Who discovered Peter? Petra: the pink rock city

Couldn’t they travel [study the history of past centuries and millennia, and then visit the preserved monuments, capitals of states and civilizations that once flourished and crushed any enemy], having at the same time understanding hearts and hearing ears?!

It is not people’s eyes that go blind, but their hearts that are in their chests [they do not heed the lessons of the past in the present, they do not try to understand them. Their whole life is a run from nowhere to nowhere along a narrow path of stereotypes and personal interpretations, subjective conclusions].*

Holy Koran 22:46


Then let's reveal our cards a little.

So, Petra (Arabic: البتراء‎‎) — ancient city, capital Edomites (Edom), later the capital of the Nabataean kingdom. Located on the territory of modern Jordan, at an altitude of more than 900 m above sea level and 660 m above the surrounding area, the Arava Valley, in the narrow Siq canyon.

Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan or Jordan - an Arab state in the Middle East. It borders with Syria in the north, Iraq in the northeast, with Saudi Arabia- in the east and south, with Israel and Palestine - in the west. Jordan shares with Israel and Palestine coastlines Dead Sea and Gulf of Aqaba with Israel, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

About 90% of the kingdom's territory is occupied by deserts and semi-deserts.

Jordan's most famous landmark is , the city we are interested in Petra , located 262 kilometers south of Amman, and 133 kilometers north of Aqaba in the Wadi Musa valley.

The ancient city is the property of the Bedouins, who manufacture and sell souvenirs on the territory of the museum, and also offer rides on horses or camels. In place of the current one Petra was the first fortified settlement, called " Sela" — "stone, rock". Later this name was translated into Greek - Petra ("stone").

Petra - the capital of the Nabatean kingdom and one of the most beautiful and well-preserved ancient cities. Petra is included in the list world heritage UNESCO and is one of the new wonders of the world. In ancient times, Petra was located on the trade route connecting the Middle East, Arabia and India.

Historians believe that the city was built by the Nabateans, Arab tribes of nomads who settled on these lands in the 3rd millennium BC. Appearance Petra owes much to Greco-Roman culture, which the Nabataeans adapted to their needs. Beginning with a few easily defended caves in the rocks, Petra gradually grew into an impregnable fortress city. The lands of the former Nabatean kingdom and Peter were completely forgotten in the West.

The first modern European to see and describe Petra was the Swiss traveler Johann Ludwig Burckhardt in 1812.

The very location of Petra is surprising, namely the mountains, which, depending on the time of day, change their color from dark red to pink and even orange.

Getting to the ancient city is not so easy; you will have to cover several kilometers on foot: first go down and then climb back through Siq gorge. From the east and west the cliffs drop steeply, forming natural walls up to 80 m in height.

Here is a description of this path, made in the 70s: “The path to the city lies through this passage. Its length is about 1.2 km, and its width is from 4 to 10 meters or more. The spectacle is truly unforgettable: reddish and brownish rocks up to 80 m high hang on both sides; A strip of sky is blue above, coarse gravel and sand rustle underfoot, and it smells of dampness and mold. The Romans failed to take Petra for several years; its inhabitants, blocking the only narrow passage leading to the fortified city, could hold back an entire army with small forces...

Walking down the aisle- both on the right and on the left above my head are these cut up, gnawed stones of red color. During the rainy season, this gorge turns into a rapid, turbulent stream. The road is decorated with the remains of an ancient pavement and rock bas-reliefs, and along the edges, like a railing, a water trench meanders, delivering water to Petra.

The beginning of the gorge through which you can get to Petra itself

Already approaching the exit from the gorge, we freeze in amazement: through the hole in the dark corridor, about fifty meters from its end, a pink building illuminated by the sun with columns and an elegant pediment is clearly visible. A few more minutes of patience and in front of us is one of the monumental tombs of Petra... What is most striking is that it is a solid stone mass without any additions.

It opens around the corner El Khaznehmajestic building with a facade carved from a huge rock. It is one of the best preserved structures from the first century. The building is crowned with a huge stone urn, which supposedly contained gold and gems, - hence the name of the temple (translated from Arabic as “treasury”).

The interior of one of the “rooms” of El Khazneh.

Here you can clearly see that all this was carved out of a solid stone mass.

Once around the rock and the Al-Khazneh Palace, you will find yourself surrounded by hundreds of rock-cut buildings, temples, tombs, small and large residential buildings, tombs and festive halls, long staircases, arches and cobbled streets. A little lower, a huge Roman amphitheater carved from stone, which once accommodated more than 4 thousand spectators.

High in the mountains above the city there is a sacred place of worship of the gods, from where a stunning panorama of Petra opens up - an amphitheater, a Byzantine church and tombs of the kings, Roman colonnades, the mausoleum of Aaron, and the main temple of the Nabateans - Qazr al-Bint.

Here is a list of the most interesting of them: El-Khazneh ("Treasury", the tomb of one of the Nabataean kings), Ad-Deir ("Monastery"), Sakhrij ("Djinn's Blocks"), "Obelisk Tomb", "Facade Square", sacred mountain Jebel Al-Madbah ("Mountain of Sacrifice"), "Royal Tombs", Mugar An-Nasar ("Caves of the Christians"), Theatre, Byzantine church behind the ruins of the Nymphaeum, Al-Uzza Atargatis ("Temple of the Winged Lions"), Qasr Al- Bint (“Palace of the Pharaoh’s Daughter”, although the pharaohs, naturally, have nothing to do with this building), etc.

The city has two archaeological museums: the old (in Mount Jebel Al-Habis) and the new, with excellent collections, as well as many monuments identified with biblical chronicles - the Wadi Musa valley itself ("Valley of Moses"), Mount Jebel Harun (Mount of Aaron , where, according to legend, the high priest Aaron died), the source of Ain Musa (“The Source of Moses”), etc.

Petra was called a “nest of robbers”, “bloody stones”, “cursed place”, “city of evil spirits”, “ghost city”, “city of bloody altars”, “city of the dead”.

The territory of Petra occupies a large area. From the center, where the ruins of numerous buildings are well preserved, no longer rock-built, but built in the traditional way, from stone, it extends for several kilometers.

The main street, stretching from east to west through the entire city, was laid during Roman rule. A majestic colonnade stretches on both sides of it. The western end of the street abutted big temple, and the eastern one ended with a three-span triumphal arch.

Ed-Deir is a monastery carved into the rock at the top of a cliff - a huge building about 50 m wide and more than 45 m high. Judging by the crosses carved on the walls, the temple served as a Christian church for some time.

Later, after researchers excavated the space under the monastery, they discovered the tomb of one of the Nabatean kings.

Here is a very educational video from the National Geographic Channel:

The remains of this cities of the dead"are an edification for us who live after them. In the SacredIn the Koran, the Almighty tells us in several verses about the destroyed peoples and villages:

How many settlements We destroyed along with their sinful, godless inhabitants: [old] houses collapsed and became empty, wells [water supply systems] became useless to anyone and fell into disrepair, and [solid] palaces built [using the latest science and technology] [ if they remained standing, they were empty and deserted].*

Holy Quran, 22:45

Each of the human communities has its own term [nothing lasts forever in this world, everything (people, peoples, cities, states, eras, civilizations) has an earthly beginning and end]. If it comes, then nothing can be changed (it is impossible to delay it or speed it up).*

Holy Quran, 7:34

Haven’t you seen what your Lord did to the ‘adites?! [With their tribe] Iram, who had [majestic] buildings supported by columns. There were no people like them [powerful and strong, smart] anywhere until that moment.

Holy Quran 89:6-8

Don’t they see [don’t know] how many civilizations were destroyed by Us earlier! Truly, they will not return to them [to the existing ones]!*

Holy Quran 36:31

In conclusion, I will quote the words of a Muslim scholar-sage who was asked:

“Why do we hear edifications and instructions, but cannot benefit from them, they are not reflected in our lives?

The sage replied: “For five reasons:

First: Allah has endowed you with many bounties, granted you countless blessings, but you have lost your sense of gratitude towards Him

Second: having committed a sin, you stopped feeling the fear of God’s wrath, you stopped asking for mercy with deeds and words

Third: You don't follow what you know.

Fourth: There are righteous, well-behaved people in your environment, but you don’t even think of emulating them.

And the last one“: you bury the dead, see off many of your loved ones and acquaintances to another world, but cannot learn an instructive lesson from this”

As-Samarkandi N. Tanbih al-gafilin.P.292

O Allah, fill our hearts with timidity before Your greatness and power. Awaken in us this feeling, which will manifest itself in our tears, which will be filled in the future life with heavenly springs in the highest degrees of Firdavs! Amine.

Radia Zavdetovna,

Mahalla No. 1

*With comments by Sh. Alyautdinov

Materials used when writing this article:


Sh. Alyautdinov “The Holy Quran. Meanings"

I. Alyautdinov “Know. Believe. Honor"

Today I will tell you about the main attraction of Jordan - the ancient city of Petra. It is located in the territory of modern Jordan, at an altitude of more than 900 m above sea level and 660 m above the surrounding area, the Arava Valley, in the narrow Siq canyon. The passage to the valley is through gorges located in the north and south, while from the east and west the rocks drop vertically, forming natural walls up to 60 m in height. In 2007, Petra was chosen as one of the new Seven Wonders of the World.

Petra was located at the crossroads of two important trade routes: one connecting the Red Sea with Damascus, the other connecting the Persian Gulf with Gaza off the coast Mediterranean Sea. Caravans departing from the Persian Gulf, loaded with precious spices, had to courageously endure the harsh conditions of the Arabian desert for weeks until they reached the coolness of the narrow Siq canyon, leading to the long-awaited Petra. There travelers found food, shelter and cool, life-giving water.

For hundreds of years, trade brought great wealth to Petra. But when the Romans discovered sea ​​routes to the East, the land trade in spices came to naught and Petra gradually became empty, lost in the sands. Many buildings of Petra were erected in different eras and under different owners of the city, including the Edomites (18-2 centuries BC), Nabataeans (2nd century BC - 106 AD), Romans (106-395 AD), Byzantines and Arabs. In the 12th century AD e. it was owned by the crusaders.

The first of the modern Europeans to see and describe Petra was the Swiss Johann Ludwig Burckhardt, who was traveling incognito. Next to the ancient theater you can see a building from the Edomite or Nabataean era. Monuments built after the 6th century AD. e. practically not, because in that era the city had already lost its significance.

01. Now Petra is visited annually by about half a million tourists. Admission for a day is approximately 55 euros, for 60 euros you can buy a ticket for 2 days. View of the road to Petra.

02. The gorge begins from here. There is a main road - flat, quite wide, almost all tourists get to Petra along it. But you can turn off and take the unimproved road. To do this, turn right at the post into the tunnel. Walking there is quite difficult, but you can feel like you are in the shoes of the Swiss traveler Johann Ludwig Burckhardt, who discovered Petra in 1812.

03. a few more videos from above.


05. This is what the main road looks like. Before entering, they will actively push you to get a horse to get to the city, don’t agree, the road there is very easy. But you can return back by cart. This pleasure costs 20 euros, you cannot bargain, since the tariff is official.




09. Using terracotta pipes, the architects of Petra created a complex water supply system and despite the arid climate, the city's residents never needed water. There were about 200 reservoirs throughout the city that collected and stored rainwater. In addition to connecting the reservoirs, terracotta pipes collected water from all sources within a radius of 25 kilometers. Annual rainfall in Petra is only about 15 centimeters. To conserve water, local residents carved canals and reservoirs directly into the rocks.


11. As tourists walk through the cool kilometer-long Siq canyon, around the bend they discover the Treasury - a majestic building with a facade carved from a huge rock. It is one of the best preserved structures from the first century.

12. The building is crowned by a huge urn made of stone, in which gold and precious stones were supposedly kept - hence the name “Treasury”. The official name of this structure is El Khazneh. The architects planned the construction of this temple in the former river bed. For its construction, the river bed was changed, a grandiose project for that time. A tunnel was cut into the rock to divert the flow of water and a series of dams were built.

13. According to the popular etymological version, the word “Treasury” subsequently came from the word “El-Khazneh”. In fact, there is no direct connection between these words. El-Khazneh literally means "storehouse" from khazan - to store, store. The Russian word “treasury” goes back to the same Arabic word, but was directly borrowed in the 12th-14th centuries from the Polovtsian language. Famous cat.

14. A few more photos of local cats, but I don’t like them so much)))




18. The canyon gradually expands, and tourists find themselves in a natural amphitheater, in the sandstone walls of which there are many caves. But the main thing that catches your eye is the crypts carved into the rocks. The colonnade and amphitheater testify to the presence of the Romans in the city in the first and second centuries.


20. The name itself is “Petra”, which means “rock”. And Petra, indeed, was a city of stone; there was no such thing in the Roman Empire. The Nabateans, who built the city, patiently carved houses, crypts and temples from stone blocks. Petra is nestled among red sandstones that lend themselves well to building, and by the first century AD a monumental city had grown up in the heart of the desert.










30. The final point of the route is the Ed-Deir monastery. To get to it you need to climb the mountain for quite a long time, but you can take a donkey for 5 euros and walk back down.








38. Ed-Deir, a monastery carved into the rock at the top of a cliff - a huge building about 50 m wide and more than 45 m high. Judging by the crosses carved on the walls, the temple served as a Christian church for some time.

39. Not far from the monastery there are observation decks, here you can admire the view of the valley.



42. All the viewpoints have been taken over by Bedouins who will extort money from you.



45. Be prepared for a large number small extortionists and souvenir dealers. There is not much to buy there; prices in Petra are approximately 2 times higher.




49. Some tourists try to save money and enter the mountain trails without a ticket. For them, guards were posted at the far approaches to check tickets and chase away violators.





54. And this is what an alternative gorge looks like, along which you can get to Petra. It’s very beautiful, although the walk takes much longer, but it’s worth it.




58. The entrance to Petra is open from 6 am to 5 pm. Sometimes the city opens at night, you need to buy an additional ticket. The entire road to the Treasury is decorated with paper lanterns.


60. A small performance takes place in the square near the Treasury itself.




64. View of Petra from the neighboring mountain.

Petra is an ancient city, the pearl of Jordan. Located one kilometer from the city of Eilat.

The city of Petra was the capital of the ancient Nabataean state, which arose in the 7th century BC. A significant part of the architectural objects of Petra are carved directly into the red sandstone rocks.

In ancient times, the city was located at the crossroads of important trade routes, which ensured its prosperity. But after the opening of sea trade routes, the city fell into decline. Gradually, the sands hid the amazing architecture of Petra from view. Forgotten for centuries, it was discovered only in the 19th century.

Now majestic buildings ancient capital attract about half a million tourists annually.

Coordinates: 30.32887900,35.44257900

Byzantine church

Petra is an impressive Nabatean ancient city in Western Jordan. With its magnificent massive facades carved from red sandstone and the surrounding rugged landscape dotted with historical monuments, it is a traveler's paradise. Petra was and is a great religious city. There are many tombs, temples, sanctuaries and altars here.

One of these gems is the Byzantine Church. It was built on Roman ruins around 450 AD. The church was a three-nave basilica with total area about 400 square meters. All the passages of the temple are paved with amazingly preserved mosaics depicting local and mythical animals. The cruciform font was surrounded by four columns, possibly supporting a dome. Around 600 AD, the church suffered a major fire and was abandoned until it was finally destroyed by earthquakes.

Its excavations began in 1992, archaeologists discovered 152 papyrus scrolls. The Byzantine church is unique historical monument ancient civilization and is of great interest to tourists.

Coordinates: 30.33128700,35.44429100

What sights of Petra did you like? Next to the photo there are icons, by clicking on which you can rate a particular place.

Canyon Siq

The Siq Canyon is located in Jordan, its length is one and a half kilometers, and it ends with the ruins of Al Khazneh. Previously, this gorge served as the main entrance to the ancient city and was used by royal caravans.

At the very beginning of the canyon you can see the remains of a stone arch. Here stood the massive gates of the Roman legion, which made it possible to tightly block the passage and hold the defense with minimal forces.

Coordinates: 30.32888900,35.44027800

Karak has been known since ancient times. The castle is a huge labyrinth with gloomy arches and endless passages. It is so high that you can see the Dead Sea from its windows.

Karak is located on the so-called “Royal Road” (or “Road of the Kings”), the caravan route between Syria and Egypt. It is not for nothing that bloody wars were fought over this territory for many centuries.

The castle was built by the Crusaders in 1136. The fortress of Karak became at that time the main center of the Crusaders in the area. Later it became a fortified point of the Mamluks and Ayyubids.

The main thing in Karak is the numerous tunnels, underground passages, labyrinths, rooms. It is very easy to get lost in them and, moreover, interesting. Some places are simply pitch dark, so a flashlight will come in handy.

Coordinates: 31.16485500,35.76190800

Tomb with urn

The urn tomb is one of the many unique structures in Petra. This is one of the five so-called Royal Tombs, which were used for the burial of kings and high-ranking persons. It gets its name from the urn that surmounts the central pediment.

The tomb was built on high mountain and dominates the neighboring facades. To get here, you need to climb several flights of stairs. Presumably this is the tomb of King Malchus II, who died in 70 AD. The impressive façade has stood the test of time. The tomb stands on an open platform, with several pairs of columns along the northern terrace. The inner chamber is quite impressive, its area is about 400 square meters.

In 477, the tomb was converted into a church, as evidenced by the dedication record on the back wall of the hall. This impressive structure is very popular among tourists. There is a café here for visitors wide choice refreshments and a cozy hotel located a few kilometers away.

Coordinates: 30.32762000,35.44943400

Aneisho Tomb

The Aneisho Tomb is one of the many attractions in Petra. It was created around 50 AD. The monument is located on a hill, so it immediately attracts attention.

This majestic structure is named after the brother of the Nabatean queen Shagilat. It has a beautiful façade with double cornices. Its structure combines Greek, Egyptian and Nabatean architectural styles. The tomb was a two-tier room with a total area of ​​about 400 square meters. There was a room equipped with a massive table and two benches in which the sacred holidays with honoring the dead.

This place is of great interest to visitors. Next to the tomb there is a small cafe with a wide selection of soft drinks. Cozy hotel located a few kilometers away, you can stop here for a while excursion tour.

Coordinates: 30.32865700,35.44725200

The most popular attractions in Petra with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose best places for visiting famous places Petra on our website.

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More attractions of Petra

I already wrote about this miracle, but then I found more photos and material. I collected it in a pile and posted it again. Admire it.

About 2,500 years ago it was built in Jordan beautiful city, named Petra.

It was the capital of the Nabataean kingdom, which flourished for 200 years and was conquered by the Romans, after which the city sank into oblivion.

Civilization disappeared, and the Nabatean treasures were never found. Where did they disappear to?

Treasury of Petra

The Nabateans built the mysterious Petra, and now tourists gasp in admiration when they meet the city in the rock. Information about the Nabatean state came through the works of Diodorus, Strabo and Josephus, and is mentioned in ancient Chinese sources about the Great Silk Road.

But there is no information about the origin of the Nabateans themselves. Only guesses are left. They may be descendants of Ishmael (he had a son, Nabayoth), son of Abraham, or the lost tribe of Israel from the time of the destruction of the First Temple. Or maybe they are a sect (the Nabataeans, who founded the city of Babylon after the Flood, or, according to E. Blavatsky, a mystical caste dedicated to the god of Secret Wisdom?

The early Nabataeans were ruled by a pagan cult. The main deities of their pantheon were Dushara and his female parallel Allat, the mother of all gods. The finale of the tombstone inscription that has come down to us reads: “and this mausoleum will be sacred and reserved in accordance with the custom of the sacred and reserved, which is dedicated to Dushara and declared reserved by the Nabateans and Salamis.”

During Roman rule, Allat was identified with Athena, Venus, Dushara - with Zeus and Dionysus. And the late Greek narrative of Epiphanius draws an analogy between the Nativity of Christ and Dushara, celebrated on the same day.

The future Nabatean state covered the central and southern parts of modern Jordan, the southern and southeastern part of Israel (the Arabian Basin), the central and southern Negev, which was closely adjacent to the Kingdom of Judah. In the 2nd century BC. a powerful leap takes place in the history of the Nabateans. Over the course of a century, this people turns from nomadic to sedentary.

The Nabataeans became famous as skilled architects. In addition, they mastered the science of irrigation better than other nations. The Arabian desert bloomed with gardens only under the Nabataeans.

Most of the kingdom's inhabitants became traders. Now they set their own prices and collected duties. They made Petra their capital, located at the intersection of three main trade routes, where, according to legend, they store untold wealth.

Speaking a pro-Arabic language, the Nabateans created a writing system in Aramaic, which would later significantly influence Arabic. The Nabataeans themselves switched to the Greek language towards the end of the kingdom.

The sheikhs who reign at first are replaced by kings who strive for complete deified power. Arethas IV titles himself as “he who loved his people.” The Nabatean elite is related to the Jewish one. King Herod's mother was a Nabataean queen.

The capital of the kingdom of Petra was a key transit hub where all the caravan routes of the ancient world converged. The Egyptians carried their goods to the Roman Empire and Arabia. The Arabians spread frankincense and myrrh throughout the world through Petra. And in those days they were valued higher than gold.

The Nabatean city was not just a caravanserai on the route of merchants. He played the role of the exchange. Many merchants did not dare to go further through the desert and handed over the goods to the residents of Petra, who then sold it. Coins of their own mintage circulated here.

For two hundred years Nabatea flourished. In 106 AD the end of the independent state comes. The Roman Emperor Troyan achieved a difficult victory. From the 4th century AD. Nabatea gradually dissolves into Christian Byzantium and disappears without a trace in the Middle Ages.

Only Bedouins have the right to live in Petra

The Mystery of the Holy Grail

Already a year and a half in hot Jordan, in ancient city An expedition of Russian archaeologists is working in Petra. Our experts explore the dungeons legendary city. It is in them, according to some sources, that the untold wealth of the Nabataeans may be hidden.

The city was built at a high architectural level: the skill of the ancient engineers, who managed to carve caves in the sandy rocks so that they would not be filled up or washed out, is admirable. Arab art historians still do not believe that Petra could have been built by people at all. They do not understand what methods were used by the nomadic Nabataeans in such high-tech construction. The city was built very quickly and was also quickly populated. Its heyday occurred in the 1st century BC, and the last mention dates back to the 7th century after the Nativity of Christ.

There are residential apartments and apartments in the rocks. Almost everywhere there are places for prayer: on one side there are recesses in the stone to make it more convenient to stand, and on the opposite side there are icons. There is a grand amphitheater that seats about 3,000 people and served as a place for lavish funerals.

According to one version, part of the treasures of the pharaohs is kept in Petra. According to another, a spiritual treasure is hidden there - the Holy Grail, in search of which the crusaders came here. Historians claim that the Nabateans themselves could well have accumulated enough gold and jewelry.

Today, the main occupation of the local Bedouin residents is trade. They sell mainly handicraft souvenirs for tourists that have no artistic or other value. And their ancestors did not waste their time on trading trinkets and homemade consumer goods, preferring goods made of gold, silver, and precious stones.

In the city, here and there small jars with treasures are dug up. In souvenir shops you can buy jewelry - bracelets, necklaces - with stylized antique coins. And tourists always find something antique in the sands - fragments of pottery, funeral urns. Those with a serious interest in numismatics are referred to black archaeologists, despite the fact that illegal archeology is severely punished in Jordan. However, it’s hard to resist when caches are hidden somewhere nearby, and no one wants to believe that there are no real treasures left in such a rich city.

City of dead

The main place that has long been favored by treasure hunters is Al Khazneh. Translated from Arabic - treasury or treasury. In search of gold, the Bedouins even shot down the front of the building with guns. Interestingly, the top of this building is crowned with a large stone pot. Locals They cannot understand why it was necessary to decorate a majestic building with an ordinary pot, which belongs in a pottery workshop. There is a legend among the Bedouins that ancient treasures are hidden in it. They say that if you hit the pot successfully, then the well-aimed shooter will literally be showered with gold and precious stones. But this is just a legend.

But where then are the treasures that, despite all attempts, cannot be found, and were they there at all? Deputy Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences for scientific affairs, Doctor of Economic Sciences Vladimir Isaev, believes that taking into account the position of Petra in ancient world By definition, it was supposed to store untold wealth. However, the scientist suggested that they had been plundered long ago. Art critic Lev Maciel Sanchez adheres to the same version. He is confident that the valuables were gradually carried away by the inhabitants of Petra themselves, leaving the dying city, after in the 3rd century the main trade routes began to shift north, to Palmyra.

Royal Tombs in Petra

Jordanian guides claim that the legacy of the great Nabateans has not disappeared from Petra. They say that under the visible part of the city there is a whole complex of caves, in which the Nabatean treasury is hidden.

To date, scientists have studied only a small part stone city. Those buildings that are close to the surface of the earth have been excavated. Only recently, literally last years, archaeologists began to make their way deeper. And they were immediately rewarded: having laid an excavation in front of Al Khazneh, the scientists found hitherto unknown burials. It seems that Petra is only now beginning to reveal her main secrets.

Petra Caves

People still live in the caves of Petra

Monastery in Petra, Jordan

Petra at night

Access to the valley is possible through gorges located in the north and south, while in the east and west the cliffs drop sheer, forming natural walls up to 60 m in height. In 2007, Petra was recognized as one of the new Seven Wonders of the World.

These days, about half a million tourists come to Jordan every year to see Petra, whose buildings testify to its glorious past. As tourists walk through the cool kilometer-long Siq Canyon, around a bend they discover the Treasury, a majestic building with a facade carved from a huge rock.

It is one of the best preserved structures from the first century. The building is crowned by a huge stone urn, which supposedly contained gold and precious stones - hence the name “Treasury”.

The canyon gradually widens, and tourists find themselves in a natural amphitheater, in the sandstone walls of which there are many caves. But the main thing that catches your eye is the crypts carved into the rocks. The colonnade and amphitheater testify to the presence of the Romans in the city in the first and second centuries. Bedouins offer camel rides to tired tourists, sell souvenirs and water their herds of goats at city springs, the waters of which quench the thirst of people and animals.

Not only the wonderful beaches of Aqaba and healing mud Dead Sea Jordan is famous. Petra is its main attraction, and hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the world come to see it. The architects who built this city incomprehensibly hollowed out caves in the rocks, turning dead stone into majestic temples and tombs. But then there were no modern tools, and technology had not reached half of the modern level. Nevertheless, people, figuratively speaking, with their bare hands managed to create masterpieces that have survived centuries.

The Nabataeans - the founders of the fairy-tale city among the rocks

According to legend, the Nabateans are descendants of Shem, the son of the world famous Noah. In the 3rd century BC they formed the state of Nabatea. The most important caravan routes for the economy of those times passed through its lands. Therefore, the territory of the Nabatean kingdom was a tasty morsel for many neighboring states and was often attacked. But the Nabateans not only managed to defend their land from invaders, but also subjugated part of Syria and remained independent during the power of the Roman Empire. The Nabataeans had great hatred for the Jews and not only fought with them endlessly, but even ransomed other captured Jews from them in order to subject them to cruel torture and then kill them. Jordan is now located on the territory of the majestic Nabatea. Petra is the former prosperous capital of a vanished ancient state. Nowadays it is a unique museum created by nature and human genius.

Lost City

The lost cities of fantasy novels seem to be copied from Petra, a city hidden in the rocks. Who knows, humanity would have known anything about this place if in 1812 the orientalist from Sweden Johann Burckhardt, traveling around the Middle East under the name Ibrahim ibn Abdullah, had not come across an unusually beautiful gorge, walked along it and opened it to humanity ancient city of Petra. Jordan carefully protects its shrine, which is included in the list of wonders of the world. Petra - in Greek means “stone, stone.” The city received this name because at some point in its history it was associated with ancient Hellas. This is evidenced by numerous elements in the architecture of buildings, colonnades and porticos, reminiscent of parts of ancient Greek temples, but with their own details that are not characteristic of the Hellenes. Burckhardt himself was not looking for the lost city, but was planning to cross the Sahara to the sources of the Niger. This man died on the threshold of his 33rd birthday, having become famous for centuries thanks to his unexpected discovery.

Geographical position

Hot dry climate, the only small area of ​​the Gulf of Aqaba and the Dead Sea and 90% desert plains interspersed with lifeless rocks. This is Jordan. Petra, unique historical heritage and the pride of the country cannot boast of blooming gardens. It amazes the imagination with the harsh beauty of silent rocks, rushing their masses tens of meters into the sky. The city is located at an altitude of 660 meters above the Arava Valley and communicates with the world through the narrow Siq gorge. The Arava is a desert plain where there is almost nothing living. In the old days, travelers accompanying camel caravans crossed the Arava, languishing from the heat and lack of water. Like a life-giving mystical oasis, it was for them majestic Petra, where you could drink plenty of water and relax. The Nabataeans chose one of the most inaccessible places for their capital. You can only get into the city through a narrow canyon from the south or north. According to legend, it happened because Moses hit the rocks with his staff. According to another legend, the Nabataeans did not allow the Jews whom Moses led through the desert to pass through their city.

Siq Gorge

Both the crossing of the Arava and the advancement through the gorge are included in the program of the excursion tour called “Jordan, Petra, sights”. For those who do not want to tire their legs, enterprising Arabs rent horses, camels, donkeys and even small carriages. Entrance to the gorge is paid. If you didn’t have time to inspect everything in one day, you will have to pay again the next day. The price until recently was 20 dinars (approximately 20 euros). However, the money spent is worth the beauty that you will not see anywhere else in the world. The amazing begins with the first steps along the gorge. It is a narrow winding canyon about one kilometer long. Why not even? The Arabs say because he was crooked. The width of this natural masterpiece is not uniform. In some places the gorge is so narrow that a horse-drawn carriage can barely pass, and in some places it reaches a width of 3 meters. It’s more interesting to walk along it, falling behind the group and being left alone with the rocks, these eternal guardians lost city. Their steep, and in some areas bizarrely overhanging slopes rush upward, almost closing overhead. And only a blue stripe of sky prevents you from breaking your connection with the real world. The color of the slopes changes depending on the time of day. It is especially beautiful at dawn and sunset. But even during the day, the multi-colored layers of sandstone that form these monoliths look wonderful.

Al Khazneh

At the exit from the gorge the eyes open wonderful creation human genius. This is a mausoleum-temple carved right into the rocks. Petra in Jordan, especially this great building, can delight anyone. Its height is 39 meters and its width is 25. Externally, the facade resembles, however, on the walls there are figures of Amazons, the heads of the Egyptian goddess Isis and the mythological Medusa. Also on the facade you can see figurines of eagles, according to the beliefs of the Nabataeans, carrying away the souls of the dead. That is, during construction several intertwined architectural styles. El-Khazneh is crowned with an urn, in which, according to legend, the treasures of the pharaohs were placed. That is why the name of the temple arose - “treasury of the pharaohs.” Inside, the temple consists of three small rooms without any decoration. Just bare walls.

Tombs of Petra

Many researchers are inclined to believe that the pharaohs have nothing to do with El-Khazna, and the building served as the tomb of the rulers of Petra. In front of the temple there is a small round depression with a groove, in which sacrifices may have been made. Blood flowed down the groove. But this detail does not confirm the theory about the tomb 100%. There is nothing inside Al Khazneh that could shed any light on what the structure served. The Nabataeans took this secret with them. What is left to us from the great civilization is the city of Petra. Jordan considers it its main pearl. Even dilapidated by time, the city is grandiose. From Al Khazneh there is a short street of façades leading to other monumental buildings. Some of them were also carved into the rocks, others were built from hewn stone blocks. There are many tombs in the city, but they are all much smaller and more modest than the great Al-Khazneh.

Water supply in the city

The entire Arabian Peninsula is considered a dry region. Jordan is the same. Petra is a city where only 150 mm of precipitation fell per year, which is negligible for the life of 40 thousand inhabitants. However, the Nabataeans built a network of canals and reservoirs in the city, in which all the collected water was stored. Besides, irrigation system The Nabateans made it possible to collect water in the area around the city. The townspeople always had plenty of water. There is an assumption that during rare but heavy rainfalls, streams more than a meter deep could rush through the Siq gorge. To prevent such an amount of water from flooding the city, the Nabataeans built something like a dam that diverted the water flow to the side and prevented the water from rushing into the gorge.

Other attractions in Petra

Not only unique temple Al-Khazneh is famous for Petra, its beautiful coastline in the Gulf of Aqaba and the many preserved buildings of glorious Petra will forever preserve the memory of visiting this great place on Earth. One of them is the Ad-Deir monastery. It is located just above the main city buildings and is also carved into the rock. The façade of the monastery resembles in its appearance the façade of the Al-Khazneh temple. It is slightly larger in size and reaches a height of 45 meters with a width of 50 meters. There are many steps leading up to it. Perhaps this is why it is not visited as often as Al Khazneh. In addition to the monastery, in the stone city the Tombstone Palace, the Temple and the huge arena deserve attention. It was created in the likeness of Greek theaters and served, according to historians, for cultic and religious rites.

Jordan. Petra. Tours, hotels, souvenirs

Jordan is great place for tourism. Many travel agencies can book tours of various durations and destinations. Those who choose to visit Petra can stay in the suburb of Wadi Musa, located one and a half kilometers from the stone city. There are no hotels in Petra itself. It is open to the public only a few hours a day. There is plenty to choose from in Wadi Musa, with hotels to suit different tastes and budgets. In addition, in the suburbs tourists will find numerous restaurants, shops, bars and even night club. In addition to Wadi Musa, you can stay in central city Petra is about a 3 hour drive from there.

Visiting this historical city, every tourist buys souvenirs as a keepsake. They are sold here literally on every corner. Women's jewelry, ceramics, utensils from Arab craftsmen, and small bottles of colored sand are very popular.