Italian houses with white brick roofs. What hotels in Alberobello have nice views? Rapid demolition and new construction

Alberobello is a miniature town, taken under UNESCO protection back in 1996, famous for its snow-white trulli houses. It’s hard to believe, but it is precisely for these “estates for gnomes” that thousands of tourists come here all year round. The trulli zone, located to the west of the city center, includes about one and a half thousand fairy-tale houses with cone-shaped roofs, many of which date back to the 14th century.

How to get there

The easiest way to get to Alberobello is by train from Bari (4-6 EUR, departure hourly, journey time 1.5 hours). There are also several trains a day from Taranto. Tickets must be punched prior to boarding. Having arrived at the station, you need to follow straight along Via Mazzini, which then turns into Via Garibaldi and ends at Piazza del Popolo. The Zona Monumentale Trulli signs will help you avoid getting lost. The journey takes no more than 15 minutes.

In addition, you can get to the city by your own car from Bari or Brindisi airport (about an hour on the road). On the way you can see a lot of pretty towns, for example, the snow-white Locorotondo, Cisternino or Ostuni, the 18th century baroque town of Martina Franca, the Romanesque Conversano.

Prices on the page are for April 2019.

Search for flights to Bari (closest airport to Alberobello)

Shopping and shops

In the trulli area, right in the UNESCO-protected houses, there are a lot of souvenir shops where you can buy local products, such as cheeses, grappa, wine, olive oil, and handicrafts. For natural foods and wines, look for an Enoteca sign, such as Tholos Wine Bar (Monte st Michele 20) or L’Anima del Vino (Largo Marttellota 93). Also, if you're in town on a Thursday, don't miss the vegetable market in Piazza Largo Martellotta, which runs until around lunchtime.

Cuisine and restaurants

Alberobello is home to many delicious and unusual restaurants, both in the city center and on the outskirts (which are considered less popular among tourists, and therefore more valuable among inveterate gourmets).

In the center you can visit the restaurant Casa Nova or La Cantina, which is located between the city hall and the basilica (Vico Lippolis, 9, on the corner of Corso Vittorio Emanuele). The latter has only 7 tables, one waiter, amazing cuisine and main courses for 20 EUR. Locals prefer to go to Gli Ulivi, which is located in the vicinity of Alberobello, near Campo Sportivo (closed on Wednesdays). At Il Trullo Antico (Monte Pasubio 1-3) you can taste pizza, at Gallo d’Estate you can sit on the outdoor terrace.


Another “hidden gem” of the trulli city is the restaurant Il Trullo d’Oro (Via Cavallotti 27). You can drink wine and enjoy the sunny cuisine of the Puglia region at Trattoria Amatulli (a liter of wine from 4 EUR, dishes from 15 EUR, Via Garibaldi 13). Finally, two more places worthy of lunch for tourists: the expensive Il Poeta Contadino with a medieval interior, where you can taste black truffles for 30 EUR (Via Indipendenza 21), and the modern Kave Club on the main square of Piazza del Popolo. They say the service in the latter is simply terrible, but in the evenings it’s not crowded.

Guides to Alberobello

Popular hotels in Alberobello

Entertainment and attractions in Alberobello

The trulli zone in Alberobello is divided into two parts: the less commercial Rione Aia Piccola (meaning there are fewer cafes and shops) with about 400 trulli, and Rione Monti, where there are about 1000 charming houses. Many of which, by the way, are still inhabited by people.

It is worth saying a few words about the appearance of these fabulous shelters in the world. Trulli are built entirely from stone, without the use of any coupling materials. The roofs are made in the form of cones (this is where their name trulli comes from), on the top there are stars, like Christmas trees, and the signs of the zodiac are painted on the roofs themselves. The first trullo was built around the 14th century, and in 1925 a law was passed banning their construction. Although they say that you can still buy a trulli house as a summer house.

As history goes, the construction of such buildings was not at all the spontaneous whims of the population of Apulia. The fact is that during the period of Spanish rule, the law prohibited feudal lords from building any more or less serious dwellings on their land without the approval of the authorities. Trullo became a way out of the situation: before the visit of officials, such a house was very easy to dismantle. Since such houses were created without the use of a binder, the efforts of just three horses, directed in different directions, removing a single stone at the base of the roof, were enough for the house to collapse. Having “disassembled” at least half the village in half an hour, only valleys with piles of stones always opened before the king’s inspectors.

From May to October, Alberobello becomes crowded with guides and tourists armed with DSLRs, who fill all the trulli houses, create queues in the trulli shops and snap up all the cold beer in the trulli bars.

In the trulli zone of Alberobello, you can simply wander around, looking at the quaint buildings, popping into cafes and souvenir shops, or you can also look into the so-called local attractions. For example, in Trullo Sovrano. This house is located in the modern part of the city, as it was built in the 18th century. And it got the “monument” label for its two floors - this is the only two-story trullo that was built by a wealthy family of a local priest. Today in Sovrano there is a small museum, the main exhibition of which is the actual interior of the trullo, which gives an idea of ​​how one can live in the “land of Lilliputians” Alberobello. Entrance 1.50 EUR, opening hours: 10-18:00. Address: Piazza Sacramento.

The second attraction worth visiting is the Church of St. Anthony (Chiesa Sant’Antonio), which is located, guess where? That's right, in trullo. Situated at the top of the Rione Monti, this quaint trulli church was built with donations from American expats. Address: Via Monte San Michele.

Alberobello on the map of Italy is located near the region of Apulia, it belongs to the province of Bari. Main feature This town is considered to have many trulli that were built in this place. These snow-white houses were built using dry masonry and also feature a cone-shaped roof. Trulli in Italy are located not only in this town; these houses can be seen closer to the western part of Alberobello.

Alberobello – Italy

It’s worth starting with a description of the resort. This Italian city is popular among tourists, but mostly travelers go to this place on an excursion. This commune is located in the province of Bari, in famous region Italy called Apulia. Alberobello is famous in resort country, because only here you can see the trulli.

This city has a warm temperate climate, for this reason there is a lot of rainfall here, usually about 646 mm per year. In November alone, approximately 77 mm of precipitation falls. Even in the hottest summer months, the amount of precipitation does not decrease. The average temperature remains at 13...14 degrees, August is considered the warmest month, the maximum recorded air temperature during this period was 28.1 degrees. On average, the temperature remains at 22 degrees. January is considered the coldest average temperature kept at around 6 degrees, the maximum set temperature was 9.6 degrees.

Between months of prolonged drought and rainy weeks, the temperature stays at 16...17 degrees. The active season for tourism is the period from May to October. In summer, tourists are advised to visit Alberobello in the evening, when the sun has set and it is not so hot. IN winter time Here you can relax comfortably, as the air temperature is about six degrees.

Alberobello Italy

The minimum temperature recorded in January was 2.5 degrees. It is in winter that tourists will be interested in visiting the resort town, as performances and light shows are held on the eve of Christmas. The Russian language here is usually used only by tourists and guides.

Important! Although this place does not have sub-zero temperatures or snow, the high humidity still makes the cold feel different, so it is worth taking more warm clothes with you.

Italy – Alberobello – attractions

This place is also famous for its architecture, which you can admire while walking around the city. It is worth considering in more detail which places you should visit at this resort:

Trulli (Italy)

These are unusual architectural residential buildings that are characteristic only of the Apulia region. The houses are distinguished by the fact that they are dry-built from stone and also have a cone-shaped roof. Their appearance unusual because they are white and almost all the same. You can see trulli on seven streets of this town. It is also here that you can see the famous trullo church, it is called Sant Antonio.

Basilica of Saints Cosmas and Damian

This building was built back in 1885, at that time they began to build the facade of the cathedral. The building was built in the neoclassical style, it is decorated with fluted columns and long pilasters.

Basilica of Saints Cosmas and Damian

Church of Sant'Antonio

The building looks strict and majestic; it was built in trullo style. The church is located on the descent of a hill, which is located in the Monti area. The building was erected in a few months, and visitors began to be received there in 1927. It can be seen from some streets of the city; the rise of the church speaks of the struggle with other religions. The building is distinguished by the fact that it has a large main entrance and an impressive staircase. Not far from the dome there is a bell tower.

Regional Museum

This place was developed in order to preserve ancient heritage people of Alberobello. The museum is located directly in the city center, so getting to it is easy. Here the traveler can learn more about the history of the small town, and the guide will also tell about the amazing buildings - the trullo. The museum not only shows the inside of the houses, tourists will also be able to see household items used by the residents of Alberobello. Cost of visiting this famous place is low, it is about 5...7 euros*.

Popolo Square

There are several dozen tables in this place, all of them under open air. It is thanks to these tables that the square has become very popular not only among local residents, but also among travelers. Here you can relax and have a snack.

Popolo Square

Interesting fact! The regional museum is located in the only two-story building in the city.

Church of Sant'Antonio

Best cafes and restaurants

Every tourist should try the cuisine in Alberobello; the cafes and restaurants serve the best Italian dishes. Prices vary, but many travelers recommend visiting places like Paco Wines Eno-Winery, La Lira Focacceria, Evo Ristorante, Trattoria Terra Madre and Malerbe Cucina semplice di Amula. These are the best cafes and restaurants you can see in this town.

Excursions from Alberobello

There are a few more interesting places, where every vacationer can go, it’s worth describing them in more detail:

City of Martin Frank

This place is famous for its historical center. The town is home to the Basilica of St. Martin, as well as the Ducale Palace. The buildings are made in white in Baroque style.

City of Martin Frank

Cave complex

The caves are located about fifteen kilometers from Alberobello, the karst cavities extend underground for about three kilometers. Some caves are famous and have names, for example, the “Tomb” cave is very famous, its height is about 60 meters. Tourists can also look at the “White” and “Black” caves; they are among the most beautiful in the whole world.

Monopoli city

It is located twenty kilometers from Alberobello, where you can also enjoy the beaches Adriatic Sea. In Monopoli, tourists are invited to look at the Abbey of St. Stephen, as well as visit the castle and clock tower. Not far from the city there is a bay.

Zoo Fasano

This is the place that every tourist who decides to come to Italy should visit. This zoo was the first at the resort, and it is one of the largest in Europe. Several hundred animals live here, and there is also a dolphinarium. An excellent choice for visiting with children.

Zoo Fasano


This White City, which is located twenty kilometers from Alberobello, the place bears this name because the houses here are painted white. Tourists should visit the cathedral, located in the old part of the town, as well as the Column of St. Horace and the Carmelite Monastery.

Note! In addition to the fact that guests can visit nearby cities and attractions outside the town, tourists are offered tasting Italian wines and cheeses, purchasing miniature hobbit houses in tents, and enjoying the beauty of the streets.

Trulli in Alberobello

How to get to Alberobello

You can get to the desired address by car: if tourists leave Bari, they will have to spend at least one hour of time. There is also a train to the city, the trip lasts from one and a half to two hours, this is worth taking into account, the fare is only 5 euros*. The train runs every hour, but the schedule should be checked in advance. From the station you will have to walk to the center of Alberobello, but the journey will not take more than fifteen minutes.

Modern Alberobello: shopping and entertainment

Almost no one lives in the famous trullo anymore, so small houses are used as souvenir shops, shops, restaurants and cafes. Travelers should immediately prepare the currency for payment; here payment is accepted in euros. Tourists should take into account that visiting restaurants, bars and cafes can cost a hefty sum, and not every vacationer can afford to spend that kind of money. But despite such high prices, there are always a lot of visitors in cafes and restaurants. As the owners of the establishments say, wine and Italian cheese run out by lunchtime.

Interesting fact! The cheapest breakfast in a cafe, which includes two courses, costs vacationers at least 30 euros.

Shopping in Alberobello

Alberobello is beautiful houses and hospitable residents of the city, here every traveler can enjoy national cuisine countries. The history of the city and its beauty attract hundreds of tourists from all over the world every year. Here you can not only have a delicious lunch, but also comfortably stay in a hotel or hotel, however, you should immediately warn that this is a rather expensive service. Usually tourists stay in Bari, and from there they travel to the town of Trullo, since prices in Bari are more affordable.

* The prices indicated in the article are current at the time of publication of the material.

The homeland of majestic architectural monuments is of great interest to tourists. Italy delights with its ancient sights, but there is one corner of the country whose buildings do not fit into traditional architectural canons.

There is no place more popular in the south than small town, famous for its amazing houses. A popular place in Puglia with a population of no more than 11 thousand people evokes admiration among all tourists, fascinated by a quiet corner with a simple way of life.

Business card of the city

The Italian town of Alberobello (Italy), located in the province of Bari, is a real discovery for Europeans who have never seen anything like it. Original structures that form entire streets give the settlement its uniqueness.

Fairy-tale-like dwellings called trulli , located in two districts of the city. The white stone buildings with a conical roof, reminiscent of gnome caps, were erected without any mortar, which was not done by chance.

The history of unusual houses

The fact is that according to the laws of the Kingdom of Naples, all urban settlements on the lands of Apulia were subject to taxes. To save money, the counts of the Acquaviva dynasty forbade their workers to erect any buildings using cement. However, local peasants, who did not want to be left without a roof over their heads, found a way to bypass all the obstacles.

They came up with the idea of ​​building round houses lined with stones with a dome-shaped roof. Such dwellings resembled children's construction sets: unusual structures were laid out of stones, without a binding solution, as if from cubes.

Rapid demolition and new construction

Naturally, such houses easily collapsed, and not a single tax collector could accuse the residents of violating the existing law. It was enough to remove one stone, which played the role of a kind of castle, from the base of the roof, and the buildings turned into a pile of stones.

The peasants erected a new house, in which no special property was stored, in two days.

Only at the end of the 18th century, by decree of the ruler of Naples, Alberobello (Italy) received freedom, and the need to destroy their houses in a few minutes and rebuild them disappeared.

Features of Trulls

The one-story trulli were decorated with pretty domes, the shape of which testified not only to the level of skill of the builder, but also to what class and gender the owner of the home belonged. On some roofs you can see mystical symbols with secret meanings.

Classic trulli, the pride of the fabulously beautiful Alberobello (Italy), are made of limestone boulders from the very base to the crown of the dome.

Often, a monolithic rock from which a layer of soil was previously removed acted as a load-bearing wall. The houses have windows and stoves, which are located in the thickness of the wall. Roofs, consisting of two layers, hermetically protect against moisture entering the home.

Most of today's houses, consisting of one room, delight tourists who come on an excursion to Alberobello (Italy) with their color. The city's attractions (there are about 1,400 of them) are privately owned and can be bought or sold. According to the latest data, the local population asks for up to 30 thousand euros for picturesque homes, and Europeans buy them as a country house.

Hospitable city

In such unusual buildings, the walls of which are covered with ivy or vines, there are local restaurants, workshops, shops and even temples. All tourists note the special friendliness of the residents of Alberobello (Italy), and many of them even invite city guests to come in and climb to the roof to admire the delightful spectacle from above.

Many houses have souvenir shops, and the hospitable hosts will be happy to show you their house and tell you many stories.

Tourists love to photograph the magical city for which Italy is famous throughout the world.

Alberobello souvenirs

A lot of souvenir shops offer thousands of handmade gifts for every taste and budget. Here you can buy high-quality products made of linen, leather, wood, paintings painted by local masters and even jewelry.

Of course, the main symbol of the city is the trulli, which is why all popular souvenirs have this shape and image. Elegant figurines, small magnets, cute piggy banks, colorful mugs and much more are offered by sellers of small shops.

Tourists also note wonderful grocery stores offering signature ice cream, traditional sweets made from almond dough, delicious cheeses, olive oil, rose petal liqueurs, and traditional pasta.

Wine cellars

It is impossible not to mention the bars that are located in Trulli. In cellars where the desired temperature is artificially maintained, you can taste aromatic wines that do not require added sugar.

The cost of the sparkling drink, which is bottled in the shape of an unusual house, is about 20 euros. However, all guests of the city claim that it is worth it, and many tourists take away a large supply of the delicious product by car. Any purchase made in the city will be a wonderful reminder of the charming Italian corner.

Historical heritage

Since 1996, the buildings crowded along the narrow streets have been under the protection of UNESCO, which has recognized the trulli as part of the historical heritage. Resembling a board with chess pieces on top, the city of Alberobello (Italy) houses houses built in the 18th century, but some of them appeared only a hundred years ago.

It is noteworthy that in 1925 the construction of trulli was officially prohibited, and therefore in no other city in the world such buildings will no longer surprise travelers.

Friendly Alberobello (Italy), whose photo conveys the fabulous spirit that reigns in the city, is waiting for tourists to reveal all its secrets to them. The special atmosphere that reigns in a calm corner will make you forget all the troubles and problems. Guests of the city admit that a fascinating journey into a fairy tale leaves an indelible impression.

Alberobello is a city in the center of the Valle dell'Itria, home to 11,000 people. The unusual trulli houses that line the center of Alberobello were recognized as a national monument of Italy in 1930 and are listed World Heritage UNESCO since 1996 International organization noted the originality of the "trulli", the homogeneous nature of the settlement's development and the way they preserved the building culture of prehistoric origin.

Old city is located in the southern part of Alberobello and consists of two neighborhoods - Monti and Agia Piccola; in total there are about 1,400 “trulli” here. The northern part of the city is more modern; Small streets intersecting here form a whole labyrinth.

Streets of Alberobello /

As soon as you get to Alberobello, it seems to you that you are in the middle of a huge rainbow, which makes your head slightly dizzy: the blinding white of the trulli, the azure of a transparent sky, the red of the fields, the pink of wild orchids, the purple of vines, the pinkish pearl - pomegranate, chestnut - medlar and ruby-scarlet - fresh tomatoes. Whatever you look at in Alberobello, everything gives the local landscape a fabulous and fantastic look. Mixed with the flowers are equally rich and intoxicating aromas, which, once experienced, are difficult to forget.

What to see


Panorama of Alberobello /

The history of these very unusual houses dates back to the decree of the Neapolitan king, who established a special tax on each new locality. Then the owners of the lands on which Alberobello stands today ordered local residents build your own houses without using mortar, so that they can be easily dismantled, so as not to pay taxes. The peasants, who only had stones left for construction, found a way out of the situation: they began to build round houses with a domed roof from stone rings laid one on top of the other. This structure turned out to be the most durable and required the least amount of construction time. This is how the first “trulli” appeared.

Trulli roofs /

Later, tents decorated with mystical and religious symbols began to be built over the roofs. These symbols, associated with local beliefs, church holidays or zodiac signs, helped to find the right home.

"Trullo Sovrano"

The “main one”, or, if you prefer, the “Tsar Trullo” is located in Piazza Sacramento, behind the Basilica of Saints Cosmas and Damian. This impressive building is the largest structure built in the trullo style, and the first of its kind to be constructed using mortar. An unknown architect placed the main entrance to Trullo Sovrano on the south side and decorated it with an arch, the lunette of which is decorated with paintings from the first half of the 19th century. depicting one of the scenes of the Stations of the Cross.

"Trullo-Sovrano" /

Once inside and passing the small bedroom on the left side, you will find yourself in a spacious hallway with a cross-shaped vault. Next is a spacious kitchen with access to the garden. The door on the left leads into the rooms that formed the original core of the living quarters, around which all other elements of the building were built. Above the vault of the entrance hall rises a traditional trullo roof, under which the second floor is located; in the old days there was a room for guests or for weaving. The staircase leading upstairs is carved right into the thickness of the wall.

Exhibition at Trullo Sovrano © Fabio Menna /

Over time, the Trullo Sovrano building was used as housing, grocery and chapel. In 1785, the relics of Saints Cosmas and Damian were placed here for storage. And from 1823 to 1837. it housed the oratory of the Santissimo-Sacramento brotherhood. Now this building, restored in 1993, is private property and is used as an exhibition space and space for cultural events.

"Siamese trulli"

As you walk along the staircase street Via Monte Nero, pay attention to this ancient house built on a limestone rock. It is built on several levels, without windows, and the foundation is large blocks of rock.

"Siamese trulli" ©

In fact, there are actually two fused “trullo” houses here - that’s why they are called “Siamese”. They have two cone-shaped roofs (the space between them is hidden from the outside under a single ceiling) and two entrances facing different streets. Initially, the two houses were connected by a small door.

"Siamese trulli". Roof detail ©

In the “trulli”, built not as long ago as the “Siamese”, the double structure is not found, therefore the “twins” are considered an example of the archaic type of such buildings. And, of course, there are many legends about their shape.

Monti Quarter

In 1996, UNESCO recognized the quarters (here they are called "rione") of Monti and Agia Piccola as a World Heritage Site. Home to more than a thousand trulli, Monti stands on a hillside in the southern part of the city, behind Via Largo Martellotta.

Eight parallel streets, running from north to south, cut the block lengthwise. The most ancient houses are located on the streets of Monte Nero, Monte Pasubio, Monte San Michele and Monte Sabotino; many of them today have been converted into small souvenir shops.

Streets of the Monti quarter /

In 1843, the “Regulations of the Town and Country Police” were issued, which prohibited the inhabitants of Alberobello from using traditional construction techniques. This ban was observed on all city streets, except for the Monti quarter, where the poorest segments of the population lived. It was this factor that ensured the preservation of an impressive part of the ancient buildings (while traditional technology was still in use, there were at least two thousand “trulli” in the city). In 1910, the quarter as a whole received the status of a national monument: the state recognized that its original appearance was of interest to the whole country, and construction here was prohibited using new technologies, so as not to spoil the landscape, the stylistic dominant of which is the “trulli”.

Agia Piccola Quarter

Streets of Agia Piccola quarter © Vittorio Guglini /

At the beginning of the 19th century. this quarter consisted of 400 "trulli". Its name (literally “small threshing floor” - approx. Per.), according to the historian Notarnikola, is due to the fact that in the eastern part of the city, where it is located, there was once a small threshing floor. It was built when so much harvest began to be harvested that a large threshing floor was not enough.

Trulli in Agia Piccola © Alison Waller /

Today this neighborhood, designated a national monument in 1930, is the only part of the city untouched by commerce. Walking along its streets - Duca degli Abruzzi, Verdi, Colombo, Galilee and La Marmora - you will see that each trullo is different from its neighbors in structure and material. In addition, it is here that you can get at least a fragmentary, but still an idea of ​​what Alberobello looked like a few decades ago. Tiny squares, numerous alleys, some of which are inaccessible to cars - all this is like footage from a distant and alluring past.

Church of Sant'Antonio

The church, whose bulk dominates the landscape of the Monti quarter, was built in just 14 months on the initiative of the historian Martino De Leonardis. The original project was only partially implemented: a number of changes were made by engineer Bianchi di Bari. Construction was completed in 1927, and a few years later the temple was donated to the congregation of the Servants of Charity, who made it their new parish church.

Church of Sant'Antonio /

The façade of the building is divided into three volumes. The central part consists of a large arch in which the main portal opens. The plan of the building is an equilateral cross, and the roof is made in the traditional trullo technique and is topped with a lantern with a square base. Four central pilasters support semicircular arches, which in turn support the side vaults.

After some time, a building for the seminary was added to the church building, which blocked the flow of light into the temple from the bell tower.

At first, the interior contained only one altar and a large crucifix by Adolfo Rollo. In 1954-1960 the temple was significantly rebuilt. The central altar was remodeled to suit the needs of the clergy, and the two side altars - the one on the right, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and the one on the left, dedicated to St. Anthony - were raised.

What to try

The cuisine in the “City of Trulli” is simple: this concerns both the ingredients and the technological side of cooking. Local dishes preserve the gastronomic traditions of medieval peasants: short thermal processing, the use of fresh vegetables, olive oil, seasonal products and legumes. This cuisine is dominated by fresh tomatoes and other vegetables, so it could be called “sunny”.

Shelled beans

Shelled bean soup is one of the many traditional Alberobello recipes. It takes very little time to prepare, and few ingredients are required. After soaking the beans for about twelve hours, they add hake, a sea fish that is easy to find in the Mediterranean Sea. Once the fish is ready, add white onion and bay leaf to the soup. It is often served with wild chicory or boiled turnip tops with olive oil.

“Kr’shaul” with dried cod ragout

Kr'shaul is a type of lasagna made from wheat flour. Since Alberobello is close to the sea (about 20 km), the local cuisine is largely based on fish dishes. Therefore, such lasagna is often accompanied by cod sauce, although you can also use the option with tomato and basil - it is not only vegetarian, but also takes much less time.


How to get there

By plane

The nearest airports are Bari - Palese Karol Wojtyla (70 km) and Brindisi - Papola Casale (about 75 km). From there you can get there by train or taxi.

By train

From Bari and Taranto stations, take the Ferrovie Sud Est train in the direction of Lecce.
From Fasano Station you can only get there by bus or taxi.

By car

From the A14 Bologna-Taranto motorway, take the Gioia del Colle exit and follow the SS171 highway for about 2 km. Continue along the SS604 highway for 28.2 km, then take the Alberobello exit.

From Brindisi, take the SS.16 highway, exit Fasano, continue towards Locorotondo and then Alberobello.

From Taranto go towards Martina Franca, then towards Locorotondo and then Alberobello.

Trulli Holiday Albergo Diffuso offers unique accommodation set in traditional Trulli stone buildings in different locations around the center of Alberobello. WiFi is free. Everything is super.. great breakfast in the cafe on the square!

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Average price/night: RUB 6,559.

9.4 Excellent 1,505 reviews


Offering a bar and restaurant, Hotel Silva is located in Alberobello, just 55 km from Bari Karol Wojtyla Airport. A sweet breakfast is served daily. A cozy hotel with a homely atmosphere. Very responsive and attentive staff. The hotel's proximity to attractions. Conveniently located 10 min walk from railway station. The rooms are cozy and have a balcony. Very good breakfast, lots of pastries, fruits, yoghurts, delicious coffee. Thank you all very much. Fabulous! The staff is very friendly. Rooms are beautiful and clean. The breakfast was fantastic. Cappuccino made to order. We loved everything about the hotel. Thank you very much for everything. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 Olga

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Average price/night: RUB 5,512.

9.3 Excellent 545 reviews


Le Alcove nei Trulli is a luxury hotel set in a series of traditional trulli houses in the center of Alberobello, offering an unusual combination of modern amenities and ancient stone dwellings. Only here! Liked everything!!

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Average price/night: RUB 11,024.

9.3 Excellent 143 reviews


The 3-star Hotel Cuor Di Puglia is a 5-minute walk from Alberobello's historic centre. It features an outdoor swimming pool. We chose this hotel because we wanted to see the trulli and relax by the pool (we stayed for 2 nights). And we were not disappointed. Although at the beginning of October the water was already cool (for me personally), it was nice to sunbathe in the morning. And it’s very cozy to sit in the garden in the evening. There are brown wicker sun loungers by the pool (and in sufficient quantities). All around is clean and quiet. There is a small supermarket next to the hotel in the next building. The choice is certainly not great, but it’s better than nothing :-) There’s a specialized store with cheeses and wine nearby. The hotel is located a little away from the trulli, about 5-10 minutes walk. By the way, buses with excursionists are brought to the stop opposite the hotel. And from this site everyone walks to the city. The staff is very friendly. Although they speak little English, we managed to communicate perfectly ;-) By the way, the rooms are very clean. For example, during this trip to Italy we stayed in 5 hotels. So I give this hotel 1st place for cleanliness. Breakfast is also good (for Italy). Yogurt, cheese, sausage, eggs, tomatoes, various pies, juice and coffee... We arrived in Alberobello from Bari by train. From the railway station it takes about 15 minutes to walk. And we left by bus to Monopoli. So the bus stop (that is, a stop, not a station) is located on the same road. If you need a stop, ask at the hotel and they will mark this place on the map for you. The bus to Monopoli takes 40-50 minutes. And it runs approximately every 2 hours.

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Average price/night: RUB 5,144.

8.9 Amazing 230 reviews


This sophisticated 4-star hotel is located in the historic center of Alberobello, surrounded by the beautiful Apulian countryside. Excellent location just a short walk to Trulli areas. Breakfast was very good - loved the fresh fruit and home made yogurt. Easy parking at property on close by on street.