Where is the hidden beach in Mexico? Why this name? Hidden beach playa del amor in mexico Hidden beach in mexico.

Often nature hides the most beautiful and interesting places from prying eyes. One such hidden wonder is the "hidden beach" in Mexico, near the city.

The beach is located on the Marietas Islands, which in 2008 were included by UNESCO in the list of the most important biosphere reserves in the world. They received this status thanks to the unique caves, underwater tunnels and biological diversity sea ​​world– including dolphins and rare species of corals.

Any human intervention in the islands' ecosystem, including fishing and hunting, is strictly prohibited. However, recently eco-tourism has become very popular in these places; the organizers of such tours strictly monitor cleanliness. The main attraction is, of course, the “hidden beach”.

It is shaped like a huge natural pool. The sandy part of the beach is located just below the hole, in the sun, and the low arch of the cave hangs over the water column. Due to this, the temperature here always remains slightly lower than on the surface, which is not bad, given the location of Mexico, where, due to the proximity of the equator, summer temperatures can reach +40? C.

This is an excellent place for diving and snorkeling, where you can admire rare tropical fish, sea turtles and coral reefs. Unforgettable impressions provides observation of manta rays - giant stingrays that live in the waters of the bay.

Get to these most beautiful places You can only go by water, on a rented boat. Therefore, some inaccessibility and seclusion of the beach attracts couples in love and just tourists who appreciate relaxing holiday in picturesque beauty.

It is curious that this place, which has already been ranked among the most unusual beaches in the world, is not of natural origin at all. The caves were formed by explosions as a result of military tests that were carried out in Mexico at the beginning of the 20th century.

Only in the late 60s, thanks to international protests initiated by the famous submariner Jacques Cousteau, the government decided to assign the status of a National Park to the Marietas Islands.

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12 of the most beautiful beaches to visit this summer. Or at least look.

Dear travelers! Wear your swimsuits, take fins and masks for snorkeling. Editorial website knows how to pass the time before vacation, and has prepared for you a selection of the coolest beaches.

Whitehaven, Australia

Whitehaven Beach is a beautiful 7 km coastline along Whitsunday Island. The beach has gained worldwide fame thanks to its snow-white sand. Its color is due to the presence of pure silicon dioxide (98%), which gives it such a shade.

Pink Beach, Bahamas

Harbor Island is one of the most amazing places Bahamas. The sand gets its unusual color due to the presence of tiny particles of Foraminifera shells. These are single-celled organisms that live on the bottom of reefs, under rocks and in caves of the coastal ocean floor.

Playa del Amor - hidden beach of Marieta Island, Mexico

If it weren't for the sound of the waves, people probably wouldn't even know about the hidden beach. Playa del Amor is located a few meters from the coast desert island Marieta. Very few tourists make it there. A real paradise for those who love privacy.

Navajo, Greece

Ipanema, Brazil

Rio de Janeiro has 23 beaches with a total length of 72 kilometers, but Ipanema is the most sophisticated and elite. This beach, adjacent to an affluent area of ​​the capital, is favored by a chic and fashionable crowd who hang out here every day, play volleyball and jog. In a word, they come to see others and show themselves off.

Maho, Caribbean

Welcome to Maho - one of the most unusual beaches in the world. It is located in the Caribbean, 300 kilometers from Puerto Rico. And vacationers are not attracted here by the warm sand and blue sea. People go here for an indescribable thrill, because literally 10-20 meters above the beach and tourists roar giant airliners coming in to land. A dangerous but fascinating sight!

Glass Beach, USA

Not far from the city of Fort Bragg in California there is an interesting beach strewn with colorful glass. At the beginning of the 20th century there was a city landfill here, then in 1967 the authorities closed it and cleaned up the area for many years. Now there is no garbage here, but the shore is covered with small glass pebbles, ground by the waves.

Bottom Bay, Barbados

Bottom Bay - best beach on the island of Barbados. The canonical landscape of this place is the hallmark of the country.

Hyams, Australia

Hyams Beach, which is located 300 kilometers from Sydney, is the beach with the whitest sand in the world. It's so white that from a distance it looks like whipped cream.

Earth North America are rich in amazing natural wonders that attract tourists like bees to fragrant flowers. One of these truly paradises planet is located at the mouth of the Bay of Bahia de Banderas. The Gulf of Mexico is famous for its wonderful islands, which in 2005, thanks to the scientist-researcher Jacques Cousteau, were given the status of a National Park.

Three years later, the Las Marietas Islands were included in the list of protected areas World Heritage UNESCO.

Las Marietas is located 22 nautical miles from the Mexican city and municipality of Puerto Vallarta. Thanks to a large number diversity underwater world, the rare beauty of deep-sea caves, the archipelago has become a real paradise for divers.

On one of the islands of the archipelago, in the lost wilderness of dense massive forest vegetation, between big rocks, hides a cave in which open air the wonderful beach “Playa de Amor” is located. This place is also called Hidden Beach. It seems to have been carved out of the rocky opening of a cave.

The rays of the scorching equatorial sun caress a small sandy area of ​​land and partially fall on water surface near the beach. The rocky vault of the cave bends under the oval dome, which gives the surrounding landscape a wonderful mystery and uniqueness.

The least safe way to get to wild beach, you can only by water route, and, of course, it is very desirable in the company of a tour operator.

After a few minutes of swimming through the labyrinths of underwater caves, brave tourists who are not afraid of confined spaces will see a wonderful view of a beach lost in the depths of the island.

Its close location to the equator and the sultry Mexican heat attracts an army of divers and romantic tourists to the Hidden Beach. Under the arches of water caves and near the archipelago, you can see rare unique species of corals, swim with schools of frolicking dolphins, meet many schools of various fish, and rare birds.

Panorama of Hidden Beach in Mexico

The islands of Las Marietas in the present territory were created as a result of volcanic processes, but the underwater caves and in particular the Hidden Beach are the work of man.

This magnificence was formed at the beginning of the 20th century, after military tests conducted by the Mexican government.

Having spent a holiday in such a wonderful place, seekers of real natural exoticism will receive a lot of vivid impressions. People who visit the islands of Las Marietas will not remain indifferent to the richness and splendor of nature.



One of the most idyllic places in the world with crystal clean water and a sandy beach formed as a result of a bomb explosion.

Secluded beach on Marieta Islands in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico formed decades ago when the Mexican government used it for target practice in the early 1900s.

The Marieta Islands, which are located a few kilometers off the Mexican coast, used to be a military testing site because they were uninhabited. Even before the First World War, these controlled bombings led to the appearance of many caves and other unique rock formations in the Marieta Islands.

Now a hidden beach, officially named "Playa De Amor" (" Beach of Love") became world famous thanks to social networks.

The islands themselves were formed thousands of years ago as a result of volcanic activity. The Hidden Beach was the result of all these factors, combined with erosion of the surrounding rocks caused by local weather conditions.

Hidden beach in Mexico (photos and videos)

To get to the secluded beach, tourists need swim through a short tunnel, which opens onto a stunning beach surrounded by wild nature. You can find several tour operators that provide day trips to this natural wonder.

The islands are located approximately one hour by boat from the coast of Puerto Vallarta and are visited by hundreds of tourists every day, although by law no one can set foot on their territory.

The archipelago was proclaimed National Park Parque Nacional Islas Marietas in 2005 to protect it from fishing, hunting and other human activities. The only activities allowed near the islands are snorkeling and kayaking. Tourists can admire amazing marine animals here, including humpback whales, dolphins and manta rays.

Unusual beach in Mexico

How to get there?

There are direct flights from almost all major cities to Puerto Vallarta International airport Puerto Vallarta named after Gustavo Diaz Ordaz. You can get to the hidden beach in the Marieta Islands by booking a boat in advance or on site with the residents.

Best time to visit

The weather in Puerto Vallarta remains virtually unchanged throughout the year. However, after winter rains, the water on the beach becomes especially clear.

Best beaches in Mexico

1. Tulum (Tulum)

One of the most popular swimming spots in Mexico is located on sandy beaches in the city of Tulum, where it is located ancient temple Mayan.

2. Puerto Vallarta (Puerto Vallarta)

Despite its popularity, Puerto Vallarta retains its small-town charm.

3. Playa del Carmen (Playa del Carmen)

The beaches of Playa del Carmen are among the most popular on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico.

credit: Beautifulplaces

Playa del Amor (Playa del Amor), better known as Hidden Beach, is a unique feature of one of the Marieta Islands, located at the mouth of Banderas Bay west of Puerto Vallarta in Mexico. This is something incredible, similar to an alien terrain from a science-fiction film: oval in shape with the blue waters of the Pacific Ocean falling inside it. The Marieta Islands are an archipelago, a chain of land formations formed by underwater volcanic eruptions. They are considered a natural wonder in their own right, but the picturesque Hidden Beach of Playa del Amor is their crown jewel, attracting crowds of tourists.

How the hidden beach of Playa del Amor was formed

Interesting fact: there are rumors that the hole in the ground that created the Hidden Beach did not appear naturally, but as a result of deliberate explosions carried out by man. The Marieta Islands have always been completely uninhabited, making them ideal targets for military testing by the Mexican government. Since the early 1900s, weapons have been continually tested on these islands, at a safe distance from Mexican citizens. But, as we see, military tests were not as safe for preserving the topography of the islands. The testing of powerful bombs was the main reason for the formation of many caves on the islands, including the Hidden Beach of Playa del Amor.

credit: Buzzfeed

In the 1960s, renowned ocean scientist Jacques Cousteau led protests against harmful human activities on the Marieta Islands. Therefore, in 2005, these picturesque islands at the mouth of Banderas Bay were finally recognized as the Parque Nacional Islas Marietas National Park, which naturally contributed to the development of tourism in the area. People come there to swim, sunbathe, kayaking or other forms of active rest. Extensive military testing over the decades has caused significant damage to the flora and fauna on the islands, but after many "peaceful" years, marine life on the Marieta Islands has rebounded.

credit: Beautifulplaces

Almost invisible from the outside, but clearly visible from the air. It is impossible to get to it from the surface of the island without special equipment, but at the same time it is perfectly accessible through a long tunnel through the water, which connects Pacific Ocean. The height of the tunnel above the water level is approximately 1.8 meters. So visitors can reach the beach by swimming or by boat. The Marieta Islands remain uninhabited but are frequently visited by tourists who come to enjoy the diversity of the marine wildlife and sunbathe on the unique, hidden beach of Playa del Amor.

credit: Tourism-spot
credit: Travelandleisure