Great Britain political map of the world. Where is England

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is an island state located in northwestern Europe. The country is washed by the waters of the North Sea from the east, the Norwegian Sea from the north and the Atlantic Ocean from the west and south. It occupies the entire island of Great Britain, as well as the northeastern part of the island of Ireland and small nearby islands and archipelagos.

The detailed map of Great Britain shows that the country also extends its sovereignty to a number of island territories in the Caribbean and Mediterranean Seas, as well as the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans.

Great Britain on the world map: geography, nature and climate

Great Britain occupies 243,809 km2 on the world map, of which 229,946 km2 is on the island of Great Britain. Despite its relatively small size, the country has an extremely long coastline - 17,820 km.

The length of the land border is only 360 km. The only land neighbor of Great Britain is Ireland, which occupies most of the island of the same name. However, the country's overseas territories border with Spain (in a small area near the city of Gibraltar) and Cyprus (in the area where sovereign British military bases are located). Great Britain recognizes more than two dozen states as its maritime neighbors, but its main territory borders only with France across the English Channel and Pas-de-Calais.

Geographical location of Great Britain

The country's topography is very diverse. The northern regions of Great Britain are represented by the Scottish Highlands. It is here that on maps of Great Britain in Russian you can find the highest point in the country - Mount Ben Nevis (1344 m). To the south, the Lowlands of Scotland begin, abutting the Pennine Range, which stretches 350 km from north to south. Behind it begins the Midland - a plain that occupies most of the island. Another small mountain range, Snowdonia, is located in Central Wales in the west of the country.

The country's Northern Irish enclave, despite its small size, is also distinguished by its varied topography. This is where the country's largest lake, Lough Neagh, is located, with an area of ​​396 km². There are a sufficient number of large deep rivers in Great Britain, but the length of the longest, the Severn, does not exceed 354 km.

Animal and plant life

The country's nature has been subject to significant human intervention since ancient times. Up to 70% of the UK is used for agricultural purposes. And only 10% of the land is occupied by forests. In the northern mountainous regions, mixed oak-pine forests are common. To the south, elms, hornbeams, birches, beeches and ash trees are more common. A significant part of animal species was exterminated. Today there are only 53 species of mammals in the UK. The most common species are red deer, wild goats, roe deer, badgers, foxes, otters and weasels. Gray and common seals are often found on the coasts. Coastal waters are rich in commercial fish species - mackerel, herring, sprat, cod and sardines.


Thanks to the warm Gulf Stream, the country's climate is milder than in countries of the same latitude. Most of Great Britain lies in a temperate oceanic climate. The average winter temperature ranges from 2-4 0 C, and the summer temperature rarely exceeds 15-16 0 C.

It is worth noting that in the mountainous and most northern regions these indicators will be 2-3 degrees lower. The number of rainy and cloudy days in the country is high, so the amount of precipitation in the most humid western regions can reach 3000 mm per year. However, in most areas of the UK the average rainfall does not exceed 800mm.

Map of Great Britain with cities. Administrative division of the country

Great Britain has a very confusing structure. Not counting the overseas territories, the country is divided into 4 main parts, which are actually autonomous states. These are England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Moreover, each of the parts has its own internal administrative division, different from the others. So Northern Ireland is divided into 6 counties and 11 districts, Scotland into 32 counties, and Wales into 9 counties, 10 shire towns and 3 cities. England has the most complex division: 28 counties, 6 city-counties, 9 regions, 55 unitary units, Greater London and the Scilly Archipelago, which has a special legal status. A map of Great Britain with cities in Russian makes it clear that the majority of the country's population (up to 85%) lives in England, which occupies about 53% of the area of ​​Great Britain.

London is the capital of Great Britain and the third most populous city in Europe. Located in the southeast of the country on the banks of the Thames River. It is one of the key economic and financial centers of the world.

150 km north-west of London is Birmingham is the second largest city in Great Britain. Historical center of British industry and engineering. It is also one of the leading European scientific and educational centers.

City of Leeds located closer to the geographical center of the country in the county of Yorkshire and is the third largest city in the UK. After the capital, it is the country's second most important financial center.

Everyone is accustomed to thinking that the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is one country. But this is not an entirely correct statement. The kingdom contains four historical and geographical regions. The UK includes territories such as England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. Thus, the kingdom occupies most of the area of ​​the British Isles. It is also important that since 1922, Ireland has been a completely autonomous country within the United Kingdom.

One cannot help but recall the Isle of Man and True, these territories are administratively independent parts of the kingdom.


Each territory that is part of Great Britain has its own culture, traditions, and attractions that have accumulated over centuries. The official language is English, but for each administrative and political part there are peculiar exceptions. So, today the population of Welsh villages communicates in the ancient

The heritage of the territories that are part of the kingdom of Great Britain is practically nothing similar to each other. They differ not only in history, population composition and government structure, but also in religion and even climate.

Several main points characterizing Great Britain as a whole:

  • The monetary unit is pound sterling.
  • Religions are Anglicanism, Catholicism and Presbyterianism.
  • Great Britain is famous for its talented actors, musicians, singers, writers, athletes, and scientists.
  • The Kingdom is considered one of the most popular shopping destinations. The country is very rich in brand names such as Burberry, which are known all over the world, shops, boutiques and street markets where you can find vintage clothes and choose accessories for them.


The largest administrative and political part that is part of Great Britain is England. In turn, it has nine distinct regions, each with its own unique traditions and culture, with exciting bustling cities like London and beautiful, laid-back villages like Cornwall. The official language is English. There are thirty-nine counties, six metropolitan counties and an administrative unit called Greater London.

Millions of tourists from all over the world come to England every year, because it is suitable both for a noisy and fun holiday, and for romantic walks. There are more than 20 attractions that are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.


There are few places on our planet that can compete with Scotland. It is home to major cities such as Glasgow, deep lakes and picturesque mountains. This country is divided into nine regions, which contain approximately eight hundred islands, three hundred of which are unsuitable for human life.

During the celebrations of Burns Night, which falls on January 25, and St. Andrew's Day (November 30), live music can be heard throughout the streets.

Scotland remains part of Great Britain to this day. In 2014, a referendum was held on secession from the state. But 55.3% of the population opposed the declaration of independence.

The official languages ​​are English, Anglo-Scottish and Scottish Gaelic.

Northern Ireland

The smallest autonomous territory that is part of Great Britain is Ireland. It consists of twenty-six districts. Despite its small size, it has a very rich nature. There are high mountains, flat valleys, forests and even an inland sea. In addition, the country is famous for its history, culture, mythology and vibrant musical life. At venues, clubs and concert halls at any time of the year you can enjoy the music of both Irish performers and visitors from all over the world.

Northern Ireland within Great Britain has three official Ulster-Scots languages ​​and, of course, English.


There is no place on Earth that is even remotely similar to the island nation of Great Britain. The composition of the countries includes a rather unusual administrative and political part - Wales. The peculiarity is that its inhabitants still communicate with each other in one of the oldest languages ​​in the world - Welsh. The second official language is English. In terms of area, Wales is the third largest country in the UK.

There are five areas with unique nature registered here, as well as three local residents call “castles” due to the impressive number of ancient fortresses (about 600 castles).

Great Britain – small but incredible attractive kingdom, where tourists from all over the world come to get a closer look at the architectural, cultural and natural attractions of this country, which has left its bright mark on world history.

Once upon a time, Shakespeare was born here, the Beatles arose, the legendary Baker Street appeared and the best universities in the world opened - Cambridge and Oxford.

Great Britain on the map of the world and Europe

Great Britain occupies a very vast territory of the British Archipelago, and the full name of this country sounds like United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. The commonwealth includes several regions located close to each other.

Where is?

If you look at a large map of Europe, you will find Great Britain to the north-west of the continent. The country is spread over two large islands with a total length of 244,100 square meters. km. The largest island called Great Britain, and on it are:

  1. England;
  2. Wales;
  3. Scotland.


Traveling around the kingdom, many note that Great Britain has varied landscape, which replace each other along the way. In just an hour, the plain can give way to high hills, followed by picturesque ones. At the same time, the topography of all the countries that make up Great Britain is very diverse and different.

The southern half of England is located on plains, but in some places there are hills and hills. This part of the country is home to the famous Dartmoor Hills, rising about 610 meters above sea level. In the eastern part of the island there is a swampy lowland that has been drained for agriculture.

In the northern part of England the vengeance is mountainous. Here are the Pennine Mountains, which stretch for 350 kilometers.

The "Bridge of England", as it is affectionately known by the country's inhabitants, separates the north-western part of the kingdom from Yorkshire.

The highest point of the ridge is Mount Scafell Pike, whose height reaches 2,178 meters.

Scotland It is considered the most mountainous region, as more than half of its terrain is cut by the Grampian Mountains, located in the Highlands region. Only a tenth of the country is occupied by flat terrain, where the largest part of the population lives.

Landscape Wales similar to the terrain of Scotland - it is just as mountainous. The Cambrian Mountains are located in the center of the country, and the Snowdon massif is in the northwest.

Northern Ireland has a flat terrain, and in the very center of the country there is a deep lake, Lough Nee. The highest point in this region is Slieve Donard (862 meters).


The coast of Great Britain is washed by two seas - Irish in the West, Northern in the east, and also Atlantic Ocean in the South-West. There are many rivers and lakes in the country, among which the most famous Thames in London. It is the longest river in the country, and its length is 338 km.

In addition to it, the following are considered extremely important navigable water canals in the country:

  • Severn;
  • Yew;
  • Tyne;
  • Tweed.

There are many lakes in Scotland, such as the famous Loch Ness and Loch Lomond.

In prehistoric times, Great Britain could boast of luxurious nature. Were here incredibly dense forests, which were dominated by oaks, lindens, birches and beech. But by the end of the 20th century, due to human economic activity, most of the forests were destroyed and the swamps were drained. Larch, fir and spruce were brought here and this greatly influenced the change in the flora and fauna of the country.

Nowadays, forest in Great Britain occupies only a tenth of the kingdom, and most of the trees have survived on the mountain slopes, in river valleys or in the south of the country. But despite this, one gets the impression that when you get to the UK, you find yourself in green region. This is happening as places that have been severely damaged by industrialization are being replanted with trees, greenery is found everywhere, and game reserves are being formed.

Animal world Britain is rich and diverse. It is difficult to name birds and animals that are not here. Hares, foxes, wolves and wild boars are found in the forests, as well as otters, raccoons and stoats.


Great Britain has acquired a stable name "Foggy Albion", which perfectly characterizes the country’s climate – humid and temperate. The weather here is changeable: the morning may be clear and warm, and in the evening the sky will become cloudy and there will be persistent rain. This climate contributes to the occurrence of fog, which is not uncommon here.

In general, the UK climate is warm and wet summer And mild winter.

These features are associated with the Pacific warm Gulf Stream, as well as proximity to the sea and high-altitude jet air currents.


This country is second major region Great Britain, located on the British Isle. It occupies the northern part of the island, and its territory accounts for about a third of the total landmass.

The country also includes the Hebrides, Orkney and Shetland Islands.

Scotland has land borders with England in the south of Great Britain, as well as water boundaries with a number of European countries:

  1. In the West with Ireland;
  2. In the north with and Ireland;
  3. In the east with Norway.

The coast of Scotland is washed North Sea in the east and Atlantic Ocean in the west of the country.

Scotland has a harsh climate, so there are not many people living here - about 5.2 million people who speak Scots and English.

There are 9 regions and 32 areas in Scotland. The capital of country - Edinburgh, and other major cities are Glasgow, Aberdeen, Inverness and Dundee.

The country is known throughout the world for its traditions, luxurious nature, especially mountains and lakes, as well as the stunning architecture of local ancient castles, which are thousands of years old.


Wales – smallest region Great Britain, located on the British Isle and occupying its eastern part. This country is home to only about 2.9 million people on an area of ​​20,776 square meters. km, divided into 22 regions. It also includes the island of Anglesey, located in southwest England.

Wales has land borders with England in the east, and water - through Bristol Bay on South. Also, water boundaries across St. George's Channel separate Wales and Ireland. The north of the country is washed Irish Sea.

The capital of Wales, Cardiff, is a city inhabited by the ancestors of the Celts, so you can often hear the Welsh language here.

Other major cities in the region include Swansea And Newport.

Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland is located separately from England, Scotland and Wales because this country is located on a separate island- in the north-west of Great Britain. The country is divided into 6 counties and 26 districts. Belfast is considered the largest city and, accordingly, the capital.

Scotland is closest to Ireland - it is located in the east, or rather on the other side of the North Channel.

The country also borders on the south and west with Ireland. The country's water boundaries lie in the southeast from Irish Sea, and in the southwest with Atlantic Ocean.

This country is home to about 1.9 million people, among whom there are only 500 thousand indigenous inhabitants of the island, and the rest are Anglo-Irish and Scots-Irish - people belonging to different religions. Because of this, conflicts constantly flared up in Northern Ireland, but in the last ten years they have almost subsided.

Detailed map of Great Britain with cities

Great Britain is interesting not only for its sights, but also for the many large and small cities scattered across its territory. The largest cities are marked with the status "City", which does not provide any privileges other than prestige.


London is not only the capital of England, but also of the whole of Great Britain, a role it has played for two thousand years. From a small settlement it turned into largest metropolis(by European standards), first being the main city of Roman Britain, then England and finally Great Britain.

It plays an important role in the politics, economy and culture of Great Britain and is the most important financial and political center of Europe.

The headquarters of leading companies such as HSBS, Barclay and Reuters are located here, as well as the London Stock Exchange.

While walking around the city, you will come across attractions on every corner:

  • Tower;
  • Big Ben;
  • Trafalgar Square;
  • Buckingham Palace;
  • Westminster Abbey.

Of great interest to guests of the British capital are ancient streets, located in the Westminster area, and squares that preserve the history of the country.

There are two main airports in the United Kingdom near London - Heathrow And Gatwick, where planes from all over the world arrive.


Belfast is famous capital of Northern Ireland, located in County Antrim. The city is located on the coast of the Irish Sea at the mouth of the Lagan River. This convenient location is very good for the country, since it is home to the largest seaport and numerous shipbuilding enterprises, one of which built the infamous Titanic. The city has a well-developed oil refining and electrical engineering industry, as well as instrument making.

Belfast as a city was formed only in the 19th century, and capital status received in 1921, although its territory was inhabited in the Bronze Age. Since the city received its new status, bloody clashes based on religion have begun to occur in it. Here Catholics and Protestants staged armed clashes between themselves, which were completed only in 1998.

Today Belfast is a large city with a population of approximately 600 thousand people, and its numbers are growing every year.

Tourists are encouraged to come here by a large number of attractions, such as, for example, Donegall Square or sculpture "Big Fish", which contains a capsule with important information about the city.


Birmingham is another major city in central England, located in West Midlands. During the war, the city suffered greatly, many residents died and houses were destroyed, but by 1990 it was restored to its original appearance, having been slightly improved. Today, 1.2 million people live in it, and in terms of population it is second only to London, the capital of Great Britain.

Birmingham was known throughout the world as a developed center of handicrafts and metal forging.

During wartime, several strategically important factories producing military products appeared here. Unfortunately, all of them were destroyed due to the most severe bombing by German aircraft.

Today, Birmingham is so famous that it attracts tourists with unusual contrasts: the main attractions of the city are located next to industrial zones, and former factories are being turned into art galleries. Thanks to this, the city incredibly in demand from tourists.


Bristol is one of the most important cities in the UK and major port in central England, with an extensive seafaring history.

In fact, Bristol is located on River Avon, and not on the sea, and through it has access to Bristol Bay and the Atlantic.

Because of this, throughout its history, local residents actively cultivated their capital through trade with the United States and the West Indies.

Today Bristol is capital of the county of the same name, as well as a major business, cultural and educational center in the southwest of England. Shipbuilding, sugar production, cotton fabrics and carpets flourish here.

Bristol is the fourth most popular city in the UK, where tourists go first to get to know the country better. This place has a lot of attractions, some of which belong to the 11th century – the century of the city’s founding. Georgian architecture, considered a great rarity for the country, seems especially attractive.


This city is capital of Wales, as well as one of the main cities in the UK, with the status of a “city”. This status was granted to him at the beginning of the last century because rapid industrial growth began in Wales.

In an instant, Cardiff was turned into the main port of the country, from where coal was transported to other British regions. This made it possible to quickly and noticeably increase the population.

Cardiff is located on the shores of Bristol Bay near Newport. It is bordered to the west by the Vale of Glamorgan and to the north it is surrounded by two other Welsh valleys - Caerphilly and Rhondagh Cynon Taw.

The city itself was built at the bottom of a drained swamp - on a foundation of rock formations.

Today there are about 350 thousand people.

Despite the small size of Wales and Cardiff (by UK standards), this city has many attractions:

  1. Millennium Stadium;
  2. National Assembly of Wales;
  3. Llandaff Cathedral.

There are also many Welsh-related attractions in the area around Cardiff. culture And history countries.


The capital of Scotland is the second most popular city that tourists prefer to visit when in the United Kingdom. This happens for several reasons. First of all, Edinburgh is home to many attractions, as well as a place where the largest and most beautiful festivals countries.

Edinburgh is located on the east coast of Scotland and on the southern shore of the Firth of Forth.

About 470 thousand people live here, which is much less than in another large city in this country - Glasgow. The first mention of it appeared in 1170, and in the 12th century Edinburgh became the capital of Scotland, when King David I moved the royal court from Dunfermline to Edinburgh Castle.

Today the city is actively growing and developing. There is large university world-famous (Edinburgh City University). The city is also home to many government offices.


The first largest city in Scotland and the third in the UK stretches 32 km from the mouth of the River Clyde. Today there are about 1.8 million inhabitants, but their number is growing steadily, due to the fact that Glasgow is considered the largest industrial center of the country, where great industrial achievements are constantly taking place.

In the Middle Ages Glasgow was known as religious and educational center of Scotland, but after the Industrial Revolution it became the most significant industrial region of the country, second only to London. The main focus of the city's development program was shipbuilding.

As industry began to grow in Glasgow, its population increased significantly. Local merchants, who had become rich by trading goods from America, began arrange the city. Beautiful buildings, impressive warehouses, as well as squares and lawns appeared here.

Glasgow's only problem was the worst slums in Europe - immoral settlements that existed here until the 20th century. The city managed to cope with this problem, and therefore in 1990 it received the status "European Capital of Culture". Now here are the most beautiful sights, surrounded by picturesque nature.


The city that was glorified by the famous "Fab Four", was once just a small settlement in England in the county of Merseyside, formed in the west of the British island.

Thanks to its location, it overnight transformed from a small and dirty village into a major port, through which more than 40% of the world's trade flow was transported.

It was also convenient to trade with Ireland from here, since the island is very close.

The first in England opened in Liverpool in 1715. port dock, and already in 1880 it received city status. Today, about 1.3 million people live here, and even more tourists come here to explore the city's many attractions, from the ancient 13th-century palace to the famous bar where the famous Beatles performed.


The city with a rich history of industrialization is the third largest popularity as a tourist destination Great Britain and England. Manchester has always been distinguished by fairly developed handicrafts and active trade, but during the Industrial Revolution it took a leading position, becoming the textile center of Britain.

Spinning machines, steam engines, and proximity to coal mines and the port of Liverpool played a big role in such an active development of Manchester.

All this allowed the city to quickly achieve unprecedented scale, and wealthy merchants to invest a lot of money in the cultural development of the city. Construction began everywhere galleries, public parks.

Manchester lies on the western slope Pennines on the banks of the Erwell River, and its territory is home to about 2.3 million people. Today it is considered an important cultural, industrial and financial center of the country.

Newcastle upon Tyne

The largest city located in the northeast of England in Greater Manchester, has long been known as a large commercial, financial and industrial center of the country.

It first arose in the small county of Tyne and Wear. For a long time Newcastle was the capital of the notorious Northumberland, and after that - a center for coal mining and an important city with a population of 300 thousand people.

The importance of the city in the UK is evidenced by the presence of its own metro.

Today Newcastle is known as student center. The city is home to two well-known prestigious universities - Northumbria and Newcastle, as well as State College No. 1. More than 40 thousand students of various specialties study at the college alone.

Newcastle has its own attractions:

  • Royal Theater;
  • Art galleries;
  • Millennium Bridge;
  • Roman Catholic Cathedral of Saint Mary;
  • St Nicholas's Anglican Cathedral.

There are also many in the city modern shopping centers, of which there are more here than in any other English city.


The city, which is home to a world-famous university, ranked first in the top 100 best educational institutions in the world, is located in the southern part of England on the banks of the Thames and is the capital of the county of Oxfordshire. About 160 thousand people live here, 10% of whom are students.

The first mentions of the city date back to the 10th century, when it was taken over by King Edward I, who founded a fortress here to protect against Viking raids.

In the second half of the 12th century, a university appeared in Oxford, which gave the world 50 Nobel laureates. Few people know, but in addition to Oxford University there are excellent colleges:

  1. Christ Church;
  2. Magdalene College.

All these ancient abodes of knowledge are located in buildings with luxurious ancient architecture, therefore, they themselves are the main attractions of the city.


The city, located in the south of England near London, is the capital Cambridgeshire, but it received “city” status only recently. Cambridge is known to many as another place where the famous university is located, one of the top 5 best educational institutions in the world.

About 120 thousand people live here, some of whom are students Cambridge and King's College.

The first mentions of Cambridge date back to the 8th century, and already in the Middle Ages the city became one of the centers of concentration of forces supporting parliament. In the 15th century, Henry VI himself founded the famous King's College, considered not only an important educational institution, but also the most beautiful architectural monument in Great Britain.


Nottingham is located in the very center of England on the River Trent and is capital of Nottingshire with a population of about 300 thousand people. The city has a highly developed knitting industry, mechanical engineering, food-flavoring enterprises, as well as coal mining and pharmaceuticals, but its popularity came thanks to the famous good-natured robber Robin Hood.

Great Britain has played a significant role on the world map, showing itself as the strongest state, influencing the rest of the world, as well as creating excellent conditions for tourist travel.

If you are well versed in geography, then it will not be difficult for you to easily describe the position of Great Britain on the map in English. And if not, then you can always use our topic, which will guide you around the country from south to north, and from east to west.

When studying a map of England in English, the only thing you have to do is remember a lot of names. Seas, mountains, cities, capitals and rivers can be challenging. But don't worry, you can do it! In our article you will find the most significant objects.

Look at the map. You can see that the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on 1the Isles 2. They are called the British Isles 3 There are more than 5000 small islands there. Two of them are the biggest: Great Britain and Ireland. We know that the UK consists of 4 countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. England, Scotland and Northern Ireland are located on the largest island which is called Great Britain. Northern Ireland is situated on the smaller one which is called Ireland and occupies the northern part of it.

You can see that the UK is washed by water 4 from all sides. It is separated from 5 Europe by the English Channel and the Strait of Dover. It is washed by the Atlantic ocean in the west, by the North sea in the east. The UK is separated from the Ireland by the Irish sea. The geographical position flavored the development of the country as a great sea country.

England occupies 6 the southern part of Great Britain. Scotland is in the north of the island and Wales is in the west of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is in the north-east of Ireland.

The central and the most beautiful part of the county is England. The landscape is diverse 7. In the north and in the west of the country you can see mountains 8, but the other area is plain 9. England has more fertile soil 10 than others. Also there are many lakes in the north-western district 11 which is known as Lake District.

Scotland can be called the country of mountains. The region of the mountains which is known as Highlands is the oldest in the world. The Grampians is the chain 12 of the mountains there. Ben Nevis is the highest peak 13 . There are some other chains: the Pennine in England and the Cumbrian Mountains in Wales.

You will find a lot of forests along the county. But none of them can be called great. The biggest one is Sherwood Forest. It occupies the area in the eastern part of England. Of course, you have heard the legends about it. The most famous is about Robin Hood.

There are many rivers in the UK. But they are not long. The longest one is the Severn which flows in England. The Thames, the Mersey and the Clyde are the most important rivers. They play a great role in British trade and commerce.You can travel by water along the whole country because many of the rivers are connected 14 by channels.

London, Glasgow, Liverpool, Birmingham, Manchester and Edinburgh are the largest cities in the UK. The total area 15 of the UK is 224,000 sq km. And the population 16 is about 60 million. It's advantageous 17 positions has made the UK one of the powerful country in the world.


  1. to be situated on is located
  2. the Isles — islands
  3. the British Isles — British Isles
  4. to be washed by water - washed with water
  5. to be separated from — separated from
  6. occupy - takes
  7. diverse diverse
  8. mountains - mountains
  9. plain - flat
  10. fertile soil - fertile soil
  11. district — area
  12. chain - mountain ranges
  13. peak - peak
  14. to be connected — connected
  15. total area — general territory
  16. population - population
  17. advantageous - advantageous position

Great Britain and Ireland - islands of Great Britain and Ireland

England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland - England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland

the English Channel and the Strait of Dover — English Channel and La de Calais (Straits of Dover)

the Atlantic ocean, the Irish sea Atlantic Ocean, Irish Sea

Highlands— Highlands (mountainous areas)

Ben Nevis— Ben Nevis

The Grampians, the Pennine, the Cumbrian Mountains in Wales - Grampian Mountains, Pennines, Cumbrian Mountains

The Thames, the Mersey and the Clyde, the Severn Thames, Mersey (Mersey), Clyde, Severn

London, Glasgow, Liverpool, Birmingham, Manchester and Edinburgh - London, Glasgow, Liverpool, Birmingham, Manchester, Edinburgh

Well, have you read it? Translated? Have you figured it out? The map of England in English will look less scary if you look at and analyze the text again. Try to name only the rivers, where they are and what they are. Capitals, mountains, what separates them and where they are located. It will be easier to learn in parts. Go for it!