Is Lake Chany fresh or salty? Chany (lake) Tagan lake Chany.

Lake Chany is a unique endorheic water system. It consists of three low-salinity lakes - Yarkul, Bolshiye Chany and Malye Chany, numerous reaches connected by channels and drying areas.

The lake appeared 10-13 thousand years ago. The reservoir was first mentioned in the 16th - 17th centuries, during the initial period of development of Siberia. The reservoir was first described by the German scientist and naturalist Peter Simon Pallas in 1786.

Geography of Lake Chany


The lake is located in the Novosibirsk region and covers part of the Barabinskaya Lowland. It is considered the largest body of water in Western Siberia. Among Russian lakes it ranks ninth in area.

The reservoir is surrounded by forest-steppes, with endless steppes on the southern side. There are 12 villages in the lake area, where lovers of amazing natural beauty and tourist recreation like to stay.

Chany is replenished by melt water, as well as the Kargata and Chulyma rivers flowing into Malye Chany. Each of the three parts of the lake differs in its salinity, soil, depth and vegetation.

Characteristics of Lake Chany

Area and dimensions of the reservoir

The area of ​​the reservoir varies between 1500-3000 km². It extends 91 km in length and 88 km in width. The lake is very shallow, the average depth is about two meters, the greatest is ten meters. The bottom of the reservoir is muddy, sometimes sandy. The banks are low, uneven, overgrown with aquatic vegetation.

Climate and water temperature

The lake is located in a temperate continental climate area. The average annual precipitation is 380 mm. The average July temperature is +18.3°C, the average January temperature is -19.7°C. The maximum water temperature is 28.2 °C. Snow height is 20-30 cm.


Mineralization in different parts of the reservoir is different. The saltiest water is in Yarkul, the furthest from the confluence of the rivers. Big Chany is characterized by medium saltiness, Small Chany is almost freshwater.

Water is alkaline. There is an increased concentration of organic matter in the lake, which is due to the abundance of plants. In warm seasons, the waters are saturated with oxygen.

Nature of Lake Chany

There are 70 large and small islands in the lake, all of them have elongated outlines - stretched from southwest to northeast. Several of them are natural monuments.

Vegetable world

The lake is distinguished by its richness of phyto- and zooplankton. There are 404 species of algae in the reservoir, which has an adverse effect on the number of fish.

Berry bushes, viburnum, aspen, bird cherry, birch and ferns grow on the islands and shores of Lake Chany. In the northern part of the lake there are pine and oak trees; on the islands there are peonies growing wild.

During the ripening period of mushrooms and berries - raspberries, wild strawberries and stone fruits - residents of nearby towns come to the lake. People also come en masse to collect medicinal herbs, rose hips and hawthorn.

Animal world

The lake is home to about 20 species of fish, many of which are valuable and commercially available. During low waters, the number of fish decreases sharply. The reservoir is regularly filled with new juveniles of commercial species.

The lake is very popular among fishermen who come with pleasure for winter and summer fishing. There are many fishing bases on the banks of the reservoir.

The migratory route of many waterfowl passes through Lake Chany, many of which are listed in the Red Book. Ornithologists have counted more than 300 species of birds gathering at the reservoir during migration.

Among the mammals on the shores of the lake there are hares, corsacs, foxes, roe deer, weasels, badgers, and roe deer. Directly in the reservoir are muskrats. During the hunting season, many hunters gather at the reservoir.

Numerous studies have shown that the lake's area changes regularly. In 1994, the reservoir was included in the list of wetlands of global importance. In the vicinity of the lake there are 2 state reserves. Nature reserves pay great attention to winter feeding of roe deer and count the number of birds and animals.

According to legends, there is a strange monster in the lake that carries away livestock and people. At the same time, scientists admit the existence of a relict animal or a giant Japanese salamander - an extremely aggressive creature, the eggs of which could have been carried into the reservoir by birds. It is noteworthy that the reservoir is of interest to Japanese scientists.

In the vicinity of the lake there are comfortable recreation centers offering accommodation and entertainment such as boating, catamarans, windsurfing, beach volleyball, football, excursions to the islands and fishing. Vacationers have the opportunity to grill kebabs and cook freshly caught fish themselves.

Lake Chany in the Novosibirsk region is a unique natural formation. It is located in the Barabinsk lowland and covers the territory of several districts of the Novosibirsk region: Barabinsky, Chanovsky, Zdvinsky, Chistoozerny, Dvinsky.

The length of this water formation system reaches 91 kilometers. The average width is 88 kilometers. Due to the fact that Lake Chany is formed from a system of reaches, its overall size is determined by different sizes depending on the humidity of the year. In different years, the total area shown by this lake in the Novosibirsk region varies from 1,400 to 2,000 square kilometers. Scientists have noticed that these parameters fluctuate not only depending on the time of year and the amount of rain. A cyclical increase or decrease in area occurs every 35-40 years. The lake was formed approximately 15-13 thousand years ago during the last ice age in human memory.

The size of the lake determined its name, translated from Turkic as “large vessel.” The depth of Lake Chany is low due to the system of islands crossing it. On average it is only 2.2 meters. In the deepest areas the depth reaches 10 meters. A large number of islands, almost all of which stretch from southwest to northeast, are flooded manes.

This lake in the Novosibirsk region is drainless and therefore has salt water. Although the water salinity level may be higher or lower depending on the part of the lake. Lake Malye Chany is characterized by completely salty water. Large Chans are filled with slightly salted water, and Yarkul has completely fresh water. Various scientists divide these water bodies into three separate lakes in the Novosibirsk region, or combine them into a common water complex of three parts. The varying degrees of water salinity depend on the distance from the confluence of the Chulym and Kargat rivers into the lake.

The lake is a unique natural reserve. Its shores have preserved unique examples of flora and fauna. Pelicans and swans also live peacefully on the shores of Lake Chany. The forests are full of upland game, elk, hares, pheasants, and roe deer. You can go to Lake Chany during the period permitted for hunting this game. Although fishing is extremely popular in the Novosibirsk region on Lake Chany. In total, about 14 species of fish live in the salty and fresh areas of the lake. Fishing in the Novosibirsk region in this water area is allowed at any time of the year.

Almost all fish species in the lake have silvery scales. Local legend says that in ancient times, a lunar path descended into the waters of the lake, along which the inhabitants of the Moon, who had silvery skin, descended from the satellite of our planet to the first inhabitants of this place, the spouses Chan and Taga. One night, when a large volcanic eruption occurred on Earth, and the ash did not allow the lunar path to descend, the inhabitants of the moon had to stay in the lake and turn into silver fish, ide, roach, and peled.

Today in the lake you can catch roach, dace, bream, silver and golden carp, mirror carp, carp and many other types of fish.

At present fishing in the Novosibirsk region in the lake area it is possible at any time of the year. Literally every day, fans of quiet hunting will find numerous houses and recreation centers located in the most picturesque areas of the lake coast. During the warm season, you can swim in the lake. Sandy beaches and shallow depths make Lake Chany an ideal place for families with children. Also, numerous private cottages scattered in many areas of the coast of the large and diverse Lake Chany are ready to accommodate vacationers.

Chany is a closed lake in Russia, located in the Barabinskaya Lowland in the Novosibirsk region.

It got its name from the word chan (Turkic) - a large vessel.

The area of ​​the lake is variable and currently, according to various estimates, ranges from 1400 to 2000 square meters. km. The average depth is about 2 meters, the greatest - 7 meters. The lake basin is flat. The lake is shallow, depths up to 2 meters make up 60% of the total area of ​​the lake. The shores of the lake are quite low and heavily indented, overgrown with reeds, reeds, sedges and bushes. The bottom soil is sandy and silty. The maximum recorded water temperature in summer is 28.3 °C.

There are about 70 islands on the lake, the largest are Amelkina Griva, Shuldikov, Lezhan, Medvezhiy, Kolpachok, Chinyaikha, Cheryomukhovy, and Rarediy. The islands of Cheryomushkin, Kobyliy, Perekopny, Bekarev, Kalinova, Chinyaikha, Shipyagin, Krugly, Kolotov, Kamyshny are natural monuments of the region, since they have preserved unique landscapes that are the habitat of rare species of plants and animals.

Among the largest peninsulas are Zelenchak, Kondakov, Golenky, Vaskin, Mys, Drovnikov, Rodyushkin, Kvashnino, Malinikha, Temny, Tyumensky. The islands and peninsulas of the lake have a characteristic feature - most of them extend from southwest to northeast. Their specific location is explained by the fact that they are half-submerged manes - long and gentle ridges.

The lake is slightly saline; in the southeastern part of the lake the salinity is lower. The lake is fed mainly by snow; the lake is fed by the Kargat and Chulym rivers.

The lake is connected by channels to the fresher lakes Malye Chany and Yarkul.

It freezes in the second half of October - the first half of November, and opens in May.

The appearance of the lake is attributed to the end of the Ice Age, approximately 10 - 13 thousand years ago. Initially, the lake was located in a steppe area; the first shrubby birches appeared on the shore of the lake about 5.5 thousand years ago.

The first mentions of the lake in Russian sources date back to the 16th - 17th centuries, that is, to the time of the beginning of the development of Siberia. The study of the reservoir began in the 18th century with the settlement of the Barabinskaya Lowland. The first description of the lake was given by the geographer Pallas, who made a trip to Chany in 1786. A more complete description of the lake was given in 1803 by land surveyor V. Filimonov.

Lake Chany is home to 16 species of fish. The most numerous: silver crucian carp, perch, carp, ide, pike perch.

In 1976, the Uryumsky fish hatchery was built on the Chulym River, which, among other things, is engaged in the cultivation and stocking of Lake Chany with juvenile carp. Active stocking of juveniles weighing 25 - 80 grams has led to the formation of a large self-reproducing population of carp in the lake.

Among the mammals on the lake, the muskrat lives; in the forest-steppe lands associated with the lake, there are foxes, hares, roe deer, badgers, corsacs, and weasels.

Birch, bird cherry, viburnum, aspen, hawthorn, rose hips, currants, raspberries, and ferns grow on the shores and islands of the lake. In the 1940s, oak and forest pine were planted on the northern shore of the lake. On some islands, for example, on Uzkoredky Island, wild peonies grow and bloom.

Lake Chany is a popular holiday destination, as well as winter and summer fishing for residents of the Kemerovo, Omsk and Novosibirsk regions. The abundance of waterfowl attracts a large number of hunters. Recreation centers have been built on the shore of the lake, and special tours are organized. Lake Chany poses some danger for vacationers, because in bad weather there are very high waves on it, and there have been cases of deaths of people who went out on boats into the lake at such times.

Wiki: ru:Chany (lake) en:Lake Chany de:Tschanysee es:Lago Chany

This is a description of the landmark Lake Chany 98.8 km north of Pavlodar, Novosibirsk region (Russia). As well as photos, reviews and a map of the surrounding area. Find out the history, coordinates, where it is and how to get there. Check out other places on our interactive map for more detailed information. Get to know the world better.

There are 5 editions in total, the last one was made 6 years ago by kasper from Sochi

Lake Chany lies in the Novosibirsk region. Lake Chany is drainless and is located in the Barabinskaya Lowland. The name Chany comes from the word vat or vessel. Its area is 2000 square kilometers. Depth from 2 to 7 meters. It is connected to channels with lakes Yarakul and Malye Chany, whose water is fresher.

Map of Lake Chany (click to enlarge).

The shores of Lake Chany are low and reeds, sedges and shrubs grow here. The lake is slightly salted, fed by snow and the Kargat and Sulim rivers. The bottom of the lake is sandy and muddy in places. The vats freeze in November and are opened in May. In summer, the water temperature reaches 28.3 degrees.

There are 70 islands on Chany. The largest: Bear, Chinyaikha, Amelkina Griva, Cap, Lezhan. The islands of Kamyshny, Perekopny, Bekarev, Kalinova, Cheryomushkin are considered natural monuments. Rare species of animals and plants live there. The lake appeared at the end of the Ice Age, about 10 thousand years ago. The first mentions of it appeared in the 16th - 17th centuries, when the development of Siberia began. This lake was first described by the geographer Pallas in 1786. Land surveyor Filimonov described this lake more fully in 1803.

On the shores and islands of the lake there are viburnum, bird cherry, aspen, rose hips, hawthorn, and fern. Currants and raspberries are picked here. The places here are simply magical. The water is warm and clear in summer. If you dive with your eyes open, you can see the underwater world of the lake.

Chany is a great place for relaxation and fishing. There are 16 species of fish in the lake. There are a lot of pike perch, perch, carp, ide, and silver carp here. Back in 1976, the Uryumsky fish hatchery was opened on Chany. He breeds and raises carp. Thanks to this, there were a lot of fish of this breed in the lake. Lake Chany is popular among fishermen in the Novosibirsk, Omsk and Kemerovo regions.

The lake is home to a large number of waterfowl. There is good hunting here. There are recreation centers for tourists on the banks. There are very high waves on the lake, so vacationers need to be careful. The coastal areas are home to a large number of animals. Muskrats live here. Roe deer, hares, foxes, badgers, weasels and corsacs live in forest-steppe areas.

Video: Fishing on Lake Chany

Lake Chany is a large endorheic reservoir, which is a system of reaches interconnected by numerous channels. Its name comes from the Turkic language and is translated as “large vessel”.

There are many legends and tales associated with this place, the most popular of which is the belief about a mythical monster living in the depths of a reservoir. Many local residents say that they saw either a lizard or a huge fish that creates huge waves and overturns fishing boats. There is no scientific explanation for this phenomenon yet: none of the expeditions to Chany have seen anything like it.

Today the lake is a favorite vacation spot for many Russians.

Geography and origin

The largest body of water in Western Siberia is located in the Chanovsky district of the Novosibirsk region. The area where Lake Chany is located is called the Barabinskaya Lowland. Most of it is surrounded by forest-steppe, and only from the south can one observe the endless steppe landscape.

Experts date the formation of the basin to the end of the last ice age. The lake appeared approximately 10-13 thousand years ago. For hundreds and thousands of years, steppe vegetation prevailed here, and only 5.5 thousand years ago dwarf birches and similar shrubs began to grow along the banks.

Features of Lake Chany

The vats are located at an altitude of 106 m above sea level. The length of the lake is 91 km, width - 88 km. The surface of the water surface today is approximately 2000 km². The absolute maximum was recorded at the end of the 18th century, when the area of ​​Lake Chany exceeded 12,000 km². Based on many years of observations, scientists concluded that recently this reservoir has noticeably shrunk.

The lake is recharged mainly with melt water. Two rivers flow into it - Chulym and Kargat, but they account for only a small part of the total flow.

The water of Lake Chany is slightly salted, and the concentration varies in different parts of the reservoir. Salinity levels in the southeastern part are slightly lower. The lake itself is shallow: the average depth is only 2 meters, the maximum is 7 m. The bottom is flat, muddy or sandy. The banks are flat, heavily indented, mostly covered with thickets of sedge, reeds, and reeds.

Lake Chany is characterized not only by fluctuations in water levels associated with seasonality, but also by longer ones, lasting, as a rule, about 40 years.


The area around the lake is dominated by a continental climate. In winter there is bitter frost, in summer it is warm, but not hot. The period when the thermometer rises above zero is only about 4 months. Freeze-up on the lake occurs in early November, the final melting occurs in May.

The territory where Lake Chany is located is the Novosibirsk region. The nature here is quite harsh, as throughout Siberia. In autumn, cold and strong winds blow from the west and northwest. The waves on the lake rise by more than a meter; there have been cases of death of people who went sailing in stormy weather.

Islands of Lake Chany

There are 70 islands in the waters of Chanov. The largest are Amelkina Griva, Medvezhiy, Kolpachok. Some are considered natural monuments because they have preserved unique relict species of plants and animals.

Not only Lake Chany itself has a strange name; there is also a rather interesting story behind the name of the islands. Thus, the island of Chinyaiha is named after a noble woman who was captured by robbers along with her husband. The chieftain liked her, but there was no reciprocity on her part. The leader of the thugs invited the husband to bet his wife, but while the game was going on, Chinyaya went down to the lake and drowned herself. They say that her ghost still walks among the white-trunked birches of the island and protects the fishermen.

Nearest settlements

There are 12 villages located in the immediate vicinity of Lake Chany. Two centuries ago there were 17 settlements, but due to shallowing, several of them were abandoned and abandoned. At the beginning of the 20th century, people also lived on the islands. For example, melons, in particular watermelons, were even grown on Medvezhye.

Today, the largest are considered to be Yarkul, Kvashnino and Kazantsevo. Shaitik and Malkovo are slightly smaller in size.

Nature of the lake

The diversity of the ichthyofauna is represented by 16 species of fish. The most numerous are silver crucian carp, ide, perch, pike perch, and carp. Pike, roach, and bream are less common. Among the rare species are golden crucian carp, dace, tench, gudgeon, verkhovka, peled, and lake minnow.

The main refuge for fish in winter is the Yarkovsky Reach. This is the only unobstructed place in the lake. In the rest of the water area, due to the lack of oxygen in the water during the cold season, as well as complete freezing to the very bottom, a colossal amount of fish simply die.

The numbers are also affected by sudden changes in water levels, low water levels and, of course, destructive human activities. Since 1926, fish farming work has been carried out on the lake. Every year, fry of carp, peled and other commercial fish are released into Chany.

The reservoir is of great importance for many migratory birds. Here you can often find ducks, seagulls, swans, geese, and terns. The vicinity of the lake is home to a large number of rare and endangered species, such as the white-tailed eagle, red-breasted goose, blackbird, and Dalmatian pelican. According to many years of research by naturalists, there are more than 220 species of birds in these places. Ornithologists claim that more than 1.5 million individuals of various birds visit the lake every year.

The mammals found in Chany are muskrats, and in the surrounding areas - hares, foxes, badgers, and roe deer.

There are 404 species of algae in the lake. The most overgrown is the Chinyaikha Reach. Along the banks, in addition to reeds and reeds, birch, bird cherry, aspen, hawthorn, rose hips, and raspberries grow. On one of the many islands (Uzkoredkom) you can admire entire thickets of wild peonies.

Part of the water area belongs to the Kirzinsky Nature Reserve, where hunting and fishing are prohibited. Poachers will face a hefty fine.

Recreation and fishing

Fishing on Lake Chany is a favorite recreational activity for residents of the Novosibirsk, Omsk and Kemerovo regions. There are several recreation centers on the coast, but most tourists highlight Lazurnaya Bay.

The houses are located in close proximity to the water, among trees and almond trees specially brought for landscaping. The territory is stylized as a pioneer camp.

The number of rooms is quite wide: there are trailers, a summer building with rooms for 4-8 guests, several family houses, as well as a comfortable building for year-round living.

On the territory there are 2 bathhouses, a place for barbecue, a sports ground, a children's play area, a banquet hall, and a cafe. In the summer, you can have a good rest on the beach next to the base and swim in the crystal clear Chanov water.

Other popular bases are White Swan and Chany. If you want to save money, you can stay in the private sector - local residents willingly rent out rooms, especially during high season.

Ice fishing is especially popular on Chany; it is during the winter months that tourist attendance peaks. At some bases, fishing is paid, but the prices are very affordable. There is no time limit or limit on the number of fish caught; the main thing is to use only fishing rods and spinning rods.

The best place for fishing is considered to be Yarkovsky Reach. Fishing near bottom dumps will be successful. Locals feed the fish in certain places; if you find out from them where they are located, a good bite is guaranteed.

How to get there

If you want to visit Lake Chany, it won’t be difficult. Buses run from the nearest railway station in Barabinsk to coastal settlements and tourist centers. By car you should drive along the M51 federal highway. Turn after 325 km, if coming from Novosibirsk, and after 301 km, if from Omsk.

A sea of ​​positive emotions, unforgettable impressions and new acquaintances are guaranteed to every tourist who chooses Lake Chany as their vacation destination. Russia is huge and diverse, and it is stupid to go abroad without first seeing the beauty and greatness of your own country.