Photos of the most beautiful cities and villages. The most beautiful mountain villages in Europe

There is a village called Vyatskoye, 38 kilometers from Yaroslavl. A village that on October 15, 2015 became the first member of the Association of the Most Beautiful Villages in Russia! Having learned about this event, I decided to go there to see the delights of the village with my own eyes.

2. This is what one of the most beautiful villages in Russia looks like. Central square with restored mansions from the 18th and 19th centuries.

3. Hills, ravines, summer "amphitheater".

5. In some places Vyatskoye looks like this.

6. And now the fun part. Why, unlike most villages and hamlets in Russia, Vyatskoye has not collapsed, but is developing. The answer, of course, lies in money.

There is a businessman in Yaroslavl, Oleg Zharov, who, according to local residents, was looking for a place for a summer residence in the vicinity of Yaroslavl. I came to Vyatskoye, fell in love with the local beauty, and decided to take on the restoration of the village. I bought an architectural monument of the 19th century - the house of honorary citizen Bogorodsky, restored it, and the dacha is ready.

7. Zharov did not stop there, and over the past few years, more than 30 semi-abandoned mansions have been restored, several museums have been opened, and a church has been restored with the businessman’s money.Ascension of Christ built in 1750.

8. There are also opponents of Zharov’s “policy”. They say he buys and restores mansions with only one goal: to sell them, and thereby become richer. And it develops everything around and ennobles it, only in order to build an elite cottage village. In any case, every year new jobs appear in the village, and abandoned architectural monuments are restored.

9. Zharov also received the state prize “For his contribution to the revival and development of traditional cultural and historical values.” He was invited to the Kremlin and seated next to Putin and Medvedev. Where Medvedev said: “How about we go, Vladimir Vladimirovich, to Vyatskoye? At least the roads will be repaired before our arrival.” .

Apparently they never made it, and part of the road from Yaroslavl to the village of Vyatskoye is a toa Yamutokanavu. This is where our short journey to the most beautiful village in Russia begins.

10. Here it is Vyatskoye, an open-air museum of Russian rural life.The main idea of ​​the museum is to present to tourists the life of the Russian village as it was several centuries ago.

11. The village is more than 500 years old in total. AND known in the history of Russia for its crafts, noisy fairs and bazaars, schismatics, “going to the people,” and talented people. For example, the sculptor A.M. Opekushin - the author of the monument to A.S. Pushkin in Moscow (on Pushkin Square), Pyotr Telushkin - the founder of “Russian mountaineering”, who alone, without insurance, repaired the wing of the angel that crowned the spire Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg, by the poet Nekrasov, who found images of his heroes in Vyatskoye.

12. On central square a restored fire station, now a museum in the building.

10. The parking lot next to the depot is completely filled with tourists' cars. There are even guests with overseas numbers.

11. We park next to the tourist buses.

12. And along the Ukhtomka River, which flows through all of Vyatskoye, we go to get acquainted with local life.

14. On the right bank of the river there is a museum - black bathhouse.

15. One of the central streets.

16. A rickety hut.

17. Bathhouse with a swimming pool.

18. It’s hard to believe, but, a residential building. There are even satellite dishes hanging on the front side of the façade.

19. Almost destroyed temple.

22. The restoration work of the next mansion is carried out mainly by visitors from neighboring countries.

23. Fragment of a restored mansion.

24. The restored house of the photographer Kokoshkin, an architectural monument of the late 19th century. Perhaps one day the dangling wires will disappear and it will look really good.

25. One of the most beautiful buildings in the village of Vyatskoye. Inside Museum of Russian Entrepreneurship, or “The History of a Village That Wanted to Become a City...”.

26. On the third floor The museum has a large exhibition of household items.

27. On the second floor is the largest collection of musical instruments and boxes in Europe, many of which are still in use. The collection, as we were told at the museums, belongs to Zharov.

29. Organola.

30. Punched tapes for organola. And here it’s worth retelling what the museums told us.

In the old days, when a girl was married off, it was important what kind of hearing she had. And if the betrothed had problems with this, then before playing a piece of music for her future husband, a punched tape was inserted into the organola. The girl could only press the pedal and imitate playing the keys. The music sounds beautiful, the groom is happy, everyone is happy.

Maybe it's just a story, but it was told convincingly.

31. We will consider the Sberbank branch to be the ugliest building in the village, if this booth can be called a building. By the way, speaking of Sberbank, 3 days ago we closed our mortgage! We accept congratulations. Maybe one day I’ll even write about what it was like to live under the yoke of Sberbank.

32. Russian Post Office.

33. Fragment of a restored architectural monument. Everything was done quite well, even the smallest elements of stucco were preserved and restored.

34. From the yard this house looks much sadder. Perhaps it is implied that no one will set foot in the yard.

35. Outskirts of the village.

36. A neighboring village, and a country road home.

p.s. Perhaps some information about the businessman Zharov, and about the village of Vyatskoye, in some places does not correspond to reality. As they say, what you bought for is what you sold for. In general, the businessman is a great guy, he is developing his native land. After all, as practice shows, most of our rich people buy villas abroad, apartments in Dubai, and go live overseas.

We present to your attention the top 10 most picturesque villages in the world. Here we go…
Bibury, England
The English village of Bibury is located in Gloucestershire. It has been repeatedly recognized as the most beautiful and most English village in the world by various artists and poets. The cozy houses of the 17th century really seem to have come out of a fairy-tale illustration. The village itself is much older - the first mention of this settlement dates back to the 11th century. Despite its popularity among tourists, public transport there is still no service to Bibury, and to get here you need to take the train at London Paddington station, get to Kemble station, and then only take a taxi.

Shirakawa-go, Japan
This picturesque village is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Here you can admire the wonderful houses with triangular roofs, built in the "gassho" style, and also the Ogimachi Castle, which is located near the village. Tourists are brought here by regular bus.

Wengen, Switzerland
The views of this Swiss village at any time of the year resemble a fairytale scenery. Indigenous people The village has a little over a thousand people. But for everyone local resident Depending on the season, there are from 5 to 10 tourists, so it is always crowded here. Here is the famous ski resort and amazing cave Kriegsloch, which is said to be able to predict the coming of war. Driving in regular cars is prohibited here so as not to spoil the purest mountain air. But tourists always have a variety of environmentally friendly electric vehicles at their disposal.

Ezze, France
This picturesque village stands on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. For many centuries, continuous wars were fought here, and in the village itself a variety of cultures mixed. All this gave rise to a completely unique architectural ensemble, which, together with stunning landscapes, today attracts a lot of tourists from all over the world.

Zaanse Schans, Holland
Unlike modern Amsterdam, the village of Zaanse Schans has still retained its true identity. There are typical houses of the 17th century and famous windmills, creating a real “Dutch” landscape. They sell wonderful natural cheese, beautiful painted porcelain and traditional wooden shoes.

Pariangan, West Sumatra
The picturesque streets of this Minangkabau village are literally at the foot of active volcano Merapi, which has erupted almost 40 times over the past 200 years. Dangerous neighborhood makes impression beautiful landscapes especially strong.

Savoca, Sicily
This village with a thousand-year history is well known to fans of the book and film “The Godfather”, because the events depicted in the film were filmed here. Here you can visit the Vitelli Bar and the famous Capuchin Monastery, where the most famous crypt is located, in which more than fifty bodies of the local nobility and clergy have been preserved for centuries, naturally mummified in the catacombs.

Cua Van, Vietnam
The main treasure of this small fishing village is the incredible surrounding landscapes. Small houses supported by rafts literally stand on the water in Ha Long Bay, surrounded by huge cliffs. In one of these raft houses there is also a village school, and students come to it by boats. To explore all the beauties of this village, tourists also have to rent a boat.

Caleta Tortel, Chile
The small village of Caleta Tortel has the fame of “Chilean Venice”. There are, however, no stone palaces or majestic bridges here, but there are many picturesque wooden houses, rising on stilts and connected to each other by a whole web of light hanging bridges, and sometimes simply by stairs. For obvious reasons, road transport it is impossible to move here.

Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia
All the buildings in this Tunisian village have traditional colors: bright white walls and sky blue shutters and gates. Against the backdrop of the dazzling blue Gulf of Tunisia, the village looks simply stunning. Many representatives of creative professions constantly relax here, and many travel companies offer day trips here.

For real travel gourmets, it has become too hackneyed a destination. Meanwhile, Michelin-starred restaurants and the highest quality contingent today are more likely to be found in godforsaken outskirts, picturesque and unusual. ELLE presents 12 of the most beautiful villages and small towns in the world that will become the pearl of your route.

Cozy medieval village of Yvoire, located on the French coast Lake Geneva, officially bears the name of the most beautiful and most flourishing village in France. Everything here is compact and incredibly nice - medieval architecture, narrow streets, colorful souvenir shops, local lake fish in restaurants and only 5 hotels where tourists come from all over the world. Something blooms in the gardens and on the streets of the city all year round, but it is especially beautiful in Yvoire in the summer - it is literally buried in vegetation. The rhythm of the city is surprisingly unhurried - residents are busy producing flowers and souvenirs, and the main local entertainment is walking along medieval castle Chateau d'Ivoire or the pier where swans swim among the boats.

By the way, Yvoire won a special prize at the French national competition, where it was named the most authentic village that has preserved the signs of medieval life in its original form.

Mountains and the mirror surface of Lake Geneva are the main features famous resort Evian, which is located on the border of France and Switzerland, in the foothills of the Savoy Alps. Since the end of the 19th century, the most famous mineral water in the world of Evian.

The resort gained its fame thanks to the healing properties of this water, which has become a worldwide brand, and today people come here for the incredible beauty of the place, as well as to improve their health. Evian is located on the shore of the lake and is Small town with a huge amount of entertainment - equestrian and golf clubs, casinos, cafes and restaurants, as well as the Thermes Evian thermal center with an impressive list of procedures based on the mineral water of the same name.

The main hotel of Evian is the Evian Royal Resort - luxurious palace on the very shore of the lake, occupying almost 50 hectares of park with swimming pools, health centers and hotel service of the highest standard.

The Evian resort is famous for its Golf Academy, where the international women's tournament - L'Evian Championship Golf Club - takes place. The special lifestyle of this club with elegant lunches at the Chalet du Golf, cocktails and receptions traditionally attracts the cream of European society.

The place of power of every figure in secular life, Cote d'Azur It is famous, among other things, for its incredibly beautiful landscapes, local roses and the freshest oysters. One of the most picturesque villages of the French Riviera, located on the road from Nice to Monaco, is called Eze, and its history dates back to time immemorial - it was founded by the Phoenicians. The observation deck of this heavenly place, the cactus garden and the Church of Penitent Sinners of the White Brotherhood are a favorite place for tourists all over the world.

This village in Gloucestershire is considered the most beautiful and most English village in the world. At least, such experts on local life as William Morris thought so. A narrow street over the River Colne leads to a picturesque bridge, and St. Mary's Church, surrounded by lovely 17th-century English houses, illustrates the ideal authentic European village.

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the village of Shirakawa-Go, located in the northern part of Japan's Gifu Prefecture, in the Sokawa River Valley, consists of just six dozen houses. Previously, the village was isolated from the outside world and was not marked on any geographical map - the dense forests surrounding it were considered impenetrable. Today, curious tourists are taken by bus to the famous architecture of the houses in the "Gassho" style.

They say that it was Vietnam with its amazing nature that served as the setting for the fantasies of the designers of the film “Avatar”. And this is not surprising - there are no such landscapes anywhere else. Aesthetes and travelers have a special passion for the small fishing village of Cua Van - its small houses are supported by rafts and literally stand on the water, surrounded by the cliffs of Ha Long Bay. In one of these raft houses there is also a village school - students come there by boat.

A village without roads or " Dutch Venice“- this is the name of this wonderful place, located on water canals with a total length of about 7.5 km. Here and today only the water transport. Giethoorn was founded in 1230 by a small group of refugees from the south of the country, but only gained worldwide fame in the 20th century, after Dutch director Bert Haanstra filmed his famous comedy Fanfare here in 1958.

The village in the Bernese Alps is home to just over 1,000 people. Meanwhile, the place is so popular among visitors that, according to statistics, for every local resident there are from 5 to 10 tourists, depending on the season. There are several reasons for this - nearby there is a popular ski resort and the amazing Kriegsloch cave, which, according to legend, predicts the approach of war. The region is also famous for its puppet theater and Mendelssohn music weeks. Driving cars is prohibited here, so as not to spoil the purest mountain air.

The volcanic island of Santorini is one of the most romantic places on the planet. You have to climb from the port along winding and dangerous serpentines, but it’s worth it - the residential part of the island offers fantastic views of the sea, the horizon and typical local buildings - white houses with blue roofs and church domes. According to legend, this place, a favorite place for couples for a peaceful honeymoon, is designed to test the strength of feelings - the sunsets of the village of Oia, the most beautiful point of the island, are so beautiful that only truly people in love can look at each other, and not at the maddening the beauty of nature. At least that's what the legend says.

Soglio, Switzerland

Italian artist Giovanni Segantini once named his winter residence in the Alpine village of Soglio La soglia del paradiso, translated into Russian as “the gate to paradise.” And this is indeed an apt description - a picturesque village overlooking chestnut forests, located on a sunny terrace in the Bregaglia valley, can be called great place For walking routes. Neat houses, narrow streets and rose gardens give this place the appearance of an ideal mountain village. Only 300 people live here, the official language is Italian, but many speak German. In 2015, the media named the village the most beautiful in Switzerland.

Rougon, France

The mountain village of Rougon, remote from civilization, is located on a high plateau with panoramic views of the Verdon, the most impressive canyon in Europe. Less than a hundred people live in the village, and it is so tiny that it doesn’t even have streets. From Rougon you can literally go in all four directions: go down and explore the gorge or climb further into the Alps, to the ruins of a dilapidated castle and observation deck, overlooking canyons, Haute-Provence landscapes and red-tiled roofs.

Arnastapi, Iceland

The sparsely populated Snæfellsnes peninsula is located west of Borgafjörður, West Iceland. The island looks like a miniature copy of its “big brother”. At the foot of Mount Stapafel is the village of Arnastapi. Hiking enthusiasts can enjoy a three-kilometer path along the coast from Arnastapi to the neighboring town of Helnar, and 8 kilometers from the village is the famous ice-capped volcano Snæfellsjökull, which can be seen even from Reykjavik. There are colonies on the coastline different types birds, minke whales and even killer whales often approach the shore. In a small cafe, visitors will be offered “signature” fish soup, hot waffles, plus an unparalleled view of the sea. The small church surrounded by rocks looks especially unusual.

Torla, Spain

In 1918, the Ordesa Valley became a national park. Today it is the oldest nature reserve in the Pyrenees. Walk along the rocks hiking trails overlooking mountain peaks and canyons, lakes and snowfields. The village of Torla, one of the smallest (with a population of about 400 people) places in the Pyrenees, is located at the entrance to national park. Torla has a hotel and two campsites, and a quaint church adorns the center of the settlement.

Gerstruben, Germany

One of the best ski resorts in the German Alps - Bavarian Obersdorf, next to it there is a small alpine village of Gerstruben, which, thanks to its ancient buildings, looks like a museum. But it’s not just the architecture that is striking: a sawmill, a cheese factory and mills still operate here. The chapel and several 17th-century farmhouses have recently been restored.

Ushguli, Georgia

The community of Ushguli is the main attraction of Svaneti, included in the list world heritage UNESCO. Located at 2200 meters above sea level, Ushugli is the highest mountain settlement in Europe. Getting there is an adventure: three hours by car along a rough dirt road along the Inguri River. Some sections of the road are very dangerous - in winter, for example, avalanches can come down from the mountains and the road is closed. Guests of Ushguli can look at the ancient Svan towers that withstood battles with the Mongols and the low winter temperatures of the mountainous region, churches, and castles. Tourists are slowly mastering this area: the museum under open air, several guest houses and cafes are open for visitors.

Hallstatt (Hallstatt), Austria

The small village of Hallstatt, near Salzburg, is considered one of the oldest in Europe. It is located between the rocks and the lake of the same name. The village is famous for its salt mines, which are more than three thousand years old. Fewer than 1,000 people live in neat European houses. In addition to residential buildings, Galtat has a salt mine, a prehistoric museum, and several churches. In China, by the way, they built a copy of the village - Echo Town - 1000 times larger than the original and with much more high prices for real estate. Since 2012, the houses have been sold, but the “copy” has not yet been fully occupied.

Monsaraz, Portugal

Surrounded by olive trees, Monsaraz is the epitome of a medieval town. The main attraction is the impressive castle overlooking the village. The castle courtyard, an abandoned arena, is used in July as an open-air museum site and for music festival. The cultural program in the village is varied: here they eat, sing, dance, and stage performances.

Olden, Norway

The cruise port with picturesque surroundings is located next to a mountain lake. This fjord village is surrounded by a typical Scandinavian landscape - giant mountains covered in greenery reflected in the blue water of the lakes. Alden lives off Agriculture and tourism, so you won’t find any urban entertainment here. Small wooden houses, two churches and a minimum set of amenities. The main local attraction is the Briksdal Glacier, which can be reached by minibus. After the glacier - Jostedalsbreen National Park, even in the middle of summer you need to take warm clothes with you. Tourist steam locomotives run through the valley, and boat cruises and lakeside camping are also available. People usually come here to admire nature and go fishing.

Castelmezzano, Italy

The village of Castelmezzano in the Basilicata region is one of the most beautiful places in Italy. Even from a distance this place looks magical: steep stairs, narrow streets, closely built houses, ancient churches against the backdrop of rocks. According to legend, the treasures of the Templars are hidden here. You can admire the natural diversity of the region by exploring the surrounding area on foot, on a mountain bike and on horseback: wild apple trees, pear trees, maple trees grow everywhere, cats hide, peregrine falcons and even porcupines are hiding birds of prey. Tourists especially like the local cuisine. Hunters for best view can ride through a ravine at a speed of 120 km/h on a local attraction, a 100-meter steel cable stretched between the peaks of the Volo dell’Angelo mountains.

If you dream of visiting at least one of these fabulous European towns filled with ancient charm and incredible beauty, or perhaps you've just begun your search best places? In any case, here we have collected 27 of the most beautiful small towns in Europe: from Norwegian fjords and the majestic Alps to the sunny islands of Greece.

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Manarola, Italy

First up on our list is one of the most famous towns of the Cinque Terre in Italy - Manarola - filled with many bright rainbow houses carved into an impenetrable stone wall along Mediterranean coast. This charming fishing town is famous for its fabulous wines, especially Sciacchetra, and the paintings of Antonio Discovolors, an artist who fell in love with Manarola and dedicated much of his later work in the region to the town.

In Manarola there are no cars, no traffic lights, and therefore not a single sound from the squeal of tires. Of course, you can drive to Manarola, but you will have to leave the car outside the town and then take a bus, or start your journey on foot.

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Second on our list is the town of Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Bavaria, Germany). This charming Bavarian mountain resort town 80 minutes by train from Munich. Once upon a time, these were two separate towns: one Roman, the other Teutonic, but in 1936 they united in honor of the Winter Olympic Games.

Partenkirchen dates back to the 15th century, filled with narrow cobbled streets lined with historic buildings in the Bavarian Gasthaus style: three or four stories high, with open shutters and facades painted in pastel colors with images of pastoral or religious scenes.

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Despite the fact that we are talking about small towns, the town of Portree in Scotland is the most big city on the Scottish island of Skye. Portree is a port as well as a thriving cultural centre, although its population is less than 2,500. The city's harbor is a central location with pubs, restaurants serving amazing seafood and breathtaking views of the bay.

This is one of the best places to stay if you're planning to explore this incredibly scenic wilderness region due to its close proximity to some of the most spectacular and unique attractions, including rock formations such as the Old Man of Storr, Kilt Rock and the extraordinary Quaraing Pinnacles.

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Reine, Norway

Reine in Norway is a tiny fishing village on the picturesque Arctic island of Moskenesøy with a population of just over 300 inhabitants, but despite this it has rightfully been recognized as the most beautiful village in Norway. Situated north of the Arctic Circle in the Lofoten archipelago, this remote wilderness region is home to sapphire bays, breathtaking mountains and towering fjords. The fishermen's cabins have been converted into cozy visitor cottages with direct access to the Norwegian Sea, and the amazing night sky is a welcome addition with the prospect of seeing the mesmerizing Northern Lights.

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Colmar, France

The city of Colmar in France is a throwback to the 9th century. Since then, it has often been referred to as “Little Venice” due to the many water canals, like a breath of air among the medieval streets.

This well-preserved village in the Alsace region is also considered the capital of wine in an area renowned for its exquisite aromas. Thanks to the dual influences of Germany and France, you can easily find local bakeries offering sweet pastries and croissants with a variety of fillings, while eateries often specialize in sauerkraut and foie gras. In Colmar you will find various architectural styles: from French neo-baroque to German gothic.

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Marsaxlokk, Malta

Marsaxlokk is a busy trading port dating back to 900 BC, when the Phoenicians first landed on Malta. Today this picturesque city Ok is the main supplier of fish for the inhabitants of the island, which is located in the Mediterranean Sea. Marsaxlokk is well known for its massive markets, which stock a wide variety of fish, including the local favorite Lampuki (sea bream).

The rarity of this Maltese village is that it has no modern buildings, so as not to spoil its attractiveness. In such tranquil surroundings, including traditional Luzzu (fishing boats) designed by the ancient Phoenicians, Marsaxlokk is a particularly charming place to relax and learn about local history.

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Portmagee, Ireland

In a country filled with many beautiful cities, Portmagee is the clear favorite, being located near the Ring of Kerry in the south west coast Ireland. It's like a postcard - perfect seaside fishing village with a number of brightly colored buildings, along with a rich and impressive history.

The Bridge Bar offers a special atmosphere with live music, fantastic food and a pint of Guinness. Portmagee is also the departure point for the impressive Skelligs Rock and home to preserved monastic settlements dating back to the 6th century.

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Bled, Slovenia

Bled is a city in the northwestern part of Slovenia, protected by magnificent mountains. Bled was created in 1004 and is considered so beautiful by the Holy Roman Emperor that it was donated to the Bishopric of Brixen.

Bled Castle is located in the heart of the picturesque lake of the same name with its glacial blue waters surrounding the tiny island. Bled also borders a city known as the home of one of the most beautiful health resorts in the region. And if you climb to the top of the castle, especially stunning panoramic views will open up.

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Hallstatt, Austria

Hallstatt is one of the oldest settlements in Austria, founded in 5000 BC. to tap into the vast reserves of salt in the mountains surrounding this storybook town. For thousands of years, salt mining meant lasting prosperity for Hallstatt, which can be seen as a town with a beautiful square surrounded by ivy-clad buildings.

The city still produces salt, but it is also considered a treasure trove of human history and one of the most picturesque cities in Austria with its magnificent setting on the shores of Lake Hallstätter. majestic mountains and the bright sunrise rising from the water's edge.

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Bibury, England

The lovely town of Bibury, England, nestled among the rolling hills of the Cotswolds, is often described as one of the most beautiful towns in England, and certainly has its place among the best and brightest in all of Europe. It was first mentioned in the Domesday Book of 1086, retaining a place in the past to this day. Most of Bibury still looks the same as it did hundreds of years ago.

The River Colne flows along the main street and lush meadows border ancient stone cottages with sheer slanted roofs. The picturesque Arlington Row area is famous for its sepia-toned cottages, which were built in the 17th century as homes for weavers working at Arlington Mill.

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Annecy, France

Annecy - one of the most beautiful and romantic places on Earth - can be more stunning than French Alps that surround him. Just 22 kilometers from Geneva in Haute-Savoie in eastern France, Annecy is divided into small water channels leading from sparkling blue lake Lac Annecy.

The lighting effects on the popular alleys along the canals give Annecy a special Venetian charm, and famous castle Palais de l’Isle (Island Palace), built in the very center of one of the canals, will take you back to the distant 12th century.

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Goreme, Türkiye

Nowadays, Turkey's Goreme National Park was built during the Roman Empire against a backdrop of exquisite rock formations. Natural rocks served as a foundation and protection for those who built the city. Most of ancient architecture remains to this day with many churches carved into the rocks themselves. This beautiful city really needs to be seen with your own eyes to believe in its fabulous uniqueness.

One of the best ways see all the beauties of Goreme - from above - when every morning before sunrise, hundreds balloons take to the sky and soar over the rocks.

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Albarracin, Spain

Albarracin is a beautifully preserved medieval town in Northern Spain, whose roots go back to the 11th century. The cave paintings in the caves of the cultural park provide some of the most important evidence of Levantine prehistoric art in the country.

A piece of medieval Spain has been preserved on the territory of the fortress walls of Albarassin, which is filled with winding paths, narrow streets, ancient stone towers, castles and chapels. While here, you will feel as if you have been transported in a time machine to the Middle Ages.

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Pusice, Croatia

Arguably the most beautiful village in Croatia, Pušice is certainly one of the most scenic spots throughout Europe. The sparkling white stone from the island of Brac makes this small port town a truly one-of-a-kind destination and even an exquisite work of art.

Sitting on the northern coast of the island, sheltered by a bay, you can stretch out the pleasures on the untouched sands, soaking up the rays of the sun and cooling off in the sparkling water of the Adriatic Sea.

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Vestmannaeyjar, Iceland

Vestmannaeyjar on the island of Heimaey, the largest of the 14 Vestman Islands archipelagos, is located off the southwest coast of mainland Iceland. Considered one of Iceland's best-kept secrets, this geographical treasure trove is known for its enormous biodiversity, including 150 species of plants that have yet to even be classified, as well as millions of birds that nest in the cliffs. Vestmannaeyjar is also one of the best places to see puffin seabirds.

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Cintra, Portugal

In 1809, Lord Byron wrote a letter to his friend Francis Hodgson, part of which read: “I must simply observe that the province of Cintra in Extremadura is the most a nice place in the world". This fairytale city ok in Portugal, located on the edge of Europe, has enchanted countless visitors over the centuries. The Romans made this place a lunar cult, calling it "Cynthia" after the goddess of the Moon.

Since 1840, the Pena Palace has been the so-called “highlight” as one of the most fantastic palaces in Europe. It is surrounded by the mystical Pena Park, filled with many trees and exotic plants from former colonies the Portuguese Empire, as well as numerous ponds, fountains, and even black swans.

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Burano, Italy

If you've ever needed a mood boost, this bright, cheerful town, which is actually a tiny island in the Venetian lagoon, should hit the magic button. Its bright colors, like fireworks, “explode” on the buildings, giving it a tropical atmosphere. All the houses here follow a specific color pattern that dates back to the island's "golden age" when it was first created.

Legend has it that local fishermen were the first to paint houses in these bright colors so that they could be noticed while they were fishing. Island residents are required to write to the government if they want to change the design of their home - officials will then respond to residents with a list of colors that can be used. If the rules are broken and residents use colors other than those specified in the response letter, they could end up behind bars. This is such a strict and bright town!

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Giethoorn, Netherlands

If you've ever fantasized about a simple life, this idyllic Dutch town located in the province of Overijssel may fit the bill. It has no roads, but is instead linked together by a network of ancient canals, creating small private islands for each home. The only access is by water, or on foot over its picturesque wooden arched bridges.

All vehicles must remain outside the city limits. There are four miles of canals and thatched farmhouses that date back to the 18th century. Giethoorn was founded by a group of fugitives from Mediterranean region around 1230 AD, and became world famous in 1958 when it was featured in the Dutch film Fanfare.

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Eze, France

Eze is often described as an "eagle's nest" due to its location with stunning views from a high cliff 1,400 feet above Mediterranean Sea, along the exotic French Riviera, renowned throughout the world for its stunning, panoramic views. The square has been inhabited since around 2000 BC, by the Roman Empire and the Moroccans, with the oldest building in the village, the Chapelle de la Sainte Croix, built in 1306.

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Tenby, Wales

Tenby, from the Welsh language, roughly translates to "little fortress of fish". The naturally sheltered city, with a generous harbor and access to the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, was founded in 900 AD. Following the Norman conquest of England, Tenby was fortified with a massive wall to keep local rebels at bay. Over the past few centuries, this picturesque town has become more famous for its beauty rather than its stone defenses.

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Folegandros, Greece

Santorini may be more well known, but its neighbor Folegandros has similar architecture, including whitewashed buildings decorated with bright colors, streets covered with slate slabs and, even, Greek orthodox churches with shiny blue domes. The difference is that you don't have to fight the crowds. On the beautiful, remote Katergo beach with its gentle, azure colored waves, you can even be in complete privacy and enjoy the company of the sea.

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Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic

This small medieval town is located in the south Czech Republic and maybe it might not be good famous place holiday destination for tourists, but this hidden gem is surely just waiting to be discovered, and most likely to inspire as much as the illustrious capital of Prague. Situated along the banks of the Vltava River, the castle was built around the 13th century with Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque elements. Thanks to its peaceful coexistence over many centuries, this beautiful architectural heritage has remained intact to this day.

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Gruyères, Switzerland

Gruyère is famous for its eponymous cheese, which has a mild, nutty flavor that melts so well into fondue. Few people are familiar with this lovely town, but this picturesque village in the upper valley of the Zane River should at least be well known for its beauty. With wide stone-paved streets leading to a stunning 13th-century castle, imposing fortifications and panoramic views of the surrounding alpine foothills, it certainly demands some attention.

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Dinan, Belgium

The city of Dinan, located between the Meuse River and its citadel, is known for its magnificent architecture and equally magnificent views of the city from the top of the fortress mountain. Spend the day visiting the Grotto of Dinant waterfalls or the Beauraing sanctuary, then book a table at one of the local cafes while enjoying the views of one of the most beautiful towns in Belgium and Europe.

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Telc, Czech Republic

This small town in the southern historical region of Moravia is filled with Baroque and Renaissance-style facades with tall gables painted in pale pastel colors, now supporting small shops and cafes. This is another true fairytale town, with a romantic palace, crystal clear ponds surrounding it, and a public garden that looks like it came straight out of the pages of Hans Christian Andersen. It is one of the most perfect examples of the Italian Renaissance north of the Alps, and one of the most beautiful squares throughout Europe.

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Cochem, Germany

Cochem is one of the most charming towns in all of Germany, with its own legend, local folklore and rich history that can be found in every corner of the town. Situated in the picturesque Moselle River valley between the Eifel and mountain range Hunsrück, it's surrounded by rolling vineyards and quaint wine villages.

Soil and climatic conditions make the Moselle valley a prime area for growing the Riesling grape, which is used to produce some of Germany's best white wines, with numerous stop and sample opportunities available throughout this beautiful river valley.

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Smogen, Sweden

Smjön, located on the west coast of Sweden, is known as one of the country's most beautiful towns with a laid-back seaside atmosphere, along with cottages and fishing boats landing near the picturesque water.

The village is particularly attractive with its mix of shops and boutiques with old wooden houses overlooking the sea and the promenade that stretches almost 1000 feet. The Society once captured several islands that were so close to each other that the space has since been filled and they are now all considered one island.

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This was an article about the little ones, but very beautiful cities Europe you'll want to visit. Thank you for your attention!