What documents are needed to obtain a TRP by quota: Video

The stay of any foreigner within the Russian Federation must be legal, confirmed by a special document. One of them is a temporary residence permit. On its basis, representatives of other countries can live and work within the framework of the Russian state. Given the increased flow of migrants from the Ukrainian territory, the issue of obtaining a temporary residence permit for Ukrainian citizens can be considered particularly relevant.

A temporary permit is not the first step in the process of legalizing a person with Ukrainian citizenship. It is preceded by:

  1. Crossing the Russian border.
  2. Registration with the migration service.
  3. Collection of necessary documents.

To date, entry into the Russian state for residents of the state in question is carried out upon presentation of an internal national passport. Visa is not provided.

So, what is RVP in Russia for Ukrainians? Its main function is to provide its owner with the opportunity to legally reside on Russian soil and even get a job until the moment a decision is made to grant a temporary residence permit. If the process of further legalization of the owner of such a document is not of interest, after the expiration of its validity, he will be obliged to leave the country.

In some cases, permission is issued as a separate document. For example, if we are talking about stateless people. But most often, the RWP may look like a stamp in the Ukrainian passport. Obtaining a permit without going through the preliminary procedures indicated above is impossible.

The way the TRP looks like for citizens of Ukraine is determined by Order No. 214 of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation dated April 22, 2013. At the top of the stamp measuring 100x75 mm is the inscription "Temporary residence permitted". The following information is provided below:

  • Name of the permit holder;
  • citizenship;
  • the number of the decision and the date it was adopted;
  • expiration date of the stamp;
  • the name of the authority that stamped the passport.

Quotas for Ukrainians

Obtaining a permit document by Ukrainians, in fact, like all other foreigners, is limited to a certain amount. This is due to the increased interest of residents of neighboring countries, including Ukraine, to the Russian state.

To limit the flow of applicants, special quotas were introduced. The number of declared places is distributed among all regions of the Russian Federation and may vary based on the population density in a particular area. For the most demanded cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg - fixed figures are set. The same policy applies today to the Crimea.

TRP quotas for 2017 for foreigners, including citizens of Ukraine, are set at 110,880 applications.

Usually the government announces the limit at the very beginning of the year. When the declared number of seats runs out, permits are no longer issued.

Outside the established limit, permission is issued to such persons:

  • children of Ukrainian refugees who have not yet reached the age of majority;
  • persons who once had citizenship of the USSR and were born on its territory;
  • persons whose place of birth is the Russian Federation;
  • children of Russian citizens;
  • disabled people or pensioners whose children have Russian citizenship;
  • spouses of Russian citizens (if the latter have an official place of residence);
  • military personnel with foreign citizenship serving in the Russian Federation;
  • investors (subject to the required volume of investments in the Russian economy);
  • participants of the State program of resettlement of compatriots.

At the same time, documents for obtaining a residence permit by the listed persons are submitted on a general basis, and not according to a simplified procedure.

The procedure for obtaining RVP

The procedure for issuing a TRP for citizens of Ukraine in Moscow does not differ from the one that residents of other regions have to go through. At the same time, it looks the same both for representatives of the Ukrainian state and for newcomers from other countries.

The process starts at the border. At the time of its crossing, the Ukrainian must fill out a migration card, which will confirm his legal entry. After a 7-day stay within the Russian Federation, this citizen is obliged to register with the local department of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (formerly the FMS). At the same time, the obligation to carry out this procedure rests with the owner of the residential property where the Ukrainian guest lives.

The notification gives the foreigner the right to stay in Russia for 90 days on absolutely legal grounds. The rules for obtaining a temporary residence permit for citizens of Ukraine suggest that it is necessary to apply for a temporary residence permit during this period. The process then looks like this:

  1. Preparation of the necessary package of papers.
  2. Passing a medical examination.
  3. Passing an exam on knowledge of the Russian language, history and legislation of the Russian Federation (an alternative is to provide a diploma of education in a Russian educational institution or another document exempting from this obligation).
  4. Submission of a petition.
  5. In the case of a favorable outcome of the case - passing the fingerprinting procedure and registration at the address of temporary residence.
  6. Statement of a permissive stamp in the Ukrainian passport.

At the same time, the results of the medical examination can be submitted within 30 days after the submission of the application. It makes no sense to count on a positive decision for those who are sick with dangerous infectious diseases, drug addiction, HIV infection.

Simplified order

A large flow of Ukrainian migrants to Russian territory is due to the aggravated political situation and military operations in the eastern regions of Ukraine. Both of these factors have led to the fact that the entry of Ukrainians into the Russian Federation has become massive. Many of them seek to settle as quickly as possible and obtain a legal status that will allow them to lead a normal life and provide for their livelihood.

For this reason, many are interested in the question of how to obtain a TRP for a citizen of Ukraine in a simplified manner. But no simplified procedure is provided.

The only opportunity that can be used is to become the owner of a TRP bypassing the quota, if there is at least one of the grounds listed above for this.

The only relief that was introduced for Ukrainians in connection with hostilities was the extension of the 90-day period of stay in the Russian Federation for an unlimited period. In 2015, this benefit was abolished. Now Ukrainians are required to undergo a further legalization process or travel back to Ukraine. This rule does not apply only to residents of Donbass.

TRP for residents of Donetsk and Luhansk regions

Persons who have left the regions covered by a military conflict can take advantage of special conditions for legalization in the Russian Federation. Based on the order of the Government of the Russian Federation, the period of their stay is extended for the entire period, while the crisis continues in the designated territories.

RVP for residents of Donbass can be extended even if the application is under consideration. A simplified procedure for passing this stage, however, is also not provided. These persons receive an advantage solely in terms of the length of their stay in the Russian Federation. In all other respects, the procedure for obtaining a TRP is no different from that which all other Ukrainians go through.

If we talk about what other benefits there are when registering a temporary residence permit for residents of the DPR and LPR, then this is an exemption from compliance with quotas. They are not subject to restrictions. In addition, persons with Donetsk and Lugansk residence permits can take advantage of the compatriots' resettlement program and speed up the process of legalizing their status.

We prepare documents

Documentary support for filing a petition is one of the main stages that needs to be given maximum attention. All papers must be accompanied by a Russian translation, and if necessary, certified by a notary. The list of documents for TRP for citizens of Ukraine should look like this:

  1. Application in two copies.
  2. Four photos (photo requirements).
  3. National Ukrainian passport.
  4. Foreign passport (if any).
  5. Migration card.
  6. Medical report on the applicant's state of health.
  7. Certificate of successful passing of the state exam for knowledge of the Russian language or other document that can confirm the exemption from mandatory testing.
  8. Marriage certificate.
  9. Certificate stating that the applicant has been registered with the migration service.
  10. Receipt with paid duty.

Please note that immigration officers have the right to verify any information you provide on the submitted papers, up to whether you really live at the designated address.

We are writing a statement

The correctness of filling out the application sometimes plays a decisive role in making a decision regarding the submitted application. To be considered correct, it must contain the following information:

  1. Date and place of birth.
  2. Civic affiliation.
  3. Education.
  4. Family status.
  5. Seniority.
  6. Closest relatives.
  7. Address of residence in the Russian Federation and telephone number where the applicant can be contacted.
  8. Passport data.

In addition, the document should indicate the grounds for obtaining a TRP for citizens of Ukraine. For example, the intention to obtain Russian citizenship in the future. For additional information, the following questions may be needed:

  1. What do you plan to do in Russia (professional activity).
  2. Relationship with the law.
  3. Health status.

The form ends with a signature certifying that its submitter is aware of the consequences of providing false information.

What gives Ukrainians RVP

Permission to temporarily stay in the Russian Federation has a limited validity period. For this reason, the first thing that this document obliges a Ukrainian to do is to decide on future plans. A temporary residence permit is issued only for three years, after which it is necessary to apply for a residence permit (and this must be done in advance, and not when the document becomes invalid) or leave the Russian territory.

Having received a temporary residence permit, its holder cannot leave the Russian borders for more than 6 months. Failure to comply with this rule will result in cancellation of the document.

It would be useful to know what rights the RVP gives in Russia for citizens of Ukraine:

  • get a job without other permits;
  • enjoy free medical care;
  • issue a TIN;
  • open your own business by registering an IP.

At the same time, it should be remembered that RVP is still far from citizenship, so the actions of its owner are still quite limited in some moments:

  • a migrant can work only in the Russian region that issued the document;
  • prohibited from holding certain positions. So, let's say, the holder of temporary status cannot become the captain of an aircraft or sea vessel, a government official, or hold any other important post;
  • migrants with RWP are deprived of the right to vote in elections.

But no one forbids Ukrainians to serve in the Russian army under a contract.

The price of the issue and the period for issuing a permit

It is necessary to find out in advance how much the RVP costs for citizens of Ukraine. First of all, you will have to pay a fee for the provision of services. In 2017, it is 1600 rubles.

In addition, do not forget that some other procedures are also paid. So, for example, in addition to the payment to the state indicated above, the following expenses should be included in the budget:

  • a comprehensive exam - approximately 5300 rubles;
  • medical examination - about 3 thousand rubles.

In total, an additional 8-9 thousand rubles will have to be spent. And this is without taking into account photocopies, translations and trips to a notary.

By itself, the process of considering a petition cannot be called fast. After filing the application, the authorized body has at its disposal two months to study all the circumstances of the case and carry out the necessary checks. If the decision is positive, within 7 days the applicant must undergo fingerprinting and registration at the place of residence. Only after that his passport will be decorated with a long-awaited stamp.

If a refusal is received, the Ukrainian will be forced to leave Russia.

Important: the law does not provide for the right to appeal the refusal of a temporary residence permit in court.

Where to apply

All issues related to the legalization of foreign citizens on Russian territory are in charge of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. But before submitting a petition, it is necessary to clearly define exactly where the applicant intends to live and work. The fact is that having received permission, he will be tied to a specific region and will not be able to get a job outside of it.

Thus, it is necessary to submit a petition at the place of intended residence in the Russian Federation. At the same time, please note that a permit obtained in the Moscow region does not entitle its holder to work directly in the capital. He will be able to carry out labor activities in Moscow only while on a business trip there. For this reason, it is important to find out in advance where to apply for a temporary residence permit in Moscow in order to be able to work legally in the capital.

Those who intend to move to St. Petersburg face the same difficulty. To get a job in the northern capital, you need to apply only to the city migration departments.

Status renewal

A person who has received permission to temporarily reside in the Russian Federation is required to comply with certain migration formalities. In particular, his duties include the annual notification of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in his region that he has not left anywhere and is still staying at his place of registration.

This must be done twice during the entire validity of the stamp. Two months following the expired year of residence in Russia are allotted for sending a notice of residence under the TRP. A later filing of an application is possible only if there are good reasons that the Ukrainian can document.

When a permit expires, it becomes invalid. This means that the law does not provide for further extension of the TRP for citizens of Ukraine. This circumstance can be considered another reason why you need to decide on your status in the Russian Federation in advance.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the annual notification of the migration authorities about your stay will require confirmation of the presence of a legal source of income, as well as a place of residence on Russian territory.

What documents are needed to obtain a TRP by quota: Video