Canary palm. The main attractions of the island of La Palma

The island of La Palma is very popular among nature lovers. Like others Canary Islands it is of volcanic origin, therefore, in the process of its formation, many caves and rocks were formed, which attract many tourists who want to visit amazing places, enjoy the magnificent views or go diving. Unlike the desert landscapes of Tenerife, the island of La Palma is almost entirely green and has quite a rich nature, which is why it is called “isla verde”, which translates from Spanish as “green island”. On La Palma you will find many magnificent landscapes, a wide choice walking routes, as well as acquaintance with the historical heritage of Spain.

Flights to La Palma

Hotel reservations La Palma

La Palma hotels on the map

Resorts La Palma

Santa Cruz de La Palma - small town and the capital of the island. It is home to many local attractions and also has excellent beaches. Interesting feature beaches is that they have completely black sand of volcanic origin. It is not much different from the usual light one, but it creates a certain special Canary atmosphere. The beautiful coast and the town itself will not leave you indifferent; you can go on excursions around interesting places, they are all located close to each other.

Charco Azul- the resort has a developed infrastructure and nice beach with an ocean pool.

La Fajana-Another one popular resort with excellent artificial beaches, many restaurants and shopping spots.

Santa Cruz- the resort is located near the port and has a long stretch of beach that extends all the way to the capital of the island.

Los Concajos- is popular as a place for families with children.

Sights and holidays on La Palma

Historic places of La Palma

It’s worth taking a look at Piazza di Spagna, there is a beautiful Dali street and an ancient Salazar's palace, built back in the 17th century. But there are sights even older, such as Church of the Holy Light, built during the Renaissance, was somewhat modified and expanded over time; there is a beautiful, high bell tower.

Ayatamiento- This is the town hall of the 16th century. We recommend that smoke lovers definitely visit House of Tobacco, where you can buy real high-quality cigars for yourself or as a gift to friends, and it’s also worth taking a look at Constitution Square.

Once in ancient times, La Palma was inhabited by the Benajoares people. This is confirmed by numerous archaeological finds and rock paintings. You can find all this in La Zarsa Museum to better know how this one lived interesting people. The drawings themselves are mostly petroglyphs that look like spirals, circles and many other signs; to this day no one can decipher them. It is also surprising that drawings were found very reminiscent of images of the Aztecs, and this is quite strange for these places. In general, this place is simply dotted with secrets, which attracts tourists with a variety of interests.

You can also visit the museum ship, this is accurate replica of the ship Santa Maria, on which Christopher Columbus discovered America.

Having visited Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Snows, this iconostasis was created back in the 15th century. But it is very well preserved to this day. The altar is made of Mexican silver, in the Baroque style, and you can also see other ancient icons, including in other churches of the island.

Mountains and volcanoes

Giant Crater of La Caldera de Taburiente formed as a result of powerful volcanic eruptions, it is 8 kilometers in diameter. Climbing to it is probably not suitable for all tourists, since in some places there are quite steep and sharp ascents and descents, but if you have good health and endurance, then unforgettable experience you will definitely get it. La Caldera de Taburiente- this is a national park, you can get to it from Santa Cruz by bus, it’s not far.

Thrills can provide Pico de la Cruz- this is the most high peak park, it will take about 5 hours to get there, but it's worth it. Having overcome this long journey, you will be able to feel like you are on top of the world; there is a special observation deck equipped with a stunning view. There are 2 excursion routes, one is the Roca de los Muchachos trail, the highest altitude trail, and the second trail is called Lomo de las Chosas, which is easier to overcome.

The next attraction is called Barranco del Agua. This rocky gorge with a beautiful, picturesque forest, this is an example of the pristine nature of the island, which was here many centuries and even millennia ago, is considered a biosphere reserve and is protected by UNESCO. There are 5 different trails in the gorge, some are more difficult and suitable for trained and prepared tourists, and there are those that are suitable for a pleasant, have a relaxing holiday. One of the routes will lead to the observation deck, the other route is more difficult, but it will take you to beautiful waterfalls.

What else is remarkable about the island is its extraordinary beauty sunsets which are considered one of the most beautiful in the world. But it is best to observe them from the western part of the island, since on the other side the sun quickly disappears behind the mountains.

Caves of La Palma

What else is definitely worth seeing on La Palme are the caverns. There are quite a lot of them here and perhaps they need to be given special attention.

Cave called El Salto De Tigalat consists of two pipes that connect, it is one of the hundred longest volcanic caves in the world, it will be very interesting to walk through it. Here you can find entire halls and passages. Previously, these pipes were single, but over time, erosion took its toll.

Cueva De Todoca is one of the most visited caves by tourists. It was formed as a result of the underground lava flow of the San Juan volcano. The length of this cave is one and a half kilometers, but for most tourists only a third of this distance is accessible. You should be careful as you can get hurt on sharp frozen pieces of lava. There is a limit on visiting; they are allowed in groups of 15 people. It is better to visit it with a guide to learn better about the cave. In addition to solidified lava, you will see stalactites and stalagmites, and walls covered with lichen; the view here is simply stunning.

Another volcanic cave Cueva De Benishajare It is also interesting to visit, but it is better not to travel through it on your own, since it is a labyrinth in which it is quite easy to get lost. Walking along it you can see ancient mushroom-shaped caves, they are in good condition.

Cueva de Belmaco cave located in the archeology park, the island's residents believe that at one time it was the residence of the last rulers of the canton. It was here that rock paintings were first discovered 300 years ago.

To the cave Cueva De Candelaria It cannot be reached from the shore, but only from the sea; it is located near the mouth of the El Jurado ravine. In the 17th century, it served as a shelter for fishermen from attacks by pirates and Muslims. The view here is simply stunning, the walls polished over time and the reflections of the water, especially in the evening, can cause admiration, and many exotic fish swim in the water. You can get here with a guide on excursion boats.

Cueva Del Perdido has several entrances, however, the cave is dangerous, as it crumbles, and also has labyrinths; it is not recommended to go here without a guide and special equipment.

1. The main attraction of the island is National A park Caldera de Taburiente , located in the center of the island. A huge erosion crater was formed 400 thousand years ago as a result of a monstrous explosion and earthquake. In addition to rocks with unusual shapes, the crater is covered with a dense pine forest. The depth of the crater reaches 2,000 m, its circumference is 28 km (diameter 8-10 km) and covers an area of ​​2426 m. A stone spire 800 m high rises from the bottom - Rocke de Idafe.

The caldera funnel is also crossed by deep ravines, with waterfalls and a water drop of more than 100 m ( cascadas de la Desfondada, Hoyo Verde de colors, la Fondada and others) and streams of ferruginous water, like riachuelo Almendro Amargo, coloring the stones a bright red-orange color. Almost all the waters flow into the beautiful Dos Aguas Gorge (Dos Aguas) at an altitude of 520 m.

To view the Caldera de Taburiente in all its grandeur, there are several observation platforms: , And . The observation decks can be reached via conveniently marked paths and roads.

Roque de los Muchachoshighest point(2426 m) islands, where the largest and most significant of the northern hemisphere is located.

The unique and impressive landscapes of the National Park attract thousands of tourists every year. Along the territory of the reserve there are laid

There is a visitor information center (Centro de Visitantes del Parque Nacional La Caldera), created specifically for everyone who wants to get acquainted with the reserve. Here you can watch an exhibition in the exhibition hall, a film about the formation and characteristics of the Caldera, get maps in Spanish, English or German languages, guidebooks and brochures.

2. One of the largest and most significant observatories of the Northern Hemisphere is located on this island. Palma has unique geographical, topographical and meteorological conditions that are extremely favorable for stargazing. The island's remoteness and sparse population allows scientists to observe the starry sky in virtually the absence of artificial light. The air above the mountain is virtually still, helped by the prevailing winds and the unique shape of the mountain. Most years, the clouds that trap dust and moisture are located below the observatory. All these factors contribute to perfect observation of distant stars and galaxies.

Observatory of Roque de los Muchachos - astronomical observatory, founded in 1985 in the municipality of Garafia, belongs to the Canary Institute of Astrophysics, which is part of the Northern European Observatory. The largest observatory belongs to Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes. It houses the largest telescope in Europe, named after William Herschel. Today, several international scientific organizations operate here. “Telescopic time” is strictly divided between professional astronomers from all over the world. Several specialists apply for every minute. Everything is controlled from a computer console, and operators sit in warm rooms. Thanks to natural conditions Palm trees and the extreme precision of scientific equipment, the observatory on Roque de los Muchachos is a unique window on the Universe.

3. The entire north of the island is covered with cherry laurel forests growing at an altitude of 500-1500 m. Such forests covered the entire south of Europe in the Tertiary period. Only here can you find trees and ferns, which can rightfully be considered real living fossils. Forest Los Tilos, located not far from Los Sauces, declared a biosphere reserve by UNESCO and is an excellent example of such a forest. There are trails for walking here.

Gorges of Barranco del Agua Barranco del Agua in the northeast of the island of the municipality of Puntallana (Puntallana) and Cubo de la Galga (Cubo de la Galga) and Galgen Nature Reserve (Galguén) in the municipalities of Barlovento and Garafia (Barlovento and Garafía) are also worth special attention. Every nature lover will appreciate these excursions.

4. Not far from Barlovento there is a small cultural park fraught with many mysteries and secrets. We are talking about an archaeological region and ethnographic center La Zarza, where you can see evidence of the existence of the Benaoares - the ancient inhabitants of La Palma. They left petroglyphs carved into rocks at several locations in the northern part of the island, including Destiny Faro, Don Pedro and Juan Adalid. These designs consist mainly of spirals, circles and linear figures, the meaning of which remains unknown. Interestingly, exactly the same drawings, called petroglyphs, are present in Irish Newgrange and date back to the megalithic era (Irish petroglyphs date back to 3200 BC; they are older than Stonehenge and Egyptian pyramids). The information center has a museum dedicated to the life of the Aurites. The exhibition is supplemented by a 20-minute video film.

And in the archaeological park of Belmaco, in the municipality Villa de Mazo, you can see ten caves and rock paintings of the Benaoarites - the residence of the last leaders of the canton of Tigalate - Hugiro and Gareagua. It was here that the first cave paintings in the Canary Islands were discovered in the 18th century.

5. IN La Tosca (Barlovento) and in Buracas (Garafía) You can admire the dragon trees growing here. The trunks of the oldest dragon trees look very exotic: they are disproportionately thick, topped with a thick brush of sharp leaves. The trunk of an adult dracaena branches fancifully, forming many side shoots. Some trees produce aerial roots covering the trunk. And sometimes a hollow forms in the trunk of an old dragon tree - large enough to accommodate a person. Residents of the Canary Islands consider such trees sacred; rituals are performed near them.

The red resin secreted by dracaena when cut is also considered sacred. This resin was used in ancient times for embalming; legend says that it is not just resin: under the dracaena bark there is real dragon blood. Carnivorous dragons once lived in these parts and elephants were their prey. But one day a large elephant fell and crushed the dragon. Dragon blood soaked the ground and rose up the trunk of the tree that grew in this place.

From dragon tree seeds local residents they make beautiful jewelry.

6. Visiting volcanoes San Antonio and Teneguía (Fuenacaliente) will not leave anyone indifferent; they represent an amazing contrast to the green part of the island.
The last eruption of the volcano was in 1971 and near its crater you can still feel the warmth from the extinct volcano.

7. La Palma has beautiful, comfortable beaches made of black volcanic sand. The water is very clean, and thanks to artificially erected breakwaters on some of them, very calm. The coast is home to a huge amount of marine life, so in addition to swimming, there are excellent conditions for diving. The beaches are quite comfortable: there are playgrounds and many cafes, and huge palm trees grow along the beaches, under the shade of which you can relax from the hot sun. You can also discover almost wild, but lovingly maintained beaches or visit artificial sea pools.

8. Capital of the island (Santa Cruz de La Palma) is a small town with many narrow streets and ancient buildings in neoclassical and colonial style with Portuguese or Andalusian details. It is located on a mountainside, near the rim of the crater la Caldereta. The importance of La Palma during the Renaissance, when its capital Santa Cruz became the third port of the Spanish Empire after Seville and Antwerp, is reflected in its architecture.

City center - small triangular Plaza de Espana (Plaza di Spagna) with a wonderful stone fountain (1776). There is a monument to the “liberal” and the priest on it El Salvador-Manuel Diaz Hernandez (1774-1863).

And here is the famous (Church of the Savior) with a high bell tower, built in 1503. The main building is in the Renaissance style and was expanded in subsequent centuries. The sacristy houses fine examples of wood carvings in the Gothic style. The Mudejar style ceiling is made from the heartwood of pine trees.
On the other side of the square is the no less famous city hall of the capital, built in 1569, with an arcade in the style of the Italian Renaissance. The second floor is decorated with the coats of arms of Philip II of Spain, Palma and the Austrian royal house. The Town Hall is also famous for one feature - the wood finishing and ceiling treatment called Mudejar. Inside, the walls are painted with the painting "Pilgrimage" by the Palmeran artist Gonzalez Mendes (1843-1909) and frescoes by the artist M. Kassir (1890-1960), showing the folklore of La Palma.
The very first democratic town hall in Spain in 1773! There is a very old and valuable archive of historical documents dating back to 1553.

Another attraction of Santa Cruz is the fortress. Castillo de Santa Catalina , which perfectly defended the city from numerous French pirates. It was built in 1554, after the defeat of the city by pirates under the leadership of the legendary François Le Clerc in 1553, and thanks to which the islanders were able to repel the legendary pirate Francis Drake in 1585. It also served as the location of a military garrison. On its territory there were living quarters, warehouses and a prison.

Casa Salazar , on one of the main streets of Santa Cruz. This incredibly beautiful, rich building was built already in the 17th century by the governor of the island, Ventura Salazar.

At the end of the street Calle Real you can see the Ship of Our Lady, Barco de la Virgen - Maritime Museum of Santa Cruz de La Palma (Museo Naval de Santa Cruz de La Palma). Santa Maria - a replica ship of St. Mary, on which Christopher Columbus made his voyage to America, built by the descendants of sailors and shipbuilders and opened in 1940 as a maritime museum.

North of the capital Santa Cruz, in the municipality of Velhoco, is the sanctuary of the island's patroness - Nueatra Senora de Las Nievas. In - the Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Snows, there is an altar made of Mexican silver and a terracotta statue of the Madonna. The image itself Virgen de Las Nieves already from the 15th century. This is the oldest image of the Virgin in the Canary Islands. The iconostasis was built in the 16th century, in the Baroque style, it is gilded and many details are made in chased silver (art of the 17th-18th centuries). This church contains one part of a collection of Flemish sculptures and paintings from the 16th and 17th centuries, which are found in various churches on the island and are very rare and valuable. historical heritage.

9. The collection of Flemish sculptures and paintings from the 16th and 17th centuries represents a very rare and valuable historical heritage. All works can be viewed in different churches on the island.

12. Another attraction of the Canaries is National cuisine- a mixture of Latin American and European cultures with indigenous heritage and elements of African cuisine. Its simplicity emphasizes the quality of local products. Canarian cuisine consists of simple but high-calorie dishes. The islanders love to eat with pleasure and a lot, with family and in a big, cheerful company.

La Palma is one of the seven main inhabited islands Canary archipelago, which are washed by waters Atlantic Ocean.

Small in area (728 sq. km.), La Palma is the fifth largest and third largest in the number of inhabitants of the Canary Islands.

The coastline is mostly rocky, which means there is little beach places. But in terms of their splendor, they are in no way inferior to the beaches of the other Canary Islands.

The most beloved beach for tourists is Cancajos Beach, located near the village of Breca Baia, which consists of several bays. The water in them is so clear that it is simply difficult to resist diving. And in the village of Puerto de Naos there is a stunningly beautiful black sand beach.

Lagging behind the islands of Gran Canaria and Tenerife in the development of tourism, it can easily boast of its originality, tranquility and lush nature. This is noticeable even from the coast. Rising from the waters of the Atlantic Ocean to a height of 2426m, a huge mountain is all covered with greenery.

The north of the island can surprise you with its Laurel Cherry forests, densely overgrown ravines, which are often covered with fog.

For lovers of beauty and uniqueness, the island has national reserves- Parque Natural de Las Nieves and Parque Natural de Cumbre Vieja. It is here that you can walk along specially laid paths and enjoy truly rare natural beauty. And these beautiful forests are preserved thanks to the fertility of young volcanic soils and the large abundance of water.

There is also Palmitos Park - it is the largest butterfly reserve, but you can also find exotic birds there, of which there are about 230 species.

Another natural attraction is the volcanic ridge (La Caldera de Taburiente). Stretching from the north across the entire island, it ends in the south with the Tenegia volcano, which last erupted in 1971.

La Palma is called the most beautiful of the islands of the Canary archipelago. And the absence of industry preserves a special mood: regularity and tranquility, which is literally immediately transmitted to the people who choose this particular island for their vacation.

In addition to its rich nature and magnificent architecture, La Palma can also surprise you with its cuisine. Traditional cooking with olive oil, the quality of vegetable and animal fat, lard and the variety of products are appreciated all over the world. And that’s why Spanish cuisine is considered a tourist attraction.

Behind the current tranquility lies an island rich in history. This can be seen by the number of architectural attractions of the island's capital. In a small town with a population of 18,000 inhabitants, there are many narrow streets where many ancient buildings are located: the Church of the Savior, with a high bell tower (Iglesia Matriz de El Salvador) built in 1503; Town Hall (Ayuntamiento) in the Italian Renaissance style, which has stood since 1569; stone fountain 1776 All this can be seen in the city center in the small triangular Plaza de España.

The capital can also surprise you with its maritime museum- This is a life-size model of Columbus's ship, Santa Maria.

It is impossible not to mention the fortress Santa Catalina(Castillo de Santa Catalina), which during times of piracy protected the city from attacks.

The Spanish constitution upholds free exercise of religion, but the predominant religion is Catholicism. Therefore, La Palma has its own religious attractions - this is the sanctuary of the patroness of the island, Nueatra Senora de Las Nievas (Madonna of the Snows), which is located north of the capital. Once every five years, on the feast of the Apparition of the Madonna, a big event takes place for local residents; the Madonna is brought to the church. And on May 3 you can see an unusual holiday called the Day of the Cross in Santa Cruz de La Palma, where local residents organize a competition of decorated crosses.

One of the largest resorts on La Palma is Puerto de Naos with excellent black sand beaches. This is a small village where the residents are focused only on meeting the needs of tourists.

Good holidays combined with exquisite cuisine and ancient architecture, all this will be an excellent addition for lovers of solitude with nature.

Part 1 - Santa Cruz de La Palma - Caldera Taburiente (Cumbrecita)
Part 2 - Los Llanos - Roque de Muchachos - petroglyphs of La Zarza - Los Tilos
Part 3 - Volcanoes of San Antonio and Teneguia - Tazacorte

They say La Palma is the greenest of the Canary Islands. We decided to see this for ourselves. Last year, Tenerife and I started traveling to neighboring islands (Lanzarote), and we really liked this idea. A visit to the green island was planned for the January holidays.

Back in the summer, I booked a couple of hotels on La Palma: Sol La Palma And H10 Costa Salinas, deciding to make the final choice closer to the trip. But tickets for the Fred Olsen ferry appeared much later - at the end of October. I decided not to delay, and besides, take advantage of the promotional rate, and booked tickets in advance on the Internet. However, with such a reservation, two small pitfalls may await you: if you are sailing with a car, then you need its number; and second, boarding tickets for the ferry must either be printed 48 hours in advance, or go to the port and get them at the ticket office.

When I was choosing tickets on the website, I was very upset by the proposed schedule: the ship departed from Tenerife at 19.00 and arrived at Palma at around 22.00. A completely uninteresting option. And only on January 6th (!!!) when nothing works in Spain and they celebrate their favorite holiday, a morning flight was listed on the schedule. I didn’t think twice, changed the dates of my hotel stay for one day, and grabbed such interesting tickets!

We sailed from the port of Los Cristianos on January 6th. We already know how to load a ferry by car from our trip to La Gomera last year. The ship was, surprisingly, half empty, and those who boarded on Tenerife, for the most part, got off on Homer. From La Gomera to La Palma there were only two or three dozen of us left. The children had complete control of the empty playroom, and we watched the seascapes through the window.

Here is our friend from last year - La Gomera.

And on the other hand, Teide floats above the clouds, showing off its snow cap.

Almost three hours after departure, La Palma began to loom on the horizon

And here is Binter Canaries hurrying to the island. We flew this baby in the summer in Lanzarote

From the water I recognized the outline of the hotel I had booked.

And we are greeted by the capital of the island, which has almost the same name as the capital of Tenerife - Santa Cruz de La Palma.

Immediately from the ferry we go to check into our hotel H10 Costa Salinas, which is located exactly ten minutes from the port of Santa Cruz, in a cozy place called Los Cancajos. Surprisingly, the hotel doors were locked. There was an announcement on them that the reception should be found in the nearby four-star hotel H10 Taburiente playa. We were given keys to the front door of the hotel and to our room. Guests of our Costa Salinas can safely use the infrastructure of their older brother Taburiente playa, which is essentially located in the middle between them. We were given a room in a higher category than I ordered, apparently due to the low season and the hotel being unoccupied. And our cute house appears in all the photos of this hotel on More details about the room, its pros and cons, can be found on my review page.

We went out onto our huge balcony and saw off Fred, who, having dropped off the passengers, sailed back to Tenerife.

We walked a bit around the hotel grounds, which offered a wonderful view of the capital of the island.

We began to think about what we could do today, given that nothing was working anywhere, due to the holiday - the Parade of the Magi.
So, before us is the island of La Palma:

We decided to start with the observation deck above the capital - Mirador de la Concepcion. But in order to get back - towards Santa Cruz de La Palma, each time we had to start moving in the opposite direction from it - this is how the road in Los Cancajos is arranged. The first one we came across on the way was another lookout, which offers a view of our lovely village.

Well, Mirador de la Concepcion gave us simply fantastic views, both of the capital with its colorful houses, and of its neighboring areas.

An interesting monument that we drove past for 4 days, but we still didn’t understand what the author wanted to say.

With trepidation and impatience, I looked at the mountain range that we had to overcome tomorrow.

Well, having finished the photo shoot at the mirador, we begin the long descent to the capital. So far, everything around me reminds me of the north of the island of Tenerife - the Santa Cruz - Anagi area.

It took a very long time to go down, the road twists and turns continuously, along beautiful bright houses, palm trees and gardens. Surprisingly, we did not meet a single oncoming car. The navigator took us around the edge of Santa Cruz and turned us onto a one-way road - the oncoming one. In fact, we could have gotten to the parking lot much faster if we had gone down the same road we went up to the mirador, but that wouldn't have been fun! Finally we got to the embankment, found parking, and it turned out to be free today.

We went for a walk through a completely empty city: all shops and restaurants were closed, there were practically no people on the streets, and the paved central street was dotted with colorful confetti - traces of the past holiday.

Deserted Calle Anselmo led us to Piazza di Spagna. The silence here was broken by an interesting character: on a bench, opposite the Church of the Holy Savior, there was a man with a tape recorder turned on at full volume, from which catchy reggae sounded. Reggae in an empty city, on central square- makes a strong impression :))

Most of the cathedrals, built during the 16th century, are made in the Moorish style: thick walls painted white and masonry of volcanic stones in the corners.
Church of the Savior (Iglesia Matriz de El Salvador). The bell tower was erected at the very beginning of the 16th century.

Here, in Plaza de España, in addition to the church, you can find a stone fountain (late 16th century) and the City Hall building.

Climbing up an empty street, we found ourselves in Saint Domingo Square with the church of the same name.

An interesting house was also discovered here. Judging by the inscription, Palmovsky architects work here, who apparently were original.

Even the city roofs are a constant reminder that we are on the greenest island. And tomorrow we will be convinced of this for sure.

Having walked around a small block, we again found ourselves near the Cathedral of the Savior.

Door handle collection

Where there are elegant entrance groups at the entrances, the doors are open everywhere.

Santa Cruz Fortress

We spent a little over an hour walking around the city. With great difficulty we found a restaurant here that was ready to feed us. The food is cheap and very mediocre. But, as they say, without fish there is cancer.

Second day. La Cumbrecita - Los Llanos

The most important thing planned for today is a trip to National Park Taburiente (Caldera de Taburiente) to the area of ​​Cumbrecita (La Cumbrecita). You can find a lot in Kumbrechit walking routes. Due to the fact that the parking space there is very limited (there are only 16 spaces available for booking), there are only two ways to get there by car: either take a taxi from the information office, or book a parking time in advance on the Internet on the website of the National parks of the Canary Islands. I preferred the second method. On the website you need to select the date, hours of arrival and the amount of time spent there, print out this reservation (it’s free) in two copies and be sure to take it with you.

On the way, we stop at the observation deck de la Cumre, from where you can see two islands at once: Tenerife and La Gomera.

Then, through a series of tunnels, along a simple serpentine road, we continue our journey in the direction of the town of El Paso, where the branch of the road to Cumbrecita begins.

At the information center we grab a map of the Caldera, indicating all possible routes, distances, and approximate travel time.

The nature here is amazing! A variety of trees grow: fluffy Canary pines, different varieties of palm trees, blooming almonds and even bald ones.

After some time we pass the checkpoint and present our reservation. The narrow road begins to twist and rise.

We found a place not in the main parking lot, but in an additional one. We buried our noses in a mosaic of Christmas trees.

That's all (almost) parking on Cumbrecita

We looked around - beautiful! We unfolded the map and began to choose a route. It took a long time to come to a decision. Where I wanted to go it was 5-6 km, where the path was 1 km it seemed sad and uninteresting. I booked a time for 3 hours.

After much deliberation, the route to Pico Bejenado (1.854 m) was chosen. And although the map said that the path there was not close and was more than 4 km, with an ascent of 560 m, we somehow ignored this information, or rather, we did not take it seriously enough. Having dressed the children and ourselves in the warmest clothes (January 7, after all, and the mountains), we cheerfully began the climb. A narrow path led up the slope, and very quickly the car parking lot was somewhere far below, which gave us strength and confidence that we could cope with the climb without any problems. We started at 11.40, noting the time to calculate the return point.

Here you can clearly see the width of the path along which you need to climb up above the caldera.

Our children experienced travelers, walked forward “like tanks,” and did not know Tired at all. But for adults, the climb was harder. The flat sole of our shoes constantly slid along the pine needles covering the path, and every now and then tripped over volcanic stones and cones that came across the way.

All our suffering was compensated by the beauty and fresh pine air around us.

Look down, and there is an abyss!

Warm clothes turned out to be unnecessary, and after 30 minutes of getting up we were all wet. Finally, we reached the first peak of El Rodeo, where we rested, undressed, and packed all our warm clothes into my dad’s enormous backpack.

Palm Island small green island with an area of ​​only 728 sq. km. La Palma very beautiful, ideal for lovers of a relaxing holiday. The island's coastline is mostly rocky, so there aren't many beaches, but they're just as stunning as the others. islands of the Canary archipelago.

La Palma unusually mountainous island. The highest peak is Roque de los Muchachos peak 2387 m. The entire north of the island at an altitude of 500 1500 m above sea level is covered with cherry laurel forests. These are the last representatives of the forests that once covered the entire south of Europe. The ravines of Cubo de la Galga and Los Tilos, declared a biosphere reserve by UNESCO, are excellent examples of such forests.

Hotels in La Palma

Hotels on La Palma there are about 7,000: in tourist centers on the coast, cities and rural areas. There are two small tourism centers: one in the east and the other in the west of the island. Village Los Lancajos, in the east, is located a few kilometers from the airport and from the capital of the island. Puerto Naos, in the agricultural municipal district Los Llanos de Aridane, in the west, has a sunnier climate. Both centers are located on secluded volcanic sand beaches. There are also hotels in the capital, the city Santa Cruz de la Palma, and in the second largest city of the island, Los Llanos, not far from National Park Caldera de Taburiente .

It is also worth noting the growing supply of housing and hotels in rural areas. This sector is well developed in La Palma, since the island is well suited for relaxation in the lap of nature.

Attractions La Palma

Meaning La Palma Islands during the Renaissance, when its capital, Santa Cruz, became the third port of the Spanish Empire after Seville and Antwerp, reflected in its architecture. The artistic splendor characteristic of the era, manifested in beautiful secular and ecclesiastical buildings, as well as in the spread of Flemish artistic embroidery, greatly influenced the culture of the population La Palma. In the city Santa Cruz de la Palma The most beautiful buildings of the island in the colonial style are concentrated.

The city has preserved buildings from the 16th century, including the City Assembly and El Salvadors. The Museum of Natural History contains magnificent examples of local flora and fauna. On the sea promenade, modern houses and ancient buildings with wooden balconies stand side by side.

The capital of the island is Santa Cruz de La Palma a small town with many ancient buildings and narrow streets. City center small triangular Plaza de España (Plaza de Espana) with a wonderful stone fountain (1776). Here it is Church of the Savior with a high bell tower ( Iglesia Matriz de El Salvador), built in 1503. The Mudejar style ceiling is made from the heartwood of pine trees. The sacristy houses fine examples of wood carvings in the Gothic style.

On the other side of the square stands Town Hall (Ayuntamiento), built in 1569, with an arcade in the Italian Renaissance style. The second floor is decorated with coats of arms Philip II of Spain, Palm trees and the Austrian royal house.

Another attraction of Santa Cruz fortress Castillo de Santa Catalina, which perfectly protected the city from pirates.

At the end of the street Calle Real can see Columbus ship model Santa Maria real size. The model is used as a maritime museum.

North of Santa Cruz in the mountains is sanctuary of the island's patroness, Nueatra Senora de Las Nievas (Madonnas of the Snows). The church has an altar made of Mexican silver and a terracotta statue of the Madonna. Every five years the Madonna is brought to Santa Cruz for the holiday La Bajada de la Virgii(Appearance of the Madonna) a mixture of religious sadness and general joy and entertainment.

Another holiday is celebrated on May 3 day of the cross in Santa Cruz de la Palma. A competition of decorated crosses is organized.

Other interesting settlements islands: Los Llanos, the second largest city; El Paso, famous for its silks and cigars; Fuencaliente, home of great wines; And Maso, in the vicinity of which there is a pre-Hispanic Belmako cave.

La Palma especially rich in various natural attractions. Palmitos Park the biggest butterfly sanctuary. In addition to butterflies, you can see about 230 species of exotic birds here.

The cherry laurel forests that cover the entire north of the island at an altitude of 500-1500 m are genuine plant relics, the last representatives of the forests that covered the entire south of Europe in the Tertiary period. In the narrow gullies of the northern part of the island, 20 native tree species form a dense plant mass that is often shrouded in fog. Another interesting natural attraction is the volcanic ridge that stretches from north to south across the entire island. So-called "Volcano Route" runs along this ridge with cones and craters, which ends in the extreme south of the island with a volcano Tenegia. which last erupted in 1971.

In the center of the island there is a huge crater La Cadera de Taburiente, which is a National Park. The crater is covered with a dense pine forest, its depth reaches 770 m and its circumference is 28 km. To view it in all its grandeur there are several observation platforms: La Cumbrecita , Las Chosas , Roque de los Muchachos the highest point (2423 m) of the island, where the largest astrophysical observatory in the northern hemisphere is located. A stone spire 800 m high rises from the bottom of the crater Idafe Rock. They say that there was a sacred Guanche altar where sacrifices were made.

Holidays on La Palma

La Palma provides excellent opportunities for activities aquatic species sports and for hiking. There is a yacht club on the island Puerto de la Playa. There is a sports fishing club in the capital la Gaviota.

Puerto de Naos the biggest island resort with magnificent black sand beaches. There is a village nearby San Nicolas, which erupted in 1949 volcano Nambroque, now only a lonely church rises among the frozen lava fields.

Near San Andres y Sauces there is a dense forest of lime trees with huge ferns. Fuencaliente, the southernmost village of the island, is surrounded by vineyards, pine forests, and volcanoes, the most famous of which are San Antonio and Teneguia.

Cancajos Beach near the village Breсa Baja consists of several bays with clear water. In the village Puerto de Naos with good tourism infrastructure the location is amazing black sand beach. Near Tijarafe beautiful natural location Cueva Bonita grotto.

Souvenirs. Palma is famous for its cigars and silk fabrics. At the Tobacos Vargas tobacco factory, which is located in Santa Cruz de la Palma, you can see how workers roll cigars by hand, and you can also buy samples. In the village of Maso you can buy excellent ceramics. The island's handicrafts rival its cuisine in richness, with some of the best mojo sauces in the Canary Islands.