By car at sea reports. Traveling to the Black Sea by your own car

So, we’ll start in a month or two. "Swallow" is ready to fly. Loaded with all the essentials and not so much, and to the brim. The mood of the crew is “We are not afraid of either storms or thunderstorms” or rather “And we are knee-deep in any sea.” It seems that everything is in order and it’s time to hit the road. But as they say in one good old Soviet comedy film: “Just don’t be offended. But I’ll tell you one smart thing.” Which means, hold your horses. Sit down and listen to some advice from residents of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, for whom the hot southern summer is not beach bliss, but everyday life.

City of Yalta, 1969. Photo: Boris Trepetov/TASS

When going on the road, take with you a first aid kit, compiled with your own hands, based on your personal needs. Relying on a first aid kit according to traffic regulations is, to say the least, stupid. Adhesive plasters, bandages and scissors are, of course, wonderful inventions, but they are clearly not enough. If you have a weak vestibular system, do not forget to take something for seasickness in advance, otherwise the trip will turn into a quiet horror for you. Take special care of the children. There are practically no roadsides on the mountain serpentines, which means that if someone gets sick, they won’t be able to stop right away. Therefore, plastic bags should always be on hand; they can be very useful. Stock up on water. In the summer heat, it will save you from dehydration.

Once you find yourself on a mountain serpentine road, don’t imagine yourself driving a racing car. Is not computer game. There are plenty of reckless drivers here too. Steep turns, from turn to turn visibility is only a couple of tens of meters. There is no need to get carried away by speed on the dizzying descents and ascents of an unfamiliar road. After all, skidding in mountainous areas threatens to tip over into a cliff, or even into a real abyss. There would be no abyss here.

Trying to chase local horsemen is also stupid and unsafe. They know every crevice of their native asphalt, just like you do in your own yard. But this often does not save them.

However, you shouldn’t go to extremes and, wanting to play it safe, plod along at a snail’s pace. Remember that overtaking areas are extremely rare on mountain passes. And this behavior is terribly annoying to other traffic participants who are forced to trail behind you. When descending from the pass, you don’t have to frantically press the brake pedal all the time. Slow down before sharp turns and enter them at normal speed. Brake the engine more, as the experienced ones in our “ZR Interactive” advise. It's not scary at all and certainly not difficult.

If you still feel unsure and realize that you are holding up traffic, whenever possible (and there are very few of them on mountain roads), let the caravan that has accumulated behind you go ahead, sliding into road pockets. Please, don’t press on the gas on some flat and short overtaking sections. It’s better to let those who are especially impatient go ahead.

And don't forget about distance. It is imperative to keep it, given the difficult mountainous terrain, the not always predictable quality of the road surface and the stones that regularly roll onto the road. Then you will have time to react in time and avoid an unexpected obstacle.

Typical summer traffic jam through Tuapse towards Sochi

To get to the very blue sea, you will have to overcome not only mountain serpentines, but also traffic jams. The federal highway M-27 Dzhubga - Sochi, leading to coastal cities, simply cannot withstand the influx of everyone. Traffic at the entrance to the village of Dzhubga (Tuapse district) turns into a real nightmare. Tens of thousands of cars, as if in a slow motion movie, make their way to the sea for several hours. And all this in conditions of suffocating sticky heat and arrogant auto louts. They couldn't wait, and one after another they rush along the side of the road. But it is not limitless, and eventually gets up firmly.

Traffic jams on the way to the sea reach their peak on Friday afternoon, when residents of Kuban, Rostov region and Adygea rush to the coast for the weekend. In the opposite direction, the collapse occurs on Sunday evening. Consider this fact.

If you have to pass Tuapse on your route, know that you can also get stuck here for three hours. And all because this Small town The federal highway cuts through the living things exactly in the middle. This is the only road by which residents can get from one part of the city to another. Summer for Tuapse residents becomes a test of strength. The route at any other time of the year, which takes only ten minutes, in the summer turns into many hours of standing. Therefore, when driving through Tuapse on weekdays, it is better to avoid the morning (from 6.30 to 9.00) and evening (from 16.30 to 19.00) rush hours.

In general, if you are a fairly experienced driver, then, of course, it is better to drive at night - the traffic flow is minimal, it is cool. But at night you need to be alert. As soon as it gets dark, heavy vehicles and long vehicles begin to actively move along the mountain roads. During the day, their movement is strictly prohibited. This is how the administration of the Krasnodar region is trying to save the asphalt surface from destruction, which is mercilessly scorched by the southern sun. Important: on the Internet there are links to working web cameras on which you can monitor the current situation online, for example along the M4 Don highway.

Summer showers during tornadoes are quite common on the coast. They instantly turn roads into raging rivers. Visibility is reduced to zero. Windshield wiper blades cannot handle the flow of water. Stones are rolling from the cliffs, landslides are blocking sections of the route. Cars go into aquaplaning mode, they seem to be floating on the waves. In such a situation, you need to immediately slow down to reasonable limits and not take any sudden maneuvers. If you are caught in a heavy subtropical downpour on the road, it is better to stop in an open area away from mountain slopes and rivers and wait it out. Often this doesn't last long.

Never - hear, never! - do not set up tent camps or set up parking areas on the banks, and especially in the floodplains of mountain rivers. In the summer they seem completely harmless, turning into small streams where even a chicken is knee-deep. In especially dry years, the water completely disappears under the stones. But during tornadoes, everything changes in the blink of an eye. Roaring mudflows from the surrounding mountains rush at the speed of an express train and in a matter of minutes fill the riverbed completely from edge to edge. They destroy everything in their path. Very often this happens at night or in the morning. But even if this happens during the day, you will have a minimum of time to climb to a hill or drive the car away. And don't even try to resist the elements. A rapid mountain stream, reaching only the height of an adult’s knee, is guaranteed to knock you off your feet and carry you along. Because of your own carelessness, there is no need to multiply the sad statistics of people and cars lost to sea.

Never pitch tents in shallow river floodplains - their landscape only seems peaceful at first glance. The photo shows the valley of the mountain river Agoy, which is located in the village of the same name in the Tuapse region.

You should not dive in unfamiliar places. Spinal injuries and especially neck fractures are common during the swimming season. And even if you vacationed here last year, you must first examine the bottom, the topography of which changes after each storm. You need to be especially careful near river mouths. There may be submerged trees and other unpleasant surprises here.

It is not recommended to sail far from the shore to avoid becoming trapped by treacherous sea currents. They are carried unnoticed and quickly into the open sea. Owners of inflatable mattresses and other watercraft behave most carelessly, considering themselves unsinkable. If you are still gaping, do not panic, calmly swim not straight to the shore, but slightly obliquely, gradually approaching land. The main thing is to save your strength. If necessary, do not hesitate, call for help, attract attention to yourself by all available means.

And don't even think about swimming in a storm. The gentle sea, when angry, does not forgive mistakes even for experienced swimmers.

Don't even think about swimming in a storm. The gentle sea, when angry, does not forgive mistakes even for experienced swimmers.

Buy food and water not in roadside shops, where everything is exorbitantly expensive and you don’t know what the expiration date is, but in large chain stores. They are in every large village and especially city. We will be happy to provide addresses local residents.

If you suddenly decide to treat yourself to fresh vegetables or fruits, then don’t really trust the vendors along the highway. Quite often, these business tycoons pass off gifts from Turkey as local products. At the same time, at roadside spontaneous markets they always shamelessly weigh you down, counting on the fact that you will never return here again and not cause a scandal. So be sure to take a steelyard and manual spring scales with you on the road. It will take up little space, but will become a good assistant in the fight for justice.

Never buy pickled mushrooms on the road. Firstly, their sale is simply prohibited by law. Remember that a mushroom picker, like a sapper, makes only one mistake. You should not be tempted by honey of unknown origin. There is a high probability of running into a counterfeit. Just imagine: all these gifts of nature in glass jars spend the whole day outdoors in the stifling heat with almost 100% humidity, waiting for their buyer.

Churchkhela gathering dust on market stalls surrounded by insects without packaging, although it looks exotic, is also not the best option for purchase. Especially if it is painted in an unnatural poisonous red or green color. This in itself is a wonderful ancient Caucasian delicacy. It is most often made from walnuts or hazelnuts strung on a string, which are immersed in grape juice thickened with flour. But the 21st century is here, and no one has canceled hygiene. Any product ready to eat must be carefully wrapped.

Buying food from beach hawkers is also unsafe. If we are talking about soft drinks, ice cream or something similar in a portable refrigerator, that is one thing. But before you are tempted by pies, khachapuri or sandwiches from a suspicious basket, it is better to think ten times so as not to interrupt such a long-awaited vacation ahead of schedule. Only God knows who prepared them and from what.


Churchkhela itself (pictured) is a wonderful ancient Caucasian delicacy. At roadside markets, make sure it is wrapped neatly.

Not even advice, but rather a convincing request - do not leave garbage on the beach, and especially do not bury it right there, without leaving the spot. The sight of watermelon rinds, corn heads, sunflower husks, nut shells mixed with bags and bottles does not add pleasant memories. All this will definitely end up at sea. And it’s so great to sunbathe on pristine pebbles or sand, and not surrounded by scraps and plastic trash.

And one more thing to follow. If you get bored of lying on the beach at some point in time, you can perfectly diversify your vacation by signing up for a day or two to pick local fruits (peaches, apples, plums or cherry plums) or hazelnuts. Here, as a reward for your work, you will definitely be able to choose the ripest and most delicious fruits for yourself.

That's probably all there is to it. Of course, there could be more advice, but I hope for the common sense of Russian road travelers. Now you can safely hit the road. The main thing is to drive calmly and confidently, at your own pace, without succumbing to the provocations of overly impatient drivers, but also without maliciously trying to impede the movement of others. Remember, your goal is to get to your vacation spot and back in good health and in a great mood, and not to look for unplanned adventures along the way. Good luck on the roads!

The long-awaited vacation is in your pocket, the children are on vacation - which means it’s time to get ready for a bronze tan, health and fun adventures. And, of course, the best thing for this is a trip to the Black Sea, and not just a trip, but a trip by car!

This type of recreation has long won a large number of fans, and the number of travelers by car is growing every year. And there is an explanation for this!

Here are a few advantages of traveling to the seaside by car:

  • Liberty– the undoubted and, perhaps, main advantage of road travel is that you are completely independent of anyone and can independently choose and change the route at any time.
  • Travel availability– an important factor; Travel costs are usually much less than when choosing a plane or train.
  • Even more things– you take as much luggage as will fit in your car.
  • Indescribable emotions– you are always happy from the presence of loved ones and you can not be at all embarrassed by loud laughter and not be afraid of disturbing your neighbors.
  • Mobility– you can stop by at any time and choose a place that suits you in all respects.
  • Save time– by car you can even save travel time; a train trip can be much longer.

How to prepare for traveling to the Black Sea by car?

Let's start with the fact that the main thing in any trip is the right attitude; almost the entire success of the business, as a rule, depends on it. Take people with you who make you feel comfortable and fun. It doesn’t matter where your desires and opportunities take you, the most important thing is that it is interesting and unforgettable.

Going by car to the Black Sea:

  • Plan your budget - calculate all expenses: basic and unforeseen.
  • Be sure to prepare your car and undergo inspection.
  • Install a navigator, it will make your journey easier and help you stay on track. A good old paper map won't hurt either if your navigator malfunctions.
  • It is best to plan the route in advance. It is, of course, impossible to think through everything down to the smallest detail, but you must have an approximate travel plan. Well, ideally it would be if there were two or three drivers in the car.
  • Find out and study the features of the area, this will allow you to thoroughly prepare and avoid unpleasant surprises.

What to take with you on a trip to the sea?

The most important:

  • Documents: passport, insurance policy and all documents for the car.
  • Fire extinguisher, cable, hazard warning sign, spare tire, flashlight, canister.
  • Shoes and clothes for the road - comfortable and preferably cotton.
  • Pillows and blankets – they will make your trip more comfortable.
  • Repellents and sunscreens.
  • A first aid kit, collected based on personal experience and knowledge of your body.
  • If you are traveling with children, then under no circumstances neglect child car seats - this is safety, and it must be respected above all. Well, don’t forget your children’s favorite toys and books.

Once you find yourself on a mountain serpentine, do not imagine yourself as the driver of a racing car. Visibility from turn to turn is only 20-30 meters, so don’t get carried away with the speed on the ups and downs of an unfamiliar road.

But don’t go to extremes - don’t plod along like a turtle. Keep in mind that there are very few overtaking areas on mountain passes and other road users may be very annoyed if you drive slowly. So politeness and accuracy will help you!

A little advice from the “Castle by the Sea”: when you descend from the pass, do not frantically press the brake pedal, apply more engine braking and slow down in advance before sharp turns, enter them at normal speed.

On the way to the sea you may encounter summer showers; for southern latitudes this is a fairly common occurrence. There is no need to be afraid; it is better to immediately slow down (40-60 km/h) and stop in an open area, away from rivers and mountain slopes. It is best to wait out the phenomenon, which, as a rule, ends quite quickly.

This is probably all of the basic rules! Remember, your goal is to relax and arrive in good health and in a great mood! We wish you a pleasant, safe and memorable trip. Good luck to you!

Our road trip to the Black Sea began with route planning.

We chose the following route:

Moscow - Voronezh - Rostov-on-Don - Krasnodar - | Port Caucasus - Taman - Anapa - Novorossiysk - Gelendzhik - Tuapse - Sochi - Adler - Krasnaya Polyana |

Four of us traveled in a Volkswagen Golf 4

The drivers stocked up on energy drinks and hit the road. The path, I must say, is not close. There were 2 people behind the wheel, who changed every 5-6 hours.

In general, it must be said that the journey there is always much easier than from there. We got there in less than a day. The road is not bad. Somewhere it’s worse, and somewhere it’s better. I’ve already had the opportunity to travel by bus to the sea twice and I remember that along the way you will come across the city of Yelets, where you will definitely spend 3-4 hours. This is due to the fact that in Yelets there is a very narrow road at the exit (or at the entrance) and the bridge has a low capacity. No one is going to solve this problem, which is why there have been huge traffic jams every year.

Everything else is good.

It so happened that our journey along the coast began not from its westernmost point, not from Port Caucasus, but from Abrau-Durso. The GPS took us exactly there. Since this was contrary to the plan, we had to turn west and go towards Taman towards Port.

But since we arrived in Abrau Durso late in the evening and were tired, we had to look for a place to stay for the night. It was not easy to do this in the dark, but we coped with this task. It was previously agreed that we would spend the night in campsites. The only problem is that campsites are not located at every step and GPS does not always find them.

But fortunately that night we were lucky and managed to find something like a campsite. True, we had to pitch the tent not only in complete darkness, but also on a steep slope. It was quite funny.

After an unforgettable night, where we constantly had to be on guard so as not to slide down, we immediately went west, to Port Caucasus.

Probably in this kind of stories one cannot fail to mention the traffic police officers. Anyone who was in Krasnodar region knows that there is a significant difference between Moscow traffic police officers and Krasnodar ones. The latter approach their work so responsibly that when they stop to “check documents,” the matter does not end with a check. A couple of times we were stopped for about 20 minutes. They checked our license plates, ransacked us through databases, took away the passports of everyone sitting in the car, conducted interrogations, etc., etc.

Without violations, of course, nowhere. A couple of times we ran out of nowhere and were fined either for driving into oncoming traffic or for speeding.

So, we have reached the starting point of our journey, Port Caucasus. Sometimes we drove along a road, on the right side of which was the Black Sea, and on the left - the Azov Sea.

View of Crimea

In Taman we stopped to visit Lermontov’s house. This is the house (in the background)

The place is quite picturesque

Without a museum, of course, nowhere

Our time was limited. Before evening we had to find a campsite and settle in for the night.

When we find a campsite, it’s good, and if we manage to find a “wild” place where we can put up a tent and not pay anyone anything, that’s even better. Fortunately, there are many such places in the Taman region.

Let me emphasize right away that with every kilometer to the east it will be more and more difficult for you to find such a place. After Anapa there are mainly only paid campsites. After Tuapse, even in expensive campsites people sleep on top of each other. After Sochi there are simply no campsites.

So, we successfully settled in for the night. This was the first “normal” night in tents off the Black Sea coast. The location chosen was excellent, but quite open.

By the way, we slept in tents on air mattresses - it’s a little unusual, but comfortable.

Morning work-out

The weather was bad this morning

On the road again!

Next in line was Anapa.

In Anapa we decided to go to the cinema, to see Harry Potter 6 :-) After watching the film, the weather improved and we moved on.

Anapa from the observation deck

It so happened that we swam very little. In fact, we only swam a couple of times near Gelendzhik. This was due to a busy schedule.

On the way from Anapa to Novorossiysk we stopped at one wonderful place, the name of which I, unfortunately, forgot. This time we spent the night at a campsite.

At first they couldn’t find proper wood to make a fire

But even here a solution was found. A terrible crack of a breaking fence and now Vasily is already walking with an armful of firewood :-)

After lunch you can relax

But even in such a wonderful place we could not stay long. The next point on the map was the city of Novorossiysk.

Big enough and beautiful city. There is a lot to see in Novorossiysk.

After walking around and eating ice cream, we drove on to Gelendzhik.

The first thing that catches your eye in Gelendzhik is the drivers who are ready to tear each other apart for a client to rent their apartment/house. They offer it almost for free.

In Gelendzhik we wanted to visit the Zolotaya Bukhta water park and dolmens. Let's start with the second one.

If you drive past dolmens, don't miss them. You'll have to walk quite a bit, but it's worth it!

The first dolmen is located near the city and is almost next to the road. There are usually a lot of tourists around it

You can't miss the chance to stand under a real waterfall

And after an hour of walking we reached the dolmens

After the dolmens we returned to our campsite in Kabardinka. By the way, Kabardinka is a wonderful place located next to Gelendzhik. If you asked me which place I would choose to relax on the Black Sea, then this is it.

The next day we visited Skala-Parus

The Zolotaya Buhta water park ranks first in Russia not only in size, but also in terms of queues. And still had a great time

We knew that after Gelendzhik there would be problems with overnight accommodations, so we left towards Tuapse in advance.

I was in Tuapse about 10 years ago and then it seemed to me that this was the most best city in the world, but now I'm not sure about it. Besides the fact that Tuapse has the most beautiful girls, I can't say anything about him. But is this reason enough to return? Isn't it true? :-)

Unfortunately, I didn’t take pictures of the girls, because in Tuapse we stayed literally an hour to have a snack. Let's move on.

What's next? Next is Sochi. The distance of 120 kilometers between Tuapse and Sochi is covered in a record 7 hours of driving behind a truck along a serpentine road. The road exhausted us so much that upon arrival in Sochi we just wanted to quickly find a place to spend the night.

But we did not find such a place. I had to go further, to Adler. Nothing there either.

There was nothing to do, we moved towards Krasnaya Polyana, to the north. It was already late, but fortunately there were kind people who agreed to let us into their private territory, where we settled down. Truth be told, that night was one of the worst.

Firstly, it was due to severe fatigue from the road, and secondly, I felt tension and some kind of dampness. That place, I must say, was, to put it mildly, poorly suited for spending the night. I'm reminded of Bear Grylls' "Survive at All Costs" show.

This is the place

And here is Krasnaya Polyana, where we headed the next morning. Yes, this is where the 2014 Olympic Games will be held.

OK it's all over Now. Our journey has come to an end. And now on the way back.

Our return route lay through Kabardinka, where we happily settled into our tents and rested before heading home.

Several key aspects can be highlighted.

First of all, it's hard. If you don’t have a good car with high suspension (!), then it’s doubly heavy. You need to be mentally prepared for any difficulties, and there will be difficulties.

As a minus, I will note the problems with finding a place to stay for the night after Tuapse.

There are still unimportant little things that I don’t want to dwell on.

Among the advantages, I will highlight a large number interesting places, like the same dolmens or Skala-Sail. You won't be bored. This road trip is also relatively inexpensive. If there are four of you, then 10 thousand each and you will probably cover all your expenses. Of course, the approach to price is purely individual.

On the other hand, you can look at such a journey in different ways. I think it’s worth going at least once to try, BUT in my opinion, you need to clearly understand what you want to get. If you need sea, sun and relaxing holiday- then this is not for you.

So, in my opinion, the best place to relax on the Black Sea is Kabardinka (not far from Gelendzhik). If you are going but don’t know where to go, take a closer look.

I can call this place the most picturesque

OK it's all over Now:-)

Read, leave comments.

See you soon!

Tatiana Solomatina

Traveling to the sea by car: how to prepare and what to consider?

Hello, friends! A trip to the sea by car is a great adventure, an opportunity to see new places and visit interesting sights along the way, as well as plan your own route and time of arrival at your destination.

However, not all so simple. Traveling by car needs to be thought out in advance in order to easily avoid all the pitfalls. This is exactly what this article will help you with!

Here you can find all the necessary information about traveling in your own car. The advantages and disadvantages of such a trip are listed, there are recommendations for preparation, planning a route and things that you need to take with you. Also given useful tips and safety rules on the road.

Of course, traveling south by car has many advantages, and it’s better to start with them:

  1. Budget. Traveling by car will cost you much less than bus, train or plane tickets. Especially if there are not two people in the car, but at least four.
  2. Comfortable. You can make stops at will, see the sights along the way, create an interesting and unusual route etc.
  3. Spacious. You won't have to carry luggage from the train to the taxi and back, so you can take whatever you want. And on the way back you can easily buy a bunch of all sorts of goodies and souvenirs for yourself and your relatives.
  4. Easy to climb. Didn't like your current vacation spot? No problem! Getting to another one will not be difficult. In addition, you can go on all the excursions yourself without buying expensive tours from intermediaries!
  5. Freedom in time. No need to rely on the time on the tickets. You can leave and go back whenever it is convenient. Or stay on the road or on vacation for a couple more days.
  6. Freedom from unnecessary travel companions. You choose who you travel with by car, which means you don’t have to listen to the life stories of strangers and polyphonic snoring.


However, this method of transportation has many disadvantages. You need to know them in advance in order to decide whether to travel by car or not:

  1. Additional expenses. Anything can happen on the road: from toll road or a traffic police fine until a serious breakdown occurs. Therefore, such a trip can easily go beyond the planned budget.
  2. Long time. Even if you travel with several drivers, you still need to follow a daily routine and get good rest. This means stopping for the night and a short rest during the day. That is, you should expect that the duration of the trip will be comparable to traveling on a train that is not the fastest.
  3. Difficult for the driver. Rest is relaxation. I boarded the train/plane/bus and that’s it, you can already start relaxing on your legal vacation. But with the car you will have to work a little more to get where you need to go.
  4. It's hard for passengers. In a regular car, while driving, you will not be able to stand up and stretch stiff parts of your body. Sitting in one position for a long time is uncomfortable.
  5. Lots of preparation time. To go somewhere far by car, the entire route needs to be carefully planned, all details taken into account, lists drawn up, and the car prepared. And this is a big waste of your personal time.
  6. Traffic jams. In the summer, you can often see road repairs on the highways, and the traffic load during this season is high, so it’s worth considering that you may get bored in traffic jams for some time.


  • Since the car will play the main role in your trip, carefully prepare it for a long trip. Go through maintenance, add oil, pump up tires, etc.
  • Consider where you will sleep and eat. If you plan to spend the night in tents and feed yourself, be sure to make a list of the necessary equipment.
  • Think carefully about the route, study reviews on the Internet about certain sections of the road.
  • Make a list of everything you will take with you. Don’t pack in a hurry at the last minute, otherwise there is a high chance of forgetting something, not purchasing more, etc.
  • If you are traveling with a large group, before traveling, discuss all issues several times: meals, stops, overnight stays, etc. Make sure there are no disagreements, otherwise you risk losing a lot of time in disputes.

How to technically prepare a car? Watch the video with recommendations from professionals.

What to take with you?


  1. Tent and sleeping bags. Even if you plan to stay overnight at motels along the way or with relatives, it doesn't hurt to think about an alternative. You never know, all the motels along the road will be full, and for some reason you won’t have time to get to your relatives.
  2. DVR. In any controversial situation, he will help you figure out who is right and who is wrong. In addition, the DVR will be an excellent deterrent from dishonest traffic police officers.
  3. First aid kit. The more drugs it contains, the better. You most likely won't need them. However, it is better to have them than not to have them at all.
  4. Spare wheel and tools. Don't take too many tools. Take only what you know how to use and what will definitely be useful on the track in the event of a breakdown. For other problems, it is better to contact a repair shop with qualified specialists.
  5. Cash. They will be needed always and everywhere. So it’s better to have some cash reserve so as not to run around looking for an ATM in an unfamiliar place.
  6. Road map and/or navigator. Of course, language will take you all the way to Rome, but it’s better to have all your navigation aids at your fingertips. You can choose a simple road atlas, but then you will simply need a navigator. Or you can choose a navigator and completely rely on it. The choice is yours.
  7. Documentation. Your own (licenses, passports, medical policies, insurance, birth certificates of children) and for the car.


  1. Repair kit for repairing tires. It is not very expensive, but you need to practice using it a little.
  2. Thermos for boiling water. In any roadside cafe, for a fee or just like that, they can pour boiling water. And then brew tea, coffee or instant noodles.
  3. Gasoline canister, 5-10 l. Many emergencies can arise on the road; you need to be prepared for anything. Including the fact that the gas tank may be empty a little before you get to the gas station.
  4. Camping mini-fridge. Useful for various edibles. With such storage, they will not deteriorate much longer.

Not necessary:

  1. Walkie-talkie. Many people find that a walkie-talkie is very useful on long trips. Truckers politely warn about traffic police ambushes, traffic jams and bad roads. But in reality, you can only hear silence all the way, or conversations about nothing mixed with three-story obscenities. And if you have children in the car, this is not the best sound accompaniment.
  2. Radar detector. The device is not essential, although it can be very helpful. But if you completely follow the traffic rules and pay attention to the speed limit, you won’t need a radar detector.

How to plan a route?

Not everyone is a hereditary truck driver, and not everyone travels thousands of kilometers by car every month. Therefore, the issue of planning a route is often very relevant.

  • The easiest way to create a route is to find a good website or forum for car travelers or truckers and find suitable ready-made routes there. There you can also find information about traffic police posts, repair work, the best gas stations, etc.
  • As a last resort, you can rely on the Navigator. Just determine the main points of the route and put it all into the device, it will pave the optimal path itself.
  • Well, or do it the old fashioned way, that is, buy a road atlas and plot the route yourself.

What is the best way to navigate?

When it comes to navigation, many people prefer to turn to the good old road atlas and find a route using it. However, the best solution for a trip will still be a navigator. You can load your initial route into it and then change it as needed. It is also recommended to include an additional route in the navigator, a kind of “Plan B”. If travel on the first route is difficult, you can easily switch to an additional route and not waste valuable time drawing it up on the spot.

  • Surely you know where there is good and inexpensive gasoline in your region, so fill up a full tank of proven fuel at your place. After all, then you may not find good gas stations for a long time.
  • Stock up on plenty of water (5-10 liters, drink and shower in the heat) and food, at least some snacks. Even if you are going to eat at a cafe, you may not come across anything worthwhile along the way.
  • The more drivers with good experience in the car, the better. For a comfortable trip you need at least two people with a license and extensive driving experience.
  • Write down the numbers of tow trucks and repair shops along the road. It is better that you have them, but are not useful, than vice versa.
  • The same applies to the traffic police helpline. Write it down, or better yet, memorize it.
  • Don't forget to turn on the DVR as soon as you set off.
  • Choose a route so that you go around cities you don’t need, and don’t drive through them, otherwise you will waste a lot of time and nerves.
  • Hotels located in cities are more comfortable and cleaner than their roadside counterparts. And sometimes even cheaper.
  • Many roadside complexes on the highway have a shower where, for a fee, you can freshen up and get yourself in order. Prices for such a service are usually low.
  • Some gas stations have maps of the area that you can study for free. This will help you if you suddenly get lost.

Safety precautions

  • Never drive on an unfamiliar road at night. Better rest and get some sleep, and leave in the morning.
  • Don't speed or break any traffic rules. This is fraught not only with high fines, but also creates an emergency situation on the road.
  • If you are staying overnight in a tent, make sure that your car, tent and fire are not visible from the highway. Better yet, find a guarded campsite.
  • If you are tired on the road and want to sleep, immediately stop and sleep. It's better to arrive late than not to arrive at all.
  • Keep cards and cash in more than one place. Divide everything into several parts and hide it with passengers and in the car.
  • Do not eat in suspicious eateries or cafes. If you have even the slightest suspicion that the food is not very fresh and of high quality, it is better not to eat it. Poisoning on the road is not pleasant.
  • Do not allow people and the car to overheat if you drive in hot weather. Stop often and douse yourself with water.
  • And most importantly, don’t forget to buckle up, always! And buckle up the kids. And for the little ones, be sure to provide child car seats that are convenient and comfortable for long car trips.


Traveling by car can be either a pleasant trip or a dangerous adventure. It is better to prepare for whatever awaits you and be as careful as possible. Then you will reach your destination without any difficulties.

If you liked the article, share it with your friends on in social networks. Leave comments, it’s interesting to know about your experience of traveling by car. Better yet, write a review, I’ll be sure to publish it in the “Readers’ Travels” section. How to do it? Read.

Subscribe to blog updates, there is still a lot of interesting material ahead. I promise that I won’t clutter your inbox with all sorts of nonsense, only announcements of new articles and my news.

With this I say goodbye to you.
Have a nice trip!
Tatiana Solomatina

The car may not be the fastest or safest way to travel, but it is the freest. Neither a train nor a plane will provide such freedom of movement on a trip. , as long as the roads would allow it, and in the Krasnodar region everything is fine with them, so nothing stopped me from getting behind the wheel and driving a car from Moscow towards Anapa to the Black Sea.

Why did we make such a strange choice, a trip to the Krasnodar region, despite the fact that we don’t praise it much? What is the purpose of the trip? Well, there are several reasons. First of all, I decided to study the market for tourism services provided on the Russian mainland. It just so happens that I am more familiar with Crimea and Abkhazia than with the cities from my distant childhood: Anapa, Gelendzhik or Novorossiysk. Such a gap in personal experience requires a quick fix, so that’s what I decided to do on the trip. In addition, I often argue that holidays abroad are cheaper than expensive domestic ones, analysis of prices and quality of holidays on the Black Sea I intend to study during the trip. To be honest, with every day of traveling by car along the seashore, I became more and more convinced of this.

They often meet on the road interesting people, with a lot of interesting stories, some can become a source of inspiration, help you find answers to questions, or just unwind along the way. Water does not flow under a lying stone, but when driving your car or even hitchhiking, you can see a lot.

While traveling by car Krasnodar region, I wanted to see as many places as possible so that you may find the right one for you. Many people dream of living at sea, some want to move to a warm place, some want to be able to swim every day, some are attracted to fruits and vegetables that grow without any problems. However, not everyone imagines this life, and before moving on forever, it’s better to study it a little from the inside.

There are many reasons for the trip, but the main ones are easy to see: the love of traveling in your own car and curiosity are the main driving forces behind this trip.

Description of the road from Moscow to Anapa by car

To be honest, the trip didn’t go well from the very beginning, which almost caused it to be cancelled. Fortunately, we realized it in time and decided to trust chance, but I’m getting ahead of myself.

The first troubles when traveling to Anapa by car

First we postponed our trip to the Black Sea for a long time, because the start was scheduled for June 2016, but a lot of time and nerves had to be spent on a vacation for parents in Abkhazia.

Read about the parents’ trip to Abkhazia in the summer of 2016, as well as about unpleasant events, in the following articles, if interested:

As a result, we were able to relax only after the parents had successfully landed and again returned to planning a trip by car to Anapa and further along the Black Sea coast. The plan, by the way, was terribly simple: take travel companions from Moscow and come to the resort, then move towards Abkhazia, exploring along the way interesting resorts, landscapes, mountains and forests, sometimes stopping at the most nice places . It would seem like an ideal plan, and fellow travelers were found a couple of hours after I. But it was not there.

In less than a day, fellow travelers canceled the trip due to force majeure, and Nastya and I remained the only passengers in the car to Anapa, which automatically made the trip not profitable, and most importantly boring.

About the fickle fortune of a driving trip to Anapa

Fortunately, luck smiled, and both empty seats in the car were filled just a few hours before the start of the trip to the Black Sea. Even the need to pick up a passenger in Khimki, the other end of Moscow, didn’t upset me much. So, right on schedule, we set off towards adventure.

Having picked up the passengers, we got on the highway on July 24 at 17:00, and no matter how the evil navigator, who was in obvious collusion with the Federal Highway Agency, tried to take me to the toll M4, I persistently traveled through Simferopol, right beyond the aisles of Tula to the glorious city of Efremov. Behind Last year The M2 has been quite well restored, so you can safely move along it for the first 200 km, going around a couple of toll sections of the Don. And there are some good views along the way, so it’s not a big deal to lose an hour on the connecting road between M2 and M4. Although, who has what in priorities.

But saving in the future is stupid, and not entirely true. It’s easier to drive along the M4 through toll sections, as I was convinced of during a spring trip to Crimea by car. The most economical way is not to stand for hours on detours, but by paying a little money and cover the first 1000 km to Rostov in ten hours.

By the way, for the first time I found myself on a midnight shift change at a payment acceptance point. Approaching the last toll section of the road, I was a little upset, because there were literally a few minutes left before the start of the night grace period, and, lo and behold, it turns out that just 5 minutes before midnight, the checkpoints stop working, until the onset of a new day. In general, I saved a whole ten, but I learned a new secret.

The road from Rostov to Anapa by car

Unfortunately, after Rostov, the situation changes dramatically for the worse. The roads are of course in decent condition, but the traffic jams are frustrating. By the way, as free advice I can suggest choosing a route in such a way that the section from Rostov to Krasnodar is covered at night, then the likelihood of getting stuck in a traffic jam is minimal.

By the way, a new profession has appeared not far from the ill-fated crossing, which is always being repaired. During the day, local residents live there, offering a free route to bypass the traffic jam for a fee, although I did not inquire about the cost of the services. Please note that this section may be of interest not only on the way to Anapa, but also on the ferry to Crimea.

In the Krasnodar Territory, the police monitor compliance with traffic rules much more carefully, so to protect your wallet, it is better to avoid violating them. Therefore, the speed of movement after Krasnodar drops even more, to slow-moving trucks, and the ubiquitous traffic police patrols make sure that overtaking is carried out only in strictly designated areas.

The access to Anapa itself also turned out to be difficult due to the dismantled bridge and a forced detour of an additional 30 km. It’s a small thing, but after a long night it’s not very pleasant. As a result, with all the stops for smoke breaks and snacks, gas stations and toilets the road from Moscow to Anapa by car took about 19 hours, thanks also to the traffic jams in Anapa itself, but that’s another story.

About fellow travelers and the BlaBlaCar service

I want to finish with literally a few words, rejoicing at the presence of the blah blah car service, mind you - this is not an advertisement, I just don’t know what could be taken from it. It’s just that this is not my first experience with him and again it’s positive.

Of the obvious advantages of the blah blah car, I can note the following:

So in our case, having lost some good guys, we acquired a company of others. The road passed unnoticed and very exciting, as it should be with a lot of discoveries and destinies.

Of course, you can buy a plane ticket right now by simply using the search form at the bottom of the page, but in this case, half of the adventures will not have happened, but then who likes what.

Be sure to tell your friends about us


    Please tell me. At what km? Does this section begin on M-4 if you drive towards Moscow from Krasnodar? Quote from your article “By the way, a new profession has appeared not far from the ill-fated crossing, which is always being repaired. During the day, local residents live there, offering a free route to bypass the traffic jam for a fee, although I did not inquire about the cost of the services. Please note that this section may be of interest not only on the way to Anapa, but also on the ferry to Crimea.”
    It would also be better if you helped me (I’m 69 years old and I’m not a very rich pensioner, but I really need to get my car to Nizhny Novgorod) get directions on Google map and send me a link. I'm afraid to take travel companions. I will move only in the early morning and afternoon in three stages. Apsheronsk - Kamensk-Shakhtinsky - Vyachka, Tambov region - Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region. Thank you in advance, although I don’t really hope for an answer. I am leaving on May 10 - 12, 2019. Good luck to you and have a nice holiday in the Russian South.
    Find the answer, if it is available, at your e-mail address. [email protected]

    1. sent a response by email. In short, I want to note two important points:
      1. You won’t have to go through a bad crossing, since it is located away from the M4 highway
      2. I recommend choosing a paid route - since in practice it turns out to be more profitable due to reduced fuel consumption, and gasoline is now expensive. On free sections, the speed of movement is sometimes reduced to 40 km/h, which does not correspond to the optimal speed of economical movement

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