Tours to Vietnam in November are an unmistakable choice. The best prices for tours to Vietnam at the moment Prices for gifts and entertainment

In any season the most exotic country The Indochina Peninsula, Vietnam, opens its arms to tourists in November. The soft rays of the sun at this time do not burn so much, which makes relaxing on the beach more pleasant.

Various tours to Vietnam in November

For lovers active rest It is in November that the seasons for diving and surfing open, and for those who love architecture, excursions to the country's attractions are carried out. Don't forget to visit architectural complex Michonne. Before deciding to travel to Vietnam in November, you need to decide what goal you are pursuing, since the choice of city and the cost of the trip will depend on this. If you are going to bask in the gentle sun, then you need to go to Nghe An or Ha Tin, this is where the beach seasons close last. An active holiday awaits you in the city of Sapa.

The weather in November is not significantly different from the weather in September or October, the only outstanding factor being the period of leaf fall. The temperature drops slightly to about +15-20°C, and the water warms up to +24°C. Unlike other autumn months, there are often winds in November.

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I hereby, being the Customer of tourist services included in the tourism product, and the authorized representative of the persons (tourists) specified in the Application, give consent to the Agent and his authorized representatives to process my data and the data of persons (tourists) contained in the Application: last name, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport data indicated in the passport; residence and registration address; home and mobile phone; E-mail address; as well as any other data relating to my identity and the identity of the persons specified in the Application, to the extent necessary for the implementation and provision of tourism services, including those included in the tourism product generated by the Tour Operator, for any action (operation) or set of actions ( operations) performed with my personal data and the data of the persons specified in the Application, including (without limitation) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as carrying out any other actions provided for by current legislation Russian Federation, using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without the use of such tools, if the processing of personal data without the use of such tools corresponds to the nature of the actions (operations) performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, it allows for in accordance with a given algorithm, searching for personal data recorded on a tangible medium and contained in file cabinets or other systematized collections of personal data, and/or access to such personal data, as well as transfer (including cross-border) of this personal data to the Tour Operator and third parties - partners of the Agent and Tour Operator.

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Tours to Vietnam in November. Last minute tours to Vietnam in November.

Rest in Vietnam in November.

Vietnam in last years became very popular tourist destination for vacationers from all over the world. Tours to Vietnam in November are an excellent opportunity to get to know the exotic culture of this country. amazing nature and colorful local population. By the way, November in Vietnam is at the border between the wet and dry seasons. Dry weather will prevail at this time, although there may still be rain in some places. The air temperature will vary in different regions from +25 to +30 °C, and the water will warm up to +24...27 °C.
November in Vietnam marks the transition between the wet and dry seasons. Dry weather will prevail at this time, although there may still be rain in some places.
The territory of Vietnam stretches along his form, so at any time of the year you can find a place for have a great holiday. At the same time, the weather in the country will differ depending on the region - northern, central or southern. Each region has its own resorts, perfect for a beach holiday. In Northern Vietnam these are Hong Gai, Haiphong, Hanoi. It's traditional here good beaches, rich nature and interesting excursion. IN Central Vietnam Da Nang, Da Lat and Hue are popular. Well, South Vietnam is Ho Chi Minh City, Saigon, Phu Quoc Island, the resorts of Nha Trang and Phan Thiet.
The weather in November is perfect for active recreation: surfing, swimming, sailing. And also for wellness in magnificent spa complexes, they are available in almost every resort.
In addition to a beach holiday, it is worth paying attention to the rich excursion program that Vietnam offers its guests. This includes a trip to Halong Bay, known for its impressive landscapes and quaint islands, and a visit to the nearby city of Haiphong, a cozy old town. This is also a visit to the capital of Vietnam - the city of Hanoi - with an abundance of contrasts at every turn, and Ho Chi Minh City - a noisy and bustling metropolis, the business and commercial center of the country.
In November, Vietnam hosts several national holidays and festivals. Among them is the Ok Om Bok festival, held in the town of Soc Trang, near Ho Chi Minh City. The culmination of the event is the simultaneous launch of thousands of paper lanterns into the sky. All this happens in the dark and you will definitely remember it for a long time!

Surprisingly, different areas of Vietnam have different weather. The thing is that the country has a large extent. If you are interested beach holiday– it is better to choose a tour to the south of the country, and to get acquainted with the culture and traditions of Vietnam, the north is more suitable. Most of holidays and festivals that take place in this country are based on lunar calendar. Moreover, the dates of these celebrations in different years may fall on different days of the familiar Gregorian calendar.

Holidays and festivals in Vietnam in November

Days of Russian Culture, from November 10 For several years now, Vietnam has been hosting days of Russian culture, which the governments of the two countries hold together. Travelers will be interested to see how local residents perceive Russian culture, its features, how they react to Russian traditions and films. Vietnamese these days can join the culture of our country.

Teacher's Day, November 20 Local residents pay special attention to teaching. All the students are in a hurry to present a bouquet of flowers to their teacher. The work of teachers is recognized as incredible, so everyone tries to express recognition and gratitude to representatives of this profession.

Oc Om Bok Boc Boat Festival in Soc Trang, end of November Ok Om Bok Boc falls at the end of November. The holiday will appeal to all lovers water transport and bright colors. Travelers who find themselves in the country will be able to see carved boats, products that craftsmen created with their own hands. During the festival, it is customary to hold cockfights. This annual festival is based on a Khmer religious ceremony.

Time difference with Moscow

The time difference between Moscow and Vietnam is 4 hours.

Weather in Vietnam in November

Daytime temperature +30 °C, night temperature +22 °C, sea water +25 °C.

Vietnam annually receives a huge number of vacationers from Europe, no matter what the weather forecasters promise.

At the end of the calendar autumn in Vietnam, the approach of winter is already beginning to be felt. At this time, in many provinces, beach holidays are replaced by excursion ones, and the flow of tourists decreases. And you can get to many objects without queues.

But there are also places where you can still have time to swim and sunbathe. Therefore, trips to Vietnam in November are bought for a variety of purposes - and this is an unmistakable choice.

Weather in Vietnam in November

IN northern regions Autumn is felt most strongly in the country: it becomes cool even during the day, the average temperature stays at +17-23C, but in sunny days the air warms up to +25C. Long sleeves can come in handy. One of the positive aspects is the almost complete absence of rain.

Typhoons rage in the central part, often causing floods. That is why trips here are the cheapest. Holidays in Vietnam in November are highly dependent on the unstable autumn weather. On the other hand, if you are lucky with the weather, you can have a nice swim.

And only in the south it is still warm and already dry. During the day the air can heat up to 25-30 degrees. It rains less often and there is practically no wind. Very rarely, typhoons can “get lost” and attack South coast. The water temperature in the south is +28-29C.

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What to do in Vietnam in November?

Holidays in Vietnam completely depend on the region you are traveling to. In the center and in the north the weather is cooler, so you can go on excursions, visit monuments and attractions. Cool weather is perfect for such walks.

On South beach season not finished yet: spacious and cozy beaches, beautiful weather, warm water - what could be better? In addition, there is the opportunity to go diving or surfing.

What to see?

Ok Om Bok is a spectacular festival in Soc Trang that often falls in November. At this time, fishermen honor the spirits of the river and the moon and ask them for blessings for a good catch. This is an interesting sight for both visitors to Vietnam and locals.

What to eat in Vietnam?

Notable dish Vietnamese cuisine– spring rolls. The filling is wrapped in a rice flour pancake. Usually these are fried vegetables with glass noodles and meat. Seafood and fish can also be used. Everything is deep fried together. The rolls are eaten by dipping them in spicy sauce.

What to bring from Vietnam?

Natural medicinal tinctures and ointments are especially popular among tourists. Balms help with colds, and ointments with snake venom help with diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Tours to Vietnam in November are an opportunity to discover a country full of exotic things. The company "Tourskidki" will help you get acquainted with the mysteries of the East and fall in love with it.