Brazil - presentation of the country. Presentation on the topic "Attractions of Brazil" Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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Statue of Christ the Redeemer. Statue of Christ the Redeemer- Famous statue, staged at Corcovado in the city of Rio de Janeiro. It was built in 1931. The monument was built from reinforced concrete material and soapstone. It is considered a symbol of the city and the whole country. The height of the statue is 30 m, the pedestal is 8 m, and the arm span is thirty meters. Inside there is the Church of the Holy Trinity, designed for 150 people. A narrow gauge railway leads to the monument. Railway length 3.7 km

Sugarloaf Sugarloaf is a mysterious exotic place in Rio. A 396 m high mountain overlooking Guanabara Bay, the second most important after Corcovado Observation deck Rio. From the top there is a stunning view of the seascapes, the panorama of the city at night and the famous statue of Christ.

Dunes of Lençois Maranhes This place is real a piece of paradise and is recognized by many as one of most beautiful places throughout Brazil. It represents the sea sand dunes occupies 70 km coastline and going 50 km deep. The dunes of Lençúa Maranhão consist of countless ponds with blue and green water, which during the rainy season creates a wonderful contrast with the white sand of the dunes, which reach a height of up to 40 meters. The entire territory of this unique place belongs to the Lençois Maranhão National Park. It was founded in 1981 with the goal of conserving 155 thousand hectares of this special ecosystem. The park has 2 oases along the banks with mangrove trees. Here you can see crabs and sea turtles, as well as various migratory birds.

Iguazu Falls Iguazu Falls – huge complex waterfalls, located at the junction of the states of Brazil and Argentina, at the intersection of the Parana and Iguazu rivers. They are located on the territory of bordering national parks of the same name. The crescent-shaped complex consists of many waterfalls, the number of which, depending on the time of year and water pressure, can reach 275. The waterfalls were formed after a strong volcanic eruption, as a result of which a large crevice was formed in the ground. The age of basaltic deposits, formed as a result of lava solidification, is about million years.

Maracana The Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro is not only one of the largest sports facilities in the country, but also a real landmark of the city. The facility was built more than 60 years ago for the World Cup in Brazil, but even today it amazes the imagination. “Maracana” was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most capacious stadium for spectators. total area stadium and surrounding area exceeds square meters. The field is separated from the stands by a small moat filled with water.

Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a Catholic cathedral in the city of Brasilia. The cathedral is a striking masterpiece of modern architectural creativity and construction skills. The cathedral was built according to the design of Oscar Niemeyer, one of the most outstanding architects of the 20th century. Oscar Niemeyer, who was the chief architect of the city itself, preferred to use reinforced concrete, metal and glass in his work.

Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary The shape of the cathedral does not at all resemble a building for religious purposes. The entire cathedral project is designed in Art Nouveau style. Most of The building is located underground, and on the surface only a dome is visible, assembled from 16 columns, in the form of hyperbolas, symbolizing hands raised to the sky. The Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary is popularly called the Cathedral of the Crown of Thorns because of its resemblance to a divine artifact. All the free space between the columns is covered with skillfully made stained glass windows, painted in bright blue tones, which is why the entire space of the temple is filled with a cool blue light. Through the dome of the cathedral you can see the blue sky, against which stand out large figures of angels, installed at a height of 31 meters, which seem to be floating in the air.

Bonito Bonito is a uniquely beautiful place located in Brazil. The waters of the area are famous for their crystal clear waters clean water, bright colorful inhabitants, green vegetation. The depth of the natural lakes varies, making the Bonito area ideal for diving of a wide range of difficulty levels. One of the deepest flooded caves is located here. To get to it, you need to descend 100 meters, then a transparent lake will appear before your eyes, going 90 meters down.

The snake island of Queimada Grande is an island in the Atlantic Ocean, 35 km off the coast of the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo. Except official name it is also called Snake. And this is the true truth. There are no people or animals on this island - only snakes live there, or rather one of the most poisonous snakes in the world - the island bothrops. Snakes feed exclusively on birds. Despite the very small size of the island (about 5 sq. km.), there are so many snakes there that there are several specimens for every square meter.

Moon Valley The alien landscape is located in the mountainous part of Brazil and is part of a national park. The ancient plateau on which the valley is located was formed more than 1.8 billion years ago and is the oldest natural ensemble of the purest quartz in the world. All this time, the quartz rocks were eroded by the San Miguel River, so they are intricately eroded and perfectly polished. The rocks are dotted with numerous craters, which adds to this amazing place even more extraterrestrial perception. And between the highest of the craters you can discern the fossilized remains of animals and plants.

Cathedral of St. Sebastian Original Cathedral San Sebastian in the center of Rio de Janeiro is dedicated to the patron saint of the city, Saint Sebastian. The cone-shaped building with a diameter of 106 m and a height of 96 m has an entrance door 18 m wide and can accommodate a person

Cathedral of St. Sebastian From the inside, the dark vaults of the cone are broken by four stained glass windows rising from the floor to the ceiling, forming a cross that illuminates the temple with multi-colored rays throughout the day with varying intensities. Huge rainbow windows create a mystical atmosphere, and the conical structure of the cathedral provides excellent acoustic properties, leaving visitors in awe as the priests sing their heavenly music.

Monastery of St. Benedict The Monastery of St. Benedict is the oldest building and the main attraction of Sao Paulo, which has become its symbol. For its 400- summer story The monastery underwent many transformations, but always had a great influence on the life of the city. São Bento is an active monastery where services are held every Sunday at 10 a.m. and are open to visitors. Masses are accompanied by a church organ with 6,000 pipes, which dates back to 1954.

Museum of Contemporary Art in Niteroi The famous architectural creation in the modernist style rises on sheer cliff by the seashore. Unusual building was built in 1996 according to the design of the famous Latin American architect Oscar Niemeyer. The architect himself explained the idea of ​​​​creating a building in the form of a bowl: “Once upon a time, a flying saucer flying over the city admired the beauty of these places and decided to stay here forever. By landing on this spot, she laid the foundation for the Museum of Modern Art.”

Fort Mont Serrat Fort Mont Serrat in the city of Salvador represents the best example of colonial military architecture in Brazil. The fortress, which became a symbol of victory over the Dutch invasion, has been converted into a museum of military and civilian weapons. Fort Mont Serrat was founded in 1586 during the reign of Barreto. The design of the fortress was modeled after the Italian style of fortification. The structure, shaped like an irregular polygon, protected the entire port of Salvador, despite the fact that it was armed with only 3 cannons and a garrison of 16 people.

Church of San Francisco da Penitencia Behind the modest façade of the elegant church in the center Rio de Janeiro hides a real masterpiece of the golden hands of Brazilian masters. San Francisco da Penitencia contains more gold than any other church in the New World. The Church of San Francisco da Penitencia (Repentance of St. Francis) was built intermittently for almost a hundred years, until 1733.

Rio Niteroi Bridge The Rio Niteroi Bridge is one of the most grandiose places in Brazil. The bridge is one of the largest and longest urban bridges in the whole world. It connects the two cities and reaches meters. It was built in the early 70s under military conditions. This bridge is one of the most beautiful architectural structures contemporary art.

Confluence of rivers “Meeting of waters” Confluence of waters - unique a natural phenomenon. This is where the black waters of the Rio Negro meet the yellow waters of the Solimões River. And it is after this place that on all maps the river is called the Amazon. The color of the water is quite simple to explain: Solimões on its way washes away quite a lot of yellow soil, which gives it color, and the Rio Negro flows through more rocky terrain and washes away mainly black rocks, which color it.

Arch of Lapa Arch of Lapa is a stone aqueduct in Rio de Janeiro, built in the mid-18th century to provide the city's population with clean water from the Carioca River. The two-story arch reaches a length of 270 meters and a height of almost 18 meters. Colonial artist Leandro Joaquim worked on the arch.

Municipal Theater of São Paulo The building of the Municipal Theater in São Paulo is modeled after the famous Opera in Paris. The beautiful and majestic building, erected in 1911, houses two full orchestras and a large number of dance and musical ensembles. The interior decoration of the building amazes with its richness and is considered the main architectural feature Municipal Theater

Amazonia Stadium Amazonia Stadium is a football stadium in Manaus, Brazil. The stadium will host matches of the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Construction of the stadium began on July 12, 2010. The construction budget was initially estimated at 550 million Brazilian reals, but then the government of the state of Amazonas subsidized another 54 million.

Aroe-Yari Cave Aroe-Yari Cave is a large grotto located on the territory National Park Chapada dos Guimaraes, inside which there is a lake with crystal clear water. The cave is composed of sandstone and limestone rocks, is meters long and is the largest cave in Brazil. A large number of petroglyphs are carved on the walls of the cave. At the very end of the cave, underground springs form a lake. The water there is clean and clear, often local residents They call it the “blue lagoon”. However, swimming in it is prohibited due to the presence of harmful chemicals in the water.

Hercilio Luz Suspension Bridge The Hercilio Luz Suspension Bridge is a bridge in southern Brazil linking the island of Santa Catarina with the mainland. The bridge begins in the city of Florianopolis, the capital of the island, and is the longest suspension bridge in Brazil, and is also included in the list of the hundred largest suspension bridges peace. The total length of the bridge is almost 820 meters, the length of the central span is meters. The weight of the steel structure is almost 5 thousand tons.

Church of Santo Antonio The Church of Santo Antonio is one of the most luxurious temples in Brazil. It attracts tourists with its golden decoration. It is painted in the Rococo style. Inside the church, visitors will be able to see carved altars decorated with gold. The temple choirs are decorated with unusual garlands made of golden flowers.

National Park Jau National Park Jau is located in the state of Amazonia. This is one of the largest parks in Brazil. Jau was founded in 1980 and was listed in 2000 World Heritage UNESCO. Jau is famous for its diversity of flora. There are up to 180 per hectare of forest various types plants. The park is also home to a large number of animals, including sloths, anteaters, manatees, opossums, armadillos, crocodiles and black caimans.

Copacabana Beach Copacabana Beach is one of the most famous beaches not only in Rio de Janeiro, but also in the rest of the world. It is about 5 kilometers long and wide enough to accommodate tennis courts and football fields. Copacabana is called a real year-round holiday. Regardless of the season, weather or time of day, the beach is constantly bustling with life. Night life on the beach is no less intense than in the daytime, under the scorching sun. It is at night that one of the main holidays of the year is held here - New Year's Eve. Copacabana Beach is one of the most famous beaches not only in Rio de Janeiro, but also in the rest of the world. It is about 5 kilometers long and wide enough to accommodate tennis courts and football fields. Copacabana is called a real year-round holiday. Regardless of the season, weather or time of day, the beach is constantly bustling with life. Nightlife on the beach is no less intense than during the day, under the scorching sun. It is at night that one of the main holidays of the year is held here - New Year's Eve.

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Statue of Christ the Redeemer. Christ the Redeemer Statue - A famous statue placed on Corcovado in the city of Rio de Janeiro. It was built in 1931. The monument was built from reinforced concrete material and soapstone. It is considered a symbol of the city and the whole country. The height of the statue is 30 m, the pedestal is 8 m, and the arm span is thirty meters. Inside there is the Church of the Holy Trinity, designed for 150 people. A 3.7 km long narrow gauge railway leads to the monument.

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Sugarloaf Sugarloaf is a mysterious exotic place in Rio. A 396 m high mountain overlooking Guanabara Bay, the second most important observation deck in Rio after Corcovado. From the top there is a stunning view of the seascapes, the panorama of the city at night and the famous statue of Christ.

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Dunes of Lençois Maranhes This place is a real piece of paradise and is considered by many to be one of the most beautiful places in all of Brazil. It is a sea of ​​sand dunes, occupying 70 km of coastline and going 50 km inland. The dunes of Lençúa Maranhão consist of countless ponds with blue and green water, which during the rainy season creates a wonderful contrast with the white sand of the dunes, which reach a height of up to 40 meters. The entire territory of this unique place belongs to the Lençúa Maranhão National Park. It was founded in 1981 with the goal of conserving 155 thousand hectares of this special ecosystem. The park has 2 oases along the banks with mangrove trees. Here you can see crabs and sea turtles, as well as various migratory birds.

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Iguazu Falls Iguazu Falls is a huge complex of waterfalls located at the junction of the states of Brazil and Argentina, at the intersection of the Parana and Iguazu rivers. They are located on the territory of bordering national parks of the same name. The crescent-shaped complex consists of many waterfalls, the number of which, depending on the time of year and water pressure, can reach 275. The waterfalls were formed after a strong volcanic eruption, as a result of which a large crevice was formed in the ground. The age of basaltic deposits, formed as a result of lava solidification, is about 130-140 million years.

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Pantanal The Pantanal is the largest seasonal wetland in the world, located in western Brazil. The Pantanal is home to 670 species of birds, 242 species of fish, 110 species of mammals, including jaguars and swamp deer, as well as about 50 species of reptiles.

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Maracana The Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro is not only one of the largest sports facilities in the country, but also a real landmark of the city. The facility was built more than 60 years ago for the World Cup in Brazil, but even today it amazes the imagination. “Maracana” was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most spacious stadium - 180,000 spectators. The total area of ​​the stadium and surrounding area exceeds 195,000 square meters. The field is separated from the stands by a small moat filled with water.

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Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a Catholic cathedral in the city of Brasilia. The cathedral is a striking masterpiece of modern architectural creativity and construction skills. The cathedral was built according to the design of Oscar Niemeyer, one of the most outstanding architects of the 20th century. Oscar Niemeyer, who was the chief architect of the city itself, preferred to use reinforced concrete, metal and glass in his work.

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Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary The shape of the cathedral does not at all resemble a building for religious purposes. The entire cathedral project is designed in Art Nouveau style. Most of the building is underground, and on the surface only a dome is visible, assembled from 16 columns in the form of hyperbolas, symbolizing hands raised to the sky. The Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary is popularly called the Cathedral of the Crown of Thorns because of its resemblance to a divine artifact. All the free space between the columns is covered with skillfully made stained glass windows, painted in bright blue tones, which is why the entire space of the temple is filled with a cool blue light. Through the dome of the cathedral you can see the blue sky, against which stand out large figures of angels, installed at a height of 31 meters, which seem to be floating in the air.

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Bonito Bonito is a uniquely beautiful place located in Brazil. The area's reservoirs are famous for their crystal clear water, bright colorful inhabitants, and green vegetation. The depth of the natural lakes varies, making the Bonito area ideal for diving of a wide range of difficulty levels. One of the deepest flooded caves is located here. To get to it, you need to descend 100 meters, then a transparent lake will appear before your eyes, going 90 meters down.

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The snake island of Queimada Grande is an island in the Atlantic Ocean, 35 km off the coast of the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo. In addition to the official name, it is also called Snake. And this is the true truth. There are no people or animals on this island - only snakes live there, or rather one of the most poisonous snakes in the world - the island bothrops. Snakes feed exclusively on birds. Despite the very small size of the island (about 5 sq. km.), there are so many snakes there that there are several specimens for every square meter.

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Moon Valley The alien landscape is located in the mountainous part of Brazil and is part of a national park. The ancient plateau on which the valley is located was formed more than 1.8 billion years ago and is the oldest natural ensemble of the purest quartz in the world. All this time, the quartz rocks were eroded by the San Miguel River, so they are intricately eroded and perfectly polished. The rocks are dotted with numerous craters, which adds an even more extraterrestrial feel to this amazing place. And between the highest of the craters you can discern the fossilized remains of animals and plants.

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Cathedral of Saint Sebastian The original Cathedral of San Sebastian in the center of Rio de Janeiro is dedicated to the patron saint of the city, Saint Sebastian. The cone-shaped building with a diameter of 106 m and a height of 96 m has an entrance door 18 m wide and can accommodate 20,000 people.

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Cathedral of St. Sebastian From the inside, the dark vaults of the cone are broken by four stained glass windows rising from the floor to the ceiling, forming a cross that illuminates the temple with multi-colored rays throughout the day with varying intensities. Huge rainbow windows create a mystical atmosphere, and the conical structure of the cathedral provides excellent acoustic properties, leaving visitors in awe as the priests sing their heavenly music.

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Monastery of St. Benedict The Monastery of St. Benedict is the oldest building and the main attraction of Sao Paulo, which has become its symbol. Over its 400-year history, the monastery has undergone many transformations, but has always had a great influence on the life of the city. São Bento is an active monastery where services are held every Sunday at 10 a.m. and are open to visitors. Masses are accompanied by a church organ with 6,000 pipes, which dates back to 1954.

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Museum of Contemporary Art in Niteroi The famous architectural creation in the modernist style rises on a steep cliff near the seashore. The unusual building was built in 1996 according to the design of the famous Latin American architect Oscar Niemeyer. The architect himself explained the idea of ​​​​creating a building in the form of a bowl: “Once upon a time, a flying saucer flying over the city admired the beauty of these places and decided to stay here forever. By landing on this spot, she laid the foundation for the Museum of Modern Art.”

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Fort Mont Serrat Fort Mont Serrat in the city of Salvador represents the best example of colonial military architecture in Brazil. The fortress, which became a symbol of victory over the Dutch invasion, has been converted into a museum of military and civilian weapons. Fort Mont Serrat was founded in 1586 during the reign of Barreto. The design of the fortress was modeled after the Italian style of fortifications. The structure, shaped like an irregular polygon, protected the entire port of Salvador, despite the fact that it was armed with only 3 cannons and a garrison of 16 people.

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Church of São Francisco da Penitencia Behind the modest facade of an elegant church in the center of Rio de Janeiro lies a real masterpiece of the golden hands of Brazilian masters. San Francisco da Penitencia contains more gold than any other church in the New World. The Church of San Francisco da Penitencia (Repentance of St. Francis) was built intermittently for almost a hundred years, until 1733.

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Rio Niteroi Bridge The Rio Niteroi Bridge is one of the most grandiose places in Brazil. The bridge is one of the largest and longest urban bridges in the whole world. It connects two cities and reaches 13,290 meters. It was built in the early 70s under military conditions. This bridge is one of the beautiful architectural structures of modern art.

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Confluence of rivers “Meeting of waters” Confluence of waters is a unique natural phenomenon. This is where the black waters of the Rio Negro meet the yellow waters of the Solimões River. And it is after this place that on all maps the river is called the Amazon. The color of the water is quite simple to explain: Solimões on its way washes away quite a lot of yellow soil, which gives it color, and the Rio Negro flows through more rocky terrain and washes away mainly black rocks, which color it.

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Arch of Lapa Arch of Lapa is a stone aqueduct in Rio de Janeiro, built in the mid-18th century to provide the city's population with clean water from the Carioca River. The two-story arch reaches a length of 270 meters and a height of almost 18 meters. Colonial artist Leandro Joaquim worked on the arch.

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Municipal Theater of São Paulo The building of the Municipal Theater in São Paulo is modeled after the famous Opera in Paris. The beautiful and majestic building, erected in 1911, houses two full orchestras and a large number of dance and musical ensembles. The interior decoration of the building is striking in its richness and is considered the main architectural feature of the Municipal Theater

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Amazonia Stadium Amazonia Stadium is a football stadium in Manaus, Brazil. The stadium will host matches of the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Construction of the stadium began on July 12, 2010. The construction budget was initially estimated at 550 million Brazilian reals, but then the government of the state of Amazonas subsidized another 54 million.

The Federative Republic of Brazil is the largest state in terms of population and area in South America and the only Portuguese-speaking state in the Americas. Brazil occupies the central eastern part mainland South America. From the west its borders approach the Andes, and in the east they are washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The country borders all mainland countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela, with the exception of Chile and Ecuador. Total length land borders 16 thousand km, coastline about 7.5 thousand km.

Photo 8540. One of the first maps of Brazil

The new land was discovered in 1500 by the Portuguese navigator Pedro Alvares Cabral and was a Portuguese colony until 1815. Since 1889 it has become a republic with presidential rule. The present Brazil, according to the Constitution, is a union of the Federal District, 26 states and 5564 municipalities. The capital of the country has been the city of Brasilia since 1960. Previously, the capital was the city of Rio de Janeiro and until the end of the 18th century the city of Salvador.

Photo 8561. National flag of Brazil

The national colors of Brazil, according to historical legend, come from the color of the clothes of the Braganza dynasty - green, to which the first Emperor of Brazil Pedro I belonged, and gold - from the black and gold dynastic colors of the Habsburgs, from which his wife, Empress Maria, came. In the year of Brazil's independence from Portugal, in 1822, it was Don Pedro 1 who changed the colors of his cockade from blue and white to green and yellow, which symbolized spring, prosperity, endless forest wealth and the country's golden wealth. This same basic combination of colors was later presented on the modern flag of the country. Each star on the blue background of the flag symbolizes the state of Brazil, there are 26 of them in total, and one is dedicated to Federal District where the capital is located. On the white line is written the motto “Order and Progress” - what this country strives for.

Photo 8542. States of Brazil

In 1922, in honor of the 100th anniversary of independence from Portugal, in Rio de Janeiro on Mount Corcovado, Catholics built a statue of Christ the Redeemer, which became a symbol of the country, and since 2007 has been proclaimed one of the Seven New Wonders of the World. This is the most visited tourist place in Brazil.

Photo 8566. Statue of Christ the Redeemer on Mount Corcovado in Rio de Janeiro

The biggest locality Not only Brazil, but throughout South America is the city of Sao Paulo. More than 20 million people live and work in this metropolis. The state of the same name is the industrial center of the entire country. About 100 kilometers from Sao Paulo to Atlantic Ocean the city of Santos has the largest sea ​​port countries.

Photo 8569. Panorama of the big city in Brazil - Sao Paulo


Brazil's territory is 8.5 million square kilometers, which is not much less territory throughout Europe and slightly less area The USA is half the size of Russia, 3 times larger than Kazakhstan and 14 times larger than Ukraine. Brazil ranks 5th in the world in terms of its territory and occupies 5.7% of the planet's total land area and 0.65% of the water surface. The length of the country from north to south and from west to east is 4.3 thousand km.

Photo 8539. Brazil map


The northern part of the country is a vast valley of the Amazon region with one of largest rivers in the world - Amazon. The middle part of the country is covered with hilly plains with elevation changes from 150 meters to 1.2 kilometers. Almost the entire remaining territory of the country is occupied by the Brazilian Plateau, which rises to the south and northeast and drops steeply to the narrow edge of the coastal Atlantic lowland with the most high place 2890 m on Mount Bandeira. In the west, the accumulative lowland of the upper reaches of the Paraguay River - the Pantanal - enters the territory of Brazil.


Brazil has a hot climate. The average monthly temperature ranges from 16 to 29°C. Only on the high eastern massifs average temperature July from 12 to 14°C and even frosts are possible. Precipitation patterns and climate types in Brazil are different. The Amazon has an equatorial, humid climate with high annual rainfall. In the east of the Amazon it is subequatorial with a dry period of up to 3-4 months. The center of the country is dominated by a subequatorial humid climate with large temperature fluctuations. The climate is humid tropical in the south and subtropical in the higher eastern regions.

Photo 8562. The endless forests of the Amazon


The country's national currency is the Brazilian real. Brazil has the ninth largest economy by nominal GDP in the world - in this ranking the United States is in first place, Russia is in 12th place, Ukraine is in 60th place and Kazakhstan is in 55th place. Brazil ranks seventh in terms of GDP calculated using purchasing power parity. Economic reforms brought the country international recognition. Brazil consists of such international organizations, like the UN, G20, WTO, Mercosul and the Union of South American Nations, and is also one of the BRICS countries.

Photo 8564. BRICS

Average inflation in the country over the past 12 months was about 4.5%.

About 50 types of mineral raw materials are mined in Brazil, including: iron and manganese ores, non-ferrous metal ores, bauxite and potassium salts. Here the largest quantity of precious and semi-precious stones in the world is extracted from the earth. The pride of the country is Imperial topaz, which is not mined by any country on the planet. Gold, oil and natural gas are being mined.

Photo 8563. Civil aircraft of the Brazilian company Embraer

Brazil today is one of the leaders in the global market for passenger regional aircraft. The aircraft manufacturing company Embraer claims to be the third largest aircraft manufacturer after Airbus and Boeing.

Photo 8576. Brazilian car brand Troller (Troller)

Since 1995, Brazil has been producing its own brand of SUV, Troller T4. In 2008, a record 10 thousand cars were sold.

National bicycle brand Caloi with the launch of the first model in 1948.

Photo 8548. Sugar cane plantation

Brazil is the largest producer of sugar in the world, as well as the largest grower of coffee, oranges and one of the largest suppliers of cocoa. Since the first half of the 19th century, Brazil has ranked first in the world in coffee production. Over the past 12 months, more than 3 million tons of green Arabica beans have been sold.

Photo 8557. Brazilian coffee - Arabica

The country is also the largest exporter of soybeans. A significant part (more than 90%) of Brazilian soybeans is genetically modified. The most important buyers of Brazilian soybeans are the USA, China and Indonesia. Brazil is one of the ten largest wheat exporters.

Brazil is the 20th largest exporter in the world. The country receives the largest profit from the sale of minerals and minerals (17.3%). Next comes crude oil and fuels produced from it (12.1%), then soybeans (9.4%), chemical products (6.3%), meat (6%), coffee (3.4%), sugar and others. The main buyer of Brazilian exports are Asian countries (30%) and the most important of them is China, the countries of America (22%) and its largest buyers are the USA and Argentina, followed by Europe (21%).

Photo 8577. Cachaça is Brazil's national spirit.

The national spirit of Brazil is cachaça, produced from fermented pure sugar cane juice by distillation.


In terms of energy consumption, Brazil ranks tenth in the world and first in Latin America. The main feature of the Brazilian energy sector is that the majority of the country's energy is produced from renewable sources. The country is the largest producer of ethanol, a fuel made from sugar cane. Because of this, Brazil is sometimes called a bioenergy superpower. The main non-renewable energy sources are oil and natural gas.

Photo 8549. Itaipu hydroelectric station - the largest in the world until 2012

Due to the rise in world oil prices, already at the beginning of 2004, the production and export of ethanol made from sugar cane became economically justified. In fiscal year 2005, the country produced 16.6 billion liters of ethanol, which is a historical maximum, and its relative share in Brazil's fuel balance increased to 20%.

Photo 8559. Angra Nuclear Power Plant, located near the city of Angra dos Reis in the state of Rio de Janeiro

Brazil generates 90% of its electricity from hydroelectric power plants. Hydro resources are unevenly distributed - more than 70% of them are concentrated in the north of the country and only 12% in the southeast. Brazil can produce up to 600 billion kWh of electricity per year. 4% of the energy is obtained from peaceful nuclear energy at the country’s only nuclear power plant, Angre, with two reactors.


Brazil is dominated by forests on red clay soil. Brazil ranks first in the world in terms of hardwood reserves. In the middle part there are savannas with low shrub vegetation and open forests. In the uniformly humid south, evergreen deciduous and mixed forests of coniferous Brazilian Araucaria with evergreen deciduous undergrowth appear. The Pantanal has a significant area of ​​swamps.

Photo 8547. Fernando de Noronha Island

The high faunal diversity found in Brazil can be explained by the considerable size of the country, as well as the large variation in its ecosystem types. Brazil has the largest number of primate species of any country (about 77 species), the largest number of freshwater fish species (more than 3,000 species). It ranks second in the number of amphibian species, third in the number of bird species, and fifth in the number of reptile species. Many of the species are threatened, especially those that live in ecosystems that are now largely destroyed, such as the Atlantic Forest.

Photo 8567. Jaguar


Brazil ranks fifth in the world in terms of population, which is almost 210 million people, which is 1.5 times less than in the United States and almost 1.5 times more than in Russia. The average age of a Brazilian is 33 years (the age of Christ). The average life expectancy of people in Brazil is approaching 73 years, which is higher than the world average (71 years). There are not many more women (50.8%) than men (49.2%) in the country. Approximately 364 children are born per hour in Brazil, which is 1.7 times more than in Russia (212 per hour) and 1.2 times less than in the United States. On average, about 146 people die per hour, which is 1.5 times less than in Russia (232) and 2 times less than in the USA. The country is inhabited by ethnic mixtures of Europeans and Asians (76%), Africans (15%) and Indians (9%). The majority of people, 54%, are white, purds and mulattoes make up 39%, and about 6% of the population are black.

Photo 8543. People of Brazil

Brazil was the last country in the Americas to abolish slavery in 1888 and became a presidential republic a year later (1889). In a hidden form, slavery and forced labor persist in Brazil to this day.

Brazil today ranks first in the world in terms of the number of uncontacted people - those who live without contact with modern civilization. These include Indian tribes living wild in the Amazon jungle.

The average salary in the country is about 2,000 reais (approximately 650 US dollars or 35,000 rubles). 66% of the population receives an average of 1,000 reais per month (approximately 325 US dollars or 17,500 rubles). 10% of Brazil's population now lives below the poverty line, down 65% from 8 years ago. Social inequality in the country has thus reached its lowest level in the last 50 years.

Photo 8568. Brazilian currency - Real

Unemployment in the country hovers around 10%. 8% of the population cannot read or write - that's almost 17 million people.


Portugal, the former metropolis, Africa, a source of slaves, and the local indigenous people, the Indians, had a significant influence on the culture of the country. The main cultural heritage of Portugal left in Brazil is the Portuguese language - one of the richest and most beautiful languages ​​in the world, in which masterpieces of Brazilian literature are written. The official and practically the only spoken language of the country is Portuguese.

Second cultural heritage Western - the Catholic religion and associated calendar holidays and cultural traditions, such as Christmas and Easter. By religion, the majority of Brazilians (64%) are Catholic, making Brazil the country with the largest Catholic population in the world. The number of Catholics in the country is approaching the population of Russia.


Sports are given great importance in Brazil. The national sport is football. The era of Brazilian football begins in the mid-20th century with the emergence of the first professional teams. Such stars as Garrincha, Pele, Romario, then Ronaldo, Kaka, Ronaldinho, Roberto Carlos and others appeared on the world horizon. Brazil has participated in the FIFA World Cup 20 times - 100% presence. The Brazilian national football team has won the FIFA World Cup a record five times.

Photo 8571. Football players Pele and Neymar

Brazil has hosted the FIFA World Cup twice in history, in 1950 and 2014. Thanks to the love of football, sports such as beach soccer, mini-football, foot-volley and foot-golf appear and spread in Brazil.

Photo 8572. Brazilian Formula 1 driver Ayrton Senna in his car

A new martial art is rapidly gaining popularity in the world - Brazilian jiu-jitsu, born at the beginning of the 20th century from a mixture of martial arts, boxing, freestyle wrestling and street fighting in the Brazilian favelas. Kicks, head blows, choking and painful techniques are allowed here. The official Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu League was created in Rio de Janeiro in 1990. In 1996, a team for fighting without rules “vale-tudo” was created under the League.

Photo 8573. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Capoeira is the national martial art of Brazil, whose history goes back more than three centuries. Capoeira arose as self-defense of dark-skinned slaves from their overseers. Since slaves' hands were often shackled, most strikes in capoeira are performed with the feet. Many strokes are done using one or two hands to free up the legs as much as possible. Capoeirist competitions (roda de capoeira) are held to the accompaniment of rhythmic music and singing. Capoeira is now very popular all over the world, in almost every European country, Canada and the USA have their own capoeira association.

Photo 8574. Capoeira

In 2016, the XXXI Summer Olympic Games were held in Rio de Janeiro, where Brazilians won 7 gold, 6 silver and 6 bronze medals. These were the most budget-friendly games in the entire history of their holding, which did not spoil their brightness and quality.

Photo 8575. Brazilian Olympic champions 2016

Sitdikova Tatyana

This presentation contains detailed information about the sights of Brazil, with descriptions and photographs of the objects.



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Sights of Brazil Prepared by: Tatyana Sitdikova, 11th grade student of the MBOU Secondary School of the Kenai rural settlement Checked by: geography teacher Chernykh E.V.

Statue of Christ the Redeemer. Christ the Redeemer Statue - A famous statue placed on Corcovado in the city of Rio de Janeiro. It was built in 1931. The monument was built from reinforced concrete material and soapstone. It is considered a symbol of the city and the whole country. The height of the statue is 30 m, the pedestal is 8 m, and the arm span is thirty meters. Inside there is the Church of the Holy Trinity, designed for 150 people. A 3.7 km long narrow gauge railway leads to the monument.

Iguazu Falls Iguazu Falls is a huge complex of waterfalls located at the junction of the states of Brazil and Argentina, at the intersection of the Parana and Iguazu rivers. They are located on the territory of bordering national parks of the same name. The crescent-shaped complex consists of many waterfalls, the number of which, depending on the time of year and water pressure, can reach 275.

Pantanal The Pantanal is the largest seasonal wetland in the world, located in western Brazil. The Pantanal is home to 670 species of birds, 242 species of fish, 110 species of mammals, including jaguars and swamp deer, as well as about 50 species of reptiles.

Maracana The Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro is not only one of the largest sports facilities in the country, but also a real landmark of the city. The facility was built more than 60 years ago for the World Cup in Brazil, but even today it amazes the imagination. "Maracana" was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most capacious stadium - 180,000 spectators. The total area of ​​the stadium and surrounding area exceeds 195,000 square meters. The field is separated from the stands by a small moat filled with water.

Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary The shape of the cathedral does not at all resemble a building for religious purposes. The entire cathedral project is designed in Art Nouveau style. Most of the building is underground, and on the surface only a dome is visible, assembled from 16 columns in the form of hyperbolas, symbolizing hands raised to the sky. The Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary is popularly called the Cathedral of the Crown of Thorns because of its resemblance to a divine artifact. All the free space between the columns is covered with skillfully made stained glass windows, painted in bright blue tones, which is why the entire space of the temple is filled with a cool blue light. Through the dome of the cathedral you can see the blue sky, against which stand out large figures of angels, installed at a height of 31 meters, which seem to be floating in the air.

Cathedral of Saint Sebastian The original Cathedral of San Sebastian in the center of Rio de Janeiro is dedicated to the patron saint of the city, Saint Sebastian. The cone-shaped building with a diameter of 106 m and a height of 96 m has an entrance door 18 m wide and can accommodate 20,000 people.

Monastery of St. Benedict The Monastery of St. Benedict is the oldest building and the main attraction of Sao Paulo, which has become its symbol. Over its 400-year history, the monastery has undergone many transformations, but has always had a great influence on the life of the city. São Bento is an active monastery where services are held every Sunday at 10 a.m. and are open to visitors. Masses are accompanied by a church organ with 6,000 pipes, which dates back to 1954.

Museum of Contemporary Art in Niteroi The famous architectural creation in the modernist style rises on a steep cliff near the seashore. The unusual building was built in 1996 according to the design of the famous Latin American architect Oscar Niemeyer. The architect himself explained the idea of ​​​​creating a building in the form of a bowl: “Once upon a time, a flying saucer flying over the city admired the beauty of these places and decided to stay here forever. By landing on this spot, she laid the foundation for the Museum of Modern Art.”

Fort Mont Serrat Fort Mont Serrat in the city of Salvador represents the best example of colonial military architecture in Brazil. The fortress, which became a symbol of victory over the Dutch invasion, has been converted into a museum of military and civilian weapons. Fort Mont Serrat was founded in 1586 during the reign of Barreto.

Church of São Francisco da Penitencia Behind the modest facade of an elegant church in the center of Rio de Janeiro lies a real masterpiece of the golden hands of Brazilian masters. San Francisco da Penitencia contains more gold than any other church in the New World. The Church of San Francisco da Penitencia (Repentance of St. Francis) was built intermittently for almost a hundred years, until 1733.

Rio Niteroi Bridge The Rio Niteroi Bridge is one of the most grandiose places in Brazil. The bridge is one of the largest and longest urban bridges in the whole world. It connects two cities and reaches 13,290 meters. It was built in the early 70s under military conditions. This bridge is one of the beautiful architectural structures of modern art.

Municipal Theater of São Paulo The building of the Municipal Theater in São Paulo is modeled after the famous Opera in Paris. The beautiful and majestic building, erected in 1911, houses two full orchestras and a large number of dance and musical ensembles.

Amazonia Stadium Amazonia Stadium is a football stadium in Manaus, Brazil. The stadium will host matches of the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Construction of the stadium began on July 12, 2010. The construction budget was initially estimated at 550 million Brazilian reals, but then the government of the state of Amazonas subsidized another 54 million.

Aroe Yari Cave The Aroe Yari Cave is a large grotto located in the Chapada dos Guimaraes National Park, inside which there is a lake with crystal clear water. The cave is composed of sandstone and limestone rocks, has a length of 1,550 meters and is the largest cave in Brazil. A large number of petroglyphs are carved on the walls of the cave. At the very end of the cave, underground springs form a lake. Its water is clean and clear; locals often call it the “blue lagoon.” However, swimming in it is prohibited due to the presence of harmful chemicals in the water.

Church of Santo Antonio The Church of Santo Antonio is one of the most luxurious temples in Brazil. It attracts tourists with its golden decoration. It is painted in the Rococo style. Inside the church, visitors will be able to see carved altars decorated with gold. The temple choirs are decorated with unusual garlands made of golden flowers.