Elbrus is the highest mountain in Russia (20 photos). Elbrus - a mountain in the Greater Caucasus The highest mountain Elbrus

Elbrus is the most famous mountain in the world. It is an object of universal attention, a dream for people who prefer extreme sports, and an object of admiration for tourists. Almost every traveler knows where Mount Elbrus is located, and therefore dreams of going to the distant and unexplored Caucasus.

For many, the Caucasus is the territory that is worth visiting. After all, everyone knows that it is here that you can feel complete freedom from the hustle and bustle and fully enjoy, truly, incredible landscapes. For a long time, it was considered the place on Earth that could be called “paradise.” Nature has rewarded the area with unusually beautiful relief and diversity. flora. The air here is clean and transparent, which is main feature this territory.

The Caucasus is a mountainous region of Eurasia, which has a whole lot of amazing places, but perhaps the most famous of them is Elbrus. This mountain has managed to become the “calling card” of the area, since it is the mountain that attracts many tourists. It is worth noting that the country is divided into two parts - South and North, conventionally called two half-worlds. Of course, the two parts are united by common traditions and culture, but tourist attendance is different.

What is the famous mountain?

The formation of this point began more than 218 thousand years ago. Since that ancient and forgotten time, lava and tuff have erupted 15 times. It’s impossible to say whether it’s a lot or a little, but it was they who gave humanity such an extraordinary gift.

Elbrus is a stratovolcano in the Caucasus, it is called the highest point in Russia. It is one of the Great Seven of the world's most famous peaks. Its location is unique, since it is located on the border of the republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. Externally, it is a double-peaked cone-shaped volcano that has not erupted for a very, very long time (the last eruption dates back to 50 AD).

Each nationality has its own name for the volcano mountain, which, increasingly, in translation means “height”, “elevation”, “highest point”. Such definitions are not accidental, because they are based on the coordinates of the height above sea level. By the way, the exact height of the mountain was first determined back in 1883. This was done by the famous academician and scientist V.K. Vishnevsky. He indicated and recorded data according to which Mount Elbrus has a height of 5421 m. These figures became unchanged, because no transformations were observed in the volcano. Until this time, accurate data simply did not exist.

It should be noted that the mountain remained an object of research for a long time; each new ascent provided new information, which was recorded in the necessary documentation. Today this place is interesting for various reasons, so let’s find out where Mount Elbrus is located on the map of Russia and how can an ordinary traveler find it?

Correct coordinates

Of course, this place is known to local residents, and you can easily find the treasured mountain. But, in order not to worry, it is better to find out about everything in detail before the trip. First you need to find general information about the place you are interested in, then analyze the territory and note the data you need.

Many travelers have developed a search pattern that is based on data from cartographic sources. From them you will know that Elbrus is located in the Caucasus, exactly 130 kilometers west of the city of Nalchik, within the northern part of the Main Caucasus Ridge. To find where Elbrus is located on the map, you don’t need special knowledge and skills, since the most detailed maps and well-known routes. It won’t be difficult for you to find the object, it will be much more difficult to conquer it, and therefore we will continue our preparation.

About modes of transportation

Depending on what you are going to travel on, you need to choose the right approach to the mountain. Since this place is specific and not close to civilization, there is no better means of transportation than a car. Further, the route will be on foot, as expected leisure. There is another option - to travel by bus, but it is only suitable for large excursion groups. If you are traveling with a small group of like-minded people, then a car would still be more appropriate.

Where to start climbing?

Of course, everyone has their own rules and principles for relaxation, but when it comes to Elbrus, the first departure point is the village of Azau. Experts recommend acclimatizing and spending some time here (1-2 days), and then hitting the road.

Remember that the best time to get to the mountain is in the summer, when there are no obstacles on the way. The period from September to September is a unique time in every sense and it is best suited for every tourist.

Regarding July and August, it must be said that this is the optimal period due to the fact that the weather is incredibly warm and stable, there is no dampness, rain or any noticeable temperature changes. But sometimes surprises happen, and therefore you should be prepared for anything in advance, because the Caucasian weather is very often unpredictable, remember this. For this reason, when planning a route, one extra day is always included. A winter climb is possible, but the weather is against you here as it can be very cold at this time of year, down to -40 at the summit.

Many return here at other times of the year, after the first ascent, to appreciate the beauty in other contrasts. For others, coming here becomes a challenge, since the low air temperature becomes an obstacle. It is important to note that it is always beautiful here, only in its own way. Different times provide the opportunity to see unique features that would not be noticeable in another season. Also remember that there are always a lot of tourists here, so you won’t be alone.

Mountain coordinates:

43.3469353 north latitude

42.4528694 east longitude.

Unsolved mystery

There is one main question When Elbrus wakes up and whether this will happen in the future, scientists have not yet given an answer. This means that climbing it will be possible for a long time, so it’s time to start your preparations for such an amazing point on our planet. After all, if an eruption takes place, the danger will be incredible. Firstly, there will be a release of ash and lava, and the possibility of unprecedented flooding from melting glaciers will increase.

Until recently, my knowledge about Elbrus were limited to almost forgotten data from boring geography textbooks and an angry tirade from a geography student about how it’s a shame not to know where you are the highest peak in Russia and Europe. But last year, my theoretical knowledge was replenished with practical ones, in other words, I visited the Caucasus and I saw this with my own eyes nature miracle, and before that I studied all the guidebooks about this wonderful place.

The trip to the Caucasus was not spontaneous, it was long-awaited and carefully planned. Therefore, I decided to prepare in advance and scout out the situation, so to speak. I was interested in the following questions:

  • where is it and how to get to Elbrus;
  • what transport can you use to get there? to a local attraction;
  • where to start climbing on mountain.

Where is Elbrus

I knew before that Elbrus is located in the Caucasus, and to be more precise, then 150 kilometers from the city of Nalchik. And to be completely precise, it is located between two republics - Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria, but it is believed that the mountain is located on the territory of the latter. It is interesting that in these republics Elbrus is called differently, for example, the Circassians call Mount Oshkhomakho, and the Kabardians call it Mingi Tau. Inexplicable but the fact!

First misleading impressions

Driving close to the city, you can see a Caucasian landmark. From a distance, it didn’t seem so impressive and huge to me, but when I arrived at my destination, my opinion changed. Of course I knew that the height of the mountain is more than 5500meters. But I had no idea how high it was. I would say too high. I couldn’t look at this beauty for a long time; my neck was stiff.

How to get to Elbrus

You can get to the mountain get there by car, this is the most popular option, also excursion buses run, fortunately they go often. We traveled by car, so We reached the mountain in 2 hours, the bus will take a little longer. But it's worth it! Elbrus is very popular among climbers, it’s not surprising, who wouldn’t want to conquer this famous Caucasian peak. If you decide to climb the mountain, then your the path will run through the village of Azau. Most climbers start climbing from this place; before climbing, locals advise spending a couple of days in the village for acclimatization. And then hit the road to conquer the inaccessible peak!

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Friends, you often ask, so we remind you! 😉

Flights- You can compare prices from all airlines and agencies!

Hotels- don’t forget to check prices from booking sites! Don't overpay. This !

Rent a Car- also an aggregation of prices from all rental companies, all in one place, let's go!

I had to face this question as a child; my parents were not supporters of children's camps, so they chose an alternative form of recreation for me in the summer! And it was great, I was assigned to a children's tourism club. Every summer we went on unforgettable trips to different parts of Russia. One day we had a hike to Elbrus.

Let's try to figure out where Elbrus is located

Elbrus located in the south of Russia, it occupies a special place in the Greater Caucasus Range system. This is an amazing place on earth, so amazing and beautiful that you definitely need to see it with your own eyes. He is located at the junctionRepublics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. In clear weather, Elbrus can be seen from several tens of kilometers away.

Its peaks dominate the mountain range, near Elbrus two peaks: Western and Eastern. MoreWestern is considered high, although the difference in height is insignificant. On the slopes of Elbrus at different altitudes there are shelters, as hotels are called, places where tourists gather, where you can relax and wait out the bad weather.

How to get to this amazing place in Russia

The first thing you need to do is get to Mineralnye Vody or Nalchik.

  • The fastest and most convenient way is air travel. You will be able to admire beautiful views of the mountains from above if it is clear and cloudless.
  • But I'm one of those who are ready to immerse themselves in romance railway with its pros and cons and hit the road with this particular type of transport.

I can imagine how the landscapes outside the train window will change, the quiet swaying, the conductor offering to order tea from her in a beautiful glass holder - beauty and that’s all.

Once you reach the city of your choice, the matter remains small, since there will be enough people willing to help you get to your destination. Also from Mineralnye Vody and Nalchik daily flights to the foot of Elbrus are organized. From the bottom to the top you can make unforgettable journey By cable car, it will be a long and exciting journey. Don't forget to have a snack in the cafe and listen to stories seasoned tourists.

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I rightfully consider climbing Elbrus one of the most important achievements in my life. An indescribable feeling of being on top of the world. In principle, this is so, because Elbrus is one of the highest mountains on our planet. Follow me, I will tell you where this mountain is!

Where is Mount Elbrus located?

The 5642-meter peak is the pride of Russia, located in the north Greater Caucasus, what is between the territories Kabardino-Balkaria And Karachay-Cherkessia. Included in the list of the “seven peaks” of Europe. By the way, I want to say that the height of 5642 m is only western peak. Second, eastern, has a height of 5621 m, that is, Elbrus has a double peak. You will be surprised to know that the mountain is actually a dying volcano. This is Elbrus with a secret! You might also be interested in Name mountains. There are a couple of versions of its origin:

  • translated from Iranian Aitbares means " high mountain»;
  • or from Georgian Yalbuz, which means “storm and ice”.

Climbing a Giant

We started our climb with cable car to the village called Azau(3750 m). Here we spent a couple of days (for acclimatization) at the Bochki shelter. Then one day we climbed to a height of 4700 m at Pastukhov rocks. The next route was through the saddle at an altitude of 5300 m, located between 2 peaks of the mountain. After a short rest, we only had to overcome about 500 m, which we did safely.

I want to tell you that the spectacle is magnificent! Mountain landscapes and nature of stunning beauty will not leave you indifferent. And for lovers ski resort this place will actually seem like paradise, take my word for it!

I hope I was able to answer your question and ignite a spark of thirst for adventure and new emotions in your heart. Finally, I would like to add that we should be proud of such a miracle of nature, such a uniqueness of the Caucasus. Today this place is very popular. It's huge rest zone, is also located here national park , in which the nature of the Elbrus region is in its original form.

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Gray Elbrus is young at heart. Powerful and passionate - just touch him. There is a universal cold in his brow. There is a crazy fire in his chest.

While thinking about how to start my report today, I suddenly came across a poem few people famous person named Lvovich Belilovsky. I was amazed - Belilovsky’s naive lines, in contrast to the florid pathos of Pushkin and the hysterically decadent style of Mandelstam, accurately conveyed the essence of the famous Caucasian peak - after all, covered with mighty snows Elbrus is a volcano. But first things first.

Where is Elbrus

The two-headed giant settled down in the Caucasus, on the very border of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria. How one of the peaks of the Side Range of the mountain system called the Greater Caucasus, Elbrus is a volcanic mountain range with a clearly defined a pair of vertices - Eastern And Western(height 5621 and 5642 m, respectively). The peaks are separated by a one and a half kilometer saddle - Elbrus pass(altitude 5416 m), where the station is located RedFox 5300(climbing shelter). It should be noted the difficult fate of this shelter: previously a hut was built here " Saddle", abandoned in 1959 due to the fact that it was constantly clogged with snow. In its place, a new one was built in 2010. station EG 5300, but squally winds and miscalculations in the design led to its destruction.

How to get to Elbrus

Elbrus region(official term) very well developed in terms of transport, since the highest Russian and European mountain is extremely popular among fans of extreme climbing.

You can get to Elbrus from the nearest settlements - Nalchik or MineralWaters(well, or directly get to the place in your own car). Get there to the above cities can be done in several ways:

  • on a Kuban Airlines plane(flight from Moscow lasts 2–3 hours and will cost 4 thousand rubles);
  • by train(departing from Kazansky railway station the train will take you for some 38 hours, and, having bought a compartment ticket, you will spend the same 4 thousand rubles);
  • by bus(the road will take day, and you’ll have to pay for the ticket 2 thousand rubles).

Looking at the dazzlingly shining cone of the Caucasian giant, I would like to end (as I began) on a poetic note.

... And in their (clouds) circle, a two-headed colossus, Shining with an icy crown, Elbrus is huge, majestic, White in the blue sky.

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Do you dream of visiting the mountains? Once upon a time, a similar desire was firmly in my head. But, as you know, if you really want something, it will definitely come true! Sometimes it happens that it’s as if the Universe itself is pushing you, circumstances develop on their own, and now your dream has already come true. This is what happened to me too. That spring I met my future husband, who turned out to be an amateur climber. And in the summer we are together went to conquer Elbrus. Needless to say, that I will remember the trip for the rest of my life.

Where is Elbrus

Then I didn’t know where it was either. But now I can find it on the map instantly. You just need to find Black and Caspian Sea. Found it? Do you see a huge mountain system between them? This is Caucasus. It is usually divided into Big and Small. Exactly Greater Caucasus Range that's what interests us. It serves as a natural border between Russia and Georgia. On the side of our state, its territory was divided by the republics: Adygea, Dagestan, Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria. Now find the city of Nalchik and, moving from it towards the Black Sea, on the border of two of the above republics of Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria, you will definitely see Elbrus. By the way, don't be surprised, but Elbrus - volcano, which originated a very long time ago, more than two million years have passed since then. Its last eruption occurred a little less than two thousand years ago. By the way, scientists even today cannot agree whether Elbrus went out or just fell asleep, and thermal springs, originating in its depths, these disputes only fuel. Elbrus has two peaks, the western one rises to a height of 5642 meters, and the eastern one is only 21 meters lower.. Above 3.5 thousand meters, the mountains are covered with glaciers, the melt waters of which give life to several large rivers. Here are the largest of these glaciers:

  • Terskol;
  • Big Azau;
  • Maly Azau;
  • Irik.

Climate or when to take risks

In the Elbrus region the climate is mild with fairly low humidity, but the volcano itself is not a hospitable host. in winter average temperature the air at its foot is -10 degrees, at an altitude of 2.5 thousand meters - already -25°C, and at the top - all 40 degrees below zero. And it’s not hot in summer: if the air is up to 2500 meters and warms up to +10 degrees, then at an altitude of 4.2 thousand meters, even in July the thermometer does not rise above –14 °C. And all this disgrace is accompanied sudden change of weather. The sun was just shining and there was no wind when a snowstorm began. Therefore, even experienced climbers most often They plan to climb for the period from July to August.

Climber or hiker

At all You don’t have to be a climber to enjoy the grandeur of Elbrusand feel all its power. It is enough to be an ordinary tourist, come here, see this two-headed giant, and then, perhaps, dare to climb.

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As a child, I really loved reading Russian classical literature. And the theme of the Caucasus has always been something special, its nature seemed magical, as if from another world. One day, while searching for visualization, I came across a reproduction of M. Yu. Lermontov’s painting “Elbrus at Sunrise” and was struck by the beauty of this mountain. I couldn’t believe that this extinct volcano was located not somewhere in the Himalayas, but here.

Geographical position

Elbrus -highest peak in Russia, and the entire European part of the continent. I have always been amazed by the appearance of this true pearl of the North Caucasus, because the size of the volcano is truly incredible. Don't notice it while traveling around Main Caucasian Ridge, impossible - the peak is located in its northern part, away from other mountains, and the gaze returns to it every now and then. It is a kind of natural border between the republicsKabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia.

How to get there

If you are going to not only enjoy the view of this mountain, which, by the way, has two peaks (double beauty), but also to conquer Elbrus, then there are more detailed coordinates. Nearest settlement - villageVerkhniy Baksan. Its picturesque nature sank into my heart: mountains, river, in a word - beauty and freedom. And the proximity to the top is only 28 km! A little further from the peak there is a city Tyrnyauz, administrative center Elbrus region. Those who do not consider themselves fans of rural romance can enjoy the view of the mountain from there. Traditionally considered a gathering place for climbers Azau glade - the largest sports ground, which is located directly at the foot of Elbrus. It is recommended to get there by car, but you can also get to the parking lot and by bus, flights depart from almost all nearby cities.

Before you travel, research popular routes. For myself, I selected several popular ones and safe directions.

  1. Climbing the southern slope is the most popular climbing option. The route contains several ropes of simple climbing in bundles.
  2. Climbing the northern slope assumes the same level of complexity, but is aimed at more experienced lovers of mountaineering, there are fewer parking areas.
  3. Climbing along the eastern ridge you'll like it for extreme sports fans, climbing it is noticeably more difficult.

There are other routes, but they require good physical preparation. Unfortunately, I don’t have one. But I’m sure the mountain will not leave you indifferent, and perhaps next time you’ll want to try this route.

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Oh... I remembered the old days when my health still allowed me to go hiking regularly. We had our own company of 8 people. Every year we conquered more and more mountain peaks. Unfortunately, everything tends to end. So our company broke up, everyone had a family and children. And all we have left are memories and a couple of photographs. The most memorable expedition was the climb to Elbrus.

Where is Mount Elbrus located?

Located this incredible peak in the Caucasus mountains, namely in the Side Range. You probably know that Elbrus - not just a mountain, but highest peak in Russia. To conquer her, you need to be experienced traveler, have steel health and endurance. The climb is not easy and requires a lot of physical effort, but believe me, it is worth it. When the top is reached, the beauty of the whole world opens up before you in full view. It's like you're God. Before you are mountains, forests, fields, sunset.

Interesting fact about Elbrus: It was only recently that geologists concluded that this mountain was in the past a volcano that went out.

For those who want to conquer Elbrus

Elbrus - five thousand meter(that is, its height is more than 5000 meters) . It means that you need to remember that:

  • lifting requires a lot of material costs(gear, equipment, food). And most importantly - air cylinders;
  • adaptation will take quite a long time(adaptation is time spent at an altitude of approximately 3000 meters so that the body gradually gets used to the altitude);
  • at an altitude of more than 4000 meters you need to climb while breathing with the help of a cylinder(it's physically difficult);
  • There is always a risk of developing altitude sickness- this sore is dangerous because you may not immediately feel the symptoms, and when you do feel it, it may already be too late, mountain sickness is deadly!

To get to the point from which the ascent will begin, you must arrive on the border of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria and the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia.

Exact location of Elbrus

Elbrus is located in the Caucasus, in the Caucasus Mountains, 130 kilometers from the city of Nalchik, if you move to the west.

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Mount Elbrus is highest peak Europe and Russia in particular. It is included in the catalog of the seven tallest objects on planet Earth. But this is not the only characteristic of this point in the Caucasus Mountains. It is a stratovolcano or, in other words, a layered volcano, which is formed by multi-layered solidification of lava, ash and tephra.

Such peaks are characterized by high altitude and steep slopes. This is due to the properties of lava masses, which have a viscous and thick consistency. And eruptions from stratovolcanoes are explosive in nature, while the lava quickly hardens and does not spread over long distances over the terrain.

Height of Mount Elbrus

This volcano has two peaks with different heights. The western one is 5642 m, and the eastern one is slightly lower - 5621 m. The distance between them is 3 km, and if measured along the mountainside - 5200 meters. On this saddle between the peaks of the volcano, the highest alpine shelter in Europe was built for climbers and lovers of conquering peaks. And there are more than enough people willing to climb to such a height, starting with the first ascent to the eastern peak on July 22, 1829 by Hilar Khachirov. This is a local guide, a resident of Kabardino-Balkaria, who knows these places well. The western peak was conquered a little later, in 1874, by English climbers F. Grove, F. Gardner, H. Walker, P. Knubel and local guide A. Sottaev. After this, thousands of people from all over the world try to climb to the height of Mount Elbrus, coming to the Elbrus region every year.

Controversial issues

Often on the pages of the World Wide Web you can see controversial dialogues about Elbrus, where it is located, in what country. The mountain is located on the border of several territorial units, although most of is still located on the territory of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, which occupies northern slope Caucasus Mountains.

But the mountain itself is located at the junction of Kabardino-Balkaria and the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, its image is on the coats of arms of both of these regions. However, very close North Ossetia, and Georgia, and Stavropol region. Therefore, in the Elbrus region there is a whole complex of resorts belonging to different republics of Russia and Georgia.

Also, disputes on the issue of Elbrus (where it is located, in which country) are also being conducted by geographers who cannot agree on a common opinion. Doubts are raised by assumptions that this volcano is located in Europe. Some argue that this is already the territory of Asia. The border between the continents runs right through the middle of the Main Caucasus Range.

Mountain name

Depending on the location of Elbrus (where it is located, in which country) local residents The volcano is called differently. In Iran it is called Aitibares, which means "sparkling or brilliant." This name is very appropriate appearance peaks when the eternal snow reflects the bright rays of the sun.

In Georgia they call the mountain Yalbuz, which translated means: yal - “storm”, buz - “ice”. Apparently, the inhabitants of this country have repeatedly witnessed the raging elements on the slopes of the mountain.

The Armenian name is closely phonetically related to the Georgian version. Sounds like Alberis. Many believe that this name comes from the word Alps.

The name of the mountain, invented by the Alans, sounds very beautiful. These are residents of Karachaevo-Balkaria. "Mingi-Tau" is translated as "eternal mountain of consciousness and wisdom."

The name of the volcano, known throughout the world - Elbrus - also has local origin. Consists of several words. “El” is translated as a settlement or nationality, but “bur” is a word familiar to Russian-speaking people, meaning to twist, turn back. The last part of the word “us” is translated as disposition, behavior.

Based on the meaning of the word Elbrus (where it is located, in what country, we found out), the name was invented, you can understand the nature and properties of this famous volcano, which in sunny weather reflects the sun's rays with a bright shine, in bad weather threatens travelers with a strong storm with freezing rain and snow swirling in the wind. Climbers who want to conquer the peak always remember the dangers of such a hike.

Glaciers of the Caucasus Mountains

Elbrus last erupted more than two thousand years ago. Since then, the temperature at the top has always been very low, which even in the summer heat does not rise above 0 degrees. The glaciers that cover the mountain cover 134.5 km, which is 10% of all such formations in the Caucasus Mountains. There are only 23 glaciers on Elbrus.

The largest and most famous are Big and Small Azau, Irik, Kokurtly, which occupy vast areas of valleys and slopes. But there are also very picturesque ice ones hanging from cliffs. These are blocks of glaciers such as Kogutai, Terskol, Garabashi. Especially a lot eternal ice located on the northern slope of Mount Elbrus at an altitude of 3850 meters.

The water formed after the melting and fall of these ice accumulations fills the river flows of the mountain rivers of the Stavropol region, such as the Kuban, Malku and Baksan.

Climate on the mountain

The mountain range always has changeable weather. Likewise, in Kabardino-Balkaria, Elbrus is characterized by a frequent change of good warm weather to bad weather, with precipitation and winds. This is due to the mountainous terrain, which forms the circulation of air masses according to the seasons.

Summer in the Elbrus region is cool, with high humidity. More than a week good weather there is no need to observe. The thermometer showed a maximum of + 35 degrees at an altitude of 2 km, even higher, at around 3 km, and even less, a maximum of + 25.

After this mark, winter weather begins in October. There is a lot of precipitation. The height of the snow cover on average reaches 50-80 cm. The higher you go to the top, the deeper the snow. More snow covers are located on the north side. The south cannot boast of the thickness of snow.

Spring comes to the territory of Elbrus only in early May. The peak is covered with snow all year round. Due to them, the mass of ice in glaciers is constantly growing.

Winter lasts a long time, and at an altitude of 3 km the temperature drops to -12 degrees, the lowest temperature recorded at this point was -27 degrees.

Ski resort

The biggest ski resort"Elbrus Azau" was built in 1969 on the Azau clearing, which is located at the foot majestic mountain. For the convenience of skiers, there are two cable cars: the old pendulum with 20-seat cabins and the new gondola, which takes 8 people on board. Lift tickets can be purchased either one-time or for the whole day. They also sell passes for the entire skiing period (from 2 to 8 days). The cost also varies depending on the season. One ascent costs 550 rubles, descent costs 500. The most expensive 8-day pass will cost 12,700.

Ski slopes

Elbrus has 11 slopes for skiers of all levels: from beginners to professionals. Blue trails are wider and flatter. The red and black ones are for experienced riders, but they also gradually transition into the blue, gentle slopes. A ski pass will cost from 500 to 850 rubles for one day.

Excellent recreation for children. For them there is a separate rope tow of 300 meters. An experienced instructor conducts classes for beginners, and fun competitions and competitions are often organized. There is a ski school where children will be taught all the intricacies of proper and safe descent.

Complex infrastructure

On the territory of the complex there are 38 hotels, cafes, restaurants, baths and saunas, ski equipment rental. There are shops and even a club. You can pay either in cash or bank cards. Everything is done for the convenience of vacationers.

For mountain climbers there is an interesting complex called “Bochki”. There, climbers can acclimatize, warm up, rest after a hard climb, have a snack and sleep.

It is located at an altitude of 3750 meters, at the final station of the Garabashi chairlift. Each "barrel" is designed to accommodate 6 people. There is everything you need: toiletries, bedding, warm blankets.

How to get there?

The best and closest way to get to the mountain is from Nalchik. There is an airport there, so you can fly from different places. Further from the city you can get to the Elbrus region by taxi or minibus No. 17. Then you also need to go to Terskol by minibus.

In your car, you need to drive from Rostov-on-Don along the M-4 highway, and before reaching Nalchik, turn onto A-158. The coordinates of Elbrus, the description of which is given in the article, on the navigator are 43°18"56"N, 42°27"42"E.

Come any time of the year. You can go skiing in the middle of summer.

Elbrus is a large stratovolcano, composed of layers of lava and volcanic ash. It has a conical shape with two peaks located at approximately the same height. Western peak Elbrus rises 5642 meters above sea level, the eastern one is slightly lower, at 5621 meters. The peaks are separated by a flat saddle about 5,300 meters above sea level and are located three kilometers from each other.

Elbrus is considered an extinct volcano, but the last eruption occurred not so long ago from a geological point of view - at the beginning of our era, approximately in the first or second century.

There are several versions about the origin of the mountain. According to one of them, “Elbrus” means “high mountain” or “sparkling mountain” in Iranian. The Karachais and Balkars, who have been living in the Caucasus in the Elbrus area for a long time, call this volcano Mingi-tau, which translates as “eternal mountain”.

Geographical location of Elbrus

The Caucasus Mountains are divided into two parts: the Greater and Lesser Caucasus. The Greater Caucasus Range lies on Russia's border with other southern countries(Georgia, Azerbaijan) from the Black to the Caspian Sea. The territory of the Greater Caucasus on the Russian side is divided into several republics and regions: Adygea, Karachay-Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Dagestan, North Ossetia. Elbrus is located on the border of the Kabardino-Balkarian and Karachay-Cherkess Republics.

A few kilometers south of the foot of the volcano lies the Russian border with Georgia.

The mountain is located in the northern part of the ridge at a distance from the other peaks, so it is clearly visible from all sides of the Ciscaucasia - the double-headed cone is visible even a hundred kilometers away. Elbrus is between the central and western Caucasus. West Side mountain system runs from Elbrus to Black Sea coast, the central one lies between this peak and Kazbek.

The volcano is surrounded by several gorges - Adylsu, Adyrsu, Shkheldy, glacial massifs and mountains. The area at the foot of Elbrus and in the area of ​​the upper reaches of the Baksan River, which is part of the Terek basin, is called Prielbrus. This resort region And protected area with unique natural beauty, sources of healing mineral water and excellent opportunities for skiing and hiking holidays.

The borders between Europe and Asia are not precisely defined, and if we consider the Caucasus Range to be the border, then Elbrus is highest point Europe. Otherwise, that title goes to Mont Blanc in the Alps.

One of the “Seven Summits” of the world and Europe, the birthplace of Russian mountaineering, Mount Elbrus is a Mecca for skiers, freeriders, and athletes who storm the slopes. With proper physical training and appropriate equipment, the mountain giant can be conquered by almost everyone. It fills the rivers of the North Caucasus with life-giving melt water.

Location of Mount Elbrus

In the area where the border of the Karachay-Cherkess and Kabardino-Balkarian republics is located, the “mountain of a thousand mountains” rises. This is what Elbrus is called in the Karachay-Balkar language. Geographical coordinates localities:

  • latitude and longitude: 43°20′45″ N. latitude, 42°26′55″ e. d.;
  • The Western and Eastern peaks reach a height of 5642 and 5621 m above sea level.

The peaks are located at a distance of three kilometers from each other. Below between them, at an altitude of 5416 m, there is a saddle, from where the final section of the ascent is overcome.

Characteristics of natural conditions

The age of the formed giant is more than 1 million years. It used to be an erupting volcano. His condition is currently unknown. Mineral water springs heated to +60 °C, gushing out of rocks, indicate a temporarily dormant volcano. The last eruption was in 50 AD. e.

The mountain is characterized by a harsh climate. In winter, temperatures range from -10 °C at the bottom to -25 °C at 2500 m, at the tops up to -40 °C. Heavy snowfalls are a common occurrence on Elbrus.

In summer, below an altitude of 2500 m, the air heats up to +10 °C. At 4200 m the July temperature is below 0 °C. The weather here is unstable: often a sunny, quiet day suddenly gives way to bad weather with snow and wind. The highest mountain in Russia shines dazzlingly in sunny days. In bad weather, it is shrouded in a gloomy fog of torn clouds.

The mountainous terrain of the Elbrus region - gorges, stone deposits, glacial streams, cascades of waterfalls. After the 3500 m mark on Mount Elbrus, there are glacial carts with lakes, slopes with a dangerous moraine, and many moving stones. The total area of ​​glacial formations is 145 km².

At 5500 m, the atmospheric pressure is 380 mmHg, half that on the ground.

Briefly about the history of the conquest

The first Russian scientific expedition to Elbrus was organized in 1829. The participants did not reach the summit; only the guide conquered it. 45 years later, a group of Englishmen, with the help of a guide, climbed the western peak of the highest mountain in Europe. Topographic map The area was first developed by the Russian military explorer Pastukhov, who climbed both peaks unaccompanied. During the years of Soviet power, the country developed sport mountaineering; conquering the peaks of the Caucasus was a matter of prestige.

The snowy, cold Mount Elbrus does not scare away enthusiasts. They spend their holidays not on crowded beaches, but on the way to a deserted peak to become stronger and more resilient. There is a well-known story about the Balkarian Akhie Sattayev, who made 9 ascents to the peaks, the last time at the age of 121.

Infrastructure, skiing

The complex of amenities and services is adequately developed only on the southern slope of Elbrus, where there are 12 km long cable cars, hotels, and landing pads for helicopters. The routes on the south side are minimally fenced and almost do not interfere with free movement. Lifts are used on busy routes. The total length of the slopes is 35 km. There are trails for both experienced athletes and beginners.

There is a ski school and rental of sports equipment. Climbing the slopes by snowcats (high-altitude taxis) is organized. Freeriders are lowered by helicopter onto the virgin slopes, from where they rush down at great speed.

The skiing season begins in mid-November and lasts until April. Sometimes snow lies densely on the slopes of the highest Mount Elbrus until May. Some areas are available to skiers all year round. Dombay (1600–3050 m) is the most attractive and prestigious ski resort Russian resort. Most skiers prefer the Cheget slopes, which rival European ski slopes. Co observation deck tourists enjoy the views of the surrounding nature, relax in the iconic cafe “Ai”, where the bard Yuri Vizbor often visited.

Tourists are offered glider flights and ice rock climbing. Snowcats will be raised to high slopes to show the panorama of the Caucasus. Photos and pictures of the area convey the austere beauty of the surrounding landscape. At the foot of the mountain, tourists are greeted by cafes, restaurants, billiard parlors, and saunas.

Description of the features of mountaineering

Even a few days in a mountain climate is a difficult test for an unprepared person. For beginners, it is advisable to begin the difficult journey to the top in mid-summer from the southern slope under the guidance of an experienced guide. Compliance with acclimatization deadlines, availability necessary equipment required. The climbing season lasts from May to September, sometimes until early October.

On Elbrus, routes in different directions have been developed. From the south, tourists travel part of the way up by cable car. With further ascent, acclimatization trips to closer heights are organized.

For recreation, shelters on glaciers are organized, for example, insulated shelter cars “Bochki” (3750 m) or the comfortable hotel “Liprus” (3912 m). Rest in the high-mountain hotel “Priyut 11” (4100 m) and acclimatization trips to the Pastukhov rocks (4700 m) strengthen the body and prepare tourists for the decisive push to the top.

The northern route is more difficult than the southern one, it is rocky and takes longer. It runs to the eastern peak through the Lenz rocks (4600–5200 m). There is almost no service here, but adrenaline, extreme sports, and unique Caucasian landscapes without traces of civilization are provided. A stop is made at the Northern Shelter. The descent runs through the “stone mushrooms” and hot springs of the Djily-Su tract (2500 m) with a narzan pit, which is used in the summer as a bathtub.

The picturesque climb along the Akcheryakol lava flow is only accessible to physically strong athletes.

Excursion to Mount Elbrus

Professional guides and companies provide services to tourists who want to safely climb to the peaks and provide them with the necessary information. Participants in the climb should remember that Mount Elbrus presents surprises in the form of unpleasant natural phenomena:

  • bad weather - cold, snow, wind, poor visibility;
  • thin air, lack of oxygen;
  • harmful ultraviolet radiation;
  • presence of sulfur dioxide gases.

A tourist is expected hiking with a heavy backpack, spending the night in cold tents, lack of amenities. The ability to use an ice ax, walk together on an ice field, and obey discipline will be useful. It is necessary to objectively assess strength and health in order to avoid unforeseen circumstances.

How to get there

Stavropol resorts have regular rail and air connections with Russian cities. From here, regular buses run to the foothill region, minibuses, car rental is offered. Excursion groups are provided with transfer.

A train runs daily to Nalchik from Moscow's Kazansky railway station. Travel time is about 34 hours. From St. Petersburg the train goes only to Mineralnye Vody.

Regular buses from Moscow depart to Nalchik and Mineralnye Vody, connected by bus with the foothills.

Flights from Moscow operate to Nalchik and Mineralnye Vody, and from St. Petersburg to Nalchik - with a transfer.