Early in the morning in July the sea is warm. Holidays in July: where is it better to go or fly to relax?

If you understand that your need is charitable assistance, then pay attention to this article.
Those who, without your participation, may lose an exciting business have turned to you for help.
Many children, boys and girls, dream of becoming pilots on the track.
They attend classes where, under the guidance of an experienced trainer, they learn high-speed driving techniques.
Only constant exercises allow you to overtake correctly, build a trajectory and choose speed.
Winning on the track is based on good qualification. And, of course, a professional kart.
Children who participate in clubs are completely dependent on adults, because lack of money and broken spare parts do not allow them to participate in competitions.
How much pleasure and new sensations children experience when they get behind the wheel and start driving the car.
Maybe it is in such a circle that not only Russian champions grow up, but even future world champions in this sport?!
You can help the children's karting section, which is located in the city of Syzran. They are in a really bad situation right now. Everything rests on the enthusiasm of the leader: Sergei Krasnov.
Read my letter and look at the photos. Pay attention to the passion with which my students work.
They love this developmental sport and really want to continue learning.
I am asking you to help the karting section in the city of Syzran survive.
Previously, there were TWO young technician stations in the city, and each had a karting section. There was also karting at the Palace of Pioneers. Now there is not a single station in the city, and the circle in the Palace of Pioneers was also destroyed. They closed it - it’s hard to say, they simply destroyed it!
We fought, wrote letters, and everywhere they had the same answer. About five years ago I went to the governor Samara region appointment. He didn’t accept me, but my deputy accepted me.
After that, we were given premises where we were based. We have a lot of children who want to go karting, but very poor material conditions do not allow us to recruit children.
And most of the karts require repairs. This is the situation our circle is in.
We also turned to the mayor of the city of Syzran for help. This is the second year we have been waiting for help. We decided to turn to you via the Internet for help.
Contact me, ADDRESS FOR PACKAGES, 446012 Samara region, Syzran, Novosibirskaya str. 47, PACKAGES CAN BE SENT BY BUSINESS LINES, my details are full there, you can contact me through social networks SERGEY IVANOVICH KRASNOV. or write by email [email protected] Always, being on a wave of success, one must do works of mercy and give alms. And if the Lord helps in difficult circumstances, then do not forget about gratitude afterwards. Then He will not forget about your needs. 05/18/2019 16:09:52, SERGEY 56

Plan your summer vacation many people start in winter, because at the height of summer holidays It will be more difficult to find the desired tour at an affordable price. Therefore, it is so important to choose a place in advance that will ideally suit your requirements.

For many tourists, July seems to be the most attractive month for vacation, which is not surprising, because at this time you can do anything: swim, sunbathe in the sun, or go on unforgettable excursions, and where is the best place to go on vacation in July - we will tell you now.

Where to go for a weekend in July

Unfortunately, not everyone is guaranteed a vacation in July, so you often have to think about where you can spend at least an interesting weekend. It must be said that Europe has been and remains the most suitable option for a successful weekend, since at the height of summer, all kinds of events with bright and memorable events are organized here every weekend.

For example, kite festivals are regularly held on the coast of France, rock and pop music festivals can be visited in Finland and Germany, and classical music lovers flock to Austria. Particularly attractive is the fact that almost all such events are held outdoors in picturesque corners of European countries.

If you prefer beach holiday, then you can go for a few days to Turkey, Bulgaria or Georgia, which is becoming increasingly popular every year. Of course, to have a good rest at sea, a few days will not be enough, but if you don’t have more time, you can get away a little from everyday work this way.

Excursion tours in July

When planning a vacation abroad in July, sightseeing tours will not be the most the best option pastime. Urban bustle, which is complemented by stuffiness and an abundance of tourists who come here for a beach holiday, will not allow you to spend your vacation comfortably.

July is a holiday time in many countries of the world, so you need to be prepared for a large number of tourists in all popular cities of Europe, where they visit amusement parks in large numbers.

Therefore, when choosing a country for interesting and educational excursions, you need to consider options where it is not hot in July. For example, mid-summer is the ideal time to travel to Scandinavian countries. In Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland in July, the weather is simply ideal for walking, because thanks to the close location to the seas and oceans, the air, although warm, is fresh, without the stuffiness typical of summer. You can choose classic bus trips around Denmark and Finland with the possibility of spending nights on ferries, holidays on Norwegian fjords or interesting fishing on the islands of Sweden.

Map of the Scandinavian Peninsula

In addition, the middle of summer, despite the popularity of beach holidays, is an excellent opportunity to combine excursions with spending time on the sea or ocean coast, because the warm sea in July, where seagulls fly and you can breathe so easily, cannot be compared with anything. If you decide to choose such a vacation, you will not only be able to see natural monuments and other attractions, but also to restore strength on the beach, while getting a beautiful and even tan.

Combined tours are widespread in Spain and Italy, where unique story and culture are complemented by the proximity of the sea. By the way, if you are a connoisseur of cultural recreation and don’t know where to go to Europe in July, then we recommend visiting Italy, where you can get acquainted with its landscapes and study long-standing architectural and historical monuments (one walk around Rome will give you just a lot of positive emotions ).

This country will also be interesting for those tourists who prefer to combine relaxation with improving their health: for example, on the island of Ischia there are many thermal and mineral springs and geysers. If you are planning to spend your holiday in July with a child, then numerous amusement parks and water parks will be presented to your attention.

If you like to constantly discover something new, then you can go to sightseeing tour across Brazil. The air temperature in Rio and its surroundings in mid-summer is +25 °C, which only encourages travel.

Festivals and holidays in July: where to go best

Summer is the most suitable time for holding a variety of music festivals and various holidays. In Europe, rock festivals with the participation of the world's best performers are held almost every week; in Austria, connoisseurs of classical music will find a lot of interesting things for themselves, where musical groups from different countries They give concerts just on the streets. You can also take a trip along the Rhine or Danube, where from the deck of a ship you can see more than one festival of the city residents.

Those tourists who really love celebrations in July should also visit the United States, where Americans celebrate their country's Independence Day at the beginning of the month.

Midsummer is rich in government practices in China, Canada, Montenegro, Argentina, Tunisia and Belgium. In the first week of July, many folk festivals are held all over the world (just remember the familiar “Ivan Kupala”). In America, not quite standard celebrations are held annually, which include Kiss Day, Chocolate Day and even Hot Dog Birthday. In July, Japan celebrates Japanese Female Ministers' Day, Friendship Day, Whale and Dolphin Festival and Chess Day.

Holidays in July for lovers of ski resorts

Some tourists, when choosing where to go abroad in July, are guided by the possibility ski holiday. Despite the fact that this is not a typical mid-summer activity, every year thousands of vacationers exchange their vacation on the sea coast for the mountains. You can go skiing in July from the very high mountains Europe - the Alps, as well as visiting resorts South America where the Andes are located. For an alternative mid-summer ski holiday, the New Zealand mountains are a great option.

Most often, hiking or horseback riding routes in the mountains are in great demand (for example, even beginners take on conquering the Ukrainian Carpathians). No less attractive are hiking tours in the mountains of Austria, Nepal and Switzerland, where special guides come to the aid of tourists.

Where is the warm sea in July

By mid-summer, almost all European beach resorts Hot summer weather sets in, however, the cost of trips at this time also increases, and where to go to the sea in July, many tourists decide not only based on the comfort of their vacation, but also on its cost. Turkey has become a traditional beach holiday destination, where in mid-summer the air temperature reaches +35 °C and the sea warms up to +26 °C. The coasts of Spain, Italy and Greece will also greet you with comfortable weather and a pleasant climate, where there are many convenient beaches with a high level of service.

When planning a vacation and choosing a place where the warm sea in July is advantageously combined with a not too hot climate, pay attention to the Spanish islands of Menorca, Majorca and Ibiza (holidays abroad in Mallorca are ideal for tourists with children, while in Ibiza every year young people from all over the world are having fun).

For connoisseurs of natural landscapes, the Ligurian and Venetian coasts are ideal, where probably all the wealth and luxury of Italian culture is collected.

Some tourists prefer a beach holiday in Portugal, where it is not so hot (the air temperature reaches +20...+27 °C), and the sea water warms up to a comfortable +19 °C, which is explained by the presence of cold underwater currents.

Not so long ago, Bulgaria gained wide popularity among tourists, which in July is ready to welcome guests with temperatures no higher than +30 °C and warm sea with water temperature +25 °C. Rainy weather is unlikely here, which is why almost all the resorts in this country are famous. You can have a pleasant time both on Golden Sands and Sunny Beach or in small towns Nessebar, Radva, Sveti Vlas and Sozopol.

Montenegro also offers holidaymakers an equally worthy holiday in July, and choosing where to go within the country will not be difficult. Throughout the state, the air warms up to +29 °C, and the water temperature in the sea rarely drops below +25 °C. Holiday conditions are almost similar in Croatia, but you will be most comfortable at the resorts to the south of Split. At the same time, cities such as Zadar and Dubrovnik will provide opportunities interesting excursions into history.

Speaking about where it is better to fly in July, one cannot help but recall African countries and the countries of the Middle East. For example, the coast always welcomes vacationers with a warm climate Dead Sea in Israel, where, due to the lack of high humidity, hot weather is much easier to bear (the air can warm up to +40 °C, and the water - up to +27 °C).

In Tunisia, even in the middle of summer, it is not as hot as in other countries, so, in addition to a beach holiday, you can attend various excursions.

It is quite hot in July in Egypt, where the heat can reach +45 °C, and the water temperature in the Mediterranean and Red Seas is often recorded at +28 °C. The climate in this area is quite dry, so for those who cannot cope well with the heat, it is advisable to postpone their holiday in Egypt to a later time.

Vacation with children in July: the best countries in the world

Some parents purposefully choose vacation spots where the warm sea in July is advantageously combined with the opportunity for a comfortable children's time. If you are ready to send your child to a children’s or teenage camp in another country, then it is worth considering options in Malta and Cyprus, because here the child will not only find friends from all over the world, but will also be able to improve his knowledge of foreign languages. At the same time, in many European countries (in particular Germany, Slovenia, Austria or Slovakia) there is wide choose summer camps by interests: for example, theater, sports and computers.

If you have Small child, and you are not yet ready to travel far beyond the borders of Russia or Ukraine, then the most successful option for a July holiday with the whole family would be to visit Black Sea resorts. Such a vacation has a number of advantages: firstly, the climate is not so different from what the child is used to, and secondly, there is no language barrier, and if necessary, you can easily find a doctor or solve other problems. In addition, returning home earlier than planned will be much easier (there is no connection to charter flights).

As a good alternative to a Black Sea holiday, you can consider spending a holiday with children in resorts in Spain, Bulgaria and Turkey, where there is a large selection of entertainment for children of all ages. Many hotels will provide you with babysitting services, a special menu for children, children's playgrounds and interesting animation. Many coastal resorts offer amusement parks and water slides, with plenty of water activities.

Relatively new destinations for summer holidays in 2017 are Sardinia and Sicily. Holidays abroad in July in this case are especially profitable: since they were organized charter flights from Moscow, then prices for tours have dropped significantly.

Cheapest prices: shopping abroad in July

While some tourists are thinking about where they can go on vacation in July to swim in the sea and walk around interesting places other countries, domestic fashionistas and fashionistas go to countries with the cheapest shopping. The object of special attention is such European countries as Italy, Spain, Great Britain and France, although many of our compatriots go as far as China in pursuit of discounts. Let's see if such a vacation is justified.

They start at the beginning of July summer sales in fashionable Italy, where the season of unprecedented discounts begins in Rome, after which it moves to Florence, Milan, Verona and Turin. You can come here for high-quality and branded clothing, shoes and leather goods.

The ideal place for shopping in Rome is the Piazza di Spagna, with many large boutiques and small brand shops.

Many cities in England can also offer you good July discounts, but in comparison with other European countries they will not be as significant. This country has a huge number of outlets with branded clothing from young designers, which is what attracts young people from all over the world.

If Great Britain and Italy are more famous for inexpensive clothing, then France is simply a paradise for connoisseurs of various cosmetics. From July to August, grand sales are held in all cities of southern France. By visiting Nice, Toulon, Marseille or Avignon at this time, you can purchase haute couture goods with a 50-80% discount. When visiting France, it is important to understand what exactly you need and, based on this, choose a place to shop. For example, you can safely go to the south of the country to buy fashionable items from famous brands.

From the beginning of July, the season of summer discounts (“rebajas”) begins in Spain. It lasts for two whole months, during which you can profitably update your wardrobe with items from inexpensive brands. Here you can also look for leather goods: belts, bags and clothes. In addition, it is very profitable to buy pottery and paintings in Spain.

The most popular European country that can interest shopaholics from anywhere on the Earth has been and remains Germany. In addition to branded exclusive clothing and shoes, you can buy excellent tea and coffee here. For example, when you visit a Tchibo store, you will find not only coffee there, but also clothes, household appliances and various household goods, which differ quite high quality, affordable price and are produced in small batches.

Wherever you go shopping, get yourself an experienced shop guide who will help you recognize counterfeits of branded items and help you navigate the huge number of stores.

Where to fly in July: exotic countries

Answering the question of where is the best place to go in July to have a good rest can be very difficult, especially if you prefer exotic things. However, nothing is impossible, and if you have a certain amount of money, you can have a great holiday on the clean beaches in distant Hong Kong or go to Indonesia. In the latter case, mid-summer is simply the ideal time to visit this country. It is sunny, dry and not as hot as in winter. However, you should also take into account the fact that July-August is the holiday season in Australia, and finding a free hotel room may be an overwhelming task. In general, there should be no problems when booking hotel rooms in advance, since weather in Bali, Lombok, Java and Sulawesi are excellent for a good summer holiday.

Malaysia is a good option for an exotic July holiday, although here too two radically different directions can be distinguished: holidays in the water area Indian Ocean(on the islands of Langkawi and Penang) and in the waters of the South China Sea (on the islands of Redang, Borneo, Tioman, Perhentian). The main danger when holidaying in Langkwi and Penang comes from jellyfish, which accumulate in huge quantities off the coast. There are even signs on the beaches with warnings and instructions on what to do if a jellyfish does sting.

The Great Animal Migration also begins in July, which causes increased interest among tourists in safari. During this period, you can have a great time in the Serengeti, Ngorongoro and Masai Mara parks. On the island of Zanzibar and the Kenyan resort of Mombasa, holidays can last all summer, as the rainy season ends in May.

From May to July the climate on the coast is very hot and humid Caribbean Sea(Play del Carmen, Cancun and Riviera Maya), which makes for a successful beach holiday.

Where can you go without a visa in July?

To the most popular holiday destinations that do not require Russian tourist When applying for a visa, first of all, you should include Turkey (vacationers can spend 90 days on sunny beaches), Montenegro (up to 30 days) and Serbia (up to 30 days). You can also go to Panama (90 days), Costa Rica (30 days), Nicaragua (90 days), where you can also spend an unforgettable vacation. Visa-free regime It is also valid in 14 countries of the Caribbean, among which preference in July is best given to Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis.

Where you shouldn't go on holiday in July

Of course, not all regions and resorts are suitable for summer holidays, therefore, when planning your vacation, you need to know where it is better not to go in July. Thus, tropical downpours can ruin a trip to Indian Goa or the Andaman Sea (such as the islands of Krabi and Phuket), and while brief periods of rain are possible anywhere you were hoping for a warm season in July, here it often rains for weeks at a time.

Also, do not forget that in the southern hemisphere our summer months fall in winter, which means that the beach season, for example, is in South Australia, Argentina or South Africa will still be closed at this time of year. In the Caribbean Sea, where you can also go in early July, hurricanes may form at the end of the month, the consequences of which are often unpredictable, which means it is better to refrain from visiting resorts off the Caribbean coast.

Having figured out where it is better to go on vacation in July, you can provide yourself and your family with an unforgettable vacation, and many offers from travel agencies will allow you to choose a trip taking into account all your interests.

You can’t just decide not to go to Turkey in the summer. This country has proven itself to be a great place family vacation, and tourists are very fond of hotels with children's animation and the all-inclusive concept.

With such advantages, a small drawback in the form of an air temperature of +40° C can be forgiven, especially since sun loungers are already placed under an awning on the beaches, and refreshing drinks are prepared in a coastal cafe, and the sea rustles so gently, so relaxing...

Read about how to cope with the July heat in Turkey and where is the best place to relax with children in Kidpassage’s article.

Holidays in Turkey in July: pros and cons

Summer and the sea are practically inseparable concepts. People want to sunbathe and swim, and even the heat that grips Turkey in July does not scare them. Is it worth going to resorts during one of the hottest months? Many people think it’s worth it, and here’s why:

  • bright sun, heated sand and warm sea water make the dream of summer vacation;
  • It’s pleasant to relax on well-groomed Turkish beaches, and you can always hide from the sun under an umbrella or canopy;
  • thanks to animation in hotels, you don’t have to worry about your child getting bored;
  • most resorts have water parks and other family activities;
  • markets abound with fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • V shopping centers Summer sale starts.

The disadvantages of the July holiday include:

  • high prices for tickets and hotels;
  • an unimaginable number of tourists at all resorts;
  • heat, not suitable for relaxing with a baby;
  • not the best time for an excursion to Istanbul.

In addition, reviews of holidays in Turkey in July sometimes complain about high humidity, which is difficult for people with heart disease to tolerate. Humidity is felt differently, and not everyone notices it.

To reduce your vacation costs, you should think in advance about where to vacation in Turkey in July. If you book a hotel or a ready-made tour several months before your trip, you can save a lot.

Crowds at resorts are more difficult to cope with: even in small villages there is only relative calm.

Weather in Turkey in July

The weather in July-August can be described in two words - “scorching heat”. When there is no rain or clouds for two months in a row, the sun heats up the air, and people can either relax on the shore, where they can feel the breeze, or hide in the shade on hotel grounds.

The weather at the beginning of July is already hot enough for the sea to warm up well. Actually, the water has time to warm up already in June, and if your child wants to sit in the sea for an entire hour, nothing bad will happen (the main thing is that the sunscreen is waterproof).

No one complains about the weather in Turkey at the end of July either. Lovers of the sun and heat consider this time to be the best for relaxation, although for a trip with kids you should still prefer mild September or October.

Well, if you are going to Turkey with your child in July, you should find out what midsummer is in Turkish.

Air and water temperature

Residents of some countries with a Mediterranean climate cope with the July heat by taking a siesta. There is no siesta in Turkey, but it wouldn’t hurt - the heat here is serious. Here is the data about average temperature water and air at several famous resorts:

The air temperature in Turkey in July easily reaches +40° C and even at night rarely drops below +25° C. It is often said that the heat is not felt on the coast, but the further from the coast, the more difficult it is to tolerate high temperature and humidity.

But the water temperature in Turkey in July will make those who don’t like the invigorating sea happy. On the Mediterranean sea ​​resorts the water is traditionally warmer, but also Aegean coast relax comfortably with a child.

Beach holiday

Even those tourists who cannot imagine a holiday without excursions prefer to bask on the beaches in July. In Turkey, all conditions have been created for this: the shore is carefully cleaned, the bottom is cleared, guests will find even rows of sun loungers, refreshments in coastal cafes and all kinds of water attractions.

More than a hundred beaches in the country receive a “blue flag” every year as evidence of the well-groomed, equipped and safe coastline.

Most of Turkey's beaches belong to hotels, although access to any part of the coast is open to everyone. Before your trip, you should ask which beach the hotel you choose has.

Concrete platforms with stairs for descending into the water, beaches with a rocky bottom or with a sharp increase in depth may be inconvenient for relaxing with a child.

Fortunately, there are plenty of sandy and small-pebble beaches with a gentle entrance to the water in every region. Here are several options for where to go in Turkey in July so that your seaside holiday brings only joy.


Already at the beginning of July, Antalya is bursting with heat: the air temperature during the day does not drop below +3° C, and often rises to +40° C. Not a single rain for the entire month, not a single cloud in the sky - is it surprising that the sea in the middle of summer warms up to +28-29° C?

But what’s interesting is that sea water seems cool to vacationers - in contrast to the hot air. So swimming is regarded as a refreshing procedure, and the sea breeze is considered an escape from high humidity.

During the high season, all the beaches of Antalya are crowded, and therefore it is worth choosing a beach that is not so quiet as it is convenient for families with children.

The Lara and Aksu-Kundu areas are famous for their good sandy beaches with a gentle entrance to the water. There are also many family hotels in these areas.

Noisy Antalya should be preferred if you want to complement your vacation with excursions and entertainment, but do not intend to travel around the surrounding area. The city has architectural attractions, museums, etc.


July in Tekirova, a resort village 20 km from Kemer, is very hot, with high humidity. During the day, the temperature ranges from +30° C to +35° C, at night it drops to +23-27° C. Under such conditions, the sea warms up to +27-29° C.

The beaches of the village are crowded in summer, but still there are clearly fewer vacationers than at large resorts. The coast in Tekirova is pebbly, so safety slippers may come in handy. Many beaches have water attractions, children's playgrounds and sports grounds.

There is no special entertainment at the resort, so it is advisable to stay with a child in a hotel with a good animation program. Many hotels have a play area and swimming pools with children's slides. famous for its impressive water park.

If you wish, you can go to Kirish, where it is located in Kemer. 4 km from Tekirova is


The weather in Side at the beginning, middle and end of July is the same: merciless sun, air temperature +30-40°C during the day and +24-30°C at night, light wind and high humidity. Tourists escape the heat by swimming in the sea, although the water at this time is not very refreshing, since it is heated to +27-29° C.

Long sandy beaches Side and neighboring villages are perfect for families with children. To avoid sunbathing in cramped conditions, you can go to the village of Colakli. There are fewer tourists there, the shore is spacious, the entrance to the sea is gentle, and there are almost no waves.

In Side, it is best to relax with little ones, who do not yet need a large-scale entertainment program.

Family hotels are quite capable of organizing children's leisure time. With older children you can go to and to.


The main reasons not to go to Alanya, crowded with tourists, but to choose the Avsallar resort are the relative silence and sandy beaches, rare for this area. There is no difference in the weather: during the day +30-35° C, at night about +30° C, clear skies, a barely perceptible breath of wind and the sea, warmed up to +28-29° C.

The beaches of Avsallar are very different from the beaches of Alanya and neighboring resorts. There are very few rocky platforms here, the coast is covered with sand, the small pebble strip at the entrance to the water almost does not interfere, and the bottom drops relatively smoothly.

But note that the beaches are often very narrow; sun loungers arranged in two rows occupy the entire shore.

If you get tired of a leisurely beach holiday, you can go to the best water park in Alanya, Water Planet, and the sea center Sealanya Sea Park. Family hotels always have plenty of entertainment for preschoolers.

Avsallar is still included in the number budget resorts, it is not difficult to find an inexpensive hotel or apartment here.


The difference between day and night temperatures in the village near Kusadasi is even comfortable. During the day it goes over +30-35° C, but at night the thermometer drops to +20-25° C. The daytime heat is softened only by the wind, stronger than in other resorts, about 4.2 m/s.

By mid-summer, the sea in Ozdere manages to warm up to at least +23° C. More often, the water is even warmer, +24-26° C.

If you go to the beach in the morning, before the air gets hot, the sea will seem as warm as in Antalya and Alanya.

The village of Ozdere is chosen as a beach holiday destination because here long sandy beaches with a gentle entrance to the water. The sea is sometimes so shallow that you need to move ten meters from the shore to swim. After lunch, waves may rise.

The downside of the village is the distance from the main entertainment. It takes about half an hour to get to Kusadasi water parks. To be fair, we add that some family hotels in Ozdere have small water parks and attractions.


If in June the heat in Marmaris was still quite mild, then in July the resort melts from the heat. Thermometers show +30-36°C during the day and +24-28°C at night, and there is not a single cloud that would cover the sun even for a short while.

The water in the Aegean Sea is still slightly colder than in the Mediterranean. In mid-July, the sea temperature can fluctuate from +24° C to +27° C. This is quite enough for children to swim and play in the water.

The bulk sandy beaches of Marmaris are well equipped, but are overloaded in the high season. Somewhat calmer in resort villages Icmeler was also recognized. If you like snorkeling, prefer the rocky beaches in Turunc.

The city will not be boring with children of any age. Two water parks, a dolphinarium, an ancient fortress and a caravanserai, antique city Knidos - all this can be visited without leaving the resort.

Marmaris is better known as a youth resort, and therefore there are many discos there. For holidays with children, Icmeler is more suitable - a village with good family hotels, developed infrastructure and lack of noisy night entertainment.

July is not particularly good for excursions. Most attractions near seaside resorts are located under open air, and the hot sun can ruin the impression. If you still want to see at least a couple of attractions, plan your trip in the morning or evening.

What to see while on vacation? There is something interesting near every resort.

  1. Ancient cities. On Mediterranean coast You can visit the ruins in the Aegean - Knidos, Ephesus, Priene, Didyma.
  2. Natural beauty. It is advisable to visit river canyons with children who can handle long walks. But even small tourists can handle a trip to the city. Among the natural attractions, we should also mention the Damlatas Cave, located in the center of Alanya, and the Tynaztepe Cave in the Taurus Mountains. The Tynaztepe corridors, open to visitors, stretch for one and a half kilometers, and still a walk through the mysterious dungeons seems offensive short.
  3. Architectural sights. You want to walk around the picturesque old town of Antalya, Kaleici, at least every evening. Alanya and Marmaris deserve attention medieval fortresses and the museums located there.
  4. Museums. The exhibitions in the resort museums are small, so you can go on excursions even with preschoolers. Children may well be interested in the Marine Biology Museum in Antalya, the Yoruk Park ethnographic open-air museum in Kemer, archaeological museums Antalya and Alanya, the Museum of Underwater Archeology in Bodrum and the Steam Locomotive Museum in Kusadasi.

Family fun

A beach holiday can quickly get boring. The good thing is that there are activities for the whole family at or near the resorts.

The clear leadership in organizing family leisure belongs to Antalya. Works here Aqualand water park, Aktur Park amusement park, oceanarium, zoo. Children will also be impressed by the Sandland sand sculpture complex (it's open until late, so plan a visit for the evening).

Marmaris is not so far behind: it has water parks in its arsenal Aqua Dream And Atlantis, dolphinarium and singing fountain.

From Tekirova it is easy to get to Kiris and, and if you rent a car, then to the small Kumluca Cistern Hill Zoo, where herbivores live.

Near Side there is a large-scale one.

In the vicinity of Avsallar there are two remarkable places for family recreation: the best water park in Alanya and an interactive marine center.

Holidays, events and festivals

One of the important holidays in Turkey falls in the middle of summer - Day of Democracy and National Unity. It is celebrated in memory of the events that occurred in 2016. Then there was an attempt at a military coup in the country, which escalated into armed conflicts on the streets of Ankara and Istanbul.

The putschists' plan failed, but more than 200 people died in street battles and thousands were injured.

To honor those who died and pay tribute to those who supported the current government, the President of Turkey established the Day of Democracy and National Unity. On July 15, ceremonial events are held in cities across the country, and in all institutions it is a day off.

In Turkey's holiday calendar, July is also marked Kadirga festival. It takes place on the third weekend of the month on the Kadirga plateau in Trabzon province and attracts admirers of folk traditions. No better place to watch folklore groups perform, learn about Turkish customs and taste authentic local cuisine.

International festivals last throughout July in Istanbul, Bursa, Izmir and other cities. Festival of Music and Sea takes place in Cesme, ceramics festival- in Kutahya. But a very special event is staged in Akshehir - Khoja Nasreddin, the cunning and witty hero of oriental fairy tales, rides through the streets of this city on a donkey.

Vacation prices

In mid-summer, prices in Turkey are exactly what you would expect in the high season. The only good news is the beginning of sales in shopping centers, but the rest of the expenses cannot be called modest.


In July, the price of a flight to Antalya is one of the highest of the year, but the lowest for the high season. It is approximately 5% lower than the June price and 10% lower than the August price.

The price of tickets to Izmir and Dalaman, on the Aegean coast, where the season began only in June, on the contrary, increases by 5-10% compared to June. In August, tickets rise in price by another 5%.


The cost of housing in all Turkish resorts in July rises by 15-20% compared to June. In August, the price often drops by 5-15%. This figure varies across different resorts.


Given that early booking the price of a package holiday in July will be the same as a month earlier. Sometimes even tours cost 5-7% less than in June. In August, tour packages become more expensive by 6-12%, and the price does not drop until mid-autumn.


Tourists who decide to relax in hotels without “all inclusive” or want to get acquainted with Turkish cuisine, often visit cafes and restaurants. Prices in public catering in Turkey directly depend on the location and status of the establishment.

A meal in a reputable restaurant will cost at least 50 liras, in a mid-range establishment on the coast - about 30 liras, in a restaurant for local residents you can eat well for 15 liras.

Prices for street food start from 4-7 liras. This is the approximate cost of dener kebab, kokorech, borek - puff pastry pies with unsweetened filling, a portion of roasted chestnuts, and desserts. Drinks (tea, coffee, salep, freshly squeezed juices) cost approximately 2-4 liras.

The markets of resort towns abound with local vegetables and fruits. Here are approximate prices in Turkey in July: cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, eggplants - 1-1.5 liras per 1 kg, potatoes, onions - 2 liras per 1 kg, bell peppers, carrots - 3 liras per 1 kg, green beans - 4 lira per 1 kg, corn - 1 lira per piece, plums - 2 lira per 1 kg, cherries, sweet cherries, apricots, peaches, nectarines, grapes - 3-4 lira per 1 kg, peaches - 5 lira per 1 kg, watermelons - 1-1.5 liras per 1 kg, melons - 2.5 liras per 1 kg.

Many Turkish resorts are positioned as family resorts, which is why there are so many vacationers with children. True, pediatricians recommend taking children to Turkey in spring or autumn, when the sun is less active. But if you approach the organization of your vacation wisely, you can relax in the summer without harm to your health.

  1. Stay out of the open sun from 11:00 to 16:00. Reviews of holidays in Turkey in July complain about the unbearable sunshine during the midday hours, and it is not safe to sunbathe at this time.
  2. Use it sunscreen, even if you sunbathe under an awning or are in the shade. Children who like to swim will need sunscreen.
  3. Don't forget about hats and sunglasses.
  4. Take light, light-colored clothing that covers your body to the resort. You can take your baby a T-shirt or shirt in which he can play on the beach.
  5. Take drinking water with you on walks and excursions.
  6. Plan the duration of your trip taking into account the fact that the first few days of your holiday in Turkey in July with children will be spent on acclimatization.

Experienced travelers do not set off without a travel first aid kit. To avoid having to carry medicine for all occasions, read about what you need to take with you on the road.

And we wish you that the first aid kit stays there throughout your vacation. far corner suitcase.

In the hottest month of the Russian summer, many people prefer to go to the sea coast. In mid-summer, demand for seaside tours, air tickets, and hotel and apartment bookings traditionally increases. Now you should think about choosing a place that provides a comfortable seaside holiday, taking into account your financial capabilities. So that your vacation is not overshadowed by the search good place vacation, solving problems with travel and accommodation, you should choose in advance where to relax at sea in July and think about buying a tour. The sooner you decide, the better prepared you will be for the trip. We offer you an overview of several seaside resorts that differ in climatic and natural conditions, cultural traditions and, importantly, the cost of recreation.

An exotic country with semi-deserts, tropics and subtropics, delights tourists with Mediterranean resorts. A cheerful resort life is in full swing here, filled with beach pleasures, evening and night entertainment. The weather on the coast is dry, hot, with velvety nights, the aroma of flowering plants and the whisper of waves. The sea almost becomes very warm, and you don’t want to leave its gentle embrace.

The water near the shores warms up from +26° to +28°, daytime air - from +31° to +33°С, at night -+25–+27°С. At any of the seaside resorts you will find an abundance of fruits, fresh seafood dishes, exciting excursions to mysterious objects ancient country. Those who love comfort should choose the city of Hammamet, with its highly developed infrastructure, luxury hotels, and interesting sights. Here, children will enjoy the Carthaqe Land amusement park, indoor skating rink, etc.

If you want to be thoroughly “fried”, go to Sousse; neither you nor your children will be disappointed. Between Sousse and Hammamet is the Phrygia Safari Park, home to 400 species of fauna. You will enjoy your holiday in Djerba, with its beautiful beaches; a lagoon inhabited by flamingos and a crocodile farm. Here, as in Tabarka, there is excellent diving. At the Resorts of Mahdia and Monastir you will also get a fair dose of pleasure.

  • — located by the sea, private sandy beach, themed dinners, 4 bars, swimming pool with water slides for children
  • — located on the coast, 2 swimming pools, a health and spa center, a playground and a club for children
  • — located on the first line, several bars, animators organize daily shows, area — 50,000 sq.m.


Cyprus is ideal for those people who love really hot weather, but those who suffer from heart disease should avoid traveling to the island at this time. Rains are rather an anomaly for the summer months, so tropical stuffiness will not interfere with your vacation. Abnormal temperatures reign in resorts like Larnaca - here the air sometimes warms up to 40 degrees.

At the same time, a visit to Larnaca is recommended for fans of a quality and relaxing beach holiday and trips with children. Local beaches awarded blue flags for their cleanliness, and therefore it will be comfortable to relax here. And the status of one of the oldest cities in Cyprus guarantees a rich excursion program. For those who are afraid of high temperatures, it is better to choose mountain resorts or go to Paphos, the most fashionable resort Cyprus, where, according to legend, the beautiful Aphrodite came from.

In addition, Paphos is under protection international organizations as a unique cultural object. Here the temperature rarely exceeds 29 degrees. The water temperature is relatively uniform along the entire coast - from 25 to 30 degrees.

  • — located on the coast of Nissi Bay, has its own secluded bay, three outdoor swimming pools with water slides and attractions for children
  • — all-inclusive meals, located in a park with waterfalls and 150 m from the sandy Landa Golden beach, 7 themed pools, exclusive villas
  • — all-inclusive meals, water park, children's pool equipped with a playground in the shape of a sailboat, indoor heated pool, several restaurants and bars


The blessed Turkish coast, washed by 4 seas, provides a wide choice of holidays in July. The month of the “high season” here is characterized by intense heat, especially on the Mediterranean and Aegean shores. If you observe a reasonable amount of sunbathing (before 11 am and from 16.00) and staying on the beach, then a holiday in Turkey will only bring benefits.

The air temperature during the day in Mediterranean resorts (Antalya, Alanya, Belek, Beldibi, Kemer) is from +33° to +38°, at night - +20-+21°. The sea warms up to +24-+26°, in some places up to 28°C. The resorts of the Aegean Sea (Bodrum, Cesme, Didim) delight with 33-34 degree heat during the day and +24 degree temperature at night. It is very hot in Marmaris in a closed bay. However, the abundance of pine forests in the vicinity of the beaches helps to cope with the heat.

It is coolest on the Black Sea coast (Samsun Samsun, Trabzon, Sinop Sinop, Amasra, etc.) +30-32° during the day, at night - +20-+21°, many attractions, thermal springs make holidays here interesting and useful. Medieval and Byzantine castles, mountain lakes, and wonderful landscapes will diversify your stay. The choice of resorts in Turkey is extremely rich, each of them has some kind of zest.

  • - territory area 40,000 sq.m., 4 outdoor pools and one indoor, lagoons with water slides, 6 bars, evening program
  • - private sandy beach, swimming pool with 3 water slides, children's pool and playground, pastry shop, 4 bars
  • — huge territory, located next to the sea, outdoor pools, 11 water slides, Crispy mini-club for children, swimming pool, games, special food and drinks

Why not go on a cruise? The prices are very affordable! , .

The coast of Spain is a real boon for tourists: a variety of resort areas and consistently high levels of service. Thus, the Costa Tropical adorns the province of Granada in the southern tip of Spain. The massive Sierra Nevada mountain ranges provide natural protection from the cold winds from the north. The weather here is stable: dry and sunny virtually all year round. The air warms up to 30 degrees, while the water temperature averages 24 degrees.

Among the local resort towns, Almuñecar, rich in attractions, especially stands out. The White Coast of Spain or the Costa Blanca is distinguished by fine sandy beaches, picturesque mountain ranges and snow-white cliffs. The maximum temperature reaches 32 degrees, while the water temperature sometimes freezes at around 28 degrees.

Among the local resort towns, the most important are Alicante with its castles, art museums and colorful promenade, Benidorm with a real bullring, and Valencia, which hosts the annual Festival of the Kings and is famous for its wines. Among other resort areas, the Costa Dorada and Costa Brava enjoy stable popularity. Don’t forget also about Spain’s maritime possessions: Ibiza, Mallorca and Canary Islands never lacks tourists.


It is in July that the most magnificent Italian blossoms begin - huge asters begin to bloom with colors throughout the peninsula, and the first bunches of grapes are filled with sweetness. With fairly high humidity, a quite comfortable temperature is maintained - up to 30 degrees. IN northern regions The countries are comparatively cooler – up to 25 degrees. As a rule, the water warms up consistently to 26 degrees. All this gives real scope for choosing a resort to your taste.

Among the main tourist cities, Rome and the so-called cities of art stand out: Milan, Venice, Florence and the glorious Pisa. A huge number of resorts are located along the coast of Italy, forming the Lazio Riviera, the Venetian and Tuscan Riviera and other seaside resort areas. The island possessions of Italy are of particular interest.

Thus, Sardinia, which has autonomous status, is a place where a beach holiday ideally combines, almost everything aquatic species sports and rich excursion programs. Sicily is distinguished by its explosive temperament, unique culture, blazing hot volcanoes and delicious cuisine. No wonder, this is where many people organize their gastronomic tours. And also Capri - amazing place, which acquired the status of an island where the European and then the American elite preferred to vacation.

Like other seaside resorts, Hellas has a high beach season. Almost the entire coast and islands experience the heat of the day, when at lunchtime everyone hides in the shade. Beautiful scenery with turquoise sea, white sandy beaches, amazing ancient monuments, surfing, diving make a holiday in Greece delightful. In Chalkidiki, Peloponnese, Crete, Rhodes, Corfu, Kos, daytime air temperatures range from +29° to +33°. It is cooler in Thessaloniki +28°-29°C.

The water throughout the entire water area warms up to +24°C. The most comfortable weather (+29-32°C) is in Skiathos, Corfu, Thassos, Crete. The coolness of the night (+20°-21°C) compensates for the ordeal of the daytime heat. July is not the most suitable month for excursions to unique ancient attractions. Short inspections are carried out in the early morning hours and in the evening, before sunset. It is better to do this in a rented car with air conditioning.

But a beach holiday on a delightful coastline, with crystal clear water, marked in many places Blue flag, a real pleasure. The water off the coast warms up to +29°C, which is very good for children. You can have a great holiday on the islands of Rhodes, Santorini, Corfu, Mykonos, Chalkidiki, Zakynthos, etc. Boat trips, fishing, diving, staying in luxury hotels, evening entertainment with sirtaki, karaoke - unforgettable days in Greece.

  • — private sandy beach, 9 swimming pools with fresh and sea water, water park, children's club, animation
  • — ultra all-inclusive meals, first line, several swimming pools, including slides and sea water, entertainment for children and adults
  • — all inclusive meals, beach service ( mineral water, iced tea and fruit), gourmet restaurants, hotel area - 58,000 m2

Bulgaria offers a slightly different type of holiday. Tourists can enjoy beautiful sandy beaches, as well as friendly Slavic service, which still retains all the flavor of Soviet sanatoriums. You can stay in one of the famous hotels, the cost of living in which is almost half that of their Western European colleagues. Almost all hotels in Bulgaria have three-star status, an acceptable level of comfort (for not too demanding clients) and affordable prices.

And in combination with beautiful climatic conditions, the best qualities of which are revealed in the first days of the month, these resorts retain the title of the most popular and accessible for an annual holiday. Air and water temperatures reach 29 and 25 degrees above zero, respectively. There are especially many vacationers with children, for whom the Bulgarian beaches have a special freedom - the entrance to the sea is gentle, the bottom is without flaws, and the cleanliness of the beaches is monitored daily by experienced and responsible staff. Exists huge number water parks and other types of entertainment that young vacationers love so much.


Vietnam is not characterized by stable and uniform weather conditions, and therefore you should be more careful when choosing a resort, especially when the rainy season begins. Thus, resorts located in the north delight with hot tropical sun and the highest humidity levels. The temperature of water and air during the day is consistently around 30 degrees.

Among the northern resorts, it is worth paying attention to Sapa: the most beautiful mountain landscapes, stepped green terraces and the French poetics of architectural delights that appeared here mainly in the 19th century. One of the best southern resorts Ho Chi Minh City is considered to be a huge metropolis that embodies the rapidly developing Vietnam. In summer, the rainy season is in full swing, the air temperature is slightly lower compared to the northern resorts - 28 degrees, but the water maintains its temperature before it begins to cool.

During this period, it is best to go on vacation to resorts in the central part of Vietnam, as the lowest humidity levels are recorded here, and the dry season begins. It is worth visiting Nha Trang, which thanks to its winning geographical location, does not suffer from abnormal heat (up to 36 degrees), standing at 29 Celsius.

This small town personifies eternal summer and fun: the most beautiful marine species, a vibrant scattering of bars, clubs and casinos, ancient temples and ruins.


As a rule, July is the peak of the rainy season. The air becomes humid due to heavy rainfalls, which, however, usually hit the ground in the evening or at night. Stuffiness covers the resorts of Thailand like a damp blanket when the sun is at its zenith. However, it is July that counts best time to visit resorts such as Krabi, where daytime temperatures reach only 30 degrees, as well as Bangkok and Pattaya, where the air warms up a little more - an average of 32 degrees.

At the same time, the water temperature is relatively the same at all resorts, reaching 25 degrees. Despite the fact that Bangkok is not intended for a beach holiday and you can only swim here on the roofs of hotel complexes, it is best to start getting acquainted with Thailand from here. It’s worth taking a closer look, and in the shadows of a huge bustling metropolis, historical buildings and hundreds of temples are discovered - all the city’s arteries are permeated with Buddhism.

Krabi, despite the popular mistake of many travel agencies, is not just an island within the waters of Thailand, but an entire province, which is an area of ​​​​increased concentration of modern resorts focused on the beach holiday format. It is within Krabi that the most picturesque National parks countries.

Pattaya is perhaps the most famous resort city in the Gulf of Thailand and fully justifies its fame tourist mecca. Here are not the most clean beaches, but it is in this city that you can try the most exotic food and entertainment, and on beautiful beaches You can visit at any time - ferries depart daily from the local pier to all parts of the country.

  • - located on the seafront, on Jomtien Beach, 3 free-form swimming pools, several restaurants and bars
  • — located on the seashore, 2 swimming pools, a water park with water slides and exciting rides, several restaurants
  • — located right on the coast, in a secluded bay, 10 bars and restaurants, children's club


Other popular countries with access to the sea can boast similar climatic conditions. Croatia offers guests accommodation in a natural reserve, dominated by a temperate Mediterranean climate. There is practically no daytime heat here, as well as nighttime temperature changes. Tourists come here to recuperate and to join the traditions of a healthy lifestyle.

This trip is especially suitable for children. sea ​​coast decorated with slender rows of coniferous forests, which saturate the air with a mass of useful substances and microelements. Well, you can diversify your leisure time through numerous excursions. For 2017, tour operators offer seven-day tours with accommodation in excellent rooms at prices ranging from 33-39 thousand (two or three star hotels Adriatic, Plavi, Jadran Residence) to 78-79 thousand (five star hotels Sheraton Zagreb Hotel, The Westin Zagreb) .


The Montenegrin Adriatic is a fertile place for beach and sea holidays, when the height of the swimming season comes here. There is almost no rain, the daytime air warms up to +29-30°C. Clear waters Adriatic Sea become like fresh milk - +25°-26°С (Budva, Podgorica, Tivat) If you add a variety of beaches to the pleasant weather factor, it’s irresistible beautiful views and relatively inexpensive prices, then Montenegro is hard to resist.

Luxurious sandy beaches predominate in the resorts of the Budva Riviera (Becici, Przno, Rafailovichi, Kamenovo). The sand and pebble sections of the coast near the Tivat, Kotor-Risan bays, in the vicinity of Herceg Novi are good. You can choose the Grabl and Lustice peninsulas, with cozy coves. In Kotor, Perast, Dobrota, Prcan, the coastline is covered with pebbles or rocks.

Almost everyone resort town Montenegro is a treasure trove of cultural and historical monuments. There are ancient monasteries, fortresses, churches, palaces in Kotor, Petrovac, Ulcinj, Cetinje, Herceg Novi, the islands of St. Stefan, Sveti Nikola and others. The Bay of Kotor, Lake Skadar, canyons, mountains create stunning landscapes from which impossible to take your eyes off.

Divine piece Black Sea coast, according to legend, given by God to the Abkhazians for their hospitality, fascinates with its landscapes. Picturesque peaks, mountain lakes, mysterious caves, ancient monasteries, forests - the richness of Abkhazia’s nature is not inferior to Montenegro. Despite the destruction caused by the war, the small country strives to welcome tourists with comfort.

Prices for hotel accommodation for private owners are much lower than for others Caucasian resorts. The weather here is mainly dictated by the Mediterranean subtropical climate. Although the relief features different places bring their own nuances to the weather; almost throughout the entire territory, daytime temperatures reach +29-30°C. In Gagra, surrounded by mountains, at noon the air heats up to +35-37°C, and due to insufficient air circulation, humidity rises.

It is cooler in Pitsunda, Sukhumi, New Athos. In Pitsunda, New Athos, surrounded by lush greenery, there are many shady corners where it is easy to hide from the heat. The water everywhere off the coast reaches a comfortable +22-24°C. Beaches in Abkhazia for every taste: pebble sandy and sandy. Their infrastructure is somewhat inferior in quality to European beaches. There is rental of water sports equipment: aquacycles, inflatables, etc.

Great aesthetic pleasure comes from excursions to unique natural objects: lakes Ritsa, Goluboe, Mzy, New Athos Cave, waterfalls, Bzyb Gorge, nature reserves. Children especially enjoy visiting the Sukhumi monkey nursery, which has begun to be revived. Tourists are pleased with the abundance of fruits and berries: pears, peaches, figs, melons, dogwoods.

United United Arab Emirates, perhaps the hottest corner of the Arabian Peninsula. The sun rises early here, and by 9 o'clock in the morning it is already hot. Despite the heat and high humidity, the Emirates attracts tourists at all times of the year and after a few days, guests, adapting to the heat, find options for an exciting holiday. At noon, the thermometer creeps to + 42⁰С in Abu Dhabi and Sharjah, +40⁰С in Dubai and +37⁰С in Fujairah. In the evening after 19.00, when the sun sets below the horizon, the heat drops to +30⁰ C and the streets begin to liven up, and by night it becomes more comfortable - +27-28⁰ C.

For a beach holiday - low season. There are almost no people on the white sandy beaches. You can sunbathe early in the morning until 9.00, escaping from the scorching sun under a canopy. The water in the sea is heated to +30⁰С, so that during swimming there are no burns, it is recommended to go into the sea in a T-shirt. Mostly, vacationers swim in the pools available in every 4* and 5* hotel complex. For comfortable swimming, the water is cooled to +25⁰С.

The most favorable weather for sea ​​holiday folds on east coast in Fujairah, where the sea is heated to +26⁰С. Divers gather here to dive into the spectacular underwater world of the Gulf of Oman. July in the kingdom is a time of total price reduction: in hotels, restaurants, shopping centers, gaming and entertainment complexes. Inexpensive shopping and a memorable vacation are guaranteed!

A huge range of opportunities for sea relaxation and effective treatment are provided by Israeli resorts with clean, well-maintained beaches on three seas: the Red, Mediterranean and Dead Seas. July does not have the hottest weather. In the Mediterranean resorts of Haifa, Herzliya, Tel Aviv and Netanya, the average daytime temperature is +32°C and drops to +24-+25⁰C at night.

The sea will delight you with pleasant warm water +27-+28⁰C. It's hotter on the shores of the Dead Sea. The weather is characterized by daytime temperatures of +37- +38⁰C, and at night +27- +28⁰C. The water in the Dead Sea heats up to +33- +34⁰C, which is not so comfortable for swimming, but effective for treatment.

The best resorts on the Dead Sea:

  • Ein Bokek with 7 private hotel and 1 public sandy beaches
  • Neve Zohar with 3 all-inclusive hotels and private beaches
  • Ein Gedi resort, located near a nature reserve with 1 paid and 1 city beach

In Eilat, on the shores of the Red Sea, during the day the temperature can reach +40⁰C, but with the onset of dusk it becomes cooler – +20- +22⁰C. The Red Sea is comfortable – +27- +28⁰C. The resort is a series of hotels of different classes, magnificent beaches: northern, city and southern, duty-free shops. There is no rain, sunny and dry weather prevails everywhere. Many luxury hotels, budget hotels and medical complexes offer enormous opportunities for combining a beach holiday with treatment and spa treatments.

Indonesia, Bali

Spending a lot of money for a tour, I want to know what is attractive about the island of Bali at the height of summer season. The weather this month is hot, but it is easily tolerated thanks to the dry southeast monsoon that prevails in winter. This month on the island there are sunny days, and the temperature in any corner of Bali does not drop below +30⁰С.

The weather is slightly hotter in the southern regions in the resorts of Nusa Dua, Kuta and Jimbaran. There, during the day the air warms up to +31⁰С, and at night it stays at +22⁰С. In Amed, after sunset the air cools down to +19⁰С and it becomes cool near the sea. In the northern resort of Lovina in the evening the temperature is comfortable - +21⁰С. Beach holidays attract a large influx of tourists. The sea temperature is around +27⁰ C. Exotic nature, clean sandy beaches and clear sea are favorable not only for swimming and sunbathing.

There are excellent opportunities for divers to explore the amazing underwater world with 100 species of corals and 3 thousand species of colorful fish. The only drawback for a vacation may be an increase in prices by about 40% for vouchers, so in order to save money, they must be booked 3-4 months before the expected date of flight. Then July spent at sea in Bali will be memorable for you a piece of paradise peace.

Beaches of the Dead and Red Seas, the Holy River Jordan, the oldest Pink City Petra and many other attractions are the Arabian state of Jordan. In July, scorching heat sets in here, when the thermometer reaches +33-36°C, or even higher. In Aqaba, on the Red Sea, according to experienced tourists, vacation is much better than in Egypt. Spacious beaches, a convenient gentle entrance to the sea, coral reefs, diving centers, and luxury hotels make your vacation interesting and fulfilling. The water warms up to +27-28°C, a constant light breeze brings coolness.

Excursions to the famous “Pink City” of Petra, with 800 hundred prehistoric objects, and the monasteries of Ad-Deir and Al-Khazneh, will bring a lot of positive emotions. The entire stretch of Jordan's Dead Sea coast is a natural health resort. Sea water, containing a complex of mineral components and salt, heals many diseases. The sun shines here almost all year round; the heat of the day is easily tolerated in comfortable hotels and spa centers. You can come here for 1 day to receive medical procedures using the services of the paid Amman Beach beach.

The weather in Malta is hot and sunny. The thermometer during the day rises from +30 to +33⁰ C, and the sun shines 12 hours a day, stretching daylight hours to 14 hours. Comfortable temperatures are observed until 11 o’clock in the afternoon and with the arrival of twilight, when the air cools to +21-+23⁰С. The humidity on the island is relatively high and winds blow over the island almost the entire month.

The main activity will be staying on the coast. During comfortable tanning hours, the water is already warmed up to + 24⁰С, so swimming here is a pleasure. You won’t find them in the water area poisonous jellyfish, snakes and predators, therefore safe swimming is ensured. Despite the absence of winds, there are waves on the sea, but they are not so large as to interfere with swimming.

The sea near the coasts is perfectly clean. All beaches - paid and free - are impeccably maintained. Most of them are pebble and have a small width, so they can be overcrowded.

Lovers of sandy beaches should head to the island of Gozo, part of the Maltese archipelago. There they will be able to bask on the golden beaches: Marsalforn bay, Xlendi Bay, Hondoq ir-Rummien, Mgarr ix-Xini and covered with red sand - Ramla Bay and San Blas. There are also magnificent sandy beaches in the north of the island: in Sliema, Bugibba, in the south - in Birzebbug and Marsaskala in the eastern part of the island. All Malta resorts have hotels of different categories - from budget 3* to comfortable 4* and 5*, with restaurants, swimming pools and private beaches.

Morocco is a kingdom located in northwest Africa, washed by the waters Atlantic Ocean And Mediterranean Sea. To travel to these wonderful lands, you must first familiarize yourself with the climatic conditions at the country’s resorts. On the Atlantic coast - in Agadir, the temperature is +34⁰C during the day and +24.7⁰C at night, the ocean is cool - 19.7⁰C. In Casablanca during the day about +29⁰С, at night – +21⁰С, sea – +22⁰С. On all coasts of Morocco, most beaches are municipal and regularly kept clean.

In the Mediterranean resorts of Tangier and Saidia, the thermometer remains stably around +30⁰С during the day, and at night – +20⁰С. The water in the sea warms up to +23⁰С, there is practically no rain. Tangier is not only a resort, but also a major port. The city has many luxury hotels and branded stores. All coastline– sandy, stretching for 6 kilometers, with little beach infrastructure.

Another famous resort is Saidia. Beach strip The clean, crisp sand here stretches for 14 kilometers. The hotels are focused on working on an all-inclusive basis, so there are many Russian tourists in the city. Of the resorts on the Atlantic Ocean, the largest is White City Agadir, located on the southwest coast. More than 40 luxury hotels, a delightful snow-white sandy beach area with shallow waters up to 30 meters, many restaurants and attractions.

A memorable beach holiday for “wave tamers” – surfers – can take place in Essaouira. This is a resort and port city, notable for its flat sea bottom, shallow waters, strong tides and waves, and bohemian entertainment venues. Casablanca is an exotic place with comfortable snow-white beaches and ancient sights. Despite the heat, thanks to the ocean winds, it is easily tolerated here, but the water in the ocean remains cool.

Portugal can also please tourists with good conditions for relaxing on the seashore. Of course, compared to its European competitors, this country is famous for its cooler climate: the air warms up only to +25 degrees, and the water temperature is 19 degrees above zero. But don’t forget about the island of Madeira, which is very popular among vacationers. Comfortable conditions for swimming and sunbathing remain here until October!

Madeira itself is famous for its attractions and amazing nature. This trip will appeal to all connoisseurs of clean air, pristine beauty and natural food. In addition, those who love quality wine will find something to suit their tastes here. And so that the vacation also has a healing effect, tourists are offered to become addicted to the local mineral springs.

The only downside to a holiday in Madeira is the steep slopes to the sea. To get to the shore you have to overcome dozens of meters along steep stairs. But if you can afford a room in an expensive hotel, there is no need to worry about this, because hotels offer their guests the opportunity to go down to the sea by elevator. It is also worth choosing Portugal because the famous regatta takes place here - a competition on Portuguese boats, the Muliseiro.

Multiple fairs and the Ria festival will also help diversify your vacation. Wine connoisseurs are advised to go to Bombarrale, where a traditional wine festival takes place in mid-summer. Of course, a trip to Portugal cannot be called affordable. Price exciting tours starts from 50-60 thousand rubles. But if you want to go to this amazing country on your own, you can save a lot of money.

Resorts of Russia

Don’t forget about the possibility of having a good and affordable holiday within your home country. The resorts of the Black Sea and Azov coasts are gaining popularity, on the territory of which a very attractive climate is established. Tourists who come to recuperate their children will also find a resort to their liking.

For young vacationers, sanatoriums and children's camps located in Evpatoria, Yalta, Feodosia and Sudak are suitable. Don’t discount the excellent conditions for a holiday on the coast Krasnodar region, Anapa and Gelendzhik. There are excellent offers for tourists with a minimum budget for a vacation.

The deserted coast and bays deserve their attention south coast Crimea, which tourists love so much that they relax in a “wild” style. The air temperature in Crimea reaches its maximum and will remain at the level of these indicators until the beginning of autumn. In other resort areas of the country - Sochi, Anapa, etc. – the air warms up to 27-28 degrees plus, and the water temperature remains at 22-23 degrees Celsius.

Don’t forget about the accessibility of domestic resorts. Get to Chernomorskoye or Azov coast possible by both land and air transport. Family tourists prefer to travel by personal car, and young people often resort to hitchhiking.

Tourists will not be required to apply for a visa or international passport, and the money saved can be spent on nice gifts for family or staying a few more days at your favorite resort!

Crete in July is the height of the high beach season. Moreover, “high time” in the literal sense of the word: this month it is usually very hot on the island, and spending time somewhere other than the beach is not the best solution, especially during the daytime. However, with proper organization of the trip, you can travel around the whole of Crete without much damage to your health and with minimal material and time costs.

Weather in Crete in July

The weather in Crete in July may seem comfortable only to beach regulars - this is one of the hottest and driest months of the year.

To avoid getting sunburned, you should come to the beach in July early in the morning or late in the evening: the sea will be warm in any case - 24-26°C, but the sun will be much more gentle.

The seasonal phenomenon of Crete - meltemi - helps to escape the heat. North wind, “ventilating” the island from morning to evening, but completely calming down at night. In addition, low humidity, rarely exceeding 50%, also contributes to easier perception of the sun.

July in Crete is one of the hottest months of the year

Temperatures in Crete in July may vary slightly depending on the province (nome). In the north of the island it will be a little cooler than in the south, but the water will warm up 1-2 degrees higher. However, it is better to leave for, if any are planned, early in the morning.

It will be a little easier for independent travelers in July: there are car rental points in every town. But it’s better to order a car with air conditioning to drive around the island without a guide and dear compatriots in advance and through a large European car rental price comparison service [link]. This way you can save a lot of money.

Average temperature in some cities of Crete in July:

  • Heraklion: during the day +26+30°C, at night +19+23°C, water – about 25°C
  • Rethymnon: during the day +28+32°C, at night +19+23°C, water – about 25°C
  • Chania: during the day +28+33°C, at night +19+23°C, water – about 24°C
  • Agios Nikolaos: during the day +30+34°C, at night +19+23°C, water – about 24°C

More about the weather in Crete by month - in our article.

Tours and hotels

If you decide to spend your holiday in Greece in the middle of summer, you should take care of your voucher in advance. You can check out the current offers right here:

Events in Crete in July

The whole of Crete comes into motion in July: the traditional period of festivals begins. The most famous and most significant are wine festivals: Dafnes Wine Festival in the village of Dafnes near Heraklion (in the first half of the month) and in.

Holidays in July in Crete last at least two weeks, during which you can thoroughly taste the best Cretan wines while enjoying delicious local cuisine.

July is the time for traditional festivals

As part of the festival in Rethymno, in addition to gastronomic events, various artistic events are organized: exhibitions of artists and photographers, theatrical and musical performances, dance evenings. There are competitions and quizzes for children.

Immediately after the wine festival in Rethymnon, the Renaissance festival begins. The main feature is historical reconstructions and ceremonial processions in the Old Town and the Fortezza fortress.

In the Lasithi region, in almost every village, the festival of Cretan culture, Kirvia Festival, starts in mid-July, usually lasting until the end of August.

The program of events includes performances by local folk and pop groups, performances, and exhibitions. Parties for young people are organized on the beaches of Ierapetra, and theatrical performances are organized in the Kales Fortress.

On the slope of Mount Ida, in the town of Anogia, it is held in July music Festival, dedicated to Hyacinth, Apollo's favorite. The International Cultural Festival continues in Heraklion.

For little tourists, the island has water parks and a famous aquarium.

As for the excursion program, during this period the demand for local tours [including] reaches its peak. In many destinations, tickets for excursions end even a few days before the actual date of travel.

Just write to Vika by e-mail and ask for the current list and prices of excursions for your resort [be sure to indicate your hotel in the letter].


July in Crete is the height of the high season, and prices in hotels and restaurants are unlikely to please the budget traveler.

In this regard, the situation on the island differs little from other similar resorts in the Mediterranean Sea, which are simultaneously entering the high season. The opportunity to save in July remains for those who are used to booking their holidays in advance, as well as for fans of last-minute deals. IN

However, relying on the latter is becoming more and more difficult every year: the popularity of holidays in Hellas among “our tourists” is growing by leaps and bounds.