Phu Quoc in November: weather, reviews, recommendations. Bad reviews of tourists about holidays in Fukuoka Where is it better to relax in November in Fukuoka

Phu Quoc - gem with emerald patches of dense jungle, carefully framed by the turquoise waters of the Gulf of Thailand. I first came to the island in November 2017. I liked it crazy! I hope you can repeat.

November in Fukuoka

The island boasts unique wildlife in the northern part and unspoiled beaches in the south. Struck by the lack of public transport. You can only travel by taxi, scooter or bicycle. I did not feel like pedaling in the +28 heat, so I most often used taxi services to move around.

The temperature during the day and at night is almost the same, with the onset of darkness, closer to 18:00, it gets colder by only 3-4 degrees. Thus, +25 at night is the norm. Air conditioning in the room is essential. Due to moderate humidity, there is no suffocating heat.

Heavy rains, clouds, winds - it's all fate Central Vietnam. In the North and South, where Phu Quoc is located, on the contrary: the sky is clear, and it doesn’t even smell like rain. An umbrella and other autumn paraphernalia will not be needed. This time I flew hand luggage: dress, sandals, panama. Sun cream bought on the spot.

The best beaches in Phu Quoc

In principle, go to any beach, 99% sure you will be satisfied. If we select the top five, those where privacy is still maintained, these will be:

  • Vung Bau;
  • Ganh Dau;
  • Rach Vem.

My personal, so to speak, out-of-competition favorite is Thom Beach, located in the northeastern part of the island. Quiet, secluded, filled with a rich aroma of cashews and the clatter of restless cicadas.

fruit paradise

Abundance reigns in local markets! Eyes run wide. Everything can be tasted and touched. Pineapple will be cleaned for you absolutely free of charge, for example, in Thailand they took money from me for this service. Try vegetables:

  • okru;
  • chayote;
  • pan choi.

My weakness is watermelons. They are not as huge as Astrakhan, but they are a thousand times sweeter.

Beach holidays in Fukuoka are very popular with Russians. People often come here in November to relax with children. Comfortable beaches and clear sea, plenty of clear days and the hospitality of the owners of the resort make Phu Quoc a great vacation spot.

The weather in November in Fukuoka is good. Hot sun, gentle breeze, warm nights and occasional quick rainfall - all this will help make your vacation comfortable.

Hotels in Fukuoka are of an excellent class, there are representatives of world chains. During the high season, you should buy a tour in advance - hotel rooms are taken out instantly due to the influx of vacationers. Hotels often have animators with a program for children and those who are older.

In addition to relaxing by the sea, you can visit excursions. There are photogenic historical and natural attractions in Fukuoka and nearby. With children, you can go to the dolphinarium, an amusement park or just for a walk. A tour to Phu Quoc will appeal to young people, families with children, and the elderly.

Phu Quoc - tropical island in the south of Vietnam. He beckons tourists, promising paradise beaches, cheap seafood, beautiful vacation in resorts. Are these promises true? In general, yes. In Fukuoka, you can have a great rest and it is worth a trip here. But the island shows its Vietnamese character - nuances and reservations will be typed, as in a contract with a cunning lawyer. You don’t need to give up your vacation, just read our review and tips. Forewarned is forearmed.

Tourists go to Phu Quoc for cheap seafood. Yes, they are in abundance here. But you can enjoy seafood at any resorts in Vietnam - and the prices are at and below.

Holidays in Fukuoka safe in terms of natural disasters, unlike the center of Vietnam. The island is protected mountain range. Tsunamis do not happen here, typhoons do not rage. The climate itself is milder, there is no strong heat.

For now no general russification, as in Nha Trang or, so basic knowledge of English will come in handy.

In general, Phu Quoc produces mixed impression : it is quiet and calm, but the infrastructure is poorly developed, prices are high by Vietnamese standards, there are few sights.

Rash Vem - picturesque beach with starfish in the north of Fukuoka.

When is the best time to go to Phu Quoc? Weather and seasons - 2019

Almost the whole year the temperature remains at the same level: air +29...+31°С, water +26...+28°С.

holiday season. It is better to go to Phu Quoc Island to rest - it is warm and dry. However, from December to April, the most high prices. The island is especially popular on. At this time the number Russian tourists increases significantly. We rested in Fukuoka in December and January, also celebrating the New Year here.

hot season. From April to June it gets hotter, there is still not much rainfall. You can relax, but not as comfortable as in winter. In the reviews, tourists note that from mid-March to May there may be jellyfish in the sea.

Rain season in Fukuoka begins in July, the maximum amount of precipitation falls in September and October. The rest of the time the island has favorable conditions for beach holiday, diving and snorkeling.

Long Beach is the longest on the island.

Phu Quoc beaches

Fukuoka has many beaches - the island is famous for them.

Long Beach- the longest and most popular beach in Phu Quoc. It is here that almost the entire tourist infrastructure of the island is concentrated: hotels, resorts, cafes, restaurants, dive centers. Getting to the beach itself is not so easy! The entire first line is completely occupied by expensive resorts and hotels. They do not want to let vacationers through their territory; they have to wander through the labyrinth in search of an outlet to the sea. They can also drive you away from the beach - all the best places are occupied by sunbeds of hotels from the first line. The beach, by the way, is very narrow and cramped. We recommend choosing others for relaxation.

bai sao- This beach is considered the best in Fukuoka. Beautiful beach with fine powdery sand, quite wide. It is located in the southeastern part of the island, you need to go to it by bike or taxi. There are very few hotels here. There is a cafe, fruit stalls, showers, toilets.

In the northern part of the island there are several wild and sparsely populated beaches - all with a flat bottom, clear water and completely white sand. It is here that the beach with starfish is located. Amazing place - definitely go! There are almost no hotels and resorts, but there are seafood restaurants. Come here for beauty, solitude and silence.

South end of Long Beach.

Hotel prices - 2019

The choice of housing in Fukuoka is large: there are both cheap guesthouses and luxury resorts. We like to test different accommodations, so we lived in Fukuoka in a guesthouse, a hotel, and three resorts.

Hotels Phu Quoc is more expensive than other resorts in Vietnam. A decent room will cost from $25 (we recommend the Sailing Hotel).

Guesthouses. You can find a cheap room in guest house for $ 9, but such accommodation is far from the beach. We lived in a family guest house.

Resorts. It is best to relax in Fukuoka in resorts - these are oases of peace and tranquility. Reasonable prices:

  • For a double house in a modest but cozy Cozy resort, we paid $25.
  • Good resorts with a pool and breakfast cost from $40. We rested in Miana Resort and - we recommend.
  • There are also very cool five-star resorts with luxury villas for $150 per night - for example, The Shells Resort & Spa.

Search hotels with discounts at Skyscanner Hotels. Here are the main ones.

The Hill Resort is a good resort in Fukuoka for $40 per night.

What to see in Fukuoka

Holidays in Fukuoka are mostly beach holidays. There are few attractions on the island: there is a large national park- reserve, waterfalls, pagodas and temples, amusement park and safari Vinpearl, cable car to Thom Island, a pearl plantation, a coconut prison and a fish sauce factory. The brightest and most colorful are the floating village and the beach with starfish in the north of the island, the port and the city of An Thoi in the south.

We advise you to rent a motorbike (150 thousand VND per day) and ride around the island, exploring its sights. Roads outside the city and the tourist area are free - it's a pleasure to drive! We even celebrated the New Year - 2018, riding a bike on empty night roads.

We recommend renting a bike in Fukuoka - with it you will see many interesting places!

Excursions in Fukuoka in 2019

  • Amusement park "Vinperl" - 500 thousand dongs ($ 22).
  • Safari - 600 thousand VND ($ 27).
  • A comprehensive program with snorkeling, short fishing, dinner and an excursion - from $ 17.
  • The same, but with night fishing for squid - from $30.
  • Diving: dive - from $70, course - from $340. Diving in Fukuoka is considered one of the cheapest in the world. good place for snorkeling and diving consider the An Thới Islands archipelago.
  • A two-day tour to neighboring Cambodia and Singapore costs $200-250.
  • Yachting is not developed, but you can ride a boat or pleasure boat.
  • Wedding ceremony - from $1000.

Some northern beaches have starfish.

Food prices - 2019. Is the food good?

In Fukuoka cook tasteless, and in a number of tourist cafes it is completely disgusting. This is noted by many tourists in their reviews. Being lovers vietnamese cuisine, we also believe: the island of Phu Quoc loses much to other resorts in Vietnam in terms of the quality of cuisine.

Food prices also not happy. Everything is more expensive in Fukuoka than on the mainland. Smoothies - from 20 thousand VND, rice with chicken or seafood in a tourist cafe - from 70 thousand. A serving of fish, squid or shrimp - from 100 thousand. In the capital of the island - the city of Duong Dong - you can eat cheaper.

To eat tasty and inexpensive, avoid tourist establishments and look for places where the Vietnamese themselves eat.

With grocery stores in Fukuoka, everything is very bad. Even a rural store in the Russian outback will seem like a hypermarket compared to them. The assortment includes only specific Asian snacks, beer, soda, crackers and other snacks. Fortunately, everything is in order on the island: there are many sellers, prices are reasonable.


There are practically none in Fukuoka, with the exception of small shops and a night market. You can buy shower clothes, pearls, coffee, cocoa, local black pepper and souvenirs. For more impressive shopping, it is better to go to Ho Chi Minh City.

On popular beaches, you can buy inexpensive cuts of fruit from sellers.

It is better to book a hotel in Fukuoka in advance, especially for the New Year. We planned our trip late and the choice of accommodation was modest.

There is no public transport on the island. If only a free bus to the amusement park "Winperl" and a regular bus to the village of An Thoi. Rent a bike and ride for fun! If driving without rules (and the Vietnamese have not even heard of traffic rules) is unacceptable for you, use a taxi - they are in abundance here.

Mosquitoes on the island eat mercilessly! Nasty mosquitoes will disturb your sleep and bite you in a cafe during dinner. Stock up on fumigators and repellents.

Withdraw money from MB (Military Bank) ATMs - they are the only ones that do not charge a commission.

There are no buses from Fukuoka airport, only taxis. However, many hotels and resorts provide guests with a free shuttle - check when booking.

Don't limit yours to Fukuoka. Outside the island - all the most interesting: culture, nature, cuisine, historical sights.

Long Beach faces west, so you can watch beautiful sunsets on the shore.

How will your vacation in Fukuoka go? I will tell you our opinion, which was formed literally in the first days after landing on Fukuoka land. Phu Quoc is great for relaxing. But for a long stay, this developing island, in our opinion, is still no good.

Fukuoka Photos

Basically, those who have already been to Vietnam and were not impressed with a beach holiday in Nha Trang, and even more so in Mui Ne, come to relax in Phu Quoc. Phu Quoc is the number one beach holiday in Vietnam. If you are squeamish and have already seen enough beautiful beaches, then Phu Quoc is exactly the place in Vietnam, having arrived in which you will not be disappointed with the sea, nature and surrounding views. Here are some photos of the tourist areas of Fukuoka.

Hotels in Fukuoka

  • Sasco Blue Lagoon Resort
  • Orange Resort
  • Hong Bin Bungalow
  • T&T Resort

All hotels in Fukuoka

The main road is well maintained and green

Fukuoka has sidewalks! A rarity in Vietnam!

Duong Dong City (Duong Dong)

Port in the center of DuongDong

Downtown Duong Dong near the market

One of the streets of Duong Dong with communist posters

Beaches in Fukuoka

What is a beach holiday like in Fukuoka? Is the sea clean, is it possible to dive and snorkel, where to sunbathe, are there sun loungers, etc. In short, everything is here for a beach holiday, the beaches are excellent, there are sun loungers with umbrellas and beach restaurants, but the water is a bit cloudy and there is often biting plankton. However, all this does not interfere with rest.

  • Read:

Main beach - Long Beach

Southern part of Long Beach Phu Quoc

The beach, which many tourists consider the best on the island

Season in Fukuoka. When is the best time to go on holiday to Phu Quoc?

It is important to choose the right time to arrive at south island Vietnam. Best time holidays in Fukuoka - winter. Ideally from December to March. These are the most ideal months. But you can already come from November to April, since in November the rainy season ends and the weather is most often good, and in April the weather is good, but this is the hottest and driest month.

The rainy season begins in May and lasts through October, but at the end of October it is already on the wane.

While rains and high waves rage in Nha Trang in winter, Phu Quoc has beautiful weather, sunny days and calm clear sea. Therefore, we go to Nha Trang in the summer, and to Phu Quoc in the winter.

Packages and tours

Construction site in Fukuoka

We have already repeated in at least three articles that Phu Quoc is a construction island. And there is. Nha Trang is also a construction city, but construction in Nha Trang is not on the same scale as here.

After checking into a hotel, you can easily be a witness to 3-4 construction sites around you. It is important to choose the right hotel. Even renting a room in an expensive hotel, there is no guarantee that at least behind it there will be no construction, dust and roar.

Main road from morning to evening with heavy traffic of dump trucks

In the Long Beach area, we found a quiet area in which we settled in a hotel. There are only four small narrow streets and most of the hotels have been saved from construction. The only developed place near the beach with infrastructure, shops and cafes, and most importantly, the lack of construction work.

In this isolated area you can live in silence

Infrastructure in Fukuoka. Shops, markets

Fukuoka has only one large supermarket (by local standards), which can only be reached from the coast by taxi or moped. It's called Duong Dong mini mart. A point on the map . As for the correctness of the point, I’m not sure, the residents of Fukuoka are not particularly friendly with maps.

Such known to the traveler there are no stores in Asia like A-Mart, K-Mart, FamilyMart, 7-Eleven and Big C in Fukuoka. There are small grocery stores in the coastal zone, but they are more useful for tourists than for those who are going to live here. Everything that needs to be cooked in the kitchen is not for sale.

Before the trip, we really counted on Coop Mart. But in the well-known Vietnamese supermarket chain on this island, a minimum of products is sold and, unfortunately, you can’t buy anything basic. Everything that is in private shops - chips, cookies, snacks, beer, drinks (no wine).

Where can I order a transfer from the airport?

We use the service - KiwiTaxi
Ordered a taxi online, paid by card. We were greeted at the airport with a sign with our name on it. We were taken to the hotel in a comfortable car. You have already talked about your experience in this article.

For food, vegetables, fruits and meat you need to go to. For seafood at night. Night market more touristy. Day market for locals. There are no prices, just ask. Almost no one knows English, the price is shown on the fingers or with the help of their money.

This alignment is far from a joy for us personally, because the Vietnamese markets are not distinguished by cleanliness and appearance, and it would be real torture for us to come here at least once a week.

And there is not a single shopping center in Fukuoka.

Cafes and restaurants in Fukuoka

There is a very large selection of cafes and there are also restaurants of a good standard. It is impossible to stay hungry here. For lovers of the exotic, there are Vietnamese restaurants with a crocodile on a spit and some other animal.

A typical picture for Vietnam. Butchered carcass to attract visitors. This horror really can cause someone's appetite? We must be from another planet, but this is disgusting and makes you want to cry when you see this. It is good that such restaurants on the island are not common everywhere.

The island is full of more cafes for tourists, where any visitor will be able to meet their budget. You can eat in cafes, where lunch with a drink will cost you 80 dong per person ($ 4). Our average bill in local cafes is 150-200 thousand dong (7-9$).

You can go to almost all restaurants, where you can easily eat up to 250 dong for two

Dogs in Fukuoka

If you have already been to Thailand, and especially to Koh Samui and Pattaya, then you are probably worried about the issue of stray dogs. Should I be afraid of them in Fukuoka? I will tell you that here you can not be afraid to walk in the evening. In Vietnam, there are no problems with dogs at all, as they are caught or eaten. Although there are more dogs on this island than in other cities of Vietnam that we visited, they don’t walk in packs here at night and we basically didn’t see stray dogs. In this region of Vietnam, they are loved, oddly enough.

Many times we have seen pets, a feature of which is the protruding jaw.

For some reason, thoroughbred Fukuoka dogs do not have chewing teeth, so the jaw and teeth stick out a little, as if they have an incorrect bite.

Local people in Fukuoka

Fukuoka people are very friendly, unlike Nha Trang people. In the early days, we were pleasantly surprised that in many cafes they smiled at us, and did not come up with a brick face. They were also surprised that, for the most part, Fukuoka people speak English better than in tourist Nha Trang, where some merchants and waiters still cannot connect two words in English. Perhaps the proximity to Cambodia has an effect, because almost all Khmers speak English.

Vietnamese on vacation. Vietnamese and noise are inseparable things

Once we met a girl from Hanoi who moved to the island and opened her own restaurant. I think that there are enough resourceful Vietnamese here. Since the island has excellent potential and huge sums are invested in its development.

And in Fukuoka, the Vietnamese seemed to us a little quieter. Usually they speak loudly, even yelling, talking among themselves. Just like the Chinese. But here in the tourist areas they are somehow more modest.

As for long-term residence for foreigners, Russians live here, of course, there are Russian restaurants and travel agencies, but there are so few of them that we can safely say that the second Pattaya or the second Nha Trang will not be here soon.

What to see in Fukuoka

Visit Winpearl Water Park, go to Baisao Beach, visit a waterfall and a coconut prison. You can also look at the pearl or pepper factory if you are interested. We wrote an interesting article on this topic and compiled a list of attractions that you can see on the island during your vacation.

Things to do in the evening

Relax in Fukuoka in the evening. In the evening, life on the island does not collapse, but comes to life. Everyone around here does not fall asleep at 8 pm. Cozy cafes and bars are everywhere.

All beach and non-beach restaurants are beautifully illuminated, young people are walking, tourists are drinking beer on the beach and watching sunsets.

Where is better, in Sihanoukville or Fukuoka

On almost every count, we think it's better. Firstly, there are many equipped beaches, secondly, there are many excursions, and thirdly, there are enough islands where you can go for the whole day or even more, the food in the cafe is tastier and the Khmers cannot be compared in friendliness, openness and smiles with the Vietnamese.

In general, it would be more logical if Phu Quoc belonged to Cambodia, not only because it is located 15 km from it, but Phu Quoc is separated from Vietnam by as much as 65 km. But also because it would be more comfortable and atmospheric here, as, for example, on a Cambodian island.

On the other hand, Vietnam is a more developed country. The Vietnamese at least maintain cleanliness, there is no garbage on the streets, in tourist area good roads, this is much better than the dusty broken asphalt in Sihanoukville and the garbage dumps on the roadsides. Probably everything is as it should be. Although, Cambodia seems to have included in its list of things to do in New Year take back Phu Quoc.

Holidays in Fukuoka reviews

If we consider holidays in Phu Quoc as a separate resort in Vietnam, then it is certainly best to go on vacation for a beach holiday here. For us personally, in addition to good beaches, it is also important in Fukuoka that everything that many people do not like so much in Vietnam is less concentrated here - crazy movement and general chaos from the cries of people and roosters, mixed with the beeping and crackling of motorbikes.

In conclusion, I will say that Phu Quoc, whatever one may say, is the most relaxing island, as far as it can be in hectic and buzzing Vietnam. Phu Quoc is radically different from and a bit like. But in terms of the quality of the beaches, perhaps, it really is ahead of all the resorts in Vietnam.

Hotels in Fukuoka

  • T&T Resort
  • Orange Resort
  • Sasco Blue Lagoon Resort
  • Hong Bin Bungalow
  • Saigon Phu Quoc Resort & Spa

All hotels in Fukuoka

We spent a full seven days in Fukuoka. We drove across the island. We visited basically all the places that are mentioned in tourist booklets and not only. I decided to build this review according to the principle: place - description, abandoning the more familiar structure of the diary by day. Recommendations for choosing an area of ​​the island for accommodation and our hotel will be at the end.

How to get to Fukuoka

In 2012, Fukuoka opened new airport(PQC code), which receives regular flights from Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Haiphong and Can Tho. In addition, hundreds of charters fly here from all over the world.

The most convenient way to get to this Vietnamese island is from Ho Chi Minh City. Depending on the season and day of the week, the number of flights per day from Saigon can reach 10 or more. The journey is only 1 hour. Flights are operated by: Vietnam airlines, VietJet Air, JetStar. Ticket prices range from 4,000 rubles. up to 20,000 rubles per round trip per person. We took tickets for New Year's dates 5 months before departure (in August). Low-cost airline - "JetStar", price - 4,300 rubles (round trip). I recommend booking tickets in advance if you want to save 10-15 thousand rubles. Aviasales to help.

Transfer from/to Fukuoka Airport

If I'm not mistaken, there is no public transport. You need to get from the airport to the hotel by taxi or by a previously booked transfer at the hotel. Taxi stands are at the exit, also in the baggage claim area. Everything is simple here, we show the hotel reservation with the address, pay for the fare at the counter, get a voucher, go out into the street. We fall into the hands of the driver, who, according to the voucher, takes us to the hotel without any problems and questions. The island itself is not small, so the price of a taxi will be from 100,000 dong to 300,000 - 400,000 dong, depending on the location of the hotel.

Phu Quoc beaches

The map below shows all the places we visited in Fukuoka:

Perhaps you need to start with the reason why people fly here for 10-15 hours - the beaches. The climate features in Fukuoka are such that:

  • From November to March is the dry season, the wind blows from east to west;
  • From April to October is the rainy season, the wind blows from west to east.

Accordingly, all hotels and resorts are located on the western coast, since in winter, during the season, this coast is quiet, closed from the winds. On east coast in the winter months - waves and a huge amount of mud and household garbage washed in from all over the Gulf of Thailand.

Bai Sao Beach is the pearl of the island. Phu Quoc and Vietnam in general

The place is very beautiful. The beach is located in a small bay surrounded by hills covered with tropical vegetation. White sand.

During low tide (after lunch) the coastline increases greatly. The beach, especially in the photo, looks heavenly.

We did not manage to enjoy this natural beauty, relax, swim in the sea. There is so much dirt and garbage here that there are simply no words. Wild thrash. The entire coast is strewn with packages, bottles and other muck. The desire to swim here immediately disappears when a pack of condoms floats next to you and a meter long snag is pulled along the bottom.

Infrastructure: along the beach there are several cafes in the traditional Vietnamese style - dirty tables, dishes, waiters sleeping on the go. I didn’t have any particular complaints about this, since this is Vietnam.

Each institution diligently “cleans” its coastline from dirt and debris. It happens like this: a Vietnamese rakes garbage into a bucket, moves beyond the territory of the restaurant's shore and pours it out where the beach area does not belong to anyone. The sea again takes all this garbage in a wave and eventually nails it. Such is the cycle of idiocy.

One of our compatriots, who has been living on the island for more than 5 years, assured me that after a change in the wind, the beach would be removed and it would be exemplary. The locals have this mentality: why clean up today if tomorrow the sea will again bring all sorts of rubbish.

I don’t post photos of the dirt so as not to spoil the impression of this place, because it is actually amazing. I hope that the local authorities will pay attention and put this beach in order, it has no equal in beauty on the island.

The beach is an extension of Bai Sao

If you face the sea on Sao Beach, then there is another beach on the right, which differs in the color of the sand, it is yellow.

Huge boulders are found in the water and on the shore. The coastline is slightly narrower than that of Bai Sao. There are no restaurants or sunbeds here. In its own way, this is a plus, since there are almost no people, you can throw a towel and lie down in solitude.

The main problem is, again, garbage, but oddly enough it is much less here, there is almost none in the water, although it is no more than 1 km from Bai Sao. Apparently the features of the tide.

Ong Lang Beach

The most well-groomed and clean beach in Fukuoka. The sand is fine and golden. On first coastline there are many decent hotels and restaurants, hence the impeccable cleanliness, the adjacent territory is regularly cleaned. The sea is very calm and warm.

In places there are areas with stone banks.

Large areas of this beach are occupied by hotels, mostly of the "bungalow" type. Since all the beaches in Fukuoka are public, this is not a problem. You can swim and relax along the entire coastline. Restrictions only on the use of sun loungers and other beach equipment that belongs to the hotel.

Ganh Gio Beach

Ganh Gio Beach - located south of Ong Lang beach on the western part of the island. In fact, it is no different from Ong Lang. Unless access to the beach is possible only through the territory of the Shells Resort hotel (one of the most expensive in Fukuoka). It can be said that the beach is private.

They may not be allowed into the hotel territory, therefore, if you have not stayed at this hotel, then there is nothing to do on Ganh Gio Beach.

Other beaches in Fukuoka

The above are places that I have studied well. We spent enough time on these beaches to form a concrete opinion about them. In addition to these places, during our stay on the island we were brought to several more beaches, I will say a few words about them.

Long Beach is the center of all Phu Quoc beach holidays. Its length is about 20 km. Probably 90-95% of all hotels and resorts are located on this beach and its environs. I try to avoid such crowded places, so I will not give recommendations.

Duong Dong Beach - garbage dump, not suitable for swimming or relaxing

Thom Beach - garbage dump, not suitable for swimming or recreation

Other things to do in Fukuoka

Judging by the tourist booklets and notes, Phu Quoc is not only famous for its beaches. We had enough time to carefully familiarize ourselves with the life of the island and all the entertainment for tourists. In addition to a beach holiday, Phu Quoc offers activities for guests for every taste:

  • hiking trails in the rainforest;
  • one-day snorkeling / diving excursions to coral reefs and islands;
  • modern amusement park with water slides and attractions;
  • safari zoo;
  • rich tour. Pepper factory, pearl factory, local fish sauce production
  • Acquaintance with the traditions and lifestyle of the locals (markets, street food, etc.)

Night market

Before going to the island, I read a lot of comments and reviews about the night market. People have described this place as a paradise for seafood and street food lovers in general.

The market consists of several streets, which are lined with street cafes, shops with nuts, souvenirs and other junk. Every reputable establishment has aquariums and stalls with fresh catch.

There are really no questions about the products, everything is fresh. Wide choose shellfish, fish. There are exotics - for example, sharks and other unknown creatures. It is interesting to look at the marine life and tap the glass with your finger. Such, in its own way, a miniature aquarium.

Guests are invited to choose their own dinner. They cook, without exception, according to three recipes: grilled, boiled, boiled / stewed with local spices.

I can’t stand intrusiveness, so walking around the market was not very comfortable for me. The Vietnamese are overpowering from all sides, everyone offers to sit down in his institution. Cherkizovsky market in Moscow in the nineties, one to one. Only instead of sneakers and tracksuits, they sell shrimp and squid here.

All eateries, but there is no other way to call them, are the same. Therefore, we sat down where there were people and the most decent tables and tablecloths.

I don’t consider myself a squeamish person, but the mud here is excellent everywhere. You can stick to the table. I had to drink beer from a bottle, I did not dare to pour it into a glass. Seafood is fresh, and you can be patient, went to choose your dinner. Took: shrimp, squid, sea ​​urchins, oysters and some other shells. They didn’t manage to spoil the shrimp, but what the hell were the rest of the dishes, for me there was a big question.

With a clear conscience, I tried everything. Then my stomach ached wildly and we got away from the Night Market.

Outcome. Such a feeling, resentment for a wasted evening on the island, besides pain in the stomach after the "delicious" seafood. In my opinion, there is absolutely nothing to do here. In extreme cases, if you are completely tired of sitting in a cozy restaurant on the coast with a glass of beer or wine, enjoying delicious and most importantly safe food, then go here to look at the bizarre creatures in the aquarium, but in no case eat anything here. Not tasty and not safe.

Phu Quoc Pepper Farm in Phu Quoc

There are several pepper factories, or rather, pepper farms in Fukuoka. You can find at least five marks on the mapsme map. We visited the most "tourist" of them. It is located a couple of kilometers from the city of Duong Dong. See map above.

At first, I did not understand whether we had arrived correctly or not, since there were practically no identification marks of the factory, not counting the signs on the road. Anyway, the place was more like an ordinary farmhouse. There is also a shop near the road that sells pepper and coffee. The guy showed us how to get to the farm.

The place is a plantation where pepper is grown - strict rows of climbing plants.

There is a small orchard.

You can buy a lot in the shop different options already prepared seasoning. Pepper black and white, peas and ground, ground with garlic and soy sauce.

Perhaps that's all.

We stopped by the farm on our way from Bai Sao. You won’t be able to stay here for more than half an hour, since, in fact, there is nothing to see and do.

My opinion is that if you pass by, you must definitely stop in order to stock up on pepper for the year ahead and then distribute it to all friends and relatives as a souvenir. I see no point in coming here purposefully to see the farm.

Fish sauce factory, pearl factory

Both of these establishments are a common ploy by locals to attract the attention of tourists. You arrive there and find only a shop where you can buy pearls or fish sauce. There is nothing more to tell. not worth going.

Trekking in Fukuoka (Ganh Dau trail)

Tracking routes, in the usual sense of the word for me, are not in Fukuoka. Let me explain a little: the island has a huge national park - a tropical forest, where monkeys, parrots and many others live in their natural environment. There are lakes, waterfalls, rivers, hills. Only there is no infrastructure and access to these natural reserves. Solid impenetrable jungle.

In total, we had three trips to different parts of the island, in order to see wild monkeys, listen to cicadas, and generally get acquainted with the local flora and fauna.

In the north (map above) there is a route that is marked on tourist maps - Ganh Dau trail.

It is a path, about 2 km long through the forest. The route is a dead end. Got to the end and back.

A couple of times there were such trees

On the trail you feel that the forest is simply teeming with insects, snakes and other creatures. We were already closer to sunset and completely alone. Feeling creepy, I'm happy.

It's all. More equipped tourist routes Fukuoka does not. Once we turned off the road and took a path not marked on tourist map(on my map "Forest")

After 15 minutes, we went to a clearing, where the Vietnamese were diligently sawing out the jungle. Looks like it's under construction for a hotel or something. They looked at us wildly, apparently it was unusual for them to see white people in the forest, and not on the beach.

A couple of times we tried to find a more or less sane road / trail that could be walked through the Phu Quoc National Park. Judging by the maps, there is a path that crosses the entire park, but we did not manage to get to it. locals they looked at us like we were the plague, waved their hands and sent us away from the forest.

Road DT973 (Duong Dong - Bai Thom) runs along the jungle. On it you can comfortably ride a scooter to the north and back to look at the local landscape. We happened to meet wild monkeys along the way.

In general, as I understand it, the national park is a wild and undeveloped place. Even the locals don't go there. According to verified information, there are more than 61 species of reptiles here alone. You can read about the park here.

My opinion:

me as a lover wildlife it was simply necessary to try to climb into the jungle, to see wild monkeys. I was pleased that I saw the nature of this region. Since the infrastructure for such a vacation on the island is completely unfavorable, not everyone will like this entertainment. For those who are bored of lying on the beach all day, I can advise the following:

  • Ganh Dau Trail walking route - takes 1 - 2 hours, you can "feel" the jungle a little, especially closer to sunset;
  • Ride a scooter along the Duong Dong – Bai Thom road along national park. It will take about 1.5 - 2 hours round trip. You can meet wild monkeys.

Snorkeling/diving in Phu Quoc

There are no living creatures and corals on the beaches of Fukuoka. Travel agencies offer day trips to small islands that are located north or south of Phu Quoc. We took a tour to northern islands, as there were unfavorable conditions in the south because of the wind. There is no difference which islands to go to, the program is the same everywhere and includes:

  • Transfer from the hotel to Duong Dong Pier where the boat is waiting
  • Road to the islands by boat 1-1.5 hours
  • Fishing for about an hour on the bottom
  • Snorkeling near the islands, about 2 hours
  • Lunch after snorkeling
  • free time on one of the beaches of Fukuoka, which brings the boat

Price per person for group tour about 20-30 dollars, depending on the travel agency. We took a private trip for $120 at Phu Quoc Beach Travel, in an office located in the Ong Lang beach area. In appearance, this agency was the most decent, you can pay by card, there were even brochures in Russian with a description. Additionally, they offered to take Russian speaking guide for $20, we refused. As a result, the guide was our Russian former pilot who settled on the island in retirement.

We went to several other agencies: in one, the Vietnamese did not understand what a Private tour was and only pointed her finger at the brochure, in the other there was no one at all.

Since we had a private tour, we did not have to go to Duong Dong to the pier. The boat itself sailed to us on Ong Lang beach, next to which we lived.

The purpose of the tour is small islands: Fingernail Island (Little Finger Island) and Turtle Island (Turtle Island). The journey is about an hour in total. Near them you can go fishing from a boat to the bottom, swim with fins and a mask.

It is difficult to call them islands. Small patches of land that can be reached by swimming.

We tried fishing and decided not to waste time on it. firstly, it didn’t bite very much, and secondly, catching fish from the palm of your hand does not cause much interest.

We spent all the allotted time in the water on a coral reef.

You can get out on land, get some rest. On the island there is garbage that brings from the sea, and there is quite a lot of it. Some bottles, flasks have been lying here for years. Since tourists are brought here, why not collect all the dirt. The area of ​​the island is only 100 square meters. But this is Vietnam, no one cleans up the garbage here.

Two hours is enough to swim over corals and look at small fish.

On the way back from the islands, lunch is offered, which is represented by local dishes: Pho soup, rice, chicken. The dishes are simple and tasty, especially after 2 hours on the water. From the exotic, for an additional fee, you can try sea urchins.

By 15:00 we were brought back to Ong Lang beach.

General impressions: If in your life you have not seen anything under water except sand and stones, then you must take an excursion. For beginners, snorkeling in Fukuoka will delight. It so happened that I first got acquainted with the underwater world while scuba diving in the Red Sea and now snorkeling or diving in other places does not cause me strong emotions. local underwater world scanty and not so colorful and colorful, but it is here. I like active rest, I would rather swim for 3 hours and look at corals than lie on the beach, so I recommend it.

Phu Quoc Safari Zoo (Vinpearl Safari Phu Quoc) + Vinpearlland Amusement Park

Since we had plenty of time on the island, we decided not to bypass the recently opened Vinpearlland amusement park and the Safari Zoo. They are located in the north of the island. We traveled all over the island on a rented scooter for seven days, so we didn’t encounter a problem getting to one or another part of the island, but it seems that they also go from Duong Dong free buses several times a day.

General tickets for 1 day (Vinperalland+Vinpearl Safari) were purchased at the Zoo ticket office at the price of VND 850,000 per person. It was decided to start from the zoo, since its opening hours are shorter, from 09:00 to 16:00. The park is divided into 2 zones:

  1. Animals in cages;
  2. Safari Park.

The zoo is very good. The territory is well-groomed, everything is thought out and worked out to the smallest detail.

The animals are nice to look at. Clean, well-fed. Their cages are very large, there is where to roam.

The second zone is a safari zoo. Tourists are transported by bus from one zone to another. In each zone, certain animals are located. The downside is that this bus is ordinary, the same as on the city route to MSC. You have to look at the animals through the glass. It needs a high double-decker with an open second floor.

We could not stay here for more than two hours, the scorching sun is simply unbearable. Moreover, we got here at the very peak of the heat, arrived at 12 and went until 2.

More about Vinpearlland. It's a 10 minute ride from the zoo by scooter. The park is divided into several zones and offers the following entertainment: water slides, rides, an aquarium, a show of dancing fountains, etc. In a word, we have collected everything that is possible. We went here on a previously purchased single ticket at the zoo. I’ll make a reservation right away that we were only interested in a park with water slides, we didn’t go anywhere else, we didn’t watch anything. So here they are on a solid 4ku. There are no queues. There are enough slides, there is a place for a child and an adult to ride. You can read more about the park.

General impression of Vinpearlland + Zoo.

I can advise spending a day on Vinpearl only if you have visited all the other places from the list above, and there is still time on the island. Also, such parks will probably be of interest to tourists with children. You can spend the whole day here. It’s better to start in the morning (from 9 o’clock) from the zoo, while the heat can still allow you to walk under open sky. There are few shadows in the zoo. After 12 you can move to Vinpearlland to water slides and attractions.

Asia is famous for its sunsets, Phu Quoc is no exception in this regard. Observe beautiful sunset possible on everything west coast islands. The spectacle is truly impressive. Every day we planned to be at Ong Lang Beach at 17:30 with a bottle of Tiger. Comments are unnecessary here.

By 18:00, the sun sets in Fukuoka, people begin to disperse to hotels, and by 18:30 - 19:00 decent restaurants are full. It will be possible to sit down, but not always at a comfortable table.

Where to stay in Fukuoka

When choosing a hotel in Fukuoka East Coast islands must be swept aside immediately. There is no infrastructure here, the coast is one big garbage dump.

95% of hotels are located on the west coast. For myself, conditionally, I divided all the hotels into 4 zones (from north to south):

1st zone: Northwest of the island. Vicinity of Vinpearl

At the time of our trip, this area was actively developed. Huge high-rise premium chain hotels were built here. In addition to Vinpearl amusement parks, a casino is due to open here in the near future. For whom all this is being built and who will live here, I have no idea. Europeans and Americans will not come here when they have Las Vegas, Miami, Ibiza, Nice at home. Especially considering the mentality and service of local residents. I do not recommend this area of ​​the island. Those who want luxury should go to Dubai, and in no case to Phu Quoc.

Zone 2: Hotels located along Ong Lang Beach

We lived in this area and I can safely say that it is the best place to stay in Fukuoka. Long Beach is the cleanest on the island. Local hotels have large green areas, almost all accommodation in "bungalows" and houses. This allows you to be closer to nature. Locals do not live here, peace and quiet. This area is located in the very center of the island, so it is very convenient to make trips to other parts of Fukuoka from here.

Zone 3: Hotels in and around Duong Dong

I won't pay much attention. Suitable only for backpackers, and even then you can find more impressive options in other parts of the island for little money.

Zone 4: Hotels located along Long Beach

Long Beach is not much inferior to Ong Lang. There is also a very clean coast, a large number of hotels for every taste and budget. The difference from the Ong Lang area is that here the concentration of tourists is several times higher. Hence the fuss, the constant movement.

For those who appreciate peace and privacy, I would advise you to stay in the Ong Lang beach area, for everyone else - Long Beach.

We stayed at the Palm hill resort. Place of average price category, about 60 dollars per night. The hotel is not located on the first coastline, walk to Ong Lang beach for about 10 minutes. There is a green area, a small pool. Accommodation exclusively in bungalows. The cuisine at the local restaurant is about nothing, the only thing I can recommend is fruit milk shakes, very tasty. In general, the place is cozy and worth the money.

For myself, I have noted the two most attractive hotels where it is best to stay in Fukuoka in the Ong Lang beach area:

Coco Palm Beach Resort & Spa - the same price category, about $ 60 per night. The hotel is located on the first coastline. Excellent green area, 20 meters from the sea. There is a restaurant, the main feature of which is again the location, it essentially stands on the beach. We dined here most of the time. It is better to come early, from one to three it is unlikely that you will be able to sit down. All the people from the beach are drawn here. Kitchen on a solid four. For the money this hotel can be called one of the best on the island. There are only 4 bungalows on the territory, the demand is huge. To get here in the season, you need to book 6 months in advance.

Mango Bay Phu Quoc Resort is the most best hotel in Fukuoka. If I go back to the island, I will definitely come here. The hotel has a huge green area. The beach in front of the hotel is quiet and secluded. Lots of sunbeds and hammocks. The Mango Bay restaurant is another reason to scatter compliments. Located, of course, on the coast. There is a veranda, sitting at a table you can watch stunning pictures of the sunset. Menu, service, food - everything is in the best European traditions. In season, a night in this hotel starts from $ 200. The price is high, but it's worth it. You need to book a room, probably, a year in advance. There were no available rooms 7 months prior to our travel date.

How to get around Fukuoka

There is no public transport on the island. You cannot rent a car, as it is illegal for tourists to drive in Fukuoka.

In my opinion, the most convenient way to get around the island is by scooter. You can rent it at any hotel. Price 150,000 dong per day. No documents, contracts, insurance. It's simple, take the bike and go. The traffic on the island is not as crazy as in Ho Chi Minh City or any other metropolis, so you can move around safely and without fear.

If for some reason the option with a scooter is not suitable, then the only thing left is a taxi. You can call at the reception of any hotel. Taxi rides on the meter.

General impression of Fukuoka

Should you visit Phu Quoc? Most likely my answer will be no. AT South-East Asia there are much more beautiful interesting places where you can spend your holidays: Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia.

If you still decide to visit this Vietnamese island, then I would recommend giving it no more than 5 days. This will be enough to relax on the beach and see Phu Quoc. My recommendations:

  • Hotel: Mango Bay or Coco Palm
  • Beach: Ong Lang
  • Excursions: Snorkeling to the islands
  • What to see: Bai Sao Beach, Pepper Farm, hiking route, Vinpearl Zoo