History of Khujand. History of Khujand How many cities are there in Khujand?

Eskhata) is a city in northern Tajikistan, the administrative center of the Sughd region.

Population - 169.7 thousand inhabitants (2014).

One of ancient cities Central Asia. The second largest city in Tajikistan, an important transport hub, political, economic, cultural and scientific center of the country. Khujand agglomeration with a population of 584,400 people.

Airport, railroad station Khujand (11 km from the center of Khujand, in the city of Gafurov).

  • 1 Title
  • 2 Transport
  • 3 Population
  • 4 Geography and climate
    • 4.1 Climate
  • 5 History
    • 5.1 antiquity
    • 5.2 Russian Empire
    • 5.3 USSR
    • 5.4 Modern Tajikistan
  • 6 Culture, education
  • 7 Attractions
  • 8 Twin Cities
  • 9 Notes
  • 10 Links


Modern Russian name city ​​- Khujand, sometimes transliterated as Khujand or Khujand.

From the time of the Russian Empire until 1936, the name of the city was Persian. خجند‎, in Russian it was customary to render it as Khojent.

From January 10, 1936 to February 26, 1991, the city bore the name Leninabad (in honor of V.I. Lenin (Ulyanov)), while in historical literature for the period before 1936 the spelling Khojent was preserved, and this spelling continued to be used in official practice in the name of the Khojent region of the Tajik SSR.

By Decree of the Supreme Council of the Tajik SSR No. 246 of February 26, 1991, the city returned its historical name.


The city is served only by numerous minibuses. Bus and trolleybus routes were abolished (in 1994 there were 11 trolleybus routes).


Khujand is the second most populous city in Tajikistan after Dushanbe. According to the 1897 census, 28,431 residents of the city indicated Tajik as their native language, 595 Uzbek, 305 Sart, 458 Russian. The population of the Khujand agglomeration is 584,400 people.

Geography and climate

Syrdarya in Khujand

Khujand is located on the banks of the Syrdarya, below the Kairakkum reservoir, 35 km above the Uzbek Bekabad, on the territory of the Fergana Valley, between the spurs of the Turkestan ridge in the south and the Mogoltau mountains in the north.

The city is located 200 km northeast of Dushanbe (300 km by road).


Quote from the St. Petersburg Gazette, 1868 (No. 215, 219):

“...Khojent is located on the banks of the excellent, high-water Syrdarya and is surrounded on all sides by mountains, along the slopes of which there are green luxurious gardens, and all this together - water, mountains and vegetation in the summer, with the local heat and droughts, gives the air favorable freshness and purity, in the winter moderation. ...Khojent is completely surrounded by magnificent gardens, of which there are more here than in other areas of the region. All these orchards are fruit, the fruits grow here in amazing abundance and the surrounding cities are supplied with them...”

The formation of the climate of Tajikistan, including Khujand, is greatly influenced by the same air masses, which invade the territory of Central Asia and determine the nature and changes of weather. Precipitation in the Khujand region and throughout the Fergana Valley is mainly associated with cyclonic activity and the nature of the underlying surface.

The main role in precipitation is played by the South Caspian, Murghab and Upper Amu Darya cyclones, as well as cold air masses moving from the west, northwest and north. Reaching the frontal surface of the mountains, the incoming air masses rise along this surface, cool and receive an additional effect for the formation of clouds and precipitation. All these air masses invade the Fergana Valley from the west and southwest, but on their way they collide with the western and southwestern slopes of the mountain ranges of Northern Tajikistan and they receive more precipitation than the leeward slopes, intermountain valleys and basins. Thus, on the windward slopes of the Zeravshan, Turkestan and Kurama ranges, the amount of precipitation per year is more than 400-800 mm. This is confirmed by the fact that in winter a deep snow cover forms in these mountainous areas, which is associated with avalanches in the spring. As they move deeper into the mountainous country, these air masses reach inland areas that are greatly depleted in moisture, as a result of which intermountain valleys and deep basins receive very little precipitation. In Khujand, the annual amount of precipitation falls: in the cold season of the year 87 mm, and the greatest amount is in March and April (25-27 mm); the smallest in the summer months (9-11 mm, Aug.).

As a rule, precipitation in the form of snow falls only at sub-zero temperatures. In the Khujand region, stable snow cover is absent in 20% of the winter, and in 3-10% of the winter it does not form at all. Here, the depth of snow cover only in February reaches an average of 1-3 cm, and is absent during the rest of the year. The highest ten-day depth of snow cover was observed in the third ten days of February - 47 cm. The average date of appearance of snow cover is December 15, and the earliest is October 31. The number of days with snow cover is exactly 21.

Climate of Khujand
Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year
3,5 6,2 13,8 21,9 28,6 34,2 35,5 32,4 28,8 20,6 12,3 5,6 20,3
−3,2 −1,8 4,2 10,7 15,6 19,6 21,2 18,8 13,6 8,1 3,4 −0,5 9,1
Precipitation rate, mm 15 15 25 27 20 9 4 1 3 15 16 17 167
Source: World Meteorological Organization


In ancient times

The Achaemenid Empire in its heyday The campaign of Alexander the Great in Asia

The history of the city goes back to ancient times. The city existed during the Achaemenid dynasty. The troops of Alexander the Great, having captured the city, fortified it, calling it Alexandria Eskhata (Extreme)(Greek: Ἀλεξάνδρεια Ἐσχάτη).

In the 8th century The city was captured by the Arabs. In 1219-1220, the city offered fierce resistance to the troops of Genghis Khan, but was destroyed.

Since ancient times, Khujand, located at the crossroads of trade routes of the East, on the Great Silk Road, was one of the most important economic, military-strategic and cultural centers of Transoxiana.

Khujand was the birthplace of famous astronomers, mathematicians, doctors, historians, poets, and musicians. One of them is Abumakhmud Khujandi, the founder of the local astronomical school. In the 14th century, Kamol Khujandi, the author of the famous gazelles, was called the “Nightingale of Khujand”. Equally popular in the Middle Ages was the outstanding poetess, musician and dancer Mahasti. In the 19th century, such cultural figures as Toshkhoja Asiri, Sodirkhon Hafiz, and Khoja Yusuf carried out active educational work in Khujand.

In the Russian Empire

On May 24, 1866, the city was occupied by the Russian army and became part of the Russian Empire (see Central Asian possessions of the Russian Empire). The entry into the empire of the center of a densely populated district with rich economic resources, the most important road junction between the Fergana Valley, the Tashkent oasis and the Zeravshan Valley, a large trading point, opened up new opportunities for the development of Khujand.

The city was administrative center Khojent district, Samarkand region.

In July 1916, the Central Asian uprising began in the city.


At the beginning of 1918, Soviet power was established in the city; on October 2, 1929, it was included in the Tajik SSR.

In 1941, the Tajik Agricultural Institute was located in Leninabad, which was a university of the People's Commissariat of Agriculture of the USSR and had a postal address: Leninabad city, Krasnaya street, house No. 25.

In the post-war period, Leninabad became the largest industrial and Cultural Center Tajikistan. The city's industry became diversified, equipped with advanced domestic and foreign technology; a silk factory, one of the largest enterprises in the republic, operated in the city. In 1991, dozens of enterprises in Khujand produced the same amount of industrial products per day as in the entire pre-revolutionary Tajikistan in a year. The silk factory's fabrics were sent to 450 cities of the USSR and to foreign countries.

Since the 60s, Leninabad has been actively expanding its borders. The city stepped onto the right bank of the Syr Darya, throwing two bridges across it.

In 1970, trolleybus service was launched in Leninabad.

During the years of Soviet power, radical changes took place in the field of healthcare. By 1991, there were 40 medical and preventive institutions in Khujand, employing about 2.5 thousand doctors and specialists with higher and secondary medical degrees. education.

Major changes have occurred in the field of public education. 1991 there were 30 schools in Khujand, attended by about 30 thousand students.

In 1986, the city celebrated its anniversary - the 2500th anniversary of its founding. In connection with this Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the city was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples.

Modern Tajikistan

The XVI session of the Supreme Council, held in the Arbob Palace 10 km from Khujand in November 1992, restored the constitutional order in the republic and elected E. Sh. Rakhmonov as chairman of the Supreme Council.

Culture, education

Theater. Historical and local history, Archaeological Museum, a park in honor of the poet Kamol Khujandi, which includes the mausoleum and house-museum of the poet.

In 1932, the Pedagogical Institute was opened, where only 26 people studied. Today, more than 10 thousand students study at 16 faculties of this university, which was transformed into Khujand State University in 1991.


Main article: Sights of Khujand

Medieval citadel, mosque-mausoleum of Sheikh Muslihiddin (XVII-XVIII centuries), Orthodox Church Mary Magdalene - the oldest in Tajikistan Orthodox church, built in 1884 at the expense of the Moscow merchant Khludov. Monument to the city-born poet Kamol Khujandi.

Twin Cities

  • Shymkent (Kazakhstan)
  • Akstafa (Azerbaijan)
  • Lincoln (USA)
  • Orenburg (Russia)


  1. 1 2 3 4 Agency for Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan. Population of Tajikistan as of January 1, 2013 (Russian) (01/01/2013). Retrieved September 19, 2013.
  2. Atlas of the world. - M.: PKO "Cartography" Federal agency Geodesy and Cartography of the Ministry of Transport Russian Federation: Onyx Publishing House, 2008.
  3. Sovetabad - article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (3rd edition)
  4. Demoscope Weekly - Application. Directory of statistical indicators
  5. For the location of Alexandria Eschata, see also the article Antioch of Zajaxartes.
  6. Oriental flavor of Dushanbe:: On the flight with you


  • Official website of the city
  • City portal of Khujand
  • Coat of arms of the city of Khojent, 1910
  • TSB: Leninabad
  • Khojent // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg, 1890-1907.

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Khujand Information About

:  /  (G) 40.283333 , 69.616667 40°17′00″ n. w. 69°37′00″ E. d. /  40.283333° N. w. 69.616667° E. d.(G)


The modern Russian name of the city is Khujand, sometimes transliterated as Khujand, Khujand.

During the Russian Empire and until 1936, the Persian name of the city was Persian. خجند in Russian was usually rendered as Khojent.

By Decree of the Supreme Council of the Tajik SSR No. 246 of February 26, 1991, the city returned its historical name.


Khujand is the second most populous city in Tajikistan after Dushanbe.

Geography and climate

Khujand is located on the banks of the Syr Darya, below the Kairakkum reservoir, 35 above the Uzbek Bekabad. Entrance to the Fergana Valley, between the spurs of the Turkestan Range in the south and the Mogoltau Mountains in the north.

The city is located 200 km northeast of Dushanbe (341 km by road).


Quote from the St. Petersburg Gazette, 1868 (No. 215, 219):

«… Khojent is located on the banks of the excellent, high-water Syrdarya and is surrounded on all sides by mountains, along the slopes of which there are green luxurious gardens, and all this together - water, mountains and vegetation in the summer, with the local heat and drought, gives the air favorable freshness and purity, and in winter it is moderate. ...Khojent is completely surrounded by magnificent gardens, of which there are more here than in other areas of the region. All these orchards are fruit, the fruits grow here in amazing abundance and the surrounding cities are supplied with them...»

Khujand was the birthplace of famous astronomers, mathematicians, doctors, historians, poets, and musicians. One of them is Abumakhmud Khujandi, the founder of the local astronomical school. In the 14th century, Kamoli Khujandi, the author of the famous gazelles, was called the “Nightingale of Khujand”. Equally popular in the Middle Ages was the outstanding poetess, musician and dancer Mahasti. In the 19th century, cultural figures such as Toshkhoja Asiri, Sodirkhon Hafiz, and Khoja Yusuf carried out active educational work in Khujand.

As part of the Russian Empire

In the post-war period, Leninabad became the largest industrial and cultural center of Tajikistan after Dushanbe. The city's industry became diversified, equipped with advanced domestic and foreign technology; a silk factory, one of the largest enterprises in the republic, operated in the city. In 1991, dozens of enterprises in Khujand produced the same amount of industrial products per day as in the entire pre-revolutionary Tajikistan in a year. The silk factory's fabrics were sent to 450 cities of the USSR and to foreign countries. Since the 60s, Khujand has been actively expanding its borders. The city stepped onto the right bank of the Syr Darya, throwing two bridges across it. During the years of Soviet power, radical changes took place in the field of healthcare. By 1991, there were 40 medical and preventive institutions in Khujand, employing about 2.5 thousand doctors and specialists with higher and secondary medical degrees. education. Major changes have occurred in the field of public education. In 1991, there were 30 schools in Khujand, attended by about 30 thousand students.

Independent Tajikistan

The XVI session of the Supreme Council, held in Khujand in November 1992, restored the constitutional order in the republic and elected E. Sh. Rakhmonov as chairman of the Supreme Council.

Culture, education

Theater. Historical, local history, archaeological museums.

In 1932, the Pedagogical Institute was opened, where only 26 people studied. Today, more than 10 thousand students study at 13 faculties of this university, which was transformed into Khujand State University in 1991.


Medieval citadel, mosque-mausoleum of Sheikh Muslekhetdin (17-18 centuries). Monument to a city-born poet

It is the second largest city in the country and one of the oldest in Central Asia. According to the 2018 census, it is home to more than 179 thousand people.

Khujand is located in a beautiful valley on the banks of the Syrdarya River, with mountains rising around it. Thanks to this location, the air in the city is fresh and clean. Khujand is not a modern metropolis, but rather an echo of Soviet and post-Soviet times. The streets of the city are calm and bright, and the people are friendly and helpful. In the markets you can buy very tasty, juicy and inexpensive fruits.

Khujand is an ancient city. No one can say exactly when people first settled here. The founding date of Khujand is considered to be 514 BC. e.

In the VI century. BC e. the city was conquered by Alexander the Great and was named Alexandria Eskhati. In the 8th century it was captured by the Arabs, and in the 13th century. - Tatar-Mongols, who almost completely destroyed the city. But thanks to its favorable location and the fact that trade routes passed through it, the city was restored. Over time, it turned into a major center of science, culture, politics and trade.

In 1866 Khujand was conquered Russian Empire and received new opportunities for development. During Soviet times, the city was renamed Leninabad.

How to get there

Khujand can be reached from the capital of Tajikistan or from Uzbekistan. A taxi from Tashkent will not cost too much. The path from Dushanbe runs through two mountain passes; the journey will take at least 5 hours.

There are trains from Dushanbe to Khujand, but this type of transport is not entirely convenient, since you have to cross the border with Uzbekistan, and inspection at Uzbek customs takes a lot of time and is scrupulous.

Planes fly from the capital to Khujand three times a day. This transportation option is not only convenient, but also allows you to admire the Pamirs from above. The airport is located 10 km from Khujand.

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The Khujand fortress is part of an ancient fortification system. It dates back to the 6th–5th centuries. BC e. By the VI-VII centuries. BC e. the city grew and the fortress was completed. The Khujand citadel is considered one of the most protected in Central Asia.

In the 13th century. As a result of a long siege by the troops of Genghis Khan, the fortress was completely destroyed. At the end of the 15th century. it was restored and it became the residence of the ruler of Khujand. Nowadays there is a historical museum on the territory of the citadel.

The majestic Masjidi Jami Mosque, which is also the mausoleum of Sheikh Muslihiddin, was built in 1512-1513. It is located in the western part of Panjshanbe Square.

The Masjidi Jami Mosque amazes with its splendor and monumentality. A huge building, several dozen columns, an openwork ivan, elegant carvings, skillful painting - all this makes the mosque one of the best in Central Asia.

The building has a large dome in the center and four smaller ones on the sides. The walls, high arched openings, doors are decorated with mosaics, paintings and carvings. The Masjidi Jami Mosque is rightfully recognized as an outstanding example of Central Asian art of the Middle Ages.

In 1884, the Church of Mary Magdalene appeared in Khujand. Its construction was sponsored by a wealthy merchant. In 2005, during a fire, the temple was almost completely burned down. It was forgotten for five years, but in 2010 it was reconstructed.

Now the Church of Mary Magdalene is a 14-meter building. The dome is decorated with a gilded cross brought from Moscow. In the church you can see some icons that were preserved after the fire.


The modern Russian name of the city is Khujand, sometimes transliterated as Khojent, Khujand.

By Decree of the Supreme Council of the Tajik SSR No. 246 of February 26, 1991, the city returned its historical name.


The city is served only by numerous route taxis. Bus and trolleybus routes were abolished (in 1994 there were 11 trolleybus routes).


Khujand is the second most populous city in Tajikistan after Dushanbe.

Geography and climate

Khujand is located on the banks of the Syr Darya, below the Kairakkum reservoir, 35 above the Uzbek Bekabad. It is part of the Fergana Valley, between the spurs of the Turkestan Range in the south and the Mogoltau Mountains in the north.

The city is located 200 km northeast of Dushanbe (341 km by road).


Quote from the St. Petersburg Gazette, 1868 (No. 215, 219):

«… Khojent is located on the banks of the excellent, high-water Syrdarya and is surrounded on all sides by mountains, along the slopes of which there are green luxurious gardens, and all this together - water, mountains and vegetation in the summer, with the local heat and drought, gives the air favorable freshness and purity, and in winter it is moderate. ...Khojent is completely surrounded by magnificent gardens, of which there are more here than in other areas of the region. All these orchards are fruit, the fruits grow here in amazing abundance and the surrounding cities are supplied with them...»

Khujand was the birthplace of famous astronomers, mathematicians, doctors, historians, poets, and musicians. One of them is Abumakhmud Khujandi, the founder of the local astronomical school. In the 14th century, Kamol Khujandi, the author of the famous gazelles, was called the “Nightingale of Khujand”. Equally popular in the Middle Ages was the outstanding poetess, musician and dancer Mahasti. In the 19th century, cultural figures such as Toshkhoja Asiri, Sodirkhon Hafiz, and Khoja Yusuf carried out active educational work in Khujand.

In the Russian Empire


In the post-war period, Leninabad became the largest industrial and cultural center of Tajikistan after Dushanbe. The city's industry became diversified, equipped with advanced domestic and foreign technology; a silk factory, one of the largest enterprises in the republic, operated in the city. In 1991, dozens of enterprises in Khujand produced the same amount of industrial products per day as in the entire pre-revolutionary Tajikistan in a year. The silk factory's fabrics were sent to 450 cities of the USSR and to foreign countries.

Since the 60s, Leninabad has been actively expanding its borders. The city stepped onto the right bank of the Syr Darya, throwing two bridges across it.

In 1970, trolleybus service was launched in Leninabad.

During the years of Soviet power, radical changes took place in the field of healthcare. By 1991, there were 40 medical and preventive institutions in Khujand, employing about 2.5 thousand doctors and specialists with higher and secondary medical degrees. education.

Major changes have occurred in the field of public education. In 1991, there were 30 schools in Khujand, attended by about 30 thousand students.

Modern Tajikistan

The XVI session of the Supreme Council, held in the village of Arbob, 10 km from Khujand in November 1992, restored the constitutional order in the republic and elected E. Sh. Rakhmonov as chairman of the Supreme Council.

Culture, education

Theater. Historical, local history, archaeological museums.

In 1932, the Pedagogical Institute was opened, where only 26 people studied. Today, at 16 faculties of this university, transformed into

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See how the price of air tickets to Khujand changed depending on the time of purchase. Since the start of sales, their value has changed by an average of 32%. The minimum price for a flight to Khujand is 53 days before departure, approximately 21,230 rubles. The maximum price for a flight to Khujand is 50 days before departure, approximately 31,556 rubles. In most cases early booking helps you save money, take advantage of it!

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According to statistics, the most affordable option for flights to Khujand is on Fridays, their average cost is 23,059 rubles. The most expensive flights are on Sundays, their average cost is 25,814 rubles. It is worth considering that flights on holidays are usually more expensive. We hope this information will help you plan your travels more effectively.