Chernorechensky Canyon on the map. One-day walk along the Chernorechensky canyon of Crimea

In 1947, the Chernorechensky Canyon of Crimea was declared a natural monument, and in 1974 it became part of the Baydarsky state reserve. Access to its territory is possible only when accompanied by an experienced instructor who will guide the excursion group along established routes.

What do tourists need to know?

  • for people with poor health and those who are afraid of heights, the hike may not be feasible: they will have to overcome rubble, fallen trees, climb rocks, walk along narrow paths near the water, perhaps ford the river;
  • shoes should be comfortable and as safe as possible - this will avoid injuries and other troubles;
  • Warm clothes will come in handy - there is a lot of shade in the gorge and through winds blow;
  • water from the river flows into the Sevastopol water supply system - treat nature with care.

The tourist route passes along natural and man-made trails, some of which were laid by the ancient Romans. There is a section of the path known as the “Manstein Road”: during the Great Patriotic War, the Nazis tried to build a bridge at this place, but it was destroyed by partisans.

What else is interesting about the canyon?

To explore the Chernorechensky Canyon of Crimea, some travelers recommend setting aside 2-3 days. True, this option is suitable only for those who are not afraid of difficult hiking conditions.

For halts and overnight stays, there are specially equipped places where you can set up a tent, and you can relieve fatigue in cozy coves with crystal clear but rather cool water. Here they are called “royal”. Needless to say, what wonderful photos you get in these places?

This hidden corner of Crimea is good at almost any time of the year. In spring it enchants with the beauty of awakening nature, in summer it gives pleasant coolness, and in autumn it pleases the eye with crimson and living gold. But during the rainy season, when the water level rises sharply, it is better to refrain from walking along Chernorechensky. Fortunately, this period does not last long.

We invite you to watch a video about a two-day hike through the natural attractions of the peninsula:

When preparing for this hike, I came across the fact that it is almost impossible to find a normal description of the passage of the Chernorechensky Canyon on the Internet. And even more so with good photos :)
Therefore, today I will not only show photographs, but also describe the route along the Chernorechensky Canyon. I hope it is useful to someone. The places are beautiful :)
May-June is the best time to visit the canyon. Lots of water, everything is blooming. Not far from the source, the Chernaya River is blocked by a dam, the presence of which ensures that even in spring there is no frantic flow of water in the canyon.

1-It’s better to start walking from the village of Chernorechye, so you will see the entire canyon. The paths from Morozovka and Rodnoy reach it much higher upstream.
The village can be reached from Sevastopol. Buses from 5 km to Ternovka (40 and 110) stop on the highway without entering Chernorechye itself. The stop is literally a few meters after the desired turn; we return and walk along the road for about 15 minutes.

2- Chorgun Tower - a landmark of Chernorechye :) After the tower there is a square with a well and a bus stop. To the left of the stop there is a large mulberry tree, behind which the street we need begins. Almost immediately there is a small fork in it, again we go to the left, to the store. There will be no shops further along the way :)

3- Leaving the store, go left, the road goes up. In front of the hill there is a barrier, next to which it is written that this is a state reserve and entry is strictly prohibited. We go around the barrier and move on :) At the top of this hill there is another fork, you need to go straight, in the same direction, along the main road.

4- The road goes straight down to the river and then constantly goes along it. We're upstream. The trail is good, it's hard to get lost.

5- It’s very pleasant to go.. spring nature, clear water, wonderful light..



8- As I already said, this is a protected area, and it’s kind of impossible to be here. Along the way you may meet foresters. 20 UAH per person solves the problem, and even 10 for a student :)


10- Along the way there are such backwaters.

11- Sometimes the river splits into several small streams, forming islands in the middle.

12- Bright sunlight, scattering through the trees and falling on the water, creates a magical atmosphere :)


14- Here the river overflowed quite widely.

15- We decided to take a shortcut and wade through. A whole line of people has gathered :) Immediately further there will be a large clearing where you can relax.

16- We pass through the clearing and return to our right bank again. Usually the places where you need to cross the river are intuitively clear by the presence of logs there. The trail ends on one bank, and its continuation is visible on the next.

17- One of the landmarks is the German bridge. More precisely, what is left of it... Built by German sappers in November-December 1941. The bridge, suitable for crossing equipment, replaced the old wooden bridge.

Route map. Marked in red is that we have already passed from Chernorechye. This bridge is marked with a two on the map. 3 and 4 are canyon loops, which will be discussed later.

18- After the bridge there is a small wooden gazebo. I have a feeling that it will soon fall apart))

19- Again the river spills into several streams. Logs to the rescue :)

20- If there is a log, better walk along it, don’t repeat this! :))

21- Further, the trail takes us to a spacious clearing with a monument to partisans - another landmark on the way.



24- Soon after the clearing, the so-called “pressures” begin - places where the rocks come close to the water. Ahead is the most interesting part of the canyon :)


26- We make our way over the pebbles.. at first everything was simple :)

27- Next is not so easy. Before this pressure, we met a group of tourists from Minsk who could not get through. There is no path, you can’t walk through the water - it’s deep. There is only one way - around the top.

28- Then just as steeply down. I had to hold on to everything - roots, stones, just so as not to slide down this loose slope... my knees were really shaking :)

29- Phew, we went down.. in one of the reports I read I came across the following phrase: “the first pressure is something, but we survived.” I confirm :)

30- About 500 meters after this pressure, the road along the right bank ends! (Before the first loop on the map). Further and to the very end of the canyon the trail follows the left bank. Don't miss this moment. The landmark is a large clearing on the opposite bank. It is already clear that the good road continues there.

31- Crossing.


33- Water constantly changes its color. From green to blue. Very beautiful.


36- Having passed the first loop, we saw a convenient clearing for spending the night, right next to the water. They decided to stay there.
How cool it is to jump into cool water after a long journey! :)

37- Glamorous guys)) For those interested, I posted a little more of our photos in the album in contact:

38- The seagulls are boiling, the sausages are frying :)

39- Gatherings by the fire, guitar))


41- The meat is being prepared.. soon a delicious shurpa with a smoky smell will be ready:)

42- And again songs..

43- The night and morning turned out to be surprisingly warm, like for the middle of May. There wasn't even dew. We had breakfast, packed our things and hit the road again!

44- The part of the canyon from the first to the second loop is the most picturesque.

45- The road is not easy, you constantly have to walk along an inclined mountain, everything falls out from under your feet.. It’s good that it was dry.




49- From time to time the trail leads to beautiful viewpoints.

51- Barrier.

52- Along the way we met cyclists. Simply beautiful!


54- People without fear.. It’s not easy to walk here, let alone drive!

55- A little rest. By the way, we constantly drank water from the river, without any consequences :) Collect water where there is a fast current, and not stagnant water.


57- Lizard posing:) Along the way we also met two snakes. I don’t understand them, but they are not small, fat, about a meter and a half long. It wasn't scary)

58- Soon after the second loop, all difficulties end. The river calms down, a pleasant path goes along the very bank. More and more large clearings for overnight stays.

59- The river spreads wider again, the current calms down.


61- Someone got lost :) By the way, be prepared that there is no connection at all in the canyon, from beginning to end.

62- It started to rain. Slippery... It's good that we're almost there.

63- The trail will take you to the highway between the villages of Peredovoe and Shirokoe. From there you can take the Peredovoe - Sevastopol bus. They don't go very often. We waited for almost three hours. The last bus leaves Peredovoye at 18:40. But it’s better not to risk it and get to the track early. Or walk, catch rides to the busy Yalta highway.

64- Our adventures did not end there.
We didn’t have time to catch the train, so we took the nearest train Sevastopol - Donetsk, where we found ourselves in a wonderful group of women:)


66- We had fun, talked about travel, sang songs:) the road flew by)

67- Reshat clearly attracted the attention of the little girl:))


69- Well, I took a photo for memory :)

70- That's all for today, see you again:P

  • Duration - 1 day (approximately 10 - 12 hours)
  • Route length - 14 km over rough terrain
  • Complexity- above average, no special skills required
  • Price- 1,000 rubles

is an amazing place in Crimea that few tourists know about. But those who know about this place, and even more so have gone there, plan their vacation in such a way as to be sure to get there again.

The Grand Canyon of Crimea enjoys the widest popularity and fame among tourists, and Chernorechensky Canyon undeservedly remains in the shadow of its big brother. And I think this is unfair...

Did you know that the length of the Chernorechensky Canyon is almost 4 times greater than the Great Crimean Canyon, 12 km versus 3.5 km?

And that the second (after Belbek) river of Crimea, the Chernaya River, flows along the bottom of the canyon? Its crystal clear waters supply the hero city of Sevastopol with fresh water. The color of the water is truly mesmerizing... Emerald with a greenish tint, you just want to plunge into its waters.

And the steep cliffs, which in some places strive to push travelers into a stormy river, and in others diverge, creating cozy, quiet harbors and bays, and as if inviting the traveler to spend the night...

And the smell of juniper and the chirping of cicadas?

It is impossible to describe this fantastic place in words, you just have to visit it. 🙂

Therefore, our team invites you to this interesting and emotional hike!!!

We will swim in the very heart of the Chernorechensky canyon in emerald waters; by the way, you can drink the water directly from the river. We will ford the river and in some places climb rocks. And it will be very, very cool!!!

And if you love active recreation and nature, then this hike is for you!!!

Your benefits from camping with us

  • We form small groups of up to 8 people, which allows us to convey the most interesting information about the sights of the route to each participant in the hike.
  • Our stops are always in the most picturesque places with the opportunity to take stunning pictures
  • Each participant will receive photographs from us (one of our guides will constantly photograph you from different angles and we will definitely send you these photos)
  • We will go through the most unusual and picturesque places that you are likely to miss on your own hike.
  • We guarantee this will be one of the most exciting events in your life!!!

What to take on a hike?

  • backpack 20-25 liters - for convenient carrying of personal belongings
  • comfortable shoes - trekking boots, sneakers or comfortable sandals (when descending in sandals, your toes do not rest on anything, but small pebbles can fly into them)
  • headdress - cap, Panama, bandana
  • a light windbreaker or sweatshirt - to protect your skin from the scorching sun.
  • pants - lightweight, breathable pants will protect your legs from thorny plants and insects. You can go in shorts.
  • spare T-shirt - during the transition you will most likely sweat, and a dry T-shirt during the rest will be very useful.
  • towel and swimsuit (required) - we will swim, dive and bungee ride
  • A raincoat is desirable, but not necessary. Before going on a hike, you can check the weather forecast... But be sure to think about where to hide your electronic equipment if it starts to rain (a couple of regular bags will do just fine)
  • trekking poles - optional
  • water - 1 liter per person.
  • delicious sandwiches
  • Camera and good mood))

Photos from our hikes

Dates of the trip

The schedule for June, July, August and September will appear a little later!

You can reserve a place in the group by filling out the form below.

If you haven't found a suitable date for you, just write to us in the section , Most likely we can come up with something. We can also organize individual tours at a time convenient for you.

We never tire of being amazed at the diversity of Crimean landscapes, landscapes and historical places. It would seem that all available routes have been trampled, almost all the “calling cards” of the peninsula have been seen, but, preparing for the next season, we again and again discover historical facts unknown to us and places associated with them, discover new paths and new impressions. Many who are interested in the nature of Crimea have heard of one of its attractions - Great Crimean Canyon. But it turns out that this canyon is not the only one on the peninsula. And not even the longest! We were convinced of this in 2015, walking with backpacks through the canyon Chernorechensky.

The GPS track of this route can be viewed and downloaded.

Geographically, the canyon begins at the border Baydar Valley, by the rock Kizil-Kaya(Red Rock), and ends at the village Chernorechye. Judging by travel reports on the Internet, you can walk the route in both directions. We chose the village as our starting point Chernorechye.

How to get to the Chernorechensky Canyon?

From Sevastopol commuter buses run, but not often, to villages Wide And Chernorechye. We are from Feodosia– to reduce travel time, we rushed by minibus.

The walking part of the route began in the village Chernorechye around noon on September 17th. Having walked literally 200-300 m along the main street in an eastern direction, we come across an interesting historical structure - the so-called Chorgun Tower. It turns out that in the old days (before 1945) the place was called Chorgun and history has not preserved the semantic meaning of this word. The surviving tower is just the remains of the palace complex of a Turkish nobleman who lived here, built, according to various opinions, in the 14th-17th centuries. The design of the tower is interesting: twelve-sided on the outside, round on the inside, with two-meter walls. The diameter of the tower is about 14 m. The tower has three levels: the first housed a drinking water tank, the second and third floors were residential. The entrance to the tower was located - attention! - on the third floor.

Directly behind the tower, having passed the well, we deviate to the left and along an inconspicuous street we go up the mountain beyond the edge of the village. Ignoring the prohibitory signs (the canyon is a water protection zone), we go out through the open gates of the wire fence onto a wide, well-trodden path. Another slice of the historical “pie” - on the map this path is marked as “ Manstein road" During the siege of Sevastopol in the Great Patriotic War, this road from the village was built for the transfer of motorized infantry units by order of Hitler's general Native to the village Chernorechye.

After an hour of hiking, we began to descend into the gorge and heard the sound of a mountain river. The first impressions of the water flow are surprise and bewilderment. Surprise at seeing such a deep river for the first time in Crimea. Confusion comes from the name. The river can be called emerald, turquoise, green, but not black! The explanation is quite simple - getting rid of the incomprehensible name " Chorgun", the local population used the consonant Russian word " Black».

The area in the lower reaches of the canyon resembles a park area - a wide path, numerous parking areas, fire pits and tempting pools that you cannot pass by without swimming. Numerous improvised bridges make it easy to choose a bank with a more convenient road.

By seventeen o'clock we reached the crossroads where the road from the village goes. Morozovka. On the left bank we found a suitable place to spend the night, planning the next morning to take a light walk along the gorge located on the opposite bank.

We slowly set up camp, prepared dinner... And the day gradually moved towards evening, reflected by pink rocks in the emerald river water.

While swimming, we were attacked by baby fish, fearlessly poking at our bodies as soon as we stopped or slowed down. It’s a pity that the twilight did not allow us to capture this interesting performance on video! We talked about this and much more at the evening table.

Morning sunshine crept into our tents. Breakfast, water treatments – and a planned trek without backpacks into the gorge towards the village Native.

Cheerful in the morning, eager for new discoveries, we quickly climbed to the right slope of the gorge.

Behind us, behind the canyon, the houses of the town peeked out from behind the oak and hornbeam crownsMorozovka.

Two hours later we returned to camp, packed our backpacks and continued moving up the bed of the Chernaya River.

The river either rustles with numerous rapids, or whispers with wide spills of water...

The rocks of the shores compress the water flow more and more tightly. To follow the water you have to climb stone ledges.

The next milestone of the hike is a ford. Once again we cross the river, now from the left to the right bank, near the destroyed bridge. This is also Manstein's legacy. It is after this bridge that the road leaves the canyon to the village Native.

Less than a kilometer of relatively flat area - and again you have to climb into the rocks.

Apparently, most tourist groups do not complete the canyon in one day. Otherwise, when should we start creating such totems?

Surprisingly, quite far from transport routes, a whole network of quite decent bridges has been built for crossing numerous branches of the river Black.

The left bank hides us in the shade of bushes, and the right bank, like the curved body of a dragon, encased in a cracked shell, indicates the direction of the path.

On our next descent to the water we discover a wonderful lake. Without much deliberation, we decided on this place for a lunch stop. Two minutes in cool water gets everyone back on track, and a hot lunch restores the strength to tackle the rest of the day's trek.

The shadows began to lengthen, hurrying us towards the end point of the second day of the hike. The gorge is getting narrower, the climbs are getting steeper. More and more often we have to insure our tired companions on the mountain slopes. Horizontal areas suitable for parking are becoming increasingly rare.

Closer to 19 o'clock, having passed the next bend of the canyon, we found ourselves on a rocky terrace with traces of previous overnight stays. On the opposite bank, an unusually shaped rock, illuminated by the setting sun, rose. We mistakenly took it for Red, marking the upper boundary of the canyon, and decided not to look for other options for camping.

Anticipating the approaching southern night, we quickly pitched the tents, prepared firewood (this turned out to be a problem on the rocky ledges), stocked up on water from the river, to which we had to go down a hundred meters along the path, and began to cook... Dinner took place by the light of the fire and lanterns. Long gatherings were not possible due to the cold draft penetrating the gorge.

The morning was not particularly comfortable. The shadow of the rocks and the persistent cool wind forced us to pack jackets with hoods. Hot porridge and tea brightened up the situation somewhat. Collecting our backpacks and folding our tents, we eagerly watched how the sun slowly crawled, trying to overcome the rocks and warm us with its rays.

Before setting out on the trail, we once again carefully examined the surroundings of the camp. The river in this section was very reminiscent of an artificial canal cut into the rocks by representatives of ancient civilizations... Mesmerizing!

Just one turn - and we are already squinting from the sun, taking off our jackets and trousers.

The water flow becomes faster and louder, forming numerous waterfalls.

The right bank still hangs over us like bizarre rocks.

Kizil-kaya. This rock cannot be confused with any other. She's really red! We did not miss the opportunity to swim in the river and take a short break.

Further along the route, the mountain slopes disappeared, the mighty waterfalls turned into streams with swampy banks, garbage heaps from picnics appeared... All that was left was to have lunch and relax in the shady forest, and then get out onto the highway and stupidly walk under the scorching sun to the village Wide about six kilometers.

From Wide can be reached by shuttle bus to Sevastopol, but we waited for the same minibus that dropped us off at the beginning of the route.

Result: about 25 km in three days - and “the next chapter of the Crimean almanac has been read.” A fascinating and endless almanac!

We present a video report on the hike along the Chernorechensky Canyon:

Reading time: 12 minutes

One of the most beautiful and fascinating places in Crimea is the Chernorechensky Canyon. The interesting thing is that it is located not far from Sevastopol, its length is 16 kilometers. The Chernaya River flows through the zigzags of a deep gorge, breaking down in waterfalls, splashing over boulders and rapids, bending around the rocks. In the spring, when the flood comes, the roar of the water becomes deafening. At the bottom of the gorge, where almost no sunlight reaches, it seems almost black and opaque, although as clear as a tear.

At the crossroads

The trees growing in the canyon look like sleeping giants stretching their hands up towards the light. Intertwined with trunks, they form fantastic figures. This place is a geological reserve, therefore the Chernorechensky Canyon in Crimea is protected by the state. Only tourist groups are allowed to travel along certain routes; there are designated parking areas for overnight stops.

Routes taken by groups

water well

A visit to this reserve is fraught with some difficulties, since when passing along the lower route you have to overcome steep rocks, which you need to climb, and wade across the river on stones. A person who is not physically prepared simply cannot withstand such stress. In this regard, it is recommended to go along the route in a group with an experienced instructor.

Lovers of silence and wild nature will like the lower route. However, in the gorge there are pressure points where the water approaches the rocks. It is not the best option to ford the river, as it is cold and the current is quite strong. The only way is to climb up the rocks, taking safer paths. This longest route takes three days, so you need to prepare for it in advance. However, you can gain impressions of beauty, splendor and pristine nature for a whole year.

monument encountered on the way

There is another route of medium difficulty - this is to go through the gorge from the village of Morozovka upstream. This way you can significantly shorten your trip, see almost everything, take photos and video cameras. This route follows an ancient Roman road, on the upper left side of the gorge. This path is practically safe, and you can see almost everything.

You can follow the paths on both sides of the river below, near the water, and above, along the rocks. However, you need to be careful not to go too far from the water and choose good trails. Walking along the route, you can see what remains of a concrete bridge built by the Germans during wartime, which was blown up by partisans. Right there, nearby, is the Partizanskaya Polyana, where tourists usually stop to rest.

Baydarsky reserve warning

Walking a little further, towards the exit, you can see how the rocks narrow, forming a “gate”. In this narrowest place of the gorge, the water of the river, squeezed by two rocks, bursts out into the open. Here ends the Chernorechensky canyon in Crimea, considered the most difficult due to its length and danger, and called the Crimean Daryal for its roaring water in high water and fantastic beauty. This route can be completed in 3-4 hours, then reach the village of Shirokoe, in the Baydar Valley, and return to the city.

Despite the fact that the river water is cool even in summer, it’s worth taking a dip and diving under a small waterfall, you can take a hot tub no worse than at home. There are places in the canyon where you can even dive from a rock or bungee jump into absolutely clear water. This place in the gorge is called the “Royal Baths”, which were created by nature as if on purpose for swimming and diving.
For people who have a fear of heights, it is best not to go here without an instructor, since you have to overcome quite high places, but it is not that difficult, but the beauty around will outshine any danger. The vegetation near the water is not high, but can be very helpful when moving along the rocks. Wild fruit trees also grow here - apple trees and dogwoods, which you can eat with pleasure to satisfy your hunger.

Trout swims completely freely in the river, which you can catch and cook for lunch. The routes along which instructors guide tourists move no faster than one kilometer per hour. This speed is due to the fact that the terrain in the gorge is very rough. The paths descend sharply along the rocks to the river or unexpectedly fly up a steep slope; sometimes you have to wade to the other bank because of the pressure. Before evening falls, an overnight stop is organized.

How to get to the gorge

Having decided to visit the Chernorechensky Canyon in Crimea, you need to know that you can get here in different ways. Usually the hike starts upstream from the village of Chernorechye. If you drive from Sevastopol or Yalta, you need to turn 15 kilometers towards Ternovka and Bakhchisarai, then turn onto Krasny Mak and Zalesny and Chernorechye will be ahead.

You can also take the Sevastopol-Ternovka route or the 129 route bus Balaklava-Ternovka. Then you will have to walk along the river bank on the right. Here, too, there is a very interesting historical monument, the Chorgun Tower with 12 sides. It was built in the 16th-18th centuries; the exact date of its construction is unknown, as well as what it was intended for.

If you take the easier route and start from the village of Morozovka, you will have to turn at the 17th kilometer between Sevastopol and Yalta. You can get to this turn on the route “5 kilometer-Baydar Valley”, or you can use the minibus “Avtovokzal-Foros”.

mountain river in a canyon

If you are coming from Yalta, then after taking the shuttle bus from Yalta to Sevastopol, you need to get off at the stop called “Alsu”. Then you will have to walk 4 kilometers to get to Morozovka and another 2 kilometers on foot to the gorge.
You can also get to the middle of the canyon from the village of Rodnoe, where shuttle buses run from Sevastopol to Ternovka, and if you come from Simferopol, you need to get on at the Western bus station. Upon arrival in the village, you need to ask local residents about the path that leads past the headquarters to the gorge, and after walking 4 kilometers, you find yourself in the same middle part of the canyon.

Chernorechensky Canyon on the map of Crimea

Photo of Chernorechensky Canyon

Natural landscape of the Chernorechensky canyon

mountain river in a canyon

Chernorechensky Canyon route

Canyon photo

Mountain range in a canyon

Walk through the canyon

Beautiful view of the canyon

In summer you can swim in a mountain river. One of the rocks in the river canyon

The picturesque view of the canyon never ceases to amaze