East coast of the usa - abstract. East coast of thailand

7 months before the trip

Every big idea starts with the words “What if...?”

One day at the beginning of 2012, on one of the cold February evenings, when you didn’t want to go outside, we gathered in a close group at the house of our friends. Over a glass of wine, we told each other stories, and once again I remembered how I went on a student program to the USA for 4 months. My enthusiastic stories inspired my husband and our friends, and I don’t remember who was the first to suggest:

“What if we go to America together?”

Hurray, we're going!


We selected “iconic” American cities for the trip because we wanted to cover only the best in 15 days. So, our golden list included New York (the cradle of American civilization), Washington (the capital, it’s like coming to Russia and not seeing Moscow), Austin (at the suggestion of Misha, a music lover and great blues connoisseur. As it turned out later, It’s not for nothing that this city was included in our list), Los Angeles (Hollywood!), San Francisco (a disco-style city), Las Vegas (the city of sin, which had the highest expectations), Chicago (gangster chic).

Travel route


For a company trip to be successful, every team member is important. We had to be with each other 24 hours a day, sleep in the same room, use the same toilet, decide where to go to eat, what to see. It is important that no everyday trifles disturb the harmony of relationships, otherwise the entire trip, no matter how exciting it may be, will be ruined. But we were lucky with our companions - we got along well and understood each other perfectly.

Meet the trip participants


Yuri, 27 years old (Anna’s husband)


Michail, 27 years old


Svetlana, 25 years old (Mikhail’s wife)


Preface to the main story, I want to emphasize that we did not have any special problems with obtaining visas. No additional documents were required, the whole procedure (interview) took no more than a minute.

Chapter 1. In which we discover the “sneaker rule”

For the thousandth time I look at the ticket printout: Domodedovo airport, 11.10 am, Transaero airline. My heart skips a beat - I’m returning to the USA, a country that I dream about so often! This trip would be much shorter, but, I was sure, much more exciting, since the guys had to discover America, and I myself had to see and learn more about it.

November 3, early morning. A full work week is behind us, which makes you feel tired and have a strong desire to sleep. The suitcase was packed on Thursday, the last check - did you take everything? Of course, they forgot something, and most importantly, they made a mistake with the suitcase itself. But more on that later.

Has our journey begun? I can’t even believe it – 7 months of waiting are behind us! How long have we waited for this moment, with what impatience we counted down last days and even a watch (all avid travelers will certainly understand me)…

The last photograph taken on Russian soil. Waiting for flight UN-1111 sitting right on the floor


The first photograph taken on American soil. We are greeted at Kennedy Airport by the Stars and Stripes


We went through passport control in about 15 minutes: everything was fast, correct and polite. A feeling of relief immediately after the cherished Welcome to the United States! To be fair, it should be noted that a friend, who was on a flight 3 hours later than ours, stood in line for passport control more than 2 hours.

14.00. The day is in full swing in New York. And New York itself, so far terra incognita for my companions and a city of vivid memories for me, persistently calls us.

Since there are four of us, we decide that taking a taxi to the hotel will be both more reasonable and not much more expensive than public transport. In America, at airports there is a queue for taxis, which is led by a person specially trained for this purpose - a dispatcher. And we, obedient to his instructions, get into the cab that drives up to us.

By the way, we often had to use taxi services, but not once did we come across a taxi driver who hailed from, let alone Russia, or even from of Eastern Europe. Ethnic composition: 80% are Indian, 10% are African American, 5% are Arab and another 5% are white.

Our ne ragged Yellow Cab


In our first cab in America, the driver turned out to be Indian. He brought us to the address, but charged us exorbitantly - 90 bucks, explaining that due to Hurricane Sandy, the Brooklyn Tunnel was closed, and he had to take a detour. Perhaps he thought that we were rich Pinocchios, since he brought us to the hotel The Bowery Hotel- the most stylish hotel in New York, which looks something like this:



Then the thought occurred to me that rooms in such a luxurious hotel could not cost 2,000 rubles for two. But it appeared and somehow immediately disappeared, dissolving in that mixture of euphoria (from the fact that we are finally in the USA and we have such a cool hotel!) and panic (from the fact that we forgot to print out the bookings and there was no one at the hotel reception can find my reservation).

The lack of paper bookings, however, turned out to be not the biggest problem - we were armed with modern technologies in the form of tablets, laptops and smartphones, and Wi-Fi in the USA is not only in almost every hotel, but even on buses and airplanes. Showing our booking on the tablet screen, the girl at the reception smiled and noticed that this was not their hotel. The hotel we need is across the street.

But across the road there just happened to be a hotel, or rather a hostel, the rooms of which could easily cost 2,000 rubles for two. Remember this name - Bowery's WhiteHouse Hostel.

Judging by the photos on the booking, this hostel seems to be quite nice. In this case, I will tell you: do not believe your eyes!


However, in fact, unlike its pompous neighbor Bowery Hotel, the Bowery Hostel is inconspicuous and unprepossessing: old rickety glass doors, a room tiled like in Soviet sanatoriums, unfriendly staff and a bunch of restrictions like “don’t drink in the corridors” and “after 10 don’t make any noise.” This very thing “in the corridors” and the cash deposit should have alerted us, but we were too tired after the flight to adequately analyze the situation.

Since we arrived early, check-in was delayed by an hour. Thank God there was at least Wi-Fi in this hole. Then each of us considered it our duty to check in to the FourSquare app and get points for a new place before everyone else, and I did not fail to take advantage of the opportunity to check in at the hotel opposite. As it turned out through tips that users can leave about a particular place, Lindsay Lohan recently visited this five-star hotel. It was naive to think that for 2000 rubles we could have gotten a hotel room where Lindsay herself had been, and Rihanna too :)


Well, our hostel could confidently claim the title of the worst hostel of all time. It’s clear that you shouldn’t expect the luxury of its five-star namesake, but what I saw there was something I’d never seen anywhere else, and I’ve stayed in hostels in Europe and Asia.

Let's start with the fact that the numbers there represent both appearance, and by interior decoration stalls in a public toilet. Imagine that the rooms are separated from each other by thin plywood partitions, above which there is no ceiling. Out of shock, we couldn’t even take a photo of it, so I’m attaching a photo from Booking.com (although it doesn’t convey all the sensations of what we saw)

When we entered one of the cabins in which we were to spend the night, even the steely male nerves could not stand it. First - silence, and then a choice Russian curse.

Our cabin


Guys' cabin


After the Bowery Hostel, sneakers became a household name for the worst thing that could happen. All the other places we lived didn’t seem so terrible. Someone's forgotten sneakers instantly turned us into undemanding Spartans, enjoying the simple blessings of civilization - clean sheets, a separate shower and a normal ceiling above our heads.

Needless to say, we immediately went down to the reception, took a deposit for the night and went out into the arms of a city unfamiliar to us.

Chapter 2. In which we learn about the consequences of Hurricane Sandy

Our first, quite reasonable impulse was to try to rent a room at the nearby Bowery Hotel, but the prices there turned out to be simply 2 times higher than the maximum amount that we were willing to pay.

16.00, no place to stay for the night. But, thank God, the Internet today replaces thousands of calls and personal requests. While searching the Internet, we found our first catering establishment - an Italian restaurant, which on the occasion of Saturday was crowded with large noisy companies.

Without any further questions they let us in along with our suitcases. This is what a country of emigrants means!


Our first meal of delicious thin pizza turned out to be quite successful. The search for accommodation for the night was also successful. Due to Hurricane Sandy, the devastating impact of which also affected tourism, the Holiday Inn Soho hotel reduced prices by 2 times - one night for four for only 6,000 rubles! Compared to the damned “sneaker”, these were Queen Elizabeth’s apartments :)

Before leaving the Bowery forever and moving to Chinatown, I’ll tell you a little about the area that we had to leave due to housing problems.

Bowery is both a street and a neighborhood located in midtown Manhattan. Nothing outwardly remarkable place, which at first even scared us a little with its urban aggressiveness.


But, despite its nondescript nature, the Bowery is still of some interest to those who are interested in the history of cities. The Bowery is the first thoroughfare, which arose in the 17th century as a road from New Amsterdam to the farm (n. bouwerij) of Governor Stuyvesant.(information from Wikipedia)

This area, as well as Soho in general, was home to the creative elite and the aesthetically pleasing wealthy bourgeoisie...


But during the Great Depression, “prosperous” houses had to make room under the pressure of rooming houses. Now it’s clear why a wretched hostel could, on completely legitimate historical grounds, coexist with a luxurious five-star hotel!

However, Bowery, good bye. Nihao, Chinatown!


Praise be to the Internet and built-in jeeps that show how and how long the journey will take! It turned out to be no more than 15 minutes to walk at a leisurely pace to our new place for the night. Along the way, we finally got to know New York a little.


The cliche “city of contrasts” can often be heard in the same sentence with the Big Apple. But the first hours of our acquaintance coincided not with the splendor and eternal holiday of Times Square, but with the negativity of the poor streets.


We saw a bunch of garbage bags along the roads, beggars begging for alms, some half-crazed old people.


I don’t want to say that we specifically looked for any shortcomings and noticed exclusively negative aspects, trying to prove that “for them” not everything is as rosy as they show in the life-polishing films and TV series produced by Hollywood.


It just so happened that our journey did not begin with iconic sights or beautiful avenues licked for tourists with luxurious boutiques and expensive cars, but from ordinary New York streets, along which ordinary New Yorkers go about their business.

This comrade, although he walks around Times Square, clearly belongs to the “proletariat”. Perhaps this is the future Brad Pitt, who started his career in much the same way :)


New York is like any other metropolis in the world, but at the same time it has the same unique features, which distinguish it from others and make it unmistakably recognizable. multifaceted and unequal to itself.



I don’t know why, but looking at them, I was reminded of my favorite childhood movie, “Ghostbusters.”



The famous yellow taxis, into which heroes of various films and TV series literally jump on the go, trying to catch a love date or running away from being chased...


Giveaway humanitarian aid victims of Hurricane Sandy.


By the way, there were no obvious consequences of the hurricane, which, let me remind you, swept over the East Coast just a few days before our arrival - no fallen trees, broken storefronts, or mangled cars. Maybe all this happened, but the Americans somehow quickly cleaned up after the raging Sandy. And even the metro, flooded with salt water, was restored as quickly as possible...


Holiday Inn exceeded all our expectations: soft beds with feather beds cooler than those of the Princess and the Pea. A dazzlingly clean bathroom, fluffy towels that are comfortable to wipe your most intimate places with. After the “sneaker”, even the view from the window on the wall did not particularly bother us, but seemed to be a completely natural element of the urban landscape.


Chapter 3. Work like all New Yorkers

Tired after a tiring flight, we were unable to carry out the planned forced march to the sights. Having overcome ourselves, we nevertheless decided to take a little walk around Times Square in order to decorate our first day in the States with at least one bright and beautiful experience.

Next to the hotel there is the Canal Street metro station, where we went down. I will say right away that it is difficult for newcomers to navigate the New York subway, so it is better to travel around the city, especially over short distances, by taxi. If you have time to figure out the difference between routes A, B and C, which can all move simultaneously along the same color line, then feel free to go underground.


I remember that when I first found myself in New York back in 2005, I was scared on the subway because of the abundance of blacks and simply poor people around, and I clutched to my chest an expensive mp3 player with 124 MB of memory at that time. In 2012 I was no longer afraid of anything.

But an unexpected obstacle on our way turned out to be the same ubiquitous Hurricane Sandy, or rather, its consequences. The tunnel was flooded and we had to switch to another metro line.

A vivid impression was the scene that took place in a subway car on the way to Times Square. Some young girl turned to passengers asking for help. In appearance, she was not a beggar, but she asked for alms, explaining that she had small children in her arms and had nothing to feed them. The crisis, and she, like many Americans, lost her job.

At first I listened to this with interest. But then I, as, apparently, other passengers, began to be irritated by her pathetic speech that flowed in a continuous stream. Finally, someone couldn’t stand it anymore and told her: “Go work like all the other New Yorkers and stop complaining.” I think that Americans, just like us, dislike those who are accustomed to living at the expense of others or at the expense of the state, finding thousands of reasons not to fight for their well-being.

Chapter 4. This crazy, crazy, crazy world

We go out to Times Square. It’s already dark outside, which, however, works to our advantage. During the day the square does not look so impressive.



For some reason, I associate Times Square with the New Year, people kissing and hugging, and a machine-gun line of opening champagne bottles

  • 1 day Moscow - New York

    Flight Moscow - New York. Arrival in New York. Independent transfer and hotel accommodation. Free time.

    Day 2 New York - Niagara Falls

    Breakfast. Trip to Niagara Falls (~620 km) (American side of the Niagara River). Scenic drive, magnificent panoramas of Niagara, Observation Tower, observation decks. Cruise along the Niagara River under the waterfalls is optional for an additional fee. fee (payment to the guide on the spot). Night in Niagara Falls.

    Day 3 Niagara Falls - New York

    Breakfast. Excursion to Kozliny Island with magnificent panoramas of the river and waterfalls; Island of the Three Sisters; scenic views Niagara beauties: the river, rocks, boulders, rifts and Niagara Falls itself. Return to New York by scenic road through New York State.(~620 km) Overnight at a New York hotel.

    Day 4 New York

    Breakfast. Sightseeing tour of the city, which includes the main attractions of the city: Downtown, Battery Park, Wall Street, Ground Zero, panorama of bridges, the United Nations, Rockefeller Center, Fifth Avenue, Broadway and much more. The duration of the excursion is 9-10 hours, including the time spent gathering the group (about 2 hours). Rest at the hotel.

    5 day New York - Washington

    Breakfast. Moving to the US capital - Washington. (~370 km) Guide, travel information along the way. Sightseeing tour of the capital. Evening excursion with a visit to the Memorials and the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts included in the main program. Overnight at a Washington hotel.

    Day 6 Washington - Orlando

    Breakfast. Visit to Arlington Memorial Cemetery, Aeronautics and Space Museum, National Art Gallery, and other attractions. Flight to Florida, Orlando. Independent transfer to the hotel. Night in Orlando.

    Day 7 Orlando - Walt Disney World*

    Walt Disney World World Resort, often called Disney World or WDW) is the most big park Disney empire On the territory of Disney World, considered the best place in the world for family vacation on this moment are located
    4 theme parks:
    Magic Kingdom (Magic Kingdom),
    EPCOT Center (Epcot Park),
    Animal Kingdom
    MGM Studio (Pavilions - attractions of the Metro Goldwin Meyer film studio);
    3 water parks:
    Tyhoon Lagoon (Typhoon Lagoon),
    River Country
    Blizzard Beach (Hurricane Beach);

    Day 8 Orlando - Universal*

    Breakfast. Visit one of the amusement parks.
    Universal Orlando consists of 2 theme parks: Universal Studios & Island of Adventure

    Univbersal Studios Florida (Universal Studio) - The park is divided into several parts.
    Hollywood Sector: Most popular attractions: Terminator 2: 3-D Battle Across Time.
    Sector New York (New York): The most popular attractions: Revenge of the Mummy (“REVENGE OF THE MUMMY”).
    Production central sector: The most popular attractions: everyone’s favorite giant Shrek and the romantic Donkey (“Shrek and the Donkey”).
    San Francisco sector: The most popular attractions: Disaster - find out all the secrets of disaster films and experience them for yourself.
    Beetlejuice's graveyard revue - monsters, dead people and other representatives of the world of shadows + fun rock and roll, in the Beetlejuice cemetery.
    Woodpecker's kidszone - Special children's corner!

    Islands of adventure - the second park of the complex consists of 5 “thematic islands”.
    Marvel super hero island - super heroes and super attractions!
    Jurassic park (Jurassic Park) is one of the most beloved and visited “islands” of the park. The famous attraction, designed based on the plots of the film trilogy of the same name.
    The lost continent (The Lost Continent) - famous myths and legends, fairy-tale characters and mysterious creatures of all eras and peoples are brought together here on the “Lost Continent” - tales of 1001 nights, the atmosphere of the Middle Ages, many of the attractions located here are stylized as giant multi-colored dragons.
    Toon lagoon - this part of the park is dedicated to water attractions and entertainment.
    Citywalk is an entertainment complex with numerous bars and restaurants, cinemas and discos, nightclubs and shopping malls.

The car gives the driver many advantages, the main one of which is complete freedom of action. An unusual trip will give you incredible drive and a lot of new impressions along the way.

An amusing trip

Exploring a new and unfamiliar world in a foreign country is a very exciting activity, and the only thing that will cause some inconvenience is fatigue from driving a car for a long time.

It is best to book a car in advance, because sometimes it happens that the desired option may not be available on site. The East of the United States differs from the West in the most low prices for car rental.

What should you remember before starting your trip?

Before you start traveling along the East Coast of the United States by car, there are a few things to consider: important points so that the trip is not overshadowed by anything:

  • Some for rent vehicle presentation is not enough Russian rights, the driver will also be required to provide international ones.
  • Knowledge of local traffic rules is required to avoid violations and fines in a foreign country. It is best to get acquainted with the traffic rules in advance, that is, at home, before starting an exciting adventure.
  • Make sure you also rent a GPS navigator, which will help you navigate in unfamiliar areas in the best possible way. The use of paper cards, which are sold at every gas station, cannot be discounted.
  • Plan your route at home and don’t forget about traffic jams in major cities.
  • When visiting the East Coast of the United States, be aware of tolls.
  • Don't rely on your credit card alone. Some places may not accept it, so cash will definitely be required when traveling.
  • Do not put strangers in the car for personal safety reasons.

Popular tourist area

What attracts travelers to the East Coast of the United States? The tourist zone of continuous urban development is the oldest historical part of the country - in 1776, Philadelphia was signed. The region in which the first colonies of settlers arose, which is the real cradle of American culture, is full of attractions.

The East Coast, which stretches from the borders of Canada to the large peninsula of Florida, contains the most big cities countries. Endless spaces are full of variety climatic conditions and picturesque landscapes that will take your breath away.

Memories that last a lifetime

A memorable road trip along the East Coast of the USA is an exciting acquaintance with large and small cities, extraordinary natural phenomena And architectural monuments, preserving the history of America.

When making a planned trip by car, foreigners understand how diverse the huge country is. The road trip will not leave anyone indifferent, and the memories of it will stay with you all your life.

Yosemite National Park

What to see on the East Coast of the USA for those who are going on a long trip for the first time?

One of the most breathtaking sights will be the ancient one located in the state of California. The magnificent landscapes, which Mother Nature has worked on for centuries, will delight any visitor. Fantastically beautiful waterfalls, forests, and mountain complexes will amaze you with their majesty and power.

It is best to come here by car in the spring, when the snow melts everywhere, feeding water flows, and in the fall during prolonged rains. But in winter, travelers will be surprised by the frozen cascades, which will remind them of natural magic.

Philadelphia full of attractions

What else attracts the East Coast of the USA? When making a road trip across America, you can’t help but visit Philadelphia - one of the oldest. Only there you can understand how dear the history of the state is to the Americans, who keep the Liberty Bell, which notified everyone about the signing of a declaration important for the state.

It is best to walk along the quiet and narrow streets with low-rise buildings, leaving your car nearby. Full of attractions, the city is famous for the buildings in which the fate of the country was decided.

Memorable corners

One of them is Independence Hall, where the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4th. To enter a building that is iconic for all Americans, you must go through strict security controls. Inside this important UNESCO-listed landmark, daily tours are offered to explore some of the most significant events in American history.

Philadelphia is also large financial center, and you can’t ignore the Downtown business district, where the most high building city ​​with a height of 247 meters. The Comcast Center skyscraper is a popular tourist spot.

The city has several observation platforms that offer amazing views of modern architectural structures.

Traveling around Philadelphia, you plunge into the traditions of American society, carefully preserving the memory of past events. After the city filled with the spirit of patriotism, you can go on a trip to the entertainment corners of the country.

USA, East Coast: what to visit? Entertainment capital of Orlando

The city of Orlando is rightfully considered the capital of all entertainment events. Here are the most magical places where everyone dreams of being. The colorful world created by human hands is interesting to both adults and children, so everyone who wants to get to the East Coast of the United States includes the city in their route in advance.

The Disneyland entertainment center, consisting of several theme parks, is located on a vast area of ​​100 square kilometers near Orlando. An incredible number of attractions, river cruises around the park, colorful parades of famous Disney cartoon characters, a laser show and daily fireworks displays attract millions of visitors every year.

Of course, this pleasure is not cheap: you have to pay more than $100 for a ticket, and you will have to fork out the same amount to visit the water park. Therefore, be prepared that returning to childhood costs a lot of money, but despite the high cost, it will become one of the main events of the trip.

Key West - Tropical Paradise

After an entertaining trip through nature reserves, cities filled with history, entertainment centers The perfect ending to your driving adventure is a visit to southern city USA.

Key West (Florida), located on a small island of the same name, is a haven of bliss and relaxation. You can drive around the entire city, where time seems to stand still, and see not only the alluring beaches, but also the noteworthy architecture. Here is E. Hemingway's house, a butterfly observatory, and an aquarium, which you should definitely check out.

No one here will have a question about which ocean washes the East Coast of the United States. Island located on the border Atlantic Ocean and fascinates with its incredibly blue water surface. Paradise It becomes a real outlet for many, and people come here to enjoy an incredible feeling of freedom and happiness.

The Value of Travel

A leisurely car ride will allow you to admire the magnificent views of America, known for its contrasts. Exploring a previously unfamiliar world is a very exciting activity, and only on such trips do you understand the value of travel, which brings an incredible amount of impressions.

New York – Philadelphia – Washington – Niagara – Boston – New York

10 days/9 nights

Tour dates: any

1 dayArrival in New York, meeting and transfer to the hotel, 2 nights in New York.

Day 24 hour sightseeing tour of New York with a lift to the observation deck (entrance tickets on site $30/person)

Day 3– D Day in New York, optionally for an additional fee - a cruise to the Statue of Liberty, a musical on Broadway.

4 day– Check-out from the hotel, 6 hour guided tour of Philadelphia(2 hours of travel + 4 hours of excursion). The excursion program includes a visit to the Liberty Bell, which sounded on the day the Declaration of Independence was adopted, to the Palace of Independence and the US Mint. You will also see B. Franklin's grave, Betty Ross's house, the Love sculpture, and the Rodin Museum. During the tour, the guide will introduce you to the history of this city, which was the capital of the United States for 10 years. N och in Philadelphia.

5 dayTravel by train to Washington (2 hours), meeting with the guide at the station, sightseeing tour Washington time for 4 hours, night in Washington.

Day 6– Flight to Buffalo in the morning (1 hour in flight), meeting with a guide at the airport, complete 6 hour tour of Niagara. Visit Goat Island, Turtle Ledge, Moon Island and the Three Sisters Islands. Descent to the foot of the “Bridal Veil” waterfall, under which the Cave of the Winds is hidden. An unforgettable trip to Niagara Falls on the Maid of the Mist ferry. Stop at the ruins of the world's first hydroelectric power station, built by Nikola Tesla. Possibility of a speedboat ride along the Niagara River canyon to a giant whirlpool. Old Fort Niagara. Lake Ontario – Visit to the old fortress, tour of the museum and fortifications. Niagara Falls with evening lighting. Night in Niagara.

Day 7- P flight to Boston(1 hour flight), 2 nights in Boston.

Day 8ABOUTsightseeing tour for 4 hours. You will visit the old areas of the city, Victorian Beacon Hill and North End, along which the famous Freedom Trail runs; elegant Back Bay, Christian Science complex and Symphony Hall; English landscape park. This is the city where the American Revolution was born and where great educational institutions countries - Cambridge and Harvard Institutes.

Day 9travel by train to New York (4 hours), shopping, souvenirs...

10 day– transfer to the airport, flight home.

Tour cost per 1 person per10 days/9 nights:

from $2650/person

The tour price includes:
  • Accommodation in 4* hotels along the route
  • Individual meet-and-greets by car to airports
  • All mentioned individual excursions with a Russian-speaking guide
  • Train tickets according to the route Philadelphia–Washington and Boston–New York
  • Taxes


  • Breakfast in hotels (if possible, we will include free breakfast in hotels where available)
  • Domestic flights, economy class from $275/person
  • Tips for drivers and guides
  • International flight, visa and insurance

See new offers at home page website in the “News” section.

The east coast of Sri Lanka is magnificent sandy beaches and the authentic atmosphere of Ceylon far from civilization and the airport. The high season here lasts from May to September. The tourism business began to develop on the east coast relatively recently, but there are already decent hotels here. Guests come here for a secluded holiday in the wilderness untouched nature.

In the north of the resort there is a city Trincomalee with its beautiful beaches Nilaveli And Uppuveli, resorts are located to the south Passikuda And Kalkuda, behind which lies one of the most popular parks in Sri Lanka - Yalla. National Park Yalla occupies an area of ​​1300 sq. km, here, in addition to the untouched jungle, you can see exotic animals: leopards, monkeys, deer, wild boars, buffalos, crocodiles and various birds.


280 km east Colombo is the capital of the coast - a beautiful coastal city Trincomalee with a unique atmosphere and many attractions such as Maritime Museum « Hoods Tower", ancient Buddhist monastery Velgam Vihara, fort Frederick, temple Thiru Koneshwaram and much more. Uppuweli And Nilaveli - best beaches Trincomalee and a great place for whale watching, and the coral island Pigeon - beautiful place for diving and snorkeling. There are hot springs 8 kilometers from the city Kanniya Hot Springs where you can swim.


New resort Pasikuda Beach located 290 km from Colombo. Its wide beach is about 4 km long and forms a kind of bay in which various species of tropical fish are found. The lagoon is protected at both ends by coral reefs. No waves and White sand ideal for swimming, especially with children. It was originally planned here budget resort, but the concept was revised and wonderful 4 * and 5 * hotels began to open. There are sun loungers on the beach, which is not typical for Sri Lanka, and there are no beach boys, merchants or barkers, which will definitely be appreciated by lovers of solitude. We recommend the resort for a relaxing romantic holiday and a vacation with children.