How often do planes crash? Latest Plane Crash: Terrible plane crashes in recent years

As a result of an aircraft accident, the following several factors often have a damaging effect on the body of the victim simultaneously or in rapid succession, and the effect of one factor often overlaps with another:
1) dynamic and shock overloads;
2) counter air flow;
3) explosive decompression;
4) atmospheric electricity;
5) thermal effects;
6) toxic products of combustion and pyrolysis;
7) blunt objects located inside the aircraft;
8) blast wave;
9) external parts of the aircraft;
10) running engines;
11) high-altitude decompression;
12) shaking, vibration.

When an aircraft collides with an obstacle, it can cause overloads reaching very large values ​​on the order of tens and even hundreds of g units. At the same time, the body is lifted off the back of the chair and held in place by seat belts. Depending on the magnitude of the overload, the consequences for victims can be of a different nature - from functional respiratory and circulatory disorders associated with relative movement internal organs chest and abdomen, and loss of consciousness - to mechanical damage from seat belts in the form of abrasions, bruises, sometimes ruptures of the skin and soft tissues, spinal injuries, and in the event of an aircraft collision at high speed with an obstacle or the ground - in the form of gross damage to all tissues at the level of the seat belts belts until the upper part of the body is torn off. In the latter case, as a rule, subsequent significant destruction of the head and torso occurs as a result of the impact of these parts of the body on objects located in front.

Radial accelerations and corresponding overloads occur when trying to recover from a dive in emergency situations. In these cases, there is a significant displacement of soft tissues, internal organs and especially blood in large vessels, accompanied by a sharp disruption of breathing, blood circulation, functions of the central nervous system, visual impairment, loss of consciousness, as well as traumatic damage to tissues and vital organs.

When the overload is directed in the direction of the head and legs, a significant part of the circulating blood (up to 1/4 of the total mass) moves into the vessels of the abdominal cavity and extremities, as a result of which the work of the heart is disrupted, anemia of the brain develops with loss of consciousness. The outcome in such a situation will depend on the duration of the unconscious state and the flight altitude at which the loss of consciousness occurred. As a result of displacement and deformation of the internal organs and tissues of the abdominal cavity and a sharp overflow of them with blood, multiple hemorrhages can be observed in the intestinal mesentery, under the capsule and in the ligaments of internal organs, and loose fatty tissue.

Overloads directed from the legs to the head are much more difficult for a person to bear. Already at an acceleration of about 4-5 g, there is a strong rush of blood to the head, accompanied by redness and swelling of the face, nosebleeds, multiple small hemorrhages in the skin of the face, conjunctiva of the eyes, membranes and substance of the brain. A sharp increase in intracranial pressure leads to rapid loss of consciousness and death. In this case, fractures of the upper and lower extremities, compression fractures of the spine, fractures of the base and vault of the skull, and injuries to the soft extremities may be observed.

The oncoming flow of air at high flight speeds (800-1000 km/h or more) has the properties of a solid body, since the pressure force of the air flow under these conditions exceeds the weight of a person by 50-70 times. The oncoming air flow can tear off household items and clothing. When the oxygen mask breaks, a sharp deformation of the soft tissues of the face occurs with extensive hemorrhage and their detachment from the underlying bones, rupture of the corners of the mouth, and damage to the eyeballs. A jet of air penetrating under high pressure into the upper respiratory tract and esophagus can lead to barotrauma of the lungs and stomach; reflex breathing disorder and cessation of oxygen supply causes acute oxygen starvation. As a result of hands falling off the armrests and legs from the footrests,
scattering of limbs, accompanied by dislocations, sprained joint ligaments, muscle tears, and hemorrhages.

Explosive decompression is observed in flight at altitudes above 8-9 thousand meters as a result of emergency depressurization cabins As a result of a sharp drop in pressure, a person may experience barotrauma of the lungs and hearing aid, as well as gas embolism. Barotrauma of the hearing aid is accompanied by rupture of the eardrum, damage to the auditory ossicles, hemorrhage in the tissue of the middle and inner ear and the tympanic cavity.

With pulmonary barotrauma, there is liquid blood in the respiratory tract, acute swelling of the lungs, multiple focal hemorrhages and ruptures of the lung tissue. Along with the large-focal nature of changes in the lung tissue along the branches of the bronchi, small ruptures and hemorrhages are also observed.

Blunt objects located inside the aircraft are the main damaging factor when the aircraft falls and hits the ground. In this case, deformation and destruction of its structure occurs, as well as mutual displacement of people on the plane and the objects surrounding them. The resulting shock overloads, depending on the speed and angle of impact of the aircraft, can exceed hundreds and even thousands of times the impact forces on victims observed in ground transport accidents.

The result of shock overloads of enormous force can be severe destruction of the body with separation individual parts it (head, limbs, pelvic area) with extensive ruptures and crushing of the skin and soft tissues, crushing of bones, opening of body cavities and crushing, tearing, displacement of internal organs or throwing them out.

The blast wave is the most powerful damaging factor resulting from a fuel explosion in fuel tanks or a terrorist attack. Most often, the first explosion occurs when the plane hits the ground, sometimes in the air after touching the ground. When falling jet plane to the ground in a dive followed by an explosion, the crater can reach a depth of several meters. A powerful blast wave causes complete destruction of aircraft structures and bodies. In this case, the remains are found both in the crater itself and outside it, scattered over an area with a radius of up to 300-500 m. When an explosion occurs in the air after touching the ground, the remains of people who were on the plane are scattered at a distance of up to 3 km in the direction of flight and up to 1.5 km to the sides from the explosion site.

When the body is completely destroyed as a result of an explosion, individual small flaps of skin without abrasion of their edges, auricles with part of the temporal bone, pieces of internal organs, bone fragments with scraps of soft tissue, and sometimes hands, feet or parts thereof are usually found. During a terrorist attack, extensive injuries with detachments of body parts, multiple through and blind shrapnel wounds are received by persons located directly near the explosion site, while others most often die as a result of mechanical damage when the plane subsequently crashes and hits the ground.

As a result of the action of the flame, ignition of clothing, burns of the body, as well as post-mortem burning of corpses can occur, reaching extreme degrees with charring of soft tissues and bones until they are incinerated. Sometimes a fire is preceded by an explosion; in these cases, the remains of corpses are exposed to thermal effects.

Every 2-3 seconds someone lands or takes off. Some are happy about this, others are afraid. Is it worth giving in to fear? The answer will be given by statistics: how often planes crash, where it happens and how high the probability of a crash is.

About 100 thousand planes take off into the sky every day, and, oddly enough, the same number successfully land. Aircraft transport about 4.5 billion people annually, which is more than half the world's population. How many of them do you think add up to the statistics of those killed in plane crashes? No more than 1000 per year. The ratio is impressive, isn't it?

Throughout its existence civil aviation(almost 100 years) less than 150 thousand people died. This is less than the number of deaths per month in traffic accidents around the world.

How many planes crash per year?

According to Wikipedia, over the past 6 years, there have been 107 fatal plane crashes worldwide, killing 3,245 people. This is approximately 540 victims per year. It is important to clarify that the statistics take into account both commercial airliners and private small aircraft, and the number of victims is indicated taking into account those killed on the ground. That is, if a falling plane rammed a bus with 10 passengers, then they are also included in the statistics. Therefore, the real numbers of plane crashes passenger aircraft significantly less.

2010: 14 accidents in which 792 people died. The biggest tragedy was the unsuccessful landing of an Indian low-cost airline on a Boeing 737 (158 victims) and the crash of a Polish TU-154 near Smolensk (96 deaths).

2011 passed without any loud plane crashes. The largest number of victims (77 people) was in the Iranian Boeing 727, which could not be landed due to bad weather conditions. In total, 45 plane crashes were recorded, in which 552 people died. As is clear from the statistics, these were mainly light aircraft with no more than 10 people on board.

year 2012: 23 accidents, 315 dead. The worst case was the crash of a Pakistani Boeing 737, in which everyone on board (127 people) died.

year 2013 was relatively calm: only 5 aircraft accidents, the total number of victims was 128 people. 50 of them died in a Boeing 737 that crashed near Kazan.

year 2014 severely spoiled airline statistics: 15 accidents, with a total number of victims - 980 people. The most significant incident was the downing of a Boeing 777 over Ukraine, with 298 people on board.

2015 claimed 478 lives in just 5 plane crashes. The loudest was the Russian Airbus A321 that crashed over the terrorist attack, killing 224 people.

2016 remembered for the crash of the TU-154 of the Russian Ministry of Defense, in which 100 people died (92 passengers and 8 crew members. In total, over 12 months, air transport caused the death of 389 people.

2017 went down in history as the safest in the entire history of civil aviation. In just 12 months, 67 people died.

In which country do planes crash more often?

If we take into account exclusively passenger air transportation, then a pronounced “ Bermuda Triangle", in which planes most often crash, no. But if you take statistics on all air transport, the result will be somewhat unexpected.

Over the same 6 years, the most plane crashes occurred... in Russia - 41, the number of deaths - 559 people. During the same period, there were 11 aircraft accidents in the United States. It's interesting to note that the last one was back in 2013. Next comes Ukraine (7 disasters), Congo (6) and Germany (4, all in 2010).

Overall, the numbers are very encouraging. Having learned how often planes crash according to statistics, we hope you will feel more confident in flight.

Since 2011, Russia has become the absolute leader in the number of plane crashes with human casualties.

Plane crash of the Lokomotiv Yaroslavl hockey team © Reuters

The plane crash near Tyumen, in which 31 people died, was the first disaster of this magnitude in 2012.

After the tragic year for Russian aviation in 2011, Russia again leads the world statistics of air crashes by a large margin.

We tried to figure out how often planes crash in Russia, why this happens, and remembered the largest plane crashes of the decade.

Deadly statistics

The United States is the historical leader in the number of plane crashes. According to the Aviation Safety Network, 653 civilian aircraft have crashed there since 1945. Almost 10 thousand people died as a result of the accidents.

Since 2007, 293 people have died in plane crashes in Russia.

Russia takes second place. Over the past 66 years, 266 accidents occurred on the territory of the USSR and the Russian Federation, in which 6.5 thousand people died. It should be noted that Russia and the United States are leading largely due to the volume of air traffic - the more flights, the higher the likelihood of an accident.

But the number of plane crashes in the world and in the United States in particular has been declining over the years. If in the 1990s 12 thousand people died in plane crashes, then in the 2000s the number of victims was 8.2 thousand. Here is a graph of the number of deaths in plane crashes in the United States for 1945-2010:

Against this background, statistics for Russia look depressing. So, if since 2007, 118 people have died in plane crashes in the United States, then in Russia during the same period - 293 people.

Last year was the most tragic for Russian aviation. Russia took first place in fatal plane crashes, second only to Congo. In 2011, 514 people died in plane crashes worldwide, 120 of them in the Russian Federation, that is, more than 20% of the total number of victims. The year 2012, which began with only strengthened the position of the Russian Federation.

See the graph of plane crash victims in the USSR and Russia over the past 65 years:

Causes of disasters

Experts cite poor pilot training as the main cause of plane crashes in Russia. To release one pilot, it is necessary to burn from 60 to 160 tons of kerosene. Due to the high cost of fuel, pilots are often taught to fly only in simulators. And according to statistics, the cause of 80% of plane crashes is the human factor.

Another cause of disasters is the dilapidation of the Russian aircraft fleet. Thus, in 2005, only 37% of passenger turnover was accounted for by new generation aircraft. The remaining 63% are still Soviet aircraft.

For example, the Yak-42, which crashed the Lokomotiv hockey team, was banned in the European Union in 2009 due to serious safety deficiencies.


Il-76 and Boeing-737 JT8D topped the ranking of the most dangerous aircraft, compiled by the American business magazine BusinessWeek. There is one plane crash for every 500 thousand flight hours. Also in the top three is the Tu-154: on average, every thousandth flight crashes.

The most frequently crashed aircraft in Russia are the An-2, which is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the only aircraft in the world that have been in production for more than 60 years. The An-2 is not necessarily the most unreliable aircraft - it is simply the most common. But over the years, equipment failure becomes the cause of disasters more and more often.

Disasters of the decade in Russia

21st of June 2011 year there was a Tu-134 plane crash in Karelia. The plane made a hard landing near Petrozavodsk airport. The fuselage collapsed and a fire started. 46 of the 52 people on board were killed.


In July in Tomsk region. During the flight, the engine caught fire, but the pilots managed to land the plane on the water, although not without casualties - out of 37 passengers and crew members, seven died.

On September 7, a Yak-42 with the Lokomotiv hockey team on board crashed near Yaroslavl. Of the 45 people on board, only one flight engineer survived.

In August 2010 An An 24 plane crashed in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. It crashed during landing at Igarka airport and caught fire. 12 people died in the disaster.

In September 2008 While landing at Perm airport, an Aeroflot Nord Boeing 737 flying from Moscow crashed. All 88 people on board were killed. The cause of the plane crash was the erroneous actions of the pilots.

July 9 2006 An Airbus A310 crashed at Irkutsk airport. The plane rolled out of bounds runway. 125 people died.

On August 22, a Pulkovo Airlines Tu 154M crashed near Donetsk. The plane, flying flight 612 from Anapa to St. Petersburg, tried to fly over a thundercloud, instead of going around it from the side, fell into a flat tailspin and crashed into the ground at a speed of 300 km/h. There were 170 people on board, all of them died on the spot. This tragedy became the largest plane crash in the history of Russian aviation.

24 August 2004 two Russian aircraft suffered a catastrophe as a result of terrorist attacks. Tu 154 and Tu 134 took off from Moscow Domodedovo airport to Sochi and Volgograd. There was one female suicide bomber on board each of them. Almost simultaneously they set off explosions and both planes fell. All 90 people on the two planes were killed. Later, the leader of Chechen militants, Shamil Basayev, took responsibility for the attacks. He stated that organizing the explosions cost him $4 thousand.

In August 2002 The worst helicopter accident in the world occurred in Chechnya. An Mi-26 with military personnel on board was shot down by a missile. At the same time, the helicopter was overloaded twice, and even landed on a minefield. 127 people died.

In July 2001 Tu-154 crashed at Irkutsk airport. The pilot made a mistake while approaching to land. All 145 people died.

In October, a Russian Tu-154 flying from Tel Aviv crashed into the Black Sea. Everyone on board died - 77 people. The plane was accidentally shot down by a Ukrainian missile.

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Many people prefer to get to this or that region using an airliner, because traveling by air is much more convenient and faster than traveling by train. According to statistics every 2-3 seconds a plane lands and takes off around the world. Should you give in to fear when you board an airplane? How often do planes crash? Such questions always plague passengers, especially those who rarely fly on an aircraft.

Everyone fears for their life, so it is not surprising why such questions arise. If you watch the news, which constantly talks about some kind of disaster, often related to air travel, then the desire to go somewhere immediately disappears. Of course, there is always danger. Even while staying at home, there is a risk of death, for example, from a gas leak. Thus, to fly or not to fly on aircraft is a very controversial issue and here everyone decides for himself what is best for him to do. In order to understand how many airliners crash, let's look at the statistics.

How many planes crash per year is a question that interests many people, even those who are not planning to fly. The following data can be provided:

  1. Statistics show that about 10,000 airliners take off into the sky every day.
  2. Approximately 4.5 billion people fly on airplanes – that’s more than half the world’s population.
  3. Of these, about 1,000 people die in plane crashes.
  4. For 100 years passenger aviation 150,000 people died.

This figure is several times less than the number of victims in road accidents per month. So, what is the safest way to travel? The answer is obvious. People die in road accidents much more often, so driving in cars is much more dangerous for life than flying in airplanes.

According to statistics, since 2009 there have been 107 plane crashes, killing 3,245 passengers.

How often do planes crash in Russia?

Unfortunately, our country occupies a leading position in the ranking of countries that have suffered greatest number aircraft accidents. This is due to the fact that Russia is the largest power in the world. If we take statistics from 2009, then the largest number of accidents involving airliners occurred in the Russian Federation - 38. 378 people died in them. Next comes America, where 11 incidents have occurred over the past 6 years. If we take into account the data for the entire existence of civil aviation, then the United States of America occupies first place.

  • Russia (38 accidents);
  • USA (11 for this period);
  • Ukraine (7 in 6 years);
  • Congo (6 over the same period);
  • Germany (4 disasters in 2010).

Which planes crash most often?

If we talk about which planes crash most often, here we need to give a rating of the most dangerous airliners. So the list is:

  1. Boeing 737. This passenger plane was recognized as the most dangerous, as several plane crashes occurred on it.
  2. IL-76. Terrible disaster happened on this aircraft 13 years ago and took away a lot human lives.
  3. Tu-154. There were also a lot of accidents on it.
  4. Airbus A310. The final disaster was this year, which claimed more than 150 lives and only one girl managed to survive.
  5. McDonnell-Douglas DC-9. It has not been produced for many years, but ready-made aircraft fly quite often. During the entire period of existence on board of this aircraft only 44 people died.

Compared to the years of the last 20th century, the number of plane crashes, alas, has increased. Planes crash for various reasons. This may be a malfunction of the airliner itself, weather or the human factor. It is difficult to say unequivocally whether planes crash often. Compared to a road accident, it is much safer to travel on an aircraft. But in general, you shouldn’t be afraid of airplanes, because on the ground the risk of dying is much greater than in the air.

Every day, about 100 thousand aircraft take off and approximately the same number make a successful landing. At the same time, the statistics of fatalities increases by no more than 1000 per year - this is comparatively less compared to those killed in road accidents in just a month around the world.

How often do planes crash statistics?

How many planes crash per year is a question that interests many people, even those who are not planning to fly. The following data can be provided:

  1. Statistics show that about 10,000 airliners take off into the sky every day.
  2. Approximately 4.5 billion people fly on airplanes – that’s more than half the world’s population.
  3. Of these, about 1,000 people die in plane crashes.
  4. In 100 years of passenger aviation, 150,000 people died.

Statistics of plane crashes in the world

According to global statistics of plane crashes, the leaders are:

  1. Russia
  2. Canada

Where are the most plane crash victims?

(from 1945 - 2013)

  1. USA: 763 disasters, 10,514 victims;
  2. Russia: 307 disasters, 7061 victims;
  3. Canada: 173 disasters, 1,755 victims;
  4. Brazil: 172 disasters, 2681 victims;
  5. Colombia: 164 disasters, 2774 casualties;
  6. Great Britain: 102 disasters, 1278 victims;
  7. France: 101 disasters, 2240 victims;
  8. India: 93 disasters, 2341 victims;
  9. Indonesia: 93 disasters, 1902 casualties;
  10. Mexico: 88 disasters, 1226 victims.

Statistics of plane crashes in Russia

Speaking about our country, it is with bitterness that we have to admit that over the past six years we have taken first place in the world in the number of plane accidents.

So during this time, 38 plane crashes occurred in Russia, in which 378 people died, while in the United States there were only 11 plane accidents.

Airplane crash statistics by airline

Which airlines had the most accidents? To answer this question, you need to rank airlines based on the number of plane crashes.

Turkish Airlines

The most widespread and popular (especially among Russian tourists The carrier has not had an accident since the 1970s, but a series of minor incidents, as well as a 2009 crash near Dutch Schiphol Airport that claimed nine lives, have significantly tarnished the airline's reputation.

China Airlines

The Taiwanese airline is considered one of the most unsafe in Asia.

Over the past thirty years, about 755 people have died in accidents involving the planes of this air carrier, which gives reason to suspect this company of an unprofessional approach to the issue of the safety of its customers.

Korean Airlines

The largest air carrier in South Korea spent more than a billion US dollars on various passenger amenities. The ships of this company constantly get into some small accidents, fortunately, so far there are no casualties. The last tragic incident occurred back in 1997.

Saudi Arabian Airlines

Main carrier Saudi Arabia. Since the year 2000, it has had a reputation as a not very safe company; various incidents often occur with the aircraft of this carrier, although only one person died in them (in a crush that occurred during the evacuation), the frequency of various incidents involving aircraft of this company is very alarming.

Skywest Airlines

A well-known American airline specializing in local transportation. After the 1990s, which dealt a serious blow to the company's reputation, it was only marked by the 2008 disaster in San Antonio. Fortunately, there were no casualties, but the carrier's reputation was dealt a serious blow.

South African Airways

The largest airline in South Africa, specializing in domestic and international flights. The company's reputation was ruined by a failed terrorist from Zimbabwe who hijacked a plane belonging to the carrier in 2006. No one was injured as a result of the incident, and although responsibility lies with the airport security service, this did not save the carrier’s reputation from a serious blow.

Aeroflot plane crash

Several dozen airlines are registered in our country. To determine their reliability and safety, a company is assessed according to various criteria, one of which is the technical safety of aircraft. The European Aviation Safety Agency has compiled a rating of the most reliable air carriers, the list of which includes the domestic company Aeroflot.

The company was founded in 1923. After the collapse of the USSR, many small carriers separated from it. In 1992, Aeroflot-Russian International Airlines JSC was created, which marked the beginning modern history airlines. Today Aeroflot is the largest air carrier in Russia. During the period from 1992 to the present, there have been 4 plane crashes that have claimed lives. There is also information about 5 more accidents, which, fortunately, resulted in no casualties.

The most famous disaster that occurred in the entire history of the airline is the tragedy near Mezhdurechensk. In the spring of 1994, a passenger plane en route from Moscow to Hong Kong crashed. During the investigation, it turned out that the crash was due to the fault of the aircraft commander. The man put his fifteen-year-old son at the helm. This disaster claimed the lives of 75 people.

When traveling to another country, people are interested not only in the reliability of airlines, but also in the safety of the aircraft themselves. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to give a rating of the most unreliable and dangerous aircraft.

The Boeing 737 was recognized as one of the dangerous aircraft, since most of the accidents occurred on this type of aircraft.

IL 76 is also considered an unsafe aircraft, since it was on this ship that a major disaster occurred 13 years ago, which claimed many lives

TU 154 was recognized as very dangerous and unreliable; many accidents and emergency situations also occurred on this airliner.

The Airbus A 310 is also notorious; it was on this ship that a disaster occurred on June 30, 2009, which claimed more than 150 lives.

McDonnell-Douglas DC 9, this type of aircraft has not been produced for a long time and is out of production, but during its entire existence there have been several accidents resulting in the death of 44 people.

2016 turned out to be the busiest year in terms of aviation accidents. This conclusion can be reached by referring to the statistics of plane crashes that occurred during this period.

On February 24, a DHC-6 passenger plane crashed in Nepal; there were 20 passengers and 3 crew members on board. As a result of the disaster, no one managed to survive.

A month later, on March 9, AN 26 crashed in Bangladesh, the plane fell into the sea. There were 4 people on board, all of them were citizens of Ukraine. As a result, three people died, and only one managed to survive.

On the night of March 19 of the same year, a Boeing 737 plane crashed in Rostov-on-Don while climbing, the airliner began a sharp descent and crashed onto the airport runway. There were 55 people and 7 crew members on board. As a result of the plane crash, everyone on board died.

Two months later, on May 18, AN 12 B crashed in Dwyer. There were 9 people on board. As a result of the crash, 7 people died, only two technicians managed to survive.

The next day, May 19, another disaster occurred when an Airbus A 320 crashed into the Mediterranean Sea. All 66 people (56 passengers, 10 crew members) on board died.

Two months later, on July 1, while extinguishing forest fires, due to poor visibility, the transport plane IL 76 of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations crashed. All 10 crew members on board died.

Six months later, on 28 November, a BAe 146 crashed in Colombia due to fuel shortage. There were 77 people on board. As a result of the incident, 71 people died and only 6 people were saved.

A month later, on December 7, an ATR 42 plane crashed near the city of Havelian. All 47 people on board were killed.

On December 25 of the same year, a major disaster occurred: the TU 154 aircraft of the Russian Air Force, as a result of an error by the crew commander during landing, crashed and was completely destroyed. All 92 people on board were killed.

In general, looking at the statistics, we can conclude that traveling by plane is much safer than by land transport According to calculations, the probability of dying in a plane crash is 1:8,000,000. Therefore, you should not be afraid to fly on airliners, because the risk of dying on the ground is much higher than in the air.

Plane crash statistics for 2017

Over the past months of this year, there have been only 4 plane crashes, which is significantly less than in 2016.

On January 16, a Boeing 747 crashed while landing. As a result of the incident, 39 people were killed and 14 were injured.

Three months later, on March 20, while landing, an accident occurred with the AN 26 aircraft. As a result of the incident, 37 people were injured.

On April 29, AN 26 crashed. There were 8 people on board. Everyone on board died.

Three months later, on June 7, the Y8 airliner crashed, half an hour after the plane took off, the airliner crashed into the Andaman Sea. There were 122 people on board. As a result of the disaster, no one managed to survive.