The most interesting tourist routes in Russia. Tourist and excursion route, historical and architectural guide for children, I love you In tourist and excursion activities

Tourist routes belong to linear forms of tourism organization. A tourist route with tourist centers located within it can be defined as a linear-nodal form of tourism organization. Any trips, trips and tours are carried out along predetermined routes. Consequently, a tourist route is a geographically defined route of a hike or trip, tied to a given area and special objects, and described with varying degrees of detail.

Tourist route are defined as a pre-planned route for the movement of tourists over a certain period of time in order to receive the services and additional tourist and excursion services provided for by the program. Tourist routes are one of the main types of services provided to tourists.

Route is defined as the route followed by a tourist, indicated by a list of all geographical points and places sequentially visited by him during his trip, indicating the types of transport used by the tourist to move between stopping points along the route. The starting and ending points of the route are the starting and ending points of the journey. The beginning of the route is the place where the first tourist service specified in the contract is provided to the tourist, and the end of the route is the place where the last tourist service is provided. Depending on the movement along the route, linear, circular, radial and combined types of tourist routes are distinguished (Fig. 7.3.).

Linear route a route, the beginning and end of which occur at different geographical points. This is the most common type of route. The tourist stays in the destination for a certain time, while making one-day excursions from his place of stay. After rest, the tourist returns back to his place of permanent residence.

In this case, one feature of linear routes should be considered. There are two options for organizing them. The first assumes that the starting and ending points of the route do not coincide. For example, the Volga cruise “Saratov – Samara – Ulyanovsk – Kazan” is a classic example of a linear tourist route. The starting point of the journey is Saratov, and the final point is Kazan.

However, there is one thing. Let's assume that a tourist, having reached Kazan, returned back to Saratov on the same ship, visiting the same set of tourist centers as on the way from Saratov to Kazan. In this case, this option should also be considered as a linear tourist route. If a tourist, having reached Kazan by boat, returns home by train, then this option (the second) does not fit into the definition of a linear route, since his path is organized along a circular route.

But this route will only be circular if tourist services continue throughout the entire trip. Most cruises offer one-way service only. The issue of returning home is decided by the tourist independently and at his own expense. In this case, the route remains linear.

1. Linear type of tourist route

2. Circular type of tourist route

3. Radial type of tourist route

4. Combined type of tourist route

Rice. 7.3. Types of tourist routes

Radial route a travel route, the beginning and end of which occur in one geographical point of stay, located in which the tourist travels to other points of stay, returning at the same time to the point of origin of the journey. For example, tourists from Volgograd came to St. Petersburg and after a three-day stay in the city, leaving their pre-booked hotel rooms, they made several trips to Novgorod, Pskov and Pushkin Mountains.

The main condition for the implementation of a radial route is the fact of maintaining a reservation at the hotel of the tourist center from which trips to other tourist centers are made. The presence of overnight stays in permanent accommodation facilities in Pskov and Novgorod somewhat complicates the task, while maintaining the radial nature of movements.

Ring route a route that begins and ends at the same geographic location. A classic example of routes of this kind is the route of the “Golden Ring of Russia” tour, which passes through the following cities: Moscow – Vladimir – Suzdal – Rostov – Yaroslavl – Kostroma – Ples – Ivanovo – Moscow.

The place of arrival at the destination can be:

A) unchanged, when tourists arriving at a tourist destination pass through only 1-2 transit cities. Such cities were called “gateways”. In Russia, the gateways are St. Petersburg and Moscow. Often the gateways are the cities in which the major airports or train stations - for example, Chicago, Frankfurt am Main, Hong Kong, London, Dublin, etc.

b) different from the place of arrival, when tourists arrive in one city and fly home from another city. For example, a tourist begins a tour of Russia from Moscow, arriving at Sheremetyevo Airport, and ends it, flying home from Pulkovo Airport in St. Petersburg. These tours are called crossing tours.

Combined route a route that contains elements of two or three other types of routes in one or another combination. For example, you can take a river cruise along the Volga with the organization of transfers by bus to tourist centers remote from the main riverbed of the Volga, such as Rostov, Vladimir, Semenov, Elabuga, Ivanovo, etc.

Tourist routes are divided according to seasonality: year-round, that is, valid throughout the year and seasonal operating during any season. We will highlight in a separate group holiday routes, tied to certain holidays. According to the duration of the trip, routes are divided into multi-day(vacation pay) and weekend routes(weekend tours).

Tourist routes must also be classified according to the types of transport used. There are aviation, railway, bus, road, river, sea and combined tourist routes.

Aviation tourist routes are reduced to use as the main aviation transport and are implemented in two forms: a) regular air routes and b) air routes on charter flights (irregular, by appointment). The duration of air routes can vary widely, although the actual air transportation process is quite short - no more than 10-12 hours.

Railway tourist routes involve the use railway transport in two main forms: a) regular tourist routes and b) special tourist and excursion (charter) trains. The duration of train tours is usually quite long - from one to two weeks or more.

Bus tourist routes There is organized trips tourists using tourist buses. Bus tours can be either regular or irregular. The duration of bus routes can vary widely - from a one-hour excursion to three-week bus tours throughout Europe.

Unlike buses, automobile tourist routes involve travel of unorganized groups of tourists both in their own and rented cars. The duration of such trips is determined by tourists independently and can vary widely - from one day to six months.

River And sea ​​tourist routes are based on the travel of organized groups of tourists using sea and river transport as the main modes of transport. Travel by water transport is carried out in three forms: a) sea and river cruises; b) excursion and pleasure flights; c) yachting and individual travel. The duration of water travel can be very different - from one day (excursion and pleasure cruises) to six months (expensive cruises).

Combined tourist routes involve the use of two or more modes of transport in various combinations. Multimodal transportation has become widespread in the practice of the tourism business, as it allows optimizing the structure of the tour and the time costs for its implementation.

Considering the spatial organization of tourist routes, it should be noted that it is the completeness of their system that is the factor that helps to distinguish tourist areas and especially microdistricts. When delineating a territory with a completed system of routes, an elementary territorial tourism system is actually created. The system, in addition to the network of tourist routes, will also include settlements as places of demand generation, as well as transport communications as a means of communication between the destination and the place of demand generation. We will talk about tourist centers and destinations in the next paragraph.

Rules for tourist and excursion services on tram (bus) routes.

1. Based on the main tasks assigned to transport and tourist excursion organizations to ensure high quality and cultural level of service for tourists and sightseers when using passenger transport, the approximate Rules for transport and tourist excursion services provide for the creation of the necessary conditions:

1.1. Development of proper documentation of a tourist or excursion route, its approval and certification;

1.2. Supply of buses for tourist and excursion trips at the appointed time, in technically sound condition, in compliance with sanitary standards;

1.3. The movement of trams (buses) strictly along the approved route
following the established schedule;

1.4. Safety of traffic and transportation of tourists and excursionists;

1.5. Maintaining proper order among tourists and excursionists, ensuring normal working conditions for the driver, cleanliness and safety of equipment, and a pleasant rest during the trip;

1.6. Carrying out a tourist excursion trip in accordance with the approved program for serving tourists and sightseers and the tram (bus) schedule;

1.7. Taking the necessary measures to deliver tourists and excursionists to their destination in cases of emergencies along the way.

2. The Model Rules for transport and tourist excursion services for tourists and excursionists when using passenger transport provide for the regulation of the relationship between transport enterprises and the tourist excursion enterprise when carrying out a tourist trip. These Rules must be specified in the contract for transport services as mandatory for transport, tourist and excursion organizations and tourists (passengers, excursionists).

3. These standard Rules do not replace the current Traffic Rules, Special conditions for the transportation of tourists and sightseers by passenger transport common use and Regulations on the guide of tourist excursion institutions and the leader of a tourist group on the transport route.

4. In their joint work to serve tourists and sightseers, the tram (bus) driver, tour guide, and tour group leader are obliged to provide tourists and sightseers with a pleasant stay in accordance with the tourist travel program, the set (package) of tourist services specified in the tourist voucher, and high-quality tourist and excursion services.

5. The driver, guide, leader of the tourist group must:
5.1. Promote the complete and adequate implementation of the activities of the group’s tourist and excursion service program. Early arrival of a tram (bus) at its destination does not give the guide or leader of a tourist group the right to demand from drivers additional work not provided for by the schedule;

5.2. Eliminate, through joint coordinated actions, disruptions and malfunctions in the service of tourists and sightseers that arise due to changed or unforeseen circumstances;

5.3. Be clean and neatly dressed. When communicating with each other and tourists, be correct, polite, avoid rudeness and harshness, and adhere to the rules of officially accepted treatment.

6. The driver is obliged to follow the instructions and instructions of the guide, leader or accompanying tourist group, unless they are related to a change in the route, violation of traffic rules and do not threaten the safety of transportation, and also do not contradict existing instructions. If the driver considers the order of the guide or the head of the tourist group to be incorrect, he must declare his disagreement by referring to the relevant document. If the guide or the head of the tourist group insists on carrying out the order given to him, the driver is obliged to obey, making an appropriate entry in the travel order or tour guide’s outfit, and upon arrival at the place, notify the transport company, which subsequently brings the violation to the attention of the relevant tourist and excursion organization (customer). Orders resulting in violations of traffic rules, unreasonable changes in the route and operating mode, creating a safety threat Vehicle and passengers, the driver is not executed. In cases of deviation from the route for technical reasons or due to the fault of the driver, the guide, the leader of the tourist group (group guide) makes an entry in the waybill and the work order certificate.

7. The guide, leader of the tourist group and driver do not have the right to:

7.1. Change or extend the route planned in accordance with the tour passport and application, if this is not called for special conditions threatening traffic safety;

7.3. Allow travel on a tram (bus) to persons not included in the tourist excursion group, with the exception of persons included in the waybill and workers checking the guide, the head of the tourist group on the route.

8. The driver is obliged to inform the guide, the head of the tourist group about all observed facts of violation by tourists, excursionists of the rules for using the tram (bus), and the latter is obliged to take measures to suppress violations.

9. In case of deliberate or repeated violations of the rules for using a tram (bus), the guide, the head of the tourist group, as a last warning, has the right to interrupt movement along the route, and in case of further disobedience, to remove the offender from the tram (bus), involving the police if necessary. .

10. If tourists discover damage to a tram (bus) and its equipment, the driver is obliged to immediately notify the guide, the head of the tourist group, interrupt movement along the route and require them to draw up a report. After handing over the report to the driver, movement along the route must continue. An entry about the preparation of the act is made in the driver’s waybill.

11. The driver, guide, leader of the tourist group are obliged to provide assistance and assistance to tourist and excursion groups whose trams (buses) have stopped due to an accident or technical malfunction. Driving past a faulty tourist or excursion tram(bus), driver, guide, leader of the tourist group are obliged to stop, find out the required assistance and provide it. Assistance along the way should be provided to all tourist and excursion groups without exception, regardless of which transport company provides the tram (bus). Refusal to provide assistance shall be regarded as a serious violation of these Rules.

12. Controversial issues are resolved by the guide, the leader of the tourist group (group guide) and the driver without the participation of tourists. Involving tourists and sightseers in disputes and appealing to their opinions is strictly prohibited.

Tram (bus) route and schedule,

program and conditions of service for the group at each point of the route (travel rules and procedures, excursion service plan, place and procedure for organizing meals, accommodation for rest and overnight, calculation of the cost of service, etc.);

Contents and rules for execution of all documents related to servicing tourists and sightseers on the tram (bus) route; have proper travel documents (group lists, vouchers, vouchers, orders, invoices, insurance policies, powers of attorney and permits, etc.), including group documents. Know all the necessary details of the receiving organizations, all addresses and telephone numbers of organizations that he can and should contact along the route in the event of emergency circumstances;

Prepare in the prescribed manner the appropriate documents for transport, excursion services and other services provided to the group;

In the event of a no-show (or lag behind the group) of any of the tourists or excursionists at the time and place of departure, the guide, the leader of the tourist group: clarifies the identity of the no-show and, if possible, the reason for the no-show; delays the departure of the tram (bus) for 15 minutes and makes a note on the reasons for the delay in the waybill and travel order; in the event of a tourist or excursionist’s failure to appear due to tragic circumstances or a group failure of tourists or excursionists to appear, it acts in relation to the prevailing circumstances, while a record is made in the travel documents about the duration and reasons for the delay and the decisions made.

Before the start of the trip, the guide or leader of the tourist group must:

Make sure that the tram (bus) meets the requirements in terms of its technical, sanitary condition and equipment;

Check the availability of the necessary documents and the list of tourists and make sure that the number of tourists and sightseers corresponds to the number of seats;

Check that tourists have passports or documents replacing them, international passports and visas, if required. Persons who do not have an identification document with them, as well as an insurance policy (compulsory voluntary medical insurance for those traveling abroad with adequate coverage) are not included in the group of tourists and are removed from the route;

Give permission to the driver to begin boarding tourists and sightseers;

Introduce yourself to tourists or excursionists, introduce the drivers and get acquainted with the group leader, and in the national group - appoint a leader and explain his responsibilities to him;

Familiarize tourists and excursionists with the route, the program and content of the tourist trip, the rules for using the tram (bus) and behavior along the route, the schedule of stops, the inadmissibility of falling behind the group, what to do if you fall behind;

Explain to the driver the route around the city and give instructions to start driving.

Along the route, the guide, leader of the tourist group provides:

Conducting excursions in accordance with methodological instructions and in relation to the characteristics of the contingent of tourists and excursionists;

Compliance by tourists and excursionists with the Rules for using the tram (bus), cleanliness in the cabin and safety of equipment and does not allow the driver to be distracted during work and other violations that interfere with the normal rest of tourists and excursionists;

Satisfying the requests and wishes of tourists and excursionists, if they do not change the route and schedule and do not go beyond the limits of actions allowed on the route;

Appointment in special cases of additional stops in the interests of disabled people, tourists, elderly tourists or those who are sick;

Timely indication to the driver of the stop and parking location of the tram (bus).

A guide or leader of a tourist group is prohibited from:
give orders that are contrary to traffic rules; make loud comments to drivers in the presence of tourists; make comments and give instructions to drivers through a sound-amplifying installation; change the driver's operating mode. Thus, the excursion service process should be based on standard provisions and rules in order to ensure the safety and quality of excursion services.

Tourist and excursion route “Historical and architectural guide for children “I love you, my land Dergachevsky”. Target audience: schoolchildren aged 1417 years Murzakova Daria Sergeevna Route length: 1 km. 4th year student, group 421 (pedestrian) SSU named after. N. G. Chernyshevsky Institute of History and International Transport Relations (bus) - 220 km. from the city of direction “Tourism” Saratov to the river. Dergachi village Scientific supervisor: -220 km. from r. Dergachi village to Saratov Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism and Cultural Heritage Total: 440 km. Institute of History and International Relations SSU named after. N. G. Chernyshevsky Duration of the excursion (including Koroleva Oksana Vladislavovna interactive lesson and picnic) - 3 hours Saratov

Project objectives: 1. Involvement of new tourist sites in the tourism space of the region. 2. Expanding knowledge about the cultural and historical values ​​of the Saratov region, namely the Dergachevsky district. 3. Increasing the tourist attractiveness of the Dergachevsky district. 4. Educational tasks. 5. Drawing attention to the history of the native land from schoolchildren. 6. Introduction of new technologies, namely the use of interactive classes for schoolchildren in a game format. Project goals: To create a unique project guide for schoolchildren to the significant sights of the village of Dergachi, Saratov region, using interactive lessons.

In the village of Dergachi, Saratov region, there is a large number of unique historical and architectural attractions. All of them are “long-livers” of the village. Uniqueness architectural heritage Dergachy and its significance not only for residents of the Dergachevsky district, but also the entire Saratov region, lies in the fact that the village has preserved buildings built more than two hundred years ago, which preserve the history of that time. There are not many similar ones left in the Saratov region architectural structures. Getting to know the architectural and cultural structures on the territory of the Dergachevsky district will allow children to more fully learn the history of their native land, the life and way of life of the people who inhabited the Dergachevsky district

The minimum number of tourists in a group is 30 people Meals - 6,000 rubles (for the whole group) Transport services - 10,800 rubles Excursion services - 500 rubles Additional expenses for the group - 150 rubles (for each excursionist). Total 4500 rubles Total direct expenses - 21800 rubles Profitability (15%) - 3270 rubles Total cost of servicing the group - 25070 rubles. . The cost of the 1st tour package is 726 rubles

The number of tourists and the number of groups is 30 people; 22 groups Total tourists on the route - 520 people Start of service on the route - May 16, 2016 End of service on the route - October 24, 2016

Sightseeing. Object 1: Building of the Dergachevsky Children's Home for Mentally Retarded Children (Lva Tolstoy St., 68)

Object 3: Sculptural composition “1941 -1945.” To the Dergachev soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War" (Maxim Gorky St.)

Practical application of the tourist excursion route “Historical and architectural guide for children “I love you, my land of Dergachevsky” Before starting to write a tourist excursion project for children and schoolchildren, I asked myself, do Dergachi schoolchildren know the history of their native land and the most significant sights? Based on this, we conducted a sociological survey among schoolchildren aged 11-17 years. The questionnaire contained 6 questions: 1. What is patriotism? 2. Do you consider yourself a patriot? 3. Do you know the history of our village, its name? 4. What do you know about the streets of our village? 5. Do you know the sights of the village? 6. Please indicate your age.

57 people took part in the survey. All of them are schoolchildren of MKOU Secondary School No. 1 district. Dergachi village, Saratov region. Analysis of the data obtained showed that 95% of the schoolchildren surveyed are familiar with the concept of patriotism. 57 out of 57 (100%) of the schoolchildren surveyed consider themselves patriots of their country and native land. To the question “Do you know the history of our village, its name in the past? ", only 45% of schoolchildren gave the correct answer. 67% of schoolchildren are familiar with the sights of the Dergachy district, but 23% of respondents do not know at all about the historical values ​​of the village of Dergachi.

Based on the data obtained, we can conclude that not all schoolchildren are familiar with the history of their native land. Many people don’t even have an idea about the sights of their home village. Having identified the current problem, it was decided to develop a tourist excursion route for children, the main goals of which are to attract attention to the history of their native land from schoolchildren and expand knowledge about the cultural and historical values ​​of the Saratov region, namely the Dergachevsky district

Based on the information from the Dergachevsky Museum of Local Lore, the text of the excursion was compiled based on historical data, facts and legends. The tourist excursion route “Historical and architectural guide for children “I love you, my land of Dergachevsky” is a unique project-guide for schoolchildren to the significant sights of the village of Dergachi using interactive activities for children.

On November 8, 2014, the implementation of the project “I love you, my land Dergachevsky” took place. There were 23 schoolchildren aged 15-17 years present. The objects of the display were: - the building of the military commissariat of the Dergachevsky and Ozinsky districts; Church of the Archangel Michael; -Dergachevsky Museum of Local Lore; -Efim Fedorovich Morkov's estate; -house of landowner Koltunov. At the end of the excursion, an interactive lesson was held using outdoor games and an educational quiz, the participants of which could show their knowledge acquired during the excursion.

Objective of the project: studying the history of the small homeland, awakening interest and respect for historical and cultural values, cultivating interest and love for the small homeland, development excursion tour, promoting the formation of a sustainable network of internal excursion routes in the Egorkinsky rural settlement.



MBOU "Egorkinskaya secondary school" of the Shumerlinsky district of the Chechen Republic

Information project

“Tourist and excursion route “Our Ancient Land”.

Leaders: Poyandaev Anatoly Nikanorovich, local historian - researcher, Member of the Guild of Craftsmen and Masters of Decorative and Applied Arts of the Chuvash Republic,full member of the Chuvash People's Academy and Arts, head of the genealogy section of CHNANI, head of the Shumerlinsky city branch of CHNK,

Frolov S.G. , history teacher, Ulisov V.N.,Honorary local historian of the Chechen Republic, full member of the Chuvash People's Academy and Arts, People's Academician of Chuvashia, head of the Shumerlinsky district branch of the ChNK,Albutova N.M., teacher of Chuvash language and literature.

Egorkino 2016

Objective of the project: studying the history of the small homeland, awakening interest and respect for historical and cultural values, cultivating interest and love for the small homeland, developing an excursion tour that contributes to the formation of a sustainable network of internal excursion routes in the Yegorkinsky rural settlement.

Tasks :

1. Study literary and information sources on the topic.

2. Familiarize yourself with the rules for organizing and conducting excursions so that everyone can enjoy them.

3. Make excursion cards of some historical sites

4. Give people a virtual tour using presentation and photographs.

Object of studybecame the Yegorkinskoye rural settlement and its surroundings,subject of research- historical and cultural potential of the Yegorkinskoye settlement.

When creating the work, the basicresearch methods:

  1. Theoretical (study of literary sources);
  2. Survey method (conversations with village residents, relatives);
  3. Method of studying documents.

Learning activities

Selection of material about the history, cultural, historical and memorable places of our settlement, collection of photographs, memories of residents and other information. Working with various information sources.

Project implementation

  1. Studying the available literature on the problem posed;
  2. Collection of factual material based on a survey of fellow countrymen;
  3. Study of documents, periodicals;
  4. Viewing and selecting photographs;
  5. Formulation of conclusions, evaluation of the results obtained.
  6. Preparation and presentation of results in the form of a photo album and presentation.

Relevance of the projectdue to the importance of developing an excursion along the route historical places Egorkinsky rural settlement, which is not very famous. In this regard, close attention must be paid to the development of just such a tourist route that would fully reflect all the beauty and historical and cultural significance of the Yegorkinsky settlement.

The result of the project activities was the development of the tourist and excursion route “Our Ancient Land”.


The Shumerlinsky district is a hospitable region where customs, crafts, and the secrets of village cuisine are carefully preserved and passed on from generation to generation. A journey through the Shumerlinsky region is a meeting with antiquity, with the greatness of nature, the sounds of a drawn-out song and the poetry of the Chuvash composer Yu. Kudakov.

The Motherland is a memory of the history of the region. The homeland is the native culture and the desire to preserve it. And, of course, the Motherland is the native village, its streets and houses, winter and spring, its people. Homeland is friends and acquaintances, family. The homeland is the memory of the heart about fellow countrymen, about the native land. Therefore, I would really like for everyone who comes here to know the history of their region.

Hypothesis: There are many attractions in our village and its surroundings that will be of interest to guests.

The most important thing is the choice of excursion location. When determining the location of a future excursion, you need to justify what might interest tourists.

Next, we select the objects of the excursion. We identify attractions that, in your opinion, can become objects of excursions. These can be like architectural monuments, historical monuments, and just interesting and unusual places our settlement.

The correct selection of objects, their quantity and the sequence of their location affects the quality of the excursion.

When choosing an excursion object, we highlight:


Educational value


Unusuality, uniqueness


The excursion should not be overloaded with a large number of objects.

The object card is filled out according to the following points:

  1. Name.
  2. Location.
  3. Brief description (author, date of construction).
  4. The historical event with which the monument is associated.
  5. Source of information about the monument.
  6. Preservation of the monument.
  7. Photo of the object.

Our excursion will be a sightseeing tour, based on the mode of travel - transport, as well as a walk to see and feel all the beauty of our area.

After conducting a survey among schoolchildren, teachers and acquaintances and learning more about the history of my locality, I selected various places and buildings along which I could create a tour route around my small homeland.

In essence, an excursion is a walk that has both educational and entertainment purposes. So, following the plan, we select objects for our excursion.

1) Yegorkinsky rural house of culture,meeting with the folklore group “Shanchak,“Memory Watch” is an obelisk monument to the soldiers who were natives of the Yegorkinsky rural settlement.

2) Old-time tree “Kiremet khyrě” (19th century) (near the village of Egorkino)

3) Apple orchard “Ukarin”

4) Archaeological site “Gorodishchensky Cape” (near the village of Egorkino)

5) Natural monument “Pine-Kiremet” (19th century) (near the village of Poyandaikino

6) man-made forest Karmal, cedar alley.. Plantings of Altai cedar, fir, pine, spruce. (near the village of Poyandaikino)

7) holy spring “Seven Keys” - Siv sal (near the village of Poyandaikino).

8) Ethnographic museum-estate of the riding Chuvash of the Poyandaev family (village of Poyandaikino)

9) Memory Watch” - an obelisk monument to soldiers native to the village of Savaderkino.

Thus, the relevance of the topic of the work is due to the importance of developing an excursion along the route of historical places of the Yegorkinsky settlement, which is not very famous. In this regard, close attention must be paid to the development of just such a tourist route that would fully reflect all the beauty and historical and cultural significance of the Yegorkinsky settlement.

Main part

Subject: "Our ancient land"

Duration: 6 hours

Length: 12 km tourist route, 20 km length from the city of Shumerli to the beginning of the route.

Excursion route: Egorkino village - Poyandaikino village - holy spring - Egorkino village - Savaderkino village.

The objects included in the route provide enormous value from an environmental, historical, national, and cultural point of view.

Description of volunteer activities

Volunteer activity in preparing the route consists of repairing and bringing into proper condition the objects included in the route, for example -Holy spring. “Semiklyuchye” - Siv sal (near the village of Poyandaikino), and also help tourists when passing the route in overcoming obstacles. ravines, etc., as well as providing assistance in preparing food, setting up tents, lighting fires, etc... It is important for volunteers to remember safety precautions when overcoming water obstacles, being in the forest, and lighting fires. Maintaining cleanliness and order in specially protected areas is also of no small importance.

The main objects of the excursion are the settlements of the Yegorkinsky rural settlement, and, therefore, travel information needs to touch upon the history of the emergence of the village of Yegorkino and its geographical location.

The northern border of the Egorkinsky rural settlement begins from the point of intersection of the existing border of the district with the Krasnochetaisky district and the western border of block 17 of the Salanchik forestry of the Shumerlinsky forestry enterprise.

The eastern border of the Yegorkinsky rural settlement moves in a southern direction and runs along the eastern border of the former lands of the New Life agricultural production cooperative.

The southern border of the Egorkinsky rural settlement has a western slope and runs along the southern border of the former lands of the New Life agricultural production cooperative. It then follows the southern border of the former agricultural production cooperative "Bolshevik" until it intersects with the eastern border of block 41 of the Salanchik forestry. Then it runs along the eastern border of blocks 41, 53, then turns west and passes along the southern borders of blocks 53, 61, 60, 59 of the Salanchik forestry of the Shumerlinsky forestry enterprise.

The western border of the Egorkinsky rural settlement runs along the western border of blocks 59, 50, 38, 27, 17 of the Salanchik forestry of the Shumerlinsky forestry enterprise to the starting point.

History of the village of Egorkino

The beauty of these places inspires, the nature fascinates.The ancient settlement of Yakurtushkan settled in the depths of a dense mixed forest. The founder of the settlement was the runaway serf Yakurt. It was founded in the 18th century on the top of the Merkesh River (now Esceden). Other peasants settled around Yakurt, and the village was called Yakurtushkan. The village residents were engaged in farming, raising livestock, and hunting wild forest animals. In ancient times, residents wore bast shoes, homespun clothes. Ancient animals - mammoths - once lived in the vicinity of the village. This is evidenced by mammoth bones found near the Merkesh River. Bones, teeth, and a mammoth tusk were found in 1956 by students of the Yegorkino eight-year school and handed over to the Tuvan high school as an exhibit. The find was discovered by Ivanov’s student Ilya Zakharovich. On the other (southern) bank of the Merkesh River at the same time (in the 18th century), another serf peasant Pazit settled near Yakurt and Pazitushkan was formed in the neighborhood. Pazit's younger brother Eris enjoyed great authority in the village. Later the village was named Erisushkăn (now Ariskino Street).

Some old-timers claim that Eris was a servant of Pazit. As if Eris killed his brother, a rich man, and began to manage his household.

Later, the villages of Yakurtushkan and Erisushkan merged into one rural community of Yakurtushkan. On the eastern side of the village of Egorkino, near the river, peasants settled who worked on the site of Vasily Petrovich’s farm. The farmer himself lived in the village of Norusovo (now Kalinino, Vurnarsky district).

Our journey begins from the Yegorkinsky rural house of culture, wheremeeting with the folklore group “Shanchak”.The group's repertoire includes folk songs and works by Chuvash composers. In their performances, village singers include elements of dancing and round dancing, and skillfully involve listeners in a group dance. As a souvenir, you can buy souvenirs and toys made with your own hands.

Near the Yegorkinsky rural house of culture there is a monument to the soldiers, natives of the Yegorkinsky rural settlement, who heroically fought and defended our Motherland during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, took part in hostilities in Afghanistan and Chechnya.

Residents of the village of Yegorkino prayed to the deity, thanked him, asked him for something and shared with him the fruits of their labors. By this they sought to maintain order and harmony in the world. Before chÿk, they always washed in the bathhouse and dressed in clean clothes. After the meal, the ritual participants returned home, took the leftover food with them and made sure to treat the infirm old people who could not come to the dinner. The film “Harvest Time” was filmed here, which tells how the wife of a front-line soldier came to pray to “Kiremet Khyra” so that her husband would return alive from the front. Local historian Ulisov V.N. helped directors when working on the film, even with great difficulty finding a goose to shoot the film.

Next we will take a look at the Ukarin apple orchard, which is located on the outskirts of the village of Egorkino. The residents who settled near the farm fence were called ograzhans, and the settlement was called Ugarin, and later Ogarinkino. The village of Ogarinkino was formed in the 19th century. The village of Ogarinkino also became part of the rural community of Yakurtushkan. Traces of the farm remain to this day. There are wild apple trees in the farm garden, and a linden tree that grew near the farm house. The Ukarin apple orchard was founded by collective farmers in the 1960s.

Next, our route runs to one of the monuments of the early Iron Age, the ancient settlement of Khola Soch. (Gorodishchensky Cape). It is located near the village of Egorkino. It is protected by the state and is an archaeological monument. There was a settlement here of people who lived 2.5 thousand years ago during the Early Iron Age. Ancient people were engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding, hunting, and knew how to process swamp ore - limonite. The cultural monument belongs to the Gorodets culture. There is a boar path and artificially created fortifications to protect against attacks from foreign tribes. Archaeological excavations carried out in this area made it possible to find household items and dishes of the local inhabitants who lived 2.5 thousand years ago.

The next stage of our route is the natural monument “Pine-Kiremet”, which dates back to the 19th century. It is located near the village of Poyandaikino. Near this tree local residents They prayed to the deity, made sacrifices, asked higher powers to give them rain during a drought, asked for protection from diseases, fires, and various troubles.

In difficult times, local residents performed rituals of worship of higher powers - they put coins, eggs to the tree, tied a towel to the tree - a feast. Before chÿk, they always washed in the bathhouse and dressed in clean clothes. After the meal, the ritual participants returned home, took the leftover food with them and made sure to treat the infirm old people who could not come to the dinner. There is a belief that a tree, if you touch it, gives strength and health.

On both sides of the ravine different trees grow: pine, cedar, larch. And now in this place you can collect a tasty and healthy harvest of pine cones.

Wandering through the local ravines, you admire the beauty of the landscape of your native places. You will notice more than once that here you can receive such a charge of energy and strength that you feel renewed, as if you were born again! These feelings cannot be described in words. You need to come to our region! My father was right when he said that these are “holy places”!

Not far from the village of Poyandaikino there is an area called “Siv çăl”, the holy spring “Semiklyuchye”.

“Siv çăl.”-holy spring “Semiklyuchye” is located 1 km from the former village of Vyselka (now does not exist) in the Alikovsky district, 2 kilometers north-west of the village of Poyandaikino, on the watershed of the B. Tsivil and Vyla rivers. altitude approximately 190 m above sea level. It is the source of the Esqueden River, one of the large left tributaries of the Big Civil River. There are 7 key water sources not far from each other. The people still preserve this area under the name “Çich çǎl – Siv çǎl.” The source has its own legend, its own beauty. The people still preserve this area under the name “Çich çǎl – Siv çǎl.” At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. a wooden worker worked here convent. The nuns grew potatoes and lived there. After the October Revolution, the monastery was destroyed. In the twenties of the 20th century, several monks of the church decided to move closer to the holy springs. A monastery was built in a deep forest. A desert with small farms, vegetable gardens and arable land was formed. In the 30s, persecution of the church began, many were arrested and sent to camps as “enemies of the people.” The monastery hut was transported to the village of Turi Vyla, Alikovsky district. The hut has survived to this day. Today, the Raskildinskaya Church has erected a large wooden cross near the springs on the hill. An icon was found on the site of the monastery. Spring water was studied several decades ago by specialists from Cheboksary. According to local historian Gury Konstantinovich Terentev, the water in local springs has great healing properties. Clinical studies were conducted back in the 19th century. It was found that the exceptionally healing water contains a lot of iron and silver. The water in the spring is tasty, fresh, clear, like crystal, miraculous. At the spring spring the soul rests from worries and preserves peace. Now a wooden cross has been erected on the hill near the springs, an oak well and a bathhouse have been built. The holy spring is visited by residents not only of the region, but of the entire republic. The water is tasty and ice-cold even in the hottest weather. When visiting a holy spring you can get tasty and healthy water

In one of the houses in the village, Poyandaev Anatoly Nikanorovich, local historian and researcher, Member of the Guild of Craftsmen and Masters of Decorative and Applied Arts of the Chuvash Republic, full member of the Chuvash People's Academy and Arts, head of the genealogy section of CHNANI, head of the Shumerlinsky city branch of the ChNK, organized a museum. It took him a lot of work and effort to collect the number of exhibits that was revealed to the eyes of citizens who came on an excursion from the Sumerlinsky integrated center for social services to the population. Here are the ends of the linens and hems of women's shirts from the beginning of the 20th century, a whole wardrobe of everyday and festive clothes, wedding and for seeing off in the army from the beginning of the 18th century, many household items: a hand mill, a spinning wheel, Russian and Chuvash butter churns, over 15 types of irons and kerosene lamps, and much, much more. A whole photographic chronicle dating back to 1910 has also been collected here. The abundance of various exhibits, household items, tools, clothing, and works of art created with their own hands by members of the Poyandaev family is amazing. The owner of a house-museum can tell in detail about the history of every thing, every exhibit that is stored in his house-museum.

We end the route through the sights of the Yegorkinsky rural settlement in the village of Savaderkino, where there is a monument to soldiers native to the village of Savaderkino, who heroically fought and defended our Motherland during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945; 56 village residents did not return from the battlefields.


Traveling will bring you the joy of communicating with open, kind people, will help you find new friends and like-minded people, and the beauty of nature will inspire you to do creative things.

Our settlement has attractions that will be of interest to guests. And many tourists would be happy to come to our area.

Still, everyone can discover something new or look at old places in a different way. The tasks set at the beginning of the project research work completed. The goal has been achieved.

Come to our region for inspiration!

Sources used in drawing up a tourist excursion project:

1. Researcher and curator of antiquities Anatoly Poyandaev. (From publications in periodicals in 2006-2011). Shumerlya, 2012, - 100 pp., with illustrations.

2. Personal archive of Ulisov V.N., honorary local historian of the Chechen Republic, full member of the Chuvash People’s Academy and Arts, people’s academician of Chuvashia, head of the Shumerlinsky district branch of the ChNK,

3. Personal archive of history teacher MBOU “Egorkinskaya Secondary School” Frolov S.G.

4. Nazarov Mikhail. Halahra chanlah pur-tar. Savapla vyran Karmal.// “Malalla”.

Estimate No. 1 of the excursion and tourist route

"Our ancient land"

based on 1 person. (group of at least 10 people, no more than 30 people),

route duration - 6 hours

adults (2 people accompanying the group) are served free of charge


Name of expense

Amount, rub.

  1. people

Services for organizing routes and tourist groups


Purchase and presentation of souvenirs (symbols of the Yegorkinsky rural settlement)


Thematic excursion “Sights of Egorkino, Poyandaikino, Savaderkino.”


Lunch in the dining room


Master Class

50.00 (material for the master class)

Purchase of tents.

Tourist equipment (shovels, axe, rope, boiler)



1200 rub.

500 rub.





Estimate No. 2 of the excursion and tourist route

"Our ancient land."

Volunteer activities to improve the sights of the Yegorkinsky rural settlement.

based on 1 person. (group of at least 5 people, no more than 10 people),


Name of expense

Amount, rub.

  1. people

Equipment (bucket, gloves, shovel, broom, etc...)


Paints and varnishes




Passport tourist and excursion route “Our Ancient Land”.

1 . Name of the organization that developed the route: municipal educational institution "Egorkinskaya Secondary School"

3. Name of the tourist route: “Our ancient land”

4. General information about the route:

  • type of tourism: walking, transport
  • type of hike: weekend hike
  • duration (number of days): 1 day
  • degree (category) of difficulty: easy
  • length, 30.6 km (including the distance from the city of Shumerli to the end of the route)

Student age: 14-16 years

5. Hiking area: Chechnya, Shumerlinsky district

6. Detailed route: the city of Shumerlya – the village of Egorkino – the village of Poyandaikino – the village of Savaderkino.

7. Arrival and departure options:

Entrance: no

Check out: no

8. Emergency exits from the route: no

by bus