Grand Canyon of Crimea how to get to Yalta. Grand Canyon of Crimea: where it is and how to get there by car

Updated 12/05/2019 Views 418 Comments 11

The Crimean issue never leaves my thoughts. I was sitting here looking through photos from a hike in 2010, when we walked through Grand Canyon Crimea, and realized that not all of them were posted, the report on the campaign was large, it was necessary to write about many places and show them in photographs. But in fact, this attraction is worthy of a separate article. Moreover, to see it you don’t have to be a hiker or go on a hiking trip. It is enough to take public transport and follow a regular asphalt road from Simferopol (from Yalta it is more difficult) to get to the canyon. Of course, you won't go through it all, but you don't need to :)

I remember when we walked with backpacks along the top of the canyon and somewhere in the middle of it we went down to wander along the bizarre stone recesses, formed by water, then we met a group of ordinary tourists in flip-flops and swimsuits who were coming from the very bottom. True, they were already quite tired and it was obviously time for them to return back. I'm sure they didn't get it less impressions than us. So this is the natural attraction in Crimea that you need to see first.

Photo of the Grand Canyon of Crimea

Of course, to see all its beauty you need to walk along the river bed to the end, that is, beyond Lake Golubogo and the Baths of Youth. But even on this popular route there is something to see. But it’s best to go not after rain and towards the end of summer, when the water is blue and clear and there is not much of it.

We walked the entire length of the canyon only from above, and someday I would really like to walk it along the riverbed. It’s true that you’ll have to “go” partly by swimming, because there are deep baths that you can’t get around, and in some places you’ll have to climb, but it’s even more interesting. You just need to figure out how to float your backpack.

How to get to the Grand Canyon in Crimea

To begin with, you need, so let's assume that you are already here and all that remains is to find the canyon. The easiest way, of course, is to go there by car (). But if you are not a driver at all, then it doesn’t matter, I’ll tell you how to get to the Grand Canyon of Crimea in other ways. If you don’t want to think about the problems of transporting yourself to the place, then in any resort town you will be offered an excursion to the Grand Canyon, but this option is not for independent travelers.

From Simferopol along the Sevastopol highway through Bakhchisarai and to the village of Sokolinoe you can take a regular bus. There are also buses from Bakhchisarai itself to Sokolinoe. The entrance to the canyon is located three kilometers from the village of Sokolinoe (further along the highway), you will need to go there on foot. There are many cafes and shops there, you won’t miss it. But you can take a taxi to Sokolino (this is not a problem) if you don’t want to go.

There is no public transport from Yalta. But you can climb the Ai-Petrinsky pass by minibus that goes to the ski lift. You need to get off on the highway near the turn to Ai-Petri to the ski lift. And then catch a car towards the Grand Canyon. You can get away quickly enough for money; people are reluctant to hitchhike.

Or initially take a tour from the hotel, essentially a round-trip transfer. The most convenient option. The cost is about 1200 rubles per person.

The Grand Canyon of Crimea - this popular route is somewhat akin to a novel by a Russian classic, in which some see simply an interesting everyday story, while others see a deep philosophical subtext, finding, behind the interweaving of phrases, a second, third and even fourth meaning. The Grand Canyon of Crimea is a seemingly canonical place, worn down almost to holes by the feet of a whole stream of excursionists, while most of them do not even realize that they see only a small fraction of its breathtaking beauties.

In order to fully enjoy the impressive views of the most famous Crimean gorge, you need a certain physical, and ideally, climbing, training, comfortable trekking shoes, and, most importantly, a willingness to spend a whole day traveling along the bottom, banks and capes of the Grand Canyon of Crimea . And only then, having become convinced of the seriousness of your intentions, will he reveal all his hidden corners to you.

Great discovery of the Grand Canyon of Crimea

Until the 20s of the last century, this gigantic chasm was known only to scientists, and there was not a word about it in guidebooks to Crimea. He told the world about this unique canyon in his books, and, in fact, Professor Puzanov gave it its name. But the real popularity of the Grand Canyon of Crimea was brought by a documentary film made about it in 1925 and today, alas, lost.

After the film was released, the Grand Canyon of Crimea, a hitherto unknown route, became a place of pilgrimage for tourists.

Its length is 3.5 km, the height of the walls is 320 m. Usually the canyon passes upstream. The most popular section is from the Postal Oak to the Bath of Youth, which is located approximately in the center of the gorge. What goes beyond its borders usually eludes the gaze of organized tourists.

The inaccessible Grand Canyon of Crimea, the Bath of Youth, seems to cut off inexperienced tourists. This section of the route almost always runs along the dry bottom of the gorge. It takes 3-4 hours for trained hikers to cover its 2 km stretch in the summer. This low speed is explained by the large number of obstacles that you mainly have to climb around.

During spring floods and after heavy rains, this section is practically impossible to cross.

Useful articles:

Grand Canyon of Crimea: “Great Around the World” route

The circular route, when travelers walk along the bed of the Grand Canyon of Crimea upstream of the Auzun-Uzen River, and then return along the upper path, admiring the gorge from numerous capes, is called the “Great Around the World”.

It starts from the Yew Cascade, which is located a little lower downstream than the “classic trail” that starts from the Post Oak (or rather, the remains of a tree where tourists leave notes).

Along this route there are many interesting objects that are definitely worth paying attention to.

Yew cascade. A waterfall under old yew trees that flows towards huge stones overgrown with moss and entwined with plants. If you walk from it along the right bank, then on the way you will encounter a narrow gap between huge boulders. An old tourist tale says that unfaithful spouses get stuck in it.

Blue Lake. It represents an expansion of the channel. Its water is emerald green, but only in early spring. In summer there are many swimmers here, so it becomes cloudy and greenish.

Apple Ford (at the descent of the path leading from the Postal Oak). This is the name of the place opposite the mouth of the first left tributary of the Auzun-Uzen River - Almachuka (translated from Tatar as Yablochny). In autumn, it carries many wild apples into the main channel, which fall into its waters from apple trees growing upstream. This is where the fruits accumulate, which is what gave the place its name.

Source Pania (from “Panagia” - “All-Holy”). It was one of the holy springs that were worshiped here back in the Middle Ages. Today it is one of the TOP 20 Crimean springs, spewing out 370 liters of water every second.

Bath of youth.
This is one of the erosive cauldrons, “drilled” into the bottom of the canyon by stones rotated by the spring stormy flow. Decorating the Grand Canyon of Crimea, the Bath of Youth or Kara-Gol attracts hordes of tourists who take its name too literally. But it appeared quite recently - in the 60s. People jumped out of this black lake and plunged into it too quickly, because the water temperature here, even in the hottest heat, is about + 9 degrees.

The depth of this “trough,” as the Crimean Tatars simply called the baths, is no more than 5 meters. It is fed by an ever-living spring located 150 m upstream.

Yohagan-su tributary (missing water), right, joins upstream. In summer it dries up, revealing a steep slope with a suite of smooth-walled baths. It is loved by canyoning fans who climb up it to get to the right wall of the canyon.

If immediately after the Bath of Youth the Grand Canyon of Crimea is still full of water, then, literally, after a few hundred meters, its bed completely dries up. Nature has prepared natural barriers for travelers here in the form of piles of huge boulders and smooth-walled baths, narrow corridors where you can barely stand with your arms outstretched.

There are only four such narrowings. The largest corridor is the first, 200 m long, the smallest is the last. But even between them the channel does not expand to more than 6 m.

Having conquered the extreme Grand Canyon of Crimea, the route can be laid out in two directions - either continue it, returning to the starting point along the upper trails, or go to Ai-Petri.

Grand Canyon of Crimea: how to get to observation points

Capes, from which you can view the Grand Canyon of Crimea from above, are located on both sides. They are numbered, designated by numbers, although there are also “nominal” ones.

Getting to them is not difficult - numerous paths lead to them, they are marked on the map.

A particularly impressive view opens from the Sentinel Cape, also known as the First, which literally reigns over the canyon.

An excellent vantage point is the Fourth Cape, next to which the Cow Grotto (Taur-Koba) appears black. According to the stories of tourists who had to stop here for the night, the wind produces absolutely incredible sounds from the grotto, turning it into an Aeolian harp; all the rustles here are amplified many times over. It received the name “cow” because shepherds hid their cattle here in bad weather.

A breathtaking panorama also opens from Cape Trapis (from the Greek “trapezus” - table), but only in spring and autumn, because in summer it is covered by green thickets.

A hike through the Grand Canyon of Crimea in the summer will take just one day and will be a wonderful family adventure. And those who are ready for more severe challenges can try to overcome the canyon in the off-season or become a pioneer of their own climbing route.

The crevice is located next to the Bakhchisarai-Yalta highway. Therefore, the answer to the question: “The Grand Canyon of Crimea, how to get there on your own?” uncomplicated. There are many buses and minibuses running between these settlements.

Regular buses run from Bakhchisarai to the village. Sokolinoe, from there to the entrance to the Grand Canyon 5 km towards Yalta. It’s impossible to pass by – there’s a landmark parking lot and an abundance of excursion buses.

If you drive along the old Yalta road through the Ai-Petri plateau, then not far from the village of Sokolinoe you can see very beautiful place— The Great Crimean Canyon, a unique landscape landmark of the Crimean peninsula. A pile of stone blocks and boulders, numerous rapids and intricate waterfalls, karst baths with emerald water and the majestic cliffs of the Grand Canyon will forever remain in the memory of those who were lucky enough to visit this corner of untouched wilderness.

The name “Grand Canyon” was assigned to this gorge by Professor I. I. Puzanov. Traveling around amazing places Crimea, he was amazed by them unique beauty. It was he who first made a description of the geographical objects located in the canyon in 1925 and told the world about this unique place.

Grand Canyon of Crimea: tourist routes and trails

The Crimean Canyon is one of the most visited places on the peninsula. A completely unprepared tourist can visit the local walking route at any time of the year, but there are places that are difficult even for professionals.

There are two main options for starting the route through the gorge: along the top and along the bottom of the canyon. It is better to start walking through the upper entrance and end at the lower one. This way the route will be as easy and fast as possible.

If you follow the path along the top of the canyon, travelers will see an amazing panorama of cliffs with pink limestone, old yew trees and Crimean pines. Rocky capes are located on both sides of the gorge, some of them have only numbers, others are given names. Especially scenic view opens from Sentinel Rock. Another excellent vantage point is the Fourth Cape, next to which is the black Cow Grotto, in which long ago shepherds hid their cattle in bad weather.

The entrance to the lower trail into the Grand Canyon starts from an information board with a description of the route. Well-trodden paths leading to everyone remarkable places The gorges are marked with markers, which is very convenient and will prevent you from getting lost. As you move, you will come across signs more than once, helping you navigate the area.

The most popular route is the “Big Around the World” route, which runs upstream of the Auzun-Uzen River and then returns along the upper path. The route includes the most interesting places canyon and can be completed in a day.

Favorite trails among tourists lead to such natural attractions as:

  • "Postal Oak", an oak tree burned by lightning in the 1980s, in the hollow of which notes were left. Today all that remains of it is a huge stump disfigured by fire.
  • Lake "Blue"- a small pond about 1.5 meters deep. The water temperature in it, even at the height of summer, remains within +10… +12°С.
  • Waterfall "Silver Streams"- small, but very picturesque: against the background of a small grotto overgrown with emerald moss, water flows down in thin streams, which in the light of the sun’s rays look like silver strings
  • Lake "Yusupovskoe"- a ravine blocked by a dam at the beginning of the 20th century, filled with emerald-colored water.
  • Tisovy Waterfall, whose streams flow between huge stones covered with moss, tree roots and climbing ivy. Nearby grows yew berry, from which the name of the waterfall comes.
  • "Apple Ford"- a picturesque place where the powerful Pania spring gushes from the karst depths.
  • "Evorsion Cauldrons"- potholes in the rocks that cut the bottom of the canyon. The largest basin has its own name - "Bath of Youth". It is filled with transparent, clean and ice water, and a small waterfall falls into it from above.

The Bath of Youth completes the excursion along the bottom of the Grand Canyon of Crimea (only 6 kilometers from the start of the route). Further on, the trails become much steeper, leading to viewpoints at the top of the canyon.


Group and individual tours the Great Crimean Canyon is accessible from almost all major cities Crimea. Excursion buses They arrive at the main entrance to the canyon, from where experienced guides will be happy to take you along the most interesting paths to the most beautiful and remarkable places. One of the advantages of going on a guided tour is that the guides lay out the route so that it’s as easy as possible on the ups and downs.

Before signing up for an excursion, you should check the length and destination of the route. Many walks end at the “Bath of Youth”, as further on the road becomes noticeably more difficult. But if you go even further, to the narrowest part of the gorge, you can see even more beauty.

A nice bonus at the end of the excursion is dinner at a local restaurant with Tatar cuisine.

A walk through the Grand Canyon takes about 2.5-3 hours, and you will have to overcome boulders, streams, fallen trees and other obstacles. Therefore, it is worth taking good shoes and taking a bottle of water with you.

Geography and features

Grand Canyon in Crimea - part of Ai-Petrinsky mountain range, which seems to separate the Boyka and Ai-Petri massifs. The stunningly beautiful and “young” formation by geological standards (about two million years old) extends in the east-west direction. At the time of active mountain building, rock layers moved, and as a result of a tectonic fault and water erosion, a colossal crack appeared, which gave rise to the formation of a giant gorge.

The length of the Grand Canyon of Crimea is just over 3.5 kilometers, the width of the narrowest point is only 3 meters, the average depth is 320 meters. The canyon walls rise 600 meters above sea level. The river bed at the bottom of the fault stretches for 2.5 kilometers.

The Auzun-Uzen River, formed by several mountain streams, flows along the bottom of the canyon. The river bed is decorated with small waterfalls, rapids and picturesque piles of marble-like limestone with baths and basins. Heavy rains and floods regularly turn the river into a roaring mountain torrent. At such moments the water level rises greatly, and most of the path becomes impassable. In addition, rockfalls sometimes occur, blocking the bottom of the fault.

The nature here is amazingly beautiful. The local vegetation is represented by thickets of beech and hornbeam, and evergreen ivy is found everywhere. In some places there is the yew berry, an evergreen plant with red poisonous fruits. Rare species of fern, butcher's broom and unique orchids of the Crimea grow in the canyon.

How to get to the Grand Canyon of Crimea

The canyon is located at a considerable distance from large cities (from Yalta - 50 kilometers, from Sevastopol - 59 kilometers), the closest locality the village of Sokolinoe (Bakhchisaray district) is located three kilometers from the gorge.

GPS coordinates of the Grand Canyon of Crimea: 44.528127, 34.019346.

The easiest way to get to the canyon and not miss a single attraction is to go with group excursion or with a private guide. For those who prefer independent travel, can travel by car or bus to the village of Sokolinoe, since there is no transport to the canyon itself.

By public transport

You can get from Sevastopol and Simferopol by bus, but only to the village of Sokolinoe. There are both direct flights (minibus No. 165) and with a transfer in Bakhchisarai (bus No. 129), from whose bus station buses depart hourly. Travel time is about 45-55 minutes from Bakhchisarai and more than two hours from Sevastopol. From the stop in Sokoliny to the canyon there are still about five kilometers, which can be covered on foot or by hitchhiking and taxi. Unfortunately, public transport does not go from Yalta towards the Grand Canyon.

Scheme bus route from the bus station in Bakhchisarai to the village of Sokolinoe:

By car

Along the Sevastopol Highway to Bakhchisarai, then drive south 32 kilometers along the T0117 highway to Sokolinoe village. From the village, another 3-5 kilometers to the southeast along the serpentine road. It will be difficult to miss the canyon: there are a lot of signs all around, and the sides are usually parked with cars and excursion minibuses.

From Yalta you need to drive along the highway towards Bakhchisarai through Mount Ai-Petri, then, not paying attention to cable car, which remains on the left, go along Ai-Petrinskaya Yayla, and then along the serpentine road to the sign “Grand Canyon”.

To order a taxi in Crimea, contact the services of local operators that have their own mobile applications: Shark-Taxi, UP Taxi, SEVTAXI, Pickup, Maxim, Metro Taxi, etc.

Tourists who come to the Crimean peninsula to explore its natural attractions always leave time to visit the Grand Canyon of Crimea. Locals they lovingly call it the eighth wonder of the world, since the nature of this reserve is truly extremely beautiful and unusual.

The Grand Canyon is the most visited of all the canyons in Crimea. One has only to say that the cost of excursions for visitors is comparable to visiting the famous Livadia Palace or Nikitsky Botanical Garden.

Travel companies and excursion kiosks open in almost all major cities Crimean peninsula, they create bus excursions with a visit to the Grand Canyon. For those who travel around Crimea by personal vehicle, there are several options , how to get to the Grand Canyon by car.

Geographical position

Historians and local historians say that the Grand Canyon of Crimea in ancient times was part of the ocean floor. Today this natural attraction has several main geographical landmarks:

  1. Geographically, the reserve belongs to the Ai-Petrinsky mountain range;
  2. The canyon starts from the village of Sokolinoe, Bakhchisaray district (distance from the village - 3 km);
  3. The Auzun-Uzen River flows along the bottom of the canyon.

As a result of centuries-old exposure to water on rocks and the movement of tectonic rocks, the walls of the gorge sank to a depth of 32 m, forming a slope of 75-90 0. The bottom of the canyon is a pile of stone blocks and boulders, numerous rapids and waterfalls. This place is considered the largest canyon in the Crimea peninsula. The first researcher to descend to the bottom of the canyon was Doctor of Historical Sciences - Professor I.I. Puzanov.

Excursion program

The first thing that strikes tourists who come to the Grand Canyon of Crimea on an excursion is:

  • The splendor of nature is unusual for these places;
  • Scenic trails on the plateau and along the rubble of boulders;
  • Numerous waterfalls and springs with drinking water;
  • Cool and fresh air.

When signing up for a tour, be sure to check what the last point will be walking route. It is advisable that hiking trail continued beyond the Baths of Youth and reached the narrowest point of the gorge.

Experienced guides lead the group along the most interesting impassable stone paths, so that tourists get the full experience. Having overcome stone blockages and dangerous areas, you will be able to approach a picturesque mountain spring - a spring flowing out of the mountain along a stone chute.

How to get to the canyon?

If you are vacationing in Yalta or its suburbs, and decide to drive to the Grand Canyon of Crimea by car, you should choose the route leading towards Bakhchisarai. Along it, having reached the Ai-Petri pass, you will need to overcome the path along a descending mountain serpentine road.

Along the route you can see the sign “Grand Canyon” and turn along it. Visiting this natural attraction is difficult because there are no regular buses or minibuses. Therefore, you can only get to the Grand Canyon by personal car or by registering for a tour in advance.

If you came to the canyon by car and decided to spend time using the services of a private guide, remember that these people, as a rule, do not have a license to conduct excursions, and in the event of an unusual situation they will not bear any responsibility!

If you are driving from the direction of Sevastopol, follow the following route:

  1. Along the Sevastopol highway you get to Bakhchisarai;
  2. Then use the navigator or map to select the route leading towards the Ai-Petri pass;
  3. When passing the village of Sokolinoe, be extremely careful; 3 kilometers from it along the road you will see the “entrance gate to the Grand Canyon.” This will be the end point of your route.

There is a guarded parking lot near the entrance to the nature reserve. The car will have to be left there, since the movement of tourists in the canyon is only allowed on foot.

If you decide to get to the canyon by minibus or regular bus, you will have to get off near the village of Sokolinoe. Further passage of bus transport is prohibited. Many tourists make the trek on foot to the entrance to the canyon, but at the stop in Sokolin there are always many motorists and taxi drivers offering to take you to the reserve for a nominal fee.

Without exaggeration, we can say that the entire Crimean peninsula is one large natural reserve, every corner of which must not only be visited, but also experienced in its beauty and mood. The Grand Canyon was no exception. Just looking at it takes your breath away and you just want to silently look around and listen to the breath of nature.

This huge fault in the Crimean mountains stretches for many kilometers. The canyon is located in the south of the peninsula, not far from Yalta and Alupka. It is located on the northern slope of the main ridge Crimean mountains, in the Bakhchisarai region and runs between two massifs, Ai-Petrinsky and Boyka.

The closest settlement to the big canyon is the village of Sokolinoe, which is located 5 km from it.

Baths of the Grand Canyon of Crimea


  • To date it length is 3.5 km;
  • depth on average 320 m, but in some places reaches 600 meters;
  • width just as the depth ranges from 3 to 187 meters, sometimes narrowing and sometimes expanding throughout.

The river adds beauty to the canyon Auzun-Uzen flowing along its bottom. It is thanks to the water that has worked to create the landscape for many millennia that there are many rapids, waterfalls, boilers and baths. There are more than 150 of them here. There are many more attractions on the peninsula, and one of them is the Jur Jur waterfall, but this information will help you understand how to get to it by car.

How to get there

There are several ways to get to the reserve:

By car

If you drive from Yalta or its suburbs, then it is best to choose the highway leading to Bakhchisarai. At the Ai-Petri pass you will have to overcome the mountain serpentine. There is a "Grand Canyon" sign on the route leading to the right place.

If you move from the direction of Simferopol, you need to choose the Sevastopol highway and move along it to Bakhchisarai, then turn onto the road that leads to the Ai-Petri pass, you need to pass the village of Sokolinoe, 3 km from it, there will be the “entrance gate to the Grand Canyon”.

On the video - how to get there by car:

Near the entrance to the reserve there is a guarded parking lot, where you need to leave your car and continue on foot. It will also be interesting to know where the Marsian Lake is located, and how you can get there by car and on foot

Public transport

All public transport goes only to the village of Sokolinoe, since buses and minibus taxis prohibited, so you will have to walk to your destination or use the services of a private cab. There will definitely not be any problems with this, since in Sokolin there are always enough people willing to take tourists to the famous Crimean landmark, for a small fee.

Excursion tour

The most profitable and convenient way to visit a nature reserve is to purchase sightseeing tour. Today, in every resort town, many shops offer a wide range of excursion programs, including a visit to the Great Crimean Canyon. In addition, in our age of electronic technology, excursion tours can also be purchased via the Internet. It is also worth learning more about what kind of excursions there are from Yevpatoria to Yalta.

On the video - how to get to the Grand Canyon of Crimea:

This excursion includes not only a hike through the most beautiful and largest canyon of Crimea, with a visit to its natural attractions such as:

  • Blue Lakes;
  • Pania Spring;
  • Apple Ford;
  • Yew Falls;
  • The bath of youth and the Silver Streams waterfall, but also lunch in a cafe of Tatar cuisine. Every traveler will be interested to learn about how to get to the Taigan safari park in Crimea, as well as see photos.

To the starting point of the excursion tourists are transported on buses that follow very scenic roads However, all buses stop at the parking lot and exploring the canyon must be done on foot. Experienced guides lead groups along the most interesting impassable stone paths that will not leave anyone indifferent; you will have to walk a lot along rocky paths, so comfortable shoes are a must.

Video: walking tour:

In addition to the stunning nature and views, there are many places in the canyon where you can swim, so be sure to take swimsuits with you.

No matter how difficult it is to get to the Great Crimean Canyon, it is a must-visit. This unique place, where rare species of plants and animals are found, in addition, it is simply very beautiful here. Everyone knows that the nature of the Crimean peninsula is unique and its natural attractions are in no way inferior to architectural ones. Any tourist will also be interested to know about such a wonderful place as New World, as well as what beaches there are.

Grand Canyon of Crimea: among the enchanting natural beauties

The Grand Canyon of Crimea is not only the most beautiful and fascinating place, but also in many ways a rather mysterious and enigmatic corner, surrounded by many legends and tales. When you see this gigantic rock formation, like a giant scar stretching for kilometers in the body of the Crimean Mountains, you involuntarily take your breath away and there is a feeling of respectful awe before its silent, calm grandeur.

All the beauty of this place, as well as the feelings and emotions that it generates when contemplating, is difficult to describe in words. On the one hand, it is quite multifaceted, nature has done its best in this, enriching its flora and aesthetic world, but on the other hand, the breathtaking spectacle simply leaves one’s mouth numb. It is completely different from the gloomy, dark crevices that appear in the imagination when you hear the word “canyon”. On the contrary, it is filled with unimaginable colors, charm, the spirit of ancient legends, as if hovering in space, and life seething literally under every stone.

Where is the canyon located in Crimea?

It is located at the southern tip of the Crimean Mountains, in the Bakhchisarai region. It lies between two mountain ranges - Ai-Petri and Boyka, at approximately equal distances, 5 km from the village of Sokolinoe.

Gorge on the map of Crimea

What is a landmark?

Of course, the Great Crimean Canyon cannot be compared with the fault of the same name in the American state of Arizona, but its parameters are also impressive. It stretches 3.5 km in length, has an average depth of 320 m, but in some places reaches 600 m,
with a width ranging from 3 to 187 m, sometimes narrowing and sometimes widening throughout. The Auzun-Uzen River flows along the bottom, fed by many streams and springs, turning into beautiful, sonorous waterfalls, cascading from a small height. The mouth of the river is replete with depressions or cauldrons filled with water, forming small but rather deep lakes, called “baths”.

Nature of the Great Crimean Canyon

Due to its depth and narrow spaces, where the sun’s rays rarely penetrate, a unique microclimate is formed in the canyon, making it cool and damp on the hottest days. The air temperature rarely exceeds +18 degrees, and the water temperature remains at +11, so it is not possible to soak in one of the famous “baths”. Vegetable world in the confined space of a giant fault is very rich and varied.

The Grand Canyon of Crimea is represented by hundreds of species of trees, shrubs and flowers, many of them are endemic and have survived to this day only due to the peculiarities of the formation itself. Particularly noteworthy in this regard are orchids; most of their species (about 70%) grow only here, as well as relict plants, such as yews, hyoid brooms, saxifrage, etc., are not found anywhere else on the peninsula.

Routes and excursions to the Grand Canyon

Excursion introducing him unforgettable beauty, runs in two directions - along the fault, along its right edge, and along the bottom. Both options are good in their own way, and in both cases you will get wonderful photos, but they are very different from each other. The route along the upper “side” is not so picturesque, but it is completely safe –
You can walk along it at any time of the year and also on your own. Along the way, stunning views of forested mountain slopes and shady valleys open up, but the main impressions still lie deep below - where you can only look from dizzying heights, standing on a ledge.

The route along the bottom is more interesting, truly exciting and picturesque, but it is extremely difficult, and sometimes poses considerable danger - during rainy periods, for example, a natural attraction turns into a death trap. As a result, you should avoid such a trip at least until mid-July, and going on it yourself involves a huge risk - the map will not let you get lost, but ignorance of the area can lead to undesirable consequences. It is better to go here on a tour or with an experienced guide, have rock climbing skills and good, comfortable shoes.

How to get there (get there)?

You can use public transport, take the “Bakhchisaray – Yalta” bus, get to the “Grand Canyon of Crimea” stop and walk another 5 km or hitch a ride. Often, tourists also ask, wanting to visit the Grand Canyon of Crimea, how to get there by car, which indicates a desire to look into it on their own. It is best to focus on the route from Bakhchisarai, from where you need to drive along the T0117 highway 32 km to south direction to Sokolinoe village and further another 3-5 km to the southeast.

Are you better at navigating with a map? Look at it to see how you can get to the desired object:

Note to tourists

  • Address: pos. Sokolinoe, Bakhchisarai district, Crimea, Russia.
  • GPS coordinates: 44.528127, 34.019346.

Speaking about the Grand Canyon, one thing is for sure - more amazing and wonderful place can't be found in Crimea! Thanks to such objects as the Blue Lake, the Bath of Youth or the Pania Spring, it has become widely known far beyond the peninsula. But here everyone finds a reason to visit it. Some are attracted by extreme sports, others by the inimitable beauty and rare species of flora, and others come even attracted by the scary Tatar legends. One way or another, everyone finds here what they came for, what they were looking for, and even though everyone’s reasons for visiting are different, the bright ones remain common, unforgettable experience and delight that remains for a long time, if not for a lifetime, then for many years. Watch the video about this enchanting place in conclusion.

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Grand Canyon of Crimea

Among the natural attractions of Crimea, the Grand Canyon occupies a very special place. This large canyon was formed about 1.5 - 2 million years ago, at the site of a huge tectonic fault.

In the very deep place The depth of the canyon exceeds 320 m, and it itself stretches for 3.5 km. Great place for trekking and hiking. But you shouldn’t go to the canyon alone or on your own; it’s better to go as part of a tourist group or take a tour from a specialized agency.

The Grand Canyon of Crimea is one of many similar places in the world. There are stunning mountains, gorges and canyons, for example in Iceland. Norway is incredibly rich in such natural attractions. And if you want to get closer, there are many mountain routes of varying levels of difficulty in Georgia. Look interesting routes You can go to the mountains on the page of the tourist club

The Grand Canyon of Crimea was formed over millions of years. Today it is a deep channel, sometimes wider, sometimes narrower. Along the riverbed there are about 150 erosion cauldrons with waterfalls, the so-called baths. Some are very tiny, and some reach a depth of about 2.5 m and a length of up to 10 m. The Blue Lake - this is the largest cauldron, the bath of youth - is also a similar formation.

The canyon is fed by a huge number of streams, springs, and mountain rivers that emerge from the gorge and flow into the Azun-Uzen River. This is a clean, cold river. Throughout its entire length, even in the baths, the water temperature does not exceed 11 degrees.

When can you go to the Grand Canyon?

It is safe enough to be in the canyon only from the second half of summer to the beginning of autumn. During this period, when it rarely rains, the canyon is drained. And routes for trekking and hiking become available.

During the rainy season it is dangerous in the canyon. Not only is there a mountain stream with mud and stones rushing along the riverbed. Because of the rains, the slopes of the canyon become less stable and rock falls occur more often. By the way, even during the dry season, due to the danger of falling stones, you should not go close to the slopes.

Keep in mind that the canyon has developed its own microclimate. It's always a few degrees cooler here than outside. And at the same time, quite humid.

How to get to the Grand Canyon of Crimea

The Grand Canyon begins 5 km away. from the village of Sokoliny. If you are going on a hike on your own, you will have to take a taxi from Sokolinoe or walk; there is no public transport to the canyon. You can get to the village of Sokolinoe by bus from Simferopol, Sevastopol and Bakhchisarai.

If you are going on a hike with a tourist group, such a tour usually includes a transfer to the canyon.

If you are traveling by car, you need to go through Ai-Petri. On the way to the plateau, about halfway along the path there will be a sign “Grand Canyon”.

What to take on a hike

The minimum duration of a walk through the Grand Canyon is 2.5-3 hours. Therefore, be sure to take enough water with you and, if necessary, a light snack.

Necessarily - comfortable shoes. The route itself is not too difficult, but you will need to jump somewhere, cross streams, puddles, and stones.

There is an entrance fee to the Grand Canyon because it is a nature reserve. So, you need to take money with you. In the 2017 season, the entrance ticket costs 100 rubles.

How to get there

The Grand Canyon of Crimea can be reached both from Yalta and from Bakhchisarai.

1. From Bakhchisarai

Bakhchisaray is located on the highway between Simferopol and Sevastopol. Getting there by public transport is not difficult - buses and trains run frequently.

On your own

From Bakhchisarai you need to get to Sokolinoe. Buses depart from the Bakhchisarai bus station every hour. The last one is around 6 pm. A taxi from Sokolinoe to Bakhchisarai will cost 800 rubles. Then you can walk along the highway (about 5 km), or take a taxi (300 rubles).

You can also take a walk along the Yusupov trail, which runs from Sokolinoe through a picturesque forest along the slope of Mount Boyko. It is also about 5 km to the canyon.

By car

From Bakhchisaray along the old Yalta-Bakhchisaray highway, you need to get to 6 km of the highway, a little further than Sokolinoe.

2. From Yalta

On your own

There is no public transport from Yalta towards the Grand Canyon. But you can try to catch a ride to the canyon near the turn to Ai-Petri to the ski lift.

Road Yalta-Bakhchisarai

By car

You need to take the Bakhchisarai highway - the turn to it will be near the Uzbekistan sanatorium. Drive along it through the pass up to 6 km of the Yalta-Bakhchisarai highway. This road has not been repaired for a long time, plus a serpentine road. If you are an inexperienced driver, this trip may take you more than 2 hours.