Stone dolmens. The secret of dolmens is revealed. But many questions remain

I really liked Megre's words about this: “Imagine that you came to your distant great-great-ancestors, how would you behave? You wouldn't say the word "work". They would not perform any ceremonies, rituals. Yes, that is absolutely correct. It is important to feel what you need! What do you want to receive? Or ask? What is the important question you should and can ask? And here the ritual or behavior will build itself. To take off or not to take off your shoes - you will feel for yourself. To bow or not to bow, or maybe do it mentally so as not to embarrass other people? You will know this for sure.

It is important not to make noise at the dolmens, to respect yourself and others, and especially not to scold anyone. Here are your Ancestors. And who knows, maybe you also once closed the lid of some dolmen?

Scientists about dolmens

(Excerpts from the book "Sacred Geometry")

Throughout history, people have built a variety of ceremonial structures. Wooden temples, stone dolmens, open or sealed in a mound, earthen catacombs, fortresses, monasteries and entire cities. These buildings were not used for everyday purposes, they came to them at the right time, performed a mystical act and left.

Dolmens are monumental (megalithic) buildings made of stone slabs and blocks or carved into a rock mass. Translated from Low Breton, the word itself dolmen means "stone table". The mountain peoples of the Adygs (Circassians), who lived in the Western Caucasus, considered dolmens to be sacred structures, revered them and guarded them. Local residents have not built houses in this area for a long time and go to the dolmens only in extreme cases, when they want to ask them for something extremely important. It is not customary to doubt here: if the desire is strong, sincere and, most importantly, kind, it will certainly come true. And a dolmen can severely punish an evil and mercenary person. Any mistrust, sarcasm about this is perceived here as a personal insult. A person who questions the sacredness of dolmens is turned away.

Dolmens are unique: no monuments have been found anywhere in the world that would be structurally similar and at the same time precede the Caucasian ones. The first dolmen was discovered near the town of Gelendzhik in 1794 by academician Peter Pallas, who traveled around the outskirts of the Russian state. At the beginning of the 19th century, an expedition of Russian scientists discovered an even larger group of dolmens in the vicinity of the Pshada River. In the diaries of the researcher Ivan Komlev, there are records of how locals, barely hearing about the interest of guests in stone houses, were horrified and flatly refused to be escorted to these places. Built from the monstrous weight of multi-ton blocks and slabs, these structures amaze the imagination with the engineering ingenuity of the builders, the amazing laboriousness of the work, the sophistication of the architecture, which is rough at first glance, and the absence of obvious reasons for such a grandiose construction. For almost two thousand years, year after year, in obedience to tradition and faith unknown to us, details of fantastic structures were cut down in the quarries of the Western Caucasus, which became part of the unique Caucasian landscape.

Culture with structures in the form of dolmens was spread over a large area of ​​the Black Sea region - from Taman Peninsula to the city of Ochamchiri and the Kuban River basin, occupying mainly mountain-forest areas. Now more than 2200 dolmens are known on the territory of the Western Caucasus. Archaeological finds from dolmens and individual settlements allow us to talk about the high culture of their builders.

Radiocarbon analysis showed that the West Caucasian dolmens were built from 2700 BC. e. to 1400 BC e., that is, dolmens from 4700 to 3400 years. However, such a dating method can only determine the minimum age of dolmens (as well as all similar stone buildings).

Usually dolmens are divided into four types: tiled, composite, trough-shaped and monoliths.

A tiled dolmen consists of 4 walls, a lid and a floor consisting of one large or several smaller (heel) slabs; the chamber is rectangular or trapezoidal. The side plates are slotted into which the perfectly matched rear and front plates fit. The front plate, framed by the protrusions of the side plates and an overhanging visor, forms a portal. Since dolmens were often located under barrow mounds, the same ledges protected the mound from sliding onto the front slab of the dolmen. Sometimes an additional portal or dromos corridors were attached to the dolmen. Composite dolmens are quite rare buildings. They were built from separate blocks. Chamber shape: rectangular, trapezoid, horseshoe, round and multifaceted. Trough-shaped dolmens are quite common. In a rock or a huge block of stone, a recess was cut, similar to a deep trough, then covered with a slab from above or overturned; a hole and portal protrusions were made. Dolmens-monoliths, entirely carved from one block of stone or in the rock, are very rare.

The holes of the dolmens were closed with stone plugs - phallic-shaped bushings weighing up to 150 kg. The shape of the bushings is very curious. Outwardly, it is very close to the shape of ultrasonic emitters used in modern technology to focus the ultrasonic flow. As emitters in these devices, special ceramic plates are used, the movement of the focal region of the emitter is achieved by moving this plate and changing the cone of the emitters. In ancient emitters, the main role was played by the composition of the rock from which the sleeve was made, and the geometry of its surface.

Dolmens have a perfect shape and certain mathematical proportions of the inner chamber of the dolmen. Plates weighing from 3 to 30 tons are connected by grooves with millimeter accuracy. For the construction of dolmens, certain rocks of sandstone are selected and sometimes moved for tens of kilometers. Archaeologists do not find traces of roads along which stones could be transported. During the construction of these structures, a specific, yet difficult to reconstruct, system of levers and blocks was used. The processing technique of monolithic dolmens required knowledge of special techniques associated with cutting rooms in solid rock. This work was complicated by the small size of the facade opening, through which the stone was taken out and the fragmental material was taken out. The amazing thoroughness in the mutual adjustment of the plates did not allow the slightest gap. At present, it is not possible to reproduce the technology for the construction of dolmens - in the time frame in which the original megaliths were built. Some researchers believe that for the construction megalithic structures a special technology was used, in which the lifting of multi-ton stone blocks into the air was carried out with the help of special sound vibrations, mantras. Correctly pronounced mantras created a kind of energy field, which, with skillful direction, could move and teleport any objects. This method was used in the construction of Stonehenge, Great Pyramid and other massive structures of antiquity.

During the construction of dolmens, knowledge of the sacred geometric properties of the circle was necessary, as well as greater accuracy of measuring work. A series of arc-shaped blocks were made, and then they were combined on the spot in two or three tiers.

Megaliths have been found to generate high-frequency vibrations and electromagnetic waves. Their activity increases at sunrise and sunset, and also intensifies on the turning points of the year - the spring and autumn equinoxes. Dolmens have amazing energy properties, they are built of material similar to those of Stonehenge, Egyptian pyramids, and similar technologies.

What is the reason for these phenomena in megaliths? Dolmens were built from quartz sandstone. Quartz is silicon oxide S0 2 ; it is most common in the earth's crust and has its own varieties. Quartz crystals have the property of direct and inverse piezoelectric effect. If the crystal is compressed, then opposite electric charges arise on its faces perpendicular to the direction of compression. Mechanical energy with the help of a crystal is converted into electrical energy. And vice versa: an alternating electric field applied to a crystal causes it to produce mechanical vibrations.

Quartz works in a huge range of frequencies, creating acoustic and electrical waves. Self-excitation of quartz crystals in megaliths occurs due to the constant propagation of acoustic waves and electrical discharges on the Earth. They are formed from the deformation of the earth's crust caused by tectonic activity, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tidal influences from the Sun, Moon and other planets. Quartz has interesting properties: the ability to generate an electric current under the influence of compression (piezoelectric effect), as well as maintain the constancy of oscillations (frequency stabilization). This is the basis of its application in radio engineering. Under the influence of an electric current, quartz crystals generate ultrasound (reverse piezoelectric effect). When mechanically deformed, quartz is able to generate radio waves. Dolmens not only generate ultrasound, but also emit it in a directed way in the form of a beam (projector effect), as evidenced by the design features of dolmens. They are a bell, expanding in the direction from the rear wall to the front.

Around the places where dolmens stand - singly or in a group, soils swim; landslides break down, water streams rush through, but it has never been necessary to detect any violations from these formidable and dangerous phenomena, although sometimes the edge of a landslide failure is located just a dozen meters from the dolmen. In the places of ancient landslides, the destroyed parts of dolmens have never been found either. An interesting fact is the constancy of the aspect ratio of 1:1.6, almost similar to the ratio of the size of the human skull. Dolmens were built exclusively from quartz-bearing rocks (granitoids, quartz-glauconite sandstones); the amazing properties of quartz have been pointed out above.

Dolmens were built on faults in the earth's crust. There are strong energy flows in these places. Quartz crystals are excited throughout the massive dolmen slab, generating very high frequencies. The dolmen chamber itself is a resonator. Due to the parallel plates in the dolmen, a standing wave is created, as in a tuning fork. If a tuning fork is brought near a source of chaotic noise, it starts to sound, generating a certain frequency. So the dolmen chamber amplifies underground vibrations. Inside such a chamber, vibrations are created that are radiated through the hole.

Dolmens were erected in places of power, that is, in areas where anomalies of geomagnetic and, as a result, geopathogenic processes are observed. Based on Vernadsky's theory of the noosphere, which considers the planet as a single organism, any place of planetary scale power can be considered as an acupuncture point of this organism. Just as different effects on human acupuncture will produce different results, so the effects on geomagnetic zones are differentiated depending on the goal. The range of sacred practices is endless. The goals that the ancient sages sought to achieve with the help of erected structures: harmonization with the outside world and the surrounding space, obtaining secret knowledge, transmitting or receiving information flows, gaining strength, enlightenment, achieving personal immortality (meditation into eternity), coding the planetary meridian (to suppress or revealing the creatures living along it).

Being inside the dolmen-resonator, the initiate could receive information from the highest levels of the Universal Mind, and this information could concern not only the past, but also the present and the future, since the linearity of the flow of time is a characteristic inherent only in a dense plan and a limited level of perception of the world.

Dolmens are also receivers of cosmic energy, reflecting the stellar power configuration. This configuration is interconnected with the Earth by energy points, in which temples were built and places of worship were located from ancient times. Thus, a dolmen is not just an observatory, but also a temple, and all dolmens together (with other megalithic buildings) form a single temple network, the energy body of the Earth.

They can be used as a catalyst for individual and group human processes. In France, women specially spent nights away at the megaliths in order to be cured of infertility, to beg for a happy marriage. This is evidenced by the drawings on the back wall of one of the French dolmens in Gavrini.

Since the West Caucasian dolmens were installed in a seismically dangerous areas, along the zones of active geological faults, they had another important function - signaling and "calming" the approaching earthquake. Before a strong tremor, stresses increase in rock blocks, so-called foreshocks occur (preliminary small earthquakes). All this is captured by a sensitive acoustic device - a dolmen: it starts to buzz. The elders announced the alarm, and the inhabitants of the surrounding villages came out of their houses to open places, drove the cattle out of the stables, and took other emergency measures. Sometimes the dolmen “handled” itself with an earthquake of small force.

Dolmens are the source of psychodynamic catharsis, and for each of us - the source of personal catharsis: energetic, emotional and mental.

After a certain time, the functions of a dolmen as, in a sense, a living being can change. Therefore, one should approach the study of megalithic structures with great care and, of course, people who are spiritually enlightened and full of good intentions. At the beginning of the century, the Adyghes claimed that a terrible punishment awaits those who go to the "houses of eternity" without being called by the gods. However, those who sincerely wish to use the mystical power of the dolmen can, if desired, join the mysteries of the Universe, receive energy assistance, answers to hard-won questions.

The energy of dolmens is able to awaken dormant talents and abilities in a person: these are zones of contact and interaction of different levels of being, where a meeting with oneself is possible, leading to unity with the Earth, humanity, and the Universe. This is the magic of true transformation. The only condition for the feasibility of this is an open heart and pure thoughts.


AT last years aggravated an old problem. Mount Nexis, on which the ancient Dolmens are located, is deafened by explosions of quarrying, one of the best tourist routes, historical monuments are on the verge of destruction, there are cracks in the houses of the inhabitants of the village of Svetly. But the people fed by fear and laziness are silent. A handful brave people collected signatures "but things are still there."

We call on the authorities of the city of Gelendzhik and Krasnodar Territory stop these barbarous deeds (the owners of the quarry do not even have a license for mining, and explosions continue), start work on reclamation, restoration of this cultural and historical place.

Dear readers, your actions, letters, calls to all authorities are needed, designed to keep order, and Nature will thank you for your good deeds.

Vladimir Borodin, Saratov.

With a request find out your purpose ,

to open it come to the consultation quite often.

This is one of the hottest topics in "our circles".

But today I want to offer you a new look at this issue.

I will talk about dolmens.

I must say right away that everything I write is my subjective opinion.

Information received from the memories of one of the past lives.

My dad went to the dolmen when I was 3 days old. He was a handsome young man in the prime of his life. Why did he make such a decision and for what?

I watch the conversation. Dad tells grandfather about the decision.

My dad is the keeper of knowledge about how fortitude to develop one’s own, to educate masculine qualities in boys, to become a hero, as a husband worthy of being, in general, a Man with a capital letter.

It is difficult for me to describe the power of this knowledge with my feminine essence, I just feel like a light fluff next to such power, and also an absolute sense of reliability, kindness and trust. Dad wanted to pass this knowledge on to his sons, but I was born a girl, and my mother died in childbirth.

Why were dolmens built?

Time was troubled then, it was restless in Russia. Therefore, in order to preserve knowledge and be able to pass it on to anyone who is ready to accept, dad decided to go to the dolmen.

The place was chosen in the forest in the mountains, not far from the grandfather's house. I watch the construction from the side.

I see dad sitting motionless with his eyes closed, grandfather stands aside, not physically participating in the process. Three men are doing the packing. They turn huge slabs with ease, as if they were not made of stone, but cardboard. Construction took 1 day. With the last rays of the setting sun, the Pope laid the last stone from within. Everyone left, only Grandpa remained.

He stood in front of the dolmen, and together with his father, they began to mentally create something. It's hard to figure out exactly what they were doing. I only realize that it is like setting up a channel for direct communication with the information field of the universe. It differs from the usual - human power and strength. Grandpa leaves.

I, observing the events, wanted to go into the dolmen, but it didn’t work out. Nobody can't get in, it's a closed space. And it's not even about stones, although they also store a lot in themselves, it's about strength - energy.

Technological aspects of the manufacture of portal slabs of the dolmens of the Caucasus and their decorative design.

The final experiment in a series of activities under the program for researching technologies for the construction of dolmens in the Caucasus was the technological process for processing sandstone slabs intended for portal use with the help of stone tools.

The portal slab of the dolmen is its main distinguishing feature from other megalithic structures. Its important parts are the dolmen manhole and additional three-dimensional elements - ornamentation and the sleeve itself, which closes the manhole.

Geometrically, manholes are usually round, not ideal, rarely found in the form of a rectangle and in the form of a segment of a circle. The ornament on the portal slab is extremely rare and the dolmens of the Caucasus with the ornamentation of the portal slab can be counted on the fingers, almost all of them are located on the southern slope of the Main Caucasian Range.

Extremely rare are archaeological finds that demonstrate the phases of the manufacture of the mentioned elements of the dolmen. On the back slab of the dolmen, discovered by Mikhail Kudin (Kudin, the third Abkhazian international archaeological conference 2011. P. 114-119) in the tract "Wolf Gate", the hole was made only half.

A facade slab of an unfinished composite dolmen of the Mizeguh group with the same phase of an unfinished manhole was also found.

Obviously, some important reasons prevented the ancient builders from completing the construction of these dolmens, most likely it was an intertribal war. The unfinished dolmens that remained in this way allowed us to assume a technology for making a manhole in a portal slab, different from the picketing technology (Semenov, 1968, p. 81-83), which was traditionally assumed for this kind of work.

The window, made to a depth of about ten centimeters, already had smooth walls along the perimeter of the circle, and at the same time, the bottom of the resulting cylinder was chipped in a chaotic manner. Apparently, the manhole window was not drilled, but cut along the perimeter, while the inner part of the stone mass was broken into pieces and removed, making it possible to go deeper into the rock.

In order to experimentally confirm this technique of processing a portal slab, we decided to use a flint tool as a cutter. Also, tools made of diabase, copper and bronze were used to test the technologies. When carving the rounded perimeter of the future manhole, it turned out that flint turned out to be the most effective tool.

The abrasive properties of sandstone led to the fact that metal tools quickly became dull and lost their effectiveness. Flint and diabase served much longer. It should be noted that diabase, as a less brittle stone, is more acceptable for impact work, while flint clearly outperforms it in carving. The experiment was carried out near the village of Volkonka, Lazarevsky district, on a slope with natural sandstone outcrops. This place is known as "Sortuchastok" and along its slope there is a group of dolmens of various types (semi-monoliths, tiled and composite). In two hours of working time, using a flint chisel, a stone ax and a copper adze, we obtained a fragment of a manhole cut to a depth of 30mm.

A similar technique of working with stone proved to be effective for creating convex bas-relief drawings on a portal slab.

The technology of creating a portal manhole prompted me to think about the identity of processing methods and their probable identity, both for the manhole and for ornamenting the portal. In just over three hours, on a rocky fragment located not far from the famous semi-monolith dolmen (with a cross on the facade) in the area of ​​the same dolmen group "Sortuchastok", a "comb" ornament was carved and finalized by picketing technique

And a solar symbol.

These symbols are similar to those located on the famous dolmen from the Svir Gorge (Markovin, 1978, p. 214).

For a long time it was believed that this dolmen was destroyed during the construction of the gas pipeline, but Sochi local historians recently discovered it in complete safety.

Also, on the experimental block of sandstone, a common element of portal slab decor, a protruding hemisphere, was carved.

Bas-reliefs located in a conspicuous place

Over time, they will become covered with growths, and erosion will hide traces of fresh processing. In order to avoid possible misunderstandings in the work of future generations of archaeologists and local historians, the materials on the experiments were transferred to the Museum of the History of Sochi. Based on the experiment, the following conclusions can be drawn - the construction of a dolmen with stone tools is a real and complete process. It would be unfair to give unconditionally the laurels of the construction of dolmens to people with bronze tools.

At the previous stages of the study, successful experiments were also carried out on polygonal alignment of dolmen blocks and wedge splitting of a sandstone slab in order to obtain a rectangular part of a slab dolmen. Thus, all the main technological processes necessary for the final stage of construction and ornamentation of the Caucasian dolmens received their final logical conclusion.

The experiments confirmed the reality of the proposed methods and showed their actual labor costs and time capacity of the work. In further studies, the results obtained may allow us to restore in more detail the historical picture of the construction of the megaliths of the Caucasus.

I am happy to answer constructive questions.


Markovin V.I. Dolmens of the Western Caucasus. – M.: Nauka, 1978.

Semenov S.A. The development of technology in the Stone Age. - Leningrad: Nauka, 1968.

Kudin M.I. Unfinished monuments and the construction evolution of the dolmens of the Caucasus. Third Abkhaz International Archaeological Conference 2011. - Sukhum, 2013.

We recently returned from vacation, part of which we spent in Gelendzhik and its outskirts. One of the goals of our trip was to visit dolmens and communicate with their spirits. There were three of us: I (Svetomir), my wife and friend (Pavel Svetly).

We really wanted to touch the secret of dolmens and feel the antiquity and grandeur of the places where our wise ancestors once lived. They knew much more about the universe than modern man and perhaps they foresaw the onset of dark times, which was the reason for the construction of dolmens in order to transfer knowledge to their descendants who soon fell asleep.

I will not argue with the conclusions of our scientists about the construction and purpose of dolmens, as well as about the level of civilization that built them, since I consider modern science to be not competent enough in understanding the Universe and human structure. Let me just say that this article is not fiction, not the author’s assumption, but real experience obtained from communication with the spirits of dolmens.

Our journey to the dolmens began from the village of Svetly, which is located very close to the city of Gelendzhik. We climbed the dusty quarry road up, then even higher along the path leading to the top of Mount Nexis, where we turned right along the road passing two dolmens. They are called Lunar and Solar.

It was about 11 o'clock in the afternoon. From the mountain there was a wonderful view of the mountains, the sea and some village. A light breeze blew our bodies, fried during the rise by the summer Caucasian sun. At the tree we saw the first dolmen, which was already studied by the family ahead of us. We waited for the people to leave, sat down at the dolmen and tried to make mental contact.

No matter how much I tried to relax in order to hear the answer to my question, unfortunately, I could not feel anything. The same failure befell my wife. I already wanted to ask my friend how things are going with him, how, without hiding his emotions, he immediately began to talk about the fact that he had made contact, and that for the first time in his life he began to see separate phrases on the mental screen, as if written in space. And not only that - he received complex answers as a set of sensations and knowledge in an instant, the retelling of which took time. This was the same silent knowledge that K. Castaneda and V. Megre wrote about in their books. From his story, I felt a chill on my back, which meant only one thing - the campaign was a success!

“Closing myself from the wind, I looked inside the dolmen through the round entrance. With the help of the pendulum, I asked the question of whether it matters where one is during communication with the Spirit of the dolmen. Do you need to go inside? The pendulum answered clearly and unambiguously that it doesn't matter where it is, outside or inside. I concluded that everyone chooses a convenient place for himself.

I walked around the dolmen and immediately chose a place on the right side. I placed a stone and pressed my back against the stone slab. There was a beautiful view right in front of me. Immediately, as soon as I tuned in to chat, questions and answers rained down.

The answers came as a string of rapidly changing images, words on the mental screen and sensations throughout the body. I have never experienced such a flight of thought. What surprised me the most was the speed and ease of our communication.

I received information instantly. Answers to any questions, it seemed, were already ready and at the right time unfolded in front of me.

There was a very strong physical sense of strength and self-confidence. The most difficult thing was to interpret the revealed knowledge. In order to describe my images to my friends, I had to choose words. I really wanted to find the same vivid and strong descriptions of what I saw and felt, how it happened on an invisible plane.

We did not spend much time at this dolmen, as people began to arrive, it became noisy, and our plans were to visit other dolmens by the end of the day. Spirit answered all prepared questions from a friend and several questions on behalf of my wife and me.

Here I will make a small digression in order to explain the concept of Spirit. In this context, the Spirit is the Soul of a person, or, if you like, the Essence. But in the original understanding, the Spirit is a qualitative definition of the Soul, its energy, and not the Soul itself. The soul, on the other hand, consists of several energy (light) bodies of a person, which are located in parallel worlds, but interconnected by channels of DNA and RNA molecules. The Spirit (energy) passes through them, nourishing and shaping the Soul. For an analogy, one can compare the Soul of a person with his physical body, and the Spirit - with the air or food that feeds this body. The Soul contains the consciousness and emotions of a person, remaining there even after the death of the physical body.

In the spoken language, all this has long been confused and forgotten. As well as the Dolmen was called by our ancestors "Departure". Therefore, in this article, under the Spirit we will understand the Soul, and under the Dolmen - the Rest.

Let's go back to the dolmens. Dolmens were built 3-6 thousand years ago. The purpose of building a dolmen was to preserve and transfer knowledge to the descendants of their families. Let's see how important this is and how it happens.

Many people know about the existence of the Human Soul from various religions. They say that the Soul is immortal, but for some reason they hide its description, possibilities and purpose. Well, religions are silent, and I will tell you a little, since this is directly related to dolmens. You can check this information personally by talking with the Spirits of the dolmens.

Human consciousness and memory are not in the brain of the physical body, as "scientists" say, but in light bodies living in parallel worlds. The souls of modern people are basically from 3 to 7 bodies, depending on their DEVELOPMENT.

In the development of the Soul lies the goal of the life of any creature in the Universe, and not only its life, but also the life of the entire Universe (God) depends on it.

The world is arranged in such a way that the Soul needs to constantly be reborn in a solid body in order to be able to develop qualitatively. Depending on the quality of the life lived, awareness is preserved completely or only partially. The need for the Soul to live life after life in a solid body is connected not only with an attempt to “start everything from scratch”, but also with obtaining food (Spirit), which the Soul can receive in huge quantities only through a physical (solid) body, splitting solid matter into primary matter. The Soul can be reborn only in a genetically suitable family. And if the Soul of a person in terms of development has significantly outgrown its children and future descendants, it will not be able to be born again because of the genetic difference.
This is one of the reasons for the need to preserve and transfer knowledge to your future family. The same can be said about the development of a people or an entire civilization, where the loss of knowledge accumulated by the ancestors leads to the degradation and death of this people or civilization.

Another reason for the need to transfer knowledge lies in the birth and growth of the child. This is a serious test for the Soul. At birth, she has to give away part of her potential (Spirit) accumulated in a previous life, which, as a result, entails a temporary loss of memory (experience) of past lives. This is due to the rupture of bonds between light bodies. The restoration of these connections in a new person depends entirely on the parents and society (the consciousness of the clan and the people), who must pass on the experience of generations to him. From this experience and its quality depends on how quickly the connections between the bodies will resume, and the Soul will reach the level of development that it had before birth in a new solid body. Only from this moment the Soul will continue its once begun path of Knowledge.

If this does not happen due to a distorted transmission of information, or from a lack of such information, the Soul begins to degrade. The constant degradation of the Soul will lead to its death, and the degradation of many Souls of a people can lead to the disappearance of this people. There is also information that after a person reaches the “cosmic level”, when the soul develops all 6 light bodies (7 with the physical one), degradation no longer occurs.

That is why it is very important to preserve the experience of generations, replenish it and pass it on to your descendants. Many will think - but there are books, libraries, schools, universities - all this can be found there. To which I will answer - books are on fire, libraries are robbed, and in schools they replace and simplify knowledge. And all this happens not by chance, but according to the plan of some forces. I will not talk about them in this article, although many of you can trace them even on the example of the officially false point of view of the history of the Russian people or a careful reading of the Bible. But no matter how hard these forces try to erase the memory of our people, nothing will come of them. The spirits of dolmens live for many thousands of years and keep this knowledge for us!

As I have already said, the Spirit of a dolmen is understood as the Soul of a person who once decided to go to the dolmen to help his family, people, as well as himself in development, and therefore in understanding eternal life. Not every person dared and could go to the dolmen - they were strong, wise and loving people.

Dolmens were built in places of Power (crossroads of the geomagnetic lines of the Earth). Several people from the outgoing community under his own control took part in the construction. The slabs were cut from stone deposits and installed using wood, leather and horses. A low mobile and very strong scaffold (platform) was built from wood. Strong ropes were woven from bull skin, with which they braided a stone slab and tied it to horses (6-8). The horses pulled the slab onto the platform and brought it to the construction site. They began to build from the front plate, having previously cut through the “window” with a chisel. Then they dragged one edge into the ditch and, helping the horses with stakes, raised it to a vertical position. At the end, the top plate was pulled.

The direction of the entrance window was chosen according to the type of human energy structure. Thus, it is easier for a person to tune in to communication with Spirits of a similar energy structure.

To make contact with the Spirit, a person should relax and mentally formulate a question. After that, you need to monitor the sensations in the body and the thoughts that may appear.

Here, many people have doubts about the thoughts that have appeared - whether they are their own or the Spirit. It is difficult to give any advice on this, you just need to try to listen passively, trusting the Spirit. For some people, the sensations will be obvious, without any doubt. Others have sheer doubts and even disappointment. The main thing is not to despair. If it doesn't work today, it will work tomorrow.

The ability to relax, completely calming your mind, is not for everyone, but this is what you should strive for. The territory of the dolmen enhances the effect of relaxation, opening up the energy channels through which communication takes place. More developed and sensitive people can communicate with Spirits almost anywhere on the planet, at any time. And not only with the Spirits of dolmens, but also with others - the dead, the restless, the souls of some animals, egregors (the totality of souls in the way of thought) or God (the totality of all souls together).

“To communicate with the spirit of the dolmen, it will be better if you feel the vibrations. The vibrations of the stone and the entire structure as a whole are very important, because they amplify your thoughts and feelings. This will mean that you have risen in your perception above physical sensations.

Our Universe consists of fluctuations (vibrations), therefore, in order to tune in to communication with an incorporeal spirit that does not have a mouth and ears, like you, you need to look at it as a “guest” on a less dense level. To do this, first of all, you need to develop intuition and have a strong intention.

It also matters what kind of questions you ask. Tourists visiting dolmens are told that they need to ask for the fulfillment of desires. Almost like a fountain - throw a coin and wait for yourself. But this does not at all correspond to the purpose of the dolmens. The spirits left in them are not genies or goldfish.

Therefore, I urge you to ask really important and necessary questions. Especially the ones you have doubts about.

Answers to simple questions like "yes" and "no" come easily. You don't have to close your eyes. Such answers, after some practice, can be easily obtained during a conversation with other people.

But the more difficult the "task" for the spirit of the dolmen, the more serious approach it will require from you. For example, in order to consider some situations related to a chain of events or coming from childhood, I need to concentrate and go into light meditation.”

Many have probably heard about souls, but not many know the difference between the dead and the restless. When a person dies, a connection remains between him and the body, which draws him to the place of death for a certain period of time. They also attract the thoughts of relatives who were not ready to part with the deceased, greatly experiencing his death. And the thoughts of the deceased himself, who, for various reasons, could not forgive someone. Their consciousness, from the physical world, rises only to the level of the ethereal (2nd world), when the "returned" souls have it - it rises to the level of their development - the 3rd - 7th worlds. The Restless are lonely Souls, who remain inaccessible to both the experience of their past lives and access to common knowledge. To return "home", they need to accumulate Spirit (energy).

To access the knowledge of the universe, a person must develop to a certain level. This is impossible for underdeveloped Souls because of their inability to bear responsibility for the possession of knowledge. In the case of the Spirits of dolmens, such a restriction is removed, and the responsibility and accessibility to knowledge is shifted to the Spirit of the dolmen. And therein lies the great meaning of passing on knowledge to posterity...

Having visited the "Solnechny" and "Lunny" dolmens, we went in search of the "Wide Slit" village, not far from which, according to our information, the dolmen of "great-mother" Anastasia, described in the book by V. Megre, should be located. The road to the village was suggested to us by the guide of the UAZ, who drove up to the dolmen with intoxicated tourists.
It took a long time to walk, but the forest, mountains and broken road, along which only tanks and UAZs seemed to be able to drive, delighted us with their grandeur and silence. Only, occasionally, from the forest came the singing of birds invisible to us and the soft sound of the wind. It was difficult to navigate in the thick of trees, but we trusted the road, which, curving, led us somewhere down.

The forest ended and the road came to apple orchards, conveniently located among the mountains. Blackberry bushes grew in waves along the edges of the road. We refreshed ourselves with the gifts of nature with pleasure and soon came to the village, which, to our surprise, turned out to be not the same. We walked for such a long time, but ended up in a completely different place. The day was approaching evening and we decided to go “home” to Gelendzhik, postponing the trip to other dolmens for the next day.

At night, my friend and I decided to swim in the sea, when there was practically no one on the beach. The sea was calm and warm, as if already asleep. Discussing the past day, a friend suddenly felt the presence of a connection with the Spirit of the dolmen, which we recently visited. He began to communicate again, and the connection was not nearly worse than that of the dolmen. I took this opportunity to ask the Spirit about the reason why I could not get in touch with him. The answer to this turned out to be my childhood, which I myself must remember and revise, removing from my consciousness the “social programs” imposed on me that block “communication channels”. The friend, however, consulted with the Spirit about the book he was writing, and received much interesting information.

After " water procedures We thanked the Spirit and slowly wandered to our room. After a few steps, I felt pressure in the abdomen and felt "goosebumps" crawling all over my body, filling me with some amazing lightness. I started to share with a friend about this feeling, as he said that he feels the same and after a moment he smiled and added - the Spirit shared the Force (energy) with us and wished good night ..

The next morning we took a taxi and drove to the village of "Shirokaya Shchel" to visit two more dolmens. One of them was located near the stream, densely surrounded by suburban areas, while the second one we had to find on our own, since it was not marked on the maps.

The country dolmen, called "Continuation of the Family", was interesting for its three-dimensional pattern on the front plate - four hemispheres above the sign in the form of the letter "P", in the center of which there was an inlet. It was not possible to contact the Spirit of this dolmen, to which the Spirit of the previous dolmen said that he was already very deep and in order to communicate with him, you need to plunge into a meditative state.

A drunken man was standing next to the dolmen, and there was a dog with him. Noticing our seriousness and realizing that we are not simple tourists spoke to us. He asked if we managed to communicate and said that he had heard a lot from people like us about the sacred essence of dolmens, although he himself did not understand anything about it. We asked if he knew about the dolmen, which is located somewhere in the forest, perhaps “like us” told him something about it. What did he say amazing story about one girl who came in winter in search of this dolmen. She had a backpack, larger than her height, which contained a tent, a sleeping bag, and everything needed for living in the forest. He was surprised by the determination of the girl to find this dolmen, led her to the forest and told her how to go further. He himself learned about the dolmen from other people and had never been there, although he tried several times to get there with friends to drink beer there, but each time something happened to them that made them come back. He said that he would lead us to the forest and tell us how to go further. He also asked us to say hello to that courageous girl from Ukraine, if we ever meet her. (Greetings to the girl from all the members of our "expedition" and a kind guide, if she reads this article. We are proud of our Russian Ukrainian women!).

We did not find the “grandmother” dolmen immediately, but after a long walk through the forest with access to a high mountain range, from which an unforgettable view of the Western Caucasus opened. We realized that we had made a wrong turn and therefore we immediately found dolmens on the way back - there were two of them, but the second one was destroyed. The dolmen of the "grandmother" in our opinion was in the most beautiful and peaceful place, among many trees. We were completely alone and this moment pleased, as we could relax and talk.

The friend easily came into contact with the Spirit of the “grandmother” and was surprised at how different sensations he experiences when communicating with her compared to the Spirit of the first dolmen. If the previous Spirit was felt masculine, strict and strong, then care and tenderness came from the “grandmother”. Love, joy of life and gratitude came from her. Communication with her was not only interesting, but also very sensual and pleasant..

"My communication with her begins with the word "love" and a smile:)."

After the "great-mom" dolmen, we visited a few more, but they were all in tourist areas, where there were a lot of people and noise. The museum nature of dolmens essentially makes them useless during the day, but if you come early in the morning or at night, you can still chat.

I know that many people want to visit the dolmens and try to talk with the Spirits, but not everyone has the opportunity to do this. I wouldn't get upset about it. Find a place of power in your area or just a place in nature where you can relax and feel good. Take photos of dolmens, come to this place, make yourself comfortable and ask a question to the Spirit of the dolmen, imagining that you are in the place of the dolmen, in that in the photo. A photograph will help to establish a connection with the Spirit, and a place of power will help to make contact. Maybe not everyone will succeed right away, but I am sure that many will be able to do it the first time.

Dolmens are a living library! Learn to use it and you will discover the amazing secrets of the world!

We wish everyone good luck and good!

Svetomir and Pavel Svetly

The surroundings of Gelendzhik one of the locations large cluster dolmen. There you can see many different ancient buildings. They look mysterious and express the spirit of ancient cultures. The very colorful location among nature of these interesting stone structures in Gelendzhik is of particular interest. If you do not know what dolmens are and how they look, then it is all the more worth doing it right now. Dolmens what is it?

Dolmens are buildings made of huge boulders that date back to the Bronze Age. Since they were discovered and named, many questions have arisen around these structures, but archaeologists have managed to draw several conclusions. It was recognized that dolmens are ritual burial structures. Inside many dolmens, remains and objects of ancient life are found, which makes it possible to draw such a conclusion. Such tombs are found all over the world, the first was discovered in France, now you can hear that they are in China, Japan, Africa, and in our Caucasus.

AT Krasnodar Territory many such buildings with burials were found, but many were destroyed, since not all of them were recognized as valuable cultural monuments. Now it still remains a mystery how exactly they were made, because a dolmen is a structure where a huge slab stands on two or more than three of the same boulders in the shape of a house or table. Dolmen is translated as a stone table. Only with a round hole in the front wall.

Such cut holes can be round, like a window, or even made like an entrance in a semicircle. Each structure differs from the other, how it is made, what size and even the symbols carved on them. Therefore, if you are in Gelendzhik, be sure to go to see the dolmens, you will be amazed by their singularity.

It is very easy to get to various places with dolmens from Gelendzhik. Dolmens Gelendzhik how to get there? From the old station, minibuses and buses depart every day to the place you need. They are about an hour apart. The price is reasonable, the same as in all transports of the city. You can find buses with a direct route directly to Pszczada and Vozrozhdenie. You can ask the driver about the road, each of them will be able to tell you how to get to the right place after. So, you can independently get to the dolmens in Gelendzhik.

Gelendzhik dolmens address: Gelendzhik, Kupriyanova shchel, 1. Near the new bus station.
Almost all dolmens can be reached by car, but places such as the Zhene and Pshady rivers are not particularly traveled places, there are practically no roads. So be prepared to go to some places on your own, you can take food for a picnic with you or stay with tents.

To climb this mountain, you need to exit after the turn to Divnomorsk. There you will see a path up to the quarry, but it is longer. There is also a steep slope straight up, which is short but more dangerous. There you will find the Solnechny and Lunar dolmens.

To get there, you can go by any transport along the m4, and exit at the turn into the Wide Slit. After you cross the Shebs river bridge, you will see a straight road. There will be a blue trailer, you need to turn left from it. After walking a little more, you will see a dolmen. It is amazing that it is located right among residential buildings.

There is a direct bus from the bus station to the village. There you can find one dolmen on Mira Street. Others are located along the river Genet along the coast.
Janet river
In the village of Vozrozhdenie, you need to go to the Zhenya River. There is a stop in the village near the river. Walking along the coast, you will find 4 dolmens. Three are located nearby: Thor, Love, Tenderness. And another one is located a little further and is called the Power of the Spirit.

In Pshada you can find several dolmens. On the outskirts is the "Mother's Heart", you can ask the locals how to get to it. You need to go from the main street towards the forest. Also in the vicinity there is an “eight dolmen”, a village of dolmens in Gelendzhik, you need to go there along the Pshada River. On the same bank a little further there is another dolmen. Walk along the right bank, where you will also find several buildings. If you don't get tired, you can also go to Mount Tsygankov, there is a whole group of dolmens.

You can meet dolmens there just by walking and admiring nature. The most famous are located in the Nazarova Shchel area, where you can also go on an excursion.