The time in Montenegro is now. Time in Montenegro now Local time in Montenegro now

What time is it in Montenegro is always a pressing question.

And for those who come here on vacation, and for those who come here to live, and for those who communicate with the former or the latter.

Confusion is associated with the transition to winter and summer time— the time difference with Montenegro and Moscow changes.

Although, upon arrival in Montenegro, time will worry you much less - it’s not customary to rush here)

What time is it in Montenegro right now?

So, the time zone of Montenegro is GMT +1. The entire country is in the same time zone. That is, the time in Budva, Tivat and Bar is always the same.

Right now this is the time in Montenegro:

Summer/winter time

Montenegro switches to winter and summer time. So, on October 25 at 2 a.m. the clock hands were moved back 1 hour.

The next transition is on March 29, 2015 to daylight saving time (at 2 a.m. the clocks will move forward).

Difference in time

After the last transition of Montenegro to winter time(10/25/2015), the time difference with Moscow and Minsk is 2 hours. That is, to find out what time it is in Montenegro now, just subtract 2 hours from Minsk/Moscow.

The difference with Kiev is 1 hour. Again, subtract 1 hour from Kyiv time - you will understand what time it is in Montenegro. It's simple)

UPD: On March 29, the clocks were switched to summer time again and now the time difference with Moscow and Minsk is 1 hour. That is, to find out what time it is in Montenegro now, simply subtract 1 hour from Minsk/Moscow. The time now completely coincides with Ukraine.

I hope my short but informative article helped you understand time in Montenegro.

And may there always be enough for everything, wherever you are!

Here you can find out what time it is in Montenegro. Exact time in Montenegro online:

If you want to find out what time it is now in other cities, go to the online time section.

A short flight, and now from the plane window you can see the turquoise and amazingly beautiful sea coastline, which consists of a huge range of beautiful and cozy bays. What is this? Of course, this is everyone’s favorite Montenegro!

It is this direction that was recently discovered by many individuals in our country and beyond. In a short time, Montenegro has become a paradise for many. It is to this corner of the universe that everyone is so eager to return, because the cleanest sea, unimaginably beautiful landscapes, amazing air and simply everything that surrounds you at this moment are so magnificent!

This corner can easily be called a dream, where you can gain strength and wonderful impressions, have a good rest, and told you to have a good time. Having gained a sea of ​​strength in Montenegro, people are ready for the difficult everyday work life.

So, why deny yourself such bliss all the time and continue to dream of distant camps as before? If you can, for modest money and quickly, go and visit paradise- Montenegro!

It is here that the infrastructure is impeccably developed and everyone will find an apartment to suit their pocket and soul. There are many attractions here, from the seashore to the mountains, which are also possible to visit.

Montenegro has a very compact territory, which lies in the same time zone. Therefore, in all corners of the country, clocks show the same time. At first glance, everything seems simple, but not quite.

Russians who come on vacation from all corners of our vast homeland, which has as many as 11 time zones, have to not only adapt to the new time, but also navigate the hour difference between Montenegro and their hometown in order to: a) call home without accidentally waking up their friends; relatives, b) be on time for the appointment, c) not be late for the return flight, d) any other suitable option, in your opinion.

What time is it in Montenegro?

According to Coordinated Universal Time, by which the whole world regulates clocks and time, Montenegro is one of the countries that use Central European Time, CET. In simple terms, this is one of the names of the UTC+1 time zone, a time calculation system that also operates in European countries such as Sweden, Italy, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Croatia, etc.

Since UTC time does not take into account the translation of clock hands in summer and winter, a shift relative to UTC occurs twice a year.

Unlike Russia, which moved its clock hands for the last time in October 2014 (1 hour back) and, as the adopted bill states, no longer plans to carry out seasonal transitions, there are no changes in this regard in Montenegro. It continues to live in summer time from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October (UTC+2), increasing daylight hours by one hour, and reverts back to winter time from the end of October (UTC+1).

What is the time difference between Moscow and Montenegro?

Based on the above information and the fact that the capital’s time corresponds to the third time zone in the national time scale of the Russian Federation UTC (SU) (differs from international UTC by less than 1 microsecond), it is not difficult to calculate that in winter the time difference with Moscow will be 2 hours , and in summer - only one hour.

Therefore, there is no risk of disruption of biological rhythms for residents of the capital after landing at the airport in Montenegro.

For the convenience of calculating the time difference between Montenegro and the regions of Russia, we lay out a diagram of the new system for calculating time zones, approved by the State Duma of the Russian Federation in 2014.

How different is the time in Montenegro from the time of different Russian cities (in winter)?

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that local time is always indicated on tickets and on booking sites. So don't miss your plane!

With Kaliningrad, Baltiysk and other cities Kaliningrad region - - 1 hour;

With Moscow, Volgograd, Voronezh, Krasnodar, Kazan, St. Petersburg and the Republic of Crimea - -2 hours;

With Samara and Izhevsk - - 3 hours;

With Ufa, Ekaterinburg, Perm - - 4 hours;

From Omsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk - - 5 o'clock;

From Krasnoyarsk, Kemerovo and Norilsk - - 6 hours,

With Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude and others settlements Eastern Siberia - -7 o'clock;

From Yakutsk - - 8 ocloc'k;

With Vladivostok and Magadan - - 9 o'clock;

With Chokurdakh - 10 hours;

With Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Anadyr - - 11 o'clock.

However, while basking on the coast Adriatic Sea, it’s better to forget about the clock altogether. Time flows slowly here, and the prevailing atmosphere sets you up for a measured, unhurried rest.