In which sea is the rich underwater world. Where the underwater world is more beautiful

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The sea is a body of salt water that is connected to one of the five oceans. But some seas are located inside the mainland, the second are considered part of others, and the third are part of the ocean. There are about 90 marine reservoirs on our planet, which differ in size, shape, depth, as well as the presence or absence of shores.

The top 10 includes the largest seas in the world in terms of area.

10. Sea of ​​Okhotsk

Okhotsk opens the top ten largest seas in the world with an area of ​​1.6 million square meters. km. and a maximum depth of 4 thousand meters in the Kuril basin. It washes the shores of Japan and Russia. Previously, the sea was called Kamchatka. They began to call it Okhotsk in honor of the Okhota River, which flows into this sea. Its waters abound with species of the most valuable fish, such as salmon, chinook, sockeye salmon, chum salmon and others. The Kuril Islands are located in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

9. Bering Sea

The Bering Sea is the largest in Russia, its total area is 2.3 million square meters. km. Its waters belong to the Pacific Ocean, it washes the shores of the USA and Russia, being the water border between states. The most deep point seabed reaches 4 thousand meters. The sea got its current name in honor of the explorer and navigator Bering, who devoted most of his life to the study of sea waters. In the 13th century, Beringovo bore the names Bobrovoe or Kamchatskoe. The sea is covered with ice almost all year round, but despite this, about 240 species of fish are found here, among which there are also valuable species of interest to fishing.

8. Mediterranean Sea

The Mediterranean is one of the largest seas on the planet. Its area is about 2.5 million square meters. km., and the maximum depth can reach 5 thousand meters in some places. The sea washes three parts of the world at once - these are Africa, Asia and Europe. It is connected to the Atlantic Ocean by the Strait of Gibraltar. Integral part mediterranean sea are Aegean, Adriatic, Ionian and Tyrrhenian. All together they form one big sea. There is a very rich fauna, numbering about 550 species of fish alone, 70 of which are found only in these waters. Also, the Mediterranean Sea is replete with sharks and has about 15 species that are dangerous to humans.

7. Caribbean Sea

The Caribbean ranks seventh in the ranking of the largest seas in the world in terms of area. Its size is about 2.7 million square meters. km., and the greatest depth is about 8 thousand meters. It belongs to the Atlantic Ocean. The sea got its name thanks to the Indian tribe of Caribs who lived on its coast. The second name of the sea reservoir is the Antilles. There is a version of scientists that the Caribbean is the source most hurricanes in the Western Hemisphere. Distressed natural phenomena regularly destroy the buildings of the inhabitants of the islands and the coast of the basin.

6. Weddell Sea

Weddell is ranked sixth in the list of the largest seas in the world. Its area is 2.9 million square meters. km., and the greatest depth reaches almost 7 thousand meters. It is a marginal sea in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean, between western part Antarctic Peninsula and Coates Land (east). Weddell is considered the coldest and most clear sea in the world. The water here is amazingly clear. A feature of Weddell is the fact that the water temperature in it can reach minus 25 degrees, but it does not freeze! The local fauna is represented by such marine animals as penguins, seals, whales, etc.

5. Tasman Sea

The Tasman Sea has an area of ​​3.3 million square meters. km and the greatest depth of more than 5 thousand meters. This is one of the largest seas on the planet in terms of area. It is located between New Zealand and Australia. It got its name in honor of the Dutch navigator Abel Tasman. The depth of the sea is about 6 thousand meters, which makes it one of the deepest. The flora and fauna of this sea in different areas is significantly different.

4. Coral Sea

The Coral Sea is in fourth place with an area of ​​4.7 million square meters. km. It refers to the waters. Pacific Ocean and is located between the coasts of New Guinea, Australia and New Caledonia. The depth of the sea can reach in some places more than 9 thousand meters. The sea has numerous coral reefs and islands. It is here that the largest reef on the planet is located, called the Great Barrier Reef with a length of 2.5 thousand km. and an area of ​​344 thousand square meters. km., which is larger than the area of ​​Great Britain. The richest underwater flora and fauna is concentrated here.

3. Arabian Sea

Arabian opens the top three largest seas on the planet. Its area is approximately equal to 4.8 million square meters. km., and the maximum depth is 4 thousand meters. Initially, the sea was called Eritrean. It is part of the Indian Ocean and washes the shores of about. Somalia, Maldives, Djibouti, Iran, India and Pakistan. This is where they are located best beaches India for holidays. The world's most important trade routes pass through the sea. In addition, the Arabian is one of the saltiest and cleanest seas in the world. The underwater world is rich in vegetation and marine life. Here you can meet rare species of animals, for example, green sea turtles or hawksbill. The Arabian Sea is considered one of the most popular ecotourism destinations.

2 Philippine Sea

Philippine is the largest coastal sea, whose area is approximately 5.7 million square meters. km., and the maximum depth in some places can reach 11 thousand meters. Here is the deepest depression on the planet, which is called the Mariana Trench. The sea is located near the Philippine archipelago, hence its name. It does not have clear coastal boundaries: it is separated from the ocean by groups of islands: the Philippine Islands, about. Honshu, Kyushu, Ryukyu and about. Taiwan. Philippine waters are inhabited by many species of fish from small to giant. Here, commercial fishing for tuna, which is considered one of the most valuable marine products, is carried out.

1. Sargasso Sea

The Sargasso Sea tops the list of the largest seas in the world. Its area reaches 6-7 million square meters. km. and may vary depending on sea currents. The uniqueness of this sea is that it has no shores. Its water boundaries are considered to be three ocean currents. The shape of the sea is a scaled ellipse of light green color. It received such a shade from abundant underwater vegetation in the form of algae. Just imagine: there are about two tons of underwater plants per square meter! From here came the second name that Sargasso got from Columbus - "a jar of algae." In some places, the depth of the sea can reach about 7 thousand meters. average temperature here it fluctuates from 20 to 28 degrees above zero.

We offer a list of 20 states and regions with the most beautiful beaches in the world. Unfortunately, despite our desire, there is beautiful places, which we did not mention, but which we promise to tell you about next time in more detail. The countries and regions in this list are in different parts of the world. Many of them you can visit all year round. So let's not waste time, but let's see what we have prepared below.

1. Cuba. Many people call it “the most beautiful island” and this is not far from the truth. Charming coastlines with fine, white sand make this island a desirable destination for winter holiday. The vibrant life of coral lagoons and warm, sun-warmed shallow waters act as a magnet for divers and underwater photography enthusiasts. Quite popular and one of the most beautiful is the beach Varadero, located on the north coast, as well as luxurious lagoons to the east of the small Cuban island of Pinos.

2. France. Few countries can boast such natural and cultural diversity as. This land offers all the best in one place. Part of the beauty of France is its beaches, which are considered among the most beautiful in the world. Who hasn't heard of? Cote d'Azur, as the Riviera is also called, is the most famous and stretches from Marsilia to Menton. Even more beautiful however - the beaches on east coast islands that will enchant you with almost tropical delights.

3. . White coral sand with delicate pink nuances makes Bahama beaches the most beautiful in the western hemisphere. It is no coincidence that the islands are of great tourist interest and are famous for being one of the best tourist destinations. Thousands of tourists are looking for warm place where you can spend the winter. They flock here every year between December and March when conditions for tourism are at their best. The beautiful beaches are one of the reasons why many celebrities buy private islands in this part of the world.

4. Jamaica. Imagine how you look on snow-white sand with a cocktail in your hand, presented in a coconut. Liked? Now imagine coconut palms rising above the sand, making shade with their open leaves. Imagine also the sea, clear and transparent like a mirror. If you want to delve into such an environment, then you need. The local coastline is among the most attractive in the world, and the setting is more than vacant.

5. Australia. Solnechnaya has always been known for its exceptional coastlines. Virgin beaches, some over 60 kilometers long, with white sand and clear sea waters, are a common feature here. Near the coast of the state stretches the largest on the planet, and among its waters are located beautiful islands with white coral sand. probably the most beautiful corner on the east Australian coast. No less beautiful are the beaches in, which are charming with their small orange nuances.

6. Greece. Bringing together all the beauty that the Mediterranean has to offer, a real tourist paradise. The country has thousands of magnificent pale and large beaches, and coastline among the most dissected on the continent. In secluded bays, the sea is almost always as calm as a mirror, and the sapphire blue waters are among the clearest in Europe. Worthy of special attention Elafonisi beach, which will literally enchant you with its azure hues.

7. Belize. Near the coast is the second largest coral reef on the planet. In it you will see many islands that are covered with lush tropical vegetation and snow-white coral reefs. The clear lagoons that surround them are one of the most exhilarating diving spots in the world. The biodiversity is exceptional, and the beauty of nature here attracts the rich and famous people. For example, Hollywood celebrity Leonardo DiCaprio owns a private island in this part of the world.

8. Fiji. The tropical paradise is known for its captivating coastlines. Numerous small and big islands, surrounded by fabulously beautiful beaches, colorful coral reefs and transparent lagoons, attract visitors from all over the world. The rich underwater world of Fiji is like a paradise for divers. Transparent sea waters provide wonderful conditions for underwater photography. Underwater visibility reaches up to 30-40 meters. Place popular destination for honeymooners, as well as for all exotic lovers who want to find warm and sunny weather all year round.

9. Spain. Solnechnaya is known for its luxurious coastlines and world-famous seaside resorts. Notorious Balearic Islands, and among the most attractive destinations throughout the Mediterranean. There you can find seductive beach strips that attract millions of tourists every year! The pearl of Spain is undoubtedly the island of Ibiza, it is known for the fact that the sea waters here are exceptionally clean and transparent.

10. Mexico. The beaches are varied and range from snow white to light brown. You will find them both on the Pacific coast and on Atlantic Ocean. Two Mexican resorts, known throughout the world, are located just in the region with the most beautiful beaches. This is Cancun. Few countries around the world can boast a more picturesque coastline. For this reason, it is not surprising that Americans take such great interest in their sunny southern neighbor, especially during the winter months when most of The USA is covered in snow.

11. Maldives. IN last years especially popular in the luxury holiday market. Exclusively beautiful landscapes attract paying tourists from all over the world. Those looking for the exotic will find everything they need here. Azure blue sea waters and snow-white sand in combination with tropical forests made the island like heaven on earth. For the more demanding, there are entire private islands that have been turned into super luxury resorts.

12. Dominican Republic . This fabulously beautiful Caribbean country occupies a large eastern part one of the most important Caribbean Islands- Hispaniola. The tropical jungle, full of life, reaches the very shore, where the white fine sand starts off with the azure tropical waters of the warm caribbean. Very a good choice- the beaches of Punta Cana in the eastern part, which are considered one of the most attractive on the island of Hispaniola.

13. Thailand. With its picturesque coastlines, Thailand has earned the reputation of being the most attractive tropical destination in the world. South-East Asia. The islands of Phuket, Koh Samui and especially Ko Phi Phi are definitely worth seeing. It is no coincidence that the notorious American film with Leonardo DiCaprio, The Beach, was filmed in this exotic far eastern country.

14. Egypt. For European tourists hardly a surprise that is present on this list. With its golden sands and amazingly clear waters, the country of the pharaohs has long been known as a favorite destination, especially for the gloomy and cold part of the year. The coral reefs of the Red Sea are among the most the best places for diving in the world. You will find the best Egyptian beaches in the beautiful coastal resorts and Hurghada.

15. Seychelles . A person cannot say that he has seen real beauty before touching the charms. Nestled in the warm waters of the Indian Ocean, best description for these islands - „ earthly paradise". Probably the most beautiful is one of northern islands named Praslin. The Seychelles have exceptionally beautiful beaches with snow-white sand, and coconut trees move lazily in the refreshing breeze. Sea water is crystal clear and transparent, and only a few meters from the shore is full of all kinds of marine creatures.

16. Polynesia. You will often hear people refer to Polynesia as "heaven on earth" and rightly so. Here, on numerous islands scattered among the tropics of the South Pacific, you will find so many beautiful places that you never suspected that they could exist. The jungle reaches the very shore. Huge palm trees cast shade on the white coral sands, and the lagoons located between the coral reefs and the shore captivate with their azure nuances. And this applies to thousands of islands from each other more beautiful. It is here that best destinations like, Tahiti or the famous Cook Islands.

17. Kenya. Many people are familiar with because of her full of life savannah, but few who know it because of the beautiful beaches of the country. White sand and coconut palms meet the azure waters of the warm Indian Ocean. Coral reefs break large ocean waves far from shore. In addition to the exceptionally beautiful local beaches also very calm. There are no crowds of tourists to make noise or disturb you.

18. USA. It would be crazy to talk about beautiful beaches and miss out as this country has some truly heavenly pieces. The state, for example, is considered a real tropical paradise. Some of the islands have incredible beaches covered with fine golden sand. Near the shore, palm forests lure with their mixed shade, and clear ocean waters favorite place for everyone who loves underwater life.

19. Lesser Antilles. Lesser Antilles paradise in the southern half of the Caribbean, which millions of people around the world dream of while standing at their workplace during the long, gray, boring, cold and rainy winter days. This is the place of glossy magazines and postcards where few tourists have had the pleasure of lying in the shade under coconut trees while enjoying the fine sand and crystal clear sea. This includes places like Marinika, and others.

20. Tunisia. It is no coincidence that it is known for the most beautiful beaches in Africa. mediterranean coast. Light sand, clear and warm sea, and all this is just a step away from the most severe, dry and hot desert on the planet -. This has made Tunisia famous as a real desert oasis and an ideal holiday destination in spring and autumn, when climatic conditions perfect.

The underwater world is perhaps one of the most beautiful wonders of the world. We've put together a beautiful selection of 30 underwater photos, as well as a story about where these wonders meet.

Of course, not in every sea you can see colorful fish and corals, but where they are, you should definitely visit. Therefore, today we will talk about those places where you can meet the most unusual underwater world. There are not very many such places and they are known all over the world, and divers generally come there for a long time and try to take more underwater pictures.

So, we will see the most diverse underwater world in the Galapagos. These distant exotic islands are located to the west of Ecuador, to which they belong. The Galapagos appeared from the crust of a volcano located at the bottom of the ocean, and thanks to this, on coastal reefs, as well as on remote places developed rich underwater life. In addition, the Galapagos are also known for the animals that inhabit the terrestrial part of the islands. Amazing islands all around!

Incredible Beautiful places there are also in more accessible regions for Russians. The Red Sea harbors amazing underwater life. It is in the northern part of the Red Sea that the most diverse fauna in the world is located. Here you can see more than 100 types of corals, more than 600 types of fish, as well as countless starfish and algae.

The Palau Islands, which belong to the Philippines, are the place where you can see the most beautiful fish in the world. These islands are famous among diving enthusiasts, because the water there is very warm all year round.

The famous Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral system in the world. Far from Russia, but worth a visit. More than 1000 islands belonging to Australia form a unique ecosystem where you can find more than 3000 reefs with their own unique underwater inhabitants. Unfortunately, the Barrier Reef suffers from the number of tourists who do not always throw out the garbage, and also interfere with the natural balance in every possible way.

And our hit parade is completed by our native Lake Baikal. Yes, yes, despite the fact that it does not fit into a tropical paradise with many fish and corals, it also has a unique underwater life. Baikal is the oldest lake in the world and also the deepest. There is a lot of northern fish here. Only divers with experience dive into the cold waters of Lake Baikal, because the depth here comes very abruptly, and not everyone can withstand it. This place of power is loved by tourists from all over the world.

These reservoirs store an incredible life. And we advise you to look at beautiful fish!

The ocean is a rich underwater world, with its laws, treasures and inhabitants. It still remains a mystery to mankind. Plunging into the depths of the sea, we discover the incredible beauty and mystery of the ocean. The underwater world is beautiful, under water, hidden from human eyes, a mysterious and amazing life is seething.
Diving or scuba diving is in great demand among people who are thrill-seekers. Today, everyone, a healthy person, can go scuba diving and feel like an explorer. sea ​​depths or an adventurer. If a person has basic knowledge and skills, then he will be able to scuba dive relatively safely and simply, but at the same time, you need to have more equipment.

Diving is rapidly gaining a leading position. Many seaside resorts have diving centers where tourists can rent any equipment and learn scuba diving.
Diving includes elements of sport and risk, as well as a certain educational interest. For amateur tourists to search for treasures, sunken ships, underwater tourism with an archaeological bias is developing. In the Mediterranean countries, in the coastal waters, there are many ruins of ancient cities, the skeletons of sunken ships.
Underwater tourism is gaining more and more popularity, especially in tropical countries. The main purpose is photography, spearfishing, viewing the underwater world, collecting pearls, shells, marine organisms. The coral reefs of the coast of Florida, the reefs of the Caribbean Sea, the atolls of Oceania attract tourists, the Red Sea is very popular for diving. With its warm and clear waters.

For tourists who cannot dive underwater with scuba gear, underwater stained-glass windows have been specially created. They are located in the bottom of ships and in the underground part of buildings located in the coastal zone. There are small trips on tourist, comfortable submarines.
It is useless to describe the beauty of the underwater world, it is better to see it with your own eyes. Having plunged into the silent, amazing, underwater kingdom once, you will be pulled back, again and again.

Life on Earth originated in water. Hundreds of millions of years ago, the seas and oceans of our planet were inhabited by many of the most unusual representatives of the fauna. The modern underwater world is also surprisingly rich and diverse. It is inhabited by millions of living beings, appearance and bizarre forms which amaze the imagination. Some of them are so unusual that it is easy to confuse them with plants. Anyone who is seriously engaged in diving has the opportunity to appreciate the unique beauty of the underwater world. However, you can see all the diversity of marine life, as well as get acquainted with underwater inhabitants, in another way - by visiting the famous huge oceanariums, where in all its beauty and diversity appears mysterious world oceans and seas. In this article, we have described largest aquariums in the world.

1. S.E.A.Aquarium

S.E.A. Aquarium is the largest aquarium in the world, located in Singapore. It was opened a few years ago - in 2012. With a volume of more than 45 million liters of sea water, it consists of two parts: the oceanarium itself and the amusement park on the water.

S.E.A.Aquarium, divided into several thematic zones, is home to about 100,000 different species of fish and marine animals. Living conditions for all inhabitants are close to natural. About 200 species of sharks live in a huge aquarium, among which there are rare ones, such as the hammerhead shark, whitetip shark and tiger sharks. Giant manta rays live here - the largest rays, Japanese spider crabs, graceful and intelligent bottlenose dolphins, octopuses, starfish, a huge number of species of jellyfish and many beautiful rare fish of various shapes and colors.

The main feature and pride of the S.E.A. Aquarium is a giant aquarium, the size of a wall several floors high, imitating the open ocean. Travelers have the illusion of a complete effect of presence - it seems to them that they are gradually sinking to the bottom of the ocean. In order to fully appreciate the beauty of the underwater world, an appropriate environment has been created: subdued lights, comfortable seats and quiet soothing music. And past, behind transparent glass, rays, sharks and long schools of rare and bizarre fish swim.

2 Georgia Aquarium

This is the second among the largest oceanariums in the world, opened in the US state of Georgia relatively recently - in 2005. Its volume is 23.8 million liters of water, and before the opening of the Singapore Aquarium, it was considered the largest on the planet.

All visitors to the aquarium in Georgia are struck by the diversity of its inhabitants. It is home to northern white whales - beluga whales, sea otters, the largest whale sharks, as well as rays, Japanese spider crabs, albino crocodiles, a variety of exotic fish such as electric fish and piranhas, and jellyfish in a wide variety of sizes and colors.

Children will surely be delighted to meet the adorable royal blue fish Dory and the clown fish Nemo, as well as cute and familiar penguins that can be observed up close. The decoration of the oceanarium is the smart and beautiful bottlenose dolphins that live there - large dolphins that show their own show to guests several times a day according to a certain schedule.

3. The Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium

One of the largest aquariums in the world, The Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium, is located in Japan on the island of Okinawa. Here you can observe the life of many inhabitants of the seas and oceans from small colorful fish to huge sharks and giant rays. The building of the oceanarium is built in such a way that the main entrance is located on the top floor, so all visitors have the illusion of a gradual immersion in the underwater life of the island of Okinawa.

At first, travelers enter the world of the most beautiful coral reefs, colorful sea fish and other representatives of the fauna. Visitors have a unique opportunity to touch some of the inhabitants of the ocean, such as starfish or holothurians. Representatives of flora and fauna from the sea zone with the warm current of the Pacific Ocean - Kuroshio live on the second floor. Here you can meet rare sea giants: three huge whale sharks and a group of manta rays that bring offspring. And finally, the lower floor is reserved for studying the bottom kingdom of the island of Okinawa - wonderful world, lying at a depth of more than 200 meters, where the rays of the sun almost do not penetrate. Here you can get acquainted with the life of the deep representatives of the ocean, the conditions of detention of which are as close as possible to their natural habitat.

4. L'Oceanografic

Now fast forward to Europe, where Spanish city Valencia has a huge Oceanographic Park - L'Oceanogràfic. This large aquarium with a volume of 40 million liters of water is home to 45,000 representatives of marine fauna: beluga whales, sharks, fur seals, electric rays, turtles, sea dragons and sea lions, penguins, walruses and other inhabitants. The oceanarium is divided into 10 different climatic zones, each of which is represented by its inhabitants, from the fauna of tropical seas to representatives of the polar oceans of the icy Arctic. The park has its own dolphinarium.

A distinctive feature of the L’Oceanogràfic Aquarium is that, in addition to the richest collection of various representatives of marine fauna, it has its own garden, which presents more than 80 species of plants brought from different parts of the globe.

5. Dubai Aquarium

Another giant oceanarium called Dubai Aquarium is located in sunny Dubai in the famous mall- Dubai Mall. It is the largest indoor aquarium in the world, holding over 10 million liters of water. Dubai Aquarium also includes a zoo located above the aquarium.

The aquarium in Dubai is an underwater home for 33 thousand inhabitants of the seas and oceans, ranging from small fish of all shades of colors to sea giants - predatory sharks and huge rays. There are over 400 different shark species here, the most numerous being sand sharks. In addition to them, in Dubai Aquarium you can observe the life of Cayman crocodiles, water turtles, piranhas, octopuses, crabs, penguins, seals and other marine representatives of the fauna, the species diversity of which is constantly expanding.

6 Shanghai Ocean Aquarium

Another largest oceanarium with a volume of 3.8 million liters of water is located in Shanghai. An underwater glass tunnel 155 meters long, equipped with a special escalator, passes through the aquarium.

The exposition of the oceanarium is divided into nine zones according to the geographical principle; in total, over 15,000 fish and marine animals live there. Among them are many representatives of very rare species: emperor penguins, spotted seals, rag-picker sea horse, poison dart frogs, rare species of jellyfish.

Particularly interesting is the area dedicated to China, which contains rare species of aquatic animals that live only in this country. These are giant salamanders, Chinese alligators, Chinese sturgeons and others.

Some aquariums have interesting exhibitions dedicated to certain topics. For example, an exhibition of sea sponges. Tourists also have a unique opportunity to feed fish and other underwater inhabitants at a specially allotted time.

7 Oceanario de Lisboa

We return to Europe again, where in Portuguese Lisbon is located the largest in Portugal and one of the largest oceanariums in the world - Oceanario de Lisboa. It is home to 16,000 underwater creatures represented by 450 species. The total volume of the aquarium is 7.5 million liters of water, and the depth is about 7 meters, which further enhances the impression of the open ocean.

In Oceanario de Lisboa you can watch fish, marine animals and birds: rays, tuna, octopuses, moray eels, chimaeras, as well as otters, cormorants, Magellanic penguins and giant crabs. The main highlight and the rarest specimen of the oceanarium is the moon fish. The content of this giant is fraught with great difficulties, so it is extremely rare to see it in captivity. The Lisbon Oceanarium is one of the few that has created favorable conditions for the life of these unusual fish.

8. L'Aquarium de Barcelona

Another huge and beautiful oceanarium with a volume of 4.5 million liters of water with 11 thousand inhabitants of sea waters, represented by 450 species, is located in Spain in magnificent city Barcelona.

The Barcelona Oceanarium consists of 35 aquariums, divided according to the size and types of underwater inhabitants. The most beautiful and unexpected representatives of marine flora and fauna live here: graceful seahorses, royal sea bream, sea dragon, cowfish, huge toothy sharks, predatory piranhas, Mediterranean moray eels, moonfish and a fearsome sawfish. There is also a swimming pool with smart and friendly dolphins living there.

For experienced divers, the aquarium offers extreme excursions with shark diving. Those who are ready for a desperate adventure should take care of tickets in advance, as those wishing to embark on dangerous journey always a lot.

9. Sydney Aquarium

In sunny Australia, in Darling Harbor, there is one of the main attractions of the country - the magnificent Sydney Aquarium with a volume of 7 million liters of water. It is a water home for 11,000 individuals represented by 650 species. Aquarium water is drawn directly from the ocean.

The most interesting begins already at the entrance - tourists enter the building through the gaping mouth of a shark. The collection of the Sydney Aquarium is unusually rich and diverse, and its underwater world is fascinating. Here is the world's largest collection of sharks, living corals, turtles, saltwater crocodiles, fur seals, many fish of the most bizarre and unexpected colors, blue octopuses, colorful starfish, as well as ancient inhabitants of the underwater depths, such as nautilus, who lived another 500 million years back. Well, adventure seekers get a rare chance to dive deep with scuba gear and feed the sharks.

10. AquaDom

This unique cylindrical aquarium with almost 1 million liters of sea water is located in Berlin, in the 5-star Radisson SAS Hotel. The tank with the oceanarium, 16 meters high and weighing 2,000 tons, rests on a powerful concrete foundation. With the help of a special slowly circulating elevator, tourists have the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the oceanarium from the inside.

The aquarium is home to over 1,500 fish belonging to 97 various types. Here you can see a whole collection of beautiful tropical fish, sea bass, mackerel, Napoleon fish, as well as jellyfish and starfish. Every day, three scuba divers feed all the inhabitants and clean the aquarium.