Air carriers will abolish free baggage allowances on planes. Why is it good

In law Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 28, 2007 No. 82 (as amended on January 14, 2019) “On approval of the Federal Aviation Rules” General rules air transport passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for servicing passengers, shippers, consignees" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 27, 2007 No. 10186)
at any Russian airline You can carry up to 5 kg of things on board free of charge. There are carriers that allow you to take 10 or 15 kg.

As a rule, than more expensive ticket, the more things you can carry in the cabin. Typically, economy class flights are limited to one seat. hand luggage, and for business class - two. But here everything depends on the carrier: some companies have their own standards for each fare, route, aircraft, while others have a single standard for everyone.

Dimensions are not specified in the law, so each carrier can set its own rules. Typically, bags with dimensions of 55 × 40 × 20 cm or with the sum of three dimensions equal to 115 cm are allowed on board. Such a suitcase will fit in the overhead luggage rack along with the hand luggage of other passengers.

You can also take a handbag, briefcase or backpack with things in excess of the norm. It is assumed that you will place them under the seat in front, so the permitted weight and dimensions may be less than for carry-on luggage. For example, up to 3 kg and no more than 80 cm in the sum of three dimensions.

Carefully read the rules on the company’s website: if the weight of free excess baggage is not indicated there, check this on the website or by phone.

Also, instead of an additional bag, briefcase or backpack, you can take for free:

  • bouquet of flowers;
  • outerwear;
  • baby food for the child during the flight;
  • suit in a suitcase (check weight and dimensions);
  • a device for carrying a child (cradle, chair, stroller) - provided that you are flying with a child and can fit these things on a shelf or under the seat;
  • medications, special dietary needs in the amount required for the duration of the flight;
  • crutches, canes, walkers, rollators, a folding wheelchair, if you can fit them in the cabin on a shelf or under the seat;
  • goods from Duty Free, if they are suitable in weight and dimensions and are sealed in a sealed bag (check weight and dimensions).

The basic rule: what you are going to take into the cabin must fit on a shelf or under the seat. Ask the carrier in advance how much excess hand luggage he will allow you to carry.

How to check hand luggage at the airport

If your hand luggage looks bulky, it will be weighed at the airport and the dimensions will be checked using a special frame. This is a plastic container or two walls that your suitcase should fit into. In this case, everything should fit in, including handles and wheels.

Frame for checking carry-on baggage sizes /

To avoid having to pay extra for hand luggage, choose soft bags or a backpack with drawstring straps that reduce the size of the already packed travel accessory.

Quite often, even experienced tourists have a question: what kind of cargo can be carried on an airplane? What weight and dimensions of luggage are allowed? How to save money on a flight, avoid paying for your luggage, or what to do if your backpack is lost. We will consider all these issues in detail in the article.

International transportation rules do not regulate clear standards for baggage transportation (each carrier has the right to independently change the numbers within the established rules, ticket price and aircraft type). Baggage is not always checked out individually for each passenger. There are two transportation systems:

  1. Weight.
  2. Local.

The suitcase must be checked at the counter, after which it is sent to the luggage compartment

Weight system

This principle of transportation is relevant in almost all CIS countries and Asia, as well as with some carriers in the European Union. It allows you to carry free luggage of a certain weight:

  • in economy class, the weight of the suitcase should not exceed twenty kilograms, and its dimensions should not exceed 203 centimeters (meaning the sum of length, height and width);
  • in business class, the weight allowed for transportation reaches 30 kilograms with the same bag dimensions.

If your baggage exceeds any established parameter in at least one point, then the carrier may require you to pay for a second “piece” at the domestic rate.

According to the official rules of air carriers, each child under two years of age is guaranteed free baggage allowance weighing up to 10 kilograms. In this case, the child may not have a separate ticket (flies in the same seat with his parents). Children who are already 12 years old are entitled to an “adult” rate of free cargo transportation.

This system is quite convenient, since the number of your bags is not limited, and when traveling together, the weight adds up. If you both take an economy class ticket, then you have the opportunity to take with you one travel bag weighing 40 kilograms, two bags weighing 15 and 25 kilograms, or three with a total weight of up to 43 kg (don’t forget about the dimensions).

Note: Regular airline customers can receive a bonus from it and increase the weight of transported cargo by 10-15 kilograms.

It is very important to ensure there is no overload. The policies of different airlines may vary greatly on this matter. If you are overweight by a kilogram, some carriers can turn a blind eye to this, while others issue a full invoice for the excess weight (quite considerable). Therefore, be sure to inquire in advance about the rules and regulations for transporting baggage on an airplane: they are usually indicated either in itinerary receipt, or on the company website.

Baggage enters the compartment via a transport belt

Place system

The weight system is quite convenient, but it is slowly fading into oblivion and being replaced by a local one. Initially, this system worked in the USA and Canada, now it has spread to South and Central America, Europe, Australia and even Russia (Aeroflot recently switched to it). Here the transported mass is also divided depending on the purchased class:

  • in economy you can take one seat with a bag weighing up to 23 kg;
  • The business has two pieces of luggage weighing 32 kg each (total 64 kg).

Note: When flying to the US and Canada, carriers often provide two cargo seats in economy classes. Check this information in advance.

If you use bonus program carriers, you can get yourself an extra seat.

One of the main features of the seat system is that the weight of the bags is not cumulative. That is, if you are traveling together in economy class and are carrying two bags weighing 25 and 15 kilograms, then you will be forced to pay for an overload of 2 kilograms (this will be considered as third place). Very often, the cost of a third seat is comparable to the cost of half or a whole flight ticket, especially for low-cost airlines. The same situation applies to independent travel- if you have two places of 23 kilograms each, then you will not be able to put two bags of 30 and 10 kilograms on them.

IN different airlines Baggage rules may vary

Note: Trade unions in many countries prohibit movers from lifting suitcases heavier than 32 kilograms. Having loaded 33 kg, you will not only pay extra for a new place, but also face a serious problem with cargo delivery.

The requirements for a suitcase in a seat system are more stringent - the sum of its three sides should not be more than 158 cm.

Oversized luggage

If the cargo you are transporting does not fall within the above parameters, then you will have to register it as oversized. According to the rules for carrying baggage on an airplane, the following are considered oversized:

  1. A suitcase or bag weighing more than 32 kilograms and measuring more than 203 cm.
  2. Various sports equipment (skis, surfboard and snowboard, trekking poles, etc.).
  3. Musical instruments (guitars, trombones, accordions, etc.).
  4. Various climate and household appliances (air conditioners, washing machines, freezers, refrigerators, TVs).

The carriage of any oversized cargo must be discussed in advance with the airline - if you arrive at the airport an hour before boarding and without warning, there is a high probability that it will simply not be accepted.

Note: the airline may refuse to transport you oversized items. There can be many reasons for this - lack of free space, inappropriate type of aircraft (the cargo may simply not fit into the loading hatches).

Oversize space is always paid according to the company's tariffs (it does not fall under the concept of free space). Although some companies in winter time allow free transportation of ski equipment, thus luring customers.

Transportation of fragile luggage

Airline policy allows for the carriage of fragile luggage aircraft. To do this, upon delivery, you must declare at the reception that it is fragile. An airport employee will put a special sticker on the suitcase, and the cargo will be delivered to the baggage compartment manually, and not at the elevator. However, the airline does not bear legal responsibility for its integrity. Therefore, it is recommended to take fragile items into the cabin and check them out as hand luggage.

Properly folded luggage will quickly pass inspection


Most airlines prohibit the following substances from being carried in the hold:

  1. Radioactive (note that absolutely all cargo is tested for radioactivity, so if you buy a souvenir and it turns out to be radioactive, you will have serious problems).
  2. Explosives (including cartridges, gunpowder, sparklers, flares, firecrackers, etc.).
  3. Highly flammable (no lighters, refill bottles, gasoline, solvents).
  4. Various gases (self-defense cans and, in some cases, deodorants).
  5. Toxic, oxidizing and poisonous.

It is also prohibited to carry weapons on airplanes (unless there is a special cabinet in the luggage compartment) and dangerous objects that can be used for attack. When transporting weapons, special permits are required, which are issued at customs.

Rules for the carriage of hand luggage

The passenger must distinguish between “baggage” and “hand luggage”. Baggage is a suitcase that is checked in at the airport upon landing. Carry-on luggage is a backpack or bag that you can take with you. The weight of luggage and the weight of baggage on an airplane for one person do not add up.

The following standards exist:

  • In business, luggage dimensions are no more than 115 cm (three dimensions), weight - 15 kg.
  • In economy - 115 cm, 10 kg.

Note: in most cases, you can take additional things with you: a book, a camera, a smartphone, a laptop, a tablet, outerwear, an umbrella, a folding stroller, food for a child, medicine, etc. A full list of these things can be found in the Rules of Transportation of this airline. These items do not add up to the luggage dimensions and weight.

Try to take a little less luggage with you than the airline allows. Sometimes problems can start due to an excess of even 500 grams. Want to avoid trouble? We will tell you a few nuances:

  • before purchasing tickets, study the carrier’s rules regarding luggage (many low-cost airlines do not include it in the ticket price);
  • Once you know how many kilograms you can carry, be sure to weigh your suitcase (this can be done at the nearest post office or on a home scale by picking up the bag);
  • if overloaded, transfer heavy items to hand luggage or simply take them on board (laptop, camera);
  • According to the rules, items in hand luggage must be in plastic bags zipped;
  • if possible, try to register your cargo not as luggage, but as luggage (you will save a lot of time during check-in and will not lose your things).

You can take your laptop with you - it is not carry-on luggage or luggage

If the cargo is lost

So, you already know how much baggage you can carry on a plane. Now we will explain what to do if your cargo does not arrive at its destination with you. At the airport you must receive it using a tag or receipt - it is issued at the point of departure when passing through the counter. If there is no cargo, then you will have to write a statement to search for it. The airline will have to find it within 3 weeks and return it to you. If the suitcase is still missing or damaged, then a second application for compensation is written. Quite often, carriers (especially from CIS countries) send a refusal - feel free to take it and go to court. As a result, you will be compensated for moral and material damage.

Note: the airline should deliver your cargo to the specified address, and not force you to go pick it up. This is a standard rate and does not need to be paid separately.

In contact with

How much luggage can you take on a plane? Is it possible to carry alcohol, perfume, aerosols, medicines, cigarettes in luggage? What about food? Let's consider these questions in detail.

There are no international rules for baggage transportation; each air carrier regulates this issue independently. The airline can choose to transport baggage by piece or by weight.

Allowable baggage weight per person on an airplane

The weighing system allows you to transport free of charge:

  • in economy class no more than 20 kilograms of luggage with its total linear size of 203 centimeters;
  • in business class, with the same dimensions, you are allowed to take 30 kilograms with you.

If your baggage does not meet the established standards in at least one parameter, the air carrier has the right to demand additional payment. Under this system, children under ten years of age have the right to transport ten kilograms of things, and from the age of twelve they are already entitled to the adult norm for transporting cargo.

The weight system is convenient because when traveling together, the weight of all things is summed up, and the number of bags is not counted.

The place system is replacing the weigh system, despite its obvious convenience. Aeroflot recently switched to it. Here the transportation rules are as follows:

  • Economy class allows you to take only one seat luggage space a bag not heavier than 23 kilograms;
  • in business class the conditions are softer: two pieces of luggage weighing no more than 32 kilograms each.

The main difference between the baggage system is that the weight of the baggage is not cumulative. For example, on a flight for two in economy class, passengers carry two items weighing 15 and 25 kilograms. The extra two kilos will be counted as a third piece of baggage and will be paid in full. When planning your luggage before traveling, keep in mind that such overload is paid at a high rate, comparable to the price of a ticket. Therefore, you should carefully calculate the weight of things.

Requirements for maximum permissible sizes luggage in the seat system is even stricter: the total linear size of the item is no more than 158 centimeters.

Rules for transporting food, alcohol and cigarettes on an airplane

Alcohol is not on the list of goods prohibited from being carried on an airplane, but there are still certain rules for it. Thus, each adult passenger has the right to carry one liter of alcoholic beverages in hand luggage, regardless of their strength. The entire quantity is divided into several containers of no more than 100 milliliters each. All bottles are packaged in a plastic bag with a zipper. It is prohibited to use them on board: the packaging must not be broken until the end of the flight. Breaking the rules can cause trouble.

Carrying alcohol in luggage is regulated by the following rules:

  • liquids no stronger than 24% are carried without restrictions, but within the general weight restrictions;
  • alcohol with a strength of 24 to 70%, no more than five liters per passenger;
  • Alcohol over 70% alcohol is prohibited for transportation.

Alcoholic drinks purchased before the flight in duty-free stores are allowed to be transported in hand luggage, but in an intact package with a saved receipt. In low-cost airline companies, you will most likely have to pay for transporting a package of alcohol from a duty-free store.

IN different countries The rules for transporting strong drinks can vary greatly, so please inquire about this issue separately before flying internationally.

The same recommendations apply to the question of the rules for transporting cigarettes. However, each country sets its own standards, which you should follow before flying. For example, when flying within the Russian Federation, only one cigarette pack (10 packs of 20 cigarettes), up to 250 grams of tobacco or no more than 50 cigars can be carried in hand luggage. In this case, the passenger must be 18 years old. Other countries have different age restrictions. For example, in Egypt, a 15-year-old passenger can easily carry tobacco products with him, but only those who are already 20 years old can fly to Japan with cigarettes.

Concerning medicines, then it is allowed to carry drugs in solid form (capsules, powders, tablets) in hand luggage. Liquid medications, as well as ointments, creams and gels, must be in original containers of up to 100 ml, and then packaged in a bag (necessarily transparent) measuring 20x20 centimeters.

When transporting prescription drugs or drugs containing psychotropic/narcotic substances, you will need to present a doctor's prescription, and for an international flight you will also need to declare such drugs. An exception is made for passengers with insulin-dependent diabetes: insulin bottles, syringes and glucometers are allowed to be carried in hand luggage.

By the way, for international flights there is a list of drugs prohibited for transportation, and you should familiarize yourself with it before departure. For example, when flying to the USA, you will not be able to take the Corvalol, which is familiar in Russia, on board.

On domestic flights, you can take solid food into the cabin if it fits in your hand luggage and does not exceed the weight. On international routes, follow the rules of the countries you are traveling to. They usually prohibit the transportation of eggs, fish, meat and dairy products. The ban is due to the fact that these products are perishable and can cause an infectious disease and even an epidemic.

The transportation of liquid products is regulated separately. These include, in addition to water and juices, canned food, jam, jelly, honey, sour cream, cottage cheese, and sauces.

Most air carriers regulate the carriage of liquids and limit them to one liter per passenger, poured into hermetically sealed bottles with a capacity of no more than one hundred milliliters. All other liquids, including cosmetics, deodorants, colognes, perfumes, mosquito sprays and shampoos, are checked in as baggage under the new rules.

What is prohibited from being carried on a plane in luggage in 2020?

There are dangerous items that are prohibited from being carried both in hand luggage and in the luggage compartment. These include:

  • weapons: cold steel, firearms, gas, stun guns;
  • explosives: dynamite, cartridges, pyrotechnics;
  • gases: liquefied, compressed in cylinders, aerosols;
  • flammable liquids: petroleum products, acetone, solvents;
  • solid flammable substances: matches, metal potassium, calcium, sodium;
  • poisonous and toxic: nicotine, arsenic, mercury;
  • caustic and causing rapid corrosion: salts, acids, lime.

This list also includes magnetized and radioactive substances.

The list of prohibited substances and items under the new rules is extensive. If you are planning to bring an unusual item on the plane, read this list in advance or consult with an airline representative. Compliance with these simple rules guarantees the safety of all passengers and the absence of problems during baggage inspection.

What to do if prohibited items are found in your luggage or baggage

Passengers often carry “prohibited” goods, not doing so intentionally, but simply without thoroughly knowing the flight rules. If airport security staff found prohibited items in your hand luggage or checked baggage, but you don’t want to lose them, the situation should be resolved in the following ways.

  1. If prohibited items are found before check-in: give them to mourners, put them in a storage room, or send them by mail (there is a branch at every airport) to the right place.
  2. If prohibited items are found after the check-in procedure, the airline staff will offer a couple of options to resolve the misunderstanding: complete confiscation of the “prohibited” items or temporary seizure with the opportunity to pick up the items after return. Make sure that a document is drawn up for items that are valuable to you, but are prohibited from being carried, according to which you can get them back.

In any case, try to prove to the security service that this item is dear to you - there is always a chance that the Security Service officers will meet you halfway.

In Russia, new rules for passenger air transportation will come into force in the fall. The changes mainly concern the conditions for the carriage of baggage and hand luggage. , what should passengers now prepare for when planning to fly around Russia and the world on domestic airlines?

Baggage-free fares

Low-cost carriers, primarily Pobeda, will have so-called baggage-free fares for those traveling light. It is expected that compared to current basic tariffs low-cost airlines will be 10-20% cheaper.

At the same time, it is possible to buy tickets, the price of which includes luggage. When registering, no additional payment will be required for it (except in cases of excess).

If you rushed to purchase a baggage-free ticket and then decided to take a suitcase with you, you can pay extra for it later. According to the current prices of Pobeda, one place in the luggage compartment costs 1.5-2 thousand rubles, if you pay extra through the website or call center (where the call, by the way, is paid). If you realize it already at the airport, then you will pay at least three thousand. And it is possible that the amount of additional payments may increase in the near future.

For those who paid extra for luggage in advance and then decided to fly without it, there is also a solution. According to a senior official at the Ministry of Transport, Svetlana Petrova, you will be able to get your money back without any problems.

“Show the receipt, say that you paid, but there will be no luggage. Accordingly, your money will be returned. Of course, you only pay for the service you use. Besides, it’s additional,” Petrova said.

Experts also recommend being careful when purchasing tickets online in order to choose the right ones: with or without luggage. Click on the name of the tariff so that a window with explanations appears, and look for an icon symbolizing baggage.

Hand luggage

Hand luggage rules are changing for all passengers. They are expected to come into force in November. On this moment they are being finalized by the Ministry of Transport, but have already caused a lot of misunderstandings and have greatly frightened the public.

According to the department's plan, the updated rules will oblige all low-cost airlines, including Pobeda, regardless of the tariff, to allow bags, backpacks and suitcases on board. The Ministry of Transport wants the weight standard to be no lower than 5 kg per passenger, and each company will decide for itself whether to increase it or not.

At the same time, Pobeda stated that it would focus not on weight, but on the dimensions of hand luggage.

“We will take the total volume of luggage compartments, divide it by 189 (this is the number of seats on each plane) and we will be able to tell the passenger: you have so much space, you can, within this norm, carry any number of items, bags, backpacks - whatever you want. Even if it all weighs more than 5 kg, the main thing is that all hand luggage fits in size,” explained the company’s general director Andrei Kalmykov.

The news about changing the rules for hand luggage has given rise to many rumors. Thus, information has appeared that you will now have to pay to take a laptop, gadgets, umbrella and even outerwear into the salon. But this is not true - all of the listed items can be carried on board for free. The difference is that for now these items are allowed to be carried in addition to hand luggage, but after the rules are updated they will need to be included directly in hand luggage and presented for weighing. Stay within the minimum 5 kg - and the low-cost airline will not require additional payment. And most traditional airlines have twice the carry-on baggage allowance, so no need to worry.

So, here’s what will remain on the list of things allowed in excess of carry-on baggage:

  • handbag or briefcase;
  • suit in a suitcase;
  • baby food for the child during the flight;
  • baby cradle when transporting a child;
  • crutches, folding wheelchair.

And here is what will be transferred to hand luggage and will be subject to weighing:

  • laptop;
  • cell phone;
  • camera;
  • camcorder;
  • umbrella;
  • printed materials for in-flight reading;
  • folder for papers;
  • bouquet of flowers;
  • cane;
  • outerwear.

Please note that these lists are still under development, and some of the second may, at the request of passengers, be returned to the first. For example, a mobile phone in your pocket, or outerwear, considering that a fur coat alone can weigh 2.5 kilos.

As for whether low-cost airlines will count duty-free goods into the weight of hand luggage, officials from the Ministry of Transport hint that low-cost companies will in every possible way find fault with purchases in the clear zone in order to force you to pay for the excess. Therefore, it is better to read their terms and conditions on the website in advance. Now, for example, Pobeda charges 2 thousand rubles for transporting duty-free purchases at Russian airports and 35 euros at foreign airports.

For passengers who buy refundable tickets (which can be returned for a refund), the new rules will not change anything.