RVP registration: what documents are needed

Almost the first thing a migrant must do after receiving a temporary residence permit is registration at the place of residence. Along with obtaining a tax number, registration after obtaining a TRP is a prerequisite for the successful execution of permits for work and the renewal of a temporary residence permit in the future. Let's try to figure out what registration is, how to issue it and what it happens?

The concept of registration and its types

The outdated and frightening word for many Russians has long been replaced by “registration at the place of residence”. Within 7 days from the date of receipt of a temporary residence permit, a migrant must appear at the passport office at the place of residence and go through the registration procedure. There are two types of it: permanent and temporary. We hasten to reassure homeowners who decide to register relatives from abroad - it does not give ownership rights, in any case, and if desired, the owner can terminate it. It gives only the right to use residential premises, without the possibility of disposing of real estate.

As the name implies, the permanent is valid for an unlimited period of time, but can be terminated at the will of the owner. Given that the RWP is valid for a maximum of three years, subject to timely annual notification of residence in the territory of the Russian Federation and law-abiding behavior, homeowners use a temporary type of registration to receive their foreign relatives. It automatically terminates upon expiration of the term, although it can also be terminated by decision of the owner.

For foreign citizens who have a residence permit or a temporary residence permit, a mark on registration at the place of residence is placed directly in the passport, and for stateless persons in the document on granting them a temporary residence permit.

Attention! In accordance with the law, registration must be completed within 24 hours. In practice, it can take up to a week to resolve the issue if it is necessary to receive answers to requests.

Required documents

Depending on the grounds on which a foreigner receives registration, the list of documents may vary. Consider the most common options. General list of documents:

  1. application for registration at the place of residence;
  2. passport photo 3.5 by 4.5 cm;
  3. extract from the house book;
  4. extract from the USRN;
  5. receipt for payment of the state fees for registration at the place of residence;
  6. confirmation of the availability of a TRP with the specified date of its receipt. Please note that the stamp itself does not indicate the date of its issue, because in the vast majority of cases the document is not issued on the day a positive decision is made. Knowing that only a week is given for registration, it is prudent to ask an employee of the migration authority to issue a certificate indicating the date the permit was issued. This will eliminate the need to prove that you have not missed the legal deadline and should not pay a fine.

Other documents will depend on the grounds for registration.

  • Acquisition of real estate property. If a foreigner has purchased housing, he can get registration in it without the consent of third parties. This makes this method the easiest, but, of course, the most expensive. It will be enough to add a document of ownership to the list.
  • Registration in housing owned by the next of kin. This option is much more common than the previous one, because own housing in Russia is quite expensive, and especially in large cities. In this case, you will need to provide documentary evidence of close relationship, birth or marriage certificates and the written consent of the owner for registration. Usually, the presence of the property owner is required.
  • Registration in a rented apartment. The law obliges the owner of rented housing to register the tenant at the place of residence. As evidence, you will need a contract for the lease or use of the premises. The same rule applies to distant relatives. As in the previous case, the personal presence and consent of all property owners will be required.
  • It is extremely rare that foreigners are provided with municipal real estate. This is possible, for example, in the case of attracting a foreign highly qualified specialist to state-owned enterprises. Such migrants must submit a contract of social employment.

What should be taken into account when registering a migrant?

Despite the fact that registration is quite safe for the owner, you should definitely take into account some points.

  1. The increase in the number of tenants affects the size of utility bills, this will be especially noticeable if the owners have not yet installed meters and pay "on average".
  2. Newborn babies are automatically registered at the mother's address without the consent of anyone else.
  3. It can be difficult to write out a registered minor, this problem is solved by temporary registration, which ends automatically.

Responsibility for accommodation without registration

The law obliges migrants to indicate their place of residence in Russia, also because when issuing a TRP, they are supposed to be employed in the specified region. Responsibility for violation of this rule comes both for the foreigner himself and for the Russian who allows the migrant to live without registration.

Attention! It should be borne in mind that repeated bringing to administrative responsibility may cause the cancellation of the TRP and, as a result, administrative expulsion from the country.

Thus, a landlord who does not fulfill his obligations to register a tenant is subject to a fine in the amount of 2 to 2.5 thousand rubles, and a foreigner with a temporary residence permit himself will receive a fine of 1.5 to 2.5 thousand.

Attention! Due to recent changes in legislation, the legal information in this article may be out of date!

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