The highest mountains of the Russian Federation. The highest mountains in the world: Seven Peaks

2.12.2019 at 23:01 · VeraSchegoleva · 17 750

Top 10 highest mountains in Russia

While Russia is often seen through the lens of cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg, it has much more to offer. Natural landscapes turn Russia into a paradise for travelers, which to this day is not so wide open to the eyes of the layman. For all passionate travelers, we officially declare here the most breathtaking mountains!

Even if you are not an avid mountaineer or mountain climber, visiting these stunning peaks will add some adventure to your Russian holiday.

« Is there anything better than mountains? Mountains you haven't visited yet". Ask any Russian and they will surely recognize this famous song by Vladimir Vysotsky. And who can really disagree with that?

Caucasus, Altai, Ural, Siberia, Kamchatka - there are many places in the country where climbers and tourists can experience the magic of mighty peaks for themselves.

We present you a list of the 10 highest mountains in Russia - an extensive geography, as well as the highest points on the map with names and peak heights - information for grade 4.

10. Belukha, 4905 m

Towering in the Republic Beluga whale is a three-peak mountain range that rises along the border of Russia and Kazakhstan, just a few tens of miles north of the point where this border meets the border of China. There are several small glaciers on the mountain, including the Belukha glacier.

Belukha was first climbed in 1914 by the Tronov brothers. Most ascents to the eastern summit follow the same southern route as the first ascent. Although Altai is lower in elevation than other Asian mountain groups, it is very remote and requires a lot of time and planning to approach.

9. Klyuchevskaya Sopka, 4850 m

Klyuchevskaya Sopka appeared 6000 years ago. Its first recorded eruption occurred in 1697, and since then it has been almost continuously active, like many of its neighbors.

The peak was first climbed in 1788 by Daniel Gauss and two other members of the Billings expedition. Other climbs were not recorded until 1931, when several climbers were killed by flying lava on the descent. Since such dangers still exist today, few ascents have been made to the summit.

Klyuchevskaya Sopka is considered sacred by some indigenous peoples, and is regarded by them as the place where the world was created. Other volcanoes in the region have similar spiritual significance, but Klyuchevskaya Sopka is the most sacred of them.

8. Peak Shota Rustaveli, 4859 m

The mountain, better known as Shota Rustaveli Peak is located in the central part of the Greater Caucasus Mountain Range on the border of Svanetia (Georgia) and Kabardino-Balkaria (Russia).

Shota Rustaveli is usually the ninth highest point in the Caucasus. The slopes of the mountain are glacial, and some of the glaciers descend well into the neighboring valleys. Its name takes its roots from the famous Georgian poet Shota Rustaveli.

7. Mizhirgi, 5025 m

In early January 2009, Sasha Gukov, Sergey Kondrashkin, Alik Izotov and Viktor Koval made the first winter ascent of the northern ridge of the Eastern Peak Mizhirgi.

Mizhirgi - the eastern auxiliary peak of Dykhtau, on the ridge in the direction of Koshtuntau; its northern side rises almost 2000 m above the basin of the Mizhirgi glacier.

The route was first climbed in August 1952 by Vasily Pelevin's five-man team on a hard 5B, but is rarely repeated due to bad rock and rockfall at the bottom. In 2009 the team experienced a lot bad weather by making five bivouacs before reaching the summit.

6. Kazbek, 5032 m

Known locally as Mkinvartsveri or top of a glacier, mountain Kazbek rises to 5032 meters above sea level, making it the most high mountain in eastern Georgia and one of the highest in Russia. The peak is located right on the border with Russia, but the easiest way to climb is from the Georgian side.

Due to the relative ease with which this dormant stratovolcano rises and the breathtaking views from the summit, Mount Kazbek is one of the most popular destinations for climbers in the Caucasus Range. Most tourists flock to climb it during June and July, but local guides also offer winter trips for downhill skiing.

Mount Kazbek was first conquered in 1868 by an expedition of English and French climbers in the Alpine Club, but for a long time it had a cultural and historical meaning for the local population.

According to legend, the Georgian version of Prometheus was chained to this mountain as punishment for stealing fire from the gods and then passing it on to mortals.

5. Pushkin Peak, 5100 m

Pushkin Peak located in the Dykh-Tau Bezengi mountain range (Central Caucasus, Russia) between Eastern Dykh-Tau and Borovikov Peak. From the top of Borovikov peak to the north there is a thin ridge.

Subdued in 1961 by the Spartak team led by Kletsko (3rd place in the USSR championship). The route of Kletsko ran to the left of Borovikov Peak to the west of Mizhirga.

There is another track on Pushkinskaya 5V, laid by Kudinov in 1972 (4th place in the USSR championship), passing more on the right. It goes along the avalanche-prone hanging glacier and is dangerous due to the collapse of ice from the upper hanging glacier.

4. Koshtan Tau, 5152 m

Koshtan- the fourth highest mountain in Europe. This is one of the two "Bezengi Brothers", marking the eastern tip of the Northern massif. Great Pyramid Koshtana is impressive and its northwestern face gives you a good idea of ​​how challenging climbing the Caucasus can be.

The north ridge route is fairly straight but long. In addition, the journey to this peak is challenging and difficult as you have to climb three steps of the Mijirgi glacier.

Most of the other routes on the summit are difficult and dangerous. A few years ago, a whole team of Ukrainian climbers was killed at the top during a rock climbing competition. Peak is also known as Koshtan Tau.

3. Shkhara, 5193 m

Shkhara is the highest point and the eastern anchor of the massif known as the Bezinga (or Bezengi) wall, a 12 km ridge. This is a large, steep peak in a heavily iced region, presenting serious problems for climbers. Its northern side (on the Russian side) is 1500 meters high and contains some classic difficult routes.

The significant peak of Shkhara in the west, 5193 m high, is a climbing target in itself, and crossing the entire Bezinga wall is considered " the longest, most difficult expedition in Europe".

The peak was first climbed in 1888 along the Northeast Ridge route by the British-Swiss team of W. Almer, J. Kokin and C. Roth. This route is still one of the easiest and most popular routes on the mountain. The first full run of the Besinji wall was in 1931 by the Austrians K. Poppinger, K. Moldan and S. Schintlmeister.

2. Dykh-tau, 5204 m

Dykh-Tau is the second largest in the Caucasus mountains after Elbrus and the second highest in Europe.

This is one of the great Caucasian peaks facing the magnificent Bezinga wall across the Bezingi glacier. The first ascent of Mummery and Zarfluh in 1888 was a major achievement of the time. Their route up the southwest ridge is no longer used as a regular route.

1. Elbrus, 5642 m

Elbrus- this is dormant volcano with two cones reaching 5642 meters and 5595 meters in height. The volcano formed over 2.5 million years ago. Sulfuric gases are still vented on its eastern slopes, and there are many mineral springs along the downstreams.

The total area of ​​Elbrus is 138 sq. km covered by 22 glaciers that feed the Kuban River and some of the upper reaches of the Terek. Elbrus is a major center of mountaineering and tourism in Caucasus region. In 1964, an extensive tourist and climbing base with large sports facilities was opened.

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Russia is a huge country in terms of territory. It is not surprising that it has all the terrain that is found in nature. Among the plains and steppes, mountain ranges and peaks occupy a special place. They attract travelers and researchers, scientists and tourists, archaeologists and climbers. What mountains are in Russia? What you should pay attention to?

In contact with


Mountain regions are formed through complex processes. In the crust of the earth, tectonic crushing, faults and rock breaks occur. They are carried out continuously during the entire existence of the planet, in ancient time eras, such as the Paleozoic, Mesozoic or Cenozoic. Those who are in the Far East, in Kamchatka and the Kuriles are considered young. Seismic activity and volcanoes erupt frequently in these areas.

In the European part of Russia there is a large plain, which has a geographical border in the east in the form of. These are unique natural sculptures that cause national pride.

Interesting! Only in the Urals is there a natural reserve that protects mineralogy. In the Ilmensky place there is a huge variety of minerals, unique and amazing in their structure and structure.

There are many in the Urals tourist bases, they are located ski resorts. Climbers conquer these majestic elevations.

Variants of the highlands of Russia

  • Baikal and Transbaikalia;
  • Altai;
  • Sayans;
  • ridges Verkhoyansk and Stanovoy;
  • Chersky ridge.

Each of the districts is interesting and beautiful, the names of the mountains in their composition are unique and owe their origin to the peoples who inhabit the nearby territories. These lands beckon with harsh conditions, tests for the body and spirit. Altai is one of the most popular destinations for tourists. But the Chersky ridge is on the map, but so far little has been studied, but experts suggest that it will also become an attractive place for travelers.

Diversity of territories

The Far East is a region consisting mainly of mountainous terrain. The southern territorial part consists of medium and low, but in the north - high ridges. The most high point far eastKlyuchevskaya Sopka is a volcano with a height of 4750 m.

The mountains in this region are constantly growing, they are located at the junction of plates that are in motion, and therefore there are many volcanoes. In addition to them, there is a unique object for which it is worth going to Kamchatka - the Valley of Geysers.

Important! Sikhote-Alin, located in the Primorye region, is part of the world heritage. This system is rich not only in the diversity of flora and fauna. This point of Russia on the map is the birthplace of the Far Eastern leopard and the Amur tiger.


The Caucasus deserves a separate description. This massif stretches from the Black to the Caspian, its length is more than 1200 km. The Caucasian ridge is divided into the Northern part and Transcaucasia.

The height of the Caucasus Mountains fluctuates along the entire length of the range. It is he who has the highest point of the whole country and Europe is Elbrus. The mountain was formed as a result of a volcanic eruption. It has a height above sea level of 5600 m. Elbrus is located in such a place that it can be seen from all sides. Travelers approached him in the early 19th century. At its peak, the temperature does not rise above -14 degrees. Snow falls on the mountain all the time, which makes its snow cap perfect. This peak feeds the two largest ones - Kuban and Terek.

The three highest mountains of Russia are located in the Greater Caucasus:

  • Elbrus;
  • Dykhtau;
  • Kazbek.

Interesting! In addition to the Caucasus Mountains, Kamchatka and Altai are famous for their large hills, among them: Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Belukha, Ichinskaya Sopka.

10 high mountains

A little more about each of the largest hills:

  • It is already clear about Elbrus, this is an inactive volcano, which is part of national park. Its height is 5642 meters.
  • Dykhtau occupies the second largest place among the mountain peaks of the country. This mountain, which is part of the Caucasus Range, rises to 5200 m. The ascent to this peak was first carried out only in 1888.
  • The third highest mountain in the country located on the border of Russia and Georgia. This is Pushkin Peak. It rises next to Dykhtau in the center of the Caucasus range. His conquest took place in 1961. Interestingly, this ascent was made not by professionals, but by the players of the Spartak club. The height of the peak is 5100 meters.
  • A little lower, namely one hundred meters, Kazbek rises. He is also related to Greater Caucasus, located in its lateral part in the Khokh mountain range. Three London climbers conquered this peak in the middle of the 19th century.
  • Near the border of Georgia and Kabardino-Balkaria is the fifth highest point in Russia called Gestola. At its top, glaciers have accumulated that date back to the Paleozoic era. The most famous of them is Adishi.
  • Sixth in the top ten is Shota Rustaveli's pick. Although the name on the map of the peak is of a famous person of Georgian origin, it still refers to the Russian part of the Caucasus. The peak stands on the border, no wonder both countries claim rights to it. The mountain has 4895 meters.
  • A little lower (4780 meters) is Mount Jimara. It is located in Alanya, at the very border of Russia and Georgia. Again, this is part of the Greater Caucasus.
  • In ninth place is Mount Saukhokh, again from the Greater Caucasus, located in North Ossetia. The height of the peak is 4636 meters. She refers to unconquered heights, as well as Kukurtli-Kolbashi. This mountain completes the list of the ten largest peaks in Russia, its height is 4324 meters.

Interesting! So far, no one has conquered the mountain formations that are on the 8th, 9th and 10th places on the list. This can push travelers to new feats.

The lowest mountains

In addition to the highest mountain peaks, it is interesting to know the rating of the lowest ones. Such a concept as the most low mountain, very difficult. It turns out that it is not so easy to name it. Mountains can only be called what is higher, which means that they have a height above sea level of more than 500 meters. But mountain ranges can vary in height and have much lower numbers in their composition.

It is considered to be the lowest elevations of Russia Khibiny mountain system. This area is located on the Kola Peninsula, it is not difficult to get there, like other mountain ranges. The highest point has 1201, this is Mount Yudychvumchorr, the names of mountains or peaks are slightly less - Chasnachorr (1189 m) and Putelichorr (1111 m )


More than 800 types of minerals contain Khibiny, some of them are found only in these places. The most famous of them is apatite. It is used as a fertilizer.

As long as humanity remembers its history, so many daredevils existed who were attracted by the majestic Mountain peaks. The romance of mountaineering has existed for a long time, and to this day many devote their whole lives to conquering new heights. Russia is a country with a harsh climate and an unimaginable variety of relief, the most attractive and dangerous of which are mountains. Eight peaks are classified as "5-thousanders", while all of them represent a real danger even for the most experienced climbers. Based on the data of a special geographical registry, we will present to your attention the 15 highest mountains in Russia, all of them, except for Klyuchevskaya Sopka, are located in the mountain system of the Greater Caucasus.

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1st place - Elbrus (5642 m)

At the same time it is the highest point in Russia and all of Europe. The peak is located between Kabardino-Balkaria and Cherkessia, in the northern part of the Greater Caucasus Range. The name "Elbrus" is translated from Georgian as "ice", from Kabardian as "mountain of happiness", from Iranian - "high mountain", from Karachay-Circassian - "eternal mountain". One way or another, the summit strikes with its icy grandeur and is remembered for a long time. During the Great Patriotic War, the Nazis climbed Elbrus, after which they installed banners with a swastika at its highest point. The idea of ​​the Nazi scientists was to rename the mountain to "Hitler's Peak", but the enemy was destroyed by Soviet mountaineers in 1943. The conquest of Elbrus is one of the newfangled trends; for this, several routes of varying degrees of difficulty were laid along the mountainside. At the foot of the peak, a ski resort has been operating for many years.

2nd place - Dykhtau (5204 m)

The conquest of Dykhtau took place in 1888, just at the time when Britain was searching for Jack the Ripper, and Brazil issued a decree abolishing slavery. The pyramidal peak is located in Kabardino-Balkaria, in the region of the northern ridge of the Caucasus Mountains. From a technical point of view, climbing the Steep Mountain is not easy, so only professional rock climbers manage to complete this path to the end. Most of Dykhtau is covered with a thick layer of ice, and includes three peaks - the Main, Eastern and separate, named after A.S. Pushkin.

3rd place - Koshtantau (5152 m)

The name translates as "a mountain that looks like a distant dwelling." Koshtantau is considered one of the least accessible among all the peaks of the Caucasus. On the northern part of the mountain there are marble glaciers that have taken dozens of human lives. Few managed to conquer the impregnable peak, tragedies and deaths are not uncommon here. So, for example, 11 years before the first ascent of it, in 1888, two English climbers and two Swiss climbers died here.

4th place - Pushkin Peak (5100 m)

The mountain received its name in 1938, in honor of the 100th anniversary of the death of the great Russian poet. Pushkin Peak is located in the heart of the Main Caucasian Range, on the territory of Kabardino-Balkaria and is part of the Dykhtau glacier. Mountain climbers jokingly compare the peak with a high gendarme standing on the ridge due to the fact that Pushkin Peak dominates the rest of the nearby heights.

5th place - Dzhangitau (5085 m)

Translated from Karachay-Balkar, the name of the peak means "new mountain". Dzhangitau is part of the 12-kilometer mountain range belonging to the Bezengi wall. It is considered one of the most popular peaks among climbers, and for its conquest, a professional badge of honor "Snow Leopard of Russia" is awarded. The ascent to the very top was made in 1888 by John Kokin, and the first to receive a well-deserved award for passing the climbing standard was the Russian rock climber Bukinich.

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6th place - Shkhara (5193 meters)

Shkhara (or "striped") - won recognition as one of the most beautiful peaks of the Caucasus Mountains. Its slopes shine from sparkling glaciers, and the geological component of the mountain is granite and schist, along which dazzling ice rivers flow. The entire area of ​​Shkhara is indented with faults, grottoes and caves, and the exits from them are often covered with sparkling waterfalls. The mountain beckons, fascinates and inspires fear at the same time, and at its foot there is a small village of Ushguli, included in the UNESCO List world heritage. For the first time, the summit was conquered by climbers from Soviet Union in 1933.

7th place - Kazbek (5032 m)

Kazbek (or "ice peak") - is a stratovolcano, extinct in 650 BC. The first ascent was made by two Englishmen in 1868. The mountain is located on the Georgian-Russian border and, more than all other peaks, is shrouded in legends, myths and legends. Still locals they perform a ritual of sacrifice on its slopes, and according to legend, once a young man was chained on Kazbek, punished by the gods for his desire to bring fire to mankind. Today, a military road passes by the top, and on one of the slopes there is a non-functioning weather station.

8th place - Mizhirgi (5025 m)

At first glance, it may seem that the name of the peak has Asian roots, but this is not so. The name of the mountain was given by Tver researchers and is translated from one of the local dialects as "connecting". The ridge is essentially a huge glacier, which once connected with neighboring ones and became even larger. Geological processes are still taking place today, and, according to scientists, in the near future Mizhirgi may become even larger. It is believed that the first person to step on the top of the mountain was the Balkar shepherd Attaev, and this was in the middle of the 19th century.

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9th place - Kukurtli-Kolbashi (4978 m)

The summit belongs to the western spur of the Elbrus massif, located in Karachay-Cherkessia. In different sources, the value of the height of the mountain is the difference from 4624 to 4978 m.

Translated from the Circassian, the name Kyukurtlu is translated as "sulfur mountain".

10th place - Katyn-Tau (4970 m)

The name is translated from the Balkar language as "mountain woman". The summit is located in the Bezengi region and is part of the Bezengi wall. Geographically, Katyn-Tau belongs to Kabardino-Balkaria, and the entire territory of the mountain is located on the territory protected area, which also includes the Cherek River.

11th place - Shota Rustaveli Peak (4860 m)

It is located in the central part of the Main Range of the Caucasus Mountains and is the border region between Georgia (Svaneti) and Russia (Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria). The name of the peak was given in honor of the great Georgian poet and statesman who lived in the 12th century. The mountain is considered very treacherous due to the likelihood of unforeseen avalanches and glaciers descending into the neighboring canyon. The date of the first ascent is 1937, since then more than a dozen climbers have climbed to the top. The most acceptable time to conquer the peak is summer and early autumn.

12th place - Gestola (4860 m)

It is one of the peaks belonging to the Benzegi wall of the main ridge of the Caucasus Mountains. On the north side, Gestola has the shape of a triangle, which clearly stands out against the background of the Benzegi wall. From a bird's eye view, the peak looks like an almost perfect pyramid, at the base of which is a square, which is oriented to the cardinal points at an angle of 45 degrees. Today, many routes of varying degrees of difficulty have been laid along the slopes of Gestola, while climbing to the top point can be done from several parts, including through Lyalver and Yesenin Peak.

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13th place - Jimara (4780 m)

It is one of the numerous peaks of the Greater Caucasus. Located in North Ossetia, east of Bezengi, on the Khokh Ridge, the distance to Kazbek is about 9 km. Jimara is a cluster of glaciers, each of which has its own name - Midagrabin in the west and Suatisi in the south.

14th place - Klyuchevskaya Sopka (4750 m)

The second name is Klyuchevskoy volcano, located in the eastern part of Kamchatka. It is considered the highest among all volcanoes that act on the Eurasia continent. The approximate age of the giant is about 7 thousand years, the height of the hill periodically changes due to geological activity, and, according to the latest data, is 4835 meters.

15th place - Wilpata (4646 m)

The name of the peak was given by the Ossetian people. Wilpata is located in the Caucasus, in a southwestern direction from the Tseysky Range and is the most dominant among all the peaks of the Karaugomsky plateau. On the slopes of Wilpatha there are many climbing routes difficulty from 2B to 5B.

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The vast majority of the peaks included in the list of the highest mountains of Russia on the map belong to one mountain system - the Greater Caucasus. This huge mountain range is located between the Black and Caspian Seas. Barely, the southerners are overtaken by three Kamchatka hills - Klyuchevskaya, Kamen and Ploskaya Middle (13th, 18th and 70th places) and two peaks Altai mountains- Belukha and Tavan-Bogdo-Uul (19th and 67th place).

So that Russian climbers do not get bored of the monotony, the Mountaineering Federation decided to include in the conditions for obtaining the most honorary mountaineering title the conquest of not only the eight highest mountains on the list, but also the assault on Belukha and Klyuchevskaya Sopka.

10. Shota Rustaveli, height - 4860 m

Shota Rustaveli Peak is one of the peaks that make up the so-called Bezengi wall - a giant mountain range stretching for 13 km. In addition to Shota Rustaveli peak, the wall is formed by Dzhangitau (fifth place in the ranking), Katyntau (ninth) and Shkhara (sixth).

9. Katyn-Tau - 4970 m

A sad legend is connected with the name of this mountain among the Kabardino-Balkarians. The mountain peak Tetnuld (“white”), one of the most beautiful, invariably admired by tourists for its whiteness, decided to leave his old wife, Katyn (“wife”), for the sake of a young one, Dzhanga (“new”, “young”). Perhaps Tetnuld was a climber - the height of Katyn does not reach 5 km, but Dzhangy, or Dzhangitau, ranks fifth in the list of the highest mountains in Russia.

8. Mizhirgi - 5025 m

The list of Russian "five-thousanders" begins with Mizhirga - the highest and most dangerous mountains Russia, which every climber dreams of climbing. Mizhirgi, despite the modest eighth place in height, the mountain is very capricious and bypasses higher peaks in terms of difficulty.

7. Kazbek - 5034 m

This is one of the most beautiful peaks of the Greater Caucasus Range. Her image flaunts on many covers of travel magazines, photographs, postcards and stamps. A lone white peak of a regular conical shape (once Kazbek was a volcano) stands out sharply against the background of verdant foothills. Unfortunately, due to the difficult geopolitical situation, climbing Mount Kazbek is no longer as frequent as it used to be.

6. Shkhara - 5068 m

One of the most favorite peaks for climbers, and the highest mountain in the central part of the Caucasus Range. You can climb it with a variety of routes, and several peaks will allow you to appreciate the beauty of the surrounding places from new points of view.

According to the results of recent measurements, Shkhara can move from sixth place to third - according to the latest data, its height is 5193.2 m. However, there is no doubt which is the highest mountain in Russia - the first place is ahead of all the others with a margin of almost half a kilometer.

5. Dzhangitau - 5085 m

Like Mizhirgi, Dzhangitau is considered one of the most difficult and dangerous peaks. Just three years ago, an experienced climber fell off its slopes (with a fatal outcome), and a couple of years before he had to rescue a climbing group by helicopter.

4. Pushkin Peak - 5100 m

Most often, they prefer to climb Pushkin Peak from the south side. However, experienced climbers prefer the north side - in addition to a slightly more difficult route, you can admire the enchanting beauty of the surrounding nature.

3. Koshtantau - 5152 m

The top three among the highest mountains in Russia is opened by Koshtantau. Sometimes she is merciful to climbers and endows them with beautiful weather, making the ascent easy and enjoyable. However, this rarely happens; most often, a capricious beauty prefers to dress up in an ice robe, which makes the ascent much more difficult.

The conquest of Koshtantau began with a tragedy - two English climbers and their Swiss guides died while trying to climb it. Since then, several routes have been laid on the mountain, but they all have increased difficulty - from 4B to 6A (for comparison: the lowest category is 1B, the highest is 6B, and category 6A is in second place, up to 6B).

2. Dykhtau - 5204 m

The poetic genius of the Balkar people decided to rest on the name Dykhtau. Translated from this language, the name simply means "steep mountain". It's almost like a nickname.

The mountain looks severe - granite-gneiss rocks, of which Dykhtau is composed, are dark in color. And in contrast to the white snow and clouds (occurring at a lower height than the top), they look especially gloomy.

The difficulty of climbing the mountain corresponds to its serious appearance- more than ten routes have been laid to the double peaks of Dykhtau, but even the simplest of them belongs to category 4A, above average.

1. The highest mountain in Russia - Elbrus, 5642 m

On the border between the republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia, there is the Lateral Range of the Caucasus Mountain Range, where Elbrus, the highest mountain in Russia, is located. Elbrus has two peaks - western and eastern; the difference between them is 21 m.

This mountain is not simple; she is a legacy of those times when young Caucasian mountains were still fire-breathing. Elbrus is a huge volcano, fortunately extinct a long time ago. Over the past tens of millennia, Elbrus has been covered with a shell of ice of enormous thickness - in some places it reaches 250 m, which is equal to the height of an eighty-story building.

Despite the awesome height (Elbrus is considered the highest mountain not only in Russia, but also in Europe, and is also among the top ten), the temperament of the mountain is not evil and the path to the top has long been found. The first ascent of Elbrus took place in the first third of the 19th century. Since then, no one has been there! People climbed not only on foot, but also on horses, motorcycles and cars. They carried ATVs and even 75-kilogram barbells with them. And since the beginning of the 1990s, there have been regular competitions in high-speed ascent to the snow giant. From the foot to the top of Elbrus, the journey takes exactly 3 hours 28 minutes 41 seconds.

List of 80 highest mountain peaks in Russia

The table shows mountain peaks with a height of at least 4000 meters and located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

PlaceVertexHeight, mThe subject of the Russian Federationmountain system
1 5642 Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-CherkessiaGreater Caucasus
2 5204 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
3 5152 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
4 5100 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
5 5085 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
6 5068 Kabardino-Balkaria (Russia), Svaneti (Georgia)Greater Caucasus
7 5034 North Ossetia, GeorgiaGreater Caucasus
8 5025 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
9 4970 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
10 4860 Kabardino-Balkaria, GeorgiaGreater Caucasus
11 Gestola4860 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
12 Jimara4780 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
13 Klyuchevskaya Sopka4750 Kamchatka KraiEast Ridge
14 Wilpath4646 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
15 Sauhoh4636 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
16 Kukurtli-Kolbashi4624 Karachay-CherkessiaGreater Caucasus
17 Mailikhoh4598 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
18 A rock4575 Kamchatka KraiEast Ridge
19 Beluga whale4509 AltaiAltai mountains
20 Sallyngantau4507 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
21 Tebulosmta4492 Chechnya, GeorgiaGreater Caucasus
22 Sugan4489 North Ossetia, Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
23 Bazarduzu4466 DagestanGreater Caucasus
24 Chanchakhi4461 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
25 Donguzorun-Cheget-Karabashi4454 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
26 shang4452 Ingushetia, GeorgiaGreater Caucasus
27 warm4431 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
28 Chatyntau4411 Karachay-Cherkessia, GeorgiaGreater Caucasus
29 Adai-hoh4408 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
30 Songuchi4405 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
31 Tyutyubashi4404 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
32 Vologata4396 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
33 Karaug4364 North Ossetia, GeorgiaGreater Caucasus
34 Adyrsubashi4349
35 Laboda4313 North Ossetia, GeorgiaGreater Caucasus
36 Bachahi4291
37 Diklosmta4285 Greater Caucasus
38 Caucasus Peak4280 Greater Caucasus
39 Jorashti4278
40 Bzhedukh4271
41 Komito4261 ChechnyaGreater Caucasus
42 Sullukolbashi4251
43 Kayaartybashi4250
44 Bashiltau4248
45 Zeigalankhokh4244 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
46 Zaromag4203 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
47 Donchentyhoh4192 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
48 kalota4182 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
49 denunciation4179 Chechnya, GeorgiaGreater Caucasus
50 Addala-Shuhgelmeer4151 DagestanGreater Caucasus
51 Chkalov Peak (Anchobala-anda)4150 DagestanGreater Caucasus
52 Pukhgarty Kom4149
53 Sirkhibarzond4148 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
54 Shalbuzdag4142 DagestanGreater Caucasus
55 Tseyakhoh4140 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
56 Fytnargin4134 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
57 Dyultydag4127 DagestanGreater Caucasus
58 Tsmiakomkhokh4117 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
59 Barrels4116 DagestanGreater Caucasus
60 Musostau4110 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
61 Baidukov Peak (Kasaraku-meer)4104 DagestanGreater Caucasus
62 Bishney-Jenolshob4104 DagestanGreater Caucasus
63 Belyakov Peak (Belengi)4100 DagestanGreater Caucasus
64 Chimismeer4099 DagestanGreater Caucasus
65 Chachkhogh4098 North Ossetia, GeorgiaGreater Caucasus
66 Tsunklata4084 DagestanGreater Caucasus
67 Tavan-Bogdo-Ula4082 AltaiAltai mountains
68 maistismta4081 Chechnya, GeorgiaGreater Caucasus
69 Charundag4080 Dagestan, AzerbaijanGreater Caucasus
70 flat middle4057 Kamchatka KraiEast Ridge
71 Taklik4049 DagestanGreater Caucasus
72 Dombay-Ulgen4046 Karachay-Cherkessia, Republic of AbkhaziaGreater Caucasus
73 Goukli4046 DagestanGreater Caucasus
74 Kurmutau4045 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
75 Archon4040 North OssetiaGreater Caucasus
76 Ijenameer4025 DagestanGreater Caucasus
77 Dougie4020 Dagestan, AzerbaijanGreater Caucasus
78 Deavgay4016 DagestanGreater Caucasus
79 Kezgenbashi4013 Kabardino-BalkariaGreater Caucasus
80 Balial4007 DagestanGreater Caucasus

On the vast territory of the Russian Federation, there are more than 1000 mountain peaks, and according to some sources, the total number exceeds 2000. Few people can now confirm specific numbers, but you should remember the most basic information: there are about 20 mountain systems in Russia. They form the backbone the most majestic, most famous and highest mountains in Russia.

To my shame, I have conquered only one mountain peak, BUT the highest point in Russia. With it, I will begin my story about the highest mountains in Russia. But for a general idea, we will divide the most basic mountain systems in Russia into 6 parts: these are separate massifs of the Caucasus, the Urals and the Khibiny, as well as the vast mountain systems of Southern Siberia, North-Eastern Siberia and the Far East.


1. Elbrus - height 5621 meters.

The highest mountain peak in Russia and the highest point in Europe, located on the border of Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria to the north of the Greater Caucasus Range. The name of the peak is translated in different ways: from Iranian - as "high mountain", from Georgian - as "ice", from Karachay-Circassian - as "eternal mountain", and from Kabardian - as "mountain of happiness". However, any of the names testifies to the greatness and beauty of Elbrus.

Interesting secrets and legends overgrown this greatest summit. And we will continue.

2. Dykhtau - height 5204 meters.

Its second name is "Jagged Mountain". It is located on the border of Georgia and modern Kabardino-Balkaria, which is part of Russia. This mountain is very dangerous, because it has almost steep slopes, on which rockfalls and snow avalanches occur all the time. For mountaineering, this mountain is a difficult and dangerous object, but this fact stops few adrenaline lovers. In winter, temperatures are very low here. This peak is considered the least visited precisely because of the dangers of the relief.

3. Mount Koshtantau height 5152 meters.

One of the most inaccessible and most beautiful peaks of the Caucasus. Her northern slopes decorated with marble glaciers. For some, the conquest of Koshtantau becomes the last test in life. So, in 1888, climbers from England Fox and Donkin and two Swiss guides accompanying them died while climbing Koshtantau.

As you may have guessed, the highest mountain peaks are concentrated in the Caucasus. Well, we continue our story.

4. Pushkin Peak - height 5033 meters.

He received his name in honor of the 100th anniversary of the death of Pushkin, in 1938. It is located in the central part of the Main Caucasian Range in Kabardino-Balkaria and is part of the Dykhtau mountain range between Borovikov Peak and Eastern Dykhtau. Climbers often jokingly call Pushkin Peak the highest gendarme on the ridge: the beautiful peak dominates all the other hills of the ridge.

5. Dzhangitau - height 5085 meters.

Another of the highest mountains of the Russian Federation is Dzhangitau, which is part of the huge massif of the 12-kilometer Bezengi Wall, located on the territory of Kabardino-Balkaria. The name of the peak is translated from Karachay-Balkar as "new mountain". It is for the conquest of this peak that climbers are awarded the badge of honor "Snow Leopard of Russia", which is a good incentive for many travelers and active tourists. The first climber to receive this title is Alexei Bukinich, a citizen of Sochi.