GDP per capita. About per capita income, about poor and rich countries

Products produced during the year under review. The value is expressed in the national unit of the state. GDP statistics of countries around the world allow us to evaluate economic indicators in a particular state and make forecasts for future development.

Real and nominal GDP

The nominal indicator is the final price calculated according to the market, depending on changes in income and price index. Real indicator - to determine the cost of a product, the growth indicator is used, not the price change:

The term “GDP deflator” hides the ratio of the nominal to the real indicator:

The indicator implies the total volume of all state income for the year, divided by the number of residents. It is used to simplify the comparison of the productivity of countries, since GDP per capita serves as a characteristic of economic activity. This is also a kind of “indicator” of the level of a country with a high gross domestic product, we can say that it is favorable and comfortable for living:

Structure of the world's GDP

The development of society affects three stages: pre-industrial, industrial and post-industrial. Each of them is characterized by a certain type of economic structure. The table clearly shows the characteristics of each stage:

Until the 18th–19th centuries, income was also provided by related hunting, fishing and forestry. The agrarian structure at that time covered all existing states (today it is found in the least developed countries). Later, this way of life was replaced by the industrial era. Her main feature is predominance . The second half of the 20th century was marked by scientific and technological revolution with the formation of a post-industrial system - the service sector now prevails over production. Employment structure by industry:

The predominance of agriculture is observed today in Afghanistan, Somalia, Cambodia, Laos, Tanzania and Nepal (over 50%).

The share of the service sector in the GDP of countries around the world is gaining momentum, which means that they are characterized by an interest in knowledge workers. Obviously, the share of expenses on an even greater percentage of predominance is in small states that live by providing financial services and. World GDP statistics for 2000 (share of industries, %):

Data for Russia

During 1990–2016, the direction of economic development in Russia changed significantly. There is a simultaneous increase in mining production and an increase in transactions with and finance. But the volumes of agriculture, forestry, manufacturing and transport enterprises are declining.

Share of military expenditures in countries' GDP

Wikipedia has information on the share of the world's GDP going to military spending in 2016:

Every year, studies are conducted on the basis of which a ranking of the GDP of developed and lagging countries is compiled. The place of countries in the world in terms of GDP is determined by the World Bank, which has undergone many structural changes since its founding. Over the past 20 years it has become a specialized agency of the UN. The GDP of the world's countries is calculated in dollars. Today the undoubted leaders are:

  1. USA– the national unit of the state is considered one of stable currencies world and is used as an international one. Thanks to this fact, the figure in question in the United States is so large: 18.12 trillion. dollars. If we consider it in percentage terms, the annual increase in the country's gross domestic product averages 2.2%, or 55 thousand dollars per capita. The main “earning” corporations in the country are Microsoft and Google.
  2. China– the second country in the world in terms of economic growth. Today the country's gross product is 11.2 trillion. dollars, increases by 10% annually.
  3. Japan– 4.2 trillion. dollars. Today the figure increases annually by 1.5%. Per capita it is 39 thousand dollars.
  4. Germany– the gross product of the state is 3.4 trillion. dollars or 46 thousand per capita. The increase for 2016 is 0.4%.
  5. Great Britain– 2.8 trillion. dollars.

GDP statistics of the world's leading countries :

GDP statistics in European countries in 2016

Among the EU countries there are also leaders and laggards. According to statistics, the most developed in the EU are:

  1. Liechtenstein - GDP per capita is just over 85 thousand.
  2. The Netherlands - for each resident there are 42.4 thousand euros.
  3. Ireland – 40 thousand euros according to a similar indicator.
  4. Austria – 39.7 thousand euros.
  5. Sweden - the gross product is 38.9 thousand euros.

Additionally, the following states can be noted:

World GDP forecasts

The GDP of the leading EU countries is assessed by Forex specialists ambiguously: it is possible that it will increase by 1.7%, but there is a possibility of a decrease of 15%. In addition to the increase, there may also be a decrease in the level of GDP of countries around the world. This phenomenon may affect:

  1. Venezuela– the estimated projected decrease in gross domestic product by 3.5% is due to the lack of oil, pharmaceuticals and other basic products in the country.
  2. Brazil– the prices set for extracted iron ore contribute to a decrease in the gross product by 3%.
  3. Greece– the estimated decrease will be 1.8%.
  4. Russia– the indicator is expected to decrease by 0.5%, which is due to the imposed sanctions by the EU and the USA. In addition, a decrease in the value under consideration in Russia may be a consequence of a decrease in oil prices. Experts do not rule out an economic recession in the country. A crisis is possible with a probability of up to 65%.

Countries with fast growing GDP 2016

The GDP growth rates of countries around the world are different, however, experts identify 13 of them, which are distinguished by a particular rate of increase.

I eat cabbage, and the boss eats meat. On average we eat cabbage rolls.

Folk wisdom

The world continues to increase its income. According to forecasts international organizations in 2018 the economy will grow by 3.1% (World Bank) or 3.8% (OECD), or even 3.9% (IMF). Does this mean that all countries, their inhabitants and each of us personally are becoming richer? Definitely no: the well-being of representatives of the rich strata increases, but the majority of the poor remain poor. We will try to reveal various aspects of the growth of social inequality and per capita income in the world in 2018.

The increase in billionaire wealth exceeds the growth rate of the global economy

Forbes is a fascinating magazine that we turn to when we want to know the names of the world's richest people and the size of their wealth. His 2018 list features a record number 2208 billionaires from 72 countries and territories. This elite the group owns $9.1 trillion, up 18% from last year, Forbes notes.

So, the increase in the welfare of the richest people on the planet by 2018 was compared to 2017 18% . And according to the IMF forecast, the growth of the world economy in 2018 is 3,9% . Thus, the rate at which billionaires are getting rich exceeds the rate of economic growth in the world, which means that the rest of the economy is growing more slowly than the “hospital average.” .

10 richest and poorest countries in the world

Let's analyze the stratification of the world's countries into rich and poor. We will not consider the total wealth that countries have (because there are very large but very poor countries whose gross domestic product (GDP) is greater than that of very small but rich countries), but the relationship between the wealth of each country and its population, that is GDP per capita.

Based on IMF statistics, we will compile Table 1, from which you can see how the composition and income of the richest and poorest countries in the world have changed over the past 10 years.

Table 1 - The richest and poorest countries in the world

in terms of GDP per capita

The mostrich countries* The mostpoor countries* GDP per capita, thousand US dollars
2007 2017 2018** 2007 2017 2018**
Luxembourg 107 106 120 South Sudan 0,228 0,246
Switzerland* 81 87 Burundi 0,170 0,312 0,340
Iceland* 85 Ethiopia 0,249
Macau SAR 77 84 Congo 0,254
Norway 85 75 83 Eritrea 0,279
Ireland* 71 81 Malawi 0,307 0,324 0,342
Iceland 70 Niger 0,313
Qatar 69 61 66 Afghanistan 0,325
Switzerland 64 Sierra Leone 0,369
Ireland 61 Madagascar 0,379
Singapore 58 Central African Republic 0,386 0,426
USA 59 Nepal 0,394
Denmark 59 56 64 Yemen* 0,449
Sweden 53 Mozambique 0,429 0,472
Netherlands 51 Niger* 0,440
Great Britain 50 Madagascar* 0,448 0,479
USA* 62 Congo* 0,478 0,478
Singapore* 62 Gambia 0,480 0,500
Sierra Leone* 0,491 0,505
Yemen 0,551

** – for 2018 the forecast is presented based on actual data for 5 months

If we assume that each of the countries presented in Table 1 is home to one average citizen, whose per capita GDP accounts for the corresponding volume, then we can estimate the average growth rates of population incomes for two groups of countries (the richest and the poorest), as well as the dynamics of these indicators (table 2).

Table 2 - Characteristics of groups of the richest and poorest countries in the world

Per capita income growth in absolute terms (thousands of US dollars) continues in 2018 for both rich and poor countries. But the ratio of average GDP per capita by group of countries (rich to poor), as well as the richest to the poorest country, increased in 2018. It says on the growing income gap between groups in rich and poor countries in 2018 .

What about our income inequality indexes?

Ukraine is modestly represented in the Forbes list in 2018 7 the country's richest billionaires with a total fortune $13.2 billion, about 13% per annum Country's GDP. Let’s add to this group of hryvnia millionaires, of whom, according to the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, by 2018 there were 4,063 people in the country with more than $1 billion in annual income.

As for the income inequality indices calculated by the World Bank, according to the latest study, Ukraine is indeed ahead of the rest. The value of the Ukrainian Gini index (about 25%) and the Palma coefficient (8.2%) is the best in Europe.

This begs a logical question: how is this possible? Experts explain this phenomenon by the high volume of the shadow economy and the low quality of per capita income statistics taken into account when calculating inequality indices. But optimists reassure: not everything is so bad, and we still have a chance to get into the club of countries with the lowest level of social inequality, just... from a different entrance. They say that we have our own unique path of development, and if it doesn’t work out like everyone else, then we will definitely succeed in our own way.

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GDP per capita is a special macroeconomic indicator that reflects the state of the country’s economy relative to its citizens. Total GDP is the market value of all services and goods produced in a country that are ready for consumption. All industries are taken into account, and, as a rule, the time period for this indicator is the calendar year. Overall GDP is not suitable for determining the well-being of a country's citizens. To assess the standard of living of a state's citizens, it is GDP per capita that is used, and when calculated correctly, it provides the most reliable data, which is used by all economists and analysts, with the exception of special cases. Thus, in 2017, the United States took first place in the world in terms of overall indicators, and on a per capita basis, China was only in 2nd place. That is, 1 billion dollars per 10 million people is one thing, and a completely different picture will be with the same GDP per 100 million people. In addition, one should not confuse the well-being of citizens with well-being. The calculation of the latter takes into account more social indicators than economic ones.

The formula for calculating GDP per capita is very simple: total GDP/population of the country.

Recall that the GDP formula is:

GDP=Consumption+Investment+Government Expenditure+ (Export-Import)

With a GDP of 1 billion and a population of 10 million, the same figure per capita will be equal to: 1,000,000,000/10,000,000=100, and with a population of 100 million – 10.

GDP is one of the most important macroeconomic indicators, and fully reflects the state of the economy, because its calculation includes all industries, all production, costs and expenses. It is also the main indicator of the country's economy. Thus, the growth and decline of GDP affect stock indices, the policies of the Central Bank and the government apparatus as a whole.

However, often with equal economic volumes, states can have a fairly large gap in the level of social development. If we consider the same per capita rate and take into account only the real results of economic policy in the social sphere, then the difference will be visible in three main groups of needs:

  • basic goods, which include water, food, first aid, satisfactory sanitation, personal safety and quality of housing;
  • basic benefits, including a good environmental situation, accessibility of communications and information, general education and health care;
  • opportunity for population development. This category includes equality, civil rights, accessibility to higher and additional education.

It is considered one of the most prosperous countries New Zealand, but at the same time it ranks only 34th in terms of GDP per capita.

Thus, the indicator under consideration for the most part reflects the state of the economy relative to the population, but does not indicate the absolute well-being of residents of the top five countries.

GDP per capita of the world's countries in 2018-2019

Country ratings based on macroeconomic indicators are compiled by the World Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the UN and even the CIA. Below is a list of 10 countries by GDP per capita for 2016 - 2017. Payment is made in US dollars.

Hong Kong is part of the People's Republic of China, but it is designated as a special administrative region. In the ratings it stands out separately from the whole country, as it is the main financial center Asia. In addition, the Chinese government does not interfere in the economy of this area, which is not typical for the country as a whole.

GDP per capita in Russia

Russia's GDP per capita, according to the World Bank, was $10,743 in 2019. The main macroeconomic indicator is influenced by many circumstances, from the situation within the country, its wealth of natural and human resources, political activity, to external criteria (wars, relations between countries etc.).

Based on the data presented, we can conclude that analysts expect some GDP growth. However, the growth rate is not too high: only 1-3%. It should also be noted that if we take data for 2014 and compare it with 2015, then most countries had a noticeable drop in this indicator.

Gross domestic product is a special macroeconomic indicator, which is often called synonymous with economy. It shows the sum of all goods and services produced in a country and available for consumption at market prices. The activities of absolutely all organizations, commercial, budgetary, non-financial institutions, branches of foreign companies, etc. are taken into account. Thus, GDP shows how efficiently a country's economy operates. In addition, analysis of this indicator over past years allows us to talk about positive or negative dynamics.

Also calculated. This calculation is carried out in all countries, including Russia. General level GDP is divided by the total number of citizens of the state, and based on the results, one can tell about their well-being. In 2015, Luxembourg ranks first in the ranking by a large margin from the rest. It is worth noting that Qatar was previously in first place; The main income for this country comes from liquefied gas, and along with the collapse in prices for this natural resource, the Middle Eastern monarchy moved into third place.

In 2016, the IMF predicted a decrease in GDP by 0.6%. It was predicted that GDP in Russia would increase by 1.1% in 2017, and by 1.2% in 2018.

Main industries of Russia

  • 19% of GDP comes from trade (wholesale and retail), as well as repairs of vehicles, motorcycles, household items and personal items;
  • 16% - taxes;
  • 16% - financial activities, real estate transactions, rent, provision of utilities and social services;
  • 14% - manufacturing industry;
  • 9% - mining;
  • 8% - transport and communications;
  • 6% - education, healthcare;
  • 5% - construction;
  • 4% - Agriculture, forestry, fishing and fish farming;
  • 3% - production and distribution of gas, electricity and water.

The development of those industries that are “sagging” will lead to an increase in , and, consequently, an increase in the per capita indicator. The growth of such industries can seriously improve the situation. In addition, the development of one direction or another, as a rule, always requires additional human resources. Accordingly, the unemployment rate may decrease.

GDP dynamics over 25 years

Since the proclamation Russian Federation there were quite a lot of changes and significant events. The graph shows how per capita GDP has increased over the past 25 years, and that last years there is a slight decrease.

In addition to dry data, it is also necessary to remember that Russia big country, which has experienced rather difficult and unstable times in the past, so it is not easy to bring the economy to a qualitatively new level. GDP per capita in 2017 in Russia according to the IMF, it amounted to 27,893 US dollars, which corresponds to 47th place in the ranking. Analysts and economic experts predict three more years of crisis for Russia. According to optimistic forecasts, the peak of the crisis has already passed, and some even talk about GDP growth in 2017 due to rising oil prices. The IMF predicts an economic decline of 1.1%, and claims that even an increase in the cost of a barrel will not be able to save the situation. The crisis may drag on for several years due to sanctions and their consequences. Internal imbalance does not allow the economy to work effectively, so growth is possible only if it is resolved.

Sources: International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

GDP or the gross domestic product of a state is a macroeconomic coefficient that determines the ability of the national economy to produce services and goods over the past year in various areas of the economy in order to consume and export.

That is, GDP is a consequence of the economic activities of enterprises and other institutions in the country, regardless of citizenship and state affiliation.

The state's GDP per capita is a coefficient that characterizes the economic condition and development of the state. Gross domestic product is the ratio of GDP to the population of a country.

GDP indicators characterize, first of all, indicators of the standard of living of the population.

On video - US GDP:

United States of America

The US economy has maintained its leading position for 100 years. But, unfortunately, the country has a large gap between the rich and the poor.

The US has a high GDP due to the presence of natural resources.

The USA is the largest exporter in the world.

The main industries of the country are the oil industry, automobile manufacturing and production occurs thanks to high technology.

The USA also produces cars, gasoline, steel, chemical products, and electronics.

But, unfortunately, the United States is now gradually beginning to lose its leading position, and could quickly be supplanted by developing economy China.

Less than 25% of world production is concentrated in the United States, and previously it was about 50%. The country's exports and imports fall on countries such as Canada, Mexico, Japan, China and European countries.

Now the United States has a large public debt, which significantly affects the development of the country's economy. On this moment The US debt is approximately $19.3 trillion.

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However, US GDP growth is still the highest in the world.

USA has a large number of jobs and low unemployment, which fell for the first time in several years. Also, lower energy prices allow that you add more money to invest them in other goods and services. There is an increase in wages and, accordingly, consumer spending.

A low price level in the state will lead to lower prices for foreign goods and strengthen the position of the dollar.

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On video - Russia's GDP:


A decline in oil prices could significantly reduce Russia's GDP, leading to a deterioration in the economy. Current sanctions and geopolitical tensions also have a negative impact on the economy.

Real incomes continue to fall.

GDP per capita may decline to $11.9 thousand; this situation is observed due to the deterioration of the economy due to the 2015 crisis and currency devaluation.

The economy is negatively affected by factors such as slower growth in labor productivity, high taxes, which amount to 35% of GDP - this indicator characterizes the state as developed with high incomes.

The structure of the Russian economy is dominated by the sector providing various services, as well as the food industry, chemical production, metallurgy, and production of machinery and equipment.

The strongest industries are the extraction of fuel and energy minerals, as well as the production of electrical equipment and many others.

In order to improve the economic condition of the state, it is necessary to reduce the tax burden, invest in economic development and increase labor productivity.

The reasons for low economic performance are geographical position, historical features, mineral deficiency, interethnic conflicts, wars. The main cause of poverty in countries is political instability.