Features of obtaining a temporary residence permit in Russia

The first step for an immigrant who wants to stay in Russia for a long time is to obtain a temporary residence stamp. This procedure has a number of subtleties and features. In order not to get confused in the nuances of obtaining permission, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the article prepared by us.


Having a stamp in the passport that guarantees temporary legal stay in Russia, a migrant can count on:

  • Three-year residence and labor activity in Russia without registration of additional papers.
  • Legal registration of labor relations between him and the employer.
  • Using the services of free Russian medicine.
  • Free crossing of the borders of the Russian Federation in any direction.
  • Legal opening of the business.

Law on TRP

All actions of representatives of authorized bodies and immigrants entering our country to realize their labor potential are regulated by Federal Law No. 115. Article 6 of the legal document contains information on a temporary residence permit in Russia.

It contains the following information: a list of applicants, the validity period of the status, quotas limiting the number of temporary residence permits issued, and a list of foreign citizens who receive this status on a preferential basis, as well as the reasons that lead to the termination of the document.

Responsibilities of immigrants who have received TRP

Citizens of other states residing in Russia under a temporary permit have not only the rights, but also the obligations:

  • Annual notification of FMS employees that a foreigner lives and works in Russia.
  • A foreign citizen with a TRP is tied to the region where the document was received. It is impossible to change the place of work and residence without the permission of the authorized body.

Important! A foreign citizen can move to another region for work after submitting an application for a change of residence and receiving a positive verdict.

  • A foreigner must confirm financial security that allows him and his family to live in Russia.
  • The number of days spent by a migrant outside the Russian state is limited and should not exceed 6 months per year
  • Migrants with RWP do not have the right to vote.
  • The migrant is responsible for his criminal actions in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.

Important! 12 months - this is how long an immigrant who re-applies for a permit will need to wait.

How long is the RVP

RVP for foreign citizens is valid for three years. For a longer stay in the Russian Federation, a migrant must obtain a different status - a residence permit. You can apply for a residence permit six months after the issuance of the TRP, but no later than six months before its expiration. The law of the Russian Federation does not provide for options that increased or extended the validity of a temporary residence permit.


Every year, officials approve the rate of permits issued for the country and for each region separately. The distribution of quotas is uneven. For the capital and the Leningrad region, the number of permits issued is minimal in the country. A large share falls on the Central Federal District. The decision of the Government to allocate quotas for each region is formed based on the data and conclusions presented in the reports of departments for each region of the country.

Stages of obtaining

Before starting any actions to obtain a TRP, a foreigner must decide on the area of ​​​​residence in Russia and the place of residence. After resolving these issues, the migrant will start collecting certificates, papers and other papers that are required for issuing a temporary residence permit.

Mandatory documents

There is a clear list of certificates, certificates and other official papers required for obtaining a permit. Documents for RVP are brought to the department in a copied and original form.

When arriving with a request for a permit, the migrant must have on hand:

Documents for TRP for minor applicants

The children's list of documents for RVP is not much different from an adult. The only exception to the list is that there is no need to confirm knowledge of the official language. The application for the child is filled in by his official representative.

Important! For children over 14 years old, the authorized representative must issue a consent to move to the Russian Federation and present a document proving the absence of a criminal record.

Documents for TRP for migrants who have registered a marriage relationship with a Russian

A migrant who has entered into a marriage relationship with a Russian may apply for a temporary residence permit without taking into account quotas. The list of required papers for this group of foreign citizens looks like this:

  1. Application - 2 pieces.
  2. Photographs - 2 pieces.
  3. An official document certifying marriage in the Russian Federation.
  4. Passports of both spouses.
  5. Official paper containing information on payment of the state fee. Presented at the request of the migrant.
  6. Stamp about temporary or permanent registration.

How to get a temporary residence permit in Russia, bypassing quotas

Some groups of foreign citizens planning to live in Russia can submit the necessary documents for a temporary residence permit, bypassing the allocated quotas. These include:

  • IDPs who took advantage of the State Program for the return of compatriots.
  • Immigrants born in the Soviet Union or the RSFSR.
  • Immigrants who married a Russian.
  • immigrants who are unable to work due to their age (pensioner) or physical condition (disability), whose son or daughter are Russians.
  • An immigrant whose Russian parent is retired or disabled.
  • An immigrant who voluntarily joined the Russian army. RVP is issued for the duration of the service.
  • An immigrant with children under the age of 18 is a citizen of Russia.

Documents for TRP without a quota are no different from the standard list. Mandatory addition to them are papers confirming preferences:

  • Birth certificate, marriage certificate;
  • Official paper containing data on kinship with Russians.
  • Certificate of participation in the State Program.

RVP exam

A foreign citizen who came to the Russian Federation for life and work accomplishments must prove his knowledge of the Russian language, the history of the country and its laws. The RVP applicant is no exception.

To confirm the level of knowledge, a migrant must pass an exam at specialized educational centers that have a license for this. After successfully passing the test (more than 60% of the tasks must be completed), a foreign citizen receives a certificate in his hands.

Important! Testing is carried out on a commercial basis. The average amount for testing knowledge is 5300 rubles.

Preparation of documents for RVP

Presenting the collected package of necessary documents for registration of temporary residence in the Russian Federation, a foreign citizen must be sure of the correctness of the paperwork, the veracity of the information contained in them. If a specialist of the migration service has any complaints about paperwork, then this may become an obstacle already at the first stages of obtaining a document.

Reasons for refusal to accept documents

The main reasons for refusal to accept an application for a temporary residence permit in Russia are:

  • The application form was filled out incorrectly.
  • The documents for the TRP submitted to the department do not meet the requirements.
  • The documents have expired. Illegal location of Russia.
  • The absence of one or more documents from the mandatory list.

Application Requirements

An application for issuing a temporary residence permit must be completed in block Russian letters or using technical means. Abbreviations, abbreviations, corrections in the form are not allowed.

All information entered by a foreigner in the form must be true and complete. After all, all information about a foreign citizen is verified very carefully, including through the FSB. If discrepancies between the entered data and real information are found, this will also become the reason for the refusal to issue a temporary residence permit.

Important! The application form and package of documents for the TRP is submitted personally by a foreign citizen.


Photographs for obtaining a temporary residence permit by a foreign citizen in Russia do not differ in characteristics from those that are presented for processing other documents. The only difference is the number of copies. To obtain a temporary residence permit, a migrant with a different citizenship must submit 2 photographs, for stateless persons - 3 pieces.

photo requirements

The main requirement is clarity, and whether the picture is in color or not does not matter. The photo size is 35*45 millimeters. Before taking a picture, the person being photographed takes off things that interfere with the identification of a foreigner. The exception is people who are deeply religious. They can take a picture in a headdress that does not hide the face. Also, an exception applies to people who constantly wear glasses.


Immigrant fingerprinting is mandatory for all TRP applicants. This event cannot be avoided. You can go through the procedure on the day the application is submitted to the department. At the end of fingerprinting, the applicant receives a certificate. After a while, with her and a passport, you should return to the office to issue a permit.

One of the conditions for the legal stay of a labor migrant in Russia is the presence of an official place of residence. It can be rented housing, your own house or apartment, or part of a dwelling.

The main thing is that a foreign citizen should have a waiver of registration.

Multiple entry visa

If a foreigner, due to the type of service or family circumstances, has to constantly cross the borders of the Russian Federation, then he must obtain a multiple-entry visa. It should be remembered that the absence in Russia of 180 days out of 365 will lead a foreign citizen to the deprivation of a permit for temporary residence in Russia.

tax accounting

The law provides for the right of a foreign citizen, after obtaining a temporary residence permit in Russia, to register with the tax authorities. TIN is required for foreigners who plan to open their own business in Russia.

Annual obligatory visit to the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The government of the Russian Federation has developed a special procedure for tracking migrants. It consists in the annual mark of a foreigner in the migration unit with the provision of information on income and place of residence. Untimely notification of department employees without a good reason leads to the termination of the RWP.

Issue price

Obtaining a temporary residence permit in Russia is an expensive procedure. In addition to the state duty, a migrant must fork out while undergoing a medical examination (2,900 rubles), testing for a temporary residence permit (5,300 rubles). This is only a small part of the costs. Additional cash costs will be numerous copies, preparation of photographs, legal translation and certification of documents in a foreign language.

State duty

All migrants undergoing the TRP procedure are subject to a tax fee for the provision of the service. It is - 1600 rubles.

How long to wait for a decision

The standard procedure for verifying information and making a decision on issuing a document takes from two to six months. The exception is foreigners who arrived in our country under the State Program "Compatriot" or crossed the border without a visa. For them, the waiting time is reduced to 60 days.

Grounds for non-extradition

There are many reasons leading to a refusal to issue a document or its cancellation:
  • The migrant was convicted of actions directed against the current system of the state and the security of Russians.
  • The migrant finances or cooperates with terrorist organizations.
  • For five years of residence in Russia, the migrant was expelled from the country.
  • The migrant used false documents or knowingly provided false information about himself.
  • Having a conviction for a crime.
  • More than 2 times he was prosecuted for administrative offenses.
  • Dangerous viral, bacterial diseases in a migrant.
  • Drug addiction.

What to do if a permit is denied

After considering the application, the migrant was given a reasoned refusal to issue a document, and the foreigner does not agree with the decision, he can apply to a higher authority or initiate legal proceedings.