Vietnam on the world map: detailed location of resorts in Russian. Where is Vietnam located on the world map? Vietnam outline map

Vietnam is an attractive tourist country. There is also a coastline, with resorts that allow you to enjoy the warm sea ​​waves and good weather almost throughout the year, and many attractions that allow you to create an exciting excursion program.

Where is it located and what sea is it washed by?

Geographically Vietnam applies To South-East Asia and is located on the Indochina Peninsula. In the West the country borders with Cambodia and Laos, in the North with China.

The Vietnamese coast extends along the eastern and southern parts of the country and is washed by South China Sea, Thailand and Tonkin gulfs.

The best tourist places to relax - photos and descriptions

Main part resorts of the country are located in the southern part. The north of Vietnam is characterized by weather conditions that are not always conducive to a resort holiday; in the south there are periods of rain, but in general there much warmer throughout the year and there is practically no winter.

Phan Thiet and Mui Ne

These resorts are located in the south of the country and specialize in beach holidays. At the same time, in Mui Ne, Russian-speaking tourists, as a rule, feel more comfortable, since the Russian diaspora has settled there, many representatives of the Russian-speaking population have their own businesses, and there are many signs in Russian on the streets.

Nha Trang

This resort is one of most popular and at the same time, like Mui Ne, it is filled with a significant amount of Russian-language service. Many Russians have their own restaurants, tour bureaus and other companies that work in the field of tourism and recreation.

Nha Trang offers opportunities for a wide variety of recreation. Wellness services are developed here, but there is also a lot of entertainment, including the famous Vietnamese diving.


Is high mountain resort, which is located in the central part of Vietnam. Both Vietnamese and foreigners relax here. Moreover, the resort has a certain claim to elitism:

  • many golf courses;
  • cozy parks and forests;
  • boat trips.

Dalat has magnificent nature, many waterfalls and coniferous forests. Excellent conditions for a relaxing holiday.

Phu Quoc and other islands

Phu Quoc- a magnificent resort island, where a large safari park was recently created. In addition, there is a lot of entertainment and great beach holiday.

Con Dao Island– relatively new tourist destination, but worthy of attention. There's great ecotourism there. In addition to its magnificent beaches, Con Dao offers:

  • reserve;
  • fishing;
  • observation of exotic animals.

If you find yourself near Ha Long Bay, you can treat yourself to island visits Cat Ba and Tuan Chau. They offer wellness services and entertainment combined with a beach holiday.

Mountain resorts

These resorts should be noted because of the presence of mineral springs there.

There are many useful sources in Vietnam mineral water, but there are relatively few resorts nearby.

Of course, the weather there is not ideal for holidays all year round, but here are the conditions for have a good rest quite optimal.

Located near Hanoi Ba Vi– a resort with a national park. There you can enjoy:

  • mud baths;
  • bathing in hot water;
  • healing sessions of traditional medicine.

Not far from Ho Chi Minh City is the city of Vung Tau, whose territory includes Binh Chau resort. The resort is actively developing, offering hot mineral springs and quality service.

Planning a budget: how much money to take to Vietnam for 7, 10, 14 days? Find the answer here.

Beaches and coast

Beaches in the south The countries are suitable for resort holidays almost throughout the whole year. In autumn the rainy season begins there, but warm days are still observed.

Most resorts have access to the sea with a water temperature of at least twenty degrees, meaning you can always swim.

North less favorable weather conditions in winter. It really gets cold there (by Vietnamese standards) and swimming in winter is not possible.

Sights of the country

The authentic Vietnam is not only resort holiday, but also an abundance of attractions.

This country has many territories where buildings of ancient civilizations and many natural beauties remain.

Besides It should be noted Remnants of the colonial era, many of the houses in Vietnam remain from the era when the French ruled the country.

For people from northern countries, they are attractive exotic entertainment:

  • reserves with crocodiles and other rare animals;
  • elephant riding;
  • National parks;
  • fishing;
  • snake restaurants.
  • There are absolutely original excursion options such as visiting guerrilla tunnels left over from the Vietnam War. Halong Bay is considered one of the most beautiful spaces on the planet.

    Hanoi abounds architectural structures different times: from the era of the development of Buddhism to the grandiose buildings of the times of communism. Da Nang attracts Marble mountains and pagodas. Famous statue Tourists can see the reclining Buddha watch in Phan Thiet.

    In general, a lot of attractions are concentrated in the relatively small territory of Vietnam.

    Regardless of which part of the country you go to, you will be able to make an interesting cultural program for yourself.

    Interesting things, souvenirs and gifts that you can bring from Vietnam are in this article.

    International airports

    Now the territory of the country includes nine international airports , but only valid until four regular flights From Russia. The largest is Tan Son Nhat, which is located in Ho Chi Minh City. Not far from the capital(45 kilometers from Hanoi) is Noi Bai Airport, which attracts tourists with its architecture in the style of a classic Vietnamese pagoda.

    If you need to fly to Dalang, it has its own airport three kilometers from the city. Khanh Hoa Province uses Cam Ranh, which is located in Nha Trang.

    Tourists who are interested in resort holidays most often used Tan Son Nhat Airport, which is closest to others popular resorts. In the future, this airport will be used for domestic flights, and “resort tourists” will be served by Long Thanh Airport.

    How to easily and comfortably cover a distance of more than 10,000 km? All the secrets of flying to Vietnam are here.

    The region where Vietnam is located is called Indochina and is considered one of the most densely populated in the world. Throughout its history, Vietnam has been inextricably linked with China, which has influenced its southern neighbor.

    Where is the country of Vietnam?

    In a narrow strip, Vietnam stretches for 1,750 kilometers along east coast Indochinese Peninsula. Such a large extent, together with significant changes in relief, creates very different natural conditions, which change from north to south.

    Along the border with Cambodia and Laos, the Annam Mountains stretch across the territory, the most high point which is located in Vietnam and is called Mount Bia.

    The region where Vietnam is located has no shortage of water resources. The two deepest rivers in Southeast Asia flow through the country - the Mekong and Hongha. And on its territory they form their deltas, flowing into the South China Sea.

    Water resources and climate

    To answer the question of where Vietnam is located along the equator, it is enough to draw an imaginary line from the largest city in the country, which is Ho Chi Minh City, named after the first president of an independent state. The distance between the eight million population of Ho Chi Minh City and the equator by air is approximately one thousand two hundred kilometers.

    Since the country lies at a considerable distance from the equator, this gives the climate a seasonal nature with pronounced fluctuations in precipitation patterns. In southern Vietnam, the dry season lasts from mid-December to April, and the rainy season from May to November.

    Great River of Asia

    The river known throughout the world as the Mekong is called Cuu Long in Vietnamese, which translates to “River of Nine Dragons.” The length of the river reaches four and a half thousand kilometers, during which it flows through the territory of six states and serves as the border between Burma, Laos and Thailand.

    The Mekong originates in the Tibetan Plateau, controlled by China. On the territory of Tibet, the river is called Dza-chu, and after entering Chinese lands it receives the name Lancangjiang.

    Flowing through the territory of six states, the river supplies food to the lands of local peasants, but is characterized by instability and significant differences in the volume of flow from season to season. If in its upper reaches the river is filled by melting snow, then in the region where Vietnam is located, it depends on the rainfall.

    Capital of Vietnam. Where is?

    Whatever country the capital is located in, it is always a place of attraction for business and the population. Today the capital of Vietnam is Hanoi, whose name translates as “City between the rivers.”

    Hanoi is the second largest city in the country after Ho Chi Minh City, but the cities differ not so much in this as in their geographical location. Hanoi is one of the twenty largest cities in the world by area and occupies seventeenth place in this ranking. At the same time, it is one of the ten most popular cities in Asia among tourists. Travelers are attracted by the city's long history, architecture, craft districts and good climate.

    The unofficial symbol of the city, which is often caught on camera, is the tower of the Hanoi Citadel, built in the fifteenth century. The citadel was repeatedly rebuilt and destroyed during numerous military conflicts, the most destructive of which was Civil War, which lasted eighteen years and claimed the lives of two million local residents.

    Conflict of interest

    In the twentieth century, Southeast Asia became the scene of a struggle between two systems represented by the USA and the USSR, and by the late sixties the conflict had erupted in the region where Vietnam is located. On whatever continent the conflict between the two superpowers occurred, thousands of local residents became its victims.

    As a result of a long conflict, which left an indelible mark on the history of all participating states, the communist leaders, supported by Soviet Union and occupied the northern part of the country.

    After American troops withdrew and Ho Chi Minh took control of the entire country, the capital of South Vietnam was named after the first president of the new communist republic.

    The communist economic system established as a result of the war collapsed already in the early eighties of the twentieth century. The authorities began to carry out market reforms, attracting investment from other countries. The country slowly began to open up to the world, but to this day the influence of the communist past on people's lives is great, and the symbol of this past is the Ho Chi Minh Tomb - a mausoleum built in the capital of the country, Hanoi.

    Modern economics

    Despite all the efforts of the country's leadership, Vietnam still remains largely an agricultural country, exporting products with low market value. However, the Vietnamese Communist Party has no plans to give up and says it plans to make life in the countryside more comfortable and at the same time increase agricultural productivity.

    It is planned to provide electricity to rural areas, build roads and increase the share of machinery in the production of agricultural products. At the same time, residents will be trained to operate the new machines.

    As for industrial production, we can say that in any part of the country where the city is located, Vietnam turns into not the most environmentally friendly place.

    In the 21st century, many industries appeared in Vietnam that did not meet modern environmental safety standards. More and more factories are opening in the country due to low cost work force, which even China can no longer boast of. Workers live in terrible conditions, industrial safety regulations are not followed, and wages are barely enough to cover minimal expenses.

    Ecological problems

    The region where Vietnam is located is mostly mountainous or hilly. medium height, however, in the Mekong Delta the land level drops significantly. This coastal depression poses the threat of flooding if global sea levels rise due to global climate change.

    Vietnamese scientists believe that by 2100, sea levels could rise by one meter, leading to almost complete flooding of provinces located in the vast river delta.

    Another danger to the country's ecology could be the rapid urbanization that began in the 2000s. Height settlements and the increased number of cars create unfavorable conditions for the health of the urban population.

    Widely known throughout the world not only for its sad pages of history, but also for its relatively inexpensive and extremely attractive resorts. Friendly smiling people ancient history and extremely exotic cuisine - all this and much more can be found in this hot tropical country. Unique geographical position Vietnam affects all aspects of its social and economic life. We will try to consider this influence in more detail in this article.

    Geographical location of Vietnam (briefly)

    As mentioned above, the country is located on the Indochina Peninsula, or more precisely, on its southeastern tip. On the eastern side, Vietnam is washed by the South China Sea.

    Vietnam is quite advantageous: on the western side, the country borders on countries such as Cambodia, Laos and China (People's Republic of China). This allows the state to successfully trade with these countries. The longest joint border is with Laos (more than 1.5 thousand kilometers), the slightly shorter border is with China (almost 1.3 thousand kilometers), and Cambodia is in third place (0.98 thousand kilometers). The total area of ​​the state is 329.6 thousand square kilometers.

    The geographical position of Vietnam has a pronounced elongated meridian character. The state stretches in a narrow strip along the 105th meridian, repeating the bends in the eastern and southern parts west coast East China Sea, including the Vietnamese part of the Gulf of Thailand and Tonkin. In the north, the country begins from the source of the Lo River, a left tributary of the Red River, and in the south it ends with the Camau Peninsula and the cape of the same name.

    Second main feature Vietnam's geographical location is a record long sea coast compared to its area, which has a powerful influence on the country's climate.


    In the very south of the country lies a huge plain, irrigated by the waters of the Mekong (here is the river delta before it flows into the South China Sea). To the north lies the ridge of the Annam Mountains, parallel to which, closer to the sea, stretches the coastal lowland. Even further north is the high Yunnan Highlands, in the area of ​​which you can find the highest point in Vietnam - Mount Fanshi Pan (height 3,143 kilometers). The Yunnan Highlands are dissected by the bed of the second largest river, the Red (Hongha) River.

    The state includes many islands, the largest of which is. Phu Quoc, located in the Gulf of Thailand west of the Ca Mau Peninsula and south of Cambodia.


    Vietnam's geographical position on the mainland determines its climate. When studying weather patterns, it is worth mentioning the three climatic parts of the country - Northern, Southern and Middle, which are very different. Such features of Vietnam as its great elongation in the meridian direction and the alternation of highlands and lowlands have led to a huge diversity climatic conditions.

    So, if the northern part of the country has a fairly pronounced winter period (winter is very mild), then in its southern part we can already talk about a rainy season in winter and a dry season in summer. In the mountainous region of Vietnam average temperature does not exceed +20 o C. In general, its average annual temperature is +22...+27 o C.


    Agriculture, along with tourism, is one of the leading industries. This is greatly facilitated by the favorable agro-geographical position of Vietnam. Relative proximity to the equator (the main part of the country is located between the 10th and 20th parallels); increased humidity due to the proximity of the sea and two large rivers(Mekong River and Red River) and a large number of sunny days- all this allows the country’s farmers to harvest several harvests a year.

    Of course, first of all, this concerns rice, which is so adored by the local population, which, along with seafood, is the basis of their diet. In all parts of the country you can see flooded rice fields, and in mountainous areas they are laid out in beautiful rows- This is one of the attractions of the state.


    The geographical location of Vietnam and its climatic diversity make the country attractive to almost any tourist. Tourists who prefer cooler weather choose the northern and mountainous parts of the country; lovers of hotter conditions - southern and flat.

    Whatever the situation with the weather, but Vietnamese cuisine is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. In number national dishes includes more than five hundred different exotic dishes. A huge number of meat dishes (including the most unusual “varieties” of meat, for example, viper or young crocodile) are adjacent to original culinary products of the most different types, tastes and smells. But the basis national cuisine Local people certainly enjoy rice in all forms. It is added almost everywhere and almost always.


    Despite the fact that the country is quite densely populated, there is still virtually nothing to see in the northern mountains of Vietnam. touched by man protected areas of nature. A third of the territory is covered with impenetrable jungle thickets - all this under the generous tropical sun and in conditions of high humidity!

    It is not surprising that it has acquired enormous species diversity. There are more than a thousand tree species alone. Among the most valuable species, examples include ironwood, so named because of its amazing strength, similar to iron), cinnamon wood, mahogany, ebony and many others. The country's forests are characterized by pronounced altitudinal zonation. At altitudes up to one thousand to one and a half thousand meters, subtropical species grow; above two thousand there is an amazing variety of coniferous species.


    The fauna of Vietnam is not inferior to the flora in terms of richness and diversity. In the country's jungles there are about 1,000 bird species, about 300 reptiles, and approximately 170 mammal species. The rivers are not inferior to the jungle, in which there are more than a thousand species of ichthyofauna (fish) alone!

    The most common inhabitants of the jungle include monkeys, parrots, wild pigeons, deer, wild boars, panthers, wolves, pheasants, and bears. An unwary traveler may also meet the owner of the jungle - a magnificent tiger, although the latter are wary of humans and try to stay away from human paths. Some time ago, even rhinoceroses lived in the jungle, but now, unfortunately, they have been practically exterminated.

    In addition to rhinoceroses, about 80 species of mammals and birds are listed as endangered, including sika deer, tapirs, peacocks, gibbons and many others.

    (Socialist Republic of Vietnam)

    General information

    Geographical position. Vietnam is a country in Southeast Asia. In the north it borders with China, in the west with Cambodia and Laos. In the east and south it is washed by the South China Sea.

    Square. The territory of Vietnam occupies 329,707 square meters. km.

    Main cities Administrative division. The capital is Hanoi. Largest cities: Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon) (3,555 thousand people), Hanoi (1,247 thousand people), Haiphong (450 thousand people). Administrative-territorial division of the country: 57 provinces, 4 cities of central subordination.

    Political system

    The head of state is the president, the head of government is the prime minister. The legislative body is the unicameral National Assembly.

    Relief. Vietnam ranks the most eastern part peninsula of Indochina. The country is divided into four main physiographic regions. In the north is the mountainous part of the Yunnan Highlands, where the highest point of the country is located - Mount Fang Xi Pan (3,143 m). To the east of the mountainous region lies the delta of the Hong Ha (Red) River. Further south lie the Annam Mountains, which occupy the central part of Vietnam. The fourth region in the very south of the country is the Mekong Delta.

    Geological structure and minerals. The country's subsoil contains reserves of iron ore, coal, manganese, and bauxite; Oil and gas fields have been discovered on the sea shelf.

    Climate. The climate of the country varies significantly in different regions. In the north it is subtropical with dry and mild winters and humid, hot summers. The central and southeastern regions have a tropical monsoon climate with high levels of humidity and high temperatures. In the southwest the climate is similar to that of the north of the country, but average temperatures are higher.

    Inland waters. Hong Ha and Mekong are the main rivers of the country. Both flow into the South China Sea.

    Soils and vegetation. The vegetation of Vietnam is varied. In mixed tropical forests pine, broad-leaved trees, bamboo, and vines grow. In the river deltas there are dense mangroves.

    Animal world. The fauna is represented by elephants, deer, bears, tigers, and leopards. Among small mammals, the hare, squirrel, and monkey are especially widespread. Birds and reptiles are widely represented. Among the latter, crocodiles, snakes and lizards are especially common.

    Population and language

    The country's population is about 76.236 million people, average density population about 231 people per 1 sq. km. Ethnic groups: Vietnamese - 88%, Chinese, Muong, Thai, Meo, Khmer, Man, Cham. Languages: Vietnamese (official), Chinese, Khmer, Cham, French, English and Russian.


    Buddhism - 55%, Taoism - 12%, Catholicism - 10%, Islam, Protestantism, paganism - 23%.

    Brief historical sketch

    The first state formation on the territory of modern Vietnam was the kingdom of O Lac, which existed in the 1st millennium BC. e.

    In 221 BC. e. Northern Vietnam became part of the Chinese Empire, under which it remained until 939 AD. e.

    At the beginning of the 11th century. The first of the great Vietnamese dynasties, the Ly, was founded, ruling Vietnam for more than 200 years. Vietnamese government institutions were based on Chinese models, and Confucianism was considered the main religion.

    In the mid-19th century, during the reign of the Nguyen dynasty, France began to show interest in Vietnam and in 1858 began the actual conquest of Vietnam, and by 1884 most of the country became a French protectorate.

    After the end of World War II, a liberation war broke out in Vietnam, which lasted until 1954, when the French army suffered a crushing defeat at Dien Bien Phu.

    According to the Geneva Agreement, Vietnam was divided into two states (at the 17th parallel). In the north, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam was formed, officially proclaimed on December 31, 1959. In the south of Vietnam, the Republic of Vietnam was proclaimed on October 26, 1955.

    Almost immediately after the formation of the two states, an armed conflict began, which resulted in a large-scale war in 1965 with the participation of the US Army. An armistice was signed on January 27, 1973, but the agreement never came into force and Saigon fell in early 1975.

    The political unification of the two Vietnams took place in 1976. In the early 90s, economic and political reforms began in Vietnam.

    Brief Economic Sketch

    Vietnam is an agricultural country with a developing industry. Extraction of oil, coal, apatite, chromite, iron ore, tin, tungsten. Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, metalworking and mechanical engineering (production of diesel engines, agricultural machinery, precise mechanisms, assembly, etc.), chemical industry; production of building materials. Woodworking and pulp and paper enterprises; rubber processing. Light and food industry. Artistic crafts. IN agriculture Agriculture predominates. They cultivate rice (the main food crop), sweet potato, corn, and industrial crops include cotton, jute, sugar cane, and tea; rubber plantations. Fruit growing, vegetable growing. Cattle (used mainly as draft force), pig farming. Fishing. Wood harvesting (valuable species). Export: oil, coal, rice, rubber, fish and seafood.

    The currency is dong.

    Brief sketch of culture

    Art and architecture. Hanoi. Art Museum (household items and costumes of all 60 ethnic groups living in Vietnam); Tran Quoc Pagoda; Turtle Pagoda; Mausoleum of Ho Chi Minh City; Army Museum. Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon). Notre Dame Cathedral (1883); municipal building (19th century); Giak Lam Pagoda (1744); Jadeite Emperor Pagoda (1909); Hindu temple Mariamman (XIX century); Botanical Garden; Museum of the Revolution; Art Museum; Ho Chi Minh City Museum; Museum of war crimes of the American and Chinese armies during the wars of 1965-1975 and 1979. Hue. Palace of the Emperors Ayanama and the tombs of the emperors. Danang. Museum of Cham Relics. Nha Trang. Four Buddhist temples (VII-XII centuries).

    Literature. Nguyen Du (1765-1820) - poet (poem “The Lamentations of a Tormented Soul”; “Everything Living” is a work in which the dramatic conflicts of the era are interpreted in the spirit of Buddhism).

    Vietnam is considered an interesting place for curious tourists. It has everything a traveler needs - a coast with an alluring blue sea, world-famous attractions, stunning resorts, hot weather throughout almost the entire year.

    In contact with

    Location on the map and washing by seas

    If you look at the world map, you can see that it is located on the Indochina Peninsula, which is located in Southeast Asia. The coast is washed by the South China Sea.

    Now let's consider the most interesting places for tourist holidays.

    On the Internet you can easily find a map of Vietnam in Russian with resorts.

    The main concentration of attractions is in the south of Vietnam, this was influenced by weather countries. Prevails in the north bad weather, it rains often. At that time, it also rains in the south, but with much less frequency and the temperature is much higher.

    You can find it on the Internet detailed map Vietnam in Russian. It represents all the cities (and smaller settlements) of the country.

    The most popular and visited resorts in Vietnam:

    1. Mui Ne and Phan Thiet.
    2. Dalat.
    3. Nha Trang.
    4. Phu Quoc and Con Dao Islands.


    Resorts Mui Ne and Phan Thiet

    Both of these resorts designed for beach holidays. But Mui Ne will best place for Russian-speaking tourists, since this part of the population predominates there. At almost every step you can find signs in Russian, Russian owners of various taverns, hotels and shops. Phan Thiet has a lot of infrastructure, especially well-developed services water transport. There are quite a few attractions in Phan Thiet itself, but the ones that are available immediately attract you Asian flavor. Phan Thiet is worth a visit for those who want to unwind by relaxing on the beach.

    Dalat Resort

    The resort is intended more for wealthier people. It is located in the central part of Vietnam, and either the Vietnamese themselves or Europeans, who prefer solitude with nature, relax there. The city can provide boat trips on local reservoirs, majestic waterfalls, quiet and peaceful walks among the coniferous forest, cozy and small hotels. Golf lovers will be able to find a huge number of courses to practice their favorite activity.

    Nha Trang Resort

    Here, as in Mui Ne, there are a large number of Russian people, they own shops, cafes, hotels and other entertainment establishments in the tourism sector. The city of Nha Trang is ready to provide tourists with different types recreation. Both health services and diving, famous in Vietnam, have been developed. Everyone will find something to their liking.

    It is the capital of beach holidays in all of Vietnam. There are three best beaches countries that are always ready to receive tourists. The sea in the Nha Trang area is quite deep; an adult, entering two or three meters into it, will be completely hidden under water. The beaches of Nha Trang are municipal, but this does not prevent it from developing in terms of entertainment. Also in Nha Trang you can find stunning mud springs and healing tinctures on snakes.

    Phu Quoc and Con Dao Islands

    Phu Quoc Island can be described in one sentence - paradise for animal lovers. Not long ago, a safari park was opened there, which is very popular among visiting people. In addition, beach recreation and other types of entertainment are widely developed on the island. Hotels are at a decent level.

    The destination of Con Dao Island is new to many tourists. Ecotourism, which Con Dao offers, is undeservedly forgotten and relegated to the background. But you can have a great time there by going fishing, visiting large nature reserves, and watching exotic animals.

    Now more about the work of airports.

    There are only nine international airports in Vietnam, while there are about twenty intercity airports. Cam Ranh Airport accepts most Russian tourists. And the main airport of the country is Ho Chi Minh City, and it is located in the center of the state.

    Sights of Vietnam