Russian aviation. Yamal Airlines planes How to choose the best seats: cabin layout

Today's post is a short overview Russian plane Sukhoi Superjet 100 with tail number RA-89005. The SSJ 100 aircraft, painted in the colors of the SkyTeam alliance, was transferred to Aeroflot on March 5, 2012. My flight on it took place on March 30, 2012, that is, more than a year ago. At that time, only 8 such machines were flying in the world (now there are about 20). I will share my personal impressions of the aircraft. As they say, better late than never.


A girl in an Aeroflot uniform opens the boarding gate for a flight on the route Moscow - Minsk. The cost of a round-trip ticket was a modest 3,868 rubles (1,013 hryvnia or $127).


The SSJ 100 cabin comes in two versions for ~75 and ~95 passengers. The Superjet belongs to the class of regional short-haul aircraft, i.e. designed for medium and short-range flights (up to 2,400 kilometers). But there is also an option with an increased flight range. The layout of the economy class cabin is narrow-body - 5 seats in one transverse row, separated by an aisle (3+2).


As soon as online registration opened on the Aeroflot website, I checked in in the first row after business class.


Pay attention to the plane diagram; this row has the largest legroom.


Even with the toe of an outstretched leg it is impossible to reach the seat in front.


The other chairs are also very comfortable to sit in. The row spacing is decent, as decent as it can be in economy class. For me, as a passenger, this is one of the key characteristics of an airplane.


The salon turned out to be completely new. So clean that it actually sparkled. The finishing is on par. Let's go over the main components.

Individual panel. LED bulbs shine brightly. The buttons on the panel are simple, but pressed softly and pleasantly.


Senior flight attendant console.


Department for hand luggage.


The designers managed to ensure that the size of the shelves corresponded to the size of the shelves of airliners with a large fuselage diameter, such as the A320 family of medium-range aircraft. Note that the drawer is deeper above the three chairs. So if your “carry-on baggage” is so huge that it doesn’t fit on your right, you can ask your neighbors on your left to accommodate you above them.


If the cabin is full, and each passenger has a lot of things with them, there will not be enough space in the hand luggage compartment for everyone. However, this is not a problem with a specific aircraft, but a feature of the entire economy class.


Folding table.


Sukhoi Civil Aircraft CJSC did not invent anything extraordinary. Everything is standard - breakfast fits right in, but oh well.


A brand new wing shines in the window.


It seemed to me that the cabin was a little noisy due to the roar of the engines. Especially during takeoff.



Well what can I say? The flight went as usual and seemed quite comfortable. Nothing irritated me more than usual. At the same time, the cabin of the SSJ 100 does not have outstanding characteristics compared to the cabins of other aircraft of its class that I have flown. The only noticeable plus is the pleasant novelty of the interior. Old Bombardiers and Embraers are more greasy than the newest Superjet.

The tactical and technical characteristics, cost of maintenance and economic benefits from operating the aircraft are not for me, the average passenger, to judge, but for the airlines' specialized specialists. But I’ll still say a few words about the project itself. Firstly, I fully approve of the use of imported components in the aircraft development process. International cooperation increased the quality and guaranteed the success of the project as a whole. But the indigestible Latin “Sukhoi Superjet 100”, which became official name On the contrary, it is very confusing. As a wish, I propose to name the next new model of the Russian aircraft in Russian.

Well, secondly, the SSJ 100 was launched on a domestic assembly line and is being mass-produced, for the first time in modern history Russia. The firm backlog of orders for the aircraft already amounts to 179 units. As the number of Superjets increases, I hope the number of interregional transportations, which we, residents of the regions of a huge country, so lack, will also increase.

The state order made it possible to develop and build the short-haul Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft. This is the first Russian aircraft project in which foreign investors and partners participated.

Started in 2011 commercial use SSJ. Aeroflot is the main customer of this model and already has 42 copies (the option is 10).

The company was formed in 1923 in the Soviet Union and was state-owned. After the collapse of the USSR, it was partially privatized, the state has a controlling stake.

The world's most experienced airline serves domestic and international routes. The air fleet is stationed at Sheremetyevo Airport. Aeroflot is the parent company of the holding company of the same name. Aeroflot Group unites under its leadership the following carriers: Pobeda, Aurora and Rossiya.

Aeroflot has received the title several times best airline of Eastern Europe(based on voting results of passengers from different countries). The ground and air level of service, as well as the punctuality of the carrier, are noted.

In total, the air fleet uses 230 airliners of various brands. Aeroflot, following tradition, purchases only new aircraft. This makes the reputation reliable and increases passenger traffic.

Seat layout

The basic layout of Aeroflot's SSJ-100 aircraft includes 87 seats for passengers (12 seats in business class and 75 in economy class).

When planning a trip on a Sukhoi Superjet 100-95V aircraft, you should familiarize yourself with the arrangement of seats in the cabin.

The passenger compartment consists of two comfort classes.

The business lounge includes the first three rows. The chairs are 2-2. The best seats in this class are in the 2nd and 3rd rows. There is a partition close in front of the first seats, there is less legroom and the effect of a closed space is created.

The screen between the classes is quite thin, so the sounds of the neighboring cabin can be clearly heard.

In general, the passage here is wider, and the chairs are softer and more spacious.

The economic salon has one aisle, the seats are arranged in a 2-3 pattern. Folding tables are built into each backrest, and there is a pocket for newspapers and magazines.

Five seats of the 6th row A, C, D, E, F are considered the best places. Unlike the previous class, the partition wall is further away from the seats, which affects the ability to stretch your legs. In this case, the bathrooms are located at the other end of the cabin.

From 7 to 19 row. Standard seats, no differences in convenience. We can only add that the double seats are better than the seats on the other side of the aisle. It is more convenient to travel together on the left side along the direction of flight.

20 row. Unfavorable seats, as on any plane. The proximity to toilets and kitchen affects. There is a constant movement of passengers, it is impossible to rest peacefully.

The downside of the last row is the locked backrests. And the passenger sitting in seat D (row 20) has the most unfavorable position. Behind it is the kitchen, and flight attendants carry carts with drinks and food.

How the Superjet 100 was created

In the mid-2000s, the Sukhoi Design Bureau completed the development of the aircraft, and the first copy was assembled (2007). During testing it demonstrated excellent results. A year later, the prototype made its debut flight.

The year 2009 was marked by the presentation of a domestic car at the Paris Air Show.

Foreign firms took part in the creation of the SSJ-100, producing various components.

The Armenian airline became the first commercial freighter in 2011. A total of 158 aircraft were produced in several modifications. Construction of the aircraft continues in the Khabarovsk Territory.

The main acquirer supporting domestic aviation production was Aeroflot holding.

Features, Benefits and Issues

The aircraft is equipped with two Russian-French SaM146 engines. This is a low-wing aircraft with a normal aerodynamic design. Modern industrial alloys and materials were used in the construction of the aircraft. Thus, composites were used in the construction of the wing and fairings. Protection against touching the runway during takeoff has been implemented.

Superjet 100 first Russian passenger aircraft equipped with a side control stick instead of a steering wheel. During development, the wishes of potential customers were taken into account, and specific design problems were solved.

What is attractive to jet operators is:

  • Compliance with international standards
  • The ability to land at any airfield, regardless of the weather
  • Modern electronic flight control system
  • Aerodynamic, weight and economic efficiency
  • Increased range on selected models of the family

The domestic aircraft is designed to operate both short-haul routes and medium-haul routes. The multi-component security system makes the car reliable (unprecedented 98% at the end of 2017).

The cost of producing the aircraft is relatively low, which makes it competitive among aircraft in its segment.

The safe flights that the Sukhoi superjet 100 guarantees compensate for some minor problems. Among them, mainly domestic discontent is noted: some noise, a narrow passage. Structural defects discovered during operation were eliminated in the first years of flights.

SuperJet 100 family models

  1. The Sukhoi Superjet 100-95 is the base aircraft of the family
  2. The Sukhoi Superjet 100LR variant has a longer range and take-off weight. Operates flights since 2013.
  3. The Sukhoi SuperJet-100-95SV modification began to be developed in 2015, suggesting an extended fuselage to ensure capacity.

Flight parameters of SuperJet 100-95

  • Passenger capacity – 98
  • Crew – 2
  • Aircraft length – 29.94 meters
  • Aircraft height – 10.28 meters
  • Wingspan - 27.8 meters
  • Fuselage diameter – 3.24 meters
  • Takeoff weight - 45.9 tons
  • Speed ​​– 860 km/h (maximum)
  • Ceiling (flight altitude) – 12.3 kilometers
  • Motors – 2 turbofan SaM146-1S17, with a thrust of 76.84 kN each
  • Distance – 3038 kilometers
  • Empty weight - 24.3 tons
  • Kerosene reserve – 16 tons

Work on the creation of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft began in March 2003. It went on its first test flight in May 2008. Factory tests ended after 4 months, in October, after which the next stage began, necessary for certification of the airliner. The plane took off for the first time with passengers on April 21, 2011. The short-haul Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft became the first in the family. Its Superjet modification (LR - Long Range) is distinguished by an increased take-off weight and a longer flight range of 4,578 kilometers. The aircraft of this modification first took to the air in 2013.

Another modification of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 SV features an elongated fuselage. This will allow the liner to carry more passengers. Work on the creation of this model began in 2015, its completion is scheduled for 2018.

By the end of 2017, the number of manufactured aircraft reached 110, with more than 90 Superjets sold to airlines. These aircraft are operated in Russia, Mexico, Ireland, Armenia, Laos, Indonesia, and Thailand.

Russian airlines use the Sukhoi Superjet poorly. For a number of reasons, it takes at least 2 months to wait for spare parts. At the same time, for foreign-made aircraft, spare parts are provided within 24 hours. Because of this, a significant part of the aircraft is idle.

In 2015, the total flight time of these 25 aircraft at Aeroflot was about 9,000 hours. The Gazprom Avia airline, which has 10 superjets, has 1,400 hours. That is, on average, each plane was in the air for a maximum of 25 minutes per day. For comparison, an indicator characterizing the performance of the Boeing 737 is given. On average, everyone flies up to 15 hours a day.

The best and worst seats in the airliner cabin

The layout of the Superjet cabin is made according to a scheme in which there are 12 seats for business class and 75 for economy class. That is, the total number of passengers is 87. Of course, more amenities are available where business class seats are located. Here the chairs themselves are somewhat more comfortable. They are both wider and softer. The downside is that the existing partition separating passengers here from economy class is too thin. It does not provide a high level of sound insulation.

The best seats in both classes are those in the front rows. In business class it is the 1st row, in economy class it is the 6th row. The advantage here is that there are no seats in front, which means that passengers do not recline their backs, causing some inconvenience to those sitting behind.

Another plus is that there is more legroom, which is quite comfortable on a long flight. In addition, passengers in these rows are the first to receive food and refreshments. In addition, being away from the middle of the cabin, where there is almost always noise due to communication between passengers, is also an additional convenience.

The best seats include those in other rows, indicated in the diagram A and F. These seats are located near the windows. U of this aircraft They are quite large, conveniently located, and provide good visibility.

Since all seats in business class are always better than in economy class, there is no need to dwell on them too much. We can only add that in addition to the convenience due to the increased softness of the seats and their greater width, there is such a plus as the distance between the rows. It is one and a half times more than in economy class.

Passengers behind the partition separating business class from the majority of the cabin are in somewhat cramped conditions. Although the distance between the rows complies with the standards, tall passengers still find it uncomfortable here.

A serious disadvantage is present in places C and D of the 19th row. There is a lot of traffic here for those going to the toilet. In addition, flight attendants are constantly working in the aisle. This also creates inconvenience for the passengers here.

The seats located in the 20th row are considered the most uncomfortable. The kitchen and toilet are located a short distance away. Passenger traffic here is the most intense. Place D, located next to the entrance to the kitchen area, is mostly inconvenient. The difficulty here is that almost every time the trolley with which flight attendants walk through the cabin, serving passengers, hits either a seat or a passenger. But this is still quite unpleasant.

Pros and cons of the aircraft

The advantages of the aircraft include the latest design solutions and new technologies. Suffice it to mention that the developers took into account the requirements of the FAA organizations (Federal Administration civil aviation USA) and EASA (European Agency aviation security). In addition, during the work, the requirements and wishes of those involved in the operation of aircraft and who are potential customers of the Superjet were taken into account.

The advantage of the new airliner is that it can land and take off on runways A, B, C. This becomes possible both due to the features of its design and due to the fact that it uses a modern avionics system. Due to this system, the aircraft can be landed in difficult weather conditions.

Currently, the Superjet does not have any shortcomings that could have arisen during its design. Of course, at the first stage they were there. However, everything that could negatively affect the aircraft was revealed during its testing. What could not be detected immediately was eliminated within two years (2011 – 2013), that is, in the first years of operation.

But still, some shortcomings remain. They relate to living conditions. These include insufficient aisle width and slightly increased noise in the cabin, which creates discomfort for some passengers. Business class passengers have the inconvenience of poor sound insulation from the rest of the cabin due to the thin partition.

The mentioned shortcomings are more than compensated for. The liner has an unprecedented security system. It uses algorithmic protection to prevent touching the GDP. It is more efficient than mechanical shock absorbers.


Length: 29.94 m.
Height: 10.28 m.
Wingspan: 27.80 m.
Wing area: 77 m2.
Fuselage width: 3.24 m.
Cruising speed: 830 km/h.
Maximum speed: 860 km/h.
Flight range: 3048 km.
Number of passenger seats: 87.
Crew: 2 hours


To summarize, it can be noted that even with its existing shortcomings, the Sukhoi Superjet is a good aircraft. It can transport passengers both short and long distances. Although its cabin dimensions are inferior to those of the Airbus A-380, its spaciousness corresponds to this class of airliner.

The existing security system and modern avionics ensure high reliability. At the same time, the cost of the aircraft, compared to analogues, is significantly lower. We can say that this airliner is the next step on the way to a new generation of aircraft. And his indicators allow him to be recognized as the best among representatives of this class.

Taxi cost calculation to the airport

Sukhoi Superjet 100 is the first airliner for passenger transportation, developed in Russia after the collapse Soviet Union. Designed by Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company - Russian organization, engaged in the development, marketing and maintenance of civil aircraft. There are several modifications of this aircraft that are in operation by a number of Russian and foreign airlines.

In this article we will look not only specifications this airliner, but also the interior layout and best places Sukhoi Superjet 100. We will pay special attention to the reliability and safety indicators of this aircraft, as well as passenger reviews.

The aerodynamic performance of the SSZh-100 was calculated in laboratory conditions at TsAGI (Zhukovsky Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute). The shape of the fuselage and other structural details were calculated using computer modeling - a special program determined the behavior of aircraft elements under conditions of increased loads.

The main task of the designers was to create a machine that was convenient for users - passengers and flight crews. This was reflected in the interior of the cabin and the arrangement of the cabin. The creators did not forget about the requirements of airlines, taking care of efficiency, flight capabilities and ease of use.

The most important advantage of the airliner is the ability to fly in automatic mode with an economical fuel consumption program.

The increased safety of the airliner is due to the algorithm for protecting against accidental piloting errors built into the control system. For the first time in the Russian aircraft industry, a system was installed on an aircraft to prevent the aircraft from touching the runway. This option allows you to get rid of massive shock absorbers and increase the payload.

The modular design of equipment used in the aircraft made it possible to reduce the number of onboard units by 15%. The airliner's designers abandoned the use of a traditional steering wheel to control the aircraft and, for the first time in Russian practice used a joystick type handle.

Many experts call the SSJ-100 aircraft “the hope of the Russian aviation industry.” There is every reason for this.

Among the advantages of the liner:

  • increased level of comfort;
  • use of modern technologies in project development and production;
  • economical fuel consumption;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • variety of models.

The Sukhoi Civil Aircraft company comprehensively supports its products - it eliminates identified deficiencies, provides detailed technical documentation, and conducts flight crew training.

The SSJ family of aircraft includes the following models:

  1. Sukhoi Superjet 100— the first model from the “Superjet” series, the basic version.
  2. SSJ 100 LR— modification with increased flight range and increased take-off weight.
  3. Sukhoi Business Jet And 100LR-VIP— corporate versions for transporting important people. They have a higher level of comfort.

The corporation plans to develop a new model with an extended fuselage, which will increase the number of passengers to 125 people.

Quality claims

Many buyers and operating organizations think about the low value of the average flight time. Thus, Aeroflot, having the largest fleet of SSJ 100s, reports that the airliners fly only 3.3 hours a day versus 5-6 hours for competing models.

At the beginning of 2019, the Irish CityJet, the only one who used Superjet in Europe, refused to operate the SSJ 100.

The Mexican InterJet was forced to dismantle several aircraft for parts so that at least some of them remained in working order.

SaM146 engines from the French company Powerjet have a built-in defect. Premature destruction of the combustion chamber. Instead of 7500 - 8000 hours of operation, they provide 1000 - 2000 hours before major repairs.

The problem with the engine forces operators to keep a pool of replacement engines or dismantle their other SSJ 100 airliners for spare parts. Powerjet admitted the design flaw, but is not going to take drastic actions, because SaM146 engines are installed only on the Sukhoi airliner. The French simply modified the combustion chamber so that it wears out more slowly.

On the other hand, Russia plans to release a new modification of the airliner - SSJ-SV with a domestically produced engine.

Aeroflot Superjet 100 interior diagram

The passenger compartment is located in the middle part of the fuselage between the cabin and the tail compartments. It is sealed and ensures optimal temperature, humidity and pressure support.


  • width - 3.2 m;
  • height - 2.1 m;
  • The width of the seats for passengers is 46.5 cm.

The doors to the cabin are located at the front and rear of the aircraft.

These planes have two types of cabin configuration - AA and AF. They are similar, but they have one difference. In both first three rows occupies Business class. The remaining 17 intended for . located in the nose and tail of the aircraft. From the photo of the interior of the Sukhoi Superjet 100, you can form your opinion about its features.

In the first configuration, the cabin accommodates 98 seats with a distance between them of 81.2 cm. The aisle width is 51 cm. In a more compact version, part of the furniture is dismantled, the distance between the seats is reduced, and the number of passengers increases to 108 people.

The seats are installed in 19 rows of 5 in each. On the left are double chairs, on the right are triple chairs. Each seat is equipped with individual lighting and ventilation system. Above the seats there are spacious niches for hand luggage.

Superjet 100 aircraft interior

The interior has calm LED lighting. The portholes are oval in shape and the most big size among aircraft of a similar class. The salon has a wardrobe for outerwear. Each passenger has access to media materials - watch movies, listen to music during the flight.

First row- less convenient, as it is limited in front by a partition. Behind it are emergency exits and a toilet. This means you'll have limited legroom. Other two rows of Business- quite comfortable.

First row Economy— the most comfortable in this class. You can stretch your legs freely without fear that they will rest against the neighboring chairs. You can even stand in this space without disturbing anyone.

Superjet 100-95 interior layout.

Rows - from 7 to 19- quite standard and do not have any special characteristics.

The last one is on the 20th There is a difference between the rows depending on the interior configuration. If it's an AA, there are toilets and a utility room right behind it. Therefore, a queue will constantly accumulate near these places. Unpleasant odors and extraneous sounds will constantly disturb you during the flight.

In AF configuration The toilets are located far from the seats, making this a fairly standard row for travel.

Advice. If you do not know exactly which plane you will fly on, choose row 20 only if there are no other options.

Plane crashes involving Sukhoi Superjet 100

The most recent accident involving an SSJ-100 occurred May 5, 2019. The plane crashed during a hard landing at Sheremetyevo. At the time of writing, 41 deaths are known.

SU1492 (Aeroflot) Moscow - Murmansk

The facts of the incident are as follows: on an Aeroflot airliner that flew emergency landing in Sheremetyevo, a fire broke out that could not be extinguished immediately. The plane was flying SU1492 Moscow - Murmansk. A few minutes after takeoff, it began to descend, and during landing, according to eyewitnesses, it hit the surface of the ground twice and then caught fire. The flames quickly engulfed the rear of the plane. There were 73 people and 5 crew members on board. Passengers had to leave the plane via two inflatable slides.

The final cause of the incident has not been identified at the time of writing. : malfunction of the vessel, pilot or dispatcher errors, adverse weather conditions.

Experts of the Interstate Aviation Committee pointed out several mistakes of the pilots: they decided to fly through a thunderstorm front, refused to run out of fuel before an emergency landing, and were unable to land manually, which indicates their poor pilot training.

The pilots tried to push the nose of the plane toward the ground instead of stabilizing it in a landing position. This caused the plane to bounce off the runway, making the situation worse. The passengers sitting in the rear section received serious injuries during the “jumps” of the liner, so they were unable to get out of the cabin on their own and died.

The crew made an emergency landing exceeding ground speed by 30 kilometers per hour. When approaching the runway, “the crew began to increase speed for an unknown reason,” which is why the plane landed closer to the middle of the runway. In addition, as the plane passed through a thunderstorm front, allegedly, “a power surge occurred in the generator, followed by a series of failures of the aircraft systems.”

Important! Once the official investigation is completed, the information in this section will be updated.

Indonesia 2012

Another one catastrophe happened in 2012 in Indonesia. The Superjet airliner crashed into a mountain during a technical flight. 45 people died; the cause of the disaster was recognized as an error by the pilots and dispatchers.

Minor situations

Other recent incidents involving Superjet:

  • in March 2019, the Sukhoi Superjet 100 plane made an emergency landing at Sheremetyevo (the reason was a cracked windshield);
  • in February 2019, when landing at Domodedovo, the plane hit a lamppost with its wing;
  • the plane flying Moscow-Khanty-Mansiysk returned to Sheremetyevo for technical reasons;
  • in October 2018, in Yakutia, a plane skidded off the runway;
  • in June 2018, an airliner flying from Irkutsk to St. Petersburg made an emergency landing in Barnaul (the reason was a false fire alarm).

Experts believe that the main reason for frequent accidents is the low quality of components that fail before the time stated by the manufacturer. There are especially many complaints about premature engine failure.

In Russia, as usual, they want the best, but it turns out as always...
This eternal problem has even affected the name of the aircraft and some people cannot understand - are RRJ and SSJ the same thing or are they completely different aircraft?
Evgeniy Kovalenko gave an answer to this question.

blackpost - ....It’s very strange that you equate RRJ95 and SSJ-100. Apparently you are not familiar with the history of the project?

Kovalenko's answer

Yes, I forgot that for you these are two different projects. I'll have to explain.

From the very beginning, the project had the working name RRJ (Russian Regional Jet). This was the name of a family of three aircraft: RRJ-60, RRJ-75 and RRJ-95, differing in fuselage length, capacity, take-off weight (and, accordingly, other weights), as well as different settings of the same engine.

All working documentation, including 3D models, was released under the same name. It was put into production under the same name, and even earlier, under the same name, an application was submitted to AR IAC for certification.

Somewhere in the year 2006 (I may be wrong about the exact date), the State Aircraft System announced a competition for the commercial name of the aircraft. Not a single proposal was accepted (obviously, we did not have enough imagination for this), after which a third-party organization was involved in this process, which proposed the abbreviation SSJ100 (Sukhoi Superjet 100) (accordingly, the modifications should have been designated as SSJ100-95, SSJ100- 75, etc.). Personally, I, and many of my colleagues, found this too stilted and even provocative. But others made the decision...

This is how the name SSJ appeared, although I repeat, working documentation continued to be issued as RRJ.
Over time, in various organizational documents they began to write SSJ, and put RRJ in brackets. This then moved on to various technical documents. Documents with one or another name began to appear in AR MAK. So we had to issue an order and notify AR MAK, factories and suppliers that these two combinations are synonymous. Otherwise, all working documentation would have to be reissued.


And Wikipedia itself says that

Sukhoi Superjet 100 (abbr. SSJ 100, certification name of the RRJ - Russian Regional Jet family of aircraft)…

Moreover, the certificates actually indicate the type of aircraft RRJ-95. As in the RLE - and the RRJ-95B is specifically indicated there.

On the above-mentioned Wikipedia there is the following “crossed” version of the designation - Superjet 100/95B.

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