Sokolinoe Bakhchisarai. Sokolinoe: mountain trails of Gaidaev's films

Sonorous, romantic names are one of the riches of Crimea. “Falcon” sounds proud. The village of the Bakhchisarai region is known as a base for winter tourism lovers, as well as rescuers who come to their aid if “something happens.”

Where is the village of Sokolinoe on the map

The village is located in the southern part of the Bakhchisaray district, near the border with the Yalta urban district. The villages closest to it are Bogatyr, Nagornoye, Plotinnoye, Aromat, Novopolye, Bogatoye Gorge, Putilovka and Polyana. From here it is 34 km to Bakhchisarai, 64 km to Yalta, 51 km.

Historical excursion into the past of the village

Until 1945, the village was called Kokkozy, which translated from Tatar means “blue eyes” (compare - in Crimea there is the Kokkozka River, which flows right through the village). Because of this name, a version arose that the settlement was founded by the Goths or representatives of another alien tribe with a “Nordic” appearance, sharply different from the dark and dark-skinned local population. However, there is little reliable data about the history of the area in ancient times, so the fact has not been proven.

Historians believe that in the Middle Ages, instead of one modern village, there were several small settlements belonging to. After the Turkish conquest, the lands and people became subjects of the Ottoman Empire. When Crimea was, the documents noted the existence of the settlement of Kokkoz with Muslims.

As part of the empire, the Kokkozy were a fairly large, prosperous polis with predominantly Tatars. Next to it were the estates of famous noble families of Crimean Tatar origin - the Yusupovs and Bulgakovs. At the beginning of the 20th century there was a hospital here, and the villagers were considered wealthy.

The village grew and flourished in the first years of Soviet power. Its population was international, but the majority were Tatars. The situation changed in 1944, after the deportation of the Tatars and the beginning of a program of resettlement of collective farmers of other nationalities. At the same time, the modern name appeared.

Today Sokolinoe is a fairly large village in Crimea (it has more than 1,200 permanent residents), there is a regular secondary school and a specialized boarding school, a medical and obstetric center, good transport links with Bakhchisarai, Simferopol and.

The village is also a tourist center - lovers of hiking in the mountains settle down here. Since it is easy to get to the peaks from here, the resort does not lose its attractiveness. The temperature difference in this case can be a couple of tens of degrees (plus in Sokolin and a significant “minus” on the plateau). Due to the frequent “adventures” that winter tourists get into in the area of ​​the mountain pearl of Taurida (due to objective circumstances and personal stubbornness that encourages them to ignore the warnings of the relevant services), Sokolinoe turns into a base for emergency rescue workers every winter.

Accommodation in Sokolino – recreation centers and hotels

The village administration has long appreciated the tourist advantages of the location, so connoisseurs of mountain walks will find a holiday in Sokolin quite comfortable. not here, but decent and inexpensive housing is not difficult to find in this village of the Bakhchisarai region. One of the local tourist centers was in some way glorified by Leonid Gaidai.

It's called "Eagle Flight". The film director twice (in and) used the name “Eagle Shelter” - in the first case, also for the tourist center, and in the second for the estate of “ah-ah, what a groom” Saakhov. In Crimea, they believe that the naming was “plagiarized” by Sokolin, but the local base is not offended - it only won.

Indeed, this is a good establishment in the best Soviet traditions (renovated!),
offering rooms with full and partial amenities, with moderate comfort, at a modest price. There is a canteen, a play area for children, and parking. The administration offers a considerable selection in the surrounding area.

Lovers of ecological style will love the Sokolinoe Hotel. They prefer to use natural materials when decorating apartments. They are modest, but with all amenities, there is a dining room, a children's playground, and the prices are moderate.

A more expensive, but also much more comfortable option could be the Kutler Estate. It is distinguished by its original interior design. The rooms here are equipped with all amenities, the hotel is actually located in the forest, although administratively it is located within Sokolinoe.

If desired, you can also rent housing in the private sector - residents have long been involved in the resort business. In Sokolino you quite often meet pensioners from (who gave up their apartments to their children and went on vacation to a quieter place) - they willingly earn extra money for tourists and create a cozy environment for them.

Time to have lunch

The question of “getting a bite” at Sokoliny also does not cause problems. Most hotels and tourist centers offer the traveler and, including it in the payment for accommodation or requiring a separate payment. Prices depend on the level of the establishment. You can also negotiate with private owners - either on a boarding house or on the right to use the kitchen (there is a store with everything you need in the village).

There is in the village. Sokolinoe and restaurants, for example, of Tatar cuisine “Elken”. It's not luxurious, but the prices are moderate and the portions are huge.

But a more famous place is “Three Minnows”, located near the entrance to the main surrounding attraction - the Grand Canyon. For some reason it is believed that it copies what was shown to Soviet children in the famous. True, the reviews of the guests of “Gudgeons” did not note the similarities, but the quality of the dishes and service was rated quite highly.

Sokolinoe attractions and entertainment

In 2001, the Local History Museum opened here and operates.
There are also three mosques here, which are objects of cultural heritage (at the Crimean level). All of them were at one time built by local landowners of Tatar origin (although they were not Muslims) - the Yusupovs, Bulgakovs, Kutlers. There are also a number of ancient fountains (more precisely, beautifully designed sources of drinking water) - cheshme. Near the village you will find the Chainoye tract - previously there was a farmstead and a “Tea House” that belonged to the Yusupovs.

But the main thing is that from Sokolinoe it is convenient to get to Mount Ai-Petri and it is literally nearby, fraught with many mysteries and secrets of Mother Nature. You can visit the latter on your own - a lot of signs and different posters save you from the risk of getting lost. In this case, the excursion will cost nothing. In the canyon you can take the risk of swimming in the famous

The village of Sokolinoe is located in the central part of Crimea; the Bakhchisarai-Yalta highway passes through the village; in winter, the highway is often closed due to snow on the Ai-Petrinsky plateau.
The distance from the village of Sokolinoe to Yalta is 51 km, from Sokolinoe to Bakhchisarai 31 km.

Geographic coordinates of the village of Sokolinoe in Crimea on the GPS map N44°31.28, E34°0.51

Until 1945, the name of the village Sokolinoe was Kokkozy (Blue Eyes), it received its first name from the local residents who lived in the 3rd century AD in this area. According to one version, these were Gothic tribes who later went to Europe, but some of the people remained in Crimea; their main difference was blue eyes, unlike most peoples living in Crimea. That is why the river and the settlement got its name in honor of the inhabitants of Kokkoza (Goluboglazka).

Population of the village of Sokolinoe according to the latest census of 2014. amounted to 1250 people. The main type of income in the village is tourism, eco-tourism, and agriculture. The village has several hotels, a large offer of apartments in the private sector, a boarding house, developed infrastructure, shops, restaurants, cafes, etc.

At any time of the year, there are many tourists in the village; in spring, summer and autumn there are many tourists with backpacks who begin their ascent to Ai-Petri or the Grand Canyon. In winter, this place turns into the base of a ski resort, rental of skis, boards and sleds, hot mulled wine, tea and coffee. The temperature difference in winter on Ai-Petri and Sokolin can reach 20-25 C. Very often in Sokolin the weather is +5 C +7 C, dry, and on Ai-Petri there is snow of 80 centimeters and -10 C.

Due to its geographical location, Sokolinoe has been a visited and quite important place in all centuries. Now in the winter, rescuers live here, in the summer, a rest stop before climbing. In past centuries, this was a strategically important point that connected and that is why there are many attractions on the territory of the village.

Sights of the village Sokolinoe:
The Yusupov hunting lodge, built in 1910 for Prince Yusupov, and the Yusupov mosque in 1883. Fountains: Yusupok 1910 and Bulgakov 1883
In 2001, the Tatar Museum of Local Lore opened, dedicated to the life of the Tatar people.
The biggest attraction located near the village is many waterfalls, a mountain river, baths of youth, love and longevity, with the water temperature in the hottest summer reaching a maximum of +12 C and of course. From the village of Sokolinoe to the canyon 2.8 km.

Stone-paved streets, many fruit trees, almost every house has its own beehive, and all this against the backdrop of the mountains, create an amazing place that is located not only at the junction of the flat and mountainous parts of Crimea, but sometimes, especially in the evening, it seems that the village is stuck somewhere at the turn of the century. Life in Sokolyne is quiet and measured, only electricity and transport bring you back to reality. In the village you can meet many residents from big cities who abandoned the bustle of the city and moved to live in Sokolinoe.
The mild foothill climate, stunning sunsets and sunrises, amazing landscapes, clean mountain air and unforgettable sights will settle in your heart for many years after visiting this amazing place on the Crimean peninsula.

Sokolinoe village on the map of Crimea

The village called Sokolinoe is located in a cozy corner of the Crimean peninsula. Administratively, it belongs to the Bakhchisaray district of the peninsula.

Geographically, the village is located in a very interesting place. Here lies the intermountain basin of the famous ridge, the outskirts of which is a peak called Ai-Petri. Around the village there are many rock formations with a majestic structure. Among such massifs, it is necessary to separately highlight Boyki and Shuyuryu-kaya. The forts at the top of the ridge are also located here.

The village itself is located at an altitude of 400 meters above sea level.

To get to Sokolinoe you must first get to the center of the peninsula in the city of Simferopol. To do this, you can use road or air transport. In the first case, you will have to drive through the Kerch crossing and then along the highway to the capital of the peninsula. In the second option, you just need to fly to the city airport. Next we take a bus to the regional center. After that, from the local bus station you can go to the village itself. All necessary conditions have been created for this. There is a highway here that connects Bakhchisarai with Yalta.

Village infrastructure

When you get to the village itself, you pay attention to its interesting location. A river called Kokkoza flows in the village itself. This is a Tatar name that translates as “blue-eyed”. And this is really, really true. If you look closely, you will notice that the water in it is really blue. This speaks of its purity. The river originates in the mountains of the peninsula. The river is a tributary of Belbek, flowing into it from the left side downstream.

The village itself is located in the vicinity of the world famous Grand Canyon. This is perhaps one of the most important attractions of the village.

Walking along the surrounding streets of Sokolinoe, you notice cozy courtyards that seem to have come straight out of pictures of medieval fairy tales. Everything here is so neat and beautiful that you don’t want to leave such charm.

All courtyards have gazebos where a variety of flowers grow. In general, the village is simply surrounded by greenery. This causes the aroma of flowers to be felt in the air, which harmoniously mixes with the herbs of the steppe Crimea. From time to time, the smells of the sea coast appear in the air. This is explained by the wind rose in the surrounding area, which allows you to bring fresh air from the sea, saturated with moisture and iodine.

Climate in Sokolin

If we focus on the climate, then I must say that there are very good health conditions here. Even in the hottest weather it is relatively cool here. Therefore, people who have difficulty coping with the heat, but want to visit the peninsula, should definitely visit here. At night it is cool and fresh here.

In Sokolino you can admire numerous cascades of snow-white waterfalls, which are formed with the help of the clear water of a mountain river. This helps mitigate temperature changes in the surrounding area. The entire village is surrounded by forests with beech and oak trees growing in them. Therefore, this is one of the cleanest places on the entire peninsula, which is especially important for people suffering from allergic diseases.

It is especially interesting to wander around the outskirts of the village in the spring. It is at this time that the first spring flowers begin to bloom in the forests adjacent to the village. The scent of snowdrops fills the air and all the lawns are covered with the beautiful blooms of the first spring flowers. It becomes simply charming and you don’t want to leave the forest. In addition, there are many more violets, orchids and lilies of the valley. Here you can also find wild peonies that do not grow everywhere.

In autumn, you can walk through the forest and pick a full basket of mushrooms.

You can also meet representatives of deer and roe deer in the forest, who feel quite calm and have a peaceful attitude towards people.

Village sights

In the valley that became the location of Sokoliny, archaeologists recently discovered the remains of furnaces in which metal was smelted in ancient times. There are also remains of a previously existing fortress. Now these are just fragments of the walls of a previously excellent defensive fortification. After wandering around them, you can learn with interest from the guide many historical details.

But one of the main attractions of the village is the Yusupov Palace and fountains. They were built according to all the rules of the buildings of the century before last and are beautiful architectural monuments that preserve the former splendor of the empire.

There is also a house of Tatar culture, where you can learn with interest many details of the life of representatives of this nationality.

In the village of Sokolinoe you can have a great time and not worry about accommodation and food. For the convenience of tourists, all necessary conditions have been created here, and local guides organize unforgettable excursions to local attractions.

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The original name of the village “Kokkozy” can be translated from Tatar as “blue eye”. According to some sources, the reason for this is that for a long time the population of the village was made up of Goths with blue (light) eyes. In fact, the Tatar peoples also call “eyes” wells and reservoirs of various shapes and types. If we take into account that the Kokkozka River, which is a tributary, flows very close to the village, then we can certainly assume that the village was named after the river. All parallels in names that are associated with coconut nuts are also pure coincidence (although in some Tsarist Russian registries the village was sometimes called “Coconuts”).
Studying historical and archaeological Crimean facts, it can be emphasized that the history of Sokolinoe goes back more than five thousand years. It was during that period that the ancient ancestors of the Kokkoze people, who mined rock for ancient sculptures in this area, called diorite, laid their eyes on a beautiful valley, rich in natural resources, and created the first site here - a settlement.
After a certain period, the inhabitants of the mountainous area, like, by the way, the entire population of the peninsula, began an active phase of interaction with other local peoples. The Taurians gradually mixed in the Scythians, and the Hellenes and Scythians until the 4th century AD. e. fell under rapid dissolution into the Goths, and those, in turn, were forced out by the Huns away from the sea coast, into the mountains and foothills.
Gothic blood is largely reflected in the ethnogenesis of local Crimeans. This is due to the fact that the Goths themselves, in turn, mixed with the Crimean population over the centuries.
The village has quite an interesting history that dates back to the early centuries. Here you can find the remains of blast furnaces for smelting metals and a defensive wall of the 2nd–3rd centuries AD. e., several Kipchak mounds (burials) of the 10th–11th centuries, as well as the remains of a medieval Byzantine basilica.
The village has quite a lot of attractions; not all cities have so many beauties.
Estate of the Yusupov princes (Hunting House) (1906-1910). The palace of a rather unusual shape was built, which at one time also built many other attractions of Crimea, and was elegantly decorated with an oriental motif. Its exterior aroused the admiration of guests, among whom was also Emperor Nicholas II.
Among the stained glass windows and various grilles in the palace, an image of an eye can be seen. Drops of water flowed from a fountain in the shape of a blue eye (1910), which was inserted into a marble wall.
At the moment, the children's health center "Falcon" is located on the territory of the palace and park ensemble, so access to the palace is prohibited. The palace is located in the center of the territory, so that from the street only one tower with a spire and a wall with a blue eye of a fountain are visible - the rest is hidden by some buildings. Those who want to take a closer look at the building must walk around the perimeter of the camp, looking for loopholes in the fence.
Not far from the palace, passing through the Yusupov Bridge over Kokkozka, you can see the restored Yusupov Mosque. Yusupov became most famous as the killer of Rasputin; besides, his ancestors were Tatars. Near the estate there is a barely surviving but crumbling stone retaining wall, as well as a building from those times.
The winding Kokkozka and its branches flow around the palace grounds; the water in it is quite stormy, but it is clean and transparent. Not far from the foot of the mountains there is a psychoneurological clinic. This is a great place. It’s cool, the forest is noisy, the river is murmuring, the mountain air is clean, you want to sit in this wonderful place and think about the eternal.
If you cross Kokkozka again, then a little higher in a small clearing, you can see four attractions at once.
The first is the estate of Ali Bey Bulgakov (1883). Now there is a forestry enterprise here, a wooden house with a wide veranda on supporting columns is also located in the middle of the yard.
Nearby is a large crumbling caravanserai building, which at one time was the last point of the Great Silk Road to the port of Yalta.
Next you can see the well-preserved waterless Bulgakov fountain with a memorable inscription (1883).
Next to the estate there is the Bulgakov Mosque in the darkened forests, a little destroyed, but perhaps at least something will be restored.
Well, then, if you walk from the village for several hours, then not far from Mount Syuyuryu-Kaya, which is directly opposite, there is a landmark called the Tea House. There are about ten buildings for various purposes here - a bathhouse, cowsheds, sheds, etc. These are “tea houses” that were built for the visit of USSR Marshal Andrei Antonovich Grechko (1903-1976) on vacation. The origin of the name of the cowsheds comes from the “tea house” residence located here, which was built for Catherine II’s vacation in Crimea. The Empress, however, never arrived here, and in the end, this territory was given to the Yusupov family. The Germans put an end to the history of the old tea house during the Second World War: they burned the building so that the enemy would not get anything.
On the road from Sokolinoe to the Tea House you can see another attraction - an artificial pond. This is Lake Yusupov, where trout was once raised and served at the princely table. Based on the current appearance of the pond, the last time it was cleaned was back in Yusupov’s time - so you won’t be able to swim there. But if we ignore these details, then Yusupov Lake itself looks quite beautiful: the shiny surface combines beautifully with the green forest around.

A little below the lake you can see the Silver Streams waterfall. During the rainy season, the waterfall actually lives up to its name: a couple of rather large streams flow down the mossy green surfaces, which really look like liquid silver.
But since from year to year there is less and less water in Crimea, Lake Yusupovskoe completely dries up from July to November - and then the Silver Streams turn into the Silver Drops waterfall. Therefore, the best time to visit the waterfall with a pond is from mid-May to the end of June.
And a little higher in the mountains, on the other side of Kokkozka, is the Kutler mosque, the third of five that existed here previously.
Also in 2001, in one of the traditional Tatar houses, an ethnographic center of the Crimean Tatars was opened.
For some reason, the fellow tribesmen of these famous and respected personalities are not worried about the destruction of historical places, and there are many of them among the residents of Sokolinoe, even the descendants of Bulgakov, as they say, remained here. This is more of a concern for visitors from the mainland. The Yusupovs and Bulgakovs built not only for themselves, but also for the people - bridges, fountains, mosques.
There are a lot of destroyed and empty buildings in the village, which indicates shortcomings of the local administration. After all, Sokolinoe can be turned into a wonderful tourist attraction; some entrepreneurs suggested this to the authorities. And on the way to the Grand Canyon with its beauty, you can stop by Sokolinoe and show all these historical places.
Above Sokolin, the bulk of the Boyka mountain range is clearly visible, which consists of five peaks with the remains of ancient houses, temples and defensive fortifications that were destroyed during the invasions. And the Grand Canyon separates it and the Sleeping Knight rock from the Ai-Petrinsky ridge of mountains. On the other side is located -