Airliner crash. How the “most dangerous planes in the world” crash

Today, air travel has become so popular that airplanes in terms of frequency of use for tourists are equal to cars and trains. However, air travel seems very dangerous and not entirely reliable to many. Is this really true, how do our ideas about the dangers of air travel compare with statistics and how often do planes crash?

Choosing transport for travel

During the long-awaited holidays and long holidays many are faced with the problem of choosing to travel abroad to hot beaches or snowy ones ski resorts. And it is complex, because many factors need to be correlated, such as ease of movement, the price tag for the trip itself and, most importantly, safety. Let's look at statistical studies and find out how often planes crash and whether the scale of this is really as fatal as people think.

Are trains safer - misconception or not?

According to statistical studies, the most in a safe way People's mode of transportation is the train. The train has a slightly higher rating. Airplanes do not inspire confidence among the world's population at all. Only sixteen percent of respondents believe in their complete reliability. If we take cars into account, their safety rating is generally low, because they are initially considered very dangerous for driving over long distances.

However, in the struggle between various types Transport in terms of reliability is not so simple. Airplanes, according to many years of research by air crash experts and statistical studies, are rightfully recognized. However, people, even despite official scientific confirmation, still do not trust them. Why is this happening? Maybe the news that a plane has crashed somewhere really frightens tourists? Let's understand the situation.

The plane is not safe?!

Although statistics is an exact science, the final result depends very much on the calculation method. When determining the security level aircraft The number of tragic events per total number of flight kilometers is taken. It is this type of calculation that is mainly used by statisticians, and it is its results that are published in official sources.

The whole secret lies in the fact that most disasters occur during takeoffs and landings. On the way, plane crashes are much less common. But this method of calculation is very beneficial for transport companies, and they very often use it so as not to discourage tourists from choosing air travel for travel. Nevertheless, such an indicator as those killed in a plane crash (their number) during accidents during takeoff and landing is acquiring very large proportions.

If we take into account the calculation of tragic cases per total mileage of movement, then the most dangerous types of movement will be two types of movement - motorcycle and walking. One has only to look at the summary of tragic moments in any city and you can see that a lot of pedestrians die, even more than motorcyclists.

If you study other methods of statistical research, then the plane will give way to the train in terms of safety. For example, in terms of the number of passenger deaths per number of trips and speed of travel, air travel is the most unfavorable.

When considering other research methods, it turns out that trains are the best choice for travel. So it’s not without reason that tourists are in a fever from the mere news that a plane has crashed, and the trip railway rightfully has a safety advantage in people's minds.

Rating of the safest airlines

Be that as it may, you will still have to fly, since there are resorts that simply cannot be reached by any other type of transport, but you really want to. Despite the bad forecasts, negative reviews and gloomy opinions, our country is still not the weakest in terms of air travel safety. But the United States has been a leader in plane crashes for quite a long period of time. If we build a ranking by countries that own aircraft, we can say that the first five include Finland, New Zealand, Hong Kong and UAE. It is the companies of these five that are worth flying, and then no plane crash will be terrible. Russia, in this ranking, is in sixteenth place with the company Transaero.

Causes of plane crashes

Why do planes crash? Before choosing an airline, tourists first of all give preference to companies with the “youngest” modes of transport in terms of service life. However, this is not at all supported by statistical data. According to them, in Russia the company with the most unworn transport fleet is Aeroflot. Its aircraft are less than five years old. However, Finland, which occupies a leading position in flight safety and a small number of plane crashes, has had its aircraft in operation for more than nine years.

This fact indicates that an aircraft crash due to wear and tear and service life is unlikely. By choosing an airline based on the criterion of its small transport, the likelihood of a crash does not decrease at all. If we look at the statistics, we can see that a greater number of plane crashes occur due to the human factor, and there is no escape from this.

How to overcome your fear of flying, because there are situations when traveling by plane simply cannot be avoided. Psychologists give good advice on this matter. If fear is caused by any mental disorders, be it panic attacks or fear of a small enclosed space, then these are the problems that need to be solved.

However, in many cases, fear is caused by a lack of complete personal control over the situation and the safety of the flight. This must be accepted as inevitable, because any movement by transport depends little on us. Therefore, when traveling by air, it is recommended to simply relax and take your mind off bad thoughts by watching a movie on your tablet or listening to pleasant music. Never use alcohol to relieve stress. In fact, if it dulls the nervous state, it will only be for a short time, and then the problem will only get worse. The fear of flying needs to be addressed first of all with yourself. There is no need to simply get on your nerves, taking into account the information from news channels about how often planes crash, but you just need to calm down and try to take control of your emotions.

Which planes have the most accidents?

If we look at global statistics, Boeing can be considered the most unreliable, the second in the number of crashes is An, and the IL is in third place. If we turn to Russian research, we can see that the most “falling” in our country will be “An”. Why do planes crash? In 2005 alone, as many as nine cars of this brand crashed in Russia. In the world, they account for nineteen percent of all disasters.

The causes of plane crashes in Russia are explained by journalists in one key - the outdated transport fleet of domestic companies. Is this really true and how often do planes crash for this reason?

Causes of Russian plane crashes

In general, the aging of aircraft is expressed not in the number of years that have passed since its production, but in the amount of hours flown and the general technical condition. According to statistics, Russia has aircraft dating back to Soviet times, and their percentage is much higher than foreign-made units. However, you should not look at age. Compared to foreign ships, domestic ones flew much fewer hours, and Soviet production quality was one of the best in the world.

For what reason then does Russia purchase foreign aircraft for a lot of money when it has its own quite reliable aircraft? An example is the Tu aircraft. They have excellent flight safety statistics, and pilots consider them to be the most convenient in terms of technical design.

One of the reasons is the fact that Tu aircraft are very expensive in terms of the amount of fuel they consume. And since air travel has long become a separate type of business, company directors, in pursuit of reducing the cost of servicing their fleet of aircraft, give preference to foreign airliners, which are much more economical than their Russian counterparts.

Another reason is the decline of aircraft. The technologies for their production are significantly outdated, investments in aircraft factories are not being carried out. Therefore, our country cannot compete with more advanced foreign units.

How to save the situation?

In Russia, in order to stabilize the situation with the aircraft production market, the President signed a Decree on the creation of the United Aircraft Corporation. Moreover, investments in aircraft factories amounting to ten billion dollars were planned. This happened back in 2006. Currently the situation has not improved at all. The process of forming the corporation was greatly slowed down and, according to journalists, the purpose of its creation was not to study the competitor market, but to combine all assets Russian airlines In one place.

Nevertheless, there are positive developments. The Ilyushin Finance company purchased Il and Tu aircraft from Russia. The Tashkent production association concluded an agreement with the St. Petersburg airline for the supply of Il aircraft to Russia, most of of which will be of Russian configuration.

What you need to know about a plane crash?

No one is safe from an aircraft crash. However, if you have the necessary information about what happens when a plane crashes, you have a chance of surviving the crash. In the nineties, there was an accident with the B-707 airliner. The death toll in the plane crash numbered in the hundreds. However, five passengers used the information from the flight attendant's instructions and survived.

In some cases, there is a chance to be saved if you have the necessary knowledge. They are not as useless as they seem at first glance. Knowing what happens when a plane crashes, you can apply many effective methods for your own safety.

The main ways to protect yourself, as the statistics of plane crashes show us, is to follow safety precautions. First of all, it is necessary, if possible, to remain in shoes and clothing. This will provide protection in case of fire. Remove all foreign objects from your clothing pockets and fasten your seat belt tightly. It is allowed to be removed only after a special command from the flight attendant.

Immediately before an accident, if possible, you need to take a protective position - you need to bend as low as possible and clasp your hands very tightly under your knees. The head should be placed on them, and if this cannot be done, then lower it as far as possible. Your feet should rest as firmly as possible on the floor. This technique, and it is fully proven by the statistics of plane crashes, often saves the lives of passengers in a plane crash.


As you can see, flying is not such a scary thing. The main thing is to use tickets for flights only from time-tested airlines with a small number of accidents, and also to comply with the safety requirements for aircraft passengers, so that later experts do not have to study the crashing plane on which you were flying on vacation. warm country. Safe flights and successful landings and takeoffs!

Many people are afraid of flying by air, but this means of transportation is the fastest and most convenient.

Let's consider what a person feels when a plane crashes. The most reliable information about detailed experiences can be obtained from people who have experienced this experience themselves.

Every accident is the result of several causes, the main one of which is human factor. That is, traditionally, the cause of an air transport crash is usually an error made by the crew.

Another one common reasonaviation terrorism, which is much less common. Let's look at the statistics on this matter:

  • 60% — accidents caused by pilot errors;
  • 20% — difficulties associated with technical problems;
  • 15% — situations that emerged during weather conditions;
  • 5% — aviation terrorism and other factors.

The main cause of accidents is the human factor

The most common mistakes made by air transport employees:

  1. Failure to comply with piloting procedures according to regulations.
  2. Insufficiently high level of pilot qualifications.
  3. Error in the operation of navigation devices.
  4. Failure to comply with maintenance rules.
  5. Erroneous situations that arose due to the fault of ground controllers.
  6. Problems of the psychological state of the pilot and assistant.

Most often, accidents occur during takeoff or landing of an airplane., while the vehicle is in controlled control, but loses spatial orientation.

Human feelings when a plane crashes

As scientific research has shown, when overload occurs vehicle the person is unlikely to clearly remember the events. This is due to increased protection of consciousness.

Passengers will remember only the first seconds, when the plane began to fall, and in the next stages the body’s defensive reaction will turn on and consciousness will turn off.

According to research, during the collision with the ground, not a single person was conscious, which suggests that he could not experience feelings.

This fact was confirmed by people who managed to survive such a crash. When asked how the passengers of the falling plane felt, they replied that they only remembered shaking and overload.

Passengers' feelings when the cabin is depressurized

The pressure on such a large surface takes on much lower values ​​than above its surface, as do the temperature indicators. Lack of oxygen prevents the body from functioning normally.

Modern cinema has significantly influenced public consciousness, showing that even a small hole on the surface of the skin leads to the death of the entire passenger train.

In fact, it's the other way around. Of course, damage to the skin is not normal, but this does not indicate the catastrophic scale of the problem.

The main problem with cabin depressurization is lack of oxygen.. If every “traveler” is fastened according to the rules of the instructions, no serious complications should arise.

Moreover, the aircraft is designed to maintain an integral structure and is able to complete the flight it has begun. The main thing is to be able to promptly notice the drop in pressure and the fact that the oxygen level has decreased.

In case of depressurization, it is necessary to wear oxygen masks

What happens to people when they collide with the ground?

If the landing is controlled, passengers may be conscious, but it is cloudy. More often than not, the answer to the question of how people feel when a plane crashes is “nothing.”

We have already noted that at altitude, the body’s defense reaction is activated and it goes into temporary hibernation until the situation stabilizes.

Involuntarily, people may feel shaking and slight fear.

According to the testimony of those who managed to survive the airliner crash, they remember practically nothing.

Actions of the crew during an airplane crash

To create favorable conditions for the comfortable well-being of passengers, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures.

Firstly, prevent oxygen starvation among passengers by offering them wear special masks. Breathing may become rapid and people may feel slightly dizzy. Then the brain cells gradually die, so taking the right actions in a timely manner is designed to prevent death.

Secondly, when the first signs of problems are detected pilots descend to a relatively safe altitude of 3-4 km. At this level, a sufficient amount of oxygen is assumed for proper breathing and normal functioning of the body.

After the situation normalizes, it is necessary to make a decision on further actions. Typically this is emergency landing at a nearby port.

Most airplane accidents occur during takeoff or landing.

What passengers should do

The behavior of passengers during a crash plays an important role.. We looked at what happens to people during a plane crash.

Passengers facing decompression factors must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Keep calm and do not create panic.
  2. Follow everything the crew says. Listen carefully to instructions from staff.
  3. Wear oxygen masks and, if necessary, help others perform this task.
  4. Buckle up and sit quietly in your seat during the flight, which will avoid traumatic consequences in the turbulence zone.

Is it possible to survive a plane crash?

In addition to the question of how a person feels during a plane crash when falling, another question involuntarily arises: “Is it possible to survive in this situation?” As practice shows, of course, it is possible. But provided that the pilots noticed the problems in a timely manner and began to fix them.

Compliance and the absence of a panic state guarantees the calm and well-being of passengers.

The safest airliners are the Airbus A330, A340 and Boeing 777, BusinessWeek found

Which plane is more likely to be involved in a plane crash resulting in the death of passengers - the American Boeing 737 JT 8 D or Russian Il-76? If you think that the IL-76 is more dangerous, then you are mistaken.

The very first versions of the familyBoeing 737s were created back in 1988, but more than 500 of these aircraft are still in operation. In August last year he crashed in KazakhstanBoeing 737JT 8D belonging toItekAir, shortly after the European Union banned the ship from flying to Europe due to its lack of safety. Incidents like these help explain why this model tops the list of planes most prone to accidents. Older aircraft require more intensive maintenance than new ones. Nevertheless, used liners operated by airlines that there are often not enough funds for full maintenance and training of pilots, writes BusinessWeek.

Using data from a London insurance consultant
Ascend,BusinessWeek has compiled a ranking of the deadliest and safest planes based on the number of fatal crashes. The rating included aircraft models that are in operation around the world in quantities of 100 or more. The ranking did not take into account plane crashes related to terrorism.

1. Boeing 737JT 8D

So, the most dangerous passenger aircraft in terms of the number of accidents is recognized Boeing 737JT 8D. There is one fatal aircraft accident per 507,500 flight hours. The lower this number, the higher the risk of an accident. This is the average for the last five years. Years of production of the liner: 1967-1988. Quantity models located in operation (on end 2008): 517 pieces. The most old version familiesBoeing 737 –JT 8D are still operated by airlines in poor countries. Almost 30 years old Boeing 737JT 8D, operated by the Kyrgyz airline Itek Air, crashed near Bishkek in August 2008. 68 people died in the disaster.

2. IL-76

One plane crash per 549 900 flight hours.
Years of production: from 1974 to the present day
247 .

This cargo model is most often found in the fleets of airlines in the former countries. Soviet Union, Middle East and Africa. In 2003, the crashed Il-76 of the Iranian airline IranRevolutionaryGuard claimed the lives of 275 people.

3. Tu-154

One plane crash per 1,041,000 flight hours.
Years of production: from 1971 to present
Number of aircraft in service: 336.

The Tu-154 is also used by most airlines from the countries of the former Soviet Union and neighboring countries. Tu-154 Iranian airline CaspianAir, traveling from Tehran to Yerevan (Armenia) crashed on July 15 this year, killing 168 people. This was the fourth plane crash involving a Tu-154 in Iran since 2002.

AirbusA 310

One plane crash per 1,067,700 flight hours.
Years of production: 1983-1998
Number of aircraft in service: 191.

Major airlines have already stopped using this model of the European aircraft manufacturer Airbus. However, some carriers from poor countries, for example PakistanInternationalAirlines continue to flyA 310. The final disaster withA 310 occurred on June 30 this year. LinerA 310 Yemenia Airlines, flying from Yemen to Comoros, fell into the open sea, killing all 153 people on board. Miraculously, only a 12-year-old girl managed to escape.

5 . McDonnell-Douglas DC-9

One plane crash per1 068 700 flight hours.
release: 1965-1982
Number of aircraft in service: 315.

This aircraft model began to belong to Boeingafter the merger in 1997 with McDonnellDouglas.DC -9 is still in service with the airlineDeltaAirlines, which inherited them fromNorthwestAirlines, as well as many other small carriers in the world. In April 2008, it crashed in the Democratic Republic of the CongoDC-9 airlinesHewaBoraAirways, 44 people killed.

6. Tu-134

One plane crash per1 087 600 flight hours.
Years of production: 1964-1986 gg.
Number of aircraft in service: 223.

Tu-134, comparable in size to DC-9 is widely used by airlines from the former Soviet Union and the Middle East. In terms of noise level, the engine of this airliner does not meet Western European standards, so the Tu-134 flies mainly in domestic directions in Russia. In August 2004, a Volga-Aviaexpress Tu-134 crashed, killing all 43 people on board.

Boeing 727

One plane crash per2 306 300 flight hours.
Years of production: 1963-1984 gg.
Number of aircraft in service: 412.

Most major carriers have long since replaced the old onesBoeing 727 to newer and modern aircraft. Airline United Airlines, for example, donated one such airliner to the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry back in 1993. However, outside the United States, many carriers, especially charter ones, continue to operate the Boeing 727. One of the plane crashes with this airliner occurred on Christmas Day 2003 in the African state of Benin, killing 151 people.

8. McDonnell - Douglas MD-80

One plane crash per2 332 300 flight hours.
Years of production: 1980-1999 gg.
Number of aircraft in service: 923.

The MD-80, designed to replace the DC-9, is still used by the American airline Delta, as well as by a number of European carriers, notably Alitalia and SAS. The most recent plane crash involving this airliner in the United States occurred in January 2000: MD -80 airlines AlaskaAirlines crashed into the Pacific Ocean. In August 2008, 153 people were killed flying on such a plane, owned by the Spanish airline Spanair, from Madrid to Canary Islands.

9. McDonnell - Douglas MC-10

One plane crash per2 908 800 flight hours.
Years of production: 1971-1989 gg.
Number of aircraft in service: 153.

The DC -10 is one of a rare number of aircraft whose safety has, on the contrary, improved with age. A number of fatal crashes in the 1970s involving the aircraft led to the development of changes and improvements to the aircraft. As a result, the last accident with fatalities occurred in 1999, when the airliner of the former French carrierAOM crashed in Guatemala. The aircraft is now primarily used by cargo and charter operators. AirlineBimanBangladesh is the latest company to be usedDC -10 on regular flights.

McDonnell - Douglas MD-11

One plane crash per3 668 800 flight hours.
Years of production: 1990-2001
Number of aircraft in service: 187.

The MD-11 brought its creator commercial disappointment, as it showed poor performance in fuel efficiency and other parameters. True, Finnair and KLM still fly these aircraft, but they mainly use them for cargo transportation. Last plane crash occurred in 1999 when the airline's DC -11 ChinaAirlines caught fire while landing in Hong Kong during a typhoon, killing three people.

11. Boeing 737 CFMI

One plane crash per4 836 900 flight hours.
Years of production: 1984-2000
Number of aircraft in service: 1796.

12. Boeing 757

One plane crash per13 744 400 flight hours.
Years of production: 1982-2005
Number of aircraft in service: 973

Airbus A 320

One plane crash per14 050 200 flight hours.
Years of production: 1988 to present
Number of aircraft in service: 3604

14. Boeing 767

One plane crash per14 895 100 flight hours.
Years of production: 1982 to present
Number of aircraft in service: 867

15. Boeing 737NG

One plane crash per16 047 900 flight hours.
Years of production: 1997 to present
Number of aircraft in service: 2583

16. Boeing 747

One plane crash per17 358 500 flight hours.
Years of production: 1970 to present
Number of aircraft in service: 935

17. AirbusA 330

No fatal accidents during 2008

Number of aircraft in service: 577

18. Airbus A 340

Years of production: 1993 to present

Number of aircraft in service: 341

19. Boeing 777

No fatal accidents
Years of production: 1995 to present

Number of aircraft in service: 742

Every 2-3 seconds someone lands or takes off. Some are happy about this, others are afraid. Is it worth giving in to fear? The answer will be given by statistics: how often planes crash, where it happens and how high the probability of a crash is.

About 100 thousand planes take off into the sky every day, and, oddly enough, the same number successfully land. Aircraft transport about 4.5 billion people annually, which is more than half the world's population. How many of them do you think add up to the statistics of those killed in plane crashes? No more than 1000 per year. The ratio is impressive, right?

Throughout its existence civil aviation(almost 100 years) less than 150 thousand people died. This is less than the number of deaths per month in traffic accidents around the world.

How many planes crash per year?

According to Wikipedia, over the past 6 years, there have been 107 fatal plane crashes worldwide, killing 3,245 people. This is approximately 540 victims per year. It is important to clarify that the statistics take into account both commercial airliners and private small aircraft, and the number of victims is indicated taking into account those killed on the ground. That is, if a falling plane rammed a bus with 10 passengers, then they are also included in the statistics. Therefore, the real numbers of plane crashes passenger aircraft significantly less.

2010: 14 accidents in which 792 people died. The biggest tragedy was the unsuccessful landing of an Indian low-cost airline on a Boeing 737 (158 victims) and the crash of a Polish TU-154 near Smolensk (96 deaths).

2011 passed without any loud plane crashes. The largest number of victims (77 people) was in the Iranian Boeing 727, which could not be landed due to bad weather conditions. In total, 45 plane crashes were recorded, in which 552 people died. As is clear from the statistics, these were mainly light aircraft with no more than 10 people on board.

year 2012: 23 accidents, 315 dead. The worst case was the crash of a Pakistani Boeing 737, in which everyone on board (127 people) died.

year 2013 was relatively calm: only 5 aircraft accidents, the total number of victims was 128 people. 50 of them died in a Boeing 737 that crashed near Kazan.

year 2014 severely spoiled airline statistics: 15 accidents, with a total number of victims - 980 people. The most significant incident was the downing of a Boeing 777 over Ukraine, with 298 people on board.

2015 claimed 478 lives in just 5 plane crashes. The loudest was the Russian Airbus A321 that crashed over the terrorist attack, killing 224 people.

2016 remembered for the crash of the TU-154 of the Russian Ministry of Defense, in which 100 people died (92 passengers and 8 crew members. In total, over 12 months, air transport caused the death of 389 people.

2017 went down in history as the safest in the entire history of civil aviation. In just 12 months, 67 people died.

In which country do planes crash more often?

If we take into account exclusively passenger air transportation, then a pronounced “ Bermuda Triangle", in which planes most often crash, no. But if you take statistics on all air transport, the result will be somewhat unexpected.

Over the same 6 years, the most plane crashes occurred... in Russia - 41, the number of deaths - 559 people. During the same period, there were 11 aircraft accidents in the United States. It's interesting to note that the last one was back in 2013. Next comes Ukraine (7 disasters), Congo (6) and Germany (4, all in 2010).

Overall, the numbers are very encouraging. Having learned how often planes crash according to statistics, we hope you will feel more confident in flight.

Many people prefer to get to this or that region using an airliner, because traveling by air is much more convenient and faster than traveling by train. According to statistics every 2-3 seconds a plane lands and takes off around the world. Should you give in to fear when you board an airplane? How often do planes crash? Such questions always plague passengers, especially those who rarely fly on an aircraft.

Everyone fears for their life, so it is not surprising why such questions arise. If you watch the news, which constantly talks about some kind of disaster, often related to air travel, then the desire to go somewhere immediately disappears. Of course, there is always danger. Even while staying at home, there is a risk of death, for example, from a gas leak. Thus, to fly or not to fly aircraft is a very controversial issue and here everyone decides for himself how best to act. In order to understand how many airliners crash, let's look at the statistics.

How many planes crash per year is a question that interests many people, even those who are not planning to fly. The following data can be provided:

  1. Statistics show that about 10,000 airliners take off into the sky every day.
  2. Approximately 4.5 billion people fly on airplanes – that’s more than half the world’s population.
  3. Of these, about 1,000 people die in plane crashes.
  4. For 100 years passenger aviation 150,000 people died.

This figure is several times less than the number of victims in road accidents per month. So, what is the safest way to travel? The answer is obvious. People die in road accidents much more often, so driving in cars is much more dangerous for life than flying in airplanes.

According to statistics, since 2009 there have been 107 plane crashes, killing 3,245 passengers.

How often do planes crash in Russia?

Unfortunately, our country occupies a leading position in the ranking of countries that have suffered greatest number aircraft accidents. This is due to the fact that Russia is the largest power in the world. If we take statistics from 2009, then the largest number of accidents involving airliners occurred in the Russian Federation - 38. 378 people died in them. Next comes America, where 11 incidents have occurred over the past 6 years. If we take into account the data for the entire existence of civil aviation, then the United States of America occupies first place.

  • Russia (38 accidents);
  • USA (11 for this period);
  • Ukraine (7 in 6 years);
  • Congo (6 over the same period);
  • Germany (4 disasters in 2010).

Which planes crash most often?

If we talk about which planes crash most often, here we need to give a rating of the most dangerous airliners. So the list is:

  1. Boeing 737. This passenger plane was recognized as the most dangerous, as several plane crashes occurred on it.
  2. IL-76. Terrible disaster happened on this aircraft 13 years ago and claimed many lives.
  3. Tu-154. There were also a lot of accidents on it.
  4. Airbus A310. The last disaster was this year, which claimed more than 150 lives and only one girl managed to survive.
  5. McDonnell-Douglas DC-9. It has not been produced for many years, but ready-made aircraft fly quite often. During the entire period of existence on board of this aircraft only 44 people died.

Compared to the years of the last 20th century, the number of plane crashes, alas, has increased. Planes crash for various reasons. This may be a malfunction of the airliner itself, weather or the human factor. It is difficult to say unequivocally whether planes crash often. Compared to a road accident, it is much safer to travel on an aircraft. But in general, you shouldn’t be afraid of airplanes, because on the ground the risk of dying is much greater than in the air.