and healing

Ischia is the main health resort in Italy. The healing power of its hot springs was known in ancient times. And now every local resort has large thermal centers offering a comprehensive range of wellness treatments based on mineral waters and mud. Thus, in Casamiciollo (the oldest thermal resort of the island) there is a thermal park "Castiglione", in Lacco Ameno - the famous "Gardens of Negombo", in Forio - "Gardens of Poseidon", in Serraro Fontana - thermal pools of Apollo, Aphrodite and Tropical, in Barano - Olympus Park. Ischia is also interesting because here, in one of the few places in Europe, thermal springs flow directly into the sea off the coast, forming healing baths in which you can swim even in winter. There are such hot springs in the bays of Cartaromana and Cafiero.

Most hotels on the shores of Ischia have their own thermal pools; many hotels are built specifically on the springs and offer not only relaxation, but also treatment for many diseases.

Today, about 300 springs are known in Ischia. The most famous of them are Nitrodi, Buceto and Olmitello. All local springs are divided into warm thermomineral and hot (80-100 ° C) hyperthermal. The mineral waters of Ischia contain phosphates, sulfates, bromine, mineral salts, alkali and bicarbonates, and are used for bathing, drinking, aerosols and other procedures.

Medical specialization
The main therapeutic profile of the thermal resorts of Ischia is pathologies and diseases of the respiratory tract and musculoskeletal system:

  • osteoarthritis (degenerative changes in joints),
  • chronic rheumatism, polyarthritis,
  • radiculitis, osteochondrosis,
  • gout,
  • neuralgia,
  • conditions after injuries and orthopedic operations,
  • myositis, fibrositis,
  • chronic rhinitis,
  • chronic laryngitis and pharyngitis,
  • adenoiditis and tonsillitis,
  • sinusitis,
  • bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis,

Secondary indications for treatment in the resorts of Ischia are

  • ear diseases,
  • gynecological, skin diseases,
  • diseases of the vascular system, incl. varicose veins.


  • hypertension,
  • epilepsy,
  • pregnancy,
  • malignant tumors,
  • hemophilia,
  • heart disease,
  • tuberculosis,
  • cerebral atherosclerosis,
  • all diseases during exacerbation.

Entertainment and active recreation

The island offers excellent conditions for active recreation: here you can do surfing, snorkeling, diving, rowing, sailing, as well as tennis, horse riding, running, yoga, etc.

The resorts regularly host exhibitions, concerts, and fairs. Ischia and Forio are considered centers of shopping and nightlife: for example, in Ischia there is an entire quarter with nightclubs and discos - Rive Droite, located to the right of the port.

Forio is one of the most enchanting places on the island, distinguished by the special beauty of its landscape and architecture. Churches, towers, palaces and houses in the tufa rock show distinct Mediterranean characteristics, enlivened by the original mixture and interpretation of different architectural styles.
Origin of Forio dates back to the second half of the 8th century. BC, when the Greeks, having settled in the Chitara beach area, built here Temple of Venus of Chitarskaya. It was in this place in 39 BC. a historic meeting took place, during which the peace treaty between the triumvirs Pompey, Octavian and Mark Antony.
Over the centuries, the territory of Forio has been the site of constant conquests and invasions.

In 813 and 847 the city was completely destroyed Saracens, who subsequently settled on its coast. Many of the towers located on the territory of Forio date back to this period. They mainly served as a place of shelter for peasants during raids.

Subsequently, Forio was the prey of the Longobards, Normans, Swabians, Angevins, Aragonese and famous pirate - Ariarden Barbarossa. In 1543, Barbarossa attacked the island, which once again led to looting and destruction.
To protect the city from constant raids by robbers, an impressive Torrione fortress tower and some watchtowers. To this day, the narrow streets of the town, branching into winding alleys, sometimes leading to a dead end, remind of its medieval origins. There is an assumption that this is where the traditional local name comes from "Saracen Lanes"
XVII century marked by the flourishing of the wine trade with the Roman state, steady demographic growth, as well as the active participation of local residents in the life of the city.
In 1799, a significant part of the local population joined the Parthenopean Republic, for which they were brutally persecuted by the Bourbons.

IN period of national liberation movement of the Italian people for the unification of fragmented Italy (the era of the Risorgimento), the inhabitants of Forio remained faithful to the ideals of their homeland and freedom, following the ancient revolutionary and patriotic tradition of their land.
Since the 50s. Forio becomes a meeting place for famous cultural figures, politicians and international celebrities.

Walking around Forio, you can meet architectural elements of the East, traces of Turkish domination, and approaching the beautiful church of Soccorso, it is not difficult to notice a mixture of Byzantine and Moorish architectural styles.

Like other towns, Forio faces the sea and is protected by Mount Epomeo, but differs from them in the variety of its characteristics. Facing the sea makes its climate mild, especially in the winter months, and good lighting makes life here joyful.
The municipality is characterized by a large number of factions, or localities, both on the plains and in the mountains, both inside and beyond the two headlands that border the central part of the winding coastal strip.
The symbol of Forio is the snow-white temple of “Madonna del Soccorso”(Virgin Mary Helper), rising above the sea. The construction of the temple was completed in the 18th century, erected on the site of a religious building of the 16th century. The original architecture of this church is a mixture of styles from Greco-Byzantine to Moorish and gives it a special charm. On clear days, when the air is calm and clear, from the church square you can see the entire territory of Forio and the amazing sea panorama of the islands of Ventotene, Ponza and the coast all the way to Circeo.

In addition to the opportunity to admire the wonderful views, tourists are attracted to this site by the opportunity to see, if they are lucky, the famous "Green Ray", a peculiar optical effect of the last phase of a sea sunset.
In total there are scattered throughout the historical center of the town 12 watchtowers. The construction of fortifications on the coasts of Ischia to protect against Saracen raids began in the 9th century. Subsequently, starting from the 16th century, these fortifications were equipped with cannons and firearms. The most famous of Forio's towers is Torrione, built in 1480, the outlines of which make the landscape of the port incomparable to any other. This important defensive structure was built on a ledge of tuff rock in a strategic position, close to the coast and in a dominant position above the port.
The round plan of the tower allowed for a full view and was more convenient for tilting the guns. As on the other towers, until the 18th century. there was an observer on Torrion who was supposed to give the alarm when he saw enemy ships and take command of the garrison located on the first floor.

The Torrione Tower marked the beginning of the construction of a number of other towers, which continued until the first decades of the 18th century, both round and square in plan.
All twelve towers provide eloquent evidence of the efforts and determination of the local population in organizing fortifications to protect against pirate raids.

Ischia is a small island: 7 by 9 km, slightly elongated from east to west.

In the center of the island there are mountains (more precisely, three volcanoes), with towns and villages scattered around the perimeter.

On the eastern shore is the city of Ischia Porto, smoothly flowing into Ischia Ponte, in the north - Casamicciola and, in the west - Forio (the second largest city of the island) and Panza, in the south - Sant'Angelo and Barano. There are also smaller villages.

It all depends on the purpose of your visit. If you specifically come to Ischia to improve your health, you will, of course, choose a hotel near one of the thermal parks.

The largest thermal complexes are ““, “” and “ Castiglione". If you prefer Negombo, look for a hotel in Lacco Ameno, if the Gardens of Poseidon is in Forio, and Castiglione is located between Ischia Porto and Casamicciola Terme. From Ischia Porto to Castiglione it is 2 km, some people walk without waiting for the bus.

Swimming pools in Negombo

The longest beaches on the island are Chitara And Maronti. Citara – right next to Forio. Part of the beach is occupied by the Poseidon Gardens thermal park. Maronti – more secluded; the nearest town is Barano.

There is Sorgeto Bay in Ischia, where a hot spring goes straight into the sea. So, if you don’t have extra money for a thermal park, then you can go to the “wild spring”. A path leads to Sorgeto Bay from the village of Panza. Or you can take a sea taxi from Sant'Angelo.

(By the way, this is the case when you can swim in the sea in winter. The temperature of the source is 80 degrees).

If you plan to move around the island a lot, going to Naples, Sorrento and other islands, settle in Ischia Porto.

If you are a lover of privacy, take a closer look. However, in almost every town you can find a villa located in a secluded place, with its own thermal baths and garden. But if you like to wander around souvenir shops, shops in the evenings, listen to street musicians, in general, stroll around the city in the evening, choose either Forio or.

Transport in Ischia


Bus service on the island is quite convenient.

The most popular routes are circular. One of them is CD(i.e. - circolare destra) makes a circle around the island clockwise, the other - C.S.(circolare sinistra) - counterclockwise. The first buses of these lines leave Ischia Porto at 4:20, the last - at 1 am. So you can easily have dinner overlooking a beautiful sunset on the west coast, and then head to your hotel on the other side of the island. However, sometimes you can wait for the bus for half an hour or an hour. The bus makes a full circle around the island in 1-20.

Of the popular routes, there is also line 1 (Ischia Porto - Sant'Angelo), line 2 (Ischia Porto - Poseidon Gardens thermal park), line 5 (Ischia Porto - Maronti Beach).

The full schedule can be viewed in the section THE PUBLIC BUS SERVICE, Timetable EAVBUS.

So, in general, when choosing a hotel, you should not focus so much on the proximity of something, say, to settle near Maronti beach, if you can easily get to it from Ischia Porto.

A single bus ticket (singola) costs 1.20 euros, a day ticket (giornaliero) costs 3.60 euros, and a weekly ticket (settimanale) costs 12.60 euros.


Ischia has three ports: Ischia Porto, Casamicciola and Forio. We look at the sea transport schedule.

There are about 15 flights a day to Naples or Pozzuoli, often with a stop at the island of Procida (which is also recommended to see).

From Ischia to Capri there is one flight per day: at 10-35 (from Alilauro). After Capri the ship goes to Sorrento.

Flight tickets are sold on the day the ship departs. I tried to buy a ticket to Capri a day in advance, I was asked to come on the day of departure, half an hour before boarding the ship.

There are two windows at the port ticket office. On the left is the company Caremar selling tickets, on the right is Alilauro. In general, southern Italy is characterized by the presence of numerous small companies operating in various modes of transport.

Queue at the Caremar window

In travel agencies on the island you can buy excursions to Capri and the Amalfi Coast.

So, excursion to Capri takes place on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays and costs 33 euros. Excursion to Positano Amalfi takes place on Thursdays and Sundays and costs 40 euros.

Three-hour sessions are offered for 18 euros boat trips around the island of Ischia itself with a one-hour stop in Sant'Angelo. An excursion to Procida costs 20 euros.

When we boarded the ship in Naples, preparing to sail to Ischia, everyone was given a brochure containing useful information about the island. In particular, there were schedules of sea and land transport, a description of bus routes, and a list of all museums.

Such a brochure, I think, can be obtained from tourist offices on site. I highly recommend getting it.

Ischia for wellness: thermal baths, sea and hiking

Ischia is a healing and health island, and here there are many opportunities to heal, improve your health, and get in shape.

The main wealth of Ischia is its thermal springs. This volcanic island has 67 fumaroles, 29 underground pools and 103 thermal springs.

However, considering the island only as a balneological and thermal resort means using its potential by half.

The center of the island is mountainous. The highest point of the island is the peak of the Epomeo volcano (788 m). There are two more volcanoes: Trabotti (512 m) and Monte Vezzi (395 m). There are numerous hiking routes of varying difficulty throughout the mountains. The routes pass through picturesque areas, the views from the top are incredible. The most accessible way to climb Epomeo volcano is described

View of Forio from above

Along the mountain path

It seems to me that the optimal way to organize your day in Ischia is as follows: in the morning go on a mountain hike (or see the sights), and in the afternoon swim in the sea and/or go to a thermal park. Moreover, from 13:00 the price of a ticket to the thermal parks is 5 euros less (this is considered a half-day ticket).

Set aside the evening for a pleasant walk, attending a concert, or dinner in a beautiful place.

Ischia is called the retirement island. Indeed, I have never seen so many elderly people gathered in one place before. But you should have seen these pensioners! Thin, athletic, with backpacks and trekking poles! In the mornings, they gather at bus stops and are loaded into a friendly crowd into a bus, which takes them to the beginning of the next route. By God, sometimes it was envious. A very proper old age. Really perfect.

The group is going on a hike

I have already mentioned the information brochure that was given to everyone upon boarding the ship in Naples. In it, among other useful information, the most common walking routes were described, indicating the degree of difficulty, mileage and approximate travel time. If a person does not dare to go on the route himself, he can join a group with an instructor and go in company. The cost of organized mountain walks is around 20 euros.

Sights of Ischia

In addition to the natural attractions of Ischia, such as thermal springs and mountains, the island also has man-made ones, namely: museums, churches, villas, botanical gardens.

The main attraction of Ischia is. I highly recommend visiting it. The castle is located opposite Ischia Ponte, a 15-minute walk from the port of Ischia.

The castle was built on a separate rock not far from the shore and is a conglomerate of a wide variety of buildings. A walk along the rock, looking into all sorts of nooks and crannies, turns out to be very exciting.

The rock is connected to the “land” by a bridge, through which this part of the city of Ischia received the prefix Ponte (“bridge”).

Not far from the Ischia Cathedral there is Museum of the Sea, housed in the Clock Palace.

The second most important attraction of Ischia is. It is located between the cities of Lacco Ameno and Forio. A magnificent garden rising up the mountainside. Don't miss this delightful piece of the island.

In the garden of La Mortella

In the town of Forio itself there is a small Botanical Garden Ravino. The collection is based on numerous species of cacti. Peacocks and ponies walk around the garden, and there are rabbits in cages.

About food

Finally, I’ll say a few more words about food.

The main dish of Iskitan cuisine is the Iskitan rabbit. Rabbit meat is stewed in a clay pot with basil and parsley, lemon and wine are added. But in the heat, I didn’t want any meat at all. I mostly took something seafood. On the first day I took mussels. I was expecting a saucepan, like in . They probably brought half of the Norman portion. Normandy mussels are smaller and served with broth. Iskitinsky mussels are large, fatter and more tender in taste. I liked the Normandy version with broth better; however, these were also good.

Another time I ordered anchovies. The freshest and most delicious. I then had dinner in Sant'Angelo. The entire embankment is lined with fish restaurants, there is a lot of competition, and the food is very tasty.

Freshly caught fish is laid out in front of the restaurants to choose from. They'll fry any for you.

The wines I chose were local whites. Wonderful. Local brands: Biancolella, Forastera, Rilla.

Ischia is famous for its sweets. What I didn’t want at all in the heat was sweets. They looked very attractive, but I didn’t want them at all.

Volcanic soils are known for their fertility and abundance. Plus - the Mediterranean climate and excellent ecology. Fruits, berries, and vegetables are delicious here. I really liked the local tomatoes.


The main souvenir in Ischia is ceramics.

The island is overrun with shops selling ceramics. Each of these shops is a mini-museum, demonstrating the wild imagination of local potters and artists. The streets, benches, steps of stairs, and city fountains are decorated with ceramics.

They also buy local thermal cosmetics and mud as souvenirs.

Well, and, of course, they bring home local wines and limoncello made from local lemons.

Weather in Ischia at the end of May

The weather was sunny, air temperature 25-27, water temperature - about 20-22. There weren't many people swimming in the sea, but for me the water was suitable for swimming. (However, I am not an indicator; I swam in Kemer at the beginning of May and in February).

Many people specifically go to Ischia in May, since the main swimming season has not yet begun, and in Ischia you can swim in pools with thermal water instead of the sea.

Still, of course, the optimal period is September, when the sun is softer and the sea is warmer.

This concludes my story about the island. In the following articles I will tell you in detail about the thermal parks and the main attractions of Ischia.

Flights to Naples

Tours to Italy

Useful websites for preparing for your trip

“SIM cards are sewn into elastic bands of panties”

They transport accused and convicted persons in paddy wagons, in special railway carriages and on airplanes. They spend several days in a confined space with several dozen criminals, including maniacs, pedophiles, and repeat offenders. They also extradite criminals from abroad. They are briefly called the Moscow Convoy. On January 20, the Department for Convoying of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the city of Moscow turned 20 years old.

The head of the unit, Internal Service Colonel Andrei ARKHIPOV, told reporters for the first time:

■ how the “prison on wheels” works, why there are no mattresses and pillows in it, and who tried to attack the special car;

■ who is the most difficult to transport and why the guard takes hunting skis with them on the road;

■ where convicts hide prohibited items and whether it is actually possible to rock and topple a paddy wagon;

■ and also how dangerous criminals are transported from abroad and in which country handcuffs are confiscated at the airport.

Colonel of the Internal Service Andrey Arkhipov.

“The fugitive will either be caught or the wolves will eat him.”

The head of the Moscow convoy has the Perm Higher Military Command and Engineering School of Missile Forces and 13 years of service in distant garrisons under his belt. Then he ended up serving in the penitentiary system. At the GUFSIN of Russia in the Perm Territory he was involved in organizing a security service.

“The region was large, the third in the country in terms of the number of colonies,” says Andrei Alexandrovich. “Some could only be reached by logging roads. Just as we left for business trips early on Monday morning, we returned home closer to Friday night. We controlled how the perimeter security of various zones was organized.

Particularly memorable was the maximum security penal colony No. 12, located on the western slope of the Ural Mountains. The perimeter of the colony was about one and a half kilometers, and almost six - the perimeter of the timber exchange. There was mole alloy going on there. Timber was floated along the rivers and the Shirokovskoe reservoir. The sentries in the water sector on the towers were exchanged for boats. I remember several times the convicts hid in the mountains of sawdust, and when they got hungry, they came out on their own. Someone was running away. And this is the north of the Perm region, the distances are enormous. There is only one road from forest institutions. Everyone knew that the fugitive would either be caught or wolves would eat him...

In 2004, Andrei Aleksandrovich Arkhipov was offered a transfer to the capital - he became deputy head of the Security Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the city of Moscow.

— Previously, the same employees stood at posts both in the buildings and on the towers. After three convicts sentenced to life in prison escaped from pre-trial detention center No. 2 in 2001 by breaking an underground passage with aluminum spoons, it was decided to separate the “regime” and “security.” Detention centers began to be guarded by separate units. Funds were allocated for engineering and technical security equipment. Modern fences and sensors appeared, and video cameras were installed along the perimeter so that there were no “dead zones.” I tried to implement my work experience in Perm in Moscow. At that time there were six pre-trial detention centers in the capital; then, after the hostage taking in 2006 in pre-trial detention center No. 9 in Kapotnya, which belongs to the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Moscow region, this facility was handed over to us.

When convicts are loaded into special transport, there are canine teams present.

— How did it happen that four years later you headed the capital’s Convoy Administration?

— Security and convoy always worked side by side. In 2010, the previous boss retired and I was offered the position. Previously, the Internal Troops were responsible for escorting. In 1998, a presidential decree was issued - these powers were transferred to the Convoy Administration and transferred to the jurisdiction of the penal system.

— What is a carriage designed for transporting convicts?

— This is an analogue of a passenger carriage, it is painted in the same colors. But one wall of the special car is blank; there are windows only on the corridor side. Instead of a compartment there are 8-9 cameras with bars. A sentry walks along the corridor around the clock. Just like in pre-trial detention centers, convicts are housed depending on their regime. First-time convicts and repeat offenders are kept in different cells; women, teenagers, foreigners, and former law enforcement officers are housed separately.

— What is the maximum load? And why aren’t convicts provided with pillows and mattresses on the road?

— Now the standards have been revised, we carry about 60 people. Convicts travel at the general carriage rate, so there are no mattresses or sheets in the cells. The longest route lasts two and a half days, such as to Chelyabinsk. The convict is then transferred to the next stage. But some of the convicts are released after a few hours. Someone picks up on the road and travels for one day. In five days, on a round trip route, we transport about 300 people.

— Is it true that, for security reasons, prisoners are never told in advance where they are being taken?

“They don’t really talk about it.” But somehow they find out about it. Many people are informed about the route by lawyers. It happened that during searches of convicts in detention centers they even found sheets with notes on the schedule of special carriages. But they all roughly know the order of distribution among the colonies. Nowadays, most convicts go to serve their sentences at their place of residence.

— What is included in the dry rations that are given to convicts on the road?

— Instant soups and cereals, biscuits, tea, sugar. We give them boiling water three times a day.

— Are prisoners allowed to smoke in the special car?

- No. Somewhere in the regions, it happened that convicts rebelled, opened their veins... We teach our employees how to negotiate. It's no longer the time to run around the carriage with sticks. Now they very quickly calm down at the sight of the video recorder that every sentry on duty is equipped with. As soon as they start making noise, our employees announce to them: “Your actions are being recorded, they are illegal.” And they immediately calm down, realizing that there is video recording - this, in turn, can lead to penalties and affect parole.

— How is selection for your unit carried out? What are the requirements for future guards?

- They must be psychologically stable, because they have to serve in isolation from the unit, in a limited space - in paddy wagons and special railway cars. And this is difficult. You need to have a certain nervous system. When they shout at you, you need to remain calm, address the convicted person as “you” and explain the illegality of his actions. And each of our charges has its own character, its own trouble. We transport both mentally ill people and tuberculosis patients. Modern carriages have a special chamber with ionizers. There is separate ventilation. But these convicts, like everyone else, are taken to the toilet one at a time upon request. A special group is being created for this purpose. Everything is under control. The toilet door has a window with a curtain on the outside.

Photo: press service of the Federal Penitentiary Service for Moscow

“SIM cards are sewn into elastic bands of panties”

Before the transfer, all prisoners and their personal belongings are thoroughly searched. It happens that they hide a cell phone in a bottle of foam in a secret compartment, a charger in the sole of house slippers, and sew shivs and nylon nooses into the lining of clothes. They are trying to smuggle tattoo needles inside cotton swabs...

— What other tricks do prisoners and their relatives go to in order to hide prohibited items?

“On the way, we confiscate matches from the convicts, and upon arrival at the place, we return them. Once they showed me a pair of sneakers whose soles were covered in matches. At the same time, their edges were barely visible on the surface. And at first glance it seemed that it was a porous sole, and that’s all! It is also necessary to confiscate money, sharpened spoons, which convicts use as knives, as well as SIM cards, which craftsmen manage to sew into elastic bands of panties. Fortunately, all isolation wards now have X-ray machines. We seize about 250 SIM cards per year.

— Has it ever happened that convicts died while being escorted?

— There were such cases. In this case, the transport police are immediately called, all this is recorded. The corpse surrenders. There were also suicides. I remember that either a Korean or a Chinese hanged himself with a belt that he tied to the bars...

In the special car, instead of a compartment, there are cells with bars.

— There are no female employees in the convoy, but you are transporting female criminals. There are probably pregnant women among the “special passengers.” Are you ready to give birth on the road?..

— Pregnant women with a term of more than 6 months are escorted only when accompanied by a physician. Most often we transport them over short distances, for example, from Moscow to Mozhaisk, where the women’s colony is located. It happened that they took us to Ivanovo. Even if one of them goes into labor, the chief of guard will immediately call a team of doctors or an ambulance to the nearest station.

— In October 1981, in a special car that was heading to the Western Urals, convicts used two shoe knives handed over from the outside to dig into the bottom skin of the car, break through the bottom and escape. Were there similar escapes in our time?

- No, we didn’t have any escapes from special cars. But when boarding the carriage, attempts were made to escape. There was also an attack on the carriage. The emergency occurred near Chelyabinsk, in Kropachevo, when the train was at the station. We were transporting a convicted young man. His friends, “taking him to their chests,” decided to talk to their friend and began to climb onto the windows of the special car. The glass was broken. The guard had to shoot in the air. The boy immediately ran away. But then they were all detained. There was a locomotive on the adjacent tracks, the camera on it was directed forward, all the actions of the “lads” were recorded.

— They say that a guard in winter always takes several pairs of hunting skis with him on the road...

— In case of escape of convicts from the guard, a pursuit group is appointed. Previously, our employees had military skis with them, but now we have purchased snowshoes, hunting skis - wide and short - skis. It is difficult to imagine that someone will be able to escape from a modern carriage. But we still carry skis with us.

— Is it true that convicts can come to an agreement, rock the carriage and even throw it to the ground? He is, as a rule, the last one in the lineup.

- He can be the first on the train. I think that the scenario you described is from the category of tales. Nowadays you can’t rock a modern paddy wagon based on KamAZ, let alone a railway carriage!

— Were there any cases of attack on a special vehicle? Did any of the accomplices try to free the escorts from custody?

— In the 90s there were certain difficulties. Now no one is brazenly interfering, or deliberately pinching the paddy wagon with cars on both sides. This is the lot of filmmakers. If we are transporting some dangerous criminals, we are accompanied by special forces. All paddy wagons are equipped with video surveillance - both internal and external. The movement of the special vehicle is tracked using the GLONASS system. All this is displayed on the monitor of the duty officer in the unit. At any moment he is ready to contact the guard commander or call a rapid response team.

— On August 1, 2017, members of the “GTA gang” tried to escape from the Moscow Regional Court building. As a result of the shootout, three of them were killed. How did it happen that five defendants ended up in the same elevator with two guards - a man and a woman?

“I would not like to evaluate the actions of police officers. This incident is under investigation. We do not engage in legal escort. True, at one time our division was involved in supporting the entire YUKOS group. Maybe because, during the reform of the Internal Troops, the most experienced employees of the battalion of the 32nd separate brigade of the Moscow District of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia ended up in our Convoy Directorate. We also escorted the “night governor” of St. Petersburg, Vladimir Barsukov (Kumarin).

Photo: press service of the Federal Penitentiary Service for Moscow

“They flew after the gang leader Gagiev three times”

— You also transport accused and convicted persons on airplanes. There are no bars or cameras there. How does air convoy work?

— We fly on airplanes with our charges for forensic investigative actions. We transport women with children under escort by air if traveling by train requires more than a day. We fly, in particular, to the Far East. We transport one or two convicts on civilian flights, and sometimes from Kaliningrad we accompany 5-6 people.

— On August 19, 1990, 15 criminals hijacked a Tu-154 plane flying from Neryungri to Yakutsk in order to hijack it with hostages to Pakistan...

— Those were the wild 90s. It is noteworthy that the prisoners had only three pairs of handcuffs. Today this is impossible. Our colleagues from the escort service of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, for example, have a planned route to Norilsk. You can't get to the polar city by rail. For a big stage they rent an entire plane. They preliminarily practice their actions when seating convicts on a Yak-42 dummy simulator. They have an old decommissioned plane right on the parade ground, as well as a special carriage. All actions of the convoy were worked out to the point of automaticity.

— Your department is the only one in Russia involved in the extradition of detainees from abroad. How does this happen?

“The person is brought to the police station, searched, examined, and prepared for the flight. An Interpol officer and a consul are present. Then it is handed over to our employees. An employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service always flies together with the convoy. Everyone is in civilian clothes.

When we take a person onto a plane, he is handcuffed to the guard with one hand. We try not to make it obvious. We throw a jacket or raincoat over the handcuffs. We are seated in the back rows of the plane. We fly on regular civilian flights. And we try not to cause inconvenience to other passengers.

— Are flight attendants warned in advance that there will be a passenger on board under escort?

“Both the ship’s commander and the crew of flight attendants know about this. They help us in every possible way. For example, when we take an extradited person to the toilet, we ask the flight attendants to block the passage for this time. For safety reasons, the door to the toilet stall remains slightly open. When we extradite women, the door to the toilet is allowed to be closed. We escort women without handcuffs.

— When the in-flight meals are served, does your client remain in handcuffs?

“He remains handcuffed throughout the flight.” He eats in them. Nobody spoon feeds him.

- How do they behave?

- Differently. It happens that we take away a person who is there under house arrest. Some of them arrive at the airport on their own. There are no difficulties with them. Someone does not want to be extradited, they do everything possible so that they do not put him on the plane, they start shouting and making noise. The lawyer tells him what he needs to do to be denied a flight...

— How do you act in this case?

— We take him by the arms and lead him into the salon. Even when we accept a person, we explain that he will fly away in any case. They scream and make noise exactly until the moment the plane takes off. Then they immediately calm down. In extreme cases, we have special belts with us, with the help of which the hands are fastened to the belt. And the person becomes immobilized. But lately everything has been calm.

— How do you select employees for this mission?

“The guards must be strong and large, have an impressive appearance, so that the one we are extraditing does not even have the thought of resisting.” I remember in the army I had a captain I knew, whose height was over two meters. When training ensigns, he jokingly said: “I won’t beat you. I will fall on you"...

I have about 20 people flying. They have 60-70 guards a year, the rest of the time they are engaged in regular service.

It is impossible to rock a modern paddy wagon and knock it over.

— Are the air guards armed?

- No. Weapons are still required to be handed over to the ship's commander. It is placed in a special safe. Therefore, it makes no sense to take it with you. Abroad, the police take the person to the plane itself, and upon landing he is met by an armed escort.

—Who most often has to be extradited?

— The bulk are scammers who are accused of economic crimes. At one time, they brought a lot of “authorities” from Spain and extradited them in batches. Now we carry a lot of militants left over from the military campaigns in Chechnya. A lot of them settled in Germany. Now they are actively dealing with refugees from Africa, and Chechen militants have begun to get caught in the mix. There are no problems with their extradition. They respect strength.

— Which famous people have had to be extradited recently?

— On January 3, the former Minister of Finance of the Moscow Region Alexei Kuznetsov was brought to Moscow, who is accused of embezzling 14 billion rubles from the Moscow Region budget. The retired official was arrested in absentia back in 2011. They tried to extradite him for five years. And we managed to do this on New Year’s Day. On January 1, our employees flew out to pick him up, and the third one was brought to Moscow.

Last year, Aslan Gagiev, who is credited with 60 murders, was transported from Austria. He led a gang that was engaged in contract killings. We flew after him three times. His lawyer filed one complaint after another. In particular, he provided a certificate stating that Gagiev had developed a rare form of aerophobia during his stay in an Austrian prison. And he allegedly may not survive the flight to Russia. But then he was extradited. Arrived alive and healthy. We also delivered from Italy the former head of Rosgranitsa Dmitry Bezdelov, who was suspected of large-scale theft.

— Are the convoys allowed to talk with their charges?

- They communicate. The one we are transporting usually tells his story. This conversation calms the person down. Everyone is interested in the flight going smoothly.

— Which distant countries have you ever flown to?

— They brought people from Chile, Ecuador, South Africa, India, Peru. Once, for technical reasons, a plane landed in the northeast of South America, in Guiana, and our employees had to spend a day in a hotel in the same room as a swindler.

Our work has its own characteristics. For example, we know that someone who has been to Israel cannot be sent to the Arab world. And vice versa. They have a corresponding stamp in their passport and may not be allowed through.

And once in the United Arab Emirates, handcuffs were taken from our employee’s luggage. We were able to return them only after six months. Diplomats were involved, and there was a long correspondence. They are not allowed to import handcuffs, that’s all! In that case, the convoy had to use plastic handcuffs with zip ties.

— How much do guards earn on average?

— From 30 thousand rubles. Chiefs of guards - from 45 to 50. As you can see, not a lot for such intense work. But our management is staffed. There are practically no vacancies, but people still quit and places become vacant. Candidates come constantly. I talk to everyone personally. I am always alarmed if a person tries to transfer to us from some colony, citing the fact that it is difficult to work there. Our work is even more difficult. A psychologist works with each applicant. We check it against all accounting databases of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Mostly, newcomers are brought in by management employees who are ready to vouch for them in writing.

— The convoy has long working hours, multi-day business trips, stress, lack of sleep. Is there anything positive about this work?

— I would say stability. We have created a good schedule for our employees, a mini-shift. They work for two days and rest for six. It is clear that we do not always adhere to this schedule; employees are often in classes. Almost all of us are from neighboring regions: Tula, Vladimir, Ivanovo, Ryazan regions. They still have time for housework. I also noticed: the more complex and intense the work, the more creative individuals there are among the employees. Our guys write poetry, sing beautifully, improvise on various musical instruments... I, in turn, take my soul to the dacha. But at the same time, my phone is turned on 24 hours a day. They can call me at any time from any city, from any carriage.