All about registration after receiving the RVP

Registration after receiving the TRP -the obligation of every migrant living on the territory of the Russian Federation under the RWP. This material talks about permanent and temporary registration (previously the term "registration after obtaining a TRP" was used, but is not currently used, since the legislation operates with other concepts). The reader will also learn what documents will be required for registration, and the consequences of a delay in fulfilling the obligation to register as a foreigner.

Registration for foreign citizens with a TRP is a procedure during which the migration authorities record the place of residence or stay of a migrant on the territory of the Russian Federation, which is indicated in the migrant's passport or in the RWP (for stateless persons).

The main sources of regulatory regulation in matters of registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons who have received the right to temporary residence under the TRP:

  • Federal Law “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens…” dated July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ;
  • Federal Law “On Migration Registration…” dated July 18, 2006 No. 109-FZ;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for the implementation of migration registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons ...” dated January 15, 2007 No. 9 (hereinafter Decree No. 9)

In accordance with clause 3 of Decree No. 9, each migrant who has received a TRP in the Russian Federation must submit documents for registration at the place of residence or place of stay no later than within 7 working days from the date of receipt of the TRP. This means that after receiving the TRP, registration is required.

If a foreigner evades this obligation, he risks incurring liability under Art. 18.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, up to expulsion from the Russian Federation.

What types of registration after RVP can be

Registration after the TRP of a foreigner can be divided into 2 types:

  • registration at the place of stay (temporary);
  • registration at the place of residence (permanent).

The first option is used when for some reason it is not possible to find a place for permanent registration at the place of residence after receiving the TRP. It can be issued, for example, when staying with relatives or friends. Its more familiar name is temporary registration. Its term can be any and depends on the agreements with the party providing the accommodation, but most often it is registration for 3 years (for the duration of the RWP).

The second option is registration by RVP at the place of residence. It is permanent and has no expiration date. It is commonly referred to as "registration for RVP". Usually, it is done only when a migrant registers in his own housing, or housing received under a social contract, rent. The main difference from the temporary one is that it cannot be terminated due to the expiration of the term.

What you need to register after receiving a TRP: a list of documents in 2019

The list of documents required for registration of a foreigner living under a temporary residence permit is determined by Law No. 109-FZ (Article 17) and Government Decree No. 9 (paragraphs 3-19).

You will need:

  • application for registration at the place of residence. The form and sample filling can be downloaded from the links at the end of the article. When registering at the place of arrival, a notification form is filled out, the form of which can be downloaded from the link at the end of the article;

  • a passport with a mark on a temporary residence permit or other identification document. If the TRP is issued on a separate form, then it will also be required to provide it (for stateless persons);

  • in accordance with paragraph 16 of Art. 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a migrant must pay a fee of 350 rubles for registration at the place of residence. He must provide a receipt for this in accordance with paragraph 12 of Resolution No. 9.

Attention! Participants of the resettlement program and their family members do not pay the TRP fee and registration at the place of residence.

  • documents confirming the right to use residential premises or move in. For permanent registration, this can be certificates of ownership or a lease agreement if the property is provided by the local government. If a migrant is registered temporarily with relatives, then a contract for free use of housing is suitable. These documents may not be provided by the applicant if they have already passed the state registration and may be requested by the UVM inspector in the order of interagency cooperation.

All of the above documents, with the exception of the application, are provided to the MFC or GUVM in the original and in copies. The originals will be examined by the inspector upon acceptance of the documents, after which they will be returned to the applicant.

Additional documents for registration under RVP

The above list is minimal and may be supplemented. If a migrant is registered at the place of stay with relatives, a notarized consent of all owners will be required. With this document, the presence of all homeowners is not required.

Consent may not be notarized if it is drawn up directly at the place of registration, but then all owners must provide identification documents. You also need to have proof of ownership of the property with you.

If a newborn child is temporarily registered, then the birth certificate of the child will be required, and the consent of the owners is no longer needed. The possibility of such registration of minors raises concerns of homeowners, however, it is terminated along with the registration of parents.

There are three ways to apply for registration:

  1. Directly at the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
  2. through the MFC.
  3. With the help of intermediaries.

For registration at the place of residence, the documents are submitted by the receiving party.

Application for registration of a foreign citizen: content and rules for filling out

The very form of the application for registration at the place of residence of a foreigner and a stateless person was approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in Resolution No. 9. You can download the form and a sample of filling out the application using the links at the end of the article. The form consists of two parts: main and detachable.

When filling out an application for a residence permit with a TRP, you must provide information about:

  1. The name of the body to which the application is being submitted.
  2. Personal data of a foreigner: full name, date of birth, citizenship or nationality at the time of application.
  3. Address of the premises for registration.
  4. Data of the natural or legal person providing the premises.
  5. Reasons for using the premises.
  6. Identity document details. Usually this is a passport, its series and number are indicated, given by the issuing authority. Stateless persons indicate RVP data;
  7. Data of a temporary residence permit, as a document giving the right to reside in the country. The date of issue, series and number, data of the issuing department of the Main Department of Internal Affairs are indicated.
  8. Address of the previous place of registration.

The second - the detachable part of the notification contains information about the applicant and is sent by the inspector of the Main Department of Internal Affairs to the department at the previous place of registration of the applicant to remove it from the register.

The reverse side contains the following information:

  • about a legal representative, if a minor or a person who is completely or partially incompetent is registered;
  • on the migrant's ownership of several residential properties.

General rules for filling out an application and notification

Despite the presence of an approved application form, the rules for filling out are quite simple:

  1. A separate copy of the application is filled out for each migrant.
  2. For minors, incapacitated or partially capable persons, it is submitted by legal representatives.
  3. The form (form) can be filled out manually, with a ballpoint pen or using a computer.
  4. Corrections and the use of a stroke corrector are not allowed.
  5. All names are entered in full, without the use of abbreviations and abbreviations.
  6. All information must be true, as it can be verified.

If the applicant already has experience of registration at the place of residence, then he can fill out the application on his own, while still at home. This will significantly reduce the processing time. A sample application for registration of a foreign citizen can be downloaded from the link at the end of the article, or received directly when submitting documents.

If the migrant is going through the procedures for the first time, then you should ask the inspector for help, who will explain how to correctly indicate certain data, or leave the lines blank, and enter the data already when visiting the UVM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The application will be accepted only simultaneously with the submission of the full package of documents.

Unlike the application, the notice is completed by hand in blue or black ink. Each cell contains one capital letter. Otherwise, the requirements will be the same as for the application for registration at the place of residence, but the sample filling will be different.

What rights does registration give after RWP

With registration, a migrant and his family members get a number of opportunities:

  1. It is much easier to find a job with a temporary residence permit with registration than without it. It is valid only within the region that issued the TRP, but under certain conditions, work outside the place of residence is also allowed.
  2. The right to education for children. Permanent registration after receiving the TRP gives the priority right to enter the school and kindergarten at the place of residence. Temporary pushes to the second place, but also gives the right to study in Russian educational institutions. Usually temporary registration is enough, there is a rush for admission only in prestigious schools in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
  3. The right to receive medical care under the CHI policy. It is enough to contact the insurance company, get a policy and you can join the clinic at the place of residence or stay.
  4. The right to use residential premises by a registered person in a legal manner, until the expiration of the registration period or deregistration.
  5. The ability to register a newborn child at the parent's registration address without the consent of the owner.

How to renew a registration that is ending or has ended

Do not confuse the concepts of extending the period of stay in the country, extending migration registration and extending registration at the place of residence or stay. The TRP itself is not subject to renewal and will end 3 years after its issuance.

Registration at the place of residence does not require renewal, since it itself is permanent. The law does not provide for the concept of "renewal of registration at the place of residence." This means that upon expiration, the temporary registration will be automatically terminated.

If a migrant receives a residence permit, he must also re-register at the place of stay or residence. Despite the fact that the RVP will have a mark on registration at the place of residence, you will have to visit the Main Department of Internal Affairs to get a stamp in the residence permit.

If registration at the place of stay ends earlier than this period, then you will have to submit a full package of documents again, including the consent of all owners from the living side to provide premises for living.

Deadlines for registration

The deadline for submitting documents for obtaining a mark is 7 working days from the date of receipt of the TRP.

When submitting a complete and correctly left package of documents, the inspector must put a mark on registration at the place of residence on the same day, on the basis of Art. 18 of Law No. 109-FZ.

An exception is the situation when a migrant exercises his right not to provide documents that the inspector himself can request from any authorities. In this case, the processing time will be extended. The work of the body that received it is given 5 days to compose and send a response to a request. At the same time, one should not forget about the delivery time through the Russian Post. Getting a mark can take up to a week or more.

The next day after receiving the answer, the inspector must put a mark in the TRP stamp or on the TRP form.

In case of registration of a migrant at a new place of residence, the territorial office of the UVM must, no later than 3 days from the date of registration, send a tear-off application slip to the branch of the UVM at the place of previous registration. An employee of the UVM department at the previous place of registration must remove the migrant from the register within 1 working day.

On what grounds can the registration under the TRP be terminated?

An exhaustive list of grounds for termination of registration at the place of residence and stay of a foreigner or stateless person is in paragraph 16 of the Rules. The list includes:

  1. Registration at the place of residence in another place. At the same time, it must be remembered that persons living under a TRP are limited in their ability to live and work outside the region where it was issued. Before registering at a new place of residence, you need to make sure that there is an opportunity for a new registration.
  2. Loss by a migrant of the right to use residential premises on the grounds provided for by the current legislation. For example, in the event of termination of family relations, divorce or cancellation of adoption.
  3. Entry into force of a court decision, according to which a foreigner or a stateless person was deprived of the temporary residence permit, and with them the right to temporary residence in the territory of the Russian Federation.
  4. Expiration of the RVP.
  5. Recognition of registration at the place of residence as invalid on the basis of a court decision that has entered into force.
  6. The death of a foreigner or stateless person, or his recognition as such on the basis of a court decision that has entered into force.
  7. Detection and fixation of the fact of fictitious registration of a migrant at the place of residence.

It is allowed to terminate registration after receiving a document confirming the existence of grounds for terminating the registration of a migrant at the place of residence. This may be for the statement of the migrant himself, or a copy of the court decision.

Documents for download

So, if there is a TRP, registration is the duty of a foreigner, which must be fulfilled within seven days from the date of receipt of the permit. If the migrant does not have housing, which he can legally use indefinitely, then there remains the possibility of temporary registration at the place of stay.