The main attractions of London: photos with names and descriptions. The main attractions of London The most famous attractions and museums of London

London, despite its calmness and measured way of life, attracts the attention of not only tourists, but also migrants from Europe. The UK's population is only 44% indigenous, but the rest are attracted here by the romantic rainy weather, beautiful architecture, Michelin-starred restaurants and world-famous fashion stores.

If you want to hear correct and beautiful English speech, be inspired by the history of England and see the sights of London with your own eyes, this city will best convey to you the noble and sophisticated atmosphere of this amazing country.

Historical landmarks of London

Big Ben is a clock tower that appeared in London, a city whose residents value punctuality so much. Built back in 1288, the building is famous for its hundred-meter height and amazing accuracy in transmitting time - the error does not exceed more than two seconds per day.

Interestingly, the caretaker, whose clock was one second late one day, was about to be fired. Big Ben is a symbol of England; it is against its backdrop that TV reporters begin broadcasting news programs and meet people to the sound of its ringing. New Year in London.

We invite you to get acquainted with the sights of the whole UK. It will be exciting!

The British initially considered the Tower Bridge ridiculous and ugly, but now it is impossible to imagine England without this landmark of London, which is rightly considered the main decoration of the city. The architect, inspired by the Gothic culture of the Victorian era, began its construction back in 1886.

It received this name due to the fact that it has a similar design to the Tower of London, which is located nearby. 8 years after the start of construction, the Prince of Wales himself and his wife attended its opening ceremony.

The Tower of London was built as a castle for King William, but during the reign of the Tudor dynasty it became a prison for the two wives of King Henry VIII, and subsequently became a prison for other prisoners. The Tower also acquired a sad reputation due to the 22 executions that took place here, according to official sources.

At one time, this building functioned as a mint and a royal menagerie. It now houses an armory and seventeenth-century royal jewellery, including crowns and sceptres. And the black crows flying here are to this day considered the guardians of the mysterious, and in the dark, even ominous tower.

Westminster Abbey is of great historical value for tourists and residents of the city - the coronation of all the rulers of England took place in this monastery. Now the abbey serves as a tomb for many famous personalities - Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, David Livingstone and other prominent people. A curious feature of this place is also the casts made of the faces of the royal families of all generations.

Palace of Westminster– the castle, whose history dates back to 1042, has always served as a home for royal families. It has only been possible to visit this building since 2004, so if you want to visit its oldest parts, it is better to do it at the end of August, since the British Parliament sits there throughout the year. Ceremonies are held here, at which Queen Elizabeth II herself is present.

Buckingham Palace currently serves as the residence of the Queen of Great Britain, Elizabeth II, and in the 18th century it was built for the Duke of Buckingham, who was later bought from him by the King of England, George III, and settled there with his family.

But it was Queen Victoria who contributed more to the decoration of this palace than anyone else, making it glorified and making it another must-see attraction in London. More than 800 apartments, luxurious gardens, restaurants, police and hospitals turned the palace into almost an entire city for royalty.

Kensington Palace was built back in 1605 by the Earl of Nottingham. The palace was the birthplace of Queen Victoria and later became the home of Princess Diana and Prince Charles. Many parts of it can be visited - the reception hall, the apartments of Queen Mary II, the royal dressing room of the youngest daughter of Charles I, the famous 18th century fashionista Anne Stuart, and the beautiful gardens near the palace.

St. Paul's Cathedral is one of the most tall buildings world, whose dome is 118 meters high. It is now the residence of the Bishop of London. Life story cathedral dates back to the 18th century, when it had to be reconstructed after being bombed during World War II. It is also famous for the burial within its walls of the greatest people of British history - Churchill, Fleming, Nelson and others.

The British Museum of Human History and Culture was founded back in 1753 and contains more than 50 thousand paintings, sculptures and other objects of art, testifying to the development of England since the era of Ancient Egypt. The museum has more than 100 exhibition halls, and its visitors cannot but rejoice - museums in London are free, so you can safely set aside a few days to study the exhibits.

Hampton Court is a palace donated to King Henry VIII in 1529, the interior of which was commissioned by the monarch himself. The building later served as the residence of King William III, and now houses the Royal Chapel, where services are held. There are many mystical stories about this London landmark and there is even a book about the ghosts of Hampton Court.

It is believed that the spirits of wives who did not die a natural death still roam the castle, but the most sinister remains King Henry III, who appears only during a thunderstorm. Children will be interested in a labyrinth of bushes almost two meters high and costumed performances.

No one will argue that London is one of the most popular places on the map among tourists; almost every traveler wants to visit this rainy and perhaps a little gloomy, but such an attractive city with a magical atmosphere. This is the capital of dreams, memorable at first glance for its unique character and color expressed in every detail.

The banks of the Thames amaze with the number of interesting sights, because to form even a superficial opinion about this wonderful metropolis, you will need to spend at least a week here.

Moreover, unlike some other cities that are invariably included in the list of must-see places in the world, London does not have a clearly defined center that would unite the main attractions on its territory. Here famous places scattered across various areas.

Add to list worth a visit places in the English capital include not only museums, castles and other historical buildings, but also rich nature, picturesque parks, as well as modern buildings, for example, skyscrapers, striking in their originality and impressiveness.

Let's take a closer look at the objects that no self-respecting guest from another state should pass by.

One of the first historical buildings that you definitely can’t ignore is Big Ben. There is probably not a traveler who has not seen the world’s most famous watches on postcards or stationery.

The construction of the tower took place under Queen Victoria in the mid-19th century, and its height reaches 97 meters. Since then, the clock has never tired of faithfully counting time, serving as a guide for all residents of London.

It should be mentioned that there is a widespread misconception regarding the name of the building. “Big Ben” is not the name of the legendary clock tower or the clock itself, it is the most impressive bell in size located in the tower.

This giant differs from its five brothers in its amazing weight - 13.5 tons. But due to the simplicity of the name, its easy perception, both visitors and local residents The name “Big Ben” is often applied to both the clock and the tower as a whole.

The official and correct name of the main symbol of the English capital is the Elizabeth Tower. This honorary name was assigned only in 2012, and the occasion was the 60th anniversary of the queen’s reign. Until then, the tower was given the name St. Stephen's Tower.

Let us turn to the milestones of the existence of the historical site: previously, this building served as a prison intended for political prisoners - parliamentarians, whose opinions contradicted the views of the authorities. However, in fact, the tower practically did not fulfill its functions; in its entire history, only one prisoner was imprisoned within these walls.

The tower invariably finds its place in popular culture. In 2012, the chimes signaled the opening of the Olympics, and in the most famous films and even cartoons the tower becomes the star of close-ups - “Flood”, “Mars Attacks” and other Hollywood masterpieces.

And a number of cartoons even contain scenes in which Big Ben becomes the setting - “101 Dalmatians” or “Peter Pan”.

As you know, Big Ben is an integral part, one of the towers of the grandiose Palace of Westminster, which is another important attraction. The history of the palace is full of tragedies - until the 14th century it was assigned the role of a royal residence, but fate had a surprise in store for it.

In 1834, a terrible fire broke out, causing the loss of most of the structure. There are also a few surviving fragments of the palace - Westminster Hall, where lavish receptions were held, and the Tower of Jewels.

It was only in the mid-19th century that a new palace building was built to replace the burnt apartments. Parliament meetings are held here today. The style in which it was built modern palace, can be defined as neo-Gothic.

The impressive characteristics that distinguish the majestic structure are that the total length of its corridors is about five kilometers, and the number of rooms almost reaches 1200.

Westminster Hall requires special attention, since it is not just one of the halls, but a most valuable monument of the Middle Ages, which preserved the spirit of those years and survived the fire.

The hall was created in the 11th century and was distinguished by its luxury, and the original project was reconstructed 300 years later: the walls were lined with stone, and wooden ceilings were added. It must be said that not only did this hall go through a monstrous fire, but also through the German bombings in 1941, because the neighboring hall was completely destroyed by them.

The dimensions of Westminster Hall are awe-inspiring - the ceiling height is 28 meters, and total area about 1800 sq.m. Not always, however, exclusively ceremonial receptions took place here; this room served as a courtroom until the end of the 19th century - it was here that the Supreme Court of the state handed down the death sentence to a number of famous personalities, including, for example, the thinker Thomas More .

The next point on the itinerary of an inquisitive tourist is Westminster Abbey, which can be found to the west of the Palace of Westminster. Another, less popular, name for the building is the Church of St. Peter.

The duration of the construction process of this building in the Gothic style is striking - exactly 5 centuries, although there were short breaks. Statues of martyrs adorn the western façade of the majestic church.

Westminster Abbey boasts the constancy of its functions - it is the only place where British monarchs ascend to the throne, as well as the territory of their burial. In addition to royalty, prominent Britons whose activities glorified England also find eternal rest in the abbey.

For example, in the Poets' Corner you can find the burial places of Dickens, Chaucer and other literary geniuses. The graves of such famous scientists as Darwin and Newton are also located here. Great honor to find here last refuge turns out only to outstanding citizens.

Buckingham Palace

You can’t ignore the residence of Elizabeth II - the magnificent Buckingham Palace. It was founded in 1703, and received its name after the surname of the original owner - the Duke of Buckingham.

There are more than 600 rooms inside the palace. The northern part of the castle is occupied by the current queen and her husband. Tourists can instantly determine whether the monarch is present at the residence or has temporarily left it by the British flag, which either flies over the structure or is lowered.

For those who like to watch the changing of the guard of honor, this opportunity is provided daily half an hour before noon on the palace square.

Fortress Tower

The next most important point is the Tower fortress, which plays the role of another main symbol of the capital. The building is ancient, the date of construction is 1078.

Unlike Westminster Abbey, which was permanent in its purpose, the ancient Tower was a fortress, a royal residence, an observatory, a zoo, a mint, and a prison. It was the latter that made it an infamous historical point.

Second World War became the period of the Tower's return to its prison past - Germans taken prisoner were held here, including Rudolf Hess.

Currently, the complex includes several buildings, including the museum of jewelry and the armory, which are the most significant.

The bridge of the same name - Tower Bridge - is located near the fortress. It was in honor of her that he acquired such a name. The bridge was opened in 1894. This is a large-scale steel structure in the Gothic style, spanning the Thames.

The Tower Bridge is a structure of two towers (65 meters each), which are connected by a passage. The wings of the passage can rise up to 83 degrees to allow large ships to pass under the bridge.

An interesting fact is that the bridge is extremely convenient for pedestrians due to special paths that are provided even at the time of its opening.

Using the stairs located in each tower, you can climb to a height of 44 meters and move to the other side of the river, despite the wings being fixed at an angle. The bridge also provides Observation deck, which is located at the top of the bridge. From there, tourists can admire the magical English city.

Trafalgar Square

Let us now turn to the famous squares. Most known to travelers- Trafalgar Square. This attraction is located directly in the center of the capital. You can find the square by the column installed on it, topped with a statue of Admiral Nelson.

The height of the column is 44 meters, and the material for its creation was gray granite. Nowadays, the square becomes home to London's main Christmas tree every year. Read about it here.

Piccadilly Circus

Another ancient square is Piccadilly Circus, its history goes back more than 200 years. Here you can find a famous cafe called “Royal”, which served as a gathering place for creative personalities - artists, poets. The main highlight of the square is the fountain topped with a statue of the Greek god Anteros.

Another interesting detail is the underground theater hall with 600 seats (Criterion Theatre), which has been in operation since 1874. Also, some tourists come here wanting to visit the Cupids of London museum. This is already a modern cultural point, which appeared in 2007.

A fun fact about Piccadilly Circus is that it was one of the first squares to feature the first neon signs, over 100 years ago.

Madame Tussauds museum

Let's move on to museums. London is famous all over the world thanks to its exhibition, which allows you not only to take pictures, but also to touch show business stars, historical figures, royalty - this is Madame Tussauds. This wonderful place is located on Marylebone Road.

The exhibition includes more than four hundred realistic exhibits, including such personalities as Michael Jackson, the Beatles and other people who left their bright mark on history. The craftsmanship with which the figures are made often leaves one speechless, since it is quite difficult to distinguish them from living prototypes.

This seemingly harmless museum also has a corner for those who like to tickle their nerves. This is the Chamber of Horrors - a room where images of British criminals who have committed monstrous deeds over the past 5 centuries are collected.

Sherlock Holmes Museum

It is impossible not to pay attention to this museum on Baker Street. It is clear to everyone that this exhibition is dedicated to the favorite literary hero of the people of England - Sherlock Holmes. The building in which the museum is located was built in 1815. It has four floors, the first of which houses a souvenir shop and a hall.

On the second, tourists can find the detective's room and the living room, and the third is occupied by the chambers of Mrs. Hudson and Dr. Watson. The top floor serves as a platform for wax figures of the main characters of the Holmes works.

The setting was recreated with particular precision - the British paid close attention to detail, placing in the chambers a violin, the detective’s smoking pipe, as well as other things that reflect his hobbies. A tourist can even spend time by the fireplace in Sherlock’s favorite chair, immersing himself in an atmosphere of carelessness and disorder, creating the effect of the owner’s recent presence in the room.

Residential complex One Hyde Park

Finally, let's take a look at the city's modern attractions. Travelers are often attracted to the unattainable and luxurious. One of these places is an elite residential complex located in the Knightsbridge area. Of course, you won’t find any special beauty or historical atmosphere here.

This complex consists of four separate buildings made of reinforced concrete and glass. However, the complex gained worldwide fame due to its cost. The most expensive apartment on the planet is located right here; the owner bought it for $220 million.

Luxurious housing, unfortunately, is the prerogative of only billionaires. A tourist can only walk around the prestigious quarter and take a photo against its background.

Naturally, these are not all the attractions of London, but only the minimum that every tourist must visit. In addition to the above, plan a visit to the National Art Gallery, famous for its collection of works by da Vinci, Monet, Rubens and other world-famous artists.

Take a walk along the Avenue of Stars - an analogue of the Walk of Fame in Hollywood, containing the handprints of famous Englishmen. Lovers of entertainment and shopping should head to the Soho area.

Every day London is visited by many tourists. This is a city with an interesting history. Every traveler dreams of visiting the famous and famous sights of London. Here, anyone will find something to see: historical, architectural, cultural sights and wonders will not leave anyone indifferent.

Buckingham Palace, Tower, Westminster Abbey, Hyde Park, wax museum, ancient buildings and modern buildings attract tourists from all over the world. The sights of London with their grandeur and beauty fascinate, enchant, and make you admire unique monuments, intriguing with numerous legends and interesting stories. This city forever captivates the hearts of tourists who visit it, and therefore they return here again and again to admire its beauty and discover interesting places.

TOP 20 London attractions

London's historical sites belong mainly to the Victorian era. This is the name given to the times when Queen Victoria ruled the country (1837 – 1901). Few earlier buildings have survived, since many buildings were destroyed during the fire of 1666. The surviving main attractions of London are the Tower Fortress, Westminster Abbey, and Banqueting House.

London is enough Old city. It was formed by the ancient Romans in 43 BC. e. and named it Londilium. The city developed and grew rich. He gave the world famous mathematicians, physicists, engineers, and other scientists. The British were ahead of many countries in the world in the development of scientific thought. The first line of the London Underground opened in 1863. This was the first metro in the world. At one of the stations there is still a wooden escalator. The advanced solutions of British engineers in many areas are impressive.

The first thing that catches your eye is double-decker buses and red telephone booths, lots of cyclists. And road traffic lives by its own rules, different from our world. Pleasantly impressive a large number of gardens and parks. Many museums and galleries open their doors completely free of charge.

Cricket and horse polo, golf, boxing are the most popular entertainments of the British. And the rowing regatta on the Thames is my favorite sport.

London is full of beer pubs and cozy cafes. People here traditionally eat oatmeal in the morning and love pudding and oven-baked meat.

The modern city seems to be living in a real fairy tale. It’s hard to imagine it without Buckingham Palace, Queen Elizabeth, princes, and princesses. Whole crowds gather to watch the ceremony of changing the guard of the court guards. It's hard to imagine London without Shakespeare, Sherlock Holmes and Baker Street. London is Westminster Abbey, the Tower, which remembers the history of the city in the smallest detail. London is home to everyone's favorite Beatles, Deep Purple, Sting.

Sights of London - PHOTO

The 900-year-old fortress remembers almost the entire history of England. At various times it had to be the residence of kings, a prison, and a zoo. On its territory there was a mint and a treasury. Now it is a unique museum complex. In addition to medieval architecture and interiors, ancient traditions and ceremonies have been preserved here; old legends and prophecies are still revered. And the court ravens, which have become a symbol of the castle, have received official permission since the reign of Charles II. They also say that in the halls of the castle you can meet the ghost of Anne Boleyn, or some other monarch who was beheaded in the Tower.

Nearest hotels: Tower of London

St. Peter's Church in Westminster and St. Margaret's Church are strictly Gothic in style. It took several centuries for the masterpiece of architectural thought to become what it is now. Thin, graceful towers, rushing upward, amaze with their elegance and simultaneous severity. The internal lace vaults make you forget that they are made of stone and by human hands. The abbey has beautiful stained glass windows, many sculptures, jewelry, unique tapestries, works of art, and a working organ. The main Anglican church is closely associated with the royal court. Almost all coronations of English monarchs took place here, starting from 1066. The Abbey preserves the history of all of England; the flower of the English nation is buried here - from kings to scientists and poets.

Nearest hotels:

In the halls of the museum you can easily see a cat in uniform - this is a museum employee and the keeper of rarities, of which there are countless numbers. To see all the exhibitions you need to spend 3-4 days; its area is 6 hectares. The museum has a lot to be proud of. The richest collection of Egyptian antiquities is located in London. The gallery stretches almost 92 m. Here you can see the Rosetta Stone, thanks to which it was possible to read ancient writings, a huge number of household items, luxury items, and a collection of mummies. Quite widely represented ancient history Greece, Rome, a large collection of art objects from Africa and Asia.

Hotels near the British Museum

In August and September Royal Palace is open to tourists, and being a “guest” of the crowned lady is an unforgettable personal holiday. The fairy tale begins with the royal gates and the guard ceremony. The halls of the palace invite you to view the queen’s personal collection, including works by Rembrandt, Van Dyck, Michelangelo, Vermeer, a collection of porcelain, and antique furniture. There are 775 rooms in total. A tour of the royal stables costs £8, where you can see the golden carriage, the transparent wedding carriage and, if you're lucky, the royal horses.

Hotels and inns:

The Ferris wheel on the banks of the Thames is capable of lifting 800 people at a time to a height of 135 meters. It was dubbed the London Eye because from here the entire city is at a glance, and can be seen for 40 km around. Each capsule weighs 10 tons and is equipped with a seat and a 4D cinema. The creators equipped the wheel with unique lighting, and in the dark the light show will bring many pleasant moments.

Hotels near the Ferris wheel

The Big Ben clock tower has become not only a symbol of London, but of the whole of Great Britain. It was built in 1859. The large bell behind the Big Ben clock gave the tower its name. However, in 2012 it was decided to rename the building in honor of Queen Elizabeth. The Clock Tower boasts the world's largest four-sided striking clock. Inside, at a height of 55 m, there is a complex clock mechanism. Masters constantly monitor not only the gears - temperature, air pressure - everything is important when it comes to the accuracy of the mechanism. Sometimes a coin is placed on the pendulum to adjust the time and restore deviations.

Nearest hotels: Big Ben

The bridge was put into operation in 1894. Prince Edward of Wales and his wife attended the opening ceremony. An advanced development for that time made it possible to raise the bridge in just 1 minute. In addition to stairs, elevators were installed inside the towers. This made it possible for residents to cross the Thames even while ships were passing. Currently, in the bridge's galleries there are exhibitions dedicated to the history of the bridge; in the towers you can explore the Victorian rooms, go down to the engine room of the bridge and look at the lifting mechanisms. Tower Bridge itself is an excellent viewing platform. From here you can take great shots. It is very beautiful at night with garlands of lighting.

Hotels near Tower Bridge

Hyde Park has become famous as a venue for political rallies and protests. The so-called Speakers' Corner officially exists here. Anyone can try themselves as a tribune, defending the most unusual ideas. Parades and processions and city festivals are held in the park. On the territory of the park there is an artificial lake in the shape of a snake - the Serpentine, a gallery of modern art. There are trails for horse riding. Sometimes an unusual cemetery is opened for tourists, where pets are buried.

Hotels near

In the center of the square stands a 40 m long column of General Nelson. Cast lions stand around her and fountains gush out. There are 4 pedestals on the sides of the square. Three have statues of great men of England. The fourth pedestal was first used only in 2005. On New Year's Eve, the country's main Christmas tree is installed here, which is always sent as a token of gratitude by the Norwegians for their help during World War II. Until recently, Trafalgar Square could be called Pigeon Square. There were up to 35 thousand birds here at the same time. Due to the fact that cleaning the area became a big problem, the city authorities officially banned feeding and grooming animals.

Hotels and inns near Trafalgar Square

10. St. Paul's Cathedral

Under the dome of this cathedral there are three unusual galleries - stone, golden and the gallery of whispers. The latter is so named because of its acoustic effects. The dome itself repeats the top of St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome and is a unique landmark of London. There are 17 bells in the church bell tower. Brass music concerts often take place here. The interior decoration of the cathedral was transformed in 1860. The parishioners established a special fund for the needs of the cathedral. Today, the interiors of the church impress with mosaic masterpieces, openwork grilles, and sculptures. Princess Diana and Prince Charles were married here.

Nearest hotels: St. Pauls Cathedral

London is considered one of the most interesting European cities, which is visited by about 10 million tourists per year, which approximately corresponds to its population.


Guests of London are attracted by its centuries-old history and traditions, the architectural appearance and unique flavor of the city, cultural events and modern entertainment, which it offers in abundance and wide variety.

Ferris Wheel - London Eye

The capital of Foggy Albion is famous for its architectural ensembles and historical monuments, theaters and art galleries, world-class museums and vast parks. Here, each of you can find something for yourself that will be imprinted in your memory for the rest of your life and will constantly encourage you to return here at least once again.

London - briefly about the main thing

The largest metropolis of the British Isles, which is the capital of England and the entire United Kingdom of Great Britain and the North. Ireland (usually shortened to the United Kingdom in English), is located in the southeast of Great Britain at the mouth of the River Thames. Founded by the Romans back in 43.

Its modern name goes back to the word “Londinium” (that’s what the Romans called the city), the origin of which is not precisely established and has many different versions, the most popular of which are the following: from lat. sl. Lond (wild place), from the Celtic Llyndid (Llyn - lake, Dun - fortification) or from Londo (cruel, frantic). Many versions, however, agree that the name dates back to the pre-Roman period and was borrowed by the Romans from the local population.

Southwark Cathedral

As you can see, the history of London goes back almost 2 thousand years. During this time period, it visited the capital of Britain, England, Great Britain, the British Empire, and was for about a century largest city world, survived many fires, epidemics, the Great Depression, the bombing of the 1st and 2nd World Wars, the Great Smog, and numerous ups and downs in economic and cultural terms. And here very special traditions and atmosphere have developed, which are now its most important distinguishing feature.

Today it is the main political, cultural and business center of Great Britain, in which the authorities and justice are concentrated, there are many churches, museums, theaters, galleries, etc. The city's economy accounts for about a quarter of the country's economy. London is considered one of the world's financial centers, it is one of the most important centers of international business life and an important international air transport hub.

Geographically, the city consists of 33 districts - the City, which is its business center, and another 32 administrative districts. Until 1889, only the City area was officially considered London, the outer boundaries of which had remained virtually unchanged since Roman times. Now London includes all 33 districts, further divided into Inner London (City plus 13 boroughs) and Outer London (the remaining 19).

Globus theatre

London - the capital of museums, theaters and fashion

Despite the fact that London is about 2 millennia old, not much evidence of such a venerable age has been preserved in its architecture: the city is practically devoid of ancient and medieval buildings, palaces and castles of the Renaissance. There are very few buildings built more than 4 centuries ago in the capital. And yet in London, in all its appearance, style and rhythm of life, you can feel its centuries-old history, commitment to tradition and national flavor more acutely than in any other metropolis in the world. All this makes it a desirable destination for travelers from different countries, who come to see and visit museums, palaces, parks, squares, theaters and many other beautiful and interesting places in the British capital with their own eyes.

Sights and architectural monuments

  • Most of London's listed buildings are located in Westminster. Tower, architectural ensemble Greenwich, Westminster Abbey, St. Margaret's Church, Palace of Westminster, Royal botanical gardens Kew Gardens is classified as a property World Heritage and included in the UNESCO special list. In addition to them, in London we definitely recommend seeing Big Ben, Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, Parliament, Windsor Castle, St. Paul's Cathedral, the Churches of St. Martin and St. Margaret, the Millennium Dome, and the Gherkin skyscraper.

Tower Bridge

  • There are hundreds of museums and galleries in the capital of Foggy Albion - in London there are more than 300 interesting places with contents that suit a wide variety of tastes and interests. You can visit the British Museum, which is the most significant repository of archaeological finds; The Victoria and Albert Museum, which houses the largest collection of works of decorative and applied art; The National Gallery with one of the world's finest collections of paintings. As well as the Museum of the Moving Image (film and television museum), Madame Tussauds (wax museum), Natural Science Museum, Transport Museum, Sherlock Holmes Museum, Fire Museum or any other London museum, based on your own interests. In August and September, a significant part of the premises in Buckingham Palace is opened to visitors, and excursions around the buildings of Parliament and the Tower are constantly held.
  • London theatres. This is a haven for theatergoers and a holiday for their sensitive souls: the Main Royal Theater Covent Garden, Her Majesty's Theatre, National Theater in South Bank, Globe, English National Opera, Albert Hall, Coliseum, etc. Mainly in the West End There are theaters famous for their musicals.

Tower of London

  • Views of London and the most attractive places for walking. You can get aesthetic pleasure without visiting museums, theaters or galleries, just walking around the city and enjoying the views. London has a great many beautiful and world-famous streets, boulevards and squares. Visit Trafalgar Square, stroll along Piccadilly Circus, stop by Baker Street to visit Sherlock Holmes, browse the shops of Oxford Street, Bond Street or Knightsbridge, see Abbey Road, where the recording studios where Pink Floyd recorded are located, The Beatles and other legendary groups and performers.

If you love spending time outdoors, spend it in one of London's parks. The most famous and attractive of them are Lee Valley, Hyde Park, Green Park, St. James's, Greenwich Park, Regent's Park, Bushy Park, Richmond Park. In the western part of the capital are the extensive Kew Botanic Gardens. London Zoo and London Aquarium are of great interest to travelers.. It’s also interesting to stroll through the film studio pavilions. Warner Brothers, where you can, for example, see the scenery for the Harry Potter films.

To see London from different angles, take a ride on the London Eye and then take a stroll through the London Dungeons. This way you can get the most complete and varied impressions.

National Gallery

  • One of the first associations that come to mind in connection with London for most people on the planet is London's rainy weather, smog and fog. Indeed, precipitation in this city is a common occurrence at any time of the year, and rain is the most frequent guest. This is greatly facilitated by the temperate maritime climate of London and quite moderate temperature changes (in summer - 14-23 degrees, in winter - average temperature is 4 degrees and does not fall below zero very often). Even winters here are usually damp and foggy. As for smog, in recent decades, thanks to the Clean Air Act adopted in the mid-20th century, the British capital has seen a very significant decrease in air pollution.
  • London's public transport consists of bright red double-decker buses, which look very colorful on streets with old buildings of past centuries. And, of course, memorable black taxis - cabs. London public transport(trams, buses) operate around the clock, plus in addition to the round-the-clock bus routes there are also night (extra) ones, which repeat the routes of different metro lines (it is closed at night).

St Paul's Cathedral

  • London ceremonies. The most popular London ceremony among travelers is the mesmerizing spectacle of the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. It is carried out exactly at 11.30 in the morning, from April to August - every day, the rest of the year - every other day. Also, every day, in the evening, at 21.50 you can observe the ritual of closing the Tower, called the Ceremony of the Keys. When you come to London in September, you can catch the Thames Festival, which includes a carnival, torchlight and costume processions, exhibitions, concerts, street theater performances, a gastronomic festival, fairs, acrobatic shows, fireworks, dancing, etc. The spectacle is simply enchanting.
  • Shopping in London. Since the 19th century, this city has become one of several centers of world fashion, and unlike other fashion capitals, it became famous not for women's fashion, but for men's fashion. Brands such as Burberry, Paul Smith, Ben Sherman, Fred Perry and others have gained a high reputation and popularity throughout the world, annually attracting fashion lovers here for expensive, high-quality shopping or seasonal sales in outlets.

Buckingham Palace

  • Pubs and restaurants. In terms of culinary delights, London has become famous for its cosmopolitanism: cuisine can be chosen to suit every taste (English, Eastern European, Indian, Chinese, Bangladeshi, Italian, French, Japanese, Middle Eastern, Caribbean, Russian, etc.), the culinary geography continues to expand. Prices are suitable for any budget: the most expensive restaurants are concentrated in Westminster, the most affordable and affordable are in Soho. There are quite a lot of vegetarian restaurants in London (some vegetarian dishes will be offered in any regular establishment). And, of course, let’s not forget about the famous London pubs, where many residents and guests of the city like to drink a pint or two of ale (beer) in the evening - it’s for them that lovers of this foamy drink come here from various countries.

Palace of Westminster

It is almost impossible to describe (or even just give a general idea) about all the sights and features of London in one material, as well as to visit them (learn, see) within the framework of one, even the longest and most intense tour.

Sights of London

British museum