Ski tourism. What is it and what's the thrill?

Experienced ski tourists say that in the cold the body produces some substances, and you feel a buzz. How else can we explain this strange desire again and again to spend a winter vacation not on warm islands, but in the tundra or winter mountains, where there can only be two types of weather: cold and very cold?

We asked our colleagues and friends, avid ski tourists, about what ski tourism means to them, how it differs from hiking, and why they do it at all.

Visit places you can’t get to in summer: instead of bushes and swamps, there’s pure snow everywhere

Sergey Romanenkov, Master of Sports in mountain tourism, “Snow Leopard”, leader of mountain and ski “sixes” with ascents (including seven-thousanders), winner of the Russian championships in sports trekking. He especially loves winter hikes, although he tries to be varied in his choice of season and areas.

- Why are you interested in ski tourism?

Winter nature and conditions are quite harsh. Unlike a summer hike, it is not necessary to look for additional difficulties and obstacles along the route. There are enough traditional winter factors in the form of strong winds, frosts and deep snow. Therefore, life on a ski trip without leaving your comfort zone and the ability to relax in such conditions is a pleasure in itself. It’s very cool to all be on the ski trail all day together, admiring nature, and in the evening to climb into a tent with a stove, and despite the frost and blizzard outside, communicate in comfort with friends. The main difference here from summer is that this comfort is created by people and often despite external conditions, thanks to teamwork, experience and equipment.

I love ski tourism for beautiful nature. In winter, the sun moves low above the horizon and gives extraordinary sunsets and sunrises. It’s great when the snow crunches under your feet, sparkles and shimmers in the sun, or its grains fly into the distance with the drifting snow in the tundra. In the mountains, even small rocky peaks are like Himalayan giants in winter. The winter forest is very beautiful with snowdrifts on the feet of fir trees and shadows of trees in the snow.

In winter, on a hike, feelings and more emotions are sharper. You begin to appreciate seemingly little things. You rejoice at such simple things as the rays of the sun that warmed you in the cold, a babbling stream that allowed you to draw water, or just a mug of hot tea. And such things as a cozy hut encountered along the route, hot springs or northern lights, can even create a festive mood.

On a ski trip in Kamchatka, after a month on the route, we came to the Talovskys thermal springs. The banks of the hot tub have cleared of snow. What a thrill it was just to lie on the grass!

In our country and beyond its borders, in the summer many peaks, valleys or passes have already been passed. In winter conditions there are still many “white spots”. For me, as an athlete, this is an incentive to visit and pass an obstacle where no one has been in winter. Look at the surrounding mountains in a new snowy outfit, new conditions.

For me, ski tourism began with a challenge. In my first year at the institute, at the age of 17, I came to the MAI tourist club, having no skiing experience, and immediately went on a three-week 4 class trip. along Ergaki (West Sayan). I did not have normal equipment, and the group was not very experienced in terms of creating comfort in winter conditions. During the day everything was more or less, but the thoughts of the upcoming overnight stay, when you really need to relax and rest, caused a shudder. The sleeping bags were always wet from condensation, and the stove smoked terribly.

By the middle of the route, I got sick and, due to my inexperience and lack of normal mittens and shoes, frostbitten 12 fingers and toes. After that, we went out to people for another 5 days. All the fingers were saved, but the experience was memorable for the rest of my life.

Nevertheless, the desire to go skiing has not disappeared. It was clear that the problem was not in the severity of the winter, but in ourselves and our approach to the selection of equipment and organization of the bivouac. The following winter I led a ski trip around the most beautiful places Arkhangelsk region- Kargapol. This was my first guide in tourism. We admired the northern nature, wooden architecture and had a great time. The hike was a success! It formed the backbone of the company, with which we went on sports trips together for several years and are still friends, now as families.

Ski trip in the Tver region © Sergey Romanenkov

When skiing, comfort, functionality and reliability of equipment are very important. If in summer a hike with poor equipment will simply be less comfortable, then in winter your health is at stake. If clothing does not protect well from wind and cold, there is always a risk of freezing or freezing. Good equipment should provide comfort and allow you to relax and enjoy the hike without being distracted by everyday difficulties.

Often, ski trips are physically a little easier than mountain trips. Areas for routes are chosen with less elevation difference, where there are almost no long multi-kilometer climbs. In winter, psychological preparation and experience in the mountains come to the fore.

An important difference is that if in the summer, after arriving at the overnight site, a lot of free time appears, then in the winter, setting up a camp, preparing firewood, building a windproof wall around the tent, preparing food - all this requires effort from the whole team. When time appears, it is usually only enough to communicate with friends.

At first it is difficult to get used to the lack of liquid water. You can only drink fully during a common meal. And if there is a need for liquid on the route, then you have to carry a thermos with you or put the bottle in your bosom.

In winter, on a long hike, with stable snow cover, it is possible to put part of the load in the sled, thus unloading the backpack and back. This allows you to plan long linear routes without organizing intermediate transfers.

In winter, nature punishes mistakes more harshly. Therefore, you should prepare for ski trips more carefully.

Swamps and ponds freeze. This allows you to visit those places where in the summer you can only get by boat or helicopter. You can skate on the ice of Lake Baikal or, for example, see the Onega skerries and Kizhi on foot. Where water is an obstacle in summer, in winter a flat surface is formed, perfect for movement.

Popular trekking areas are more difficult to walk in winter. Many paths are covered with snow. In places where in summer the path runs like a serpentine up a steep slope, in winter you just can’t get through it. This area will turn into an obstacle.

In wild and underdeveloped areas it is the opposite. Often, undergrowth, bushes and tall grass are hidden under the snow. It happens that in the summer you can barely make your way through the thicket without a path, and in the winter you walk along a clear slope between large trees.

In winter, due to the lack of foliage and undergrowth, visibility is excellent. Therefore, there are excellent chances to see and observe wild animals.

On a ski trip in Kamchatka © Sergey Romanenkov

- What is the most difficult thing about ski trips? What's the best thrill?

Psychology is important when skiing. The main thing is not to perceive the route as an obstacle, and learn to enjoy it, despite all the difficulties. Modern equipment allows you to not be afraid of almost any temperature and wind, so many difficulties are only in your head.

The main danger in mountainous areas in winter it's avalanches. Here you need to know the basic safety rules, be careful and not be afraid to abandon an obstacle or even the entire route in case of increased risks.

A special thrill is the ski slopes. Dynamic and fun like amusement rides! You rush down, avoiding obstacles. You see, your comrade is already floundering in the deep snow, you are glad that you are still on your feet. And then you fly face first into a snowdrift!

There are simply no people who cannot ski. Simple skills of climbing or turning around on a steep slope can be learned in 1-2 lessons.

Descents are another matter. They require certain skills that are easier for people who are already alpine skiing Oh. Usually the first ski trips are not planned to steep mountains; there is an opportunity to learn everything gradually. Sometimes this also happens according to the “Brazilian” system: when you get tired of constantly crawling out of a snowdrift, you will try to fall less.

General tourist skills are more important on a ski trip. But nevertheless, many begin their first acquaintance with tourism with skiing. The main thing is to love winter, not be afraid of life in nature and travel in good company. Everything else can be learned quickly.

On a ski trip in Altai © Sergey Romanenkov

Feel like a polar explorer

Sergey Savelyev, Expert in purchasing bivouac equipment for Sport Marathon, former instructor of children's and youth tourism. He has been going on mountain, water and ski trips since 2000.

- What was your first ski trip like?

I went on my first hike at the age of 14. I still remember the impressions: the northern lights, the tundra, the black and white landscape of the Khibiny, the fierce stress of skiing, wolf tracks around the tent...

We then went on old mountain skis “Mladost”, produced before I was born, and Voronezh cable bindings (what a designer!). I couldn’t fit into the standard fasteners, so I made the cheeks of the fastenings from the doors of a discarded school locker together with my class teacher. The cables themselves had to be cut in half and extended with steel wire. On the same trip, as fate would have it, a friend of our leader was with us, who was going on ski touring bindings, skis with camus and plastic boots... Even then I felt that equipment matters a lot.

- How do ski trips differ from hiking?

There are several subtle points:

    You can ignore ponds and swamps - everything freezes and you can walk in a straight line. I don’t care where to spend the night - there’s water all around, there’s plenty of it, you just need to heat it. True, this requires a lot of time and fuel. It is impossible to predict the speed of movement in advance - the quantity and quality of snow can reduce the speed threefold. You can use a sled and thus increase the load capacity, and therefore the length of the autonomous part. And the main thing: if you can take a person off the street on a walking “troika”, and everything will be fine, then with a ski trip this will not work. Because the degree of self-control that is required of the participant varies greatly. For example, on a ski trip you can’t lose anything - everything will instantly be covered with snow or trampled. You must be able to do everything yourself: set up bindings and maintain them, take care of your skis, know how to dress properly and change clothes for different conditions.

When we rode ropes in the school travel club, I was usually the repairman on the team. I remember at the training camp in Zhigulevsk, instead of playing volleyball with everyone after training, I adjusted the loose and broken fasteners of my teammates. I installed, configured and repaired, it seems, a couple of hundred mounts.

There was also a case during a hike in Taganay, when a girl completely tore out the fastening, as they say, “with meat”, due to the fact that she did not check its condition in time, and had to rearrange the fastening in the cold and windy with her bare hands (the screws are small! ). It’s also easy to get sick while hiking in winter and difficult to recover from. In general, it was then that many realized that your personal problem in the ski team was suddenly becoming a common one.

First ski trips at school, 2001-2002. An anorak, an angora sweater, welder's goggles and homemade shoe covers - the typical equipment of a tourist skier of those times

- In your opinion, in what ways does ski tourism outperform hiking tourism, and in what ways, on the contrary, is it inferior?

Ski tourism benefits from the absence of insects, more predictable weather (it will definitely be cold and windy), crazy New Year and winter romance, and the feeling of a polar explorer. Disadvantages include cold, short daylight hours, and the need for additional equipment (at least skis).

Ski tourist - is he more of a skier or a tourist? What is more important for a beginner: to be able to ski or ski well or to have hiking experience?

First of all, he is a tourist. It is more important to have experience and a head on your shoulders. When hiking, you walk on skis, not run (that’s why they are not cross-country). On a hike, skis are a way to overcome space, not a sports equipment. Super equipment is needed in freeride; in a ski trip, everything that’s scary is done on foot. Our team had an interesting feature: we went on a lot of serious water trips and did not include in the “four” those who did not participate in a ski trip. It was believed that a ski trip greatly mobilizes and makes the participant more independent, and this is true.

The most difficult thing is self-control and the habit of skiing. The thrill is that it is very beautiful and there is always a feeling that you are overcoming the hardships of the hike, which are not accessible to everyone. This is always a harsh, autonomous sports hike and it’s stressful - it’s always cold, you need constant self-control, you have to walk a lot - and I just like to overcome this. And there are no mosquitoes or rain! It’s also great that you don’t have to wait long for hot tea to cool down.

I really love winter and the way freshly fallen snow creaks under my skis. On a ski trip, navigation is easier (the terrain and bodies of water are smoothed out) and you often get a feeling of complete freedom of movement - go wherever you want! This is probably the most valuable thing in any hike - freedom and overcoming space.

Feel that this whole snow-white frozen world belongs only to you

Oleg Chegodaev, Mountain tourist, trail runner and travel photographer from the Southern Urals. For more than 10 years, he has been going on mountain and ski trips in the taiga and hard-to-reach midlands, combining sports driving mode and high-quality photography. Prefers single linear routes up to 250 km.

- Why are you interested in skiing?

I went on my first ski trip about 10 years ago, it was Taganay on Southern Urals. After a couple of kilometers I broke my ski, rearranged the bindings and spent the remaining 7 days walking on half the ski. The equipment was not very good then, but the only impressions left were a frostbitten finger and admiration for the winter mountains.

Now ski tourism is one of my favorite types of tourism. First of all, because of the combination of winter mountains, winter taiga and its severity. On the one hand it is all very beautiful, on the other it is harsh, cold and sometimes very difficult.

- How do ski trips differ from hiking?

You could write a book about this, but in short - in ski trips there are more serious requirements for preparation and for the adequacy of behavior on the route. Because the weather conditions are very harsh. Winter hikes are much less forgiving of mistakes than summer hikes.

- Ski tourist - is he more of a skier or a tourist?

A ski tourist is more of a tourist than a skier. I would say 70 percent is a tourist, 20 percent is a skier, if this happens in the mountains, and 10 percent is an ordinary skier. There is not much technique for regular skiing, but I could be wrong, I have never done cross-country skiing. The most important thing is to have extensive experience on touring skis with a large backpack. This is significantly different from both alpine skiing and cross-country skiing.

- What is the most difficult thing about skiing for you and what is the most fun?

The most difficult thing is to sleep more than 12 hours a day, or rather, to stay in a sleeping bag for that long. And the best thrill is to go away and feel completely alone, when this whole snow-white frozen dead world belongs only to you. It's amazing beautiful world. In winter, people are much less likely to walk to places that can be reached on skis. The most thrilling thing is to get to a place where almost no ordinary people can get to without skis in winter.

Ski tourism is one of the most interesting. Most people associate it with several hours of great, effortless gliding. ski slope so much so that it takes your breath away. Some people remember a fairy-tale forest with frost-covered trees, where everyone can feel like one of fairy-tale heroes. Others, closing their eyes, remember how pleasantly the warmth spreads through the body while absorbing aromatic tea from a thermos. However…

The weight of the backpack under which your back bends. The aching of strained shoulders, leisurely movement through the endless snow, where your feet sink. Frost that penetrates even in the tent and constant worry about whether they will withstand the next gust of wind. Who are these people who often feel hungry and dream of a piece of hot fried meat at the top of the slope?

Benefits of ski tourism

Anyone who has avid skiers in their family is a kindred spirit. After all, they are waiting every minute for news from those who have gone to distant towns and villages or are already climbing to the coveted peak. And it doesn’t matter who they are: professors, carpenters, heads of large and medium-sized enterprises, deans or ordinary electricians.

Someone will think that they all want to test themselves, admire the beauties of winter or touch something majestic and eternal, but you can use the expression of one of the avid ones:

We are looking for what we have never lost. – This is one of the most accurate characteristics of all skiers who, after conquering another route or peak, are drawn back to the mountains. Thirst fits into this phrase long roads, and all that human passion that pinches the soul at the thought of the unknown.

People “sick of tourism” never get tired. They don’t go to another place just to lie in the sun and get bored on a trestle bed. They are always in search, and finds enrich both body and soul, and most importantly, ennoble a person. Of course, all this can be attributed to any type of tourism, even equestrian, but to a greater extent to skiing.

Today, many tourism and health experts agree that few sports can compete with the passion for skiing in terms of the power of aesthetics and the versatility of its health benefits. Ski trips can be compared to an elixir of health. Winter views relaxation has a number of benefits, but, above all, they have a tonic effect.

Health effect

Prolonged stay in the cold (without extreme sports) contributes to the activation of not only the endocrine, but also other vital systems of the body. This can be explained by the fact that frosty air contains a large number of negative active ions. In addition, the frosty air is clean and free of gas impurities and dust. A striking example is the allergy sufferer Ole Einar Bjoerndalen, whose performances in biathlon have been surprising for decades.

If a skiing trip is carried out surrounded by a coniferous forest, the beneficial effect is enhanced due to the fact that the breathing environment is flavored with phytoncides, which have an exclusively healing effect.

We can safely say that ski tourism is one of the most reliable and effective ways to develop a resilient cardiac system from an early age, as well as support the entire body.

This sport will help maintain the flexibility of the spine and a slim waist. Anyone who wants to argue with this statement should know that during a hike, a skier repeats “abdominal” and flexibility exercises about three thousand times for three hours. The surrounding nature, namely the winter landscape of the highlands or coniferous forest, helps relieve stress, charging you with cheerfulness and a positive attitude.

Physical tests for the body in winter

However, it is precisely in high physical activity that the main pitfall lurks. Even for beginners, only a few who risk spending the rest of their rest time in bed, retiring from exertion, will be able to immediately get on skis and conquer the slope.

In addition, it should be remembered that winter, of course, is a wonderful time of year, but it is not only pleasant sun rays and light frost, but also the ringing silence of the forest. Winter is associated with a piercing wind that can get into any crevice of clothing, with blizzards and sudden weather changes. All this is the kind of camping life that no ski trip can do without. It is he who determines all the specifics of ski tourism, the features of preliminary preparation, as well as the duration and complexity of the route.

Organizing a ski trip and the reasons for its popularity

Any leader of a group of skiers immediately after the start has many additional obligations, the knowledge and implementation of which determines the entire success of the entire trip. First of all, you need to understand that all participants in a ski trip should approximately match each other in terms of physical and mental fitness.

For beginners, you need to consider a program of extensive physical training, as well as comprehensive technical improvement, which will include knowledge of equipment and nutrition, which is necessarily high in calories.

When planning a trip, one of the main factors should be taken into account:

  • short daylight hours;
  • distance settlements on the route from each other;
  • the presence of forests, as well as the terrain;
  • duration of transitions at a certain pace, taking into account difficult sections.

High demand for ski trips

If you conduct a large-scale survey, you will find out that ski tourism ranks among the first in popularity, approaching hiking tourism in terms of mass popularity, and equestrian tourism in terms of the desire for new experiences. It should be noted that more than 1.2 million people regularly go on ski trips from tourist sections alone.

In Russia, the passion for ski tourism can be explained by the fact that a huge part of the country is covered with snow for a long time. In addition, there are places where winter the only time year, allowing travel of a tourist nature.

Every winter season, tens and hundreds of thousands of weekend hikes or holidays that provide long days off, for example during the New Year celebrations, are organized for those interested.

Popularization among the masses

In the coming years, according to expert forecasts, ski tourism, especially in the vastness of the Russian Federation, will occupy one of the first places, squeezing out flights to well-known ski resorts. This assumption is supported by the increased popularity of skiing among young and middle-aged people who remember skiing back in Soviet times.

Ski trips differ in difficulty categories. Just recently, the number of hikes around the country has increased by several hundred. It is pleasant to note that this includes trips of the highest categories of complexity, the number of which has approximately doubled.

Today it is very important that concern for the growth of highly experienced tourists is supported at the state level, and does not stop at the stage of chasing ranks and titles. Without a sufficient number of people for whom ski tourism is a way of life, its further popularization among the masses, as well as attracting the younger generation, is impossible.

Revival of the lost

Today, finally, the state’s gaze has turned to the achievements of the past, in particular the GTO standards, including the ability to ski. People of the older generation remember very well that throughout the country, especially where snow cover persists for a long period and winter reigns, ski resorts and training camps operated where both children and adults could study.

It's time to regain lost skills of communication and unity with nature during ski trips that require:

  • good physical fitness;
  • composure and endurance of the body;
  • knowledge of various techniques for climbing, descending, turning and braking;
  • the ability to provide first aid in cases of hypothermia and injuries, including transporting the victim to the nearest stationary medical center;
  • attentiveness and knowledge of the area, ability to navigate by compass or stars;
  • hiking and mountain tourism skills.

Of course, many ski resorts in Europe and the West are superior to domestic ones in terms of service, but today many have a desire to develop their own recreation centers, build ski routes and train young people. The main thing is for the desire to take a step forward and become a reality, even if gradually.

If you are going to ski trip, then remember that snow and low air temperatures await you. Therefore, the equipment should provide you with warmth and protection from hypothermia

Preparing for a ski trip

Be sure to take 1-3 pairs of felt boots with you, depending on the number of people in the group. Felt boots will be needed for kitchen and campfire work at a rest stop, and also as spare shoes in case of damage to ski boots. Their size should be designed for the largest foot in the group.

Have a set of ski waxes, paraffin for all types of winter weather (including thaw), plugs for rubbing them, grease for impregnating shoes and spare bindings. It is also recommended to take one or two spare skis with you.

For more complex ski trips, you will need a special (double-layer) tent and a portable stove.

Before going on a hike, treat your backpack, tent, clothes, and shoes with water-repellent agents to protect them from dirt and water. If the route goes through places where there are a lot of blood-sucking insects, then saturate your tent and clothes with repellents.

The shoes are soaked in grease and, if necessary, stretched over the leg. To do this, the boots need to be kept in hot water (50-55 degrees) for ten minutes. Having taken the boots out of the water, insert insoles into them and put them on your feet while hot (with one or two pairs of thick woolen socks). After walking around in the boots for an hour or two, they are removed, stuffed with paper and lubricated. Shoes are impregnated with slight heating.

For a ski trip, tourists must have the following:

Personal equipment:

Insulated padding polyester jacket (2 or 3 layers)

Trousers (light, windproof, durable), insulated pants.

Ski cap


Sweater (wool, polar)

Turtleneck or vest (woolen) – 2 pcs.

Thermal underwear

Hiking boots (hard sole, toe and heel, soaked in cream)

Woolen and cotton socks, 3-4 pairs each.

Windproof mask, handkerchief.

Ski boots with felt insoles inside. Two sizes larger than regular shoes.

"Flashlights" to protect boots.

Gloves, mittens.

Thermos 0.5-1 liter.


Bowl, spoon, mug (see “Cutware for camping”).

Skis, poles.

Backpack, sleeping bag (Extreme temperature down to minus 20-30 degrees).

Personal repair kit (needles, threads).

Electric flashlight

Group equipment:

Special tent

Lightweight portable stove

Saw, axes, shovels, cooking utensils, bucket (or pans), ladle, rope

Ropes, candles, matches (in sealed packaging), dry fuel.

Keep repair kits in stock to repair breakdowns!

Daily routine, movement specifics

A skier’s daily routine on a hike depends on the length of daylight, frost and the need to spend more time setting up camp and getting ready in the morning (unlike hiking). In low temperatures, it is recommended to go out on the route no earlier than 9-10 a.m., and also to reduce short rests.

When moving on a finished ski track, the overall pace is determined by the speed of the slowest skier. Remember to avoid sudden jerks. Periodic overheating and cooling in the cold is dangerous to health. And along the route there will not always be conditions to change and dry clothes wet from sweat. When moving on virgin snow, the pace of the group is determined by the speed of laying the ski tracks.

There are several options for laying ski tracks. In a large group, it is advisable to select a team of strong tourists to track the ski tracks. Or organize alternate movement. While one group is resting, the other is laying a ski track. And then the rested tourists overtake their comrades, and they stop to rest.

In areas with deep snow and heavy backpacks, alternate tracking without backpacks is used. And having broken through the ski track, the tourist lets the group pass, returns for a backpack and catches up with his comrades.

The order of movement on the ski slope must ensure the safety of the group and take into account the capabilities of each skier. The sequence of descent, the path is determined by the leader.

Please remember that descents should only be carried out in places where there is a complete guarantee of avalanche safety.

A special feature of the ski trip is that the path can be laid directly through frozen swamps and ponds. But if possible, you need to use a ready-made ski track or sled road. You can move along clearings, open forests and river beds. It is easier to go where the snow is less deep.

Attention! Avalanche danger and thin ice.

In winter, avalanche danger increases. Do not plan to cross concave landforms such as snow craters, avalanche chutes, under ridges with overhanging cornices and where there is a lot of snow in an unstable condition.

It is also prohibited to start moving through an avalanche-prone area during sudden warming or cold weather, a drop in pressure, during and in the first two days after a snowfall, blizzard, or rain.

Avoid crossing the slope and its longitudinal depressions. Move in the lavna zone with highest speed. Stay safe in the most dangerous areas. Do not make sharp turns or falls.

Stay away from areas on bodies of water with thin ice, where running water flows into or out of a lake or river. Conduct a reconnaissance of an unknown body of water and determine its reliability for group movement by hitting the ice with sticks.

Meals on a ski trip.

Tourists spend more calories on ski trips than on foot. Since low temperatures, strong winds, snow and overcoming obstacles require a lot of strength and energy from the skier. Therefore, the diet of a ski tourist should be high-calorie; the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, a variety of foods, their vitamin content and the possibility of consuming some foods without cooking are especially important. The products should replenish the tourist’s energy costs from 3500 to 6000 kcal, depending on the complexity of the hike.

Where can you go skiing in winter?

In the Southern Urals, winter hikes to Taganay and Iremel, Zyuratkul and the Beloretsk region are especially loved by ski tourists.

During a ski trip, a tourist spends a long time in the purest frosty air. Uniform muscular load, smooth gliding, the beauty of winter nature, a quick change of impressions, communication with a group of tourists - all this gives a great charge of positive emotions.
A tourist skier actively engages the muscles of his arms, legs, abdomen, and back. That's why ski trips- an excellent means of general physical training, which will help improve health, become stronger, more resilient, and hardened.
With good glide, even a novice skier can walk at a speed of 6 - 8 km/h without much difficulty.
However, it should be kept in mind that weekend ski trips are different from regular ones. ski trip, and preparation for them should be more thorough. During a winter hike, tourists are exposed to low temperatures for quite a long time (6 - 8 hours). The group’s path also passes through open areas of terrain not protected by forests, in strong winds, and through virgin snow. On the way you may encounter thickets of bushes, rough terrain, forest debris, and snowdrifts. Taking all this into account, you should choose travel gear and equipment.

Selecting and preparing skis for the trip

The main requirement for skis is strength and lightness. In conditions of one-day hikes, if the route also passes through flat or slightly rough terrain and dense snow, they are better suited touring skis with rigid bindings, with a bow that presses the boot welt against the metal pins. For forest routes and when driving on very rough terrain, on loose snow and off-road, it is better to have “Tourist” type skis; they are slightly wider than walking skis, much stronger and do not sink deep into fresh snow. To make it easy for a skier to control his movement in the forest and on rough terrain, the skis should not be too long.
Bindings are chosen depending on the hiking conditions and type of ski. On regular recreational skis it is better to use rigid welt bindings. They are light, comfortable and reliable. For multi-day difficult hikes, welted hard fastenings are not suitable. On such routes you should use semi-rigid universal fastenings with metal springs. The welt of the boot in such fastenings is fixed in the cheeks. Such fastenings allow you to go hiking in almost any shoe: ski boots, work boots, hiking boots, felt boots. To prevent snow from sticking under the heel of the boot, rubber pads are nailed to the cargo area of ​​the skis, preferably made of microporous rubber 2 - 3 mm thick.
Ski poles better from duralumin tubes of the “Moscow” type.
Before going on a trip, skis must be tarred with a special resin. Tar prevents skis from swelling under the influence of moisture, strengthens the wood, and improves the bond of ointments with the ski.
In case your skis, bindings, or poles break, you need to learn how to repair them. To do this, the group must have repair tool kit, materials, spare parts: pliers, screwdriver, file, awl, light hammer, scissors, ski binding kit, pole rings, spare ski, plywood, aluminum, tin plates for pads, copper and steel wire, nails, screws, keeper tape . 08 Dec

Ski tourism is becoming more and more popular. But not all travelers, especially beginners, know how to properly prepare for a hike and what equipment a skier needs. Many people have questions: what to take on a ski trip, how to plan a route? And rightly so, because the winter cold increases health risks, so you need to prepare thoroughly, even if it’s a long walk for one day.

Ski trips: features of organization

In order for ski tourism to be enjoyable for all group members, you should pay attention to the following: organizational issues:

  • Gathering food, equipment taking into account the characteristics of the ski trip.
  • Studying a map of the area. At the same time, they pay attention to the location of the closest settlements, difficult terrain areas, especially when it comes to ski tourism, the speed and pace of movement.
  • Development of tactics. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the classification of routes and the technical complexity of the passes.
  • Selecting the right team - if the trip is planned for more than one day. Participants must be in good physical condition for winter skiing. It is first recommended to arrange regular training sessions to work through all possible difficulties.

It is good to have people on the team who will be assigned certain responsibilities - for example, a repairman, a medic, a navigator, a photographer, and even a guitarist.

Having a group of people who don't know each other in a ski or alpine touring group helps with cohesion. It is useful to do weekend hikes before an upcoming long trip. This helps to polish your skiing technique and skills in using ski equipment. Places suitable for improving this sport in Russia:

  • Sheregesh (Kemerovo region);
  • Dombay (Karachay-Cherkessia);
  • Krasnaya Polyana (Sochi);
  • Kirovsk (Murmansk region) and others.

Krasnaya Polyana, Solnechnaya Dolina (Mias), and Uyazy-Tau in Bashkortostan are suitable for freestyle skiing and practicing tricks on skis.

Equipment for a ski trip

Properly selected equipment is extremely important for winter skiing. Warm but light clothing will prevent hypothermia, and various travel equipment will protect against adverse weather conditions, help prepare food and make the team’s movement more comfortable.

Basic ski equipment

In ski tourism, the main attribute is a spacious backpack: for men at least 100 liters, for women - from 90 liters.

Equipment for a ski trip will also require:

  • a foam mat, preferably three-layer, with one additional piece for sitting;
  • sleeping bag with padding polyester insulation (if there is no shared one);
  • a compression bag that allows you to compress the sleeping bag;
  • a duffel bag (1-2 pieces), into which unused wardrobe items are stored;
  • mug, bowl, knife, spoon (not made of metal, which sticks to your lips in the cold);
  • headlight;
  • batteries or power bank;
  • documents, money, cards;
  • matches or lighter;
  • hygiene items (toothpaste and brush, soap, comb, wet wipes, toilet paper, cream, hygienic lipstick);
  • compass.

Group ski equipment

For high-quality ski trips lasting more than a day, you will need the following items:

  • tent and awning for it;
  • stove, kerosene stove, fuel;
  • boilers;
  • tools – axe, saw, repair kit;
  • candles and candlestick.

Special ski equipment

Main element special equipment What you need to pay attention to when preparing and conducting ski trips is the skis themselves and the poles for them. Experienced athletes recommend taking “forest models”. Their width is 9 cm, without a plastic slide or a “Tourist” type model. It is recommended to make holes on the toes of the skis into which the ropes for dragging are threaded.

Comfortable poles are a must as part of your ski equipment. Preference is given to metal ones, aluminum is better - they are quite light. It is necessary that there are large rings at the ends (they can be made from plastic caps). Skis are transported in a case, without which the conductor may not allow you onto the train.

Sunglasses with side protection or a mask are also needed in ski tourism , and for short walks. The person responsible for organizing and conducting the ski trip will inform you about whether an ice axe, crampons and a safety system are needed. For a ski trip, such equipment is required. Take with you an avalanche cord and a spare sling for fastening.

What things to take on a ski trip?

You definitely need to take care of your wardrobe. It should be light, comfortable, not restrict movement, and at the same time warm well.

Basic kit includes:

  • woolen jacket and tights - 1-2 sets;
  • warm jacket and warm pants - 1-2 pairs each (can be replaced with overalls);
  • T-shirt – 2 pieces;
  • swimming trunks - as needed;
  • wool socks - thick and thin, 2-3 pairs;
  • balaclava or hat, polar headband;
  • balaclava or mask that protects from the wind;
  • running pants with knee pads;
  • warm jacket with synthetic padding, down;
  • vest, storm jacket, anorak;
  • boots;
  • shoe covers;
  • flashlights for shoes;
  • gloves: polar, thin wool - 2 pairs;
  • tops with sleeves.

Clothing must interact correctly with the skier's body and the environment. It performs several tasks: wicking sweat away, saving heat, protecting from precipitation and wind. To do this, things are dressed according to the sandwich principle. The first layer is underwear made from natural materials (T-shirt, long johns), the second is a fleece jacket with a zipper only from the neck to the edge of the chest, the third is an insulated membrane jacket. Having the right wardrobe is an important part of your outfit.

Foods in a skier's diet

To carry out a ski trip, you need to prepare provisions. In such conditions, a person spends more energy, so the calorie content of the diet should be higher. Thus, for routes of average complexity, the daily requirement is 3.5-4 thousand kcal, for a long and difficult ski trip, which involves, for example, giant slalom exercises - 5-6 thousand. At the same time, the balance of vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates must be maintained , proteins and fats. The weight of the provisions in the first case will be about 1.2 kg.

In the backpack they put (calculation for a day):

  • rye crackers – 100 g;
  • white crackers and biscuits – 50 g each;
  • meat and fish (stew, pate, raw smoked sausage, lard, loin, canned pink salmon, sprat, etc.) – 255 g;
  • dairy products (butter, milk powder, cheese) – 115 g;
  • egg powder – 15 g;
  • vegetable oil – 10 g;
  • cereals (buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal, etc.) – 70 g;
  • soups (concentrates) – 50 g;
  • instant mashed potatoes – 20 g;
  • sweets – dried fruits, sweets, sugar – 320 g;
  • glucose with vitamins – 20 g;
  • Tea coffee.

If you are preparing for a ski trip of 30 days or so, then try to provide at least 4 thousand kcal per person.

Advice: the weight of the ration is reduced by sublimated or dried meat, concentrates, high-calorie carbohydrate products - for example, dry cream, halva, chocolate, dried fruits, nuts. At the same time, the amount of food with fiber is reduced.

To ensure that food takes up less space, when preparing for a ski trip, they are placed in containers - first in separate packages, and then in a common bag. An assault backpack with a volume of about 40 liters will certainly be required if radial exits are possible.

Medicine on a winter ski trip

Since we are talking about quite dangerous form sports, in addition to the appropriate ski equipment, you need to take care of a first aid kit in case of injuries, wounds, or hypothermia. It should contain the following tools:

  • first aid guide;
  • bandages - gauze (7, 14 cm), elastic and tubular-mesh No. 1-3;
  • sterile and non-sterile cotton wool;
  • adhesive plaster - callus, bactericidal;
  • potassium permanganate powder;
  • validol, nitroglycerin;
  • no-shpa;
  • enterosorbents;
  • phthalazole;
  • painkillers;
  • baby cream;
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • diphenhydramine;
  • aspirin;
  • baking soda;
  • vitamin C with glucose;
  • Novikov liquid;
  • glue BF-6;
  • furatsilin;
  • boric acid;
  • rubbing ointment;
  • dental drops.

On a winter ski trip, the most common skier injuries:

  • abrasions on the feet;
  • hand cuts;
  • injuries to legs, arms;
  • head injuries due to lack of ax skills;
  • bruises;
  • frostbite;
  • burns from a fire or stove;
  • snow blindness, when one of the main elements of mining is ignored ski equipment– points.

Of the infectious diseases, acute respiratory infections are the most important to fear.

Climbing mountains is a difficult test for the body. Before carrying out difficult routes, you must make sure that the group members do not have medical contraindications. Hiking is not available to people with chronic diseases, patients with infections and acute conditions, weakened after illness, with diabetes, epilepsy, and mental disorders.

Preparation and organization of a ski trip

To begin with, they are determined with a purpose - leisure with leisurely walks, hunting, fishing, sightseeing, sports. This determines, in particular, the amount of necessary products and medicines, a set of ski equipment, and the need for ski equipment. The main part of the route should be linear or circular.

The following are the stopping points. You can even do this on a digital map, for example, Google Earth Pro. At the same time, halting and stopping places are planned, and the time required to overcome a particular section is calculated. Satellite maps make it possible to assess the nature of the relief and find paths, the most convenient and shortest roads.

Preparatory work involves interviewing people who have been to those places, reports (there are quite a few travel diaries on the Internet), landmarks, and proper selection of ski equipment. This will simplify movement and minimize the likelihood of unforeseen situations.