Interesting places in Hua Hin. What to see in Hua Hin - attractions and excursions

Hua Hin, a small provincial town located on west coast Gulf of Thailand two hundred kilometers south of, it fits the definition "Potemkin Village". The fact is that it was chosen as the summer residence of the royal family. Therefore, an exemplary Siamese province is cultivated in it - the way the king himself would like to see it. Many Hua Hin attractions created specifically for tourists. For example, . However, excursions to the sights of Hua Hin are quite an interesting and educational way to spend time.

Train Station

This landmark of Hua Hin is protocol, and for Thais it is sacred, almost sacred. Like everything connected with the name of the deceased king. Built in 1911, it became a symbol of the fact that the monarch honored the city with his attention and chose it as his residence, after which it flourished and turned into a resort. Now it carefully preserves the waiting room, specially built in 1920 for the king and members of his family. And this despite the fact that the crowned persons in last years do not seek to travel by rail. All official guides to Thailand state that this is the most beautiful railway platform in the country. Read more about and how to travel between some provinces.

Cicada Market

If you have no idea at all, what to see in Hua Hin On a weekend evening, head to the Cicada Market located on Khao Takiab Street in the southern part of the city. This is its main party place, where not only tourists gather, but also local residents. Artists open galleries there under open air, there are theatrical shows and live music. There are souvenir shops where you can buy crafts inspired by the hand of a master, and not standard consumer goods. There you can go shopping and alternate it with relaxation to the music of local bards. The interesting thing is that various snacks are sold there not for cash, but with coupons for which you exchange baht at the entrance. All sorts of European, Thai or Chinese cuisine You can try it by sitting at a free table.

Night Market

Another one attraction in Hua Hin which is visited after sunset. The market on Soi 72 starts at 17:00. In general, for Thailand, the revival of life after the heat of the day subsides is quite common. There are such night fairs and food courts on other streets. The range of goods is quite standard: souvenirs, clothes, shoes... There are cafes and shops next to the shopping arcades. Many dishes, including seafood and huge, two-kilogram lobsters, are cooked in front of customers using an open fire. You definitely need to know in order to save a few extra baht.

Wat Ampharam Temple

The Wat Ampharam temple, which, excuse the pun, has nothing remarkable. There are more beautiful places of worship in Thailand. Again, it's all about proximity. royal family. This is a functioning complex consisting of a monastery, a temple and a columbarium.

Monkey Mountain - Khao Takiab

Khao Takiab is a mountain, the visual dominant of the city, which gives its name to the street and the whole area. Its height is 272 meters. Don't expect to see "herds" there. Several elderly monkeys live out their lives on its top, where there is also a temple Wat Khao Lat, whose architecture combines Chinese and Siamese styles. On the half-mountain, facing the city, stands a 20-meter tall Buddha statue. There are several viewing platforms.

Sam Roi Yot National Park

This attraction of Hua Hin is the largest, because its area is 98 square meters. kilometers. It would be more correct to call it “The Kingdom of Siam in Miniature”. The natural landscape, where there are mountains, beaches, and virgin tropical forests full of strange animals, is decorated with temples. The park was created in 1966. It is worth setting aside two or three days to visit it, and traveling around the territory in a rented car.

Pala-U Waterfall

Sixty kilometers west of Hua Hin, almost on the border with Myanmar, is Kaeng Krachan National Park. Its decoration is the Palau Falls (Pa La-U, Pala-U), the highest in Thailand. It consists of sixteen steps. If you manage to climb to its top, you will enjoy views of Central Thailand and neighboring Myanmar. The border jungle is almost untouched and full of exotic animals. On the road from Hua Hin to the waterfall you can meet people walking freely.

Shopping complex Venezia

The Venice shopping and entertainment complex is located twenty kilometers north of Hua Hin, on the road to Bangkok. Something similar, but in French style in Pattaya (). Two Italian-style streets, a canal along which visitors are taken on gondola rides. There are several shops and a restaurant. There is an interactive zoo (exclusively sheep). The exhibition of 3D paintings is very interesting. You can “embed” into each of them and take an original photo as a keepsake.

Baan Silapin - artists' village

Baan Silapin Artist Village is sure to please fans visual arts. It is located four kilometers west of the city center, in a shady grove. This artistic village was founded in 1989 by artist Tawee Kesa-ngam, who left bustling Bangkok for inspiration. The community of free artists organized around him is close in lifestyle and worldview to the hippie subculture. You can chat with masters working in different genres, and also buy unique works in your own way. For example, wooden etchings of Buddha, terracotta figurines, landscapes.

Temple complex Wat Huay Mongkol

A real Buddhist shrine, to which people come from all over the world to pay their respects. Its spiritual center is a huge statue of the monk Luang Phor Tuad, revered in Thailand and beyond. Because of the color, the sculpture is called “Black Monk”. The complex is surrounded by a park with traditional Thai canals, bridges and goldfish ponds. Physical hunger can be satisfied in a cafe, where the food is quite tasty.


Hua Hin Hills Vineyard grape plantations are located thirty kilometers west of the city. They are included in the list of official excursions to the sights of Hua Hin. From half past eight in the morning until half past seven in the evening you can walk there and even taste the growing grapes. Juice or wine is sold at a restaurant nearby. Among other things, this place is also a wonderful observation deck.

Royal Palace

Mrigadayavan Palace – Hua Hin landmark, to which this city owes its actual birth. Built in 1923, it transformed a fishing village into a royal resort. The residence of Rama IV is a must-see destination. Entrance to it is paid, but this is not all the conditions for visitors. They must take off their shoes and behave as befits a royal audience.

Temple ship Wat Ta Nod Luang

Buddhism is a religion that is tolerant of almost everything. Therefore, among religious buildings you can find very. For example, Wat Ta Nod Luang is a temple ship located near the village of Bang Kao, a few kilometers from the coast. Its appearance combines traditional Buddhist attributes and elements of ship equipment. The elephant, ubiquitous in temples in Thailand, holds a steering wheel on its head, and the central panel of the temple depicts scenes of a shipwreck. Its roof is decorated with thousands of small bells that ring in the wind. The temple was built recently, mainly to attract tourists. However, nearby is a truly ancient monastery, which contains a sculpture of the revered monk Luang Phor Thong Suk.

Turtle Temple Wat Khao Tao

Fifteen kilometers south of Hua Hin there is a very beautiful beach Sai Noi. It is also notable for the fact that Wat Khao Tao, the Turtle Temple, was built nearby. It can be considered a Buddhist park, since the landscape is decorated with man-made caves, picturesque paths, ladders, and unusually shaped stones. Like a cherry on the cake, all this romantic splendor is crowned by the temple. You can perform a ritual to attract good luck in it. As a thank you, leave an offering of 100 baht.

Khao Luang Cave Temple

The cave temple is a must-visit landmark of Hua Hin, despite its considerable remoteness. It is located near the city of Phetchaburi, a walk through the streets of which will be a good addition to the excursion.

Kaeng Krachan National Park

The national park is the largest in Thailand. Located on the border with Myanmar. Closest to it settlements– these are the cities of Hua Hin, Phetchaburi, Cha-Am. An array of almost untouched mountain tropical forest, replete with exotic animals and plants. Numerous rivers, waterfalls, and caves add to its picturesqueness. There is a hot spring. It is located sixty kilometers west of Hua Hin. The road itself can be an unforgettable adventure. There you can meet wild elephants.

Hin Lek Fai Viewpoint

Rather, it is a whole complex of observation platforms located on the slope of the Khao Hin Lek Fai mountain, 162 meters high. Six places with stunning views of the outskirts of Hua Hin and the coast of the Gulf of Thailand are connected by picturesque paths and bridges. There is a park around them where orchids and other exotic plants grow.

mangrove forest

An attraction in Hua Hin, which is part of the larger Forest Park, where you can stroll through the very common South-East Asia landscape - mangrove forest. Tourists walk along suspended bridges that are closed to each other. It is impossible to get lost there; at every turn there is a map of the park and an exit sign. The main feature of the place is the hordes of mangrove crabs swarming among clusters of aerial roots. The coastal part of Forest Park is interesting to visit not because there are many wonders there, but because of the opportunity for relaxation. There are benches and tables under the canopy of trees. Before entering the park there is sand beach Pran Kiri is a wild, unequipped coastline.

Black woman

Near the town of Cha-Am there is Pak Tien Beach. It is famous for its statue, which has no official name, and therefore simply called “Black Woman”. It depicts a female sea demon who extends her hand towards a young Siamese prince sitting on a small island. At low tide you can reach the woman itself, which is six meters high. Due to constant contact with the sea elements, the Cyclopean structure is gradually destroyed.

About 60 kilometers from Hua Hin is the largest national park in Thailand - Kaeng Krachan. It is located near the border with Myanmar. Tourists are attracted by the almost untouched mountain a tropical forest with a large number of exotic plants and animals. Numerous waterfalls, caves, and rivers add to the popularity of this place. The road to this park itself is also of great interest; on the way you can easily meet wild elephants, therefore, for safety reasons, tourists are advised to go there not on their own, but with guides. The real decoration of this park is considered to be the highest Palau waterfall in Thailand. This is a sixteen-step waterfall and if you climb to the top, you can enjoy beautiful views of Central Thailand and neighboring Myanmar.

You can go to such an interesting place as the artists' village Baan Silapin. Fans of such art will have something to see, especially since getting to this village is not difficult; it is located just four kilometers from the city. The village was founded in 1989 and tourists can not only purchase various paintings, but also communicate with local artists.

Not far from the village of Bang Kao is located most interesting temple Wat Ta Nod Luang. This is not just a temple, but a temple-ship, which is located near the shore and whose architecture combines traditional Buddhist elements and elements of shipbuilding. In this temple, the central panel depicts scenes of a shipwreck, and an elephant holds a steering wheel on its head (a very unusual combination). The temple roof is decorated with numerous bells that produce characteristic ringing sounds when the wind gusts. The temple was built not so long ago and primarily it is aimed not at local believers, but at tourists.

Among the attractions located in the vicinity of Hua Hin are Sai Noi Beach located 15 kilometers from the city and the Turtle Temple located next to it. You can relax comfortably on the beach, and order a ritual to attract good luck directly in the temple, and this pleasure costs only a few dollars.

You can go to the mangrove forest, which is part of big park Forest Park, where you can take a walk and enjoy beautiful nature and at the same time absolutely not worry about your health. For park visitors there are special suspension bridges, which are closed to each other. It is simply impossible to get lost in this park, as there are exit signs and a map of the park everywhere. The highlight of this place is the large colonies of mangrove crabs. Not far from the entrance to the park there is a wild, unequipped beach.

Not far from Hua Hin is the Wat Huay Mongkol temple, which is visited daily by believers from all over Thailand and other countries. The peculiarity of the temple is that its main statue is not a statue of Buddha, but a statue of a famous local monk who lived about 400 years ago and is one of the most revered monks not only in Thailand, but also in neighboring countries. In the evening, this statue is illuminated, so you can visit the temple not only during the day, but also after 18:00. The Thais are sure that amulets with the image of this saint protect a person from various accidents, catastrophes and other troubles (you can buy such amulets near the entrance to the temple).

It was devoted to a description of the Hua Hin resort in Thailand and its beaches, as well as practical issues: how to get there and where to choose accommodation. Now let's see what you can do there, besides beach holiday.

The attractions of Hua Hin are few in number, but they are there, and even very worthy ones.

These are, first of all, the Royal Railway Station of the early 20th century, several temple complexes, Khao Takiap Monkey Mountain and Phraya Nakhon Cave.

The Hua Hin railway station complex consists of several wooden buildings, 2 vintage carriages and a steam locomotive. The buildings are made in Thai style, brightly painted, there are fountains and flower beds near them.

Children will also be interested in the fire station located nearby. And what a show plays out when the train arrives at the station: elderly Europeans are bustling around with huge suitcases, attendants in uniform are running around. Then one of them strikes a small bell, and the train starts moving. I remember Chekhov's stories from dacha life.

The entire visit to the station with inspection of the interior and seeing off the train will take about two hours. There is a large one nearby food market. And if you walk a few hundred meters, you can get to a good beach.

By the way, you can arrive from Bangkok by train. True, the train from Bangkok to Hua Hin takes 5 hours, and the bus takes 4 hours.

Monkey Mountain Khao Takiap

Khao Takiap Monkey Mountain is located on the southern outskirts of the city. You go up the mountain past the hefty gilded Buddha and find yourself in the monkey city.

There are almost no people there, but there are a lot of monkeys or macaques, who knows. There are mothers with children, independent teenagers, and adult males. The latter turned out to be very aggressive, baring their sharp fangs at us, and one even tried to attack. The monkeys are there in their own right, they are the masters.

All the floors in abandoned buildings are dirty, monkeys sit on trees and on cars, eat something and constantly look for fleas from each other. It’s like being in a zoo, but there’s a risk of being bitten. And since monkeys don’t brush their teeth, it’s quite possible to get some kind of infection. So after the attack we quickly retreated from there.

The place itself is beautiful, offering a wonderful view of the city of Hua Hin. Learn more about Monkey Mountain.

Phraya Nakhon Cave

Phraya Nakhon Cave is, I think, the main attraction of Hua Hin. Only it is located quite far from the city, about 60 km, on the territory national park Khao Sam Roi Yot(Khaosamroyot).

Taxi drivers cost 1,500 baht for a trip, and they promise that they will deliver you there in an hour, and they promise to bring you back. But I was lucky, I got there with a group excursion for 100 baht. True, they drove us for an hour and a half and took us to the village of Bang Pu, where the national park begins.

Entrance ticket to the national park costs 200 baht. First you need to follow the path along the coast to Laem Sala beach. You have to walk mostly uphill and only at the very end - down the mountain.

You can take a boat to the beach for 300 baht. But when I was there, the sea was stormy and the boats couldn’t sail.

Then you need to walk along the beach, which reminded me of the pioneer camps of my childhood, only instead of pine trees there are casuarinas and palm trees.

And the last climb (430 m) is to the entrance to the cave.

The cave is huge, has 2 halls. True, in both halls the central vaults collapsed. In the first room it looked like a bridge passing over a cave, like in the film “The Lord of the Rings”.

The halls are quite light and there are trees, which makes the picture absolutely fantastic. In the far hall there is a Buddhist pavilion, Kuha-Karuhas, built by order of King Rama the 5th. You cannot enter there, but even without this, the impressions from the cave are above the roof. The place is amazing!

dragon "guardian of the cave"

Here, perhaps, are all the main attractions of Hua Hin.

What else can you do in this resort city?


There are several temples in the city

Shopping and entertainment centers

Vacationers usually spend part of the day on the beach, and then go to one of the many shopping and entertainment centers, which are also cultural centers Hua hin.

The most famous of them are Market Village and Blue Port, located in the city center.

Market Village shopping center

Blue Port shopping center

Shopping centers are multi-story, filled with all kinds of goods. They also have children's playgrounds, where for a small fee you can take your child to have fun under supervision, as well as so-called “food courts”, where you can order a wide variety of food.

In Blue Port, huge alligator fish and arapaima swim in the pools. Their huge backs sometimes appear out of the water, which delights observers.

Huge fish live in this pool

Is there some more Entertainment Center Venice, located quite far from the city on the road to Bangkok. There is also a “Doge’s Palace” and a canal with gondolas. I saw this “Venice” from the bus window, and I didn’t want to go there at all. Moreover, getting there is quite difficult, public transport doesn't go there. And it looks like a parody of the real Venice. Reviews on the Internet give approximately the same rating. Entrance ticket to Venice costs 280 baht.

Waterpark "Black Montana"

There are several water parks in Hua Hin, of which I visited one, Black Mountain (or “black mountain” in Russian).

The Black Montana water park is located outside the city, but people go there free bus, which departs at 9:30, 11:00, 12:30. Return - 14:00, 15:30, 17:00. Everywhere it is indicated that the bus runs from the clock tower, but now it departs from the Market Village shopping center. There are usually not many people on this bus; we were traveling there alone.

You can also take a taxi, taxi drivers ask for 800 baht, which is a bit expensive.

The water park is good, with all the necessary equipment, and the price is low - 600 baht for the whole day. Children over 110 cm tall - 300 baht, and children below - free.

The water park closes at 17-00, and we spent a wonderful day there. Particularly memorable large swimming pool, in which a huge blue wave is catching up.

Yes, the water park has the same burning Thai sun, and you need to take advantage sunscreen and headdresses. In the cafe on the territory of the water park you can eat tasty and inexpensive food.

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On the territory of Hua Hin itself there are not as many attractions as in its surroundings. You can get to many of them by bus, consisting of group excursion or by taxi. Most excursions can be purchased from your tour operator at your hotel or from a tourist office on the street. I have described the 10 most popular attractions in Hua Hin, which are easy to get to even with small children.

Among local residents and many guidebooks to Thailand, you can find another name for this place, which sounds like Monkey Mountain. In fact, with the development of the resort and oppression wildlife There are none left here at all. At the very top of the mountain you can find only a few representatives of this family already at a fairly advanced age. This attraction is of interest among tourists for completely different reasons:

  1. Actually, Mount Khao Takiab itself, which is a natural attraction of the Hua Hin resort. Its height reaches almost 300 meters and, if desired, you can climb it along a paved hiking trail. Geographically, the mountain belongs to the southern part of the resort, from which it opens beautiful landscape on the coast. Located at the bottom of the mountain Khao beach Takiab Beach, where you can always taste fresh fruits and seafood.
  2. Interest in the mountain among tourists is caused by two other cultural attractions. The first place is occupied by such a structure as a Buddha statue 20 meters high. In addition, the What Khao Lad temple was built almost at the very top of the mountain. Several convenient viewing platforms have been formed around it, from where you can see everything. South coast resort.

This temple has a second name - Wat Ampharam and occupies a central place in the architectural, religious and cultural life cities. The temple is considered the main one in the city and acts as the leading monastery of Hua Hin. At first glance, it becomes unclear why this particular temple deserved such a title. Its architectural component does not stand out in any way; on the contrary, the building is very similar to most temples in Thailand.

The high ordinariness of the Wat Hua Hin temple is given by its practical application and internal fullness. Several purposes are hidden behind its walls. The temple serves as a cemetery, monastery, church and even crematorium. You won’t see the usual cemetery here, since in most parts of Thailand it is customary to cremate people and bury their ashes in urns buried in the walls of the building.

The second name of this mountain sounds like Finstone Hill, more commonly used among foreign tourists. The height of the natural attraction reaches almost 165 meters. There are more than five observation platforms located in several steps on the mountain, which are fully equipped for comfortable relaxation and enjoying the scenery of the Hua Hin resort. All observation platforms are connected by pedestrian paths, bridges and passages, as if creating a single and best observation deck at the resort.

The sites on the mountain operate around the clock and are absolutely free, but best time To visit them, it is considered early morning at sunrise or at sunset. The distance from the central part of Hua Hin to the mountain is only 3 kilometers, so you can easily reach these beautiful places on foot. As you climb the mountain, you will be able to enjoy many types of exotic trees, shrubs and flowers. Orchids that grow here in natural conditions attract special attention.

floating market

The floating market is located 10 km from the central part of the city and the most convenient way to get to it is by taxi, since there is a direct bus service not included here. The entrance fee is 200 baht and it is open every day from 10am to 11pm.

In addition to the variety of stalls at the local floating market, you can have a good rest. It offers plenty of entertainment, delicious traditional and foreign food, and the opportunity to go boating. Numerous ponds contain fish, which can be fed for a fee of 40 baht.

This place was made to attract the attention of tourists and is located near the floating market. The architecture of the farm is antique; on its territory you can find interesting houses made of different materials, a mill and various interesting things.

Tourists here will be able to meet the locals, learn many of the traditions of Thailand, and also experience the whole flavor of Hua Hin. You can take some very fascinating and beautiful photographs on the farm grounds.

The temple is located not on the territory of Hua Hin itself, but at a distance of 20 kilometers from its center. There are several ways to get there, including a tour. It is most profitable to take advantage minibuses, which are sent from railway station, where travel will cost only 120 baht in both directions. There is no need to pay to enter the temple.

The interest of the Wat Huay Mongol temple is primarily caused by the presence of a black statue on its territory. Its difference from many statues in Thailand is due to the fact that it depicts not the Buddha familiar in the country, but the Buddhist monk Lunglo Thota. He lived more than 450 years ago and was the most revered saint in many Asian countries. The most interesting time to see the statue is after 6 pm, when it begins to light up.

The Royal Palace is located not in the city itself, but between two tourist centers of Thailand - Hua Hin and Cha Amom. The distance from Hua Hin is several tens of kilometers; the most convenient way to get there is by intercity bus, which runs between the two cities for 50 baht.

Built in 1923, the palace is still used for its intended purpose; it is the residence of the royal family. The building is made in Victorian style using 80% of durable material such as teak wood in construction. Before visiting the Royal Palace, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • The palace is open every day, but it is worth considering the fact that it closes early. Already at 16-30 tourists are not allowed into its territory. It is better to arrive at the very opening at 8-30 am.
  • On the territory of the attraction, it is prohibited to take photographs in most rooms, make noise, or wear revealing clothing (short skirts, tops, swimsuits and shorts).

Train Station

Local residents pay great respect to the city's railway station, which was built back in 1911. It is with its appearance that the development of the city in tourism and economic terms is associated. In the early 1920s, a special building was erected near the main building of the railway station. Royal Hall. Only members of the royal family, as well as their close friends, were allowed into its walls.

The resort's railway station is considered one of the most beautiful attractions in the area. Local residents give this place a holy status. Visiting the station is available 24 hours a day, any time of the week, and entry is absolutely free. However, you will not be able to get into the Royal Hall, since it is now empty and not used for its intended purpose. For its long-term preservation, the resort authorities decided not to let anyone into it.

For those who want to travel back in time 60 years ago, you should definitely visit the village of Plern Van. It is located right in the center of the main transport route of Hua Hin and its size is more like a large village. On its territory you can purchase various interesting goods, as well as enjoy the antiques exhibited here. The attention of tourists is attracted by retro cars, paintings, crafts, televisions of the past era, posters famous people and much more.

Cicada Market is located in the southern part of Hua Hin and serves as a kind of night market where you can have a fun and interesting time. In addition to this night shopping establishment at the resort, there is also something similar in the central part of the city. But Cicada Market looks much more advantageous against its background, since everything here is more organized, equipped and very modern. Tourists are also attracted by the fact that the products are presented specifically for them.

The market in the city center sells mainly cheap and low quality products to local residents. At the Cicada Market, tourists will be able to purchase original, designer and local goods High Quality. This applies to clothing, jewelry, souvenirs, crafts self made and even products. This is where you can pick up a truly original gift that will reflect the local flavor of the Hua Hin resort in its entirety.

Sights of Hua Hin on the map

On this map I marked all the attractions that I described in the article.

In addition to a full-fledged beach holiday, the Hua Hin resort has great excursion potential. The resort and its surroundings contain many natural and cultural attractions that deserve the attention of every tourist.

In this article I have collected the most interesting sights of Hua Hin, because this city is very underestimated, and it was in this region that all the kings of Thailand built their palaces since 1800! They prayed in the local caves and preserved the local nature.

I will immediately try to describe for you how everything works: in Hua Hin itself there are very few attractions, rather it’s just small resort with good, clean beaches, where the King of Thailand and half of Bangkok come to relax on weekends.

When my wife and I came here for a week to explore it as a wintering city, we fled after only 3 days. We were completely disappointed because we expected to see “A Piece of Europe in Asia”, which is how this review came about. But I had to go back because I forgot my passport at the guest house =) In the end, I drove around a little and fell in love with this place! A week later we came here for 8 months and even during that time we couldn’t travel around everything we wanted!

Therefore, I will divide for you the sights of Hua Hin by destination. The maximum range is 60 kilometers, so you can get everywhere by bike in one day.

Hua Hin attractions of the city itself

There are very few attractions in Hua Hin itself, so I included everything within a radius of 5 kilometers from the city and the road there will cost you less than 100 baht by taxi. In addition to those described here, there is also a very interesting night market"Cicada", which is open only on weekends, but where all the creative personalities of Hua Hin gather - various craftsmen sell their handmade works, singers organize concerts, and dancers rock breakdancing. There is also the Plearnwan shopping complex, which is stylized as an ancient village, but it is too dull and there is absolutely nothing to do there.

The Venice Hua Hin

Amazing place. This is a large quarter, made in the style of Venice. A canal runs through it, in which a Thai man in a vest gives tourists a gondola ride. Each street is made in the style of one of the Italian cities (at least as Thais see them). In fact, there are 3 or 4 separate streets inside, in each house there are shops, restaurants, some are given over entirely to children's playrooms. And of course, the whole area is simply dotted with interesting places for photos! This is why I really respect the Thais: it doesn’t matter how you relax, but you will definitely have stunning and vivid photographs, which will be pleasant to look back on later.

There is a museum of 3D paintings on site. This is when you can interact with the painting and be part of it, as well as the upside down house.

What’s especially nice is the opening hours: from 6.00 to 22.00. In fact, this is the only place where you can go in the evening on weekdays.

Railroad station

Royal railroad station 1911! It works and is easy to use. There is a king's museum and a magnificent coffee shop on site. The station is located in the very center of the city and is very beautifully illuminated at night. All official holidays and parades start from it.

Do you already feel how interesting it is in the city itself if the railway station is presented here and in any guide to the sights of Hua Hin?

Viewpoint on the city

This is a mountain in the city center with 8 observation platforms. Only 3 of them are interesting, and only 2 are equipped. But I still recommend going there. The mountain offers a very beautiful view of the city, the sea and the warships that guard the entrance to the harbor. On the mountain itself it is cool and generally pleasant to walk along the small paths.

On the way you will meet whole hordes of monkeys; there are a lot of them in every city of this province and they live around the mountains.

Active royal palace

There is a real one in the city Royal Palace, where the king himself or members of the royal family often come. When there are no distinguished guests there, the palace territory is open to everyone. This is the largest park in Hua Hin and locals love to walk there in the evenings. It is for this attitude towards the people that the King is loved and revered in Thailand. You are not allowed to have picnics, walk dogs or behave provocatively in the royal garden. Rather, this is a place for romantic walks and sports.

floating market

Today in everyone tourist city Thailand has its own floating market. More precisely, they take a small lake, dig a couple of canals from it and build a lot of tourist shops with souvenirs. There was never any exoticism there - that was from the beginning tourist attraction. You buy the same souvenirs, only while sitting in a boat and they also charge you money for entry. The only more or less normal market is in Bangkok and is called Damnoen Saduak, but it has already become completely touristic.

Monkey Mountain or Khao Takiab

Mountain near the sea. It separates the central beach of Hua Hin from Khao Beach Takib. Famous for the fact that along central beach there are hotels, and behind the mountain there are condominiums where winterers with children like to settle. There is a Buddhist temple on the mountain itself and there are several pleasant viewing platforms. By the way, like on any mountain in this province, there are a huge number of monkeys. It is better to go up with your own transport, because you will have to walk, as always, without sidewalks and in the heat, but at the top you will find a pleasant sea breeze and good views of the city.

Night market in Hua Hin

Every evening from Friday to Sunday, the city center is closed off and a large night market is held. It stretches across several streets. But the best thing about this market is the gateways. The entire huge flow of tourists goes along this one street, but there you can turn to the side several times and find yourself on a quiet street, where creative workshops and pleasant quiet places to relax are concentrated, among this bustle of the market. Naturally, all the traders in the area come here on the weekends, so in other areas it can be difficult to find the usual street food these days.

Hua Hin attractions from the south side

To the south of Hua Hin there are attractions created by nature. You will need to drive along the federal highway, but with a fairly good shoulder and a small flow of trucks, so there should not be any special problems.

I would recommend going here for 2 days with an overnight stay in a national park with a cave. You will have the opportunity to swim and relax and see a lot of things. But here you need to understand what spending the night in a national park means - this is when after sunset life stops - there is not even light on the territory. And sunset in Thailand is always at 18.30 =) Therefore, after this time it can be difficult to even eat. We usually downloaded movies onto the tablet and took sandwiches with us.

Wat Tham Khao Tao

An interesting temple located near a lake with walking paths. It is interesting because it is located around a mountain, i.e. it wraps around it and there are statues at different levels, so you go through labyrinths and through artificial caves, and at each level you come across something interesting.

Mangrove forests

This is a small national park with mangrove forests, which is under the patronage of the Queen of Thailand. And everything done with the participation of Queen Sirikit is worthy of attention, because she attracts the best craftsmen and European specialists. For those who don't know, Mangrove forests grow in water and have huge branched roots, and kayaking trips are very common among such forests. Well, here there is little water and high-quality wooden paths are laid through the forest at a height of about 1.5 meters. You walk along the flooring, and underneath you it’s boiling local life— hundreds of crabs are running somewhere, unknown fish are sitting in small puddles, something unknown is being dug out of the mud and buried. In general, this is not a forest we are used to and is definitely worth a visit. What I liked most was the observation deck above the forests, when you get out of the thicket and rise to a height - it’s very, very beautiful there.
It is located right on the seashore, there are also houses for those who want to stay overnight and a cafe with inexpensive Thai food. Visiting is free.

Observation deck with a crocodile

It's basically a temple on a mountain with stunning views and a large crocodile monument. There's nothing else interesting here, I just really love beautiful views and coolness. And after several hours in the heat, finding yourself on the top of a mountain where a cool breeze blows and sitting down to rest in silence is a real pleasure. I advise you to come here only on weekdays, because on weekends there are a lot of people and the whole effect is lost.

Phraya Nakhon Cave

Phraya Nakhon Cave in Hua Hin is Thailand's No. 1 attraction. This is a magnificent cave with a temple that can be seen in any guide to Thailand. It is located approximately 60 kilometers from Hua Hin in the national Khao Park Sam Roi Yot. Almost any traveler will tell you that this is his favorite attraction in Thailand and it really amazes. But getting there is not so easy, because it is surrounded on all sides by mountains and you need to either cross them or rent a boat. The sheltered bay will also have cabins for overnight stays and a stunning beach.

The temple in the cave was built at the end of the 19th century. Another interesting thing is that on the walls of the cave there are personal signatures of two kings, Rama 5 and Rama 7. We advise you to visit the cave in the first half of the day, when the sun shines a bright ray directly on the temple. This creates a special atmosphere.

Bird watching in Khao Sam Roi Yot National Park

There is a lot of interesting things in this national park. And the area itself is very beautiful, but we visited the place for bird watching. At the very foot of the mountain there is a large beautiful lake. The Thais made wooden floorings over it and installed gazebos for relaxation. There is no need to go here specially, if only “on the road”. The whole walk takes about 40 minutes, you can see storks, herons and other birds that walk below. It’s just that the picture itself is very beautiful - white Asian gazebos at the foot of the mountain towering over a large lake.

Sights of Hua Hin to the north (towards Bangkok)

If we talk about this direction and describe the sights of Hua Hin, then there are 3 large centers of attraction: the city of Cha Am is 30 kilometers away, A cluster of all kinds of attractions within 40 km. from Hua Hin: here is the huge Swiss Sheep Farm, the famous Santorini Park water park, the Camel Republic entertainment complex and much, much more. Several such huge amusement parks open there every year, because they are located on the Bangkok-Hua Hin highway and every weekend a lot of tourists travel through them, and they also organize special tours from both of these cities. I won’t describe any of them, because these are more entertainment than attractions, and there won’t be enough space if I write about them all. The city of Phetchaburi town, which you simply must visit, is located 80 km from Hua Hin and there are at least 2 places that are included in the TOP 10 attractions of Thailand. But I will recommend a few more interesting places.

Maruekhathayawan Palace

Maruekhathayawan Palace is an inactive royal palace that operates as a museum. More precisely, it was originally a gift to the king, but he never lived in it, so now it has been converted into a museum. The photographs turn out very impressive - a large, beautiful palace on stilts, on the seashore. But there is nothing to do there at all, because all the rooms are empty. Those. just an empty house, without windows and doors on the seashore, and even an entrance fee. In general, there is nothing to do here.

Open daily from 08.30 to 16.00 (as they say on the official website, but it seems they have a day off on Thursday)

Cha Am Forest Park

A small park near the town of Cha Am, it is free and there is 1 circular road that takes 30 minutes. But the biggest draw of this park is the gibbons. A whole family of gibbons lives here and now I think that these are the coolest monkeys in the world, at least they are much better than the macaques that live near other attractions. Gibbons are very kind, move around the ground very funny and love to study people, or rather just watch from a distance; if you bring some fruit, there is a chance to get to know each other better. Seriously - they are very cool, we came several times just for them.

Bat Cave

A natural attraction of Hua Hin, every day, half an hour before sunset (approximately 18.00 - 18.30), bats come out of a cave in the mountain to hunt. There is a famous cave where they live in thousands. The stream of mice looks like a huge live snake that flies out of the mountain and for 10 - 15 minutes there is a constant and endless stream. I really liked it, the photographs do not convey even part of the emotions I received, so I highly recommend going there yourself.

The locals even put something like observation deck, there are dilapidated chairs upstairs, entry is free, and most likely there will be no one there.

Phra nakhon khiri historical park

It belongs to the category of “Must-See” attractions in Hua Hin. This is a palace built on the rocks. I will try to convey my delight to you in a nutshell. The castle was built on a 100-meter cliff, there are battle towers in the corners, a royal palace with a wonderful observation deck rises in the center, Buddhist temples rise on the neighboring hills, and narrow paths are laid between all the peaks, and all this is buried in the jungle, you walk along the vines, and hundreds of monkeys are running around you. You feel like a real Indiana Jones.

The whole point is that tourists stop there for an hour, on the way from Bangkok to Hua Hin, so their time is limited and they usually only see the palace, but you have the opportunity to walk along this hill only with your own company! And these are amazing emotions, especially if you step aside with hiking trail— there will be ancient barracks, baths, warehouses. All this among vines and monkeys. But be careful, because the monkeys consider this territory theirs and often take food and water from tourists.
Opening hours: daily from 8.30 to 16.30, entrance 150 baht including lift. There are 2 entrances: from the side of the highway - there is a lift directly to the palace, and there is from the city side, there the entrance is 50 baht, there are a lot of monkeys in the parking lot and you will have to walk alone through those very non-tourist trails.

Khao Luang Cave

Hua Hin Cave, which is included in the TOP 10 best attractions in Thailand. I didn’t expect what I saw, so I was completely delighted. The cave is located inside a hill in Phetchaburi town. Inside a large number of Buddha statues, including a large reclining Buddha. But she is famous for her ray of light. There is a natural hole in the ceiling through which a powerful beam of light shines directly into the center of the huge cave. The king of Thailand himself loved to pray in this cave (the same one who built the castle on the hills) and now it is a place of attraction for tourists and pilgrims.
Arrive at 12.00 - at this time the beam is especially bright.

Wat Khao Ban Dai It

On my own behalf, I would also like to note the observation deck next to the Wat Khao Ban Dai It temple. It is located directly opposite the palace on the hills and was still under construction in 2015. But from there the view opens onto rice fields and it is very beautiful. I looked for it for a very long time, circled around the hill a lot, taking all the little turns: I found several hermits (these are caves in which monks live and they often even board up the entrance to keep strangers out). As a result, the entrance turned out to be completely scary road with abandoned houses, but it was worth it.

I was there on a weekend, so there weren't even any builders there. I only recommend this point experienced travelers and only on weekends.

West of Hua Hin

The easiest direction for independent trip to the sights of Hua Hin, because everything is within 40 km and there is no need to go onto the federal highway. Therefore, the direction is suitable for inexperienced bike drivers and cyclists most often choose it. Plus the landscape itself is very beautiful, because... you are driving towards the mountains. And small rural roads with endless rice fields against the backdrop of the mountains - this is what you can love about Asia. Along the road there are a large number of European cafes with normal coffee, and there are also a couple of 7/11s, but it’s better to stock up on water in advance.

I will describe only the most interesting things to see, otherwise there simply won’t be enough space: You will pass 2 floating markets (which I do not recommend), Hua Hin Artist Village (a large store where every artist can exhibit their works, if there is time, then you can stop by and have a look), an elephant farm (elephants are everywhere in Thailand, so we didn’t stop by).

Wat Huay Mongkol or Great Seated Monk

On weekends, a lot of pilgrims gather here because this is an active Buddhist temple and all major religious events are held here.

I like this place itself. There's a lot around beautiful park with a lake and monitor lizards, where no one is ever there. You can take a quiet walk, sit on benches, and look at the artificial fountains on the lake. In general, if you find yourself at the temple, you will not regret it.

As a bonus, I’ll tell you a story: this is a statue of the legendary Thai monk Luang Phor Thuad, who lived in the 1500s. It is revered by Buddhists all over the world, medallions are printed with it, and many believe that it brings good luck. I found only one plausible legend: at that time there was a big competition between Buddhists from Thailand and from Sri Lanka, then the king of Sri Lanka said that he would give the Thais a task and if they solved it, he would give them ships full of gold. The best minds from the then capital of Thailand, Ayuthai, struggled with the tasks, but they all failed. And only the young monk Luang Phor Thuad solved it, which brought him fame!

Opening hours: every day from 5.00 to 22.00

Hua Hin Hills Vineyard

Vineyards of Hua Hin. In fact, I noted them here because tours there are sold in every travel agency, and taxi drivers insistently offer to visit this beautiful attraction. In fact, these are ordinary vineyards at the foot of the mountain, i.e. This is a regular winery. There is nothing there to entertain tourists, such as . But it’s quite beautiful there and they sell good wine.

Open daily from 10.00 to 18.00

Pala-U Waterfall in Hua Hin

The Pala-U waterfall in Hua Hin is another Thai scam; there is no normal waterfall there, but only small rapids 1-2 meters high. It's about the same as . There are few impressions from it, and it’s too far to go to get them, so I wouldn’t recommend coming here.
Although there is an interesting point: The road is divided into 2 parts: an ordinary city road is about 40 kilometers and a road through the national park is about 20 km. Here you are traveling through the national park with local flavor, because elephant excrement is often found on the highway, and there are signs everywhere that if you see an elephant, then turn around and leave as soon as possible, because it may attack you.

At the entrance you may be charged the same as for visiting a national park - approximately 200 baht per person, or you may not be charged.


Dam by the lake. Just pretty a nice place, where you can stop by if you find yourself nearby. This is a huge reservoir among the mountains with good views. If you drive around, you can find a temple with a good viewing platform. We were there on a weekend and I didn’t meet a single person in the temple itself, we just walked around and sat with my wife in the shade of the trees overlooking the lake. Overall the impressions are very pleasant, but I recommend it only if you have already traveled all around and don’t want to sit in the city at all. It's more of a place to unwind than a tourist attraction.


As you can see, there really is something to see in this region; it is not inferior to either Pattaya or Phuket. The roads in the region are very good and always run against the backdrop of mountains, so driving is pleasant and easy. I haven't talked about it yet resort towns around which I am simply delighted and will definitely write about them separately - this is Cha Am with 4-seater bicycles, and Phetchaburi town with fountains along the streets, and small town with five star hotels, but no beach.

But the most important thing is that during your trip, don’t repeat my mistakes and don’t wear T-shirts. This is what I looked like after every trip