How are you spending the last days of summer? What can you do at the end of summer? If you want to do something new

When summer ends and August 31, 2018 appears on the calendar, a quiet sadness creeps into the heart. The last day of the best time of the year deserves to be spent in something special. It seems to be created for bright events that will later become warm memories on long winter evenings. There are a great many ideas on how to spend this exciting day, albeit with notes of sadness. The main thing is to do it with pleasure.

Fresh air and grass massage as a way to spend the last day of summer August 31, 2018

Summer is like a holiday that you wait for a long time, and then it quickly ends. No one can fully enjoy it, even if you take a vacation and relax for the entire 90 days. But sometimes even one properly organized and well-spent day is enough to feel the fullness and joy of life, and most importantly, to spend the outgoing summer of 2018 with dignity.

The idea of ​​a herbal massage is not new and seems somewhat banal and even strange, but those who have done it at least once in their lives know what the secret is. Take off your shoes and feel your bare feet on the lawn. Every contact with green grass will not only be a great way to relax, but will also fill every cell of the body with vital energy.

If the weather on August 31 is warm, then great way spend the summer - go to nature. Bring a blanket and various goodies with you, and also take bread and nuts for your little brothers. Having settled down in the park and laid out all the food, it is important not to forget to feed its inhabitants. Thus, everyone will have a holiday: both humans and squirrels and pigeons.

Spend the last day of summer on August 31, 2018 as if you were a child

Every person remains a child at heart. And let the idea seem stupid to someone, but take a ride on a swing or make a bungee yourself and allow yourself, like in childhood, to get off the ground and fly into the wind. Exactly like that, without embarrassment and prejudice, with a feeling of victory over oneself and with joy in the eyes.

For those who like to spend time with friends, such entertainment as water pistols is suitable. Having agreed in advance, prepared properly and tuned in to a great time, find a deserted place and “shoot”. Such a day will be remembered and filled with positivity for a long time.

A good idea for the last day of summer is to fly a kite. It’s more fun to do this with children or with a friend, but it’s not bad on your own. Run forward and not think about anything. Feel like a child, happy and carefree. Even if your fingers are cut or your legs are tired later. Such an idea will give the much-needed release of negativity and inspire daily achievements.

Morning last day per year. Snowy, bright sunlight, possible only in winter, penetrates the window. The threshold that separates us one step from the new, unknown, full of hope New Year.

There is so much to do. And don’t forget in the heap of troubles, think about the most important thing. Our small cheat sheet will allow you to dwell on the most important points of the last day of the outgoing year:

  1. When you wake up, tune in to positive emotions. Do you remember how in the program “Around Laughter” one of the comedians told how to get up in the morning in a good mood? While still lounging in bed, lift your right leg up. And tell her: “Hello, my right little leg! You are so beautiful! I love you so much!”...Funny, but right. Love yourself and the whole world around you. The day will pass easily and naturally.
  2. In the morning, look through the holiday table menu and grocery list. Surely, non-perishable products were purchased in advance. Provide a refrigerator
    missing purchases. It’s better to do this early so that you don’t have to send your husband for a bunch of green onions before the clock strikes.
  3. Prepare all the necessary preparations for the festive dinner. You can cut up cheese and sausages, put them in a bag and put them in the refrigerator. Take care of such little things so as not to occupy everyone at once at the finish line. In order to correctly create a menu for the holiday table, we recommend reading the article “ «.
  4. Take a look around the home. Surely you have already done general cleaning. But you need to spend about 20 minutes clearing away creative clutter, putting things in their places and putting the finishing touches on decorating your home.
  5. Treat yourself to a couple of hours of real relaxation. Take a warm bath, relax and throw the dirty laundry out of your head. It's time to clean your feathers. Hair care, face masks, devote time to yourself for your loved one. If you have decorated your home with themed scented candles. Place them in the bath. Treat yourself to a real spa salon.
  6. It's time to take care of setting the festive table. Get out the cloth tablecloth
    and napkins. Even if it is not customary to use fabric textiles in your home every day, today is the day when it is absolutely justified. Polish your holiday glasses until they shine. In addition to dishes and dishes, place small symbols on the table New Year's holiday. Appease all the dogs that live in your home. Give the best emotions to your best friend if you keep a pet. Place soft toys near the Christmas tree in a visible place. Today and all next year the Dog rules the roost!
  7. A dog is a child of nature. Dependence on material values ​​is alien to her. Follow your instinct for freedom. Leave the prim, expensive clothes in the closet. Choose to celebrate comfortable clothes from natural fabrics. Don't let conventions hold you back New Year's Eve. Naturalness and comfort are the trend of this season.
  8. Remember the old New Year's song about five minutes from your favorite movie.“The clock will strike soon, make peace, those who are in a quarrel.” Pick up the phone. Make an important call. Do not carry with you in New Year a burden of misunderstandings and conflicts. This will help you get started new life in the New Year with confidence and calm.

Is it time to say goodbye to the old year? Are your friends already on the doorstep? Let your home be filled with crystal laughter and the enchanting clink of festive glasses. Happy New Year!

Photo: epicstockmedia/

Summer will end very soon. But there are still a couple of weeks left that can be spent fun and usefully. What should you do at the end of summer?

If you didn't have time

If you didn’t have time to put your things in order during the summer, you should do it now. Throw away all unnecessary items that have accumulated over the year. Old toys can be given to low-income families or taken to Orphanage. Hand over written paper and old magazines to waste paper. Sell ​​those things that are still in good condition, but you no longer need. Clean your computer. Organize your data and remove unnecessary information. You'll see: space will be freed up, air and space will increase, and your mood will improve.

Didn't manage to go to the sea or even to the shore of a lake or river? Do it now! Go outdoors. If you have a lot to do or travel too far, sunbathe in the garden, on the balcony or on your summer cottage. What is summer without a tan?

If there was no time

Your child is going to kindergarten or school, but the necessary things have not been purchased? So, go shopping. Buy clothes for the garden, sports or school uniforms. Don't forget your shoes. Stock up on office supplies. Even if you don’t know exactly what you will need in your garden or school, there are items that you definitely need to buy. Pens, simple and colored pencils, sketchbooks, paints or gouache, an eraser, simple notebooks, a stand for textbooks or pencils - all this or at least several things will be required.

Didn’t you make it up for the fall, winter, or the whole working (school) year? Get started! Analyze: what are you going to do, what will you have to do, what new things do you want to learn and study, what books to read. Make a list, set a time, think about how exactly you will do all the things. You can write entries in a diary or create a working folder on your computer. This will make life much easier in the future.

If you have received few impressions

Have you worked a lot, had little time and did not attend interesting events? Find out which interesting events will be held in the last weeks of summer, choose what you like best and go there.

Didn't find anything interesting? So, go out with friends or family for a picnic, go to another city, explore the sights, wander along unfamiliar streets. Rent a bike or go for a walk in the park. You can go to an indoor ice skating rink, skydive, and horseback riding. Sometimes it takes so little to get a great experience.

If you forgot that summer is the season of fruits, berries and vegetables

Now is the time to take vitamins. Eat more different berries and fruits, pamper your family with culinary delights. Prepare currant pie, raspberry pie,... Try new exotic fruits.

Have you ever tried it? Now is the time to do it! This drink will help quench your thirst on a hot day, fill you up well in the morning, and delight you with its bright taste. It’s easy to prepare: you just need to mix any berries and fruits (you can also make a vegetable smoothie). If desired, you can add yogurt, milk, mineral water, juice. If you want to make your smoothie even brighter, decorate it with berries, coconut flakes, and dark chocolate. If you are going to prepare a hearty drink for breakfast, add nuts, cereal, muesli.

Want to cool down with some ice cream? Prepare it yourself. It will be much healthier than buying regular ice cream. Make a puree of berries or fruits (you can mix them) and freeze them in the freezer. You can add yogurt or milk. When the mixture begins to harden, you can stick sticks into it and then you will get real ice cream.

If you're tired

If you are overtired and you don’t want bright impressions, and in general, you don’t want to do anything, rest. But do it differently than usual. Don't lie in bed every day, grab a cup of coffee or a glass of juice and enjoy a drink on the balcony or porch of your home. It is advisable to wake up a little earlier than usual. Then you can watch how nature wakes up. Walk barefoot on the grass in the morning or afternoon. And in the evening, admire the starry sky and dream. This will definitely energize and give you strength.

If possible, go swimming in a river or lake. This relaxes and strengthens the muscles and spine. Do light exercises in the morning, go for a walk in the park. Try to spend more time outdoors, away from cars. Communication with nature has a beneficial effect on the entire body and improves mood.

If you want to do something new

A couple of weeks before the end of summer, you can have time to read several interesting books, get a new hairstyle, arrange a photo shoot, take a useful course online, start learning a foreign language or master the basics of yoga, attend weekend courses, try several master classes.

Remember what you have long wanted to do, but constantly put it off due to lack of time. And start doing it right now. Even two weeks is sometimes enough to change your life for the better and start a new project.

And don't forget to enjoy the last warm days. After all, autumn will soon begin, and life will flow in a completely different direction.

4 chosen

What is the most troublesome day of the year? That's right, it's December 31st. It is on this day that it turns out that there is so much to do, as if the previous 364 had never happened! And if you don’t have time to do all this this year, then everything will be a disaster! This is why many people hate this last day of the year. But in childhood everything was different! How slowly the hours and minutes passed, and yet we had to wait for the moment when gifts from Santa Claus appeared under the tree... We have become adults and sometimes we perceive this day as inevitable and dream of the next one, followed by a whole new year!

How is December 31st most often celebrated? In preparation! Gift wrapping (what to give to whom, and how not to forget anyone), kitchen chores (well, what would happen without Olivier), endless phone calls (Happy New Year!), attempts to create perfect order. Plus seasoning with vinaigrette from New Year's films (oh, I really wanted to watch it today) and activities to transform yourself into an irresistible beauty (do your face, hairstyle and dress). And all this at the same time. Yes, still children! Children who try to drive you crazy all day long by endlessly looking under the tree, demanding to play, read, or “where is Santa Claus.” But on this day I just wanted to find a festive New Year’s mood and cheerfully celebrate the New Year! Maybe we should reconsider the priorities set by our parents? Let's free December 31st from the usual course of events?

The best thing to do would be to think about everything in advance. At least don't have parties at your home. Or don’t throw a huge feast for an impressive number of people, taking it all on yourself. Agree on what it will be festive table(traditional or from the cuisine of some country), distribute the dishes among everyone, leaving 1-2 for yourself, no more. It's best to start with dessert - it's perfect for a good movie and doesn't take so much time, and decorating it can even give you pleasure!

A more tempting option is to go on a visit or with the whole group to a restaurant! Then the whole day is yours - all you have to do is wrap the gifts and make yourself beautiful by sitting the children (may the teachers forgive me) in front of the TV, especially since cartoons and fairy tales are on all day long!

Another option is a family cultural trip to the theater or cinema. However, traffic jams can dampen the festive mood here.

How else to spend December 31st? You can follow the tradition... go to the bathhouse, if you have one. Why not a SPA? Better! By the way, you can invite your friends, except those who are flying somewhere today and celebrating the New Year clean! You can still... do nothing. Give yourself one day of happy “doing nothing” for the whole year and meet the chimes in pajamas and cozy slippers. Which of us hasn’t at least once promised ourselves to celebrate the New Year this way next time? Usually such vows are taken on the morning of January 1...

But we have a festive evening ahead of us and, if we manage to resist, the whole night! How to diversify your New Year's Eve at home, not limiting yourself to simply eating cooked dishes, champagne and assorted food New Year's programs? Make fun of everyone! For example, put an empty bag without gifts under the tree, packing it in a pile of boxes, stacking them one inside the other, a treasure map. On the map, indicate the places where gifts are hidden for everyone and the conditions for receiving them. You are guaranteed half an hour of fun running around the house (if you have a house, you can grab everything around it). You can ask everyone to write down their deepest desire and put them in envelopes, mix them up and take turns pulling them out at random. There is another way to cheer everyone up - go outside just after 12 o’clock and... shout something New Year’s. Rest assured, you will be picked up. At this time, almost everyone pours out into the street to set off fireworks. Therefore, immediately after the explosion of the last firecracker, start: “Happy New Year to all neighbors!” or “People, I love you!”, or something else on the topic. Checked - New Year's mood is guaranteed for the entire street. The main thing is to shout louder... . By the way, moon calendar this year he advises to postpone making wishes until the evening of January 1st.

The last days of summer evoke nostalgia and sadness for the past hot days and all the events associated with them. Cast aside melancholy and spend the summer in a good mood, in the company of friends or loved ones.


Gather your friends and have a picnic outdoors, weather permitting. If you wish, you can go on an overnight hike, because you need to enjoy the August starfall at least once in your life, if you haven’t seen it yet, and make as many wishes as you like for the coming winter. If you have big company, in the fresh air you can organize sports competitions or play outdoor youth games. Men will be happy to cook barbecue; women can make salads and simple snacks. Don't forget to take photos, so you'll have photos reminiscent of the last moments of summer.

In the last days of summer, you can go on a date night with your loved one. Romance, the silence of the city at night, kisses under the moon will give your feelings new shades and give you unforgettable emotions and impressions.

If you want to not only enjoy nature, but also have fun in the last days of summer, go with your friends to a recreation center. During the day you can take a walk in the forest, fry meat, and in the evening you can dance in a bar, play billiards, sing karaoke and drink a cocktail or a glass of beer. In the company of friends you can easily and cheerfully spend the outgoing summer.

In the last days of summer, nightclubs host various fun themed parties dedicated to the passing summer. Therefore, if you like noisy and crowded night parties, go to a club, dance and have fun until the morning. You will definitely forget about all sadness and longing for the past warmth.

Another great option for shopping lovers - at the end of summer you can go shopping. At this time, all clothing stores are selling summer assortment with discounts of up to 70%. You can take advantage of the opportunity in recent times summer days stock up on good clothes for the next warm season at a very favorable prices. It's much more fun to go shopping with your best friend. After shopping, you can stroll through the park together and enjoy the August sun.