Nordwind Airlines. Nord wind airlines, North wind Scheme of Boeing 777 200 er

Ladies and Gentlemen! I would like to dispel all doubts regarding the services and quality of services provided on North Wind Airlines flights! I myself have repeatedly used the services of the tour operator Pegas Touristik and have flown on flights of various airlines from Orenburg Airlines to Emirates and there is something to compare with!

North Wind is a relatively young airline and has achieved significant success since entering the charter market!
Having started its operations in December 2008, with a fleet of 3 Boeing 757-200 aircraft, and with an asset of 27 aircraft today:
Boeing 757-200 - 4(VQ-BBU, VQ-BHR, VQ-BJK, VQ-BKM);
Boeing 777-200 - 2(VP-BJB, VP-BJF);
Airbus A320 - 1(VP-BJH);
The average age of the entire park is 14 years! Whatever it is for the air fleet!

The air carrier does not plan to stop there and expects the arrival of new types of aircraft in the near future!

Base airports
Flights are operated from many regions of our homeland, the base airports being Moscow-Sheremetyevo, terminal C, Krasnoyarsk-Emelyanovo, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Antalya, Bangkok!
These airports provide comprehensive aircraft maintenance, from technical maintenance to washing blankets for passengers.
In other cities, a limited range of services is provided: cleaning the aircraft cabin, loading in-flight meals and equipment for servicing passengers during the flight. And at all, it is not because of savings that blankets are not replaced or general dry cleaning of the interior is carried out, but for technical reasons and time! Just imagine, 1 hour of parking from the moment of landing to the moment of departure of the plane, what can you accomplish in this time?

Classes of service
Today, North Wind offers three classes of passenger service: Business, comfort and economy (for passengers traveling on a BOEING 777-200 aircraft. Layout 24/53/207);
On ships, Boeing 767-300 there are two classes of service: business and economy;
Boeing 757-200, Airbus A321 one class - economy;
Airbus A320, business and economy.
Read more about the benefits of buying a business and comfort class ticket on the tour operator’s website

At the moment, most aircraft have had their interiors replaced with red leather seats, which don’t look too bad. Legroom is no more and no less than other carriers! The backs of the seats facing the emergency exit do not recline! According to flight safety requirements! Just like the tables near the seats in a row, near the emergency exit, should not open when the latch is turned in the direction of the emergency exit. This requirement is controlled by the international authority SAFA!

Airbus A321 and Boeing 757-200 interior:

Airbus A320 interior:

Boeing 777-200 business class cabin:

Comfort class cabin of Boeing 777-200:

Economy class cabin of Boeing 777-200:

In-flight services

When boarding the aircraft, you will be greeted by friendly flight attendants! They will tell you the location of the desired row and seat number!

When placing, try not to linger in the aisles or create congestion. Place all your belongings on the luggage racks, or under the seats in front of you!
Change to empty seats, but wait until passengers have boarded!

Try not to rummage through your suitcases on the luggage racks when the PSUs are demonstrating emergency exits; if you are not interested, this does not mean that the passengers sitting behind you are also indifferent to this information!

From the press, the glossy magazine Pegasus is presented, you can find it in the pocket of the chair in front of you. I recently read the latest issue.

Caramel, a separate topic for discussion, it becomes funny to read where they complain about such a trifle! When flying on regular lines of the national carrier Aeroflot, do they offer you caramel? If your ears are really stuffy, take a deep breath through your mouth! And the pain will be relieved instantly! Or you can take care of yourself and buy candy or chewing gum before departure!

Do not jump out of your seats or unfasten your seat belts! Before the “Fasten your seat belts” sign goes out! What's the rush?

During the flight, a comfortable temperature is set in the cabin, +27 ... 29 "C, if it is cool, blankets are offered first of all to children! There will be something left if adults are not deprived! Tested by experience! I personally remember from childhood how I froze on the plane , we flew on the carcass 134, so since then I always take a light blouse with me and never wear open shoes, because the air supply comes from the floor and goes up.

On the flight they offer soft drinks (usually juices: tomato, orange, apple, water, and carbonated drinks). As well as cold or hot meals depending on the duration of the flight. There really isn’t always enough hot food to choose from, but personally I’m not picky, and if I don’t have meat, I won’t refuse chicken! Or just eat a snack from lunch! Most often, the choice is from 2 types of hot dishes, which are loaded 50/50%. And the quality, or rather the taste of the dish, depends on the local food shop where it was loaded! If you write reviews about the dishes offered to you, it is better to find the contacts of the restaurant where this dish was prepared.

I flew to Tenerife and Barcelona, ​​I noticed that before landing they offered additional soft drinks, which was a very pleasant surprise!

After the service, the children sitting next to them were offered children's magazines and sets. Which, by the way, really calmed down the restless kids, 4-5 years old.

Cleanliness in salons and restrooms

First of all, it depends on us! Those. Passengers!
It was very unpleasant when I took the safety instructions from the pocket of the chair and covered myself in chewing gum, and also found a toothpick there! Don’t get me wrong, do you also hide all the trash in the pillows on the sofa at home? Well, as a last resort, put it in a hygienic bag or you can throw it in the garbage disposal in the toilet.
The plane is cleaned by ground services, and it is not realistic for a team of 4-6 cleaners to clean all 300 seats and bring them to perfect, pristine condition in 30 minutes! It’s clean not where they clean, but where they don’t litter!

The toilets are not always in perfect condition, but as I observed, the flight attendants go there during the flight and try to maintain order! But this cannot be done after every passenger! Therefore, try to remember a few simple rules: all garbage in the garbage bin, as a rule, must be signed; do not try to stuff paper into all the cracks and compartments
Vacuum toilets, and it is advisable to refrain from any stool urination and that's enough! Put the paper in the trash bin too!
Well, please wipe the sink with a paper towel after using it! Consider yourself a guest!

Turbulence and warning lights Fasten your seat belts and don't smoke

When passing through turbulence zones, there may be bumpiness! Therefore, for your own safety, do not rush to the toilets, but stay in a chair with your seat belts fastened!
And regarding smoking, even a child should understand it! Look, the entire plane is covered with plastic, the slightest spark can lead to dire consequences! And electronic cigarettes are no exception!

Upon arrival at your destination airport, don’t rush, quickly run to the exit! Until ground services give the go-ahead for passengers to disembark, no one will leave the aircraft cabin! On average, 5-7 minutes after the plane stops in the parking lot, the door is opened for passengers to disembark.

My next flight AK NORTH WIND in early August, Moscow-Antalya-Moscow

Upon arrival at the airport, it turned out that the flight was delayed by 45 minutes. Which is not critical for me, I’m going on vacation with a great mood and attitude!

When boarding was announced, I greeted the flight attendants with the words “Hello,” to which I received in response a smile and the phrase “Welcome aboard.”
Aircraft Boeing 777-200, BP-BJF

I settled in, made myself comfortable, seat 27A, economy class, the cabin was neat and clean!
It turned out a little later that the backrest was in a vertical position the entire flight, as there was an emergency exit behind me.
A video system monitor is installed in the chair; the only entertainment program is a route map.

A little later we were greeted by the commander and senior flight attendant. Unfortunately I don't remember the names. I was pleased with the travel time of 2:30, and I was even glad that the non-reclining backrest on my seat would not cause me any inconvenience.

Takeoff and landing were 5+, the plane was very large and heavy!

On the flight they gave us something to drink and eat! This procedure greatly shortens the flight time, which makes me very happy! The food is not bad enough! Choose from pasta with ham or fish and rice!

The flight went smoothly!
I counted about 7 flight attendants in the cabin! Everyone is smiling and friendly! But as I understand it, they will have a return flight to Moscow! I think the fatigue of takeoff and landing still makes itself felt! And on the way back they won't be so happy

On boarding, one of the passengers became ill and lost consciousness, but the flight attendant who was nearby promptly provided medical assistance!

Don't treat guys and girls as service personnel! They are not waiters or cleaners! And we are ready to come to your aid in any situation! Therefore, be careful about their difficult work!

Overall happy with everything! The main thing is my attitude!
Remember to smile and be polite! And all good things will return to you, comrade compatriots!

When preparing the reviews, photographs were used from open sources on the Internet, the official website of the carrier and tour operator, as well as from personal archives.
Thank you for attention!

Nordwind Airlines' fleet includes three Boeing 777-200 aircraft. The tail numbers of these aircraft are: VP-BJB, VQ-BUD and VP-BJF. The planes are far from new and have flown for several airlines. These include companies from Asian countries - China and Vietnam:

  • The VP-BJB made its first flight in January 1998. Between 1998 and 2013 it was operated by China Southern Airlines.
  • The VQ-BUD aircraft made its first flight in September 1998. It was operated at different times by Aeroflot - Russian Airlines and Vietnam Airlines. Nord Wind came into use in May 2014.
  • The VP-BJF aircraft made its first flight in March 2004. Between 2004 and 2013 it was operated by China Southern Airlines.

The aircraft's cabin has a two-class layout (business and economy classes). Capacity is 393 people. This is 70 more people than the same company Transaero will intervene in (323 people in total). There are two explanations for this. Firstly, the Nord Winda plane has a very small business class - only 6 seats, the remaining 387 seats are in economy class. Secondly, the arrangement of seats in the rows of economy class played a big role. Nord-Wind has a 3-4-3 scheme (Transaero has a 3-3-3 scheme). This is a rather compact option, which is why it is necessary to use narrower seats and narrow the aisles between the rows.

Selecting the best seats on a Boeing 777-200

Diagram of the aircraft cabin, presented on the official Nord Wind website:

Let's move on to analyzing the best and worst places in this cabin layout.

Row 1. Business class aircraft. There's nothing special here. The distance from the seat to the partition is 127 cm. The seats themselves are approximately 1.5 times wider than in economy class. There are comfortable retractable footrests. There are six such places in total.

Row 5-6. First row of economy class Boeing 777-200. Good places to fly, but with some disadvantages. Let's start with the positives. Since it’s the first row, no one will lean back on you. The second point is that there are no toilets or kitchens nearby, which means it’s more peaceful here.

The disadvantages are that the distance to the partition is not very large. The knees fit without problems, but you won’t be able to fully extend your legs. Also, the presence of a partition in front of your eyes can spoil the impression of the flight a little. The seat pitch in the economy row is 74 cm.

Row 12. The diagram shows that the seats are located close to the kitchen, which means there is a little more movement here. Also, the seat backs may be limited in reclining due to the partition behind the row. Not the best seats in the cabin for a flight.

Row 20. A rather contradictory row of seats. On the one hand, there is no row in front, which means no one will lean back on you. On the other hand, there is not much space up to the partition (disadvantages of the 5th row). In addition, there are toilets and a kitchen nearby, and this causes additional inconvenience (passenger movement, bustle, slamming doors, smells, etc.).

Row 21. The most convenient places here are only seats C and H, since there are no seats in front of them and you can fully stretch your legs. The only things that spoil the picture are nearby toilets and constantly wandering passengers.

Rows 30 to 39. According to reviews from passengers, these rows of the plane are more stuffy due to the lack of an individual air conditioning system. Cool air begins to flow from the 20th row, so it does not always reach the last rows. Not the best choice for people in poor health.

Row 39. Uncomfortable places. The seat backs are limited in reclining due to the partition from the toilets and the emergency exit. But the chair will be reclined on you without any problems, which will leave even less space. There will also be increased passenger traffic throughout the flight.

Row 45. Good places to fly, but with characteristic disadvantages. An emergency exit at the front gives you extra legroom and no one will throw the back of your seat back on you. These are the advantages. The disadvantages are the close proximity of toilets. Also, seats A and K may not have armrests on the side of the aircraft.

Row 46. The chairs rest against the wall, so row 6 has disadvantages. There are also toilets nearby.

Row 53. Seats in diagram C and H. The narrowing of the aircraft fuselage begins here, so the outermost aisle seats are subject to constant contact with passing passengers and flight attendant trolleys.

Row 54-56. The outermost seats have only two seats, so they are convenient for flying in pairs.

Row 57-58. Some of the most uncomfortable places to fly. The row is characterized by all the disadvantages inherent in rows 38 and 39. Namely: there is no possibility to recline the chair, high noise and smells from the toilets, constant bustle and queues.

There are 6 Boeing 777-200ER aircraft in operation. The layout of the aircraft provides for 2 classes of service: business and economic. The total passenger capacity is 393 people.

The Boeing 777-200 is used for long-distance flights or on routes with high passenger traffic.

Now let's take a closer look at the configuration of these aircraft, which is used in the North Wind.

1 row This is the only business class row. The only thing we can say is that the distance stated by the airline to the partition from the seat is 127 centimeters.

Let's move on to economy class. The stated distance between the rows is 74 cm. Note that these aircraft use a 3-4-3 seating arrangement. This is a rather uncomfortable configuration for passengers; the cabin is, to put it mildly, “a bit cramped.”

5-6 rows, marked in yellow-green, have a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Let's start with the cons.

In front of you there will be a rigid partition separating business and economy classes. There is enough room for knees in these places, but stretching your legs forward will be problematic. Also, watching the entire flight against a wall is not very comfortable.

The advantage of these places is that no one will lean back their chair on you. On long flights and modest row spacing, this is quite important.

Rows 12-14. All seats in these rows, except 12H, 12J, 12K, may have limitations in backrest deflection. Also, the proximity of the on-board kitchen does not add convenience.

20 row- exactly the same pros and cons as in row 5. However, in front of you will not be a partition, but a wall of toilets. The proximity of the WC is always unnecessary fuss. constant walking of passengers, sounds of the tank, doors, etc.

The same goes for 21 radas, seats D, F, E, G.

Please note that places 21H and 21K could be called places of increased comfort, since there is enough free space in front of them. However, the proximity of toilets spoils the whole picture.

In addition to the above-mentioned disadvantages, we add that queues may form near you, you may get your foot stepped on or hit with your elbow.

Armchairs in rows 38 and 39 marked in red. Most likely the backrests do not recline or have a limitation in this. There are also toilets nearby.

In some models of this aircraft, there are 1-2 seats with a missing window. In this configuration, these could be seats in the middle section of the cabin, somewhere from rows 20 to 39.

In row 45 due to the location of the escape hatches, there is ample space in front for legs and knees.

46 row D,E,F,G— they run into the wall.

53C and 53H. Behind this row the narrowing of the fuselage begins. The back of your seat may be touched by passing passengers or flight attendants with trolleys.

57 and 58 The rows marked in red are the last rows on the plane. The backrests in these rows are most likely blocked. They are also located next to toilets and other technical rooms.

Places from 54 to 56 rows, in which there are 2 chairs, instead of 3, are a little more comfortable, thanks to this fact. Especially if you are flying together.

Boeing 777-200ER– a long-range wide-body aircraft, is a modification of the 777-200 with increased take-off weight and flight range.

Boeing 777-200ER (Extended Range) is capable of carrying from 314 to 440 passengers and transporting them over a distance of up to 14,310 km. The main purpose of the aircraft is transatlantic flights.

In the process of creating the liner, special attention was paid to the wishes of passengers. According to Boeing, this makes the airliner the most consumer-oriented in the world.

The 777-200ER's cabin features a Boeing Signature Interior design with larger overhead bins and indirect lighting. The width of the cabin (5.87 meters) allows you to fit up to 10 seats in a row. The size of the windows is 380×250 mm. Since the aircraft is designed for long flights, many airlines equip the cabin with multimedia entertainment systems. Overall, the Boeing 777-200ER is a modern, quiet and comfortable aircraft.

The 777-200ER made its first flight in October 1996 and entered commercial service in February 1997. The main competitor of the airliner is.

Further development of the line included: – the longest-range aircraft in the family (flight range up to 17,370 km), as well as an extended model.

Boeing 777-200ER cabin layout:

Boeing 77 airliners were developed in the 1990s. These aircraft were intended to operate long-distance flights. The 777-200 is notable because all of its development was done without paper. That is, no drawings were made. Preference was given to computer graphics.

The airliner began carrying out passenger transportation in 1995. During the production of these aircraft, variants were developed and built. These are the 777-200ER, which has an extended flight range, the 777-200 LR, capable of operating on ultra-long-range routes, and the 777-200 Frighter, a cargo version. Should also be called Boeing 777-30. This modification differs from the basic one (777) in that it has an extended fuselage.

The aircraft, depending on the cabin layout, can carry from 305 to 550 passengers. Its various variants are capable of operating on lines with a range of 9,100 to 17,500 kilometers. It was on the Boeing 777 that the flight distance record for passenger airliners was set. This is 21601 kilometers.

Salon and best places

Quite often, the interior layout is represented by three classes. These are business class, comfort and economy class. In this case, the liner can carry 402 passengers.

The seating arrangement is 3+4+3. In the tail section, where the fuselage narrows, the scheme is 2+4+2. Business class has 30 seats, while economy class has the largest number of seats.

The kitchen and toilets are located in the bow and tail of the aircraft. In addition, they are in the middle of the cabin, its beginning and its end.

Of course, the most comfortable seats are in business class and comfort class. However, the majority of passengers travel in economy class. There is less comfort here. The vast majority of seats have a standard level of comfort, but there are better and worse seats.

The first row in this class is row 17. The seats here are the most comfortable, since there is an emergency hatch in front, which means there is a lot of free space and you can stretch your legs.

In the next, 18-lm row, seats C and H are the most comfortable. It’s a long way from the utility rooms; there are no chairs in front. That is, there is plenty of legroom.

Rows 24, 38 and 39. The seats located in the middle part literally border the kitchen or toilets. The downside is moving passengers. Plus - there are no neighbors and a lot of space in front.

The seats in rows 12, 13, 14 (with the exception of the last 3 seats in the 12th row) have seat backs that recline at a slight angle. The reason is that they are located in close proximity to the kitchen. The same drawback is in the seats of the 39th and 39th rows. But it's not about the kitchen here. There are bathrooms nearby. Another drawback is that there are passengers moving around in the aisles almost all the time.

The part of the cabin close to the rear also has the best seats. They are located, among other things, in row 45. It is located immediately behind the escape hatch. Here passengers have plenty of legroom.

Those sitting in row 46 seats experience inconvenience. The reason is that there are toilets nearby.

There are amenities in rows 54, 55 and 56. Here, due to the narrowing of the cabin, the seats are only available in pairs.

The next, 57th row, as well as the 58th, have disadvantages. To the rear are utility rooms and toilets. Due to the presence of a wall behind the chairs, their backs do not recline.

Some clarifications regarding the seats located in front of the emergency hatches. Although they are recognized as the most convenient, there are restrictions for certain categories of passengers. Pregnant women, children, passengers with children or animals are not allowed here. It is prohibited to provide seats here to elderly passengers and foreigners who do not speak Russian or English well. Preference is given to men who inspire confidence. In case of an emergency, such passengers will help the flight attendant open the hatch and help evacuate people.


The Boeing 777-200, which quickly gained popularity, is the largest aircraft with two engines. These engines are the most powerful and largest used in aviation.

A special feature of the aircraft, among other things, is the composite materials present in its design. Their total weight is nine percent of the aircraft's weight.

The airliner also has the largest and most powerful landing gear. Its tires are also the largest and strongest. In particular, one tire can withstand a 27-ton load.

The cruising speed of this aircraft is 905 kilometers per hour, the maximum is 945. The airliner is capable of rising to a height of 13,100 meters.

Taxi cost calculation to the airport