Writing an address in English for a visa. An example and a sample of filling out a questionnaire for a Schengen visa to Germany

Thanks to the agreement on a single visa area, crossing the Schengen borders is subject to unified rules, which may differ only slightly in some states. The basis for obtaining the appropriate permission to cross the border is an application. The decision that the consulate will make may depend on the correctness of its filling, and therefore it will be useful to know how to correctly fill out the application form for a Schengen visa in 2017.

It is quite logical that the process of applying for a visa begins with the preparation of a set of papers for the diplomatic mission of the country of the planned trip. According to the rules, the guest is obliged not only to cross the border of this state first, but also to spend most of the visit on the territory of this country.

The main attention in the package of documents should be given to the application. The statistics claim that most of refusals were received precisely because of its incorrect filling.

To begin with, consider the requirements that the application for a Schengen visa must comply with:

  • information must be provided in English, Russian or the official language of the country to the consulate of which documents are submitted. Please note that not all signatory countries accept the application in Russian;
  • regardless of which language was nevertheless chosen, the applicant's initials must be spelled out in Latin and match their outline in the passport. Specify with Latin letters the name of the hotels is also required, as well as data on the inviting persons;
  • Only the left side of the form should be completed, the right side is intended for consular employees;
  • the form should not contain corrections, strikethroughs and blots. In no case do not resort to the help of a proofreader to correct what is written;
  • information must be reliable;
  • The application form for obtaining a Schengen visa must be completed completely and contain no empty sections or lines. If the question does not apply to the applicant, you should still write “no” or put a dash.

Even before you start filling out the form, check the individual requirements that the consulate of the country you are going to may put forward for this document.

Fill it out yourself or use the services of an intermediary?

The easiest way to organize a trip is to contact a travel agency, which will take care of all issues, including filling out an application. Often such a service is provided by tour operators for free, since it is already included in the cost of the tour.

But what if you are planning a business trip or, say, a guest visit? Just in this case, the dilemma becomes relevant - to turn to intermediaries or do everything yourself? In the first case, be prepared for the fact that every time you contact a specialist, you will have to pay money for something that can be done on your own.

In favor of the latter is the fact that the application for a Schengen visa has a single sample, developed by the Visa Code of the Schengen Union. This means that whatever the purpose of your entry into Schengen, you will have to fill out the same form. In this regard, it will be more rational to study the intricacies of entering information into it once and save money.

How to enter information

The main rule for the design of the form is that the applicant must write by hand, in legible handwriting, using only printed capital letters. Applications filled out in typewritten text are also accepted for consideration. The application form for a visa can be obtained at the consulate of the country where the application will be submitted.

To avoid mistakes, carefully study how to fill out the Schengen visa application form correctly:

  1. Full name can be simply rewritten from foreign passport. Date of birth is written with a hyphen.
  2. The place of birth must be indicated as it is indicated in the passport.
  3. In the marital status and gender column, you must check the appropriate boxes.
  4. The section concerning the travel document suggests that the applicant needs to indicate the type of passport, the date and place of its issue, and the period when its validity expires.
  5. In the "address" column, the coordinates where the applicant actually resides should be indicated, even if they differ from the place of permanent registration. You must also indicate the number mobile phone.
  6. Many are interested in the question of what should be indicated if the applicant lives outside the Russian Federation. For this, there is a special column in which you need to indicate the address in the application form for a Schengen visa, at which the applicant is on a permanent basis. In addition, it is also necessary to indicate data on the document that makes the applicant's residency in another country legal.
  7. Information about the profession and place of work is also important. Regarding the latter, it is important to indicate not only the name of the organization, but also the address of its location, telephone. Students in this section indicate information about the educational institution.
  8. In the "Purpose of visit" line, check the box you need. It is important that it really meets your true intentions.
  9. Pay attention to the sections in which you need to indicate the country of residence and the state of entry. In some cases, they may not match. When traveling by car, for example, you will not get to Italy until you pass a number of other countries.
  10. The next few paragraphs will deal with issues such as the number of stamps requested, the length of stay in the zone, the date of entry and exit from it. If the applicant submits an application for a multivisa for a period of one year or more, the duration of stay is indicated in the column for 90 days.
  11. Pay attention to how to fill out an application for a Schengen visa if the visit is by invitation: here it is important to indicate the details of the inviting party - initials, residential address, telephone number.
  12. The most important is the financial issue, and therefore pay attention to the section where you need to indicate the source of funding.

If you have relatives in Europe, this must also be reported.

When filling out the form by hand, do not neglect the rule regarding which pen the application form for a Schengen visa is filled with. Typically, only black or blue ink is used for this. But it is better to give preference to the latter, since a number of countries accept applications filled out by them.

The document ends with the personal signature of the applicant, with which he certifies that:

  • all information provided is true and accurate;
  • be sure to purchase insurance;
  • agrees to the use of his personal data within the framework of the Unified Visa System.

Pay attention to how to correctly sign the application form for a Schengen visa. The applicant's stroke must not go beyond the allotted space, otherwise the questionnaire may be invalidated. The signature must be the same as in the passport.

Filling out a questionnaire for a child

Needless to say, every foreigner entering the Schengen area must have their own visa permission, regardless of age. This means that even if your child is still at a very young age, he will still need his own visa.

The application form for the Schengen visa for minors is also mandatory in the package of papers for the consulate. It is filled in by the parents.

As in the previous case, this can be done by hand or typewritten in compliance with all the requirements listed above.

In addition, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • in a special section, you should indicate information about the parent who is applying for the baby;
  • where financial support is involved, it must be indicated that all expenses are covered by the child's representative;
  • in the profession column - write “no profession” or “student / student”.

The Schengen application form for a child is signed by the parent who entered the information into it. But there are a few things to be aware of here:

  • the consulate of the Czech Republic will ask that a child over 15 years old also sign on the form together with one of the parents;
  • but in Austria, both parents must put their signatures if the baby has not yet reached the age of 14. Older teenagers are already signing with their father and mother.

A completed application for a Schengen visa for a young traveler is submitted in one package for the whole family.

Things to remember when filling out an online survey

The practice has become quite common when it is necessary to apply for a visa permit online. In this case, there are no special differences in filling out, because the form looks absolutely identical to the one issued by the consulate. To access the form, you just need to go to the website of the consulate you are interested in and find the "online application" section. Usually this method is used to request short-term tourist visas.

How to print the form correctly

The issue of printing the form will require special attention. To begin with, after filling out the document, you must save it on your computer. Give the file a name and select the folder where it will be stored.

Since the application form includes 4 pages, the question arises, on how many sheets should the Schengen application form be printed on? According to the rules, you need to place information on two sheets of A4 format on both sides. The consulate will not accept a document in the form of 4 sheets of the questionnaire. Another sheet will be needed to print a page with a barcode about the completed registration on the site. Filling out the form manually does not imply the presence of such information.

The applicant can sign the application after the Schengen visa application form has been printed out. The same applies to forms that were filled out using technical means.

Taking into account all the above subtleties, you can easily avoid inaccuracies and thus ensure a positive decision on your visa application.

Filling out an application for a Schengen visa: Video

Attention! Due to recent changes in legislation, the legal information in this article may be out of date!

Our lawyer can advise you free of charge - write a question in the form below:

All visa centers in Germany provide. Our specialists will fill out the questionnaire for you directly when submitting the application and print it out, which significantly reduce the time for preparing documentsand speed up the submission process. The cost of the service is 200 rubles. The use of this service is voluntary and the decision to issue a visa does not depend on whether you have used this service or not.

Below you will find application forms for Schengen and national visas, instructions for filling out the application form for a Schengen visa, as well as forms and samples for filling out other applications.


When preparing your visa application, you can:

    To speed up the process of processing the application, you can fill out the online form yourself, then print it out and submit it along with your passport and other necessary documents.

    * Please read carefully the instructions for completing the online application form.

Below is a document that contains a list of answers to the most frequently asked questions about filling out a Schengen visa application form.


In accordance with federal law Russian Federation, when applying for a visa, all applicants must provide consent to the processing of personal data, the consent must be filled out and signed only in Russian according to a general civil passport.

Please, before filling out, read the sample of filling out the consent to the processing of personal data:

  • A sample of filling out the consent when submitting documents in person.


If you do not wish to submit the documents in person, you may appoint a trusted person who will submit the application on your behalf based on a power of attorney. Due to the fact that from September 14, 2015 a new visa issuance system was introduced in Russia with a mandatory procedure for submitting biometric data, submission of documents based on a power of attorney is possible only in the following cases:

  1. The applicant is exempted from the procedure for submitting biometric data*.
  2. The applicant has a Schengen visa with a VIS stamp confirming the submission of biometric data within the last 59 months.
  • * children under twelve years of age;
  • persons whose fingerprinting is physically impossible (it is necessary to provide a confirmation from the doctor, which will indicate the reason);

In the event that documents are submitted for minor applicants other than parents / guardians, a power of attorney for a third party is required. This power of attorney must be signed by the parent/guardian. Follow the link to view the template

The questionnaire is also a prerequisite for obtaining a visa. Filling out an application for a Schengen visa should be carried out on English language, or in the language of the country whose embassy you plan to contact in order to obtain a Schengen visa. That's why schengen application form requires a careful approach so that there is no refusal of a visa for the reason that the filling out of the application form for a Schengen visa was done incorrectly.

How to fill out the Schengen application?

Filling out an application for a Schengen visa is quite difficult, besides, not everyone can be fluent in English, and, moreover, Polish or Estonian. Therefore, in order not to suffer with the question: how to fill in the schengen application form, it is better to turn to specialists. After all Schengen application form It also has a commentary that occupies several sheets in volume. This comment is a sample application form for schengen visa which allows you to understand how to fill out a particular item of the questionnaire. You can search on the Internet " schengen visa download” or do it on our website, but it’s better to contact specialists who will not only explain how the Schengen application form is filled out, but also do it for you.

Is there an example of filling out a Schengen visa application form?

You must understand that Schengen visa application form is a bureaucratic document, therefore, an ordinary citizen who does not deal with documents of this kind on a daily basis will not be able to fill it out quickly and correctly. 'Cause you can't take it here example of filling out a schengen visa application form and fill out your visa on it, because sample of filling out the Schengen application form this is just a sample written for those who understand what should be written and know the language. Therefore, if you must be filled download schengen visa application form it is of little use, it still needs to be filled in correctly.

Our assistance in filling out the application for a Schengen visa

To facilitate your work, we give you a questionnaire in which all items must be completed in Russian. Thus, we receive the necessary information and are already filling out the application form for a Schengen visa. Then your Schengen visa application form will be filled out correctly, in accordance with all requirements. In addition, we are well aware that in any consulate, the first thing to consider is schengen application, according to which consular workers, seeing the answers to key questions, immediately decide whether to give you a visa or not. A correctly completed Schengen application form is an important step towards obtaining a visa.

Why do you need to contact us to fill out a questionnaire in the Schengen countries?

The consular officer, having examined the questionnaire with a lightning glance and, having made a decision, looks through the rest of the documents. Using our help, you can be absolutely sure that the consular officer, having looked at the questionnaire, will make a positive decision. To do this, we will make every effort and smooth out all the roughness that may be so that your Schengen application form is flawless. It may seem to someone that the Schengen application form is quite banal and simple, so there is no point in asking for help. At the same time, many people naively believe that it is enough to take a sample of the questionnaire for a Schengen visa, as filling out a questionnaire for a Schengen visa will no longer be difficult for him.
But, as practice shows, there are many points for which a person would never have received a visa if it were not for our help! Obtaining a visa to the Schengen zone, in which the bureaucracy is highly developed, requires the help of specialists!
Do not take risks and do not rely only on a sample application form for a Schengen visa so that the Schengen application form is filled out correctly - contact the specialists!

We wish you success in obtaining a Schengen visa!

The most complete and up-to-date instructions for filling out an application for a visa to Portugal, point by point

The online version of the questionnaire and the printed version are different, we will give both options so that there is no confusion and unnecessary questions. The Embassy of Portugal has recently only accepted those who filled out the online version of the application, and you will need a printed one to apply for a Portuguese visa through the visa application center.

How to fill out an application for a visa to Portugal? There is nothing difficult in this! The main thing is not to rush, fill out carefully and do not forget some of the points indicated in this article.

Below, point by point, are instructions for filling out both options. To get started, select the version of the visa application form that you will fill out.


  • - The questionnaire is filled out.
  • - Do not use periods, commas, dashes, quotation marks, etc. when filling out the questionnaire. The only exception is the "@" sign when you enter your email address.
  • - After filling out the online application form, it must be printed and submitted to the consulate along with the rest of the documents. You can do it right away or print a copy that will be sent to your email.

There are fields marked in light blue in the online questionnaire, they are required. In the event that you do not know or cannot answer, then in the fields requiring digital filling - write "0", and in the fields for the text we put the "+" sign.

For example, in the line for indicating the phone number, if it is not there, then you should write “0”, and in the maiden name field, put a plus sign “+”, in cases where you were not married or did not change your last name.

Filling out the questionnaire

Tab: Identification

E-mail address:
Write your email to which the questionnaire will be sent, username (your passport number) and password. By filling in this field, you will not only receive a copy of the completed application form to the specified email address, but you will also be able to track the status of your process after all documents have been submitted.

Consular office:
We choose "CONSULAR DEPARTMENT OF THE EMBASSY OF PORTUGUESE IN MOSCOW". Let me remind you that there are no other consular offices of Portugal in Russia. There's an option at the top of the drop down box that says "travel agencies" in brackets, you don't need that, scroll further down! After the correct choice of the consular office, the "Registered for" tab will appear. We need it for a free registration for the submission of documents. If it doesn't, then you did something wrong.

  1. Surname
    - As it is written in the passport (we fill everything in BOLSHIMI in Latin letters, remember?).
  2. Surname before marriage
    - If there is none, then type the “+” sign in it.
  3. Name / names
    - We write as in the passport. There is no need to write a patronymic.
  4. Date of birth (yyyy/mm/dd)
    - Everything is clear here.
  5. Place of Birth
    - As in the passport (region, city or village).
  6. The country
    - Check, as it is written in the passport, if there is USSR or a republic of the former Soviet Union, then we choose SOVIET UNION. In other cases - as written in the passport.

  7. - Everything is clear here.
    Citizenship at birth
    - Everything is clear here.
  8. Floor
    - Everything is clear here.
  9. Family status
  10. In the case of minors: last name, first name, address (if different from the filling in), as well as the nationality of the person with parental rights / guardianship
  11. Passport ID:
    - Leave it blank, this is for those who have a second citizenship.
  12. Tab: Documentation
  13. Passport type:
  14. Passport ID:
    - Passport number.
  15. Date of issue:
    - Everything is clear here
  16. Valid until:
    - Everything is clear here.
  17. Issued by:
    - The country that issued the passport.
  18. Permanent residence:
    - Indicate your actual address of residence, and not the one where they are registered.
    Phone number/s:
  19. Do you have permission to return to your country of residence, if it is not the country of citizenship:
    - Intended for citizens of other countries (not Russia), who temporarily reside on the territory of the Russian Federation, and have a registration.
  20. Current profession:
    - This refers to your current position. Specify it or select "OTHERS" if not in the list.
  21. Place of work. For students - educational institution:
    - Everything is clear here.
    - Everything is clear here.
  22. Tab: Visa / Multiple
  23. Purpose of the trip:
  24. Destination country(s):
    - Portugal.
  25. Border of the first entry or transit route:
  26. Number of entries:
    - Remember, I already mentioned the possibility of obtaining a multivisa? It is here that you need to select "several". Do not forget to draw the attention of the visa officer and inform him of your desire to obtain a multi-visa, as well as indicate for what period - six months or a year. Important: the same rules apply here as with a single entry visa. You must have a passport with a validity period of three months beyond the visa expiration date. That is, if you want to get for a year, then 1 year + 91 days.
  27. Period of stay in days:
    - From one (1) to ninety (90) days. Ninety days is the maximum for a Schengen visa, by no means write more. Even with a multi-visa, you are not allowed to stay in the country longer than this period within a period of 180 days.

  28. - If there are visas, then indicate
    visa - visa number, etc.
  29. Fingerprints taken earlier when obtaining a Schengen visa:
    - Choose no if you haven't passed before. Yes, and the date of fingerprinting, if you have already applied for Schengen visas (fingerprints are kept for 5 years)
  30. Tab: Information
  31. Permission to enter the country of final destination (if necessary):
    - To be completed by those traveling through Portugal in transit.
  32. Arrival date (yyyy/mm/dd):
    - Indicate the planned date of entry into the Schengen area.
  33. Departure date (yyyy/mm/dd):
    - In the online application, this item is generated automatically, if necessary, discuss this at the time of submission at the consulate.
  34. Name and surname of the inviting person/persons in the EU countries or, alternatively, details of hotels or other temporary accommodation in the countries:
    - if you are traveling on a private invitation (Name and surname of the inviter; address, email, phone) or the name, address, email, phone of the hotel, if you are planning your entire trip on your own.
  35. Inviting company/organization:
    - if you have an invitation from an organization (you must indicate the name of the organization, and not the person working there, and on behalf of whom the invitation was written). With the rest of the items, such as address, email, phone and fax - nothing complicated.
  36. Note: You must fill out one of the two. Either 31 or 32, but not both!

    For selection, there is a drop-down list of items: "Individual" and "Firm / Organization". When you select one of the items, the system gives you a hint by highlighting in blue the fields necessary to fill out. In this case, the other is made unavailable for filling - do not worry, everything is correct.

    Tab: Trip
  37. Travel and accommodation expenses due to:
    - Here, in general, two columns. Yours and sponsor. In each of them, you can select several items. They can be combined. For example, if you are invited to eat and the invitee pays all expenses for your stay in Portugal and also provides accommodation, then select "Provides accommodation" and "Pay all expenses during the stay". More details about this are written on.
  38. Data of a family member who is an EU, EEA or Swiss citizen:
    - This item is filled in by those who have relatives who are citizens of the EU, EEC or Switzerland.
  39. Degree of relationship to a citizen of the European Union, the European Economic Area or Switzerland:
    - See 34.
  40. Tab: Recorded on

    If you do not have this tab in the online application, then you made a mistake at the very beginning of the filling, where you chose the consulate

    Choose a date convenient for you in the calendar. Remember that a visa to Portugal is made for at least seven days. Plan your trip in advance.

    Enter the security code and submit. You should open the completed questionnaire for printing, try to save it to your computer's hard drive. You should also receive a copy by email, but due to failures, it may not reach. If an error occurred and the questionnaire did not open and did not come to the email, you can fill it out again. In the event that the system tells you that the questionnaire has already been created (you did not receive it), fill in with the changes in the passport number: instead of 77 7777777, write 77N7777777.

    We print two copies and sign:

  41. Place and date:
  42. Signature:
    - As in the passport.

Do not forget to put the date again and sign at the very bottom of the questionnaire. True, I had a case when I handed over an unsigned one at all and the person received a visa. But it is better not to risk it and fill it carefully.

If something has changed and you need to make changes, then this must be done by hand in the printed questionnaire. Do not fill out online again and produce duplicates in the system. Do not forget to draw the attention of the visa officer to the changes made!

That's all, it remains to stick a photo on the questionnaires, fold the prepared documents in the order required by the embassy and you can apply for a visa. Congratulations!


  • - The questionnaire is filled out in English, Portuguese or Russian, but only capital Latin letters.
  • - You can print it out and fill it out by hand.

If you decide to fill out the printed version by hand, then very neat and clear write your name, surname and passport number. It is not uncommon for an embassy or visa application center incorrectly "decipher" what is written and make visas with errors!

Filling out the questionnaire

  1. Surname
    - Like a passport.
  2. Surname at birth (previous / -s surname / -s)
    - If there is none, then you can put a dash "-".
  3. Name / names
    - As it is written in the passport.
  4. Date of Birth
    - Everything is clear here.
  5. Place of Birth
    - As indicated in the passport.
  6. Country of birth
    - As in the passport.
  7. Citizenship at present
    - Everything is clear here.
    Citizenship at birth, if different
    - Everything is clear here.
  8. Floor
    - Everything is clear here, put a cross where necessary.
  9. Family status
    - Living in a civil marriage choose Married / Married.
  10. For minors: last name, first name, address (if different from the applicant's address) and nationality of the person with parental/legal guardian authority
    - Enter one of the parents or guardian.
  11. Identification number, if any
    - Leave it blank, this is for those with a second citizenship.
  12. Travel document type
    - If you have an ordinary passport, then choose a "regular passport". If diplomatic or official (should be indicated on the cover), then select the appropriate items.
  13. Travel document number
    - Passport number.
  14. Date of issue:
    - Everything is clear here
  15. Valid until:
    - Everything is clear here.
  16. Issued by:
    - The country that issued the passport.
  17. Applicant's home address and email address:
    - Indicate your actual address of residence, and not the one where they are registered ..
    Phone number/s:
    - Be sure to include your mobile phone number. It is important. Additional documents may be required and you will be notified of this.
  18. Country of residence, if not the country of citizenship:
    - This item is intended for citizens of other countries (not Russia) who temporarily reside on the territory of the Russian Federation and have registration.
  19. Current professional activity *
    - Write who you work for.
  20. The fields marked with “*” are not filled in by family members of citizens of the European Union, the European Economic Area or Switzerland (spouse, children or dependent ascendants), in exercising their right to free movement, must provide documents confirming relationship, and fill in fields 34 and 35.

  21. Employer *
    - Address and telephone number of the employer. For students, schoolchildren - the name and address of the educational institution.
  22. Main purpose of the trip:
    - Choose one, the main one. Most likely, it will be "tourism" or "visiting relatives or friends" (if you eat by invitation). Attention, in all other cases, you will have to provide evidence.
  23. Destination country(s):
    - Portugal.
  24. Country of first entry
    - If you have tickets with a transfer in one of the countries of the Schengen agreement, then indicate it, if direct - Portugal.
  25. Visa is requested for
    - Do you remember about multivisa? This is where you should choose "multiple entry". Be sure to bring this to the attention of the visa officer. Important: the same rules apply here as with a single entry visa. You must have a passport with a validity period of three months longer. That is, if you want to get for a year, then 1 year + 91 days.
  26. Length of stay or transit
    - From one (1) to ninety (90) days. Do not write any more.
  27. Schengen visas issued in the last three years:
    - If Schengen visas have already been issued, then indicate the visa numbers (located in the upper right corner of the visa) separated by a comma, and in brackets indicate the start and end dates. For example: 003139755 (06/19/12-12/15/12), 003139757 (12/16/12-12/15/13)
  28. Fingerprints provided earlier when applying for a Schengen visa
    - Choose no if you haven't passed before. Yes, and the date of fingerprinting, if you have already applied for Schengen visas (fingerprints are kept for 5 years).
  29. Permission to enter the country of final destination, if necessary
    - To be completed by those who apply for a transit visa.
  30. Intended date of entry into the Schengen area
    - Indicate the planned date of entry into the first country of the Schengen area.
  31. Estimated date of departure from the Schengen area:
    - Specify the date of departure.
  32. Surname/s, given name(s) of the person inviting to the Schengen state/s *
    - In the absence of such - the name of the hotel (s) or the address/s of temporary stay in the territory of the Schengen Agreement member states.
  33. Name and address of inviting company/organization *
    - Attention: It is necessary to fill in one of the two points. Either 31 or 32, but not both!
  34. The applicant's travel and residence expenses are covered by *
    - Here, in general, two columns. Yours and sponsor. In each of them, you can select several items. They can be combined. For example, you eat by invitation, and the inviter pays all expenses for your stay in Portugal, and also provides housing, then check "Provides a place to stay" and "Pay all expenses during the stay".
    - The column "Sponsor" is filled in if instead of a certificate of income you submit a sponsorship letter or invitation to the consulate.
    Attention: In the questionnaire for a minor, only the "Sponsor" column is filled in.
  35. Personal data of a family member who is a citizen of the European Union, European Economic Area or Switzerland
    - This is filled in by those who have relatives who are EU, EEC or Swiss citizens.
  36. Relationship with a citizen: European Union, European Economic Area or Switzerland
    - See 34.
  37. Place and date:
    - Locality where the questionnaire was filled out and the date.
  38. Signature:
    - As in the passport.

For minors signed by a parent or guardian

Do not forget to put the date again and sign at the very bottom of the questionnaire.

Attention: The questionnaire is printed on one sheet on both sides!

  • The information is relevant for: 06-07-2017 10:28

In accordance with the EU Visa Code for processing short stay visa in any of the Schengen countries, a single type of questionnaire is used with a standard set of questions.

In most cases, the questionnaires are filled out "by hand", however, a number of consulates require or offer to fill out applications online:

  • without fail: Norway, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Slovakia, Switzerland, Estonia (when submitting documents directly to the consulates);
  • optional (at the choice of the applicant): Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Finland. :

Appearance of the questionnaire

The questionnaire consists of 4 sheets, contains 37 items, as well as a declaration that the applicant has provided true information, when applying for a multiple-entry visa, undertakes to take out medical insurance for each entry, agrees with the entry and use of the specified data in the VIS Visa Information System.

P. 21-30 - general questions regarding the upcoming trip: purpose of visit, number of entries (1. 2 or multiple), country of main residence, country of entry to Schengen, number of days of stay, previously issued Schengen visas for the last three years, date of entry and departure. This also includes the issue of giving fingerprints (in the Russian Federation, biometrics on this moment is not charged, so a dash should be put in this paragraph).

Clauses 31-33 - questions regarding the host (according to the purpose of the visit, the name and details of the hotel / inviting organization or personal data, address, telephone, e-mail of the inviting person) and travel expenses are indicated.

Clauses 34-35 are filled in if the applicant is a relative of an EU citizen.

P.36 indicates the date and place of filling out the questionnaire

Item 37 of the column for the signature of the applicant.

General filling rules

Questionnaires are completed on a computer, or by hand (printed, legible) or online, as applicable.

Applications must be completed in English or in the language(s) of the country to which the consulate is applying.

Filling out the questionnaire in Russian is allowed by the consulates of Germany, Poland (in case of submitting "paper" forms, and not online applications!), Estonia. Important! At the same time, paragraphs 1-5 must be filled in in Latin letters as in the passport, paragraphs 31-32 are also filled in Latin letters - the name / address of the hotel or host organization or the name, surname, address of the inviting person (as in the invitation or booking confirmation) . The Consulate of Finland also allows filling out "paper" forms in Russian, but only in Latin letters!

In the blank columns, a dash is put (for electronic questionnaires, designations are used in accordance with the instructions).

P.1 - 5 - name and surname, place of birth are written as indicated in the passport. If the city / locality of birth is not indicated in the international passport, it is still necessary to enter it.

P. 6-7 - country of birth, citizenship at birth: most Schengen countries require USSR to be written for persons born before 1991.


  • France - the name of the country at the moment is indicated everywhere,
  • Czech Republic - persons born before 1991 should write in the column "country of birth" -RUS, in the column "citizenship at birth" - SUN),
  • Sweden - persons born before 1991 must write in the column "country of birth" - USSR or RUSSIA, based on which of these names is indicated in their passports.

Clause 17 - The address of actual residence and the telephone number by which the applicant can always be contacted (preferably mobile) are indicated.

Clause 19 - the profession / position is indicated. If the applicant is unemployed / student / pensioner, this paragraph shall indicate, respectively: UNEMPLOYED / STUDENT / RETIRED.

P. 20 - information about the employer is indicated (name of organization, address, telephone, e-mail). Pensioners, the unemployed and children of preschool age do not fill out this item, students and schoolchildren write the name and address of the educational institution.

P. 22 - the main stay is indicated. It must correspond to the consulate to which the application is submitted. If during the trip it is planned to visit several countries, the main one is the one in which it is planned to spend the most days. If the number of days is the same everywhere, the main country is recognized through the border of which the first entry into the Schengen will be made.

Item 23 - indicates the country through the border of which the first entry into Schengen will be made.

Important! When filling out an electronic application for a visa to Portugal, Germany cannot be chosen as the country of first entry (a technical feature of filling out the application form), even if this corresponds to tickets. In this case, Portugal is selected.

P. 24 - the frequency of validity of the visa is selected (single, double, multiple).

Item 25 - indicate the number of days that are supposed to be spent in the Schengen territory (for multivisas, the total number of days for the entire period of validity of the visa is indicated, for annual and more - "90").

P.26 - the validity periods of Schengen visas issued over the past 3 years are indicated. If all visas cannot be accommodated in this column, one or two of the last ones are indicated. When filling out the online application form, this paragraph indicates the last visa, as a rule, a larger number is not provided.

P. 29 - 30 - the date of entry and the date of departure from Schengen are indicated. If a multiple-entry visa is requested, the date of the full period of validity of the visa, starting from the date of first entry, is indicated.

For example, when applying for an annual visa, if in paragraph 29 the date of the first entry is 07/10/2014, then in paragraph 29 the date of departure is 07/09/2015.

P. 31 - the data of the receiving party are indicated ( individual) or hotel name, address, email, phone and fax. If there are several hotels, one of them should be indicated (the rest of the reservations are attached in the general set of documents).

P. 32 - filled in only by those who request business visa, or travels at the invitation of the organization.

Clause 33 - the person paying for the trip should be indicated. For minors, the name and surname of the parents are indicated. For non-working persons and pensioners - the name and surname of the sponsor. If the trip is paid by the inviting person, then his data is indicated.

P. 36 - date and place of filling out the questionnaire (under the place is meant the place of residence of the applicant)

P. 37 - the signature of the applicant. For minors, the parent or legal guardian must sign. The Czech Consulate has the following signature requirements:

If the child is under 15 years old, one of the parents or guardians or other legal representative signs the questionnaire. If the child's age is from 15 to 17 years (inclusive), then the questionnaire must be signed by one of the parents and the child.

At the Austrian Consulate, the requirements are more stringent:

Minor children under 14 must have 2 signatures: father and mother Minor children from 14 to 18 must have 3 signatures: father, mother, child.

Also, signatures are put in the text of the declaration (clause on confirmation of reliable information, clause on insurance) and under the declaration.

Additional Rules for Online Questionnaires

Electronic questionnaires are filled in accordance with general rules, however, there are a number of nuances.

In most cases, before filling out the electronic questionnaire, you need to go through a simple registration (an exception is the submission of an application through the Swiss EC) - i.e. indicate the email address, first and last name, and select the city in which the consulate is located.

After the information has been entered (the system will automatically indicate incorrectly completed or missing items, if any), you must choose what to do with the application. Submit it or leave it for possible adjustments.

If the "send" button is pressed, the application is automatically sent to the database of the selected consulate. A form will be generated for the applicant, which contains all the specified information, as well as a bar code or bar code. The application form must be printed out (together with the code - as a rule, it comes as an additional, fifth page), signed and attached to the main package of documents.

If, after filling out and sending the questionnaire, an error is found in the information, you must fill out a new questionnaire and print the form with the code again. Making corrections to individual items without having to fill out the entire application again is allowed by the Consulate of Finland, however, in this case, you will also need to print new form with new code.

Some consulates, for example, Slovakia, Switzerland, Portugal, Poland, Finland, in addition to filling out the questionnaire, also provide the possibility of scheduling an appointment online. Usually, the applicant is offered this function immediately after the application form has been successfully completed and saved.