Drawings on the theme of the Urals. Ural mountains photo

The Urals is a junction of two parts of the world - Asia and Eurasia. It divides Russia into two parts. The mountain range itself is an attraction, but it also has many old villages and unexplored trails. Of course, on this unique part of the planet there are many beautiful man-made and miraculous places.

This mountain is recognized as one of the most mysterious places Ural. There were legends and legends about her, telling about the ancient treasures that the robbers hid in her. The otherworldly phenomenon is the girl-Azovka. This is the ghost of a girl in white robes. Everyone who visits this ancient place is told about it. You can often hear about candles burning at night. Russian writer Pavel Bazhov wrote about this mountain, as well as about its surroundings.

If you drive eight kilometers west of Verkhoturye, then in a very picturesque place on the bank of the river Aktai you can find a very small village, which also bears the name "Aktai". In the village there is a skete (Aktayskaya - it is also called Oktayskaya - Zaimka) of the monastery in honor of St. Nicholas. In the middle of the 19th century, these lands were transferred to the monks for their economic needs. The believing peasants who lived on this land prepared hay for the winter for cows and other livestock, chopped firewood. It was in this monastery that the poor pilgrims stopped, hurrying to Verkhoturye to worship the relics of the holy righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye. The settlement was soon also ranked among the holy and endowed with special powers places.

On the bank of a very large pond of the Neiva River, in the middle of the Ural ravines and hills, the city of Alapaevsk, which is no longer young, but wants to seem like it, freely spreads out. According to our modern standards, it should be ranked among small towns, but Alapaevsk Old city— it was one of the first built in the Urals. The "biography" of the city is rich in various features: here is the skill of craftsmen and needleworkers, and the traditions of the revolution, and products with the inscription "Made in Alapaevsk".

Not far from the village of Sarana, which is located in the Krasnoufimsky district, there is an amazing natural monument- a fifty-meter rock. This place is known to many, so people come to rest not only and not so much locals, and guests from Perm, Bashkiria, Chelyabinsk and Izhevsk regions. It is not known just why this stone is so famous. And since the place is loved by many, many legends and tales are composed about it; they tell a lot, but the main character is always one person - a Bashkir named Alikay.

This cave is also called the Great Arakaevskaya Cave. It is located on the territory of the park area "Deer Streams", but tourists rarely look into this place. Such unpopularity can be explained by a small distance from the main routes for tourists in Deer Streams.

Aramashevo is a village in the Middle Urals. It is located one hundred and forty kilometers from Yekaterinburg, near the Samotsvet station, not reaching Aoapaevsk. There are many old and, most importantly, inhabited villages in the Urals. Aramashevo is one of these settlements. The village appeared in 1932 as a guard post against nomad raids and a settlement for land development. Even now in the local history museum you can see the watchtower of this stronghold of the Ural lands. The tower towered over the Aramashevsky prison. Another rural attraction is the Church Stone (about forty-two meters), located on the rocky bank of the river Rezh. From there, a wonderful view of the river valley and the opposite rocky shore opens up.

Rocks Devil's settlement

Devil's Settlement is a large rocky area on the top of the Devil's Hillfort. They are located six kilometers from the village of Iset. Three hundred and forty-seven meters - that's how high the tops of the rocks are, the last twenty meters is a crest of granite. These granite turrets stretch from south to north. The southern side of the Settlement is more gentle, and the northern one breaks down with a wall, so it is on the southern side that you can climb large stone steps, but the south of the mountain is constantly being destroyed, and placers of stones can be found on the mountainside. Such a deplorable state of the mountain is caused by sharp fluctuations in temperature on a heavily lit slope.

Recently, a reconnaissance of the Shaitan-stone was carried out - one of the attractions on the river Rezh. it big Stone on the banks of the River Reg.

The lake is located in the remote Ural wilderness, so few travelers knew about it until recently. But since the nineties of the last century, archaeologists have undertaken to study it. It was here that a new type of sanctuary was first found in Russia - the lake cult center.

Mare's head and Kyrman rocks

Rocks and rock are located near railway station with the name “Ayat”, unusual for our hearing. Previously, oil production was carried out near this place. Currently, the mining enterprise is not operating, and Ayat has become an ordinary holiday village. The Kyrman rocks are located on the top of Mount Kyrman. The word "kyrman" is most often translated as "hill" or "mountain". With rocky mountain top wonderful forests are visible. You can climb to the top even without special equipment.

There are many old and even ancient villages in the Middle Urals. The village of Sloboda is one of them. It was founded in the middle of the seventeenth century, and in the first half of the eighteenth century, a pier was built at the mouth of the Utka River, from which iron caravans were sent on their way. The amazingly beautiful temple dedicated to St. George the Victorious is the main rural attraction. The temple is located on a rock, next to the Chusovaya River.

The village of Chusovoye is a beautiful place. The village is located on the bank of the river Chusovaya. The village began to be considered locality officially in the first half of the eighteenth century. It was at this time that the Staroshaitsky Demidov ironworks produced the first smelting. But sawmill workshops have been operating since 1721.

Posted Sun, 08/01/2017 - 10:13 by Cap

Part of the Ural Mountains from the Kosvinsky Kamen massif in the south to the banks of the Shchugor River in the north is called the Northern Urals. In this place, the width of the Ural Range is 50-60 kilometers. As a result of the uplift of ancient mountains and the impact of subsequent glaciations and modern frosty weathering, the territory has a mid-mountain relief, with flat tops.
The Northern Urals is very popular with tourists. Of particular interest are the rocks and remains of the Man-Pupu-Nier, Torre-Porre-Iz, and Muning-Tump massifs. Away from the watershed ridge are the main peaks of this part of the Urals: Konzhakovsky Kamen (1569 meters), Denezhkin Kamen (1492 meters), Chistop (1292), Otorten (1182), Kozhim-Iz (1195),

The northernmost peak of the Ural mountain system is Mount Telposiz in Komi. The object is located on the territory of the republic. Mount Telposis in Komi is composed of quartzite sandstones, schists and conglomerates. On the slopes of Mount Telposiz in Komi, a taiga forest grows - mountain tundra. Translated from the language of the local population, the oronym means ""Nest of the winds"".
The subpolar Urals is one of the most beautiful regions of our Motherland. Its ridges stretched in a wide arc from the sources of the Khulga River in the north to Mount Telposiz in the south. The area of ​​the mountainous part of the region is about 32,000 km2.
The unexplored harsh nature, the abundance of fish in rivers and lakes, berries and mushrooms in the taiga attract travelers here. Good communications along the North railway, on steamships and boats along the Pechora, Usa, Ob, Severnaya Sosva and Lyapin, as well as a network of airlines, make it possible to develop water, foot-water, foot and ski routes in the Subpolar Urals with the intersection of the Ural Range or along its western and eastern slopes.
A characteristic feature of the relief of the Subpolar Urals is the high height of the ridges with alpine landforms, the asymmetry of its slopes, the deep dissection of through transverse valleys and gorges, and the significant height of the passes. Most high peaks located in the center of the Subpolar Urals.
The absolute height of the passes through the main watershed separating Europe from Asia, and through the ridges located to the west of it, is from 600 to 1500 m above sea level. The relative heights of the peaks near the passes are 300-1000 m. The passes on the Sablinsky and Unapproachable ridges are especially high and difficult to overcome, the slopes of which end in steep-walled cairns. The most easily passable passes through the Research Ridge (from 600 to 750 m above sea level) with relatively gentle, insignificant rises that make it easy to carry out portages are located in the southern part of the ridge between the upper reaches of the Puiva (right tributary of the Schekurya) and Torgovoi (right tributary of the Shchugor), as well as between the upper reaches of the Shchekurya, Manya (Lyapin basin) and Bolshoi Patok (right tributary of the Shchugor).
In the area of ​​​​Mount Narodnaya and on the Narodno-Itinsky ridge, the height of the passes is 900-1200 m, but even here many of them pass through paths along which portages from the upper reaches of the Khulga (Lyapin), Khaimayu, Grubeya, Khalmeryu, Narody to the upper reaches of the tributaries of the Lemva are relatively easy , on Kozhim and Balbanyo (Usa basin).

The subpolar Urals is one of the most beautiful regions of our Motherland. Its ridges stretched in a wide arc from the sources of the Khulga River in the north to Mount Telposiz in the south. The area of ​​the mountainous part of the region is about 32,000 km2.

northern border
From the border of the Perm region to the east along the northern borders of blocks 1-5 of the forestry of the state industrial farm "Denezhkin Kamen" (Sverdlovsk region) to the northeast corner of block 5.

Eastern border
From the northeast corner of the 5 to the south along the eastern borders of blocks 5, 19, 33 to the southeast corner of the square. 33, further east along the northern border of the square. 56 to its southeast corner, further south along the eastern border of sq. 56 to its southeastern corner, further east along the northern border of the square. 73 to its northeastern corner, further south along the eastern border of quarters 73, 88, 103 to the B. Kosva river and further along the left bank of the river. B. Kosva to its confluence with the Shegultan River, then along the left bank of the river. Shegultan to the eastern border of the square. 172 and further south along the eastern borders of quarters 172, 187 to the southeast corner of the quarter. 187, further east along the northern border of the square. 204 to its northeast corner.
Further south along the eastern borders of blocks 204, 220, 237, 253, 270, 286, 303, 319 to the southeast corner of the block. 319, further east along the northern border of quarters 336, 337 to the northeast corner of the quarter. 337.
Further south along the eastern border of blocks 337, 349, 369, 381, 401, 414, 434, 446, 469, 491, 510 to the southeast corner of the block. 510.

southern border
From the southwest corner of the 447 to the east along the southern borders of blocks 447, 470, 471, 492, 493 to the Sosva River, further along the right bank of the river. Sosva to the southeast corner of the square. 510.

Western border
From the southwest corner of the 447 to the north along the border of the Perm region to the northwestern corner of the square. 1 forestry of the state industrial enterprise "Denezhkin Kamen".

Geographical coordinates
Center: lat - 60o30"29.71", lon - 59o29"35.60"
North: lat - 60o47"24.30", lon - 59o35"0.10"
East: lat - 60o26"51.17", lon - 59o42"32.68"
South: lat - 60o19"15.99", lon - 59o32"45.14"
West: lat - 60o22"56.30", lon - 59o12"6.02"

The Ilmenogorsk complex is located in the southern part of the Sysert-Ilmenogorsk anticlinorium of the East Ural uplift, has a fold-block structure and is composed of igneous and metamorphic rocks of various compositions. Of greatest interest here are numerous unique pegmat veins, in which topaz, aquamarine, phenakite, zircon, sapphire, tourmaline, amazonite, and various rare-metal minerals are found. Here, for the first time in the world, 16 minerals were discovered - ilmenite, ilmenorutil, potassium sadanagaite (potassium ferrisadanagaite), cancrinite, makarochkinite, monazite-(Ce), polyakovite-(Ce), samarskite-(Y), bindite, ushkovite, fergusonite-beta-(Ce ), fluoromagnesioarfvedsonite, fluororichterite, chiolite, chevkinite-(Ce), aeschinite-(Ce).

Ilmensky Reserve

The relief of the western part is low-mountainous. The average heights of the ridges (Ilmensky and Ishkulsky) are 400-450 m above sea level, the maximum elevation is 747 m. The eastern foothills are formed by low elevations. More than 80% of the area is occupied by forests, about 6% by meadows and steppes. The tops of the mountains are covered with larch-pine forests. Pine forests predominate in the south, while pine-birch and birch forests predominate in the north. On the western slopes of the Ilmensky mountains there is an array of old pine forests. There are areas of larch forests, stony, grass-forb and shrub steppes, moss swamps with cranberries and wild rosemary. More than 1200 species of plants, many endemic, relict and rare species have been noted in the flora. Ermine, forest ferret, Siberian weasel, wolf, lynx, flying squirrel, hares - hare and hare live, a brown bear comes in. Elk and roe deer are not numerous. Sika deer and beaver are acclimatized. Of the birds, grouse are common - capercaillie, black grouse, hazel grouse, gray partridge. Whooper swan and gray crane nest in the reserve, rare birds are noted - white-tailed eagle, imperial eagle, peregrine falcon, osprey, saker falcon, little bustard.

Since 1930, there has been a mineralogical museum founded by A.E. Fersman, which presents more than 200 different minerals found in the Ilmensky Range, including topazes, corundums, amazonites, etc.

In 1991, a branch was organized - the historical and landscape archaeological monument "Arkaim" with an area of ​​3.8 thousand hectares. It is located in the steppe foothills of the eastern Urals, in the Karagan valley. More than 50 archaeological sites: Mesolithic and Neolithic sites, burial grounds, Bronze Age settlements, other historical objects. Of particular importance is the fortified settlement of Arkaim in the 17th-16th centuries. BC e.


Gremyachinsky district of the Perm Territory.

Monument type: Geomorphological.

Brief description: Weathering remnants in the Lower Carboniferous quartzite sandstones.

Status: Landscape monument of nature of regional significance.

A city turned to stone.

The city is located on the main peak of the Rudyansky Spoy ridge, the absolute height of which is 526 m above sea level. It is a powerful rocky massif composed of fine-grained quartz sandstones of the Lower Carboniferous, which are part of the coal-bearing strata formed in the delta of a large river.

The massif is cut by deep, up to 8–12 m, cracks from 1 to 8 m wide both in the meridional and latitudinal directions, which creates the illusion of deep and narrow perpendicularly intersecting streets, alleys and lanes of an ancient abandoned city.

The Urals is a mountainous country that stretches from north to south from the shores of the icy Kara Sea to the Central Asian steppes and semi-deserts. Ural mountains is the natural border between Europe and Asia.
In the north, the Urals ends with a low Pai-Khoi ridge, in the south - mountain range Mugodzhary. The total length of the Urals with Pai-Khoi and Mugodzhary is more than 2500 km.

In the east of the Orenburg Region, the Guberlinsky Mountains (the southern part of the Ural Mountains) rise - one of the most beautiful places Orenburg region. The Guberlinsky Mountains are located 30-40 kilometers west of the city of Orsk on the right bank of the Urals, where the Guberlya River flows into it.

The Guberlinskie mountains represent a blurred edge of the high Orskaya steppe, strongly dissected and indented by the valley of the Guberli river, logs and gorges of its tributaries. Therefore, the mountains do not rise above the steppe, but lie below it.

They occupy a narrow strip along the valley of the Ural River, moving to the north into the high Orsk steppe, and to the west, on the right bank of the Guberli, they are replaced by a ridge low-mountain relief. The gentle eastern slope of the Guberlinsky Mountains imperceptibly passes into the plain, on which the city of Novotroitsk is located.

The territory occupied by the Guberlinsky mountains is about 400 square kilometers.

“From the open cracks of the clefts, an incessantly thin vapor rises, trembling against the sun, which is impossible to touch with a hand; the birch bark thrown there or dry chips in one minute ignited with a flame; in bad weather and on dark nights it seems like a red flame or a fiery steam several arshins high, ”wrote academician and traveler Pyotr Simon Pallas about an unusual mountain in Bashkiria more than 200 years ago.

A long time ago, Mount Yangantau was called differently: Karagosh-Tau or Berkutova Mountain. According to the good old tradition, "what I see, I call it." In order for the mountain to be renamed, some exceptional event had to occur. They say that this event even has an exact date: 1758. Lightning struck the mountain, all the trees and bushes on the southern slope caught fire. Since then, the mountain has become known under the name of Yangantau (Yangan-tau), translated from the Bashkir as “burnt mountain”. The Russians changed the name slightly: Burnt Mountain. However, despite the wide popularity and absolute uniqueness of Yangantau, the locals still remember the old name, Karagosh-tau, and still use it.

Hiking on Iremel can be carried out from May to October from the village of Tyulyuk (Chelyabinsk region). It can be reached from the railway station Vyazovaya (70 km).

The road to Tyulyuk is covered with gravel, asphalt to Meseda. There is a bus.

Tyulyuk - view of the Zigalga ridge

The base camp can be set up both in Tyulyuk, there are special paid places for tents or houses to choose from, and on the road to Iremel near the Karagayka River.


Team Nomads.
Encyclopedia of the Urals
List of mountains and ranges of the Urals.
Mountains and peaks of the Urals.


Posted Sun, 01/04/2018 - 08:37 by Cap

The sights of the Urals are numerous and varied. They say that there are more of them here than in Paris. Famous places are scattered throughout the Urals from the South to the Polar.

There are two main types of attractions here. These places are memorable and natural. The latter are unique in their beauty: there are many rivers, rocks, caves, and steppes in the Urals. An important role is played here geographical position this region: It is located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia. The Urals is located on the most ancient ridge, to which European flora and fauna adjoins on one side, and Asian ones on the other.

Ural memorial places are closely connected with ancient history Stone Age, the history of the development of the region in the 17-18 centuries, the life of the family of monarchs in Yekaterinburg. It should be noted that the history of the Ural region is not as long as it is full of various events. Every year, thousands of tourists visit historical and natural places both from Russia and from other countries.

Southern Urals

Rocks/mountains: Shikhan, Alikov stone (Maryin cliff), Taganay, Iremel, Yalangas, Big prites, Ural Fujiyama (Shikhany Torrau - Miracle of Russia), Inzer gears
Lakes: Tavatui, Turgoyak, Uvildy, Itkul, Arakul, Zyuratkul, Bannoe
Rivers: Ufa, Sakmara, Yuryuzan, Ai, Zilim, Nugush, Belaya
Waterfalls: Kukrauk, Atysh, Kuperlya, Shulgan, Kullyurt-Tamak
Caves: Kapova, Kurgazak, Ignatievskaya, Sikiyaz - Tamak, Pobeda (Kinderlinskaya), Muradymovskoe gorge, Laklinskaya
Sources: Holy Springs, Ice Fountain
Natural parks: Arkaim (museum-reserve), Shulgantash, Bashkir reserve, Taganay South Ural reserve, Zyuratkul, Ilmensky reserve
Sightseeing attractions: Porogi tract, Arkaim, Akhunovo, Paris, Kasli, Zlataust, Karabash

Ural Medium

Rocks/Mountains: Wolf, Talc Stone, Devil's Settlement, Kyrmansky Rocks, Peter Gronsky Rocks, Belaya Mountain, Seven Brothers, Shikhan, Shunut and the Platonid Spring, Old Man Stone (Merry Mountains), Azov Mountain, Kachkanar, Bear Stone
Lakes: Tavatuy, Itkul, Sandy, Baltym, Isetskoe, Bottomless
Reservoirs: Beloyarskoe, Volchikhinskoe
Waterfalls: Plakun
Rivers: Chusovaya, Serga, Rezh, Neiva, Iset (Revun Threshold and Smolinskaya Cave)
Caves: Arakaevskaya Cave, Bolshoy Proval, Katnikovskaya Cave, Glacier (Failure of Mount Orlova), Druzhba Cave, Smolinskaya Cave, Kungurskaya
Natural parks: Nature Park"Deer streams", Chusovaya, Basegi, Pripyshminsky forests
Sightseeing attractions: Nizhnyaya Sinyachikha, Verkhoturye, Ganina Yama, Nevyansk (Factory and inclined tower), Kunara Village, Gold Mine, Potters from the village of Byngi and Tavolgi, Kourovskaya astronomical observatory, Osa, Usolye, Khokhlovka, Belogorye, Cherdyn, Irbit, Potash mine, Tagil trays, Alapaevsk, Turinsk, Perm 36, Solikamsk, Ushkovskaya Kanava, Konovalovka tract, Porcelain Sysert, Saranpaul, Dolmens, Visim, Antler deer, Ostrich farm

Northern Ural

Glaciers: Govorukhina and Yuzhny
Waterfalls: Zhigalan waterfalls
Rocks/mountains: Konzhakovsky stone, Polyud, Kvarkush Ridge, Chistop (Ancient Sea Pier), Dyatlov Pass, Man-Pupyg-Ner, Torre-Porre-Iz, Tel-Poz-Iz
Lakes: Light, Pelymsky and Vogul fog, Lunthusaptur - Lake of the last Goose, Telpos
Rivers: Lozva, Vishera, Vizhay, Pelym, Sosva, Yayva, Shchugor
Natural parks: Denezhkin Kamen, Vishera Reserve, Pechoro-Ilychsky
Caves: Trenkinskaya, Devil's settlement, Velsovskaya, Divya

Subpolar Urals

Glaciers: Hoffmann, Mansi
Waterfalls: Hambol-Yu, Kobyla-Yu, Mansi-Shor

Rocks/Mountains: Manaraga, Narodnaya, Sable, Karpinsky, Reindeer Herders Plateau, Neroika
Lakes: Torgovoe, Goluboe, Grube-Pendity, Mansi, Patok (source of Nyamga), Long, Small and Big Balbanty
Rivers: Northern Sosva, Lyapin (Khulga), Kosyu, Pechora
Natural parks: Yugyd-va

Polar Ural

Glaciers: Romantikov, Moscow State University, IGAN, Dolgushina,
Waterfalls: Hydrologists
Rocks/mountains: Raiz massif, Konstantinov stone, Ngetenape, Kharnaurdy-Keu, Khanmey, Payer
Lakes: Bolshoye Shchuchye (the largest in the Urals), Bolshoe and Maloye Khadata-Yugan-Lor
Rivers: Kara, Usa, Yelets, Shchuchya, Longotegan, Son.

northern border
From the border of the Perm region to the east along the northern borders of blocks 1-5 of the forestry of the state industrial farm "Denezhkin Kamen" (Sverdlovsk region) to the northeast corner of block 5.

Eastern border
From the northeast corner of the 5 to the south along the eastern borders of blocks 5, 19, 33 to the southeast corner of the square. 33, further east along the northern border of the square. 56 to its southeast corner, further south along the eastern border of sq. 56 to its southeastern corner, further east along the northern border of the square. 73 to its northeastern corner, further south along the eastern border of quarters 73, 88, 103 to the B. Kosva river and further along the left bank of the river. B. Kosva to its confluence with the Shegultan River, then along the left bank of the river. Shegultan to the eastern border of the square. 172 and further south along the eastern borders of quarters 172, 187 to the southeast corner of the quarter. 187, further east along the northern border of the square. 204 to its northeast corner.
Further south along the eastern borders of blocks 204, 220, 237, 253, 270, 286, 303, 319 to the southeast corner of the block. 319, further east along the northern border of quarters 336, 337 to the northeast corner of the quarter. 337.
Further south along the eastern border of blocks 337, 349, 369, 381, 401, 414, 434, 446, 469, 491, 510 to the southeast corner of the block. 510.

southern border
From the southwest corner of the 447 to the east along the southern borders of blocks 447, 470, 471, 492, 493 to the Sosva River, further along the right bank of the river. Sosva to the southeast corner of the square. 510.

Western border
From the southwest corner of the 447 to the north along the border of the Perm region to the northwestern corner of the square. 1 forestry of the state industrial enterprise "Denezhkin Kamen".

Geographical coordinates
Center: lat - 60o30"29.71", lon - 59o29"35.60"
North: lat - 60o47"24.30", lon - 59o35"0.10"
East: lat - 60o26"51.17", lon - 59o42"32.68"
South: lat - 60o19"15.99", lon - 59o32"45.14"
West: lat - 60o22"56.30", lon - 59o12"6.02"

Part of the Ural Mountains from the Kosvinsky Kamen massif in the south to the banks of the Shchugor River in the north is called the Northern Urals. In this place, the width of the Ural Range is 50-60 kilometers. As a result of the uplift of ancient mountains and the impact of subsequent glaciations and modern frosty weathering, the territory has a mid-mountain relief, with flat tops.
The Northern Urals is very popular with tourists. Of particular interest are the rocks and remains of the Man-Pupu-Nier, Torre-Porre-Iz, and Muning-Tump massifs. Away from the watershed ridge are the main peaks of this part of the Urals: Konzhakovsky Kamen (1569 meters), Denezhkin Kamen (1492 meters), Chistop (1292), Otorten (1182), Kozhim-Iz (1195),

The northernmost peak of the Ural mountain system is Mount Telposiz in Komi. The object is located on the territory of the republic. Mount Telposis in Komi is composed of quartzite sandstones, schists and conglomerates. On the slopes of Mount Telposiz in Komi, a taiga forest grows - mountain tundra. Translated from the language of the local population, the oronym means ""Nest of the winds"".
The subpolar Urals is one of the most beautiful regions of our Motherland. Its ridges stretched in a wide arc from the sources of the Khulga River in the north to Mount Telposiz in the south. The area of ​​the mountainous part of the region is about 32,000 km2.
The unexplored harsh nature, the abundance of fish in rivers and lakes, berries and mushrooms in the taiga attract travelers here. Good communication routes along the Northern Railway, on steamboats and boats along the Pechora, Usa, Ob, Severnaya Sosva and Lyapin, as well as the network of airlines, make it possible to develop water, foot-water, foot and ski routes in the Subpolar Urals with the crossing of the Ural Range or along it western and eastern slopes.
A characteristic feature of the relief of the Subpolar Urals is the high height of the ridges with alpine landforms, the asymmetry of its slopes, the deep dissection of through transverse valleys and gorges, and the significant height of the passes. The highest peaks are located in the center of the Subpolar Urals.
The absolute height of the passes through the main watershed separating Europe from Asia, and through the ridges located to the west of it, is from 600 to 1500 m above sea level. The relative heights of the peaks near the passes are 300-1000 m. The passes on the Sablinsky and Unapproachable ridges are especially high and difficult to overcome, the slopes of which end in steep-walled cairns. The most easily passable passes through the Research Ridge (from 600 to 750 m above sea level) with relatively gentle, insignificant rises that make it easy to carry out portages are located in the southern part of the ridge between the upper reaches of the Puiva (right tributary of the Schekurya) and Torgovoi (right tributary of the Shchugor), as well as between the upper reaches of the Shchekurya, Manya (Lyapin basin) and Bolshoi Patok (right tributary of the Shchugor).
In the area of ​​​​Mount Narodnaya and on the Narodno-Itinsky ridge, the height of the passes is 900-1200 m, but even here many of them pass through paths along which portages from the upper reaches of the Khulga (Lyapin), Khaimayu, Grubeya, Khalmeryu, Narody to the upper reaches of the tributaries of the Lemva are relatively easy , on Kozhim and Balbanyo (Usa basin).

The subpolar Urals is one of the most beautiful regions of our Motherland. Its ridges stretched in a wide arc from the sources of the Khulga River in the north to Mount Telposiz in the south. The area of ​​the mountainous part of the region is about 32,000 km2.

located 20 km south. from the village of Arkhangelsk, to the east. slope of the ridge Ulutau, composed of Devonian and Carboniferous limestones.

The entrance to the cave is at vys. 70m above the level of the river M. Askyn. Askinskaya Ice Cave is a large hall dl. 104m, max. lat. 61m and height 26m.

The temperature in the cave is below 0°C all year round. It contains 17 ice stalagmites 8-11m high with a diameter of up to 2.2m and 20 - up to 1m high. In 1926, according to G.V. Vakhrushev and I.G. Petrov, there were only 8 stalagmites. The amount of ice during this period increased by 5-6 times.

The reason for the preservation of cold and the formation of ice in the cave is the abundance of precipitation in the region of the Askinsky ice cave, due to the barrier nature of the ridge. Ulutau; karst rocks that easily let moisture into the cave; air streams cooled in the gorn. valleys; sowing the location of the inlet; heat-insulating entrance cover made of rubble deluvium with clay filler; dense forest, contributing to a decrease in soil t-ry due to increased transpiration of moisture from the soil. In the cave bones found. well, incl. antlers of an ancient deer. This testifies to the millennium age of the ice shell. Relic districts are found on rocky outcrops: northern woodsia, oak aconite, stinky cornflower, Mattiol's cortuza, etc.

The cave is a large grotto, the entrance of which is the glacier. For convenience, a ladder is installed at the entrance, but for safety it would be nice to have 30 meters of a good rope.

The most beautiful thing is in Askinskaya winter, when bizarre ice streaks and figures form in it, in which, if desired, you can see magical animals. In summer, the temperature in the cave drops somewhat, and the figures lose their outlines, and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe glacier is reduced - the floor of the far part of the grotto turns into clay porridge.

The Ilmenogorsk complex is located in the southern part of the Sysert-Ilmenogorsk anticlinorium of the East Ural uplift, has a fold-block structure and is composed of igneous and metamorphic rocks of various compositions. Of greatest interest here are numerous unique pegmat veins, in which topaz, aquamarine, phenakite, zircon, sapphire, tourmaline, amazonite, and various rare-metal minerals are found. Here, for the first time in the world, 16 minerals were discovered - ilmenite, ilmenorutil, potassium sadanagaite (potassium ferrisadanagaite), cancrinite, makarochkinite, monazite-(Ce), polyakovite-(Ce), samarskite-(Y), bindite, ushkovite, fergusonite-beta-(Ce ), fluoromagnesioarfvedsonite, fluororichterite, chiolite, chevkinite-(Ce), aeschinite-(Ce).

Ilmensky Reserve

The relief of the western part is low-mountainous. The average heights of the ridges (Ilmensky and Ishkulsky) are 400-450 m above sea level, the maximum elevation is 747 m. The eastern foothills are formed by low elevations. More than 80% of the area is occupied by forests, about 6% by meadows and steppes. The tops of the mountains are covered with larch-pine forests. Pine forests predominate in the south, while pine-birch and birch forests predominate in the north. On the western slopes of the Ilmensky mountains there is an array of old pine forests. There are areas of larch forests, stony, grass-forb and shrub steppes, moss swamps with cranberries and wild rosemary. More than 1200 species of plants, many endemic, relict and rare species have been noted in the flora. Ermine, forest ferret, Siberian weasel, wolf, lynx, flying squirrel, hares - hare and hare live, a brown bear comes in. Elk and roe deer are not numerous. Sika deer and beaver are acclimatized. Of the birds, grouse are common - capercaillie, black grouse, hazel grouse, gray partridge. Whooper swan and gray crane nest in the reserve, rare birds are noted - white-tailed eagle, imperial eagle, peregrine falcon, osprey, saker falcon, little bustard.

Since 1930, there has been a mineralogical museum founded by A.E. Fersman, which presents more than 200 different minerals found in the Ilmensky Range, including topazes, corundums, amazonites, etc.

In 1991, a branch was organized - the historical and landscape archaeological monument "Arkaim" with an area of ​​3.8 thousand hectares. It is located in the steppe foothills of the eastern Urals, in the Karagan valley. More than 50 archaeological monuments are preserved here: Mesolithic and Neolithic sites, burial grounds, Bronze Age settlements, and other historical objects. Of particular importance is the fortified settlement of Arkaim in the 17th-16th centuries. BC e.


Gremyachinsky district of the Perm Territory.

Monument type: Geomorphological.

Brief description: Weathering remnants in the Lower Carboniferous quartzite sandstones.

Status: Landscape monument of nature of regional significance.

A city turned to stone.

The city is located on the main peak of the Rudyansky Spoy ridge, the absolute height of which is 526 m above sea level. It is a powerful rocky massif composed of fine-grained quartz sandstones of the Lower Carboniferous, which are part of the coal-bearing strata formed in the delta of a large river.

The massif is cut by deep, up to 8–12 m, cracks from 1 to 8 m wide both in the meridional and latitudinal directions, which creates the illusion of deep and narrow perpendicularly intersecting streets, alleys and lanes of an ancient abandoned city.

Tchaikovsky Museum

In 1837, Ilya Petrovich Tchaikovsky was appointed the new head of the Kamsko-Votkinsky district. Upon arrival from St. Petersburg to Votkinsk, he, along with his wife Alexandra Andreevna, settled down on Gospodskaya Street in a spacious, cozy home- the state-owned apartment of the mining chiefs of the ironworks.
A rare atmosphere of love, exceptional harmony, and mutual respect reigned in the Tchaikovsky family. In Votkinsk they spent 11 happiest years of their lives, four of their children were born here. May 7, 1840 was born Pyotr Tchaikovsky - the future genius of Russian music.
For more than 200 years, the Tchaikovsky House has been the main attraction of Votkinsk. The house was built in 1806 in the style of "classicism" by the architect N.A. Andreevsky. From the moment the “state apartment” was built until the revolution of 1917, the families of 18 plant managers lived in the house, replacing each other. The Tchaikovsky family lived in Votkinsk for 11 years: from 1837 to 1848. In 1840, the future composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky was born in house number 1 on Gospodskaya Street.
In 1918-1919. the house served as headquarters for the White Guards. It housed the office and counterintelligence. Then the city was occupied by the Red Guards, from the house on Gospodskaya they led the liquidation of the Izhevsk-Votkinsk uprising.
After the revolution, the house was occupied by various public organizations: the Metalworkers' Club, the Youth Union, and the seven-year school. Naturally, the building soon became abandoned.

The Ural-Guberlinskoye Gorge is an amazing corner of the nature of the Orenburg region. The gorge with a turbulent river is not located in the mountains, but among a flat steppe plain, on which rise the mounds of the ancient nomads - the Sarmatians.

The gorge of the Guberli River is one of the oldest on Earth, it is a variety of slates of the Proterozoic era. As a result of erosional destruction, they form picturesque rock sculptures resembling outlandish animals or birds. Pine forest settled on slates in ancient times. Pine forest, grows mainly on sandy soils - this is the southernmost outpost of pine in the Urals.

In the depths of the gorge under the rocks preserved wonderful world relic plants: ferns, mosses, lichens, rare flowering plants.

The water flow is relatively large sizes, as a rule, permanent and fed by the runoff of atmospheric precipitation from the entire catchment area by groundwater (underground feeding). Guberlya - A river in the Orenburg region, the right tributary of the river. Ural. Length - 110 km. The basin area is 18.6 thousand sq. km. From Tatars. guberdau - "to seethe, gurgle".

In the Karagay region, Guberlya looks like a real mountain river. It originates 6 kilometers above the forest, feeding on numerous springs. There are more than 10 springs with icy water at its source. Guberlya cheerfully runs between the rocks, either forming small waterfalls, or spilling into picturesque reaches, or completely hiding between trees and huge stones. In some places polished micaceous shales sparkling in the sun serve as a channel for it.


We are leaving the Orenburg region and the next on our way will be

- a cave in Bashkiria, one of the largest limestone caves in the Urals. It is located on the western slope of the Kibiz ridge, in the interfluve of the Belaya and Nugush rivers, at the confluence of the Sumgan and Kutuk dry valleys.

Monument of nature.

The length of the cave is 9,860 m, the depth is 130 m.

Forms a labyrinth with horizontal and inclined galleries, elongated in the southwestern and southeastern directions. The labyrinth consists of 3 tiers connected by wells. There are many large halls in the cave with an abundance of sinter formations. The entrance well has a depth of 70 m.

The air temperature reaches 6.5 °C. An underground river flows in the lower tier (in southbound, average water consumption 0.3 m³/s). Near the entrance well there is a perennial icing with an area of ​​about 600 m².

In winter, the walls of the entrance well and a number of halls are covered with frost crystals, there are ice stalactites and stalagmites.

The volume of its cave cavities is 350,000 cubic meters.

The name of the cave is translated from the Bashkir as follows: "Sumgan" - "dived", "Kutuk" - "well".

I must say that Kutuk-Sumgan is one of the most difficult, if not the most difficult cave system of the Urals. The descent into it requires good cave preparation and good equipment.

The best time to pass Kutuk-Sumgan is autumn. At this time, there is the least amount of ice in the mine shaft and the danger of icefall is minimized. Less danger of freezing ropes.


Team Nomads.
Natural monuments of the Urals.
Beautiful places in the Urals.
Geography of the Ural Mountains.


I love my native Ural Mountains very much! And so I created a whole section dedicated to this region of Russia. It contains both my personal materials, from various hikes in the Ural mountains, and simply encyclopedic materials about each individual region of the Ural mountains. This section is a guide to the Ural mountains and will be very useful for tourists, travelers and just nature lovers. Sights of the Urals, numerous photographs, description of the region.

The Polar Ural is the northernmost part of the Ural Mountains. Mount Konstantinov Stone is considered the northern border of the region, and the Lyapin (Khulga) River is the border with the Subpolar Urals in the south. The area is about 25,000 km.

The Subpolar Urals is a mountain system in Russia. Its northern border starts from the sources of the Lyapin (Khulga) River 65 40 's. sh., and in the south the border passes through Mount Telposiz 64 s. sh. Geographic features Subpolar Urals.

The Northern Urals are part of the Ural Mountains. It starts from Kosvinsky Stone and neighboring Konzhakovsky Stone (59 ° N) in the south to northern slopes Telposis massif

The Middle Urals is the lowest region of the Ural Mountains, lying between 56° and 59°N. sh. Mount Yurma, which lies in the Chelyabinsk region, is considered the southern border, and the Kosvinsky stone mountains and its neighbor, the Konzhakovsky stone, are considered the northern border.

The widest part of the Ural Mountains. It is located on the territory of two states: Russia and Kazakhstan. The southern outskirts of the Southern Urals (Mugodzhary) lie on the territory of the Aktobe region of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Major rivers Ural. In the Urals is a large number of rivers suitable for rafting - navigable rivers. The most popular routes along the Ural rivers. Photo, description of the most interesting rivers.

Mansi - the people that make up indigenous people Northern Urals This is a Finno-Ugric people, they are direct descendants of the Hungarians (they belong to the Ugric group: Hungarians, Mansi, Khanty).

Walking through the forests of the Urals, we come across a wide variety of different plants that catch our eye with bright colors. But without a special botanical education, we often do not know at all what kind of plants they are.

Hike to the Dyatlov Pass in June 2016. My spontaneous trip to the pass, the way it was. How to get to the Dyatlov Pass by car and on foot? Detailed report.

The trip to the Kvarkush plateau took place on August 12-13, 2014. We drove to the ridge from the eastern side, through Severouralsk and Glavny Ural Ridge, which lies on the border between the Perm Territory and the Sverdlovsk Region.

This trip to the mountain Shunut-Stone turned out in October 2010. We went on Thursday. The weather was very good, sunny. However, it was already October outside - and it was pretty cool. There have already been frosts.

In June 2011 we went to main mountain and main spine Sverdlovsk region- Konzhakovsky stone. Konzhak is a favorite place for climbing for many tourists both from Yekaterinburg and from all over Russia.

The trip to the Taganay Ridge turned out to be pretty good for us. We visited the Otkliknoy ridge and Mount Kruglitsa. We looked at the South Ural taiga, in which there is a lot of linden, probably instead of Siberian cedar.

We took a bus to the city of Kachkanar. It was still early morning, more precisely, even night. We waited until dawn at the bus station. We had no idea how to get to Mount Kachkanar - and therefore we began to ask the workers of the bus station.

Mount Bolshoi Iremel is located on the border of Bashkiria and the Chelyabinsk region. This was around the end of July/beginning of August 2011. There were 10 of us, 2 cars.

At the end of August 2011, we managed to break out to the north of our region - to the Main Ural Ridge (GUH). It is located strictly on the border of the Sverdlovsk Region with the Perm Territory and is stretched from south to north.

The Ural Mountains are among the oldest mountains in the world. They are relatively small in height highest point- Mount Narodnaya - only 1895 m above sea level. The low height of such a huge mountain system is due to the age of the mountains. During its existence before high mountains collapsed, forming heaps of stone placers - kurums. But once upon a time, the Ural Mountains, in their grandeur, were in no way inferior to any Sayan Mountains, or even, perhaps, the Himalayas themselves!

The surroundings of the ridges are covered with taiga forests, at altitudes above 800 m the forest-tundra belt begins, at altitudes above 850-900 - tundra. On Southern Urals the mountains are covered with steppe and are small in size. In the Far North - tundra. The tundra areas of the mountain have been an excellent place for reindeer walking for centuries by the local indigenous people of this region. The mountain tundra belt, suitable for reindeer walking, reaches the central part of the Northern Urals - the Kvarkush plateau. Below Kvarkush, mountain tundra is relatively rare.

The climate in the mountains is continental, temperate continental. Winter at altitudes above 850-900 meters comes early, snow falls already in September and continues to lie all year in the form of small snowfields even at the height of summer - in July. The open uplands are very windy, making the climate more severe. In summer, the sun can warm up to + 30-33 degrees, and in winter there are temperatures down to -57 (Burmantovo village, Ivdelsky district).