Sea predators. The largest predators in the world

The animals that inhabit our planet are rich and diverse. The most dangerous predators have always aroused great human interest. Firstly, it’s scary, and secondly, we are designed in such a way that we want to know who is the strongest, bravest, most beautiful, scary, etc. And it doesn’t matter who we’re talking about - ourselves or our brothers our smaller ones (or larger ones). Today, experts do not have a consensus on which animals are the most planetary. Probably, once upon a time these were dinosaurs, but today different species deserve this title. These are both amphibians and marine inhabitants. In this article we will present you the Top 10 most dangerous predators in the world.

Polar bear

First in our rating we will present the northern giant, the largest land predator. This is a polar or polar bear. Its weight reaches eight hundred kilograms, and its body length is three meters. Scientists note that this is an animal with a high level of intelligence that can easily navigate vast icy expanses.

This bear hunts all year round. This is explained by the fact that, unlike its brown counterparts, it does not hibernate. These also feed on small animals. As a rule, the most dangerous predators in the world also attack people. Polar bear is no exception, but an attack usually follows only when the animal feels aggression from a person or his fear.


This amazingly beautiful cat naturally lives in our country on Far East, as well as in China, Iran, Afghanistan, India. When people are asked: “What is the most dangerous predator in the world?”, most of them name the tiger.

Among cats, this is truly one of the most dangerous and largest animals. Its weight reaches seven hundred kilograms or more. In search of prey, these predators are able to cover vast distances, not only during the day, but also at night. In a day, if the hunt is successful, a tiger eats up to ten kilograms of meat.

His hunting is based on the factor of surprise. Without making a single sound, the striped beauties jump out of ambush and attack their prey. In an instant, they gnaw through the animal's vertebrae. Tigers can become man-eaters when they lack food. Nowadays, the population of these felines around the world has decreased significantly.


But these animals are widespread in our latitudes. They are the most dangerous predators in the world, living in the forest. Wolves usually hunt in packs. This makes them even more dangerous as the victim has to fight multiple powerful killers. Several young and strong wolves immediately begin to pursue their prey. The dominant male “leads” the chase. There is always a dominant female nearby. As soon as the victim accidentally trips and falls, a hungry, ferocious pack pounces on him. Their sharp fangs tear the flesh in an instant, leaving the animal not a single chance of salvation.


The wild world is amazing and unpredictable. The most dangerous predators often remain virtually invisible until the attack. This primarily concerns the crocodile. It merges with the water surface and watches its potential victim. Having chosen the right moment, the monster makes a throw and attacks.

The main weapons of crocodiles are powerful jaws and sharp teeth, which allow the predator to hunt many large animals. For example, a Nile crocodile is capable of killing a zebra or even a buffalo. The predator waits for animals that are going to ambush him for a watering hole. He grabs them with his “iron” teeth and pulls them under water. There he begins to quickly rotate his head until a piece of flesh ends up in his mouth.

Komodo dragon

When you look at the photo below, it’s hard to believe that this is a lizard. The length of this reptile reaches three meters, and its weight often exceeds one hundred and fifty kilograms. This is a fast and strong animal, capable of killing its prey, which is twice its size.

Victory in battle is ensured thanks to its poisonous bite. For this reason, an animal that miraculously escapes from the clutches of a predator still dies after a short time. Usually the monitor lizard waits in ambush for prey. But if necessary, this one can swim and run. In one sitting, the monitor lizard eats about seventy kilograms of meat.

killer whale

The most dangerous predators in the world lie in wait for humans not only on land, but also in water. The name of this large animal is Killer Whale. It translates from English as “killer whale.” This is truly a very dangerous predator. The killer whale is an unsurpassed master of hunting, which is not surprising given its enormous physical strength.

Of all the predators that live in the water, the killer whale boasts the most varied diet. She feeds on seals and penguins, which she catches underwater. In addition, they catch large fish.

Killer whales are social animals; they live in the backwaters in the company of a dozen relatives. And they go hunting in a group. Some of these predators are so ferocious and aggressive that they sometimes eat other aquatic carnivores.

Brown bear

Brown bears (grizzlies) are found in North America. Locals, like many experts, believe that these are the most dangerous animals on Earth. The ferocious huge beast often stands on its hind legs. His height reaches two meters, with a weight of four hundred kilograms.

The grizzly bear has powerful jaws and paws that can easily kill a person. This type of clubfoot is also dangerous because it is also an excellent swimmer. An encounter between a person and a grizzly bear almost always ends in tragedy.

a lion

Often the most dangerous predators in the world receive very sonorous titles. For example, the lion is called nothing less than the king of beasts. And he lives up to his title. His strength allows him to hunt large animals (wildebeest or buffalo). These predators live in prides, and all family members participate in the hunt. Adult animals play hunting with young ones. The acquired skills will certainly be useful to young individuals in their future adult life.

It is necessary to take into account the impressive size of these animals, their strength and power. All these qualities allow lions to take their rightful place on the list of “The Most Dangerous Predators in the World.”


This is one of the representatives of leopards. But, unlike them, panthers are melanistic animals, with one even coloration. Black cats are much more aggressive than leopards. They can get quite close to a person because they have no fear of him at all.

The panther is a very graceful and beautiful animal. Its body can reach one hundred and eighty centimeters in length (including a tail of one hundred and ten centimeters), with a mass of just under one hundred kilograms. Under natural conditions it is found in tropical countries, especially common on the island of Java.

Panthers are very dexterous and cunning predators with well-developed sense organs. Color is of great importance in a successful hunt: they cannot be seen in the dark when they go hunting. Moreover, they sneak up silently.

White shark

And yet, what is the most dangerous predator in the world? We said that there is no clear answer to this question, but most experts believe that, compared to all others, the white shark poses the greatest threat to its “neighbors.” Yes, the only people at risk are the person who dares to “visit” the mysterious underwater world. But this does not make the terrible monster any less dangerous.

If this predator has chosen its prey, then not a single living creature has a chance to escape. The streamlined body shape allows the storm of the seas to move quickly, and the incredibly powerful jaws are a real killer weapon. The white shark can perform surprisingly sharp maneuvers, despite its impressive size. In pursuit of the victim, she even jumps out of the water. Many sharp teeth determine the outcome of the hunt. By the way, an interesting fact: even if a shark loses a tooth, it very quickly grows a new one, no less sharp.

Scientists say that over the course of her life, up to fifty thousand teeth change. When hunting, a shark always makes a “test” bite, which should weaken the victim. While the prey loses strength, the predator waits. Only after some time does the shark swim up to the victim again and eat it.

The most dangerous predators in the world: interesting facts

  • The male crocodile has a real "harem" - about ten females.
  • People arrange fasting days for themselves, and crocodiles have fasting years. A predator may not eat for a whole year.
  • Crocodiles swallow stones that remain in the stomach, helping to grind food and normalizing the animal's center of gravity.
  • The coat of bears has two layers: the top one - the shorter one - protects from the cold, and the longer one - from water.
  • When a bear sees a trap, it often rolls a stone towards it and then eats the bait without risk.
  • During hibernation, the bear's pulse slows down five times - from forty to eight beats per minute.

This broad definition includes the largest animal in the entire history of the Earth - the Blue Whale. The blue whale eats several tons of plankton per day. But plankton includes not only algae, but also marine organisms (krill).

But is the Blue Whale a predator?

A blue whale can weigh more than 200 tons and reach a length of up to 33 meters. It eats krill and can be considered not only the largest predator that ever lived, but also the largest animal in general. But a whale, with its whiskers, is not usually what people think of when they hear the word "predator."

So let's move on to comparing the real largest predators that ever lived on planet Earth. Click on any blue panel - it will open and show you the necessary information about the selected predator.

1 place. Megalodon


Megalodon sharks are not inferior in size to Pliosaurs. According to modern estimates, this giant fish with teeth 18-20 cm could reach a length of 18.2-20.3 meters or so for an adult. According to Gottfried's model, a 15.9 meter Megalodon would have a mass of about 48 tons, a 17 meter Megalodon would have a mass of about 59 tons, and a 20.3 meter Megalodon would have a mass of about 103 tons.

According to earlier estimates, Megalodons could reach a length of 40 meters and weigh more than 120 tons. Megalodon is the largest predatory fish (and perhaps a predator) in the entire history of the Earth.

All fossilized teeth of Megalodon (15-18 cm.), those found so far say the shark is extinct. On a geological time scale, this happened 1.5-2 million years ago. But some researchers believe that Megalodon disappeared from the face of the planet “quite recently,” in the late Pleistocene or early Holocene, or in other words, about 10,000 years ago, or even roams the oceans to this day.

According to scientists, Megalodon had such properties as metabolism, high speed and a huge jaw that allowed it to eat anyone. IN North Carolina(USA) a set of Megalodon teeth was found. Based on this specimen, a model was made, which is now kept in New York, in the Museum of Natural History. Megalodon had more than 270 teeth, which were serrated (like a saw) and ran in five rows.

Famous explorer Vito Bertucci (nicknamed "Megalodon") spent about 20 years of his life recreating the world's largest Megalodon jaw. The dimensions of this jaw are amazing: 3.4 meters diagonally and 2.7 meters in height. According to some estimates, the bite force of Megalodon was 12-20 or even 30 tons per square centimeter. Simply amazing power. And we give the palm in the dispute between predators to Megalododus.

On the issue of estimating the maximum length of Megalodon Disputes continue. An early attempt at reconstructing the Megalodon jaw was made by Professor Bashford Dean back in 1909. Based on the size of the reconstructed jaw, the body length of Megalodon was calculated: ~40 meters. But subsequent studies have cast doubt on this result.

2nd place. Pliosaur


The sperm whale is perhaps the largest predator in the history of the earth. But there were worse creatures. It is possible that the largest predator of all time (and there is direct evidence for this) is Pliosaurus or its variety Liopleurodon.

Pliosaurs lived during the Jurassic period 145 million years ago. In Mexico, the skeleton of a juvenile pliosaur was found and measured, ranging from 16 to 19.5 meters in length. This suggests a skull 3.6-4 meters long! But there is evidence that this “small” young creature was killed by a much larger creature of its kind. Teeth marks on the 4-meter skull show that the adult killer animal was the size of a whale (possibly more than 24.5 meters in length) and with teeth 40 to 50 cm long!

Any suggestions, that the largest specimens of these creatures could reach a length of 25-30 meters and weigh 45-50 tons. Using huge, powerful teeth, biting a victim in half and crushing its bones was a simple matter for the Pliosaurus. Such power left the victim no chance to survive his bite. Paleontologists estimate that the bite of this predator was perhaps four times stronger than that of a Tyrannosaurus rex. According to various estimates, the bite force of Tyrannosaurus was 3-20 tons per square centimeter. Let us note for ourselves that modern crocodiles are capable of biting with a force of only about 1.7 tons per square centimeter.

3rd place. Sperm whale

Sperm whale

The whale's reputation as the ruler of the ocean is being challenged by the sperm whale. A sperm whale is a whale, but not an ordinary whale, but a whale with teeth. The sperm whale's mouth is armed with huge fangs. Therefore, the sperm whale may probably be the largest of the toothed animals.

Measuring 22 meters in length and weighing up to 100 tons, the sperm whale feeds on fish and several types of squid. The four-meter jaws of the sperm whale are armed with fifty massive teeth up to 20 centimeters long and weighing up to a kilogram. And some teeth even weigh 3 kilograms!

And just recently(in November 2008), a fragment of a three-meter fossilized skull of a giant sperm whale was found in sedimentary rocks on the coast of Peru. The find was made in the desert 35 km southwest of the city of Ica. The teeth of the found animal turned out to be of unprecedented size - up to 36 centimeters in length and up to 12 centimeters in diameter.

Predatory fish They eat not only plant foods, but also animal foods. In other words, we are talking about omnivorous species. Some of them hunt not only underwater inhabitants.

Trivalli, otherwise called trevally, for example, jumps out of the sea, capturing birds flying over the surface. Sharks and catfish are known to attack people.

Predatory fresh water fish


These predatory fish of reservoirs represented by more than 10 species. Most of them are aquarium. They are small. But the common catfish is the largest predatory river fish. In the last century, 5-meter individuals weighing about 400 kilograms were caught. In the 21st century, the maximum weight of a caught catfish was 180 kilos.

Small predatory fish Among catfish there is a glass species. In the natural environment, its representatives are found in India. The glass catfish is transparent, only the head is not visible.


There are 5 types. All have an elongated body with large scales. It covers all the fish. She has an elongated, pointed head. It is slightly flattened on top. All pike perch also have a sharp and high fin sticking out on their back. It, like the entire top of the fish, is gray-green. The animal's abdomen is gray and white.

Pike perch are large predators and can exceed a meter in length. The weight of the fish is approximately 20 kilograms.


There are 50 species of piranhas. All carnivores live in fresh water in the South Tropics. Piranhas do not exceed 50 centimeters in length. Externally, the fish are distinguished by their laterally flattened body and silver, gray or black scales. Yellow, scarlet or orange markings may be present on a dark background.

All piranhas have a forward lower jaw. Triangular teeth are visible. They are sharp and closely meet the upper ones. This adds destructive power to the fish's bite. An adult piranha easily crushes a stick with a diameter of about 2 centimeters.


There are about 10 species of them in fresh water bodies. The Aquitaine pike, which lives in the waters of France, was discovered only in 2014. Italian view separated from others in 2011. The Amur pike differs from the usual small silvery scales and is smaller itself.

There are also fish with black stripes above their eyes. These live in America and do not gain weight more than 4 kilos.

The largest in the family is the masking. The sides of this pike are covered with vertical stripes. The Muskinong stretches up to 2 meters, weighing almost 40 kilos.

Pike is a predatory fish, playing the role of a water orderly. Weakened fish and amphibians are the first to fall into the predator's mouth. Cannibalism is developed in the family. Large pikes readily devour smaller ones.


There are more than 100 species in the family. About 40% of them are marine or semi-anadromous. Among freshwater perches, the most common is river perch. It is united with others by greenish transverse lines on the sides.

The pattern is weakly expressed if the bottom of the reservoir is light. If the bottom is dark, for example, muddy, the stripes on the sides of the perches are rich in color.

Perch - predatory freshwater fish, feeding on its own young. This is true in reservoirs where perch predominates among other species. In addition to juveniles, adult animals eat other fish.


This is a tropical predator that lives in the tributaries of the Amazon. There is a bony plate on the elongated and flattened head of the fish. At the same level with it is the wide mouth of the arapaima. Its body is thick, but flattened laterally, tapering towards the tail.

The fins, like those of eels, are fused together. However, the body of the fish itself is not so long. Arapaima looks like a chopped off, shortened and fattened eel.

Arapaima has prominent and large scales. It is tightly planted and strikes with elasticity. Its modulus is 10 times greater than that of bone.

Arapaima feeds bottom fish, because it itself stays at the bottom. If a predator floats to the surface, it can even swallow a bird flying over the water.


It feeds on minnows, ruffs, and young fish of various types, including those of its own species. The moving whisker on the burbot's head lures prey. He himself hides in the silt or under a snag, in a depression in the bottom. U sticks out like a worm. they want to eat it, but in the end they themselves are eaten.

Burbot included in predatory fish of lakes and rec. Reservoirs with cool, clean water. There, burbots reach a length of 1.2 meters. The weight of the fish can reach 30 kilos.


They are marine. In salty waters, fish of the family reach 30 centimeters in length. Four varieties of river ruffs extend to a maximum of 15 centimeters. This size is enough to feed on the larvae of aquatic insects and the eggs of other fish.

Ruffs find food in shaded, bottom areas of reservoirs. True, there are burbots waiting for hunters there, feeding on them. What a predatory fish will win the fight is a rhetorical question.


It resembles a bream, but leads a gregarious lifestyle. In addition, the silver bream has silvery scales, but there are none on the keel behind the fins.

Young silver bream eat zooplankton. Growing up, fish switch to a diet of mollusks. They are supplemented by algae and underwater parts of terrestrial plants.

Predatory fish of salt waters

Moray eels

These predatory sea fish There are more than 200 species. The closest relatives are eels. However, they are also found in fresh water bodies. Externally, moray eels are snake-like. The fish of the family are elongated, slightly flattened on the sides.

The body tapers towards the tail, like a leech's. The fin on the back of the fish stretches from the head to the end of the body. There are no other fins. The minimum body length of a moray eel is 60 centimeters. Representatives of the giant species stretch almost 4 meters, while weighing about 40 kilograms.

The elongated head of the moray eel with an angry expression in the eyes and a slightly open mouth is equipped with rows of sharp teeth. The mouth is open for breathing. The moray eel's body is usually hidden in crevices between stones and corals. It is difficult to move the gills there, there is no flow of oxygen.


There are 180 species in the seas. Unlike moray eels, eels are monochromatic. The bodies of the relatives are dotted with patterns. Acne is also less aggressive. Moray eels sometimes even attack people. IN Ancient Rome, by the way, guilty slaves were sometimes thrown into pools with sea ​​fish.

Like moray eels, eels have fused tail, back and anal fins. At the same time, there are separate chests. They, like the entire body of the eel, are covered with mucus. The fish has no scales. However, moray eels also do not have body plates.


Represented by 27 species. They are called tigers of the ocean. The nickname refers to the ferocity of the fish. She, like a moray eel, even attacks people. Approximately 100 cases are recorded per year. Half of the victims die from their wounds. So, barracuda can be safely written down in the most predatory fish ocean.

Outwardly it resembles a pike, but is not related to it. The oceanic predator belongs to the perciform ray-finned fish. The length of a barracuda rarely exceeds a meter. The standard weight of an animal is 10 kilograms.

It seems that a predator of this size can hardly harm a person. However, barracudas are schooling fish and also attack together.

Toad fish

They belong to the batrach family. There are 5 species of toad fish that live in the oceans. The name was given to them for their large and wide head, as if flattened on top, a wide mouth, a protruding lower jaw, protruding round eyes, and wrinkled gray or brown-green skin.

The length of representatives of the genus does not exceed 35 centimeters. The skin of fish, like that of ordinary toads, is bare and devoid of scales.

The toad fish can change color, adapting to the colors of the environment and the bottom. It does kinds predatory fish especially dangerous. You may not notice a toad in shallow water, step on it, or touch it. Meanwhile, there are poisonous outgrowths on the body of fish. For humans, the injection is fatal. However, irritation, pain and swelling at the site of the poison are pronounced.


There are more than 400 species of them in the seas and oceans. Representatives of some do not exceed 20 centimeters in length, while others stretch up to 20 meters. Such, for example, is the whale shark.

In the generally accepted sense, it is not a predator, feeding on zooplankton. A typical predator is the white shark, reaching a length of 6 meters.

All have common features. These are: a cartilaginous skeleton, the absence of a swim bladder, an excellent sense of smell, which allows you to smell blood from 5-6 kilometers away. All sharks also have gill slits and breathe oxygen, and have a streamlined body shape. The latter is covered with scales and has raised projections.


She has and freshwater variety. It lives in the reservoirs of India and Burma. Like most marine species, the freshwater pipefish is small, reaching a maximum length of 38 centimeters.

With such a length, the real body weight is several hundred grams. However, the body of the needle is so thin that it weighs several times less. Therefore, fish is rarely used as food - there is little “fat”.

The closest relatives of needle fish are seahorses. However, their spine is a normal color. The bones of the needles are greenish. This is not associated with toxicity. The green color comes from the harmless pigment biliverdin.


From these distant relatives of needles you can get a substantial profit. Large representatives of the genus gain 6 kg mass. Arrows are systematically classified as garfish, that is, they are close in blood to flying fish.

If the needles can only encroach on crustaceans and newborn fry of other small fish, the arrows feed on sand lance, sprat, and juvenile mackerel. They eat garfish and gerbil. By the way, needles are also included in the diet of arrows.

Sea devils

Photos of predatory fish represents almost 10 types of devils. All of them seem to be pressed down from above, that is, low and wide. The body narrows sharply towards the tail. The first two-thirds of the length of the line is occupied by the head. Therefore, in general, the body of the fish is like a triangle spread out along the bottom.

Fish mouth with a snack. The protruding lower jaw is equipped with sharp teeth. They are bent inside the mouth. There are similar ones on the upper jaw. The mouth opens like a snake's. This allows the devils to swallow prey that is larger than them.

Representatives of large species of monkfish reach 2 meters in length. In this case, about half a meter is accounted for by the growth with a luminous capsule at the end. The flashlight is located on the devil's face and attracts prey. The devil himself camouflages himself at the bottom, burrowing into silt and sand.

All that remains is the lamp. As soon as the prey touches it, the devil swallows it. By the way, fluorescent bacteria glow.


These are eel-like fish that live only in the seas. Systematically, catfish are classified as perciformes. Predatory fish biting- a rarity, since the animal is deep, descending to 400-1200 meters. This is partly due to the catfish's love of cold water. Its temperature should be below 5 degrees.

A catfish can only swim to the surface in pursuit of prey. However, its predator usually finds it at depth, feeding on jellyfish, crabs, starfish, and other fish.

The animal digs into them with sharp, knife-like teeth. Among them there are pronounced fangs. Therefore, catfish is also called sea wolf.


Not divided into varieties. In the bluefish family there is one genus with a single species of perciform fish. They can exceed a meter in length. The maximum weight of a bluefish is 15 kilos.

On the back of the bluefish’s laterally flattened body there are fins with cartilaginous rays. The tail fin of the fish is shaped like a fork. The thoracic and abdominal outgrowths are also in place. They, like the entire body of the bluefish, are colored blue. It has a hint of green in it. The back is several times darker than the belly.


Has several subspecies. The most common of them is regular or European. There are also American and eastern eelpouts. Catching predatory fish unpopular due to the animal's repulsive appearance.

The eel-like body is gray-green and covered with small scales. The eelpout's skin is thick and rough. The freshwater burbot has a similar appearance.

Like burbot, eelpout loves cool waters. At the same time, the fish stays in shallow water, off the coast of the seas. The water there warms up more than at depths. Therefore, the eelpout chooses cold seas, feeding on mollusks, crustaceans, caviar, and fry.

Migratory predatory fish


Like all migratory fish, part of their lives swim in the sea, and part of their lives in rivers. The group includes about 20 species. Among them: Kaluga, Siberian and Russian sturgeon, shovelnose, beluga, stellate sturgeon, sterlet, thorn. All of them are cartilaginous and have no bones, which indicates an ancient origin.

Sturgeon skeletons are found in sediments of the Cretaceous period. Accordingly, fish lived 70 million years ago.

The largest sturgeon caught weighed about 800 kilograms. This is with a body length of 8 meters. The standard one is about 2 meters.


The family is represented by salmon, pink salmon, whitefish, coho salmon, whitefish or, as it is also called, nelma. They resemble grayling fish, but have a shortened fin on the back. It has 10-16 rays. From whitefish, which salmon also resemble, the latter are distinguished by their brighter color.

Salmonids are widespread and variable. The latter term means different nuances in the appearance of the same species, but in different territories. Hence the confusion of classifications.

One name can different countries be given to 2-3 salmon. It also happens the other way around, when there are about 10 names for one species.


They belong to the order Perciformes. It includes 1359 species of fish. About 30 of them live in Russian water bodies. All of them are bottom-dwelling and stay near the coast. There are freshwater, marine and anadromous gobies.

However, all representatives of the genus are tolerant of waters of different salinities. Gobies move from the shores of the seas to the rivers that flow into them and do not always return. Freshwater species can also move to the sea for permanent residence. That’s why bulls are called semi-nadromous.

The diet of gobies includes bottom worms, mollusks, crustaceans, and small fish. The smallest predators do not exceed 2.5 centimeters in length. The largest bulls grow up to 40 centimeters.


His name is included in names of predatory fish, since a representative of cyprinids feeds on bloodworms, plankton and other crustaceans and invertebrates.

Interestingly, semi-anadromous breams live about 8 years less than freshwater ones. The last century is about 20 years. The same can be said about other semi-anadromous cyprinids, for example, carp or roach.

Most predatory fish are concentrated in the warm, marine waters of the tropics. Herbivorous species are more common in cool and fresh water bodies.

A fragment of a three-meter long fossilized skull of a giant sperm whale was found in sedimentary rocks on the coast of Peru. The discovery was made in the desert 35 km southwest of the city of Ika (already known to many paleontologists for its artifacts) by paleontologist Klaas Post from the Rotterdam Natural History Museum on the last day of the expedition of a team of paleontologists led by Dr. Christian de Muizon (Christian de Muizon), director of the Natural History Museum in Paris.

The expedition also included paleontologists Olivier Lambert from the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences in Brussels, Giovanni di Bianucci from the University of Pisa in Italy, Rodolfo Salas -Gismondi (Rodolfo Salas-Gismondi) and Mario Urbino (Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima) and Jelle Reumer (Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima) Rotterdam Natural History Museum.

The fossil was placed in the collection of the Natural History Museum in Lima, Peru.

The researchers, as discoverers, named the newly described species of sperm whale Leviathan melvillei:

- the first component of the name is the mythological monster Leviathan, mentioned in the Old Testament;

- the second part is given in honor of Herman Melville, the author of the novel about the white whale "Moby Dick".

According to the reconstruction carried out by scientists, Leviathan melvillei had a jaw three meters long, and from the tip of the muzzle to the tail was 16-18 meters.

The most amazing feature of this animal is its huge teeth, up to 30 centimeters long and up to 12 centimeters wide. These are the largest teeth possessed by any terrestrial predatory animal.

Absolute record holder teeth

Among modern predators, only sperm whales, reaching 20 meters in length, can compare in size with L. melvillei. However, the modern sperm whale has functional teeth only on the lower jaw (on the upper there are practically non-protruding rudimentary teeth), while in the ancient leviathan sperm whale both the lower and upper jaws are equally developed. The presence of teeth both above and below suggests a predatory hunting strategy: probably Leviathan melvillei attacked its prey, grabbed it with powerful jaws and tore it apart with giant teeth.

Analyzing the details of the skull, and due to the fact that the jaws of the found animal were equipped with large powerful muscles, scientists suggest that Leviathan melvillei could easily deal with even whales up to 7-10 meters long.

At the same time and in the same waters, along with Leviathan melvillei, another monster lived - Carcharocles megalodon - a giant shark that reached 15 meters in height. Could these giants predatory world to compete or engage in fights is still unknown to scientists, since there are no facts indicating meetings of these monsters.

In addition, scientists will have to answer the question of the reasons for the disproportionate torso of the animal. This will allow us to study the skeleton of a prehistoric sperm whale.

Initially, it was believed that the large head allowed these marine mammals to dive to considerable depths in search of food. But recent data disproves this theory, since the animals hunted by giant hunters lived in the upper layers of the ocean.

Based on the size of the skull, researchers claim that the ancient monster whale had a large spermaceti organ, the purpose of which modern sperm whales have no consensus on.

According to modern ideas, this large cavity in the forehead, filled with a waxy substance - spermaceti, helps the whale in several tasks:

- the first (controversial) is the facilitation of diving and ascent due to a consistent change in the density of this substance. It hardens and contracts on contact with cold water and melts from the heat of the blood;

- this cavity apparently plays some role in echolocation;

- a large head can serve as a striking weapon in the fight of males for a female.

Perhaps she helped the Leviathan in attacking its prey. Such a ram could damage the victim no less than the subsequent capture by strong jaws. At least two 19th-century whaling ships were sunk after being struck on the side by the massive head of large male sperm whales. Similar incidents later formed the basis of the plot of the novel Moby Dick.

Since the Leviathan did not dive deep for its victims, but preferred to feed near the surface of the sea, it did not need “assistance in diving.”

It may follow from this that such a large organ during the evolution of whales appeared precisely as an echolocator and a ram, and long before sperm whales began to make their amazing dives to great depths.

Scientists still cannot answer the question of what led to the extinction Leviathan melvillei, but suggest that this could be due to changes in the environment (cooling), as well as in the number and size of available prey.

Lambert is confident: Leviathan melvillei is the largest sperm whale known to science. Its descendants shredded, lost their teeth and, instead of actively hunting mammals, switched to sucking mollusks such as squid.

Sperm whales, which today feed on deep-sea squid, are much less vulnerable to climate change than active predators living near the surface of the water. Modern sperm whales specialize in a completely different food niche: they are excellent divers hunting deep-sea squid. And sperm whales don’t really need teeth to capture squid.

This was not at all the case with Leviathan melvillei, he knew perfectly well how to use such an impressive weapon. Well, millions of years after the disappearance of the monster, the vacated niche of an aggressive predator was filled by “killer whales” - killer whales, significantly inferior to the Leviathan in size, but using similar hunting tactics.

And two more important discoveries in recent years concerning the evolution of whales.

Last year, the remains of two whales of the Archaeoceti group of the species Maiacetus inuus, about 48 million years old, were found in Pakistan. Analysis of the fossilized skeletons of a male and a pregnant female has revealed that female primordial whales gave birth on land. In addition, their discovery provided new data to determine how whales migrated from land to water. Scientists believe that the first land creatures appeared in the Devonian - about 360-380 million years ago. After 300 million years, some mammal species decided to return to the water. Their paws began to turn back into fins. The discovery in Pakistan reveals an important link in the evolution of whales. The presence of teeth in the fetus suggests that newborn whales of this species were not completely helpless in their first years of life.

In 2007, a group of American scientists found that the ancestors of modern whales were creatures similar to deer without horns and smaller in size. New evidence suggests that the ancestors of whales were artiodactyls, which lived in South Asia about 50 million years ago and hid in the water when danger approached. It was previously assumed that the closest relatives of marine mammals are hippos.

Barracuda / Photo: wikimedia

The barracuda is the top model of the tropical oceans: long, up to two meters, thin and graceful. Who would have thought that this beauty is just a killing machine. Barracudas hunt in schools, reach speeds of up to 45 km/h and are absolutely not afraid of anyone. Their teeth are miniature shark jaws.

A barracuda can easily attack a person, but not out of malice: in muddy water or at night, it mistakes our arms and legs for fish that can be eaten. She is also attracted to shiny objects - watches, knives, tools. Remember, barracuda is the top of its food chain, with a hunting experience of 50 million years. If you decide to scuba dive in her domain, be polite and careful.

Striped Tang

Cavity surgeon / Photo: wikimedia

The striped tang is a very beautiful fish. Small, up to 40 cm in length, it lives in the Quiet and Indian Oceans. The fish has yellow-blue stripes on its sides and a blue belly with an orange fin. When you look at it, your hand reaches out to touch it. You shouldn’t do this: at the tips of the surgeon’s tail there are scalpel-sharp plates, which are also poisonous.

Remember that there are 1,200 species of poisonous fish in the ocean, which affect up to 50,000 people a year. However, dangerous fish compensate for the damage caused - they are indispensable in the development of new drugs.

Yellow sea anemone

Yellow sea anemone / Photo: cepolina

Don't pick flowers for your loved one at the bottom of the sea. If only because these are not flowers at all. Sea anemones look like a hybrid of a tulip and a peon, reaching a meter in diameter. They live in the tropics and subtropics. In their youth, anemones are attached with their “sole” to solid ground and can no longer move. Never mind, they will still get you: the anemones instantly release tentacles that pierce the fish carelessly swimming nearby. A paralyzing neurotoxin renders the victim immobile. All that remains for the anemone is to drag it to its mouth, grab it with its labial tentacles and eat it. The man, of course, is too large to become lunch, but he is guaranteed a painful burn.

Moray eel

Moray eel / Photo: davyjoneslocker

The moray eel is a fearsome underwater snake up to three meters in length, with a rock-hard crest on its back. Lives in tropical and temperate waters. It looks like it has a small mouth, but in fact it is capable of opening its mouth so wide, swallowing its prey, that it simply cannot do this in its cave. Yawning so much that you can’t even fit into your home is a record.

However, the moray eel does not like to leave the cave, so it does something simpler: it has two rows of toothy jaws, and the second row suddenly moves forward to grab the prey that swims past the doors. It's like a horror movie, isn't it? The surrounding fish know that it is better not to swim onto the “staircase” of the eel, so at night he still has to leave the house to hunt.


Toadfish / Photo: wikimedia

It's hard to imagine a creature uglier than a toad fish. Her huge head is flattened, her mouth is stretched to her ears, and her whole body is covered with growths. Only its small size saves us from fainting: up to half a meter in length and no more than three kilograms of live weight. At the same time, the toadfish is very peaceful: it sits quietly on the bottom, blending in color with it for camouflage purposes, and waits for unwary squids and shrimp. Powerful jaws crunch through the shells of crabs and oysters.

The toadfish defends its territory by making a sound similar to a grinding or honking sound and exhibiting poisonous spines. Respect personal space and you will not have problems with her. But as luck would have it, this fish lives in the western part of the Atlantic, including near the “white beaches” of the resort state of Florida. Hundreds of swimmers jump out of the water screaming, having stumbled upon a poisonous thorn, and are sent straight to the hospital.

Great white shark

Great white shark / Photo: Alamy

The white shark needs no introduction. Even those who have never seen the sea know that this fish is a cannibal. Up to six meters in length, it can weigh more than two tons. To her, a person is just a slice of bacon. To bite through that slice, the white shark has 300 teeth, immortalized by Spielberg in the movie Jaws.

Luckily, humans don't seem tasty to the shark. She likes dolphins, seals, fur seals and turtles much more. When the mood strikes, the white shark feasts on carrion: the carcass of a dead whale is a whole banquet for it. Sometimes she eats other sharks - yes, she is a cannibal not only because she eats people. It is found in all oceans except the Arctic Ocean, but is on the verge of extinction: there are about 3,500 individuals left in the world.

Cone snail

Cone snail / Photo: wikimedia

The small cone snail not only looks harmless - it makes you want to take it home as a souvenir. The correct cone-shaped shape especially attracts attention. An unwary tourist takes the snail in his hand, and the cone, torn out of its usual environment, begins to defend itself. A poisonous thorn is used, which shoots like a dart from a snail's snout. The souvenir comes at a high price: the poison from the cone is deadly to humans, and every third victim does not make it to the hospital.

The cone has an excellent sense of smell - it is able to follow the trail of a victim for hours. Usually the snail hunts mollusks or small fish, which, of course, are faster than the cone itself, but slower than its harpoon, which can hit a target at a distance of a meter. In times of famine, cone snails eat their own kind without sentimentality - yes, they are also cannibals.

Indonesian pipefish

Indonesian needlefish / Photo: David Doubilet

Everyone knows what a needle fish is: a thin, nimble predator up to 60 cm long, so flexible that it can be tied in a knot. A distinctive feature is the muzzle, elongated in the shape of a needle and full of sharp teeth. Some species of needlefish feel great in the Black Sea and quite friendly avoid divers.

The Indonesian needlefish is also quite peaceful - while it is under water. However, she has a habit of jumping out of the water into the fresh air, where she immediately turns into a throwing dagger, only a very angry one. This is not to say that the needle does this often. But when she does, for the person who has become her target, it all ends with severe injuries or death. The needle digs into the body, easily biting through the artery. It takes a lot of courage for Indonesian fishermen to go out fishing at night - in the dark, the lights on the boats attract fish and provoke an attack.

Saltwater crocodile

Saltwater crocodile / Photo: wikimedia

The saltwater crocodile is better known as the saltwater crocodile because it lives in salt water. But its most telling name is the man-eating crocodile. This is the largest living predator on the planet - it reaches seven meters in length and can weigh more than two tons. Lives in estuaries and coastal waters throughout South-East Asia and Northern Australia, being the most widespread crocodile in the world.

The saltwater crocodile is extremely aggressive. Huge six-meter males love to organize fights without rules - brutal fights that end in the death of the enemy. This predator hunts alone and eats everything it can handle - and it can handle absolutely everything that lives in its habitat. Another favorite sport is jumping up above the surface of the water. A crocodile can throw almost its entire body out of the water - two tons! - pushing off the bottom with his tail. He is a cannibal - he even eats representatives of his own species, and even snacks on other crocodiles without counting. I don’t even want to think about human victims: the jaws of a saltwater crocodile bite through people like marshmallows, and it’s good if you die quickly.

Hairy cyanea

Hairy cyanea / Photo: masterok

Cyanea is very similar to the colorful jellyfish that we were all afraid of as children. But as people grow, so do their fears: it is tens of times larger than an ordinary jellyfish. Its “cap” reaches two meters in diameter, and its thick tentacles extend up to 30 meters. Another name for cyanea – “lion’s mane” – reflects it well appearance. The dense network of poisonous tentacles of a jellyfish perfectly catches small fish, plankton, and smaller jellyfish. Paralyzed by poison, they become easy prey.

Cyanea often occurs in Pacific Ocean, Atlantic and Baltic Sea. In one of his stories, Arthur Conan Doyle made the jellyfish a killer of people, giving it a bad reputation. We are happy to report that this is not at all true: cyanea is not capable of killing a person, unless it causes serious skin damage. If you have a durable wetsuit and enough courage, you can swim with the beautiful sea monster without risking your life.